Workshop Population Ecology

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TOPIC 13: Part A:


Multiple Choice Questions

1. A _____________ is a group of individuals of the same species that occupy a certain area. A. B. C. D. community species population genus

2. Population grow exponentially when ______________ A. B. C. D. birth rate exceeds death rate death rate remains above birth rate immigration and emigration rates are equal imigration rates exceed emmigration rates

3. In a graph of population size versus time, a J- shape curve is characteristic of A. B. C. D. logistic population growth exponential population growth population growth momentum zero population growth

4. A populations carrying capacity is A. B. C. D. the number of individuals in that population reached when the number of death exceeds the number of birth inversely related to rmax the population size that can be supported by available resources for that species within the habitat

5. In a capture-recapture study of a lake trout population, 40 fishes were captured, marked and released. In a second capture, 45 fishes were captured; 9 of these were marked. What is the estimated number of individuals in the lake trout population? A. B. C. D. 90 200 360 800

6. The example of population cycles of the snowshoe hare and its predator, the lynx, illustrates that A. B. C. D. predators are the major factor in controlling the size of prey populations and are, in turn, regulated in their numbers by the oscillating supply of prey. the two species must have evolved in close contact each other because their life histories are intertwined. one should not conclude a cause-and-effect relationship when viewing population patterns without careful observation and experimentation. both populations are controlled by density-independent factor.

7. Population ___________ is the number of individuals of a species per unit of habitat area or volume at a given time. A. B. C. D. dispersion density survivorship age structure

8. The average per capita birth rate or _____________, increases population size, whereas the average per capita death rate, or____________, decreases population size. A. B. C. D. natality; mortality exploitation competition; interference competition mortality; natality total fertility rate ; mortality

Part B: 1.

Structured Questions

Figure 1 shows the two types of yeast growth curves in a culture medium. Based on the graph below answer the following questions:



Z area



Figure 1

a) (i) What is the meaning of carrying capacity (K) of the population? _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (ii) Determine the carrying capacity of the cultured yeast. _______________________________________________________________ [1 mark] (iii) What are two important factors which determine the increasing size of the population.

_______________________________________________________________ [2 marks] b) Identify what the Z area in the graph represents? __________________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

c) (i) The size of the cultured yeast population was constant after 18 hours (the horizontal parts of the graph). What is the rate of natality and mortality of the yeast population after 18 hours? ______________________________________________________________ [1 mark]

(ii) Give four environmental factors which caused the yeast population to be constant after 18 hours. _______________________________________________________________ [4 marks] 2. Figure 3 shows population growth of two species of Paramecium (a) cultured separately (b) cultured together. (a)

Population density




Population density

20 Time/days

Paramecium aurelia Paramecium caudatum Figure 3

a) What type of population growth curve is shown by the two species when grown in isolation? __________________________________________________________________ [1 mark] b) What resources are the two species competing for in the mixed culture? __________________________________________________________________ [2 marks] c) (i) Base on graph b state what happen to the numbers of P. caudatum from day 5 to day 20. _______________________________________________________________ [2 marks] (ii) What are the factors that give P. aurelia a competitive advantage over P. caudatum? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ [5 marks]

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