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MAP2302 Test 2 (2 pts) 1. If the Laplace transform of f (t) is F (s), what is the Laplace transform of t3 f (t)?

(2 pts) 2. Using the Method of Undetermined Coecients and Superposition, how many separate dierential equations must be solved to nd a solution to 2y 3y + 6y = t2 e2t 5et sin 3t 2e2t 4t3 et cos 3t ?

(2 pts) 3. If a solution to the equation y + y = tan x is given by yp = (cos x) ln | sec x + tan x|, what is the general solution?

(2 pts) 4. What is the Laplace transform of f (t) = e3t cos 2t ?

1 ? (2 pts) 5. What is the inverse transform of F (s) = 2 s +4s+5

(2 pts) 6. In Chapter 4 we studied two main techniques for nding the solution to second order, nonhomogeneous dierential equations with constant coecients; one technique was the Method of Undetermined Coecients. What was the name of the second technique?

(2 pts) 7. What is the inverse transform of F (s) =

10 ? s(s+1)2

(2 pts) 8. Given the equation y + 2y + 5y = 3t2 et sin 2t, what is the correct form for yp ? (Do not solve for the value of the coecients).

(2 pts) 9. If h(t) =


et , 5,

0t2 2 < t < 4 , give the correct form (do not evaluate) of the integral 4t

representation of the Laplace transform of h(t).

(2 pts) 10. If |f (t)| M et for t > T then we say that f (t) is of

(5 pts) 11. Find the general solution to y + 4y = 2 sec 2t.

(5 pts) 12. Find a particular solution to y + 4y 4y = 8t2 + 8t 32.

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Solutions: 1. (1)3 2. two 3. yg = c1 sin x + c2 cos x (cos x) ln | sec x + tan x| 4. s+3 (s+3)2 +4 d3 F (s) ds3

5. f (t) = e2t sin t 6. Variation of Parameters 7. f (t) = 10 10et 10tet 8. yp = (At2 + Bt + C)et cos 2t + (Dt2 + Et + F )et sin 2t 9. H(s) =
2 0

est (2t) dt +

4 2

est (et ) dt +

est (5) dt

10. exponential order 11. The solution is found using the Method of Variation of Parameters. The auxillary equation is r + 4 = 0 with roots r = 2i so that we choose y1 = cos 2t and y2 = sin 2t and form the system of equations

v1 cos 2t + v2 sin 2t = 0 2v1 sin 2t + 2v2 cos 2t = 2 sec 2t.

Multiplying the rst equation by 2 sin 2t and the second equation by cos 2t and adding together gives 2v2 (sin2 2t + cos2 2t) = 2v2 = 2

so that v2 = t. Multiplying the rst equation by 2 cos 2t and the second equation by sin 2t and adding together gives 2v1 (sin2 2t + cos2 2t) = 2v1 = 2 tan 2t so that v1 = (1/2) ln | cos 2t|. Thus a particular solution is given by yp = (1/2) cos 2t ln | cos 2t| + t sin 2t and the general solution is given by yg = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + (1/2) cos 2t ln | cos 2t| + t sin 2t.

12. The solution is found using the Method of Undetermined Coecients. The auxillary equation is r + 4r 4 = 0 with roots r = 2 2 2. Thus a particular solution is of the form

yp = At2 + Bt + C yp = 2At + B yp = 2A. Inserting these into the original equation gives 2A + 4(2At + B) 4(At2 + Bt + C) = 8t2 + 8t 32 4At2 + (8A 4B)t + (2A + 4B 4C) = 8t2 + 8t 32. Equating coecients for like powers of t yields A = 2, B = 6, C = 1 so that a particular solution is given by yp = 2t2 6t + 1.

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