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Super Tineri ASIRYS is a non-profit, non-political youth organization that operates out of the cities of Trgu Frumos, Pascani and Iai in Romania. Formally established in 2009, Super Tineri-ASIRYS facilitates domestic and international projects that utilize non-formal education to develop socially conscious and action-oriented youth who will lead positive change in their communities.

The MISSION of Super Tineri ASIRYS is to support the progress of

communities in all fields. Its priorities are: To create opportunities for young people to develop themselves personally, professionally, and socially so they can create positive change in their communities To promote the interests of youth on a social, cultural, educational, physical and economic level To promote the recognition and acceptance of diversity as a means to create equal opportunity for all individuals Promote the values of civic responsibility Ensure cohesion between economic development and social development in order to ensure long-term prosperity of the community Protect the environment, the community and the animals by fostering respect for nature Promote a sense of public integrity through discouraging corrupt activities and ensuring transparency and social responsibility in all citizens

Through volunteering, everyone has something to gain the

benefits alternate between personal satisfaction to life-changing experiences, and good friends to a network of professional contacts. But the main benefit is a community that is warmer, healthier, more solid, more harmonious, and more confident of its own strengths. That, in itself, is much more powerful.

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1) Our organization is completely not-for-profit, non-political and antidiscriminatory. We do not align ourselves with any particular political view or organization, and do not discriminate against any individuals based on age, sex, gender, race, or economic background. 2) Our projects are youth-focused and address an unmet need in the community. The aim of our projects is to engage youth in society in order to develop them as future leaders who can make a positive impact in their community. 3) All individuals must show respect and receive respect. Recognize differences, accept differences, and appreciate differences in one another. 4) Please send only the participants that are interested about the topic and do not ask any fee from them. During our projects abroad as sending organization, we met many participants that enjoyed the project just for fun or for the chance of visiting a new country. Many of them paid 30-50 Euro (sometimes 250 Euro!) expecting a touristic trip. If you cannot find interested participants, please do not apply to be our partner or inform us about it. If you are a good NGO/organization, you will not ask fees from your participants. You can replace the fees with volunteering charges (according your mission) provided by participants before joining the project. 5) Take responsibility! We expect that our partners/participants be active and contribute during the activities of the projects. 6) Feedback is important for growth. You must be willing to both give and accept open and constructive feedback regardless of your title. 7) Have fun! You should always be enjoying your time in the projects. If at any time you are not, re-evaluate the situation and develop a solution.

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Practical information
Almost all of the expenses will be covered by the hosting organization, with funding from the EU Youth in Action Program. This includes food and accommodation, local transport and all activity costs. In addition 70% of travel expenses will be reimbursed, based on the most economical form of transport (APEX, student fare etc). Please note that there may be limitations for travel reimbursements, depending on the country and the distance1 (further details will be sent to successful applicants after the approval of the project). 30% of the transportation has to be paid by the participants or by the sending organization. We will never ask any fee from you or from your participants.

How to apply?
1. Fill in the document named Agreement Form SUPER TINERI projects. 2. Send us an email, until 17 January, where to express your interest to be part of our project(s). Do not forget to attach the Agreement. 3. We will send you a document (after we will submit the project online) that will need to be signed and stamped. Please send this document scanned to 4. Send us the original agreement to this address, as fast as you can. If we will send our project(s) with the original partnerships agreements, we will gain extra-points.

ASOCIATIA SUPER TINERI (ASIRYS) In atentia: Mihaela Diana Podariu Str. VOLUNTARI, nr. 40, Oras TARGU FRUMOS, jud. IASI Cod postal: 705300 ROMANIA

Please fill the transportation costs details in the Agreement!

Email: | Website: | Visit us at

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