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Faith, Hope & Charity


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Gladiator (possibly 'Hope' destroyed by German aircraft 4th February 1941 on Hal Far airfield.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley (replaced Michael's photo as this came out better)

Probably taken 1939/40.

Photo courtesy of Cheryl Beasley

To say Malta's air defences were small at the beginning of WWII would be an under statement. The total air power on Malta consisted of 4 Gloster Gladiator biplanes. These were packed in crates & left at Kalafrana flying boat base by HMS Glorious which left to join the Norwegian campaign. In fact, there were enough parts to make up 8 biplanes but the Navy wanted 4 back to join the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle. The remaining 4 were assembled, 3 were to be used on operations with the reamaining 1 kept in reserve. After assembling the biplanes the Royal Navy decided on having them back for work in Alexandria, so they were taken apart for re-packing. Following talks between Air Commodore Maynard & the Royal Navy it was decided to leave the biplanes on Malta & they were reassembled. Their first use in combat came at 0649 on the 11th of June 1940 when 10 Italian Savoia Marchetti 79 bombers bombed Grand Harbour. No aircraft were shot down in this encounter. On the 7th raid of the day the Gladiator's drew blood by shooting down a Macchi 200 fighter. Although the biplanes were slower than the Italian fighters they were more manouverable. Flying Officer John Waters nicknamed the aircraft 'Faith, Hope & Charity'. Three bladed propellers were fitted in place of the usual two to give the biplanes a faster rate of climb. Other parts were later used from a Swordfish. Superchargers were left on maximum during the climb after take off (which was against orders) so they could gain height faster. This put extra strain on the engines & 2 of them blew pistons. Maintenance crews converted Blenheim bomber engines to fit the Gladiators. Faith, Hope & Charity fought for 17 days without relief & played a fundamental role in fooling the Italian intelligence into thinking Malta had a substantial fighter defence. On the 3rd September 1943 what was left & tidied up of Faith was presented to the people of Malta by the RAF.

Faith in the Malta War Museum. Photo courtesy of Michael Sanderson.

Websites: This site is only a small sample, see these sites for more details.
Group Captain George Burges Flight Lieutenant William Josef 'Timber' Woods

Faith, Hope & Charity. Kenneth Poolman.

The National War Museum, St.Elmo's Fort, Valletta. Home of 'Faith'.

Gloster Gladiator
[ hide ] 1. 1 Key Facts 2. 2 Development 3. 3 Variants 4. 4 History 5. 5 Operators 6. 5.1 Military Operators 7. 5.2 Government Agencies 8. 5.3 Civilian Operators 9. 6 Specifications 10. 7 Production 11. 7.1 Design Centre 12. 7.2 Manufacture 13. 7.3 Production List 14. 8 More Information 15. 8.1 Books 16. 8.2 Magazines 17. 8.3 Links 18. 8.4 Shop

Gladiator Mk I K6132, from the first batch of 23 aircraft. (photo,

Key Facts
Main Role: Configuration: Country: Current Status: Single-seat day fighter Tractor biplane United Kingdom Out of Service, Out of Production

The Gloster Gladiator was the RAFs last biplane fighter. It appeared at a time when monoplanes were already eclipsing biplanes and yet achieved wartime fame in the hands of skilled pilots, fighting some of the most dramatic battles of the early war years. Air Ministry specification F.7/30 was formally issued to industry in late 1931. It called for a day and night interceptor with a maximum speed in excess of 250 mph (402 km/h), and a four-gun armament. A preference for the use of the Rolls-Royce Goshawk steam-cooled V-12 engine was expressed. The call for a maximum speed some 40 mph faster than the latest RAF fighter (the Hawker Fury), but with double its armament, was clearly intended to steer fighter designers away from the traditional engine and armament formula that had been on offer since the Great War. With orders hard to come by, seven designs were offered for consideration. Maiden flights of the contenders took place between February and September 1934. Unfortunately, every Goshawk-engined type suffered severe cooling problems and the selection competition had to be delayed until mid-1935. During this time, the Chief Designer of Gloster Aircraft Company, H.P. Folland was pre-occupied with developing the S.S.19 fighter to meet Air Ministry requirements, and so did not immediately participate in the F.7/30 competition. However, in September 1933 the S.S.19 was selected for production for the RAF as the Gloster Gauntlet. Follands team therefore began to examine possible further refinements to the Gauntlet design. The new features included an uprated Mercury engine, a single bay wing with landing flaps on the upper and lower wings, a single-leg cantilever landing gear and Lewis machine guns mounted in the lower wings. In May 1934 Gloster Aircraft was brought by Hawker Aircraft Limited, and this introduced substantial financial capital and aircraft structures know-how into the company. Calculations showed that the proposed Gauntlet derivative would have a performance very close to the F.7/30 requirement. Accordingly, the company authorised the construction of a private venture prototype designated the S.S.37 using a Gauntlet fuselage. The maiden flight took place on 12 September 1934. The Air Ministry was by now aware of the poor performance of the various F.7/30 contenders. It also saw the urgent need to find a stopgap fighter head of the forthcoming Hurricane and Spitfire projects then being designed. Company testing of the S.S.37 showed that it had realised the expected performance gains of the design, and so when the type was offered to the Air Ministry it aroused considerable interest. On 3 April 1935 the S.S.37 was transferred to RAF ownership with the serial K5200, and official flight testing at Martlesham Heath commenced immediately. In parallel, Glosters proposed that a production version would feature Hawker-syle construction with a redesigned tail unit, Mercury X engine and an enclosed cockpit. In June the private venture Gloster fighter was

declared the winner of F.7/30, and a new specification, F.14/35, was rapidly written to cover the production version. On 1 July 1935 the allocation of the name Gladiator was officially announced and an initial contract for 23 aircraft placed. In September 1935 a second order for 180 aircraft was agreed. The first production Gladiator Mk I flew in January 1937, and No. 72 Squadron at Tangmere took delivery of its first aircraft on 23rd February 1937. The last Mk I for the RAF was delivered at the end of 1937. Mk I aircraft were delivered with the Watts two-bladed wooden propeller. Production continued to satisfy a number of export customers. The first export contract being agreed with Latvia on 27 May 1937. In-service experience with RAF squadrons had meanwhile highlighted the unsuitability of the Mercury IX/Watts propeller combination. In its place Glosters offered the Mercury VIII and three-bladed Fairey Reed metal propeller. The new version was called the Gladiator Mk II, and an initial order was placed in early 1938. By March 1938 sufficient metal propellers were available to launch a programme to retrofit all the Gladiator Mk Is with this propeller. From 1938 existing Gladiator units began to re-equip with the Spitfire or Hurricane. Units converting from the Gladiator experienced a much lower accident rate than other fighter squadrons. At the end of 1937 the Royal Navy had begun to show interest in a shipboard version of the Gladiator II as a replacement for the Hawker Nimrod. As a stopgap measure, 38 RAF Gladiators were transferred to the Admiralty and designated Sea Gladiator (Interim). Although they carried hooks, they were not intended for operational use aboard carriers. A further 60 full-standard Sea Gladiators were also obtained. These differed from the RAFs Gladiator IIs in being equipped with catapult spools, arrestor hook and dinghy stowage (between the landing gear legs). Sea Gladiators first embarked in HMS Courageous with 801 Squadron in March 1939. When World War 2 started in September 1939, only four home-based fighter squadrons (Nos.603, 605, 607 and 615) were still equipped with Gladiators although 141, 151 and 263 Squadrons were subsequently reformed with Gladiators as temporary equipment. 607 and 615 Squadrons formed part of the Air Component of the BEF, sent to France in November 1939. These two units were just beginning to re-equip with Hurricanes when the Germans attacked on 10 May 1940. The Gladiators suffered heavy losses to the Luftwaffes modern aircraft and had to be withdrawn to southern England to complete the conversion to Hurricanes. In April 1940, No. 263 Squadron was sent to Norway to assist British forces against a German invasion. Operations from the frozen Lake Lesjaskag ended when Luftwaffe bombers destroyed the aircraft on the ground. Replacement Gladiators accompanied the Squadron when it deployed to Narvik in the far north. They fought continuously until 7 June, claiming 26 confirmed victories, before the survivors landed on HMS Glorious for the voyage home. The carrier was subsequently attacked by the German battle-cruisers Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and sunk. Only 247 Squadron at Roborough officially flew Gladiators during the Battle of Britain, although a number of other units had them on second-line strength. 247 Sqn flew many patrols but never saw any combat during the Battle. When Italy entered the war in June 1940, Gladiators were serving with No.33 and 80 Sqns in Egypt, and with No.94 Sqn in Aden. The Gladiator proved a fairly even match for the Fiat CR.42 and was successful in helping repel the Italian invasion of Egypt and defeat Italian forces in East Africa.

In Malta the Royal Navy had stored a number of Sea Gladiators in crates to re-supply carrier squadrons as required. In May 1940 four Sea Gladiators were assembled by the RAF and test flown. For 10 days (11 to 21 June) the Sea Gladiators represented the Islands sole air defence, before some Hurricanes were impressed into service. The Italians staged only three air raids on the island during this period. Due to a shortage of ammunition, the Sea Gladiators were used to break up the bomber formations, rather than pick off individual targets. Some months later, a Maltese newspaper published a report on the Sea Gladiators which ensured that the names Faith, Hope and Charity (never actually applied to the aircraft) entered aviation mythology. The Gladiators of Nos. 80 and 112 Squadrons participated in the Greek campaign, achieving good results against the Regia Aeronautica but were outclassed once the Luftwaffe joined the battle. In 1941 Gladiators from No.94 Sqn participated in the Battle of Habbaniyah against Iraqi rebels besieging the RAF training base. Gladiators continued to serve in the Western Desert throughout 1941, but finally disappeared from front line service in January 1942. In second-line duties the type continued to fly with No.521 (Meteorological) Squadron and numerous Meteorological Flights until Janaury 1945. The first export aircraft to see combat were those of the Chinese Government, which had acquired 36 Gladiator Mk Is for use against the invading Japanese. Despite numerous accidents by inexperienced pilots, the survivors flew with some success in the defence of Siuchow during 1938. In Swedish service the Gladiator I was designated J 8, and the Gladiator II designated J 8A. Some of these served with Flygflottilj 19, the volunteer unit which served alongside the Finnish Air Force in the Winter War of 1939-40. The Swedish unit was in action for 62 days, destroying 6 Russian bombers and 6 fighters for the loss of 3 Gladiators one due to an accident. The Gladiator IIs sold to Finland itself served principally with HLeLv 26, and while its handling qualities were praised, the lack of armour protection and self-sealing fuel tanks did not make it popular. Many RAF Gladiators were supplied to Allied air forces, including Greece, South Africa and Egypt. The Royal Egyptian Air Force aircraft remained airworthy until shortly after the end of the war, while Portugal retained its Gladiators for advanced pilot training until 1953 before scrapping them. The sole surviving airworthy Gladiator is now maintained and preserved by the Shuttleworth Trust at Old Warden, Bedfordshire. Glosters private venture development of the already highly-refined Gauntlet brought the biplane fighter concept to the peak of technical perfection. In many air arms it smoothed the transition to advanced monoplane fighters, and in confronting aircraft of its own era it performed well, but when called upon to engage modern combat aircraft its obsolescent design was cruelly exposed. The skill and determination of its pilots however, has allowed the Gladiator to acquire a wartime reputation which might otherwise have been tainted with tragedy.

Shuttleworths L8032 as it appeared during the 1970s. (photo, Keith McKenzie)

Requirement Specification: F.7/30 (S.S.37), F.14/35 (Mk I), F.36/37 (Mk II) Manufacturers Designation: Development History: S.S.37 Gladiator Mk I Gladiator Mk II Sea Gladiator (Interim) Sea Gladiator J8 J 8A

First prototype with Mercury IV (later Mercury VIS) engine. Updated Gauntlet with single bay wings, 4 guns, wing flaps, cantilever landing gear. Spatted tailwheel. Initial production version, with Mercury IXS engine. New fuselage structure, enclosed cockpit, long chord engine cowling, revised undercarriage. 2-blade propeller, later retrofitted with 3-blade propeller. Upgraded Mk I with Mercury VIIIA or VIIIAS engine, desert filter, auto mixture control, electric starter from internal battery. 3-blade propeller. Conversion of production Gladiator Mk II with arrestor hook, naval instruments and radio. 38 aircraft. Production carrier-borne fighter version, based on Mk II. Arrestor hook, catapult points, belly fairing for dinghy, naval instruments and radio, increased fuel capacity. Provision for machine gun in each upper wing. Swedish designation for Mk I with UK-built Mercury IXS engine. Swedish designation for Mk II with Swedish-built Nohab Mercury VIIIS.3 engine.

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The Shuttleworth Gladiator at Mildenhall Air Fete 90. (photo, Paul Clouting)

Gladiator Mk. I K6131 before delivery (photo, Jacques Trempe,


Key Dates: 1 Oct 1931 1933 Spring 1934 12 Sept 1934 3 April 1935 June 1935 1 July 1935 July 1935 Sept 1935 Jan 1937 22 Feb 1937 27 May 1937 late 1937 end 1937 early 1938 March 1938 March 1938 June 1938 Dec 1938 Feb 1939 March 1939 30 August 1939 1 May 1941 January 1942 1943 26 Sept 1941 7 Jan 1945 Feb 1948 1953 7 Nov 1960 Specification F.7/30 issued by Air Ministry Design of Gauntlet development started Construction of S.S.37 started Maiden flight of S.S.37 first prototype S.S.37 transferred to RAF ownership Specification F.14/35 issued for production version of S.S.37 Gladiator name officially announced First production order for 23 aircraft Second production order for 180 aircraft First flight of first production Mk I First production delivery to 72 Sqn RAF First export order placed by Latvia Specification F.36/37 issued for Gladiator Mk II Last Mk I delivered to RAF Initial order for 50 Gladiator Mk IIs placed by Air Ministry Retrofit of 3-bladed propeller in progress Admiralty order for 38 Sea Gladiator (Interim) Combined order for 300 Gladiator II & Sea Gladiator First Sea Gladiator (Interim) delivered to FAA Last Sea Gladiator II delivered Sea trials for Sea Gladiator on HMS Courageous Final Gladiator delivery to the RAF Sea Gladiator withdrawn from frontline service No.6 Sqn in Egypt withdraws Gladiator from service Last Sea Gladiator withdrawn from second line service Last operational sortie by RAF Gladiator Last RAF weather observation flight made Gloster buys last 2 surviving Gladiators from Air Ministry L8032 & N5903 Portuguese Air Force retires last Gladiator from advanced training duties K8032 (L8032) handed over to Shuttleworth Trust

L8032 appeared as N2308 HP-B for a time (photo, Dave Key Military Airshows in the UK)


Military Operators
Australia RAAF Belgium Air Force China CNAF Egypt REAF Finland Air Force France Free French AF Germany Luftwaffe Greece Air Force Iraq RIAF Ireland IAC Latvia Air Force Lithuania RAAF Norway Army Air Force Portugal Air Force South Africa SAAF Sweden Air Force UK Royal Air Force UK Fleet Air Arm USSR Air Force (39 ex-RAF Mk I/II a/c with 3 (RAAF) Sqn) (22 new build Mk I aircraft) (36 new build Mk I aircraft) (18 ex-RAF Mk I mod to Mk II standard, 27 ex-RAF Mk II aircraft) (30 ex-RAF Mk II aircraft) (6 ex-RAF aircraft with Group de Chasse Alsace) (15 Mk I captured in Russia) (2 new build Mk I + 25 Mk I & 10 Mk II ex-RAF) (15 new build Mk I aircraft + 29 Mk I/II ex-RAF aircraft) (4 new build Mk I aircraft) (26 new build Mk I aircraft) (14 new build Mk I aircraft) (6 new build Mk I + 6 new build Mk II aircraft) (15 new build Mk I aircraft + 15 ex-RAF Mk II aircraft) (1 Mk I + 11 Mk II ex-RAF aircraft) (37 new build Mk I + 18 new build Mk II aircraft) (24 RAF Sqns; 5 RAuxAF Sqns; 12 Met. Flights) (7 first-line Sqns, 8 second-line Sqns) (captured 5 Mk I ex-Lat/12 Mk I ex-Lith)

Government Agencies

Civilian Operators
UK Shuttleworth Collection (1 airworthy aircraft)

Note: Some new-build export aircraft fitted with customer specified armament.

Gloster S.S.37 Role: Single-seat fighter Crew: One Dimensions: Length 27 ft 5 in (8.36 m); Height 11 ft 9 in (3.58 m) tail down over propeller arc; Wing Span 32 ft 3 in (9.83 m); Wing Area 323.0 sq ft (30.01 sq m) Engine(s): One air-cooled, 9 cylinder radial, Bristol Mercury IV of 530 hp (395 kW) later fitted with Mercury VIS2 of 648 hp (483 kW). Weights: Empty Equipped 3,062 lb (1,398 kg); Loaded 4,339 lb (1,967 kg) Performance: Maximum level speed 236 mph (380 kph) at 10,000 ft (3,048 m), or 242 mph (390 kph) at 13,800 ft (4,206 m) with Mercury VIS; T ime to 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 5 min 15 sec; Service ceiling 27,000 ft (8,229 m) Armament: Two .303 in (7.7 mm) Vickers Mk.V machine-guns in fuselage sides with 600 rounds per gun; two 0.303 Lewis guns under lower wing with 97 rounds per gun. Gloster Gladiator Mk I Role: Single-seat fighter Crew: One Dimensions: Length 27 ft 5 in (8.36 m); Height 11 ft 9 in (3.58 m) tail down over propeller arc*; Wing Span 32 ft 3 in (9.83 m); Wing Area 323.0 sq ft (30.01 sq m) Engine(s): One air cooled, 9 cylinder radial, Bristol Mercury IX of 830 hp (619 kW) driving a Watts 2-bladed propeller of 10 ft 9 in (3.28 m) diameter. Weights: Empty Equipped 3,217 lb (1,458 kg); Loaded 4,594 lb (2,082 kg) Performance: Maximum level speed 210 mph (338 kph) at sea level, 253 mph (407 kph) at 14,500 ft (4,420 m); Initial rate of climb 2,300 ft/min (700 m/min); Time to 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 4 min 40 sec; Service ceiling 32,800 ft (9,997 m); Range 428 mls (689 km); Endurance 1 hr 54 min. Armament: First 71 aircraft: Two .303 in (7.7 mm) Vickers Mk. V machine-guns in fuselage sides, with 600 rounds per gun; one 0.303 Lewis machine gun under each lower wing with 97 rounds per gun. Subsequently: Two .303 in (7.7 mm) Browning machine-guns in fuselage sides, with 600 rounds per gun; one 0.303 Browning machine gun under each lower wing with 400 rounds per gun.

* The height of 10 ft 4 in (3.15 m) quoted in many sources is the minimum height when the propeller blades and fuselage are horizontal.
Gloster Gladiator Mk II As above, except for the following:Dimensions: Height 11 ft 7 in (3.53 m) tail down over propeller arc*

Engine(s): One air cooled, 9 cylinder radial, Bristol Mercury VIIIA or VIIIAS of 840 hp (636 kW) with manual boost override driving a Fairey Reed 3-bladed propeller of 10 ft 6 in (3.20 m) diameter. Weights: Empty Equipped 3,444 lb (1,562 kg); Loaded 4,864 lb (2,206 kg) Performance: Maximum level speed 215 mph (346 kph) at sea level, 257 mph (414 kph) at 14,600 ft (4,449 m); Time to 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 4 min 30 sec; Service ceiling 33,500 ft (11,570 m); Range 444 mls (714 km); Endurance 2 hrs 6 min.

* The height of 10 ft 4 in (3.15 m) quoted in many sources is the minimum height when the fuselage is horizontal and the propeller has been rotated to have two blades at the top and one vertical blade at the bottom.
Gloster Sea Gladiator As Mk II above, except for the following:Role: Single-seat carrier-borne Fighter Weights: Empty Equipped 3,554 lb (1,612 kg); Loaded 5,020 lb (2,272 kg) Performance: Maximum level speed 210 mph (338 kph) at sea level, 253 mph (407 kph) at 14,600 ft (4,449 m); Cruising speed 212 mph (341 kph); Time to 10,000 ft (3,048 m) 4 min 42 sec; Service ceiling 32,300 ft (9,844 m); Range 415 mls (667 km) at 259 mph (416 kph); Endurance 1 hr 58 min. Armament: As for Mk II, plus provision for two extra 0.303 Browning machine guns in the top wing.

A nice view of the upper surfaces (photo, Dave Key Military Airshows in the UK)


Design Centre
Head of Design Team: Harold P Folland Design Office: Gloster Aircraft Company Ltd, Hucclecote, Gloucester.

Gloster Aircraft Co Ltd (Hucclecote, Gloucestershire, UK.) Assembly Location Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote Hucclecote

Version S.S.37 Gladiator Mk I Gladiator Mk I Gladiator Mk I Gladiator Mk I export Sea Gladiator (Interim) Sea Gladiator Gladiator Mk II J 8A Gladiator (Mk II) Total:

Quantity 1 23 180 28 147 38 60 252** 18 747

Time Period early Spring 1934-Sept 1934 late 1936-4 March 1937 Spring 1937-late 1937 late 1937 May 1937-mid 1938 March 1938-Dec 1938 June 1938-mid Feb 1939* 1938-30 Aug 1939 1938

* some sources state 24 May 1939. ** Includes 31 aircraft for export. Total Produced: 747 a/c: 1 S.S.37, 378 Mk I, 38 Sea Gladiator (Interim), 60 Sea Gladiator, 270 Mk II.

Production List
To be added.

This view shows the half-pale blue/half-black underside colours worn by this aircraft (photo, Allan Barley)

More Information

Gloster Gladiator (Mushroom Magazine Special No.6104) [Order this book from Amazon UK] by Alex Crawford Published by Mushroom Model Publications, Mar 2002 ISBN: 83 916327 0 9 * Complete operational history, covering all the air forces using the Gladiator from Finland to China. The book includes the true story of the legendary defence of Malta. 160 pages with 64 in colour. Gloster Gladiator Aces (Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 44) [Order this book from Amazon UK] by Andrew Thomas

Published by Osprey, Feb 2002 ISBN: 1 84176 289X * Covers all the pilots who became aces on the Gladiator. 90 pages with 10 in colour. Gloster Aircraft Since 1917 [Order this book from Amazon UK] by Derek N James Published by Putnam Aeronautical Books, June 1987 ISBN: 0 85177 807 0 * Detailed company history with a chapter on the Gladiator. The Gloster Gladiator (Macdonald Aircraft Monographs) by Francis K. Mason Published by Macdonald & Co (Publishers) Ltd, 1964 ISBN: * The classic in-depth reference to the Gladiator. 136 pages. The Gloster Gladiator: Profile No.98 by Francis K. Mason Published by Profile Publications Ltd, 1966 ISBN: n/a * Concise well illustrated history of the Gladiator. Gladiator in Action: Aircraft Number 187 by W A Harrison Published by Squadron/Signal Publications Ltd, 2003 ISBN: 0-89747-450-3 * Landscape format history of the Gladiator. Well illustrated. Gloster Gladiator (Warpaint Series No.37) by Tom Spencer Published by Hall Park Books Ltd, 2002 ISBN: X 9999 00373 * Concise production and service history of the Gladiator. 52 pages with scale plans. Gloster Gladiator (Monografie Lotnicze No. 24) by Bartlomiej Belcarz & Robert Peczkowski Published by A J Press, Poland, 1996 ISBN: ? * Polish text history but very well illustrated.


To be added.

ADF Aircraft Serial Numbers (Individual aircraft details for RAAF Gladiators) Camouflage & Markings of Gloster Gladiator (Colour profile drawings of the Gladiator in various markings) F19 in Finland (Swedish Gladiator unit in the Finnish Winter War) Gloster Aircraft (Gladiators tested by the Luftwaffe) Gloster Gladiator aircraft profile (Details of Gladiator in Fleet Air Arm service and preserved examples) Gloster Gladiator Homepage (Homepage of Alex Crawford Gladiator book author and researcher) Gloster Gladiator (Multi-page profile of the Gladiator, including all known operators) J8 Gloster Gladiator (Good photos of Swedish Gladiators in service and in a museum)

Flight Simulator Models: To be added.

Scale Models: To be added. Scale Drawings: Scale Aviation Modeller January 2001 (see also the Warpaint title above). Roy Tassell has a nice 1/36 scale drawing of the Gladiator. Videos: To be added. This page is wiki editable click here to edit this page. Tags: Biplane, Fighter, Gladiator, Gloster Types | admin | Posted 5 March 2010 7:05 pm | Last Updated 26 April 2010 3:45 pm |

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