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Computer notes

For class 1st year

Published By: Muhammad Jalil Instructor Al-Mustafa Public School and College Gil git.

Q1: What is Data? A collection of raw facts and figures, collected for a specific purpose is calle d data. The data may be in text numbers, sound images, video clips and audio etc . Q2: What is processing? The process of converting data into useful information is called data processing . Data processing is also called computing. Q3: Define information? The processed data is called information. Because it gives clear and proper mean ing. So it can be used for decision making. Q4: What is information Technology? Information technology is the use of modern technology this term is used to stor age, processing, analysis and high speed communication of information. Information can be represented by computer in four forms. Q5: In how many ways information can be represented in a computer? Information can be represented by computer in four forms. Data text image voice 1. Data: the word data is plural or Datum. Its means the collection of row facts and figures. Data may be name, apiece, a quantity, a code no etc. 2. Text: The text is useful way to present information written in sentences. It is much more meaningful for user. 3. Image: Image is a useful method of present information in pictorial form suc h as graph, charts images. Information in this form is more useful then text. 4. Voice: The method to present information is called voice. It is more much use s full to other methods. It is information in spoken form like words and phrase. Q6: What is digital convergence? The electronic merging of different organization, industries and institutions to exchange information between them is called digital convergence. Q7: What is Artificial Intelligence?

It is a latest technology which is used in some electronic machines. These machi nes can thinks decide themselves and communicate like humans. Q8: What is e-commerce? E. Commerce is a process of performing business transactions through computer In ternet. Q9: What is M- Commerce? Mobile commerce is a process of performing business transactions on the internet through mobile phone. Q10: What is computing animation? The animation means moving things or pictures. Animation is process of creating moving pictures and other special effects for television show. Q11: What is meant by Multimedia? When an application in text, graphics, animation, audio and video effects are co mbined together and are presented by the computer is referred to multimedia. Som e applications of multimedia are video games, video training etc. Q12: What is computer? A compute is an electronic device that can be programmed to accept data process it into useful information and also store information for latter reused. Q13: Define hardware? The physical components of a computer are called hardware. Like all input, out p ut and processing devices are called hardware. Q14: Define Software? A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a particular problem or to perform a specific task is called software. The two types of software s are syste m software and application software. Q15: What is system software? A program or set of programs that is specially designed to control different ope rations of computer system is called system software. It controls the working of different parts of the computer. System software s are also used to communicate b etween user and computer also. Q16: What is application software? A program or set of programs that are specially desinge4d to solve the specific problem of user, are called application software. It is also known as software p ackages. Q17: What is customized software? The software that is developed for particular organization or customer is called custom-built software. It is also known as customized software. Q18: What do you mean by Input? Any thing given to the computer is called input. The data and instructions given to the computer as input. Q19: What are input Devices? The devices that are used to enter data and instruction into the computer are ca lled input devices. These are input hardware components. Just like keyboard, mou se microphone etc. Q20: Define Keyboard? The important input device to enter data or instructions into the computer is ke yboard. A standard arrangement of keys is the QWERTY arrangement. There are two basic styles of keyboard commonly used with microcomputer. 1. PC/XT- Style Keyboards 2. AT-Style Keyboards. AT-Style was developed later with a slightly different keyboard having 101 keys while various styles with slight alteration having 84 to 108 keys. DIVISION OF KEYBOARD The keyboard may be divided into four general areas: 1. Alphanumeric Keypad 2. Numeric Keypad. 3. Function Keypad 4. Screen Navigation Keypad. ALPHANUMERIC KEYPAD: Alphanumeric keypad is similar a typewriter. It contain Alphabet keypad, Number

keys consist of 0 to 9 and Punctuation keys such as & % $ # @ etc. NUMERIC KEYPAD: A numeric keypad is a set of keys at the right of the keyboard similar those on a calculator. These are used for numbers or editing and cursor control. There fo r they are called dual purpose keys. FUNCTION KEYPAD: These are 10 or 12 keys labeled as F1, F2------ F12. These are located on the to p of keyboard and these are used to instruct the computer to perform certain com mand. And provide shortcuts of commands. SCREEN NAVIGATION KEYS: The keys move the cursor on the screen. And some special key for special jobs an d editing or navigation the document are called screen navigation keys. For exam ple. ESC, CTRL, SHIFT, Page Up, Page Down. Cursor keys etc. Q21: What are pointing devices? A pointing device is an input device, it is used to control the movement of poi nter or cursor on the screen. It can also be used for * Sending command signals to the computer. * Selecting items on the screen. * Selecting commands from command menu. * Drawing graphics etc. Some common pointing devices are:Mouse, Trackball, Pointing stick, Joysticks, Touch pad, Touch sc reen, Light pen etc Q22: What is the function of mouse? Mouse is called pointing device. It is an input device to use to select, point, open or drag of any type of icon. It is small hand held unit with two or three b uttons. It rolls over the small ball. It is also used to draw pictures or play g ames in computer. Q23: What is trackball? Trackball in an input and pointing device it almost like a mouse turned upside d own. The users control the cursor on the screen by rolling a plastic ball with a fingertip or wrist. One or more buttons are pressed to run the commands. Q24: What is touch Pad? Touch pad is a pressure-sensitive pointing input device. Touch pad is also known as track pad. It is also stationary device like trackball but it has no moving part. It is small surface over which we slide our fingertip to move the pointer on screen for pointing. Q25: Define light Pen: The light pen is handheld pointing input device. It is a light sensitive stylus, or pen like device it is connected with computer by a wire. Light pen has a pho tocell mounted at its front end. Q26: What is stylus? Stylus is a ball point like electronic pen. It is used to create sketches and im ages on a specially designed graphics screen or digitizer. Styles is used in gra phics application such as Computer Aided Design (CAD) Q27: What are source of data-entry devices? The devices that are used for direct data entry to the computer system are calle d direct data entry devices. These devices are also known as direct input device s. Q28: What is bar Code? Bar code is a unique identification code. It is in the form of light and dark ve rtical lines or bars with spaces between them of different widths bar code is pr inted on most of the manufactured products. The most popular and commonly used b ar code is UPC (Universal Product Code) Q29: What is bar code Reader? A Bar-Code reader is a special scanning device. It is used for reading bar codes printed on the products or Books. Q30: What is facsimile? A fax machine is also known as facsimile transmission machine. A fax machine is

used to send and receive information through telephone line. Q31: What is audio Input? Audio input is a the process of entering and sound into the computer it may incl ude speech, and music etc. The sound is in the form of analog signals. Q32: What is audio input device? The devices that are used to enter/record sound into the computer are called aud io input devices. Microphone is most commonly used as an audio-input device. The main purpose of audio input device is to provide digital input for multimedia c omputers. Q33: What is function of Audio Card? There is a special circuit board inside the computer. This circuit board is know n as audio card. Audio input device is connected to the audio board. So sound en tered inside the computer through audio board. It converted analog signals into digital signals. Q34: What is video Input? The process of entering video data into a computer is called video input. Video input consists of full-motion images that create action and movements. Q35: What is a video input device? The devices that are used to enter video input into the computer are called inpu t devices. Mostly these devices are used for recording movies film and video ima ges. VCR and Video camera are examples of Video input devices. Q36: What is digital camera? A digital camera is an input device. It is used to take pictures in digital form . It does not use traditional camera film. It uses a light sensitive processor c hip capture photographic images in digital form. Q37: What is meant by output? The processed data into a useful form is called output. The user can receive out put from the computer on a screen or print on the paper through Printer. Case of audio output, then it can be received through speaker. Q38: Define softcopy output? The output received on the display screen is called softcopy output. The output as audio video and image on monitor screen is also called softcopy. Because it i s also change able. Q39: Define Hardcopy output? The output printed on the paper is called hardcopy. It may be in the form of tex t and graphics. The output devices to produce hard copy are printers and plotter s. Q40: What are output devices? A hardware component which is used to receive the output from computer is called an output device. It takes information from computer and converts it in a form that is understandable by user. Q41: What is display screen (Monitor)? Display screen is commonly used output device. It is used a s softcopy output de vice. The out may be in the form of text, graphics and video. It also helps the user to input correct data into the computer. Display screen is also referred as monitor or simply screen. Q42: What is VGA? VGA stands for Video Graphics Array. It supports 16 to 256 colors, depending upo n screen resolution. It supports 16 colors for a screen having resolution 320 x 200 pixels, it supports 256 colors for a screen having resolution 640 x 480 pixe ls it is called 4 bit color. Q43: What is SVGA? SVGA stands for Supper Video Graphics Array. It has higher resolution than VGA. It has two graphics modes such as 800 x 600 pixels and 1024 x 768 pixels. It sup ports 256 colors. It is called 8 bit color. Q44: What is XGA? XGA stands for Extended Graphics Array. It supports up to million colors at a re solution of 1024 x 768 pixels it is called 24 bit color. The 24 bit color is als o called true color. Q45: What is CRT monitor?

CRT stands for Cathode-Ray Tube. The most common of display screen is the CRT mo nitor. It looks like TV set screen. It contains a cathode ray tube. A cathode ra y tube is a vacuum tube. It creates the image of the output and displays on the screen. The front of the tube is the screen. Q46: What is flat panel monitor? Flat-panel displays are used in portable computers. They are much thinner, weigh tless, and consume less power than CRT. Flat-Panel displays are made up of two p lates of glass. These plates contain a substance in between them. Q48: What is LCD Monitor? LCD uses liquid crystal between the glass plates. The output image is formed by liquid crystal. When an electronic current passes through liquid crystal, its mo lecules line up in such a way that starts lighting behind the screen is blocked or allowed to create an image. Q49: Write three technologies used in flat panel monitor:There are three types of technologies used in Flat-Panel Display screen. 1. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) 2. Electro-Luminescent Display (ELD 3. GAS-Plasma Display. Gas Plasma Display: This display uses gas plasma technology. It is like a neon bulb. Gas plasma disp lay uses gas between the plates. The gas emits light when an electric current is supplied. It offer large size screen display quality of these screens is also h igher than LCD. Q50: What is use of Printer? Printers are the most commonly used output devices to produce hardcopy of infoam tion. They are used to output on the paper. The output may be in the form of Cha racters, symbols and graphics, information printed on paper is called hardcopy. Q51: Define Impact Printers:The printers that produce output on paper with striking the paper are known as i mpact printers. Examples of Impact printers. 1. Dot Matrix printer. 2. Daisy Wheel Printer. 3. Line printer. Q52: Define non-impact printers. The printer that produce output on paper without striking the paper are known as non-impact printers. Some examples of non-impact printers are:1. Leaser Printer 2. Inkjet printer 3. Thermal Printer. Define dot matrix printers: Dot matrix printer is an impact printer. It has tiny pins arranged to hit the ri bbon and the paper. Each latter is formed with the combination of dots. Dot matr ix printers have 9, 18, 24 or 32 pins arranged vertically in a print head. These printers can print normally 50 to 600 characters per second. Define daisy wheel printers: Daisy wheel printers use a flat disk or wheel with petal like projections. The w heel rotates to bring the desired character into position. A character is formed when hammer strikes the petal under it. Daisy wheel printer is slower then dot matrix printer. Define line printers: Line printers can print a complete line at a time. These are high speed printers developed to satisfy the needs of large computer systems. They are further divi ded into drum printer and band or chain printers they produce 3000 lines per min ute. Inkjet printers: Ink jet printers work in the same way as dot matrix printer except that ink jet printers have fine nozzles instead of tiny pins used in dot matrix print head. N ozzles spray a stream of into the paper.

Laser printers: The process used by laser printer is similar to that of office copying machine. Laser printer to produce variety of letters, graphics and diagrams by a pattern of very fine dots by the action of laser beam. The laser beam writes the image o n the surface of a drum or band in the form of pattern of electric charged. Lase r printers are capable of printing about 10 to 15 pages per minute. Plotters: Plotter is a special output device that produces graphics output in black and wh ite or in colour. Plotters produce large drawings or images such as construction plans of buildings or aircraft design etc. they are work just like inkjet print ers. Define System: A system can be defined as a combination of different related components that in teract with each other to perform some specific tasks. Define SDLC: A set of Activities or steps that are required to develop a system such as softw are is called system development life cycle (SDLC). It is an organized way to de velop a successful system. Chapter # 2 Q1: What is meant by computer architecture? Arrangement and connections of various components of the computer system is call ed computer architecture. The basic elements of the computer are essentially the same for almost all digital computers, there are variations in construction tha t reflect that differing ways in which computers are in used. Q2: List out some important components of Computer system. The most important components of computer architecture is as follows. 1. Control Unit 2. Arithmetic and logic Unit (ALU) 3. Main Memory 4. I/O Unit 5. Bus Interconnection. Q3: Define CPU CPU stands for Central processing unit it is the most important component of the computer. It is also known as processor. CPU is considered as the brain of the computer. IT performs all operations on data according to program s instruction an d tells other parts of the computer what to do. CPU has following Units. Define Control Unit:It is most important part of CPU. It acts as supervisor of the computer. It cont rols all parts of the computer and coordinates all activities given to the compu ter. It fetches the instruction and data from the memory unit. It also can commu nicate with all I/O Devices of computer. Define Arithmetic & Logic Unit (ALU) ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit. It is another important component of C PU it performs all the arithmetic and logical operation on the data. It is the p art of the CPU which decodes and executes the instructions one by one. Q: What is Main Memory? The main memory is the most important components of the computer. It is used to store data and instructions that are currently in use. Some times, main memory i s also referred to as working area of computer. The main memory divided into two parts ROM and RAM Q: What is Read Only Memory (ROM) ROM stands for Read only Memory. It is type of internal memory. The contents or instructions are stored in this type of memory can only be read but cannot be ch anged or deleted. It is not possible to write new instruction or information int o the ROM. This is the reason why ist is called read only memory. The ROM is div ided into further types PROM Programmable Read Only Memory This form of ROM is initially blank. The manufacturer can write his own program or data by using specially devices. It is programmable memory

EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory Like PROM it is initially blank. But the data or instruction in EPROM is Erasabl e and also Programmable. EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read only Memory. This kind of ROM can be written or change with the help of electrical devices. S o data stored in this type of ROM chip can be easily modified. Q: Define is bit: The binary digit 1or 0 is called a bit. The bit stands for binary digit. It is the basic unit for storing data in the computer memory. Q: Define is byte: A combination of 8- bit is called byte. One character takes one byte of memory. The storage capacity of the memory is expressed in terms of number of bytes. Q: What is computer BUS? A set of electrical paths through which computer sends and receives data and ins tructions. These are used to connect the CPU with other component of computer. T here are three types of Buses.. Address Bus Data Bus Control Bus Q: What is Data BUS? The computer bus which is used to transfer data from one components of computer to another is called data bus. It connects CPU with memory and other hardware de vices. An 8 bit data bus can travel 8 bit data at a time. Q: What do you mean by Width of Bus? The amount of data that a bus can carry at one time from one component of comput er to another is known as bus width. Q: What is Address Bus? The computer bus to which is used to connect CPU with memory to identify the dif ferent memory location within main memory is called Address bus. An address bus can travel 256 different values at a time. Q: What is Control Bus? The computer bus which is used to send different commands or signals from one co mponent to another is called control bus. The control directly connects the CPU, main memory and I/O Ports. Q: What is CPU Register? CPU contains small storage areas that are used to store data and instructions du ring program execution. The storage areas or locations inside the CPU are called registers. The size of These registers is 2, 4 or 8 bytes. Q: What is program counter? This register is used to store the address of the next instruction to be fetched for execution. When the instruction is fetched, the value of PC is incremented. Thus this register always points or holds the address of next instruction is to be fetched. Q: What is Instruction Register (IR)? Once an instruction is fetched from main memory, it is stored in the Instruction Register. The control unit takes instruction from this register, decodes and ex ecutes it by sending signals to the appropriate component of computer to carry o ut the task. Q: What is MAR? This register holds the address of memory where CPU wants to read or write data. When CPU wants to store some data in the memory or reads the data from the memo ry, it places the address of the required memory location in the MAR. Q: What is MBR? This register is used to store data instruction coming from the memory or going to the memory. Q: What is stack pointer? A stack represents a set of memory blocks. The data is stored in and retrieved f rom these blocks in an order, i.e. First in and Last out (FILO). The stack point er register is used to manage the stacks in memory. Q: What are General Purpose Register? A CPU also has some general-purpose registers. These registers are used along wi th other registers to perform arithmetic & Logical operations. These registers a

re also used for data movement purposes inside the computer. These registers are called EAX, EBX, ECX and EDX. Q: What is Segment Register? A block of memory is called a segment. The segment register is used to store the addresses of the memory blocks that are being currently used by CPU. This regis ter is used to store base location for program instructions, data and the stack. Segment register is also known as address register. Q: What is meant by Instruction Set? A set of instructions that a CPU can execute to perform different operations on data is known as the instruction set of that CPU. Q: Write down different types of operations performed by CPU? The important types of operations performed by CPU are: 1- Data Transfer 2- Arithmetic & Logical 3- Input Output 4- Control Transfer Q: What are Data Transfer Instructions? The instructions that are used to transfer data from one unit of computer to ano ther during program execution are called Data Transfer Instructions. Q: What are I/O Instructions? The instructions that are used to write and read data to and from the I/O device s are called I/O Instructions. I/O devices are also known as peripheral devices. The peripheral devices may include keyboard, monitor, and disks etc. Q: What are Control Transfer Instructions? The instructions that are used to transfer the execution control from one part o f the program to another during program execution are called Control Transfer In structions. These instructions may be used to execute a set of instructions repe ated for a number of times. Q: What is meant by instruction format? An instruction consists of a group of bits that tells the computer to perform a specific operation. The group of bits of an instruction is logically divided int o different parts. Each part is used to perform a specific action. This structur e of instruction is called the instruction code format. Q: What is Zero-Address Instruction Format? In zero-address instruction format, no address is specified. A stack-organized c omputer does not use an address field for the instructions kike ADD and MUL. Q: What is Two-Address Instruction Format? The instruction of two-address format uses two address fields. Each address fiel d can specify either a register or a memory address. Two address instructions are the most common in commercial computers. Examples of such instructions are MOV, ADD, CMP and BIS. Q: What is three-Address Instruction Format? The instruction of three-address format uses three address fields. Each address field an specify either a register or a memory address. This type of instruction requires too many bits to specify three addresses. Q: What is Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle? For every instruction of the program, the control unit (CPU) carries out three b asic operations, known as the Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle. It is also called the Machine Cycle. Q: Define Fetch Instruction. The process of transferring a program instruction from memory to CPU is called f etch instruction. The CPU gets a program instruction from main memory for taking action on it. Q: Define Decode Instruction. The process of decoding the instruction so that the computer can understand it i s called Decode Instruction. Q: Define execute Instruction. The process of taking action on the decoded instruction is called Execute Instru ction. Q: What is operation system?

A set of programs running in the background on a computer system and providing a n environment in which other programs can be executed and the computer system ca n be used efficiently. Q: Write the main functions performed by the operating system? The main functions performed by the operation system are: 1. Manage Hardware Resources 2. Memory Management 3. Load and Execute Programs 4. Data Security 5. Providing Interface to the User Q: What is Command Prompt interface? Command prompt is also referred to as command line user interface. In this type of user-interface, the operation system provides prompt line on the computer scr een. The user communicates with the computer (or operating system ) by typing co mmands through keyboard. The user interface provided by Ms-DOS operating system is an example of command prompt. Q: What is a computer programming Language? A programming Language provided the way of communication between user and comput er. A computer program is written in a programming language. The programming lan guage provides a set of rules for writing computer programs. The instruction of the program is written in a specific manner and according to the rules of the pr ogramming language. Q: Define high-level programming language. The programming languages that are close to human languages (e.g. like English l anguage) are called high-level programming languages. Q: Define low-level programming language. The programming languages that are very close to machine language are called low -level programming languages. The program instructions written in these language s are in binary form (0 and 1) and symbols. Q: What is the difference between source code and object code? The program instructions written by following the rules of any high kevel langua ge are known as program source code. The translated program into machine code is known as object code. Q: What is the function of language translator? The special software or translator program that is used to translate the program written in high level language (or assembly language) into machine code is call ed language translator or language processor. Q: What is compiler? The language translator program that translates the complete source program into machine codes as a whole is called compiler. Q: What is Interpreter? The language translator program that translates the source code into machine cod e statement by statement is called interpreter. It translates one statement of s ource program into machine code and executes it immediately before translating t he next statement. Q: What are the disadvantages of Interpreter? The main disadvantages of Interpreter are: * It is a time consuming process of translating and executing statements one by one. * Each time the program is run, the source code is translated again. For this pu rpose you must have a translator program (interpreter) permanently in your compu ter. Q: What is Assembler? The language translator program that translates the program written in assembly language into machine code is called assembler. Chapter # 3 Q: What is data communication? Commutation means the exchange of information or messages. The process of transf erring data from one location to another is called data communication. Q: Write name of different elements of data communication system.

The basic components which are used in data communication system are. 1. Message 2. Sender 3. Receiver 4. Medium 5. Encoder 6. Decoder Q: What is message? The message is the information or data that is to be communicated. It m ay be in the form of text, numbers, pictures, sounds, videos or any combination of these . Q: What is sender? A device that is used for sending messages is called sender. It is also called t ransmitter. A sender may be computer, workstation telephone or camera etc. Q: What is Receiver? A device that is used for receiving message is called receiver. It may bye a com puter, a workstation a telephone set, a television etc. Q: What is meant by Communication Medium? The path through which data is transmitted from one location to another is calle d transmission medium. It is also called communication channel it may be a wire, or fiber optics, telephone line etc. Q: What is Encoder? The encoder is an electronic device. It converts digital signals into analog sig nals for make them able to transmit through any transmission medium. And this co nverting system is called Encoding. Q: What id Decoder? The decoder is an electronic device, it converts signals from encoded form into digital form that are understandable for receiver. And this conversion system is called Decoding. Q: Define Signals: The data is transmitted from on e place to another in the form of electromagneti c or light waves through communication medium. The electromagnetic or light wave s representing data are called signals. Q: What are Analog Signals? The analog signals are continues electrical signals in the form of waves. These waves are called carrier wave. The light waves, sound waves or Radio waves are e xamples of analog signals. Q: Define two characteristics of analog signals. The basic two characteristics are analog signals are. Frequency: The number of times a wave repeats during a specific time interv al is called frequency. It is measured in Hertz (Hz). Amplitude: The height of a wave within a given period of time is called amp litude. Q: What are digital signals? A digital signal is a sequence of voltage represented in binary from. Actually, digital signals are on-off electrical pulses in discontinuous form (or in discre te form). Most of the computer are digital. Data is represented inside these com puters in the form of binary numbers. Q: What is meant by encoding of data? A computer accepts and processes data in binary form. Therefore, all data (numer ic or non-numeric) must be converted into binary form before entering inside the computer. The process of converting data into binary form is called encoding of data. Q: What is EBCDIC Code? EBCDIC stands for Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code. It is an 8-bit code. In this binary coding system, 256 (2) different characters can be represe nted inside the computer. It is used by IBM (International Business Machine) mai nframe computers. Q: What is ASCII Code? ASCII STANDS FOR American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It was deve loped by American National standards Institute (ANSI). It is a standard code to represent alphanumeric data. Q: What do you know about Unicode? Unicode stands for Universal code. It is a 16-bit code. It can represent 65536 (

2=65536) characters or symbols. It is developed by following the ASCII coding sc heme. The first 256 codes in Unicode are identical to the 256 codes used by ASCI I system. Q: What are the Modes of Data Communication? The way in which data is transmitted from one place to another is called data tr ansmission mode. It is also called the data communication mode. It indicates the direction of flow of information. Sometimes data transmission modes are also re ferred to as directional modes. Q: What is Simplex Mode? In simplex mode, data is transmitted in only in direction. A terminal cam only s ends data and cannot receive it or it can only receive data but cannot send data . Q: What is Half Duplex Mode? In half duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions but only in one direction at a time. In this mode, data is sent and received alliteratively. It is like a one lane bridge where two-way traffic must give way in order to cross the other. Q: What is Full Duplex mode? In full duplex mode, data can be transmitted in both directions at the same time on the same channel. It is the fastest directional mode of communication the te lephone communication system is an example of full duplex communication mode. Q: What is Parallel Transmission? In parallel transmission, a group of bits of data flow at the same time (in para llel) through separate communication lines. It is very fast data transmission. P arallel transmission is shown in figure (a) below. The automobile traffic on a m ulti-lane highway is an example of parallel transmission. Q: What is Serial Transmission? In serial data transmission. A group of bits of data flow in sequential order th rough single communication line. Serial data transmission is shown in figure (b) below. The flow of traffic on one lane residential street is an example of seri al data transmission mode. Q: What is Synchronous Transmission? In synchronous transmission, data is transmitted block by-block or word at the s ame time. Each block may contain several bytes of data. In this mode, data is sa ved before sending. A large volume of data can be transmitted at a time. The dat a transmission is very fast. It is most commonly used by remote communication sy stems. ` Q: What is Asynchronous Transmission? In asynchronous transmission, data is transmitted one byte at a time . The data is transmitted character-by character as the user types it on a key board. In this m ode, data is not saved before sending. Q: What is Bandwidth? The amount of data that can be transmitted through the transmission media within the given period of time is called bandwidth. Q: What is Baseband? Baseband is a communication technique in which digital signals are directly tran smitted over transmission line without changing into analog signals (i.e. withou t using modulation technique. In this communication technique, there is no need to use any complex modem. The digital signals are commonly called baseband signa ls. Q: What is Broadband? Broadband is another communication technique in which large amount of data (such as voice and video) is transmitted over long distance at the same time. The dat a is sent by modulation each signal onto different frequency. For this purpose, FDM (Frequency Division Multiplexing) technique is used, in which multiple signa ls can be transmitted at the same time. Q: What is communication Media? A path through which data is transmitted from one place to another is known as c ommunication media. It is also known as communication channel. The twisted pair wire, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable microwave, satellite etc. Are examples of

communication channels. Q: What is Guided Media? In guided communication media, communication devices are directly kinked with ea ch other via cables or physical media for transmission of data. The data signals are bounded to a cabling media. Therefore, guided media is also called bounded media. Q: What is Unguided Media? In unguided communication media, data is communicated between communication devi ces in the form of wave. Unguided media provides mean to transmit data signals b ut does not guide them along a specific path. The data signals are not bounded t o a cabling media. Therefore, unguided media is also called unbounded media. Q: What is Twisted Pair? Twisted pair cable is one of the most commonly used communication media. It is u sed in local area network (LAN) for data communication between different compute rs it is also used in telephone lines to carry voice and data signals. Q: What is Coaxial Cable? Coaxial cable is also referred to as Coax. It tarries signals of higher frequenc y ranges than twisted pair cable. Coaxial cable consists of a single solid coppe r wire, which is called the inner conductor. The bandwidth of coaxial cable is 8 0 times greater than twisted pair media. Coaxial cable is also widely used in lo cal area network (LAN). Q: What is Fiber Optic Cable? In twisted pair cable and coaxial cable, data is transmitted in the form of elec tric frequencies. The fiber optic cable uses light to transmit data. The data tr ansmission speed is very high (because fiber optic cable uses light to transmit data). The data transmission speed is up to billions bits per second. Today, mos t of the telephone companies and cable TV operators are using fiber optic cables in their networks. Q: What is Microwave transmission? In microwave transmission, data is transmitted through air or space, instead of through cables or wires. Microwaves are high frequency radio waves. These waves can only travel in straight lines. Q: What is Satellite transmission? A communication satellite is a space station. It receives microwave signals (or messages) from earth stations. Satellite transmission stations that can send and receive messages are known as earth stations. The signals are transmitted from one earth station to the satellite. The satellite receives and amplifies the sig nals and sends them to another earth station. In this way, data or messages are transferred from one location to another. Satellites rotate approximately 22,300 miles above the earth in precise locations. Q: What is mobile communication? Mobile communication is a radio based network that transmits data to and from th e mobile computers. The data is communicated through radio signals from one loca tion to another. The computers can be connected to the network through wireless connections or through wires. Q: What is a Modem? Modem stands for modulation and demodulation. It is an electronic device that co nverts digital signals into analog signals and vice versa. Modems are used on bo th ends of the computers for data communication between computers through teleph one line. Q: What is modulation and demodulation? This process to convert the digital signals into analog signal is called modulat ion. Similarly, to receive the data from another computer through telephone line , in the form of analog signals, it must be converted into digital form to store it into the computer. This process of converting the analog signals into digita l form is called demodulation. Q: What do you know about Wireless Modem? Wireless modem transmits the data signals through air instead of using a cable. Wireless modem is called radio frequency modem. This type of modem is designed t o work with cellular technology, and wireless local area networks.

Chapter # 4 Q: What is computer Networks? A way of connecting computers together so that they can communicate, share infor mation and other is called computer network. Computer network is also called the information network. Q: Write the uses of network. The main benefits or uses of computer network are: > It allows the multiple users to access and share programs and information at t he same time. > It allows multiple users to share peripheral devices, such as printers and har d disks. > It allows to send e-mails along with files. > It allows the users to communicate via teleconferencing and video-conferencing . Q: What is difference between server computer and terminal? A computer in the network that controls the overall functioning of a networks is called server computer. It is also known as central computer. The devices other than server computer within the network are called terminals. Terminals are als o known as nodes. A node may be a personal computer, printer, or monitor etc. Q: What is Workgroup? A group of persons working together on a project and sharing information through computer networks is called workgroups. Q: What are clients? All computers (other than computer server) connected in the network are called c lients. The clients send requests to the server. Server receives the requests fr om clients and takes proper actions on these requests. Q: What is peer-to-peer Network model? In peer to peer arrangement, all nodes (or computers) on the network have equal status. No one has control over other. It means that there is no central compute r to control other computers on the network. Each computer stores files on its o wn storage devices and has its own peripheral devices. The users can share each other s data and devices (or resources) as and when needed. Q: What are Network Standards? The standards are the precise documents. These documents contain technical and p hysical specification about the network being designed. Normally those standards are taken into consideration that is worldwide acceptable. Q: What is De Facto Standard? De facto means by tradition or by facts . These standards were developed without any formal planning. These standards came into existence because of historical devel opments. These standards are most commonly used by the organizations worldwide. Q: What is De Jure Standard? De jure means according to law or regulation . These standards have been properly a pproved by the networks governing body. These standards are designed according t o the needs of data communication. Q: Write names of some networks governing bodies. The following organizations approve network standards: > American National Standard Institute (ANSI) > The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) > The International Standard Organization (ISO) > The International Telecommunications Union- Telecommunication Standard Sector( ITU-T, formally CCITT) > The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) Q: Define the term network Topology. There are many ways in which computers can be connected together in a computer n etworks. The way in which computers or other devices are connected in a network is called network topology. Q: What is Bus Topology? In Bus topology, all nodes (or devices) are connected to a common communication

medium or central single cable. The central cable is the backbone cable. This ca ble is called Bus. The devices or nodded are attached with the central cable (or Bus) through interface connector. Q: What is star Topology? In a star network, each node is directly connected to a central connection point known as Hub. The central connection may be an actual Hub or a switch typically ; the nodes are connected to the Hub (with unshielded twisted pair (UTP) Etherne t). Star topology is most commonly used in LAN. Q: What is Ring Topology? In a ring topology, each node is connected to two adjacent nodes or neighbors. I t forms a closed ring or loop. In this way, the last node connects to the first node to complete the ring. Q: What is Mesh Topology? In mesh topology, each node is directly connected to every other node on the net work. This type of network involves the concept of routes. Mesh topology is rare ly used in LAN. Some WANs kike the Internet use mesh topology. Q: What is LAN? LAN stands for Local Area Network. It is a type of computer network that covers a small area. The network of computer in computer laboratory of a college and ne twork of computers in an office building are examples of LANs. Q: List some components of LAN. The important components are as follows: I. Communication Media II. Network-Interface Card (NIC) III. Bridge IV. Gateway V. Router Q: What is the use of Network-Interface Card? A network interface card (NIC) is used to connect a computer to other computers in the local area network. It is a circuit board that is installed inside the co mputer s internal expansion slots. The NIC has a socket where the networks cable i s connected. Q: What is Bridge? A bridge is an electronic device. It is used to connect two similar networks and to control the data flow between them when a bridge receives a packet of data; it looks the address where the packet of data is to be sent. Each packet of data contains the block of actual data and the address of computer of the computer n etworks where data is to be sent. Q: What is Gateway? A gateway is also an electronic device or system (collection of hardware and sof tware resources). It is used to connect two different types of networks. It tran slates data from one format t the other. Q: What is Router? Router is also an electronic device. It is used to connect two or more different or similar networks. It stores the addressing information (routing information) of each computer on the connected networks (i.e. each computer on each connecte d LAN or WAN). Router uses the routing information (addresses of all computers o f all connected networks) to transfer data long the most efficient path. Q: What is WAN? WAN stands for wide Area Network. The word wide means large. WAN is a type of comp uter networks that covers a large area. The computers (or terminals) connected t o this type of network can be in different cities or countries. Q: What is host computer? The large computer to which the terminal (or PC) is attached is called host comp uter. The terminal can upload or download data files to and from the host comput er. Q: What is MAN? A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a communication networks system. It covers area of a single city. Usually, MAN connects more than one LANs in a city or tow n. It covers a similar geographical area than a WAN. In this type of network, fi

ber optic cables are used as communication media. So it is very high speed netwo rk. Mobile phones (cellular) systems often use MAN. Q: What is network protocol? All machine based communications must follow certain set of rules for exchanging data between nodes connected to a network. A set of rules for exchanging data b etween nodes connected to a network is called network protocol. These rules are implemented with the help of network software. Q: What is Ethernet? Ethernet is the most popular and commonly used LAN protocol. It uses a high spee d network cable and Bus topology. This protocol is very simple then other protoc ols. Q: Define the term token used in networking. A token is special electronic signal. It consists of a series bits. It is kike a ticket. Only in token is available on the network. When a node on the network w ants to transmit data, it first gets the token, and then it can transmit data. W hen the node has sent its message, it releases the token back to the network. Q: What is the use of Token ring? Token ring is another widely used LAN protocol. It is used in local area network using ring topology. A computer in the network (using ring topology) must get a token to transfer data to other computer on the network. Q: What is token passing? When a node on the network wants to transmit data, it first gets the token, and then it can transmit data. When the node has sent message, it releases the token back to the network this method of controlling access to the shared network cab le is called token passing. Q: Write the names of different LAN protocols. The most common and popular LAN protocols are: I Ethernet II Token Ring III ARC net Q: What is ARC net? ARCnet stands for Attached Resource Computer network. It is a LAN protocol. It i s also a topology. It uses twisted pair wire or coaxial cable, and the star topo logy with hub attached to the network. Q: What is OSI Model? OSI stands for Open System Interconnection. It is used for designing network arc hitecture. It was designed by the International standard Organization (ISO). It provides a logical framework for data communication through computer networks. T his model provides the reference but not the reality. Therefore, OSI model is al so known as OSI Reference Model. Q: Write the names of seven layers of OSI Model. The seven layers of OSI models are: 1. Physical 2. Data Link 3. Network 4. Transport 5. Session 6. Presentation 7. Application Q: What is the purpose of Application Layer of OSI model? The Application layer is the topmost layer of OSI model. It provides services di rectly to the user applications, to access the network. It provides user interfa ce to send and receive information by the user. Q: What is the purpose of Presentation Layer of OSI model? This layer of OSI model performs data transformations to provide a common interf ace for user applications. It means that data is translated between the formats the network requires and the format the computers of the end-users expect. Q: What is the purpose of Session Layer of OSI model? This layer of OSI model establishes maintains and manages connections between co mmunicating systems or devices, so that they can talk to each other. These conne ctions are called sessions. Q: What is the purpose of Transport Layer of OSI model? This layer of OSI model provides a mechanism for the exchange of data between so urce and destination. It breaks large message received from the session layer in

to segments to be sent to the detonation computer. At the destination computer, it reassembles the data segments and presents the data to the session layer. Tra nsport layer also sends an acknowledgement of receiving of data to the sender. Q: What is the purpose of network Layer of OSI model? This layer of OSI model ensures the delivery of data packet from source t destin ation. It means that this layer is responsible for carrying data packets form on e computer to another or from node to node. Q: What is the purpose of Data link Layer of OSI model? This layer of OSI model is responsible for carrying a packet of data from one co mputer (or router) to the next. It is also responsible for the reliability of th e physical link established at physical layer. This layer provides the error fre e transfer of data from one computer to another. it checks whether the data has arrived properly and safely at the destination. Q: What is the purpose of Physical Layer of OSI model? The physical layer of OSI model is the bottom-most. This layer is related to the transmission media (i.e. physical Network than connect network components toget her) for data transmission. This layer controls and co-ordinates the transmissio n of data in the form of bit steam over a physical medium such as coaxial cable, optic fiber cable etc. it also defines the rules by which the are passed from o ne node (computer ) in the network to the next. Chapter # 5 Q: What is Internet? The Internet is the network of networks around the world. It is a global network of computer. It is made up of thousands of smaller, national, regional, governm ental, academic and commercial networks. Q: What is DARPA? DARPA stands for Defense Advanced Research Project Agency. It is a defense depa rtment of USA. DARP Established first computer network in 1969. It was named as ARPA Net Q: What do you know about ARPA Net? In 1969 defense advanced research projects Agency (DARPA) of USA established a s mall computer network. It was named as ARPA Net ARPA Net stands for advanced Res earch project agency Network. Q: What is ISP? ISP stands for internet service provider. It is a company that provides the inte rnet connections to the users. There are many ISP companies in each big city of each country of the world. You have to get on internet connection from any ISP c ompany of your local city to connect to the internet. Q: What is internet? An organization network through which the files and messages can be exchanged am ong the users of the organization only is called the Internet. This type of net work uses the same protocols as used in the Internet. Q: What is TCP/IP? TC/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol Internet protocol. It is a real c ommunication protocol that drives the Internet. Every computer to access the Int ernet must be installed TCP/IP. This protocol provides connectivity between brow sers and servers on the internet for data communication. Q: Write the names of services provided by Internet? The main services provided by Internet are: I. World Wide Web II. e-mail III. Telnet IV. File Transfer Protocol(FTP) V. Gopher VI. Chat Groups Q: What is FTP? FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is a way for transferring files from o ne computer to another. The process of transferring a file from a server (or rem ote computer) to your local computer is called downloading. Similarly, the proce ss of transferring a file from your own computer to the server on the Internet i

s called uploading. Q: What is Gopher? Gopher is an Internet service. It organizes resources into multilevel menus to m ake finding information easier in the Internet. Before Gopher, it was difficult to find information on the Internet. Q: What is IP Addressing? IP stands for Internet protocol. It is a unique identifier for a host or node on the Internet. It is numerical address with four numbers separated with dots. A typical IP address looks like this: 216. 27. 61. 137. The four numbers in an IP address are called octets they can have values between 0 and 255. Q: What is domain name? Every server (or host) on the Internet also has a unique name. The human readabl e name assigned to the computer (server) on the Internet is called the domain na me. It is a common and unique text name and is alternative to an IP address. For example, is a permanent, human readable name. It is easier to remembe r that an IP Address. Q: What is Top-Level Domain (TLD)? The domain name has to parts, a host name and domain. The domain is also known a s top level domain (TLD). The top-level domain specifies the type is domain such as type of organization. It comes at the end of domain name separated with dot (.). Q: What is web Browser? Searching information on the World Wide Web is referred to as web browsing. Q: What is the Web Browser? A software that allows the Internet users to search, retrieve, view and send in formation over the Internet is known as web browser. It is also simply called a browser. Q: What is WWW? The World Wide Web is also known as Web. It was launched in 1989 at the European Particle Physics Laboratory in Geneva. It is the latest addition on the Interne t to exchange information. Web is the greatest network of Web Servers that store s web pages. These pages are accessible on the Internet. The WWW uses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to kink hypertext documents (web pages) on the World W ide Web. Q: What is web page? The documents on the Web are called web pages. Web pages are written in Hyper Te xt Markup Language (HTML). The web pages are also known as hypertext documents. A web page may contain simple text, images, and hyperlinks (or simply links). Th e web pages are linked to one another using hyperlinks. Q: What is meant by website? A collection of related web pages is called a website. Websites or web pages are stored on computers that are permanently connected to the Internet. These compu ters are called Web servers. Q: What is difference between uploading and downloading the page? The process to store your Web page of the Web Server is called publishing the pa ge or uploading the page. Similarly, retrieving Web document from server to clie nt computers is called downloading the page. Q: What is URL? URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator every web page has a unique address on W orld Wide Web. This address is called the URL address of the web page. If you wa nt to access a web page on the World Wide Web, you will have to specify the URL of the required page in the web browser. Q: What is search engine? Search engines are the special websites that provide facility to Internet users to search information on the Internet. A lot of information is available on the Internet in different websites. Search engines maintain a list of billions of we b pages containing information on various topics. Q: List some popular search engines. The most popular search engines and their URL addresses are: YAHOO

ALTA VISTA ASK GOOGLE Q: What is an e-mail? E-mail stands for electronic mail. It is the most popular service (or facility) provided by the Internet. We can send and receive message anywhere in the world. One message can be sent to many persons with a single e-mail. E-mail message ta kes very short time to reach its destination. Q: What is e-mail client? An e-mail program is used to create, send and receive e-mail. This program is al so called e-mail client. Q: What is e-mail address? E-mail is sent and received with the reference to e-mail address. Therefore, eac h Internet user must have an e-mail server, to send and receive e-mails. E-mail address consists of user name and his address in the Internet. Q: What are News Groups? News Groups are discussion groups or forums. They provide the services to exchan ge messages on the Internet about a particular subject. Newsgroups are classifie d according to different subject. For example, Heath, hobbies, celebrities, and cultural events etc, are the subjects of many newsgroups. Q: What is news server? The news group facility is provided on the Internet on special servers known as news servers. A news server is a host computer that exchanges articles with othe r servers on the Internet. These servers use Network News Transfer Protocol (NNT P) to exchange messages. Q: What is the difference between the FTP and HTTP? FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. This protocol exchanges files between use rs. FTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is used for accessing web pages or documents to and from the Web servers. It was developed in 1990 when World Wi de Web was introduced. The browser requests document from server through this pr otocol. The server also returns the required documents to the browser through; t his protocol. Chapter # 6 Q: Write the name of fields where compute is commonly used. The main fields where compute is commonly used area given blow. > Business > Industry > Medical > Airline system > Education > Weather forecasting > Home Q: What is the importance of using computer in daily life? Today, computer technology plays very important role in every field of life. Dif ferent problems can be solved very easily and quickly by using computer. It save s a lot of time and cost to solve problems. In an organization, it is used in ev ery functional area. The IT systems are the integral parts of these functional a reas. Q: How computer can be useful for marketing the products in business? In business computer is very useful for the marketing of products of an organiza tion. Many marketing application are available that can be used to provide infor mation about the products to the customers. Computer is also used for advertisin g the products and to maintain the record of products. Q: What is the role of computer in stock markets? Today, stock markets around the world are mostly computerized. Many stock market s launched the computerized system. These systems make it possible for stockbrok ers to do all their trading electronically. Stockbrokers are interconnected thro ugh data communication networks. They submit and receive offers using their inte

rconnected computers, where brokers match buyer with sellers. Q: How computer can useful in banks? Today, most of the banks are computerized. Computerized banking has provided sev eral benefits and saved the time of customers. The accounts of customers are mai ntained through computer. Q: What is Office Automation? Office Automation (OA) refers to the process of automation office tasks. In an o ffice, workers perform different tasks using computer. Many offices use the comp uter technology to perform various tasks. Q: List some important tasks that are performed in offices. In an office, different types of tasks are performed using computer. These tasks include: > Decision-making > Data manipulation > Document handling > Communication > Data storage Q: List some important computerized system used in office automation. Many offices use the following computer-based systems to perform various tasks. These systems may include: I. document management system II. message handling system III. office support system Q: What is meant by documentation management system? Document management system consists of different applications that are used to p repare documents. These applications are: word processing, desktop publishing, r eprographic, image processing, and archival storage applications. Q: What is E-Commerce? E-commerce stands for electronic commerce. It is also known as e-trade of e-busi ness. E-commerce is a financial business transaction conducted electronically be tween business partners over computer networks (such as on Internet). This saves time for participants on both ends. The users can buy sell, and exchange produc ts or services via computer network. Q: What is ATM? ATM stands for Auto Teller Machine. It is installed in most of the banks. You ca n draw money through ATM card from any branch of that bank at any time of a day. Q: What is Video Conferencing? A videoconference is a meeting between two or more people residing at various pl aces. They can watch and talk with each other. They use a network (i.e. Internet ). To participate in a videoconference, you need a video camera, a microphone, s peaker, and software (special video conferencing software). Q: What is robot? A robot is an automatic programmable machine. It can move and perform mechanical tasks. It means that a robot acts like human beings. Robot can work in environm ent that is dangerous for human beings such as opening chemical packages. It can perform repetitive tasks continuously without any break at very high accuracy t han human. Q: Discuss some applications of robots in industries. Robots can also be used in hundreds of applications such as: > Assembling & spray-painting of cars. > Lifting of heavy equipments, power cables etc. > Testing blood samples. > Performing experiments in artificial satellites and radioactive environments e tc. Q: What is Compute-Aided Manufacture (CAD)? Computers are also used for designing of products. The computer-aided design (CA D) software is used to design the samples. Or models of the products. Q: What is computer-Aided Manufacture (CAM)? Computer-aided manufacture is software. It is used to control the manufacturing process of the product. CAM software uses the output generated by CAD system.

Q: What is meant by Computer Simulation? A computer simulation is a special type of computer model. It is used to represe nt the real world system in other words; computer simulation is an artificial sy stem, which represents the working of an actual system. Q: Write the main benefits of CBT? CBT has the following additional benefits. * Students can easily obtain new skills. * Training times can be reduced. * Planning and time table problems can be reduced or eliminated. * It is not costly method. * It is very attractive method to deliver lectures to students. * Lectures can be repeated again and again. Q: What is online education? The process of getting education through computer networks is called online educ ation. There are many websites that provide a lot of information about various t opics. Online lectures are also available on different topics on the Internet. Q: How computer can be useful in weather forecasting? Computer is also used in weather forecasting. For this purpose, computer based w eather forecasting stems or models are used. The weather forecasting depends upo n the accurate calculations on metrological data. The accurate data is collected from different weather stations and weather satellites etc. Q: Write some reasons of using compute. There are many reasons for using computers. Some common reasons are listed below : * Computers can work much faster than human beings. * Computers never get tired or do not need a rest. * Computers can do jobs that may be dangerous for human beings to do. * Computer can store large amount of information. * Computers can find information very quickly. * Computer never loses or misplaces information. * Computers always give the accurate results of calculations. Q: Write three main Characteristics of computer. Computer has the following main characteristics. I. Speed II. accuracy III. consistency IV. precision V. reliability Chapter # 7 Q: What is meant by security? Security is a system of safeguards. It is designed to protect a computer system and data from being damaged or accessed by unauthorized persons. Q: What is computer virus? A small hidden program that may disturb the normal functioning of the computer a nd also may destroy the important data stored in the computer is called computer virus. The computer virus cannot damage hardware, only data or software is corr upted. Q: How virus spread from one computer to another? Just like a biological virus, a computer virus can spread from one computer to a nother computer. Usually viruses are transferred from one computer to another du e to exchange of data and programs through floppy disk, CD-ROOM, and through com puter networks. Q: Write some causes of computer viruses? There are many ways through which viruses may be transferred from one computer t o another. Most common ways are: I. E-Mail II. Network III. Removable Storage Media IV. Pirated software

Q: List some types of viruses? There are many types of viruses, but the most importance types of viruses are: I. Boot Sector Virus II. Chernobal Virus III. Logic bomb IV. Trojan Horse V. Redlof Q: What is boot sector virus? The boot sector virus is a type of virus. It modifies the program in the boot se ctor. It is loaded into memory whenever computer is turned on. This virus is att ached with the executable files, i.e. exe,.dll files. Q: What is Trojan horse? Trojan horse is a type of virus which hides itself in some computer programs. Wh en these programs are executed, the Trojan virus is activated. This virus affect s the performance of the computer. An example of Trojan horse is format C. Q: what is Redlof? Redlof virus is a polymorphic virus. It is written in visual basic script. Polym orphic means changes nature with passage of time . This virus changes its nature wi th passage of time and therefore, it is difficult to catch by an anti-program. N ormally, this virus infects the file Folder. htt . Q: what are anti-viruses? The special programs that are used to detect and remove the viruses from the com puter are called anti virus programs. A large number of anti virus programs are available the McAfee and Norton are example of most popular anti virus programs. Q: What is meant by data security? The protection of data is called data security. Most of the data of an organizat ion stored inside the computer is very important. The data can be lost destroyed due to different reasons. It can be deleted or accidentally or intentionally. Q: What is meant by encryption? Data encryption is a technique in which sensitive data is encoded before its sto rage or transmission over a network. If any one (unauthorized person) gets acces s to the data, he could not be able to understand it. Q: What is meant by protection? Hiding data belonging to a person or organization from other persons or organiza tions is called data protection. Q: What is meant by password? A secret word or code assigned to documents and programs, or computer system to prevent unauthorized access is called password. You have to type the correct pas sword to open the system. Q: What is meant by copyright? Copyright is the branch of law. It protects the creative work from illegal use. The categories of works that copyright protects may include: software, books (or any other written material) recording films and many other products etc. Q: What is software copyright? Software copyright is the right to use software on the computer. The software co mpany (or person) who develops the software keeps copyright with it and distribu tes it by cost. When you purchase commercial software, you are paying for a lice nse to use the software. Usually, one copy of the software is to be used by only one person on one computer only. Q: What is Copyright Act? The principal law governing software piracy is the Copyright Act 1976 . Some amendm ents were made in this law in 1983. Now software piracy is believed to be a punish able crime. It may involve huge amounts of penalties. Software is believed to be an intellectual property that develops it and brought into market after a lot of efforts and cost. Chapter # 8 Q: Define operating system? A set of programs running in the background on a computer system and providing a

n environment in which other programs can be executed and the computer system ca n be used efficiently. Q: What is the purpose of operating system? There are two basic purposes of an operating system. (i) It manages the software and resources of the system. These resources may inc lude the processor, memory, storage devices Input/out put devices etc. (ii) It provides stable and efficient way to use the hardware without having to know all the details of the hardware. Q: What is Graphical User Interface Operating System? A GUL operating system provides the user a graphical user interface to communica te with the computer. It provides graphical objects such as icons, menus, window s, buttons etc. to the user to perform different tasks. It means commands are Wi ndow, Linux, and Solaris etc. Q: What is Command Line Operating System? A command line operating system provides a command prompt to the user for typing different commands to interact with the computer. The commands are given to the computer according to the predefined format. It is not an easy way to interact with the computer. The user needs to memorize commands to perform different task s. Examples of Command line operating system are DOS (Disk Operating System), an d UNIX etc. Q: List out different objects of Windows operating system? The important basic objects of Windows Operating System are: 1- Desktop 2- My computer 3- Recycle Bin 4- My Documents 5- Windows Explorer 6- Internet Explorer 7- The Window 8- Control panel 9- Start Button Q: what is Desktop? The on-screen work area on which application windows, icons, menus, and dialog b oxes appear is called desktop. It is called desktop because the surface of scree n looks like a desk with objects you might have on your own personal desk. Q: What is the use of My Computer icon? My computer is a special icon on the desktop. It is very important object used f or interfacing with computer. It enables user to see easily what is in his compu ter. The user can access everything in his computer such as hardware devices, di sk drives and files & folders etc. Q: What is use of My Documents folder? My Documents is also a special folder on the desktop. It is automatically create d when windows is installed. Many Windows based applications use My Documents fold er as default folder for storing files. These applications may include: Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Access etc. Q: What is Recycle Bin? The Recycle Bin is a special folder of Windows on the hard disk. It has an icon in desktop. It contains file and folders that are deleted from the hard disk. An y files and folders you delete from the hard disk are transferred to the Recycle Bin. These files or folders can be restored from the Recycle Bin to their origi nal location if required for use. Q: What is Internet Explorer? Internet Explorer is a web browser. It is a part of Microsoft Windows operating system. It is used to access information of the Internet. It is a powerful web b rowser providing advance features to work on www. Q: What is Windows Explorer? Windows Explorer acts as a File Manager in Windows. It provides an efficient way for locating and managing files on computer. It also provides the most efficien t way to manage the computer resources. Q: What is the use of Start button?

The start button is located at the left most side of the taskbar. Start button i s the gateway of accessing most of the programs installed on the computer. When start button is clicked, a menu known as start menu appears on the desktop. Q: What is Control panel? The Control panel is special folder that contains the Administrative Tools (syst em software) used to perform system management tasks such as installing uninstal ling hardware devices, managing system resources, sharing printers, and setting up date and time etc. Q: What are Mouse Events? Mouse events are the actions that can be performed by using the mouse. The most common events of mouse are as follows. * Left Click * Right Click * Drag etc. Q: What do you mean by drag event of mouse? This event occurs when you press the left mouse button and move the mouse while keeping the left mouse button pressed. This event is used to select more that on e item at a time. It can also be used to move an object from one location to ano ther. Q: List out features of Windows? Microsoft Windows is a complete operating system. Some important features of Win dows are: I- Multitasking II- Multiprocessing III- Multi-user Operating System IV- Plug and Play V- Networking Q: Define Multitasking. Loading multiple programs into memory and executing them at the same time is cal led multitasking. Q: Define Multiprocessing. In multiprocessing, multiple programs are executed on different processors at th e same time. Some operating systems have features of multiprocessing. In multipr ocessing, operating. System divides a task between different processors. Q: Define Multi-User operating system. Windows 2000 is a multi-user operating system. A multi-user operating system all ows multiple users to use the same computer at the same time (or at different ti mes). Q: What do you mean by plug and play? Does Windows 2000 provide this feature? Some operating system automatically detects and configures new devices when they are connected to the computer. This capability of an operating system is referr ed to as plug and play. Q: What is clipboard? The clipboard is a temporary space in the computer s memory used for data holding that is being copied or moved. The clipboard is used for storing text, graphing, or other data. After data has been placed in the clipboard, it can be inserted from the clipboard into other documents, in the same application or in a differe nt application. Q: What is print queue? When multiple documents are sent to the printer for printing, they are added in a queue in an order in which they are sent to the printer. This list of document waiting to be printed on the printer is called print queue.

Chapter # 9 Q: What is word processing? The process of creating and editing word document is called word processing. The

word document may contain text and graphical images. Word processing also invol ves formatting documents in different forms. Q: What is a word processor? Word processor is application software. It provides facility for creating and ed iting all kinds of documents. Word processor also enables you to add images, cha rts and graphics in documents. Q: What is text editor? A word processor that provides only the basic features for creating and editing document is called text editor. A text editor is also called simple word process or. It is used for creating and editing simple word documents. Q: What is meant by word Wrap? During text entering process into document, the cursor automatically shifts to t he next line when it reaches to the right margin. It means that text wraps around to the next line. The user does not have to hit Enter key after typing one line. The word processor will also re-adjust text if you change the margins. Q: What is meant by WYSWYG? WYSIWYG stands for What You See Is What You Get. It means that printout of docum ent will be similar as appears on the display screen. Q: What is mail merge? The most important feature of Word processor is the mail-merge, in which the rec ords of a database can be merged into the document. It is a very shortcut method used to create form letters, mailing labels, envelopes etc. for example to send result cards to all the students of a college; the mail-merge method is used. Q: What is macro? A macro is a small code. It represents a series of keystrokes or commands. Usual ly, a single key is assigned to a macro. All commands in a macro are executed wh en a key assigned to a macro is presses. Q: What is thesaurus? Thesaurus means vocabulary. Microsoft Word has a complete dictionary and you can select a simple word for a difficult word from a list of alternate words. Q: What is undo Command? The command that is used to cancel an action is called undo command. Each time t he Undo command is applied, the last action is cancelled. Q: What is Redo Command? This command is used to cancel an Undo command action. Each time the Redo comman d is applied, the last Undo command action is cancelled. Q: What is meant by Formatting Document? The process of changing the appearance of the document is called document format ting. The document is formatted to makes it more attractive and beautiful. Q: What is font? The appearance of text in the document is referred to as font. It is also known as typeface. Same text in different fonts has different appearances. Q: What is meant by paragraph formatting? Formatting applied on a paragraph is called paragraph Formatting paragraph forma tting includes line spacing, paragraph spacing, indents, alignment, tab stop, bo rders and shadings etc. most of the paragraph formatting is dome using paragraph dialog box, horizontal and vertical Ruler elements. Q: Differentiate between line spacing and paragraph spacing. The white space between two adjust lines of paragraph is called line spacing. Th e white space before and after the paragraph is called paragraph spacing. Q: What is meant by margins? The white spaces on all sides of a document page are called margins. Margins def ine the boundaries of the text. The text cannot cross these boundaries. In every document, all the four margins (top, bottom, left and right) can be the same or different. Q: What is meant by Indent? The white space between the page margin and the text in a paragraph is called in dent. You may indent some text in the document to highlight it. Q: What is meant by alignment? Arrangement of lines of text in a paragraph with respect t left and right margin

s are called text alignment. There are four alignment options left, right, cente r and justified. Q: What Page means Formatting? The layout of the page when it is printed on the printer is called page formatti ng. It refers to the size of the page. Its orientation, headers and footers etc. Q: What are Headers & Footers? Header is the information that is added to the top of every page of the document . Footer is the information that is added to the bottom of each page of the docu ment. Q: What is meant by page orientation? The direction in which a document is printed on paper through printer is known a s page orientation. You can also change the page orientation. In page orientatio n, printing direction of the document is selected. Q: What is the use of table in Ms-Word? Most of the word processors provide the feature to create table into document. A table is used to organize information in row and columns. The intersection of a row and column is called cell. Q: What is the use of text column in Ms-Word? The text of word document can be arranged into multiple columns. The number of c olumns that can be created in document depends upon the size of paper. For examp le, in most of the newspapers and in some of the magazines, the text appears in column form. Q: What is the use of text box in Ms- Word? A text box is a rectangular box. The text or image is inserted into text box. Yo u can set its size, position, border and shade as well as alignment and orientat ion of text inside it. Text box can be set at any location into the document. Te xt box along with text can be moved around the page. Q: What is WordArt? WordArt in work of art, which can be done in word document to transform text int o an image. It means that word art feature of word processor is used to turn ord inary text into graphics object. The text can be converted into variety of shape s, by rotating, adding shads, colors borders, shadows etc. Chapter # 10 Q: What is Spreadsheet? A spreadsheet is an application program. It provides worksheets to enter and pro cess data. In a worksheet, data is arranged into rows and columns just like a ta ble. Ms-Excel is an example of spreadsheet program. Q: List features of spreadsheet program? I. Grid of Rows and Columns II. Formulas III. Functions IV. Commands V. Text Manipulation VI. Creating Chart in Excel VII. Printing Q: What is a Worksheet? A spreadsheet program provides worksheets to enter data. A worksheet is divided into a grid of columns and rows. In Excel, a worksheet consists of 256 columns a nd 65536 rows. The columns are labeled with letters A, B, C . etc. The rows are la beled with numbers 1, 2, 3. etc. Q: What is Workbook? In MS-Excel, the document or file in which data is permanently stored on the dis k is called workbook. It is a collection of worksheets. Like a book that contain s many; pages, a workbook may contain many worksheets. Data is stored into the w orksheets. Q: What is a Cell? The intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. The data is entered int o the cell of worksheet. Q: What is an Active Cell? The currently selected cell where data can be entered or edited is called the A

ctive Cell. When another cell is selected or cell pointer is moved to another ce ll, then that cell becomes the Active cell. Q: What is a column header? A horizontal bar that has headings of columns with labels A, B and so on (it is from A to IV) is called Column Header. Q: What is a row header? A vertical bar that has headings of rows with labels 1, 2, 3, and so on (It is f rom 1 to 65536) is called Row Header. Q: What is the use of formula bar in Excel interface? When a formula is used into a cell, then the calculated result is displayed into the cell. The actual formula is displayed into the Formula Bar. If a formula is not applied into the cell, then the contents of cell are displayed into the For mula bar. Formula Bar is also used to edit the contents of cell. Q: What is meant by cell formatting? The process of changing the appearance of the text in the cell of worksheet is c alled cell formatting. The default format assigned to a cell is the General form at. Q: What is formula? A formula is a mathematical expression that is combination of numbers, constants , cell addresses (or cell references) and arithmetic operators. In Excel, mostly the formula is build by using cell references along with arithmetic operators. Formula is entered in the worksheet cell and must begin with an equal sign = . The cell in which formula is written, displays the result of formula only. Q: What is cell address? Every cell of a worksheet has a unique address. This address is called the cell address. The cell address is also known as cell reference. Cell address represen ts the position of a cell in worksheet with respect to the column and row number . For example, the cell reference A 12 represents the column A and row 12 . Q: What is Relative Referencing? Calling a cell with the reference to its address (such as A1 ) is called relative r eferencing. When a formula contains relative referencing and it is copied from o ne cell to another, the spreadsheet does not create an exact copy of the formula . It will change cell addresses relative to the row and column they are moved to . Q: What is Absolute Referencing? The cell references used in formula that do not change when you copy formula to another cell in the worksheet are called the absolute references. An absolute re ferences specified in the formula by using $(Dollar) sign before column letter a nd row number. Q: What is a chart? The graphical representation of numerical data is known as Chart or Graph. It ma kes easy to compare and to analysis the numerical data. A Chart is created with a range of data stored in the worksheet cell. When the data values in the range of cell are changed, the Chart is automatically updated.

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