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Experience in using hard coolant (dry ice) to freeze soils while implementing subway construction projects in Moscow

V.A.Plokhikh, VIZBAS OJSC, Moscow K.P.Nikiforov, VIZBAS OJSC, Moscow V.N.Kisselev, VIZBAS OJSC, Moscow E.A.Deplagnie VIZBAS OJSC, Moscow ABSTRACT: VIZBAS Joint Stock Company deals with freezing of soils to allow underground projects to be built under adverse geological conditions. Subject of the article is a new ecologically favorable forced soil freezing method based on using CO2 hard carbon dioxide (granulated dry ice) as cooling agent, the techniques being applied to several subway construction projects including the Lefortovo tunnel section of the Third Moscow Transportation Ring Road in Moscow. Soil freezing method based on the use of granulated dry ice forms a new and prospective technique making it possible to substantially reduce the freezing time and moreover, owing to quite low temperature of coolant (-78C) and to execution simplicity, safety and reliability, to solve problems inaccessible for traditional freezing techniques. 1. INTRODUCTION Forced soil freezing applied to urban underground construction projects is usually complicated with several factors associated with close proximity to heat supply pipe lines, sewerage collectors and other utilities as well as to buildings and structures characteristic with increased temperature. Besides, owing to urban vital activities, underground water may contain oil admixtures and mineral salt solutions resulting in sharp decreas e in the ice formation temperature (sometimes from -10C to -15C). Specific features of the urban communal economy set increased requirements to freezing techniques, reliability, and safety, as well as to resource savings and to ecological purity. It is common for the urban construction practice to apply mostly the brine freezing method characteristic with coolant temperature varying from -20C to 25C. However, this is a cumbersome and powerdemanding method not always capable of resisting the above mentioned factors and forming the sealed ice protection structure. One of the ways of solving this task is to use the basically new, mobile, rapid, reliable, ecologically favorable and brineless soil freezing method based on the application of carbon dioxide (dry ice) whose sublimation temperature makes -78C. 2. THEORETICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE METHOD

The proposed soil freezing method (Figure 1) is based on absorbing heat of the ambient environment by dry coolant (dry ice) loaded into freezing co lumns till iced soil protective structure of required size is formed. Owing to heat taken from the soil, the hard coolant gets sublimated, that is, it directly transforms from the hard state to the gaseous state passing the liquid state, the dry ice sublimation temperature making -78C. As sublimation grows, the gaseous coolant

intensively accumulates in the column and, forced by increased pressure, forces streams up the column to the ambient air, thus forming the channel for heat to leave the soil massive. Hard coolant sublimation rate depends on the rate of heat inflow from the ambient environment. By maintaining the proper level of coolant, conditions are formed to proceed with continuous freezing till the iced soil structure reaches its specified size. Freezing with dry ice is effective at low underground water speeds; otherwise soil filtration properties are to be decreased using cement bentonite slurry injections. 3. EXPERIENCE IN USING DRY ICE FOR MOSCOW SUBWAY REHABILITATION PROJECTS VIZBAS OJSC has developed and successfully implemented the new prospective techniques of using granulated dry ice to freeze soils under adverse urban conditions both to cope with various emergency situations and to form closed iced soil protection structures for subway construction projects. Last years from 1999 to 2000, these techniques were applied to several projects characteristic with six different situations. A fact worth to be specially emphasized: it is for the first time in the domestic subway construction practice that hard carbon dioxide (dry ice) was used as coolant to form closed iced soil protective media at a shaft tunneling project. The work was performed in May June 2001. Dry ice in the form of granules diameter 10 to 15 mm supplied in isothermic containers served as coolant.

Twenty six meter deep shaft diameter 5.5 m has been proposed for a subway project in Moscow. The shaft is set out in close proximity to existing collectors of power cables under operation for the Sokolnicheskaya and Gorkovskaya subway lines and to 3-floor building of the Central traction substation, all the structures having been built as long ago as 1932 to 1935 (Figure 2). The shaft site was first protected with secant bore piles. As soon as the shaft was driven to the ground water table, it was found out that several protective piles have noticeably deviated both outwards and inwards from the vertical, the deviation increasing with the depth and resulting in violation of the pile junction and gaps between adjacent piles reaching 150 mm (Figure 33). The shaft was built under adverse geological conditions characteristic with water-bearing sands and sandy-loams of floating soil properties as well as with water-bearing weathered limestone and multiple carst cavities available at various depths (Figure 4). Since sand was gradually washed out through gaps between the piles, thus endangering safety of the cable collectors and the substation building, and having taken into consideration the adverse site geological conditions, the shaft driving work was hold up. First of all, grouting was applied to soils at the base of the collectors. In order to provide for safety of the tunneling work and to preserve collectors of the operated power cables and the substation building, it was decided to undertake local soil freezing all around the outline of the protective piles within the

depth range from 10 m (underground water table) to

19 m (1 to 1.5 m entry into the water confining stratum). VIZBAS OJSC is experienced in executing the forced soil freezing on the basis of the granulated dry ice both as a self-containing method and in combination with the brine freezing method in case the latter does not provide for an undisturbed iced soil protection media. This experience is being gained at projects built under various geological conditions. Still, it is for the first time that a company could form closed iced soil protective env iroment on the basis of the dry ice techniques to provide for driving a shaft. While determining duration of the freezing and dry ice quantity required thereto, VIZBAS OJSC used its experience and results of theoretical studies carried out in Moscow State Mining University on dry ice soil freezing techniques. In order to solve the task set fo rth, it was proposed to drill 32 freezing columns diameter 114 mm spaced at 0.8 m around the pile protective structure. Dry ice was fed successively to all the freezing columns to the depth of 8 m (2 m above the freezing cylinder). The 8 to 10 m depth interval was considered evaporation zone that does not influence the freezing process. Ice was added every hour. Active freezing lasted 8 days. In the course of passive freezing required to maintain the iced soil protective structure while driving the shaft, dry ice was added into each column in approximately 3 days on the average. The passive freezing regime was adjusted in the course of the work using soil temperature data obtained from thermometer bore-holes, since the intake/draught ventilation used for the driving formed additional heat inflow to the iced soil protective structure. The passive freezing lasted 10 days till the whole freezing zone (depth range from 10 to 19 m) was driven. The shaft was erected within the scheduled time and without any complication. The freezing process and continuity of the iced soil protection structure was monitored all day through using measurement data from thermometric and hydroinspection bore-holes. Among the thermometric bore-holes, most informative proved to be holes T2 drilled between the freezing columns and hole T1 set 1 m off the piling outline (Figure 4). It is noteworthy that underground water temperature before freezing made +16C, the fact indicating that there was an additional source of heat inflow to the soils and that there was certain ground water flow to the Neglinka river channel passing near the Moscow Kremlin walls. Charts of soil temperature development at certain depths of

thermometric bore-hole 2 in the course of the active and passive freezing processes are presented in Figure 5R Total consumption of dry ice at the freezing project made 160 t including 127.3 t at the active freezing stage. Diagram of dry ice total quantity distribution among freezing columns in the active freezing regime is presented in Figure 6 (ground water flow can be easily noted in the interval b etween columns 17 and 23). Thermometric measurements were carried out during the iced soil thawing time as well; results of these measurements indicate that the structure kept average temperature of 0.4C within two weeks, but at the third week a sharp temperature fall up to +5.8C took place in the region of T2 borehole at the depth of 13 m confirming once again that there was an additional heat inflow source in this area. Iced soil volume made about 800 m3. Decision to undertake local soil freezing with dry ice to overcome emergency situation occurred while driving shaft for the power substation was optimal on the following grounds: First of all, contrary to other freezing methods, the dry ice soil freezing techniques do not require bulky equipment (freezing sets, pumps, gratings, pipelines), the fact being advantageous in view of the site small area. Second, this local freezing method is the simplest one. In this particular case the task was solved to provide for freezing within a certain depth interval without disturbing adjacent cable collectors located above these depths and foundation of the building. Third, in case of slow underground water flows, these techniques provide for the quickest and most reliable solution, since -78C temperature of the coolant makes it possible to manage various heat inflows within short time. Contrary to soil stabilization methods based on injection of chemical solutions and on grouting, to form closed iced soil structures sealing the protected work (shaft) against leakage of underground water. Fourth, the dry ice freezing method is most powersparing and simple, since no electric power, water or qualified personnel are required. At present, two Russian plants produce hard carbon dioxide in two forms: briquettes weight up to 30 kg and granules size 10 15 mm. Dry ice production technology proceeds mainly from demands of the food industry setting increased requirements to its quality and to contents of various admixtures in CO2 gas. For the purpose of soil freezing, requirements to hard carbon dioxide with respect of quality and to contents of admixtures may be essentially eased resulting in dry ice production cost de-

crease. Construction practice indicates that demands in the soil freezing based on dry ice techniques rise: in addition to the above mentioned case, during last two years VIZBAS OJSC has 6 times applied the method to solve sophisticated geological problems and to help eliminate emergency situations. The method has been used since 1999. 4. OTHER DRY ICE SUCCESSFUL APLICATION EXAMPLES 4.1. Dry ice applied to eliminate emergency situation with the assemblage chamber pit of the Lefortovo transportation tunnel construction project. Shield assemblage chamber 1 of the Lefortovo tunnels was to be constructed using sheet pile protection wall (Figures 7, 8). When the pit was dug to the depth of 19m it was found out that several sheet piles over the pit perimeter have deviated from their proper position resulting in active water inflow through the gaps and loss of the soil. In view of the

emergency situation and in order to proceed with the work safely, decision was taken to execute dry ice local soil freezing from outer side of the pit in the region of the deviated sheet piles. Freezing columns diameter 168 mm were adopted for the work. Owing to reinforced concrete collar available at the pit mouth, freezing columns were drilled at an angle of 3. With the total bore-hole length 23 m, freezing depth interval made 10 m. Estimated diameter of iced soil cylinders made 1.2 m. Active freezing lasted 8 days. It should be noted that drilling with clay slurry has produced additional positive effect in terms of decreasing sand soil filtration properties in the water inflow zone. Estimated size of the iced soil massive was reached within the scheduled time terms, water inflow stopped and contractor proceeded with pit develo pment. 4.2. Application of dry ice to cope with warm ground water. Section of a new Moscow collector at its incision into an existing and operated collector (Fig. 9) was to be built under protection of iced soil structure formed by the brine method, coolant temperature making -23C. By the end of the active freezing lasted 30 days, thermostatic equilibrium resulted

from essential heat inflow from the operated collec-

was formed in the soil massive. It proved impossible to make soil freeze up to the existing collector. Decision was taken to apply dry ice by filling it into freezing columns diameter 114 mm bordering on the existing collector, the columns being preliminarily freed from the brine. Thermostatic equilibrium was overcome within 3 days since the ice was fed. The iced soil protection structure was maintained in the collector junction zone till the tunneling was over. 4.3. Elimination of non -frozen zones formed resulting from brine leakage 400 m long section of a trunk collector diameter 4.6 m was to be driven at the depth of 15 m under protection of iced soil structure. The section was divided into 16 loops whose average length made 26 m (Fig. 10). Emergency situation happened to form in one of the loops resulting from leakage of calcium chloride solution into soil through gap in a pipe disrupted in one of the freezing columns. The disruption point was detected at the depth of 11-m using the Intercolumn Acoustic Sounding (IAS) method. Non -frozen zone (window) got formed in the iced soil structure there. In order to provide for further safe tunneling, dry ice freezing technique was applied with ice filled into freezing columns located in the lea kage zone and freed from the brine. The task of eliminating the window was solved in two days. 4.4. Elimination of non -frozen zones formed resulting from increased ground water velocities. A sort of iced soil dam changing natural pattern of ground water is usually formed in case of long freezing projects. Considerable fall of water tables (1.6 m) got formed on different sides of iced soil protec-

tor (sewerage water temperature reached +25C)

tion structure built along freezing section of alignment of a collector. Owing to this fact, ground water flow velocities increased at certain parts of the freezing zones between freezing columns (Fig. 11). It proved impossible to form continuous iced soil bar-

method was used to connect its assemb lage chamber with horizontal shaft. Specific site conditions demanded that freezing columns in this connection zone be drilled only on the chamber outer side, distance from freezing columns to invert of the shaft

rier on the basis of brine techniques. First, in order to decrease soil filtration properties, the non -frozen zones were grouted with cement/bentonite slurry and then freezing columns emptied of the brine were filled with dry ice. Continuity of the iced soil protection structure was attained in 4 days. 4.5. Increasing the iced soil cylinder radius While building a sewerage collector, the brine

making 1.8 m (Fig. 12). When 30 estimated days of active freezing were over, radius of iced soil cylinders made only 1.2 m and proved insufficient to stick iced massive to the shaft invert. In order to speed up the freezing, dry ice filled into columns freed from the brine was used for this section. The required effect was arrived at in 2 days. 5. CONCLUSION Advantages of the method: - Execution simplicity (no qualified working personnel required); - Mobility; - Savings in resources (no electric power or water required); - Ecological purity (compared to soil stabilization by means of grouting or liquid coolants in case their leakage to the ground is possible); - Soil quick freezing (active freezing lasts 6 to 8 days compared to 30 to 45 days in case of the brine method); - Local freezing execution simplicity makes it possible to avoid swelling of surface soils; - There are certain advantages in case loose granulated dry ice is used: first, the material is easily transported through pipelines including pipes of freezing columns, since no jams are formed in the columns and it proves possible to feed the freezing zone steadily; second, because of continuous evaporation of ice, the granules uninterruptedly move down the column, thus providing for a better contact between the coolant and the column walls and promoting lower negative temperatures to form at the walls. Ecological advantages of the dry ice soil freezing

method in comparison with physical and chemical stabilization techniques deserve to be specially stressed. Naturally frozen soils make part of the ecosystem. It means that such forced freezing offers but temporary impact on ecological processes, since as soon as the soil thaws natural environmental cond itions completely restore contrary to physical or chemical stabilization techniques where flow patterns and chemical composition of ground water are disturbed irrevocably.

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