A Study On Consumers

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Project report submitted to the Bharathiar University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH COMPUTER APPLICATION Submitted by L. ASWIN (Reg. No: 0725G0255) Under the Guidance and Supervision of Mr.G.VENUGOPAL, M.A., M.Phil., MBA., DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES


(Affiliated to Bharathiar University,Coimbatore) Nanjanapuram, Erode 638107.


This is to certify that the Project report entitled A STUDY ON CONSUMERS PREFERENCE TOWARDS THE HINDU NEWSPAPER is a bonafide record of the work done by L. ASWIN (Reg. No: 0725G0255), and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Management with computer application, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Head of the Department Faculty Guide PRINCIPAL Internal Examiner External Examiner Seal Viva Voce examination held on ______________

I , hereby declare that the dissertation, entitled A STUDY ON CONSUMERS PREFERENCE TOWARDS THE HINDU NEWSPAPER submitted to the BHARATHIAR UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of BACHELOR OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT WITH COMPUTER APPLICATION is a record of original research work done by us during the period of 2007-2010 under the supervision and guidance of Mr. G.VENUGOPAL, M.A., M.Phil., MBA., Lecturer in Department of Business Management Studies, Kongu Arts and Science College, Nanjanapuram, Erode. Place : SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE

Date :

I take this opportunity to acknowledge with great pleasure, deep satisfaction and gratitude. The investigator places on record, her sincere thanks to Thiru. E.R.KARTHIKEYA, M.A., Correspondent, Kongu Arts and science college, erode for providing the opportunity to conduct the study. The investigator is highly indebted to Dr. N. RAJAGOPAL, M.S.c., M.Phil., Ph.D., PGDCA, D.A., Principal, Kongu Arts and science college, Erode for his blessings and encouraging words to complete the study. I sincerely thank Mr. M VISWANATHAN, M.B.A., M.Phil. PGDCA, Head of Management Department, Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode for his motivation and encouragement to complete this project successfully. My whole hearted and profound thanks to Mr. G.VENUGOPAL, M.A., M.Phil., MBA., Department of Business Management Studies, for his valuable support, worthy guidance, encouragement, kind co-operation and timely help to complete this research in time. L. ASWIN

Chapter No. Particulars Page No. List of Tables List of Charts I INTRODUCTION AND DESIGN OF THE STUDY 1 1.1 Introduction to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 6 1.3 Objectives of the Study 7 1.4 Limitations of the Study 8 1.5 Research Methodology 9 1.6 Hypothesis 13 1.7 Limitation of the Study 14 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 15 III PROFILE OF THE HINDU 16 IV DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION 22 V FINDINGS, SUGGESTIONS AND CONCLUSION 66 5.1 Findings 66 5.2 Suggestions 68 5.3 Conclusion 69 Bibliography 70 Annexure 71

List of Tables


List of Charts


Chapter I Introduction and Design of the Study

1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY The newspaper is defined as Any printed periodical work, containing public news or comments on public events Press and Registration Book Act 1987. Media in India, experience newspaper media, are undergoing significant changes in the current liberalized environment. Newspaper a publication that appears regularly and frequently carries news about a wide variety of current events. The newspaper publishes have a over all control by its business and news operations. The press is the Guardian Angel of Democracy. A forceful and prosperous press is the guarantor of popular rights. The press flight by itself alone, but not for itself by alone. To most people The press means the daily newspaper, but although re-eminent in influence and importance, daily newspapers are only a small part of the press the farm newspaper is usually applied to the publications devoted mainly for recording current events and the term periodicals to magazines, reviews to journals. In reality the press is a private industry and a public service. No other force in public life operates so persistently and so extensively in its range of appeal. The scope of this subject of appeal and matter as so does the press. Newspapers have a unique dimension of social responsibility, which means the newspaper industry different from every other industry. But business success is as vital to this industry as to any other. According to the recorded facts the first newspaper of the world was published in China around 1000 years ago. It meant News of the Capital. The second newspaper of the world was the Acto Divra which meant, Daily happening in Greek. There are the oldest two newspapers in the pre-recorded history. The first newspaper of the world was the Morning Post which was started in London in the year 1772 followed by this another newspaper The London Times started in publications.

The Origin of the Indian Newspaper The first newspaper in Indian appeared on 29th January 1780, which James Augustris Hicky started the Bengal Gazette or Calcutta General Advertises This was a weekly political and commercial paper open to all parties but influenced by none. Journalism started in India as a mission to expose the malpractices of East India Company Rule and Administration for his criticisms Hicky was fined a large amount and later on imprisoned. Simultaneously a number of Journals emerged under the sponsorship of company officials for defending themselves against the criticism made by Hicky and his followers. The second one came up in November 1780. The third one up in February 1784. The Calcutta Gazette this was followed by Bengat Chronicle in 1785 from them onwards the news and newspaper have flooded throughout India, Indian press the present Scenario. The Indian press consists of more than 20000 newspaper magazines and periodicals published in 20 different languages with a combined circulation of more than 55 million. The number of the major newspaper, magazines with membership in Indian Newspaper Society (INS) is given 53.4%. It has a combined circulation of 34 millions out of these there and 150 English with circulation of 7 millions and there are 38 in Indian languages with a circulation of 27 million. News Agencies There are 4 main news agencies in India. 1. Press Trust of India (PTI) 2. United News of India (UNI) 3. Sam char Bharathi (SB) 4. Hindustan Sam char (HS) While the Press Trust of India is supplying news in English, the other two are operating through the medium of Hindi and other Indian languages. Since May 1982, the United News of India has also launched a new service in Hindi and the credit line of UNIVARTA. Similarly Press Trust of India has started in 1986 a Hindi language news service called Press Trust of India BHASHA. Role of Newspapers to the Consumers The power of the press is felt on our activities. It controls the rise and face of ceings, cabinets and presidents. Once an editor said I care not who governs the country so long as I can govern the press . The press has rightly been called the Fourth Estate. Such an influential organ has to shoulder great responsibilities the power, unless used with great care will cause server damage. The first and foremost duty of the press is to furnish uncolored news, but at the same time, it should furnish news on all fields such as science, economic, politics etc. The news should not suppressed undue emphasis be laid. Some sensational newspaper now a days print unimportant and trivial news in the front pages, while world wide important news are not given place in the first page. Another great responsibility of the press is to represent public opinion without fear or favors. As the press is called the eyes and ear of the world, it has to keep an eye on what happens and reflects views of the people on those

happenings. The press is a medium not only to give news to the public but also to express the public opinion. The letters of the consumers published under Letters to the Editors Yours Views etc. Initiate debates on controversial issues. It will help definitely to bring out the best of it. Thus the press is not only a mirror of what the people thinks, but it is also a school of Instruction, a source of guidance to the common people. CONSUMERS VALUE Consumers delivered value is the difference between total consumers value and total consumers cost. Total consumers value is the bundle of benefits consumers expect to incur in evaluating, obtaining, using and disposing of the product or service. CONSUMERS STATISFACTION Satisfaction is a persons feelings of Pleasure of disappointment resulting from comparing products perceived performance (or outcome) in relation to his or her expectations. At this definition makes clear, satisfaction is a function of perceived performance and expectations. If the performance falls short of expectations, the consumers is dissatisfied. If the performance matches the expectations, the consumers are satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations, the consumers is highly satisfied or delighted. Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because consumers who are just satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better offer comes along. Those who are highly satisfied are much less to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an emotional bond with the brand, not just, a rational preference. The result is high consumers loyalty. From past buying experience, friends and associates advice, and marketers and competitors information and promises. The key to generating high consumers loyalty is to deliver high consumers value According to Michael Lanning, in hi delivering profitable value; a company must develop a competitively superior value proposition and a superior value delivery system. A companys value proposition is much more than its positioning on a single attribute; it is a statement about the resulting experience consumers will have from the offering and their relationship with the supplier. The brand must represent a promise about the total resulting experience that consumers can expect. Whether the promise is kept depends upon the companys ability to mange its value - delivery system includes all the communications and channel experiences the consumers will have on the way to obtaining the offering. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Knowledge is power In todays world there is an increasing demand of knowledge, especially after the economy has opened up the world is becoming one small village newspaper is one effective media which producers relevant information. Newspaper now a days has become one of the most important sources

of information for reduce to know things in depth no doubt other media vehicles live television, radio and other sources provided information but they crack inner course of action that is really wanted by the reduce. The print media becoming very competitive throughout the country. The reduce by and large are modernizing their preference and there are various newspapers are circulated everyday. The need of the study areas to know the preference towards The Hindu Newspaper will also help to know the attributes which made the reduce to preference of Hindu. 1.3 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To study the consumer preference towards The Hindu Newspaper. 2. To know the consumer preference towards supplement issued by the Hindu. 3. To study the preference of the reader with the present distribution system of newspaper with special reference to agent newspaper vendors. 4. To offer suitable suggestions for enrich the consumer preference of The Hindu news paper. 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study is conducted to know the consumer preference of The Hindu newspaper. This may help the company to decide upon their new ventured. The research focuses on the several features of the Hindu and in awareness, suggestion in the market, which may help the company in further development of the newspaper. The research provides a complete feedback on The Hindu which may sincere a backup for their future plans with respect to design area. 1.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design Research Design is descriptive as well as analytical, because the researcher has used facts or information already available and analyzed these to make a evaluation of the material. Primary data collection Primary data was collected with the help of a structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to the selected 150 respondents of The Hindu news paper. Technique of data collection The questionnaire has been designed and used to collect the needed primary data. Both open ended and close ended questions were used. Area of the study The study on consumer preference towards has been limited to consumers located in Erode Town. Period of the study The period of the study covers one year during 2008-2009. Sources of Data The validity of any research is based on the data collected for the study. The present research is based on both primary as well as secondary data. The primary data were collected from the selected sample respondents in the study

area. Simple satisfied random sampling method was used to selecting the respondents. Questionnaire was the main tool used for collecting the first hand information from the respondents. Hence, great attention was given to construct the questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared with the help of the research guide and experts. The questions were framed in a sample manner, capable of being answered easily and quickly by the respondents. The possible answer to every question and to put a tick mark by the respondent whenever was applicable. The study also consists of secondary data, which are collected from magazines, newspapers and journals and also website. Sample Size The sample size selected for the study is 150 respondents. The respondents are selected by simple random sampling method. Sampling Techniques Data on the various aspects directly and indirectly related to the investigation were gathered through questionnaires to the respondents. The questions were necessary to ensure the reliability of the information. The questions were simple to understand and to contain the choice of questions means simple alternative choice, etc., so that information should be collected from various respondents. It should be seen that parties are not biased or prejudiced and are mentally sound. Tools for analysis: In order to analyze the consumer preference of respondents, the following tables of analysis were used to obtain the various objectives of the study. (i) Percentage analysis Percentage refers to a special kind of ratio percentages are used in making comparing between preferences, awareness and satisfaction with various other factors. Observed data Percentage = --------------------- x 100 Sample size Chi square Test: A family of probability distribution, differentiated by this degree of freedom is used to test a member of different hypothesis about variances, proportions, and distributional goodness of fit. Chi-square test ( __________2 ) = ( E OE2 Degree of freedom = (R -1) (C -1) Wherein, O = Refers to the observed frequency E = Refers to the expected frequency R = Refers to the number of rows C = Refers to the number of columns 1.6 HYPOTHEISIS:

In order to realize that objective of the study the following hypothesis has been formulated. There exists significant relationship between level of preference of age, gender, educational qualification, income, occupation, and family size. The probabilities indicate the extent of reliance that can be placed on conclusion drawn. The same technique is used incase of chi- square test and the table value chi- square are available at various probabilities level. These levels are called level of significance. Usually the value of chi- square is at 5% level of significance. Null hypothesis (Ho) Null hypothesis is one that would be true if the alternative hypothesis were false. It is a very useful tool in testing the significance of difference. It asserts that the there is no real difference in the sample and the population in the particular matter under consideration. It is usually denoted by the symbol Ho. The level of significance is always same percentage (usually 5%) which should be chosen with great care, thought and reason. Ho will be rejected when the sampling result is less than 0.05 probability of occurring it Ho is true and vice versa in case of 5% level of significance 1.7 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 1. The sample size is only 150. 2. The period of study is limited 3. There is no comparative study made. 4. Under the study illiterate people excluded. 5. The result of analysis made in the study depends fully on the accuracy; reliability of informations given by respondents.

Chapter II Review Of Literature

Rebekah (2006) Wade has remarked that the newspaper success would probably depend more on free CDs and DVDs than on it journalists .Newspaper particularly hope that CDs and DVDs will appeal to the young who are increasingly getting their news online.1 Narasimha Rao P.V.L. National consumership survey (2005) press continue to grow from time to time. Press adds 34 million consumers in the last 2 years over the last 3 years the number of consumers of dailies and magazines put together among those aged 15 years and above has grown from 179mn to 200mn a growth of 4% every years.2 John O Shaughnessy (1987) marketing strategic is a broad conception of how resource to be Delhi to achieve market success. The content for a marketing strategy shows how the proposed key features of the films offering (products,

price, promotion and distribution) are intended to achieve the firm objectives.3
1January 21st 2006. Rebekah Wade newspaper extra, extra economist 2 Narasimha Rao P.V.L. Indian English in journalism Vijay Nicole imprint pvt limited 3 John O Shaughnessy competitive marketing strategic approach ELBS London 1987.


Chapter III Profile of The Hindu

THE HINDU INTRODUCTION The Hindu is a leading English language newspaper in India with its largest base of circulation of South India. It is over 125 years old founded in 1878 by Subramanian Ayer, it was headed by a co-founder Veera Raghavachariar, Kasturi Iyengar, the legal adviser of the newspaper from 1895, bought it in 1905. Since then his family has retained ownership of the paper. The two basic principles on which the founders flagged the newspaper were fairness and justice. The Hindu was published weekly since 1878 and daily since 1889. Its current net paid circulation exceeds 1 million copies. It is said to enjoy a consumership of 3 million in India and abroad and an annual turnover of around 4 billion rupees ($ 80 million). In 1995 The Hindu became the first Indian newspaper to offer an online edition. The Hindu user modern facilities for news gathering, page composition and printing. It is printed in twelve centre including the Main Edition at Chennai (Madras) where the co-operate office is based. The printing centre at Coimbatore, Bangalore, Madurai, Hyderabad, New delhi, Vizag, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayawada, Mangalore and Tiruchirapalli are connected with high speed data lines for news transmission across the country. The Hindu is the only newspaper which brings our supplement on are days of the week. Supplements On Mondays Metro Plus Business Review On Tuesdays Young World, an exclusive childrens supplement Education Book Review Improve Young English On Wednesdays Job Opportunities On Thursdays Metro Plus Science, Engineering, Technology & Agriculture

NXg, a weekly tabloid, started to share the view of next generation. On Fridays Friday Features cinema, arts, music and entertainment On Saturdays Metro Plus Weekend On Sundays Weekly Magazine covering social issues, art, literature, gardening, travel health, cuisine, hobbies etc. Open Page Literary Review, every first Sunday Popular Columns include this day that age, The Hindu Crossword and Religion. There is a Sudoku everyday Metro Plus Metro plus throws the spotlight on what happening in the city, events Music Heritage, Life style, people, fashion, Dining out and sport are the broad categories finding expression on this supplements pages. Capturing the pulse of the city and its changing lifestyle, its later for the information and entertainment needs of cross section of consumers. Education Plus A plus is always welcome. It is that extra value that makes good thing better. Education plus comes to you every Monday with the promise of that bonus, whether you are a student just entering higher secondary schooling or a college graduate hoping to get the first break after leaving campus or simply someone who is keen to keep pace with what is happening in education. Education plus will present and analyse trends in education, provide pointers, and above all, inform. It will report on all that is current and important in the formal and the non-formal streams as well as in the emerging areas. It will took closely at the local opportunities and international avenues. Property plus Indias property sector is a vibrant and growing areas with new initiatives being taken by government the construction industry, architects and developers to transform the landscape. Property plus features each week articles, reviews and special columns on the many facts that more these dramatic changes. History of the Hindu Newspaper The first issue of the Hindu was published on September 20 1878, by a group of six young men, led by G. Subramanian Ayer, a radical social reformer and school teacher from Thiruvaiyyar near Thanjavur. Initially printing 80 copies a week at the Srinidhi Press in Mint Street, Black Town, The Hindu was published every Wednesday as on eight page paper, each a quarter of today page size for four annas. After a month with the Srinidhi Press, the newspaper has in printing shifted to the Scottish press, also in Black Town. The earliest available issue of the paper is dated June 21, 1881. In 1881 the Hindu moved to Ragoonada Rows The Hindu press of Mylapore,

planning to make the paper tri-weekly appearing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening but maintaining the same size as before. The paper moved to rented premises at 100 Mount Road on December 3, 1883. The newspaper started printing at its own press there, Christened The National Press established on borrowed capital as public subscriptions were not forth coming. The building itself became the Hindu in 1892 after the Maharaja of Vizianagaram, Ananda Gajapathi Raja, gave the national press a loan both for the building and to carry out needed expansion. Its assertive editorials earned the Hindu the nickname, the new address 100 Mount Road, which to remained. The Hindu Home till 1939, there issued a guard - size paper with a front page full of advertisements - a practice that came to an end only in 1958 when it followed the lead by its idol, the pre-Thomson Times and three back paper also at he service of the advertiser. In between, there were more views than news. After 1887, when the annual session of Indian National Congress was held in Madras, the papers coverage of national news increased significantly and led to the paper becoming an evening daily stating April 1, 1889. The Hindu, like many other Indian publishing houses is family run. It was headed by G.Kasturi from 1965 to 1991. N. Ravi from 1991 to 2003, and by his brother N. Ram since June 27th 2003. Other family member including Nirmala Lakshman, Malini Parthasarathy, Nalini Krishnan, N.Murali, K.Balaji, K. Venugopal, Ramesh Rangarajan and Publisher S.Rangarajan as direction of The Hindu and its Parent Company, Kasturi and sons. The present era is that of information which is available as right time to the right person. It has been rightly said that soon the power center of the world would not be those who have the financial muscle or greater resources but those who have power of information breeds knowledge and knowledge power. This saying has strongly maintaining is foothold over the acquire and shall continue doing so. The Hindu The Hindu Indias national newspaper since 1878 published by certain and sons limited, Chennai India. The English languages daily with a net paid circulation of 1.18 million (ABC July Dec 2008 and a consumership of 4.06, million (NRs 2006) is the best described as classic yet contemporary. It is known for the high quality of its journalism and excellent presentation. The newspaper is printed at 12 cities in India. The Hindus Independent editorial stand and its reliable and balance presentation of the New. The Hindu user modern facilities for news gathering page composition and printing. It is printed in twelve centers including the main edition at Chennai where the corporate office is bored. The printing centres Chennai, Coimbatore, Bangalore, Madurai, Hyderabad, New Delhi, Vizag, Thiruvanandapuram, Coachi, Vijayavada, Mangalore and Tiruchrapalli are connected with high-speed data lines for new transmission across the country. The digital edition of the Hindu e-paper offers itself nothing less delivery online. You can see each page as it appear in the print edition. This means all the

reports, articles photographs and other graphics have been organized land our and presented. According to their importance with the appropriate hypography and design elements. You can also see the advertisement as they appear on the page. Three edition of the newspaper Chennai, Hyderabad and Delhi are available in digital form at this first stage. They are available for viewing at 6.00 am Indian Standard Time (1st) every day. Access is free for new but well required registering online. The e-paper has been developed for the Hindu by Nine Stars Information Technology Limited and IBM issuing stage of the act technology and offering high resolution and versatile features. Whole pages articles, photographs and other images can be viewed in ply and SPG format and articles can also be read as text. You can make use of the internets powerful feature search. The e-paper offer you search in several forms you can look for something specific using the search engine. You can also track stories in your areas of internet by setting your preference for My News a news tracking feature you can clip articles and photos for future reference and can E-mail them to a friend.

Chapter IV Data Analysis and Interpretation

ANALYSIS Analysis refers to the methodical classification of data gives in the financial statements. INTERPRETATION The term Interpretation means explaining the meaning and significance of the data so arranged. It is the study of relationship between various factors. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Analysis and Interpretation are closely related. Interpretation is not possible without analysis and without interpretation analysis has no value. Hence the term analysis is widely used to refer both analysis and interpretation. Readers satisfaction is an important element of marketing function which decides the profitability of any concern. In this chapter an attempt is made to analyze the main factors influencing the purchase decision of the selected sample respondents in the study area. For the purpose of the analysis, variables are classified into two important strata viz., dependent variables and independent

variable. The independent variables used in the study are age, sex, educational status, occupation, and income of the respondent, size of the family and awareness of the sample respondents. The study uses both primary as well as secondary data; primary data was collected through field survey method. For collecting the data questionnaire was used as a main tool. The data thus collected were tabulated systematically in an orderly form. Simple statistical too like percentage age, and chi-square test were employed. TABLE NO: 4.1 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Below 20 49 32 21 to 30 30 21 31 to 40 51 34 Above 40 20 13 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is observed from the above table shows that 32% of the respondents are Below 20, 21% of the respondents belong to 21-30 years, 34% of the respondents belong to 31-40 years, 13% of the respondents belong to above 40 years of the age. From the analysis, it is concluded that maximum of the respondents are 31-40 years to read the Hindu news paper. CHART NO: 4.1 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS
32 21 34 13

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Below 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 Above 40


Below 20 21 to 30 31 to 40 Above 40

TABLE NO: 4.2 GENDER OF THE RESPONDENTS FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Male 120 80 Female 30 20 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that out of 150 respondents 80% of the respondents belong to male category and 20% of the respondents belong to female category.

From the analysis, it is concluded that maximum of the respondents are prefer belong to male category. CHART NO: 4.2 GENDER OF THE RESPONDENTS
80 20 Male Female

TABLE NO: 4.3 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Higher secondary 45 30 Under graduate 39 26 Post graduate 53 35 Others 12 7 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table infers that 30% of the respondents belong to the Higher secondary, 26% of the respondents belong to the Under graduate and 35% of the respondents belong to Post graduate,7% of the respondents are belong to other. It is concluded from the above analysis, the maximum(35%) of the respondents who prefer to the Hindu news paper, are at the Post graduate level. CHART NO: 4.3 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION OF THE RESPONDENTS
30 26 35 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT Higher secondary Under graduate Post graduate Others FACTORS Higher secondary Under graduate Post graduate Others

TABLE NO: 4.4 OCCUPATION OF THE RESPONDENTS FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Student 46 31 Employee 51 34 Business man 32 20 Others 22 15 Total 150 100

INFERENCE It is evident from the above table shows that 34% of the respondents occupation belongs to the employee category, 31% of the respondents occupation belong to the student category, 20% of the respondents occupation belong to business man category and 15% of the respondents belong to others. It is concluded from the above analysis, that maximum (34%) of the respondents are employees. TABLE NO: 4.4 OCCUPATION OF THE RESPONDENTS
31 34 20 15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Student Employee Business man Others FACTORS PERCENT Student Employee Business man Others

TABLE NO: 4.5 NEWS PAPER TO READ FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE The Hindu 56 37 Indian express 48 32 Dina malar 25 16 Dina thandi 21 15 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is learned from the above table shows that 37% of the respondents are choose and prefer the news paper for the Hindu, 32% of them Indian express, 16% of the respondents used to Dina malar, 15% of the respondents are used and read to prefer the Hindu news paper. CHART NO: 4.5 NEWS PAPER TO READ
37 32 16 15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT The Hindu Indian express Dina malar Dina thandi FACTORS The Hindu

Indian express Dina malar Dina thandi

TABLE NO: 4.6 QUALITY OF INFORMATION OF THE HINDU NEWS PAPER FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Excellent 25 17 Good 65 43 Fair 49 32 Poor 11 7 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is divulged from the above table that 17% of the respondents quality of Hindu newspaper is excellent, 43% of the respondents opinion is good,32% of them fair, 7% of the respondents quality information of the news paper is poor. It is concluded from the above analysis, that maximum of the respondents opinion of quality information is good. CHART NO: 4.6 QUALITY OF INFORMATION OF THE HINDU NEWS PAPER
17 43 32 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 P E R C EN T Excellent Good Fair Poor FACTORS Excellent Good Fair Poor

TABLE NO: 4.7 AN EXPERT ASK TO PURCHASE FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Very important 22 15 Fairly Important 52 34 Neutral 54 36 Not so Important 9 6 Not at all 13 9 Total 150 100

INFERENCE From the above table shows that 15% of the respondents expert consideration to buy the news paper is very important,34% of them Fairly Important, 36% of them Neutral, 6% of the respondents not so Important and 9% of the respondents expert option of to buy the news paper is Not at all. CHART NO: 4.7 AN EXPERT ASK TO PURCHASE
15 34 36 6 9 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Very important Fairly Important Neutral Not so Important Not at all FACTORS P ER C EN T Very important Fairly Important Neutral Not so Important Not at all

TABLE NO: 4.8 NO. OF RESPONDENTS OF READING FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE All of the time 32 22 Very often 47 31 Often 68 45 Sometimes 3 2 hardly ever 0 0 Total 150 100.0 INFERENCE It is understood from the above table that 22% of the respondents are reading the news paper in all of the time, 31% of them very often, 45% of them often and 2% of the respondents are read the news paper in sometimes.. From the above analysis, it is concluded that the maximum of the respondents are read Hindu news paper in Often. CHART NO: 4.8 NO. OF RESPONDENTS OF READING
22 31 45 2 0 10 20

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT All of the time Very often Often Sometimes FACTORS All of the time Very often Often Sometimes

TABLE NO: 4.9 RELIABLE INFORMATION FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Very much 60 40 Neutral 68 46 Not much 14 9 Not at all 8 5 Total 150 100.0 INFERENCE It is learned from the above table that 40% of the respondents are getting reliable information to using the Hindu news paper, 46% of them neutral, 9% of them not much,5% of the respondents are have reliable information to use the Hindu news paper. It is found from the above analysis, that maximum (46%) of the respondents are getting information to use this news paper in neutral average. CHART NO: 4.9 RELIABLE INFORMATION
40 46 9 5 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Very much Neutral Not much Not at all FACTORS PERCENT Very much Neutral Not much Not at all


Magazine 92 62 Friday review 21 14 oppertunities 6 4 Others 2 1 Total 150 100 INFERENCE From the above shows that 20% of the respondents are like most the supplementary copy of the Hindu news paper in Young world, 62% of them Magazine,14% of them Friday review,4% of them oppertunities,1% of the respondents are like very much the other supplementary . CHART NO: 4.10 SUPPLYMENTRY COPY OF THE HINDU
20 62 14 4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT Young world Magazine Friday review oppertunities Others FACTORS Young world Magazine Friday review oppertunities Others

TABLE NO: 4.11 RELEVENT INFORMATION FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Yes 108 72 No 42 28 Total 150 100 INFERENCE The above table shows that 72% of the respondents are get considered to using the Hindu news paper is very use to get relevant information but 28% of the respondents are not get it. CHART NO: 4.11 RELEVENT INFORMATION
72 28 Yes No


newspapers(English or Tamil) 28 19 More time consumption to read "The Hindu" 52 35 Non availability of "The Hindu" in your area 55 36 Prefer to read Tamil news paper 5 3 To read other newspaper 9 7 Total 150 100 INFERENCE From the above table shows that relevant information of the user preference in 18% of the respondents are Time constraint to read newspapers (English or Tamil), 35% of them More time consumption to read "The Hindu", 36% of them Non availability of "The Hindu" in your area, 3% of them Prefer to read Tamil news paper,7% of them To read other newspaper. CHART NO: 4.12 RELEVENT OPTION
19 35 36 3 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Time constraint to read newspapers(English or Tamil) More time consumption to read "The Hindu" Non availability of "The Hindu" in your area Prefer to read Tamil news paper To read other newspaper

Time constraint to read newspapers(English or Tamil) More time consumption to read "The Hindu" Non availability of "The Hindu" in your area Prefer to read Tamil news paper To read other newspaper

TABLE NO: 4.13 PROBLEM FACED TO USE THE HINDU NEWS PAPER FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Strongly agree 7 5 Agree 90 60 Uncertain 53 35 Total 150 100

INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that 5% of the respondents prefer to Hindu news paper faced to problems are agree, 60% of them agree to face the problems, 35% of the respondents are face the problem in the Hindu news paper in uncertain. CHART NO: 4.13 PROBLEM FACED TO USE THE HINDU NEWS PAPER
5 60 35 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT Strongly agree Agree Uncertain FACTORS Strongly agree Agree Uncertain

TABLE NO: 4.14 LACKING IN COVERING LOCAL AREA NEWS FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Strongly agree 39 26 Agree 43 28 Uncertain 14 9 Disagree 54 36 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that 26% of the respondents are strongly agree to lacing of local area news coverage ,28% of them agree, 9% of them uncertain, 36% of the respondents are disagree the statement. CHART NO: 4.14 LACKING IN COVERING LOCAL AREA NEWS
26 28 9 36 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree FACTORS PERCENT Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree


Strongly agree 56 38 Agree 77 51 Uncertain 14 9 Disagree 3 2 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that 38% of the respondents are strongly agreed that the Hindu news paper add value of our life, 51% of them agree, 9% of them Uncertain, 2% of the respondents are not agree to this statement. CHART NO: 4.15 VALUE TO ADD IN OUR LIFE
38 51 9 2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree FACTORS PERCENT Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree

TABLE NO: 4.16 GIVING MORE KNOWLEDGE FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Strongly agree 15 10 Agree 60 40 Uncertain 44 29 Disagree 31 21 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that 10% of the respondents are strongly agree to prefer to Hindu news paper giving more knowledge ,40% of them agree, 29% of them uncertain, 21% of the respondents are not agree to this statement. CHART NO: 4.16 GIVING MORE KNOWLEDGE
10 40 29 21 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

100 PERCENT Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree FACTORS Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Disagree

TABLE NO: 4.17 EFFECTIVE INFORMATION FACTORS NO. OF RESPONDENTS PERCENTAGE Strongly agree 43 29 Agree 65 43 Uncertain 36 24 Disagree 6 4 Total 150 100 INFERENCE It is identified from the above table shows that 29% of the respondents are strongly agree to prefer to Hindu news paper giving more effective information,43% of them agree, 24% of them uncertain, 4% of the respondents are not agree to this statement. CHART NO: 4.17 EFFECTIVE INFORMATION
20 62 14 4 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 PERCENT Young world Magazine Friday review oppertunities Others FACTORS Young world Magazine Friday review oppertunities Others

RELATIONSHIP OF PERSONAL FACTORS OVER THE FACTORS INFLUENCING PREFERENCE OF PARTICULAR BRAND In order to study the relationship of personal factors such as age, gender, educational level, occupation and monthly income over the factors influencing the preference of particular brand such as price, quality and availability, further analysis has been made under the following heads. CHI SQUARE TEST The chi-square test is an important test amongst several test of significance developed by statisticians. Chi-square is a statistical measure used in the context of sampling analysis for comparing a variance to theoretical variance. The chi-square is a measure of actual divergence of the observed and

expected frequencies and as such when there is no difference between actual and observed frequencies, the value of chi-square is 0. Chi-square test frequencies is significant or not. The following formula can be used for calculating chi-square value. Chi-square test ( 2 ) = ( ) E OE2 Where, O = Refers to the observed frequencies and E = Refers to the expected frequencies DEGREE OF FREEDOM The term degree of freedom refers to the number of independent constraints in a set of data. The degrees of freedom are calculated by the formula. V = (c 1)(r 1) V = Stands for degree of freedom c = Stands for number of Columns r = Stands for number of rows LEVEL OF SIGNIFICANCE The probabilities indicate the extent of reliance that can be placed on conclusion drawn. The same technique is used incase of chi- square test and the table value chi- square are available at various probabilities level. These levels are called level of significance. Usually the value of chi- square is at 5% level of significance. Null hypothesis (Ho) Null hypothesis is one that would be true if the alternative hypothesis were false. It is a very useful tool in testing the significance of difference. It assert that the there is no real difference in the sample and the population in the particular matter under consideration. It is usually denoted by the symbol Ho. The level of significance is always the same percentage (usually 5%) which should be chosen with great care, thought and reason. He will be rejected when the sampling result is less than 0.05 probability of occurring it Ho is true and vice versa in case of 5% level of significance. CROSSTABULATION BETWEEN AGE AND RELEVENT INFORMATION FOR ALL AGE GROUPS AGE RELEVENT INFORMATION FOR ALL AGE GROUPS TOTAL

Below 20 26 6 32 21 to 30 16 5 21 31 to 40 25 9 34 Above 40 5 8 13 TOTAL 72 28 100 Source : Survey data

(H0) : There is no significant relationship between age and relevant information for all age groups. (H1) : There is significant relationship age and relevant information for all age groups. CHISQUARE TEST Calculated 2 Value = 13.883 Degree of freedom = 3 Table value = 7.815 Significant level = Significant at 5% level INFERENCE It is observed from the above table that the calculated value of chi-square is greater than the table value. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant relationship between age and relevant information for all age groups. CROSSTABULATION BETWEEN OCCUPATION AND PROBLEM FACED TO USE THE HINDU NEWS PAPER OCCUPATION PROBLEM FACED TO USE THE HINDU NEWS PAPER TOTAL Strongly agree Agree Uncertain Student 2 33 11 46 Employee 2 18 31 51 Business man 1 24 7 32 Others 2 15 4 21 TOTAL 7 90 53 150 Source: Survey data (H0) : There is no significant relationship between occupation and problem faced to use the Hindu news paper. (H1) : There is significant relationship occupation and problem faced to use the Hindu news paper. CHISQUARE TEST Calculated 2 Value = 23.462 Degree of freedom = 6 Table value = 12.592 Significant level = Significant at 5% level INFERENCE It is observed from the above table that the calculated value of chi-square is greater than the table value. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant relationship between relationship occupation and problem faced to use the Hindu news paper. CROSSTABULATION BETWEEN EFFECTIVE INFORMATION AND GENDER EFFECTIVE

INFORMATION GENDER TOTAL Male Female Strongly agree 34 9 43 Agree 58 7 65 Uncertain 26 10 36 Disagree 2 4 6 TOTAL 120 30 150 Source: Survey data (H0) : There is no significant relationship between effective information and gender. (H1) : There is significant relationship between effective information and gender. CHISQUARE TEST Calculated 2 Value = 13.0126 Degree of freedom = 3 Table value = 7.815 Significant level = Significant at 5% level INFERENCE It is observed from the above table that the calculated value of chi-square is greater than the table value. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and it is concluded that there is significant relationship between relationship occupation and problem faced to use the Hindu news paper

Chapter V Findings Suggestions and Conclusion

Maximum of the respondents are 31-40 years to read the Hindu news paper Maximum of the respondents are prefer belong to male category. Maximum (35%) of the respondents who prefer to the Hindu news paper, are at the Post graduate level. Maximum (34%) of the respondents are employees. 37% of the respondents are chosen and prefer the news paper for the Hindu.

Maximum of the respondents opinion of quality information is good. 34% of them Fairly Important. Maximum of the respondents are read Hindu news paper in Often. Maximum (46%) of the respondents are getting information to use this news paper in neutral average. 62% of the respondents are like most Magazine.72% of the respondents are get considered to using the Hindu news paper is very use to get relevant information. 36% of the respondents are Time constraint to read newspapers more time Non availability "The Hindu". 60% of respondents are facing the problems. 36% of the respondents are dis agree to lacing of local area news coverage. 38% of the respondents are strongly agreed that the Hindu news paper add value of our life. 40% of respondents are agreeing to prefer to Hindu news paper giving more knowledge. 43% of the respondents are strongly agreed to prefer to Hindu news paper giving more effective information.

The following are the suggestion offered to increase the satisfaction level of The Hindu news paper based on the readers opinion and analysis of the data. Most of the consumers expressed dissatisfaction over the number of advertisement both commercial and cinema should be taken by the publishers to reduce the advertisement coverage and add more sports news, IT news, job opportunities etc. As regards availability of newspapers the highest number of respondents is satisfied, but a few respondents in rural areas dissatisfied because of non-availability of English newspapers like the Hindu and the Indian Express. Hence newspapers should reach rural areas also. A few respondents are dissatisfied about reliability of news. So reporters must verify the news before they are published.

Newspapers play an important role in our day-to-day life. They have contributed not only for the growth of democracy in a country but also for development of the economy. Indian newspapers enjoy large circulations. It is an influential organ shouldering great responsibilities and should furnish uncolored news without suppressing the facts and also care should be taken to satisfy the needs of consumers.


a) Books Encyclopedia, The world book, volume 14 Encyclopedia, Britannica, Napoleon Ozonolysis, volume 16 Gupta, s.p., Statistical methods, s.chand & sons, New Delhi Kothari, C.R, Research methodology, methods and Techniques Pillai & Bhagavathi R. S.N. Modern marketing New Delhi, Ram Nager, S.Chand & company Ltd, 2001. b) Websites WWW. Presscounsil.nic.in WWW. Worldpressinstitute.org WWW. Google.com.

1) Name : 2) Age : 3) Gender: 4) Education: 5) You are? A) Student B) Employee C) Business Man D) Others 6) Which newspaper do you read? A) The Hindu B) Indian Express C) Dina Malar D) Dina Thandi 7) What do you think about the quality of information of The Hindu as compared to other English newspapers? A) Excellent B) Good C) Fair D) Poor E) Cant Say 8) You are subscribing a newspaper, an expert ask you to purchase The Hindu, then the extra cost for you will be_______ A) Very Important B) Fairly Important C) Neutral D) Not so Important E) Not at all 9) If somebody provides you The Hindu at free of cost, then what will be your frequency of reading? A) All of the time B) Very often C) Often D) Sometimes E) Hardly ever 10) How much reliable is the information of The Hindu? A) Very Much B) Neutral C) Not Much D) Not at all 11) Which supplementary copy of The Hindu you like the most? A) Young World B) Magazine C) Friday Review D) Opportunities E) Others (Specify) __________

12) Do you think The Hindu has relevant information for all age groups? A) Yes B) No 13) Tick on relevant options A) Time constraint to read newspapers (English or Tamil). B) More time consumption to read The Hindu. C) Non availability of The Hindu in your area. D) Prefer to read Tamil newspaper. E) To read other newspapers. RateThe Hindu on these 5 scales.
Q.No Question Strongly Agree Agree Uncertain Disagree Strongly Disagree 14 Problem with understanding the language of The Hindu 15 Lacking in covering local news or any other information than other newspapers? How much % of that The Hindu covers. ______ 020 % ______ 21-40% ______ 41-60% ______ 61-80% _______ 81-100% 16 Do you think The Hindu adds value to your life? 17 Is The Hindu information effective to you? 18 Are T.V. Radio giving more knowledge than The Hindu

19) Anything you dislike in The Hindu? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

20) Suggestion or comments? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

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