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Generic Name: Albuterol Brand Name: Salbutamol Classification: Bronchodilator (therapeutic); adrenergics (pharmacologic) Dosage: 1 Nebule Route: P.

O Frequency: T.I.D Mechanism of action: It relieves nasal congestion and reversible bronchospasm by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchioles. Indication: For the prevention of exercise-induced bronchospasm Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to adrenergic amines and hypersensitivity to fluorocarbons Adverse Effects of the Drug: Nervousness, Restlessness, Tremor, Headache, Insomnia, Chest pain, Palpitations, Angina, Arrhythmias, Hypertension, Nausea and vomiting, Hyperglycemia, Hypokalemia Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Assess lung sounds, PR and BP before drug administration and during peak of medication Advise the patient to rinse mouth with water after each inhalation to minimize dry mouth.

Generic Name: Tranexamic Acid Brand Name: Hemostan Classification: Anti-fibrinolytic, antihemorrhagic Dosage: 500mg Route: IVTT Frequency: T.I.D Mechanism of action: Tranexamic acid is a synthetic derivative of the amino acid lysine. It exerts its antifibrinolytic effect through the reversible blockade of lysine-binding sites on plasminogen molecules. Anti-fibrinolytic drug inhibits endometrial plasminogen activator and thus prevents fibrinolysis and the breakdown of blood clots. Indication: Surgical: General surgical cases but most especially operative procedures on the prostate, uterus, thyroid, lungs, heart, ovaries, adrenals, kidneys, brain, tonsils, lymph nodes and soft tissues Contraindication: Allergic reaction to the drug or hypersensitivity, Adverse Effects of the Drug: Chest pain, decreased urination, shortness of breath Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Unusual change in bleeding pattern should be immediately reported to the physician

Generic Name: CITICOLINE Brand Name: Cholinerv Classification: NeuroprotectiveCNS Drugs Dosage: 5 0 0 m g Route: IVTT Frequency: BID Mechanism of action: Citicoline is aderivative of choline and cytidine involved in the biosynthesis of lecithin. It is claimed to increase blood flows and oxygen consumption in the brain. Indication: Patients with cerebro-vascular accident Contraindication: Hypertonia of the parasympathetic nervous system and adverse Reaction: Insomnia Adverse Effects of the Drug: Swelling in hands or face, chest tightness, low blood pressure Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Monitor patients neurologic status

Generic Name: Ivabradine Brand Name: Coralan Classification: Anti anginal Dosage: 5mg/Tab Route: P.O Frequency: O.D Mechanism of action: Ivabradine is a pure heart rate-lowering agent, acting by selective and specific inhibition of the cardiac pacemaker if current that controls the spontaneous diastolic depolarisation in the sinus node and regulates heart rate Indication: Symptomatic treatment of chronic stable angina pectoris in coronary artery disease patients w/normal sinus rhythm Contraindication: contraindicated in sick sinus syndrome Adverse Effects of the Drug: Cardiovascular: bradycardia, palpitations, supra-ventricular extra systoles GI: nausea, constipation Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Monitor regularly for atrial flutter occurrence while taking this medication Generic Name: Ansimar Brand Name: Zuellig Classification: Antiasthmatic & COPD Preparations Dosage: 7.5ml

Route: P.O Frequency: T.I.D Mechanism of action: Adrenergic bronchodilators and phosphodiesterase inhibitors both work by increasing intracellular level of cyclic-3,5- adenosine monophosphate (cAMP); adrenergics by increasing production and phosphodiesterase inhibitors by decreasing breakdown. Indication: Bronchial asthma & pulmonary disease w/ spastic bronchial component. Contraindication: Acute MI, hypotension Adverse Effects of the Drug: Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain, cephalalgia, irritability, insomnia, tachycardia, extrasystole, tachypnea, hyperglycemia Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Assess lung sounds, pulse and blood pressure before administration and during peak of medication. Not amount, color, and character of sputum produced

Generic Name: Fluticasone Brand Name: Flixotide Classification: Dosage: 1Neb. Route: P.O Frequency: B.i.D Mechanism of action: Glucocorticoid with a high topical anti-inflammatory potency. It has a strong affinity for and agonist activity at human glucocorticoid receptors Indication: It is used by inhalation for the prophylaxis of the symptoms of asthma; also, is administered by nasal spray in the prophylaxis and treatment of allergic rhinitis. It is applied topically in the treatment of various skin disorders. Contraindication: When applied topically: rosacea, acnevulgaris, perioral dermatitis, perianal and genital pruritus.Cutaneous viral infections Adverse Effects of the Drug: Candidiasis or dryness of mouth and throat.Hoarseness.Paradoxical bronchospasm.Cutaneoushypersensitivityreactions. Possible systemic effects include suppression of adrenal function, growth retardation in children and adolescents, decrease in bone mineral density, cataract and glaucoma. Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Advice patient that drug is for long term maintenance.

Generic Name: VIGOCID Brand Name: Piperacillin Sodium Classification: piperacillin and enzyme inhibitor Dosage: 2.25g

Route: IVTT Frequency: T.i.D Mechanism of action: Interacts with heparin and other oral anticoagulants. Prolongs theneuromuscular blockade of vecuronium and non-depolarizing muscle relaxants Indication: reatment of severe gm -ve infection & other susceptible bacteria; neutropenic patients; cystic fibrosis; otitis media; skin infection; surgical infection prophylaxis; UTI; bone & joint infections; gynecological infection including postpartum endometritis & pelvic inflammatory disease (PID); peritonitis; septicemia Contraindication: Hypersensitivity Adverse Effects of the Drug: Nausea; indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation; rash, itchy or red skin, urticaria; sleeping difficulty, headache or dizziness; super infection Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Assess lung sounds, PR and BP before drug administration and during peak of medication

Generic Name: PotassiumChloride Brand Name: Kalium Durule Classification: Electrolytes andminerals Dosage: 1 tab Route: P.O Frequency: T.i.D Mechanism of action: Supplemental potassium in the form of high potassium food or potassium chloride may be able to restore normal potassium levels Indication: For hypokalemia, As prophylaxisduring treatmentwith diuretics, To prevent andtreat potassium,deficit secondaryto diuretics or corticosteroidtherapy. Also indicatedwhen potassium,is depleted bysevere vomiting, prolongeddiuresis anddiabetic acidosis Contraindication: Severe renal impairment severe hemolytic reactions acute dehydration heat cramps Hyperkalemia Cautious use in: cardiac or renal disease; systematic acidosis

Adverse Effects of the Drug: renal insufficiency, Hyperkalemia, Nausea, Vomiting, Irritability, muscle weakness, difficulty in swallowing Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Some patients find it difficult to swallow the large sized KCl tablet. Administer while patient is sitting up or standing (never in recumbent position) to prevent drug-induced esophagus

Generic Name: Carvedilol Brand Name: Coreg Classification: Alpha- and beta-adrenergic blocker, Antihypertensive Dosage: 6.25mg/tab Route: P.O Frequency: OD Mechanism of action: blocking the activity of -blockers, mainly at alpha-1 receptors. It exerts antihypertensive effect partly by reducing total peripheral resistance and vasodilation Indication: Hypertension, alone or with other oral drugs, especially diuretics Contraindication: Hypersensitivity; severe chronic heart failure, bronchial asthma or related bronchospastic conditions; severe hepatic impairment Adverse Effects of the Drug: Bradycardia, AV block, angina pectoris, hypervolemia, leucopenia, hypotension, peripheral edema, allergy, malaise, fluid overload Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: WARNING: Monitor patient for any sign of hepatic impairment (pruritus, dark urine or stools, anorexia, jaundice, pain); arrange for LFTs and discontinue drug if tests indicate liver injury. Do not restart carvedilo

Generic Name: Oxytocin Brand Name: Pitocin Classification: Uterine-activeagent Dosage: 20mg/tab Route: IVTT Frequency: B.i.D Mechanism of action: Oxytocin has peripheral (hormonal) actions, and also has actions in the brain. Its actions are mediated by specific, high-affinity oxytocin receptors Indication: For mammalian hormone Contraindication: Hypersensitivity to the drug Adverse Effects of the Drug: CV: Hypertension, increased heart rate, systemic venous return, cardiac output, GI: Nausea, vomiting, RESPIRATORY: Anoxia, asphyxia Nursing Responsibilities/ Precautions: Assess fluid intake and output. Watch for signs and symptoms of water intoxication.

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