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EE-2009-027 EE-2009-011 EE-2009-014 EE-2009-015

Overall system Diagram:

It has always been an difficult task for the election commission to conduct free and fair polls in our country, Crores of rupees have been spent on this to make sure that the elections are riot free. But still there are complain of rigging in Elections and the candidate who fails to win elections blame the rigging for his/her defeat and destroy the credibility of the election commision by given different statements on electronic and print media and unfortunately it is also true that now- a -days it has become common for some forces to indulge in rigging which may eventually lead to a result contrary to the actual verdoict given by the peple.

Project goals :
This projectr aims to present a new voting system employing biometrics in order to avoid rigging and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the process. The system uses thumb impression for voter identification as we know that the thumb impression of every human being has a unique pattern. Thus it would have an edge over the present day voting systems.

Conclusion :
Engineering is a way of education in which we see a clear balance between theoretical andpractical aspects of anything. The theoretical work done in the university during B.S. is not sufficient, therefore it is essential to go under Practical Project work. Fingerprint Based Voting Machine is designed to make the procedure of voting easier and more convenient as it is a modified has proved to be very advantageous in providing security EVM is capable of saving considerable printing stationery and transport of large volumes of electoral material. It is easy to transport, store, and maintain. It completely rules out the chance of invalid votes. In total, the complete system (including all the hardware components and software routines) is working as per the initial specifications and requirements of our project. So certain aspects of the system can be modified as operational experience is gained with it. As the users work with the system, they develop various new ideas for the development and enhancement of the project.

Methodlogy :
1. When the power of Ballot unit is turned on, the ballot unit awaits a MATCH FOUND from control unit. 2. After getting MATCH FOUND, ballot becomes ready to accept a new vote from its candidate panel. 3. Once the voter presses the button corresponding to the candidate of her/his choice, a fourbit code is generated and sent to the control unit. 4. The ballot unit waits for the VOTE SIGNAL to become low from control unit, which indicate that control unit has counted that for respective candidate. 5. After VOTE SIGNAL goes low, the ballot unit shows the number of votes of each candidate on the LCD screen.At this time, the buzzer also generates a beep sound. This indicates to the voter that her/his vote has been processed. 6. The machine returns to the step 1 and starts all over again for next voting.

Step 1: Block diagram and layout of the proposed system is designed and finalized. Step 2: All the components and software platform to be used are selected which are also mentioned above. Step 3: All the hardware components are soldered on their respective printed circuit boards with the help of soldering iron, solder and flux according to the hardware schematic Step 4: The logic flow of the whole system is decided and accordingly flow-charts are being created Step 5: According to the flow-charts drawn, code/program of the proposed system is developed using C language with the help of software platform (Keil u vision3). Step 6: The hex code of the program being created by the software platform is burnt into the flash code memory of our microcontroller IC. Step 7: Testing is done at various levels to finalize the appropriate program for the most proper working of the system

Back Ground:
The complete Voting machine consists mainly of two units - (a) Control Unit and (b) Balloting Unit with cable for connecting it with Control unit. A Balloting Unit caters upto 3 candidates. Four Balloting Units linked together catering in all to 64 candidates can be used with one control unit. The control unit is kept with the Presiding Officer and the Balloting Unit is used by the voter for polling. The Balloting Unit of EVM is a small Box-like device, on top of which each candidate and his/her election symbol is listed like a big ballot paper. Against each candidate's name, a button is provided. The voter polls his vote by pressing the button against the name of his desired candidate. These utilize fingerprint recognition technology to allow access to only those whose fingerprints you choose. It contains all the necessary electronics to allow you to store, delete, and verify fingerprints with just the touch of a button. Stored fingerprints are retained even in the event of complete power failure or battery drain. These eliminates the need for keeping track of keys or remembering a combination password, or PIN. It can only be opened when an authorized user is present, since there are no keys or combinations to be copied or stolen, or locks that can be picked.The main aim in designing this product is to provide the concept of the personal identity for each individual. This is extended to a special case of electronic voting machine concept. The summary of the design can be briefly explained diagrammatically as follows. As a pre-poll procedure the finger prints of all the voters are collected and stored in a database initially at time of distributing cards. At the time of voting, the option of the voter is taken along with the finger print. The finger print taken by the scanner is sent to the pc through an in-built A/D converter. The processed image is transferred to hard disk. The option entered by the voter is transferred to chip through DEMUX and is stored in the memory. If the transferred image is matched with any of the records in the data base,then the interrupt is given by the HARD DISK to pc. Then the option is considered in the count.




1-Hi-Tech C Compiler 2- HyperTerminal



It consists of optical fingerprint sensor, high performance DSP processor and Flash. It boasts of functions such as fingerprint Login, fingerprint deletion, fingerprint verification, fingerprint upload, fingerprint download, etc.

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