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Sanghchalak Saha Saghchalak HSS Mru Coordinator Mukhya Shikshak Shareerik Pramukh Boudhik Pramukh Saha Boudhik Pramukh Vyavastha Pramukh Ghosh Pramukh Niyudh Shikshak Shikshak Shikshak

- Ma Ragoonath Deeal Ji - Ma Atmanand Gopaul Ji - Sandip Paithankar Ji - Yoghesh Bhowan Ji - Yoghesh Bhowan Ji - Aachaarya Vishwamitra Ji - Krishna Hoober Ji - Harish Mohun Ji - Nitin Deeal Ji - Kritesh Toukeea Ji - Pranav Sookun Ji - Pawan Gopaul Ji


The Sangh Shiksha Varg 2012 was inaugurated with Deep pradualan by Aachaarya Vishwamitra Ji on 2 December 2012 at 19 Hours followed by the welcome address. All new Swayamsevaks were inspired to learn

from Param Poojniya Dr Keshav Baliram Hedgewar Ji and Guruji Madhav Sadashiv Golwalkar Ji. There were 53 Swayamsewaks along with 9 Shikshaks from 21 Villages and 4 towns of Mauritius. Amidst them 40% were new comers and 70 % were below 15 years of age. This time, the Swayamsevaks of Mauritius were grace by the presence of Ma Dr Shri Sadanand Sapre Ji, Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh Vishwa Vibhaag Joint Coordinator.

The Swayamsevaks woke up at 5 Hours everyday in the morning and after that there were full activities the whole day. Daily 3 and half hours Physical Exercise Training which included DAND, NYUDDHA, YOGASAN, PADAVINYAS, Various SHAKHA KHEL, YOGACHAP, SAMATA, ACHAR PADHHATI, SURYA NAMASKAAR, SANCHALAN ABHYAAS and VYAYAMYOG. However, special attentions were given to NIYUDH this year.

On the Boudhik side, this years Sangh Shiksha Varg has been very

successful. Likewise last year the Boudhik Vibhaag came up with the

distribution of participative certificates to every Swayamsevak, this year was not an exception. This year as well the Boudhik Vibhaag innovated and introduced a new segment in the boudhik timetable, the informative session. Our aim for adding up this new segment was to broaden up the Knowledge of our Swayamsevaks and to equip them with information that would help them in their personal life. This was very well appreciated by the Swayamsevaks and we believe that the objectives for the introduction of this additional segment were met and this will be ongoing every year now. The informative sessions were as follows:

Shree Girdharee Ji (President of Vishwa Hindu Parishad) Hindu?

- Who is a

Shree Ashesh Ramjeeawon Ji ( IT coordinator HSS Mauritius)- Career Guidance Shree Gyaan Dhunokchund Ji (Lecturer) Boudhik Varg A short brief Shree Sandip Paithankar Ji ( HSS Mauritius Coordinator)- 150th Birth Centenary of Swami Vivekanand Ji Shree Dr Sadanand Sapre Ji world Shree Yogesh Bhowan Ji (Sharirik Pramukh) our Guru - HSS around the Bhagwa Dhwaj - Hinduism

In Charcha the following topics were discussed: Praarthana; Shakha Time table; Role of Mukhya Shikshak; Kaarryavaah and Gana Shikshak; and How to convince our friends for Shakha.

Raatri Karyakram activities: Movie on Swami Vivekanad Ji; Treasurer Hunt; Quiz on Ramayan; Samohik Satsangh by Sanatan Hindu Yuva Mandal of Triolet; and Drama presentation on the life of Swami Vivekanand Ji.

In SSV 2011, the Public Speaking competition was started and in the SSV 2012 new competition such as the Shibir Geet Competition, Subbhashit reciting competition and Essay competition on Swami Vivekanand Ji were launched. The Boudhik Vibhaag strongly believe that competition is one method for the progression of Swayamsevaks. Apart from daily charcha, Informative Session & Baudhik Sessions there were special sessions on Management Skill Games, Business Skill Games. Various games and other competitions were also organized in our SSV-2012 (Drawing Competition, Indian Traditional game Competition, Football Competition etc.) Also all Swayamewaks went for a 4hr outing (Sea Side) and attractive Creativity games were played there. The Swayamsevaks also appreciated the shibir geet. The starting lines of the Shibir Geet were:

Ho Jao Tayyar Saathiyon Ho Jao Tayyar Arpita KardoTan man dhan Agar Desh Ke Kaam Na Aye Maang Raha Balidaan Vatan To Jeevan Bekaar



The Samarop (Concluding ceremony) was conducted on Saturday 8 December 2012 in the presence of Ma Ragoonath Deeal Ji, Barrister

Bala Mukan Ji and Dr Sri Sadanand Sapre Ji and around 100 parents and well wishers were present from the beginning. The opening speech was delivered by Krishna Ji. On the same day before the Samarop there was a Sanchalan from DAV College Morcellement St Andre to School Lane. A Sanchalan of around 4 Km was covered and was very appreciated by the local inhabitants. After Dhwajaropanam, Beautiful demonstration on Different Physical Subjects like NIYUDDHYA, SURYA NAMASKAAR, GHOSH & PYRAMID was conducted by Swayamsevaks. Ma Sri Ragoonath Deeal spoke about the History of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh in Mauritius. He made an appeal to the Swayamsevaks and parents to consolidate their belief in Sangh work and continue supporting this noble task. He also spoke on Param Pavitra Bhagwaa Dhwaj, our Guru. He further spoke on the difficulties that the Hindu Samaaj is facing and he made a request for Unity. Dr Sri Sadanand Sapre Ji spoke about Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh around the world and also appreciated the work being carried out in Mauritius. He said Main Maantaa Houn Ki Sach Maein Mauritius Laghou Bharat hain. The Swayamsevak were very inspired by Dr Sri Sadanand Sapre Ji and the Pravaas of Dr Sri Sapre Ji will be written in Golden letters in the history of Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (Mauritius). At last Barrister Bala Mukun, Secretary of HSS Mauritius spoke about the contribution of Sangh in the character building of our Swayamsevaks. He also appreciated all the Boudhik activities that were held and finally he offered the vote of thanks. With HSS Prarthana the ceremony ended and dinner was served after the Samarop. The theme of the for the SSV 2012 was Swami Vivekanand Ji and we believe that Swayamsevaks have learned a lot on the life of Swami Vivekanand Ji during their stay in the SSV 2012 and all those who were not acquainted with Swami Vivekanad Ji were very inspired. We trust that the objectives of the SSV 2012 were largely met and firmly believe to ameliorate next year.

Best Swayamsevak Shevin Jagessar From Valle Des Pretres Best Baal Swayamsevak Ayush Somai from Cottage Public Speaking Competition Winner Runner up Special Jury Nirvan from Mahebourg - Shreyans Rai from 4 Bornes - Deevesh Bahadoor from Triolet

Shibir Geet Competion Winner from St Julien Runner up Triolet - Shreyans Rai from 4 Bornes and Preet Becarry - Avinash Somai from Cottage and Yash Hoober from

Subhashit reciting Competion Winner - Aswin Gopaul from Valle De Pretres

Essay Competion Winner Runner up - Ashutosh Shobha from 4 Bornes - Rajeev Hiramun from Triolet

With Best Compliments, From Yogesh Bhowan (Mukhya Shikshak)

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