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#!/usr/bin/perl # ############################################################################## # Mail Machine v3.985 # # Copyright (c) 2000 by Mike's World. All Rights Reserved. # # # # mike@mikesworld.

net # # # # You should carefully read all of the following terms and conditions # # before using this program. Your use of this software indicates # # your acceptance of this license agreement and warranty. # # # # This program is being distributed as freeware. It may be used and # # modified free of charge, so long as this copyright notice, the header # # above and all the footers in the program that give me credit remain # # intact. Please also send me an e-mail, and let me know # # where you are using this script. # # # # By using this program you agree to indemnify Mike's World from any # # liability. # # # # Selling the code for this program without prior written consent is # # expressly forbidden. Obtain permission before redistributing this # # program over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases # # copyright, header, and all footers must remain intact. # ############################################################################## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Installation 1 - Define all the variables for your web site below 2 - Save and upload this file to your cgi-bin 3 - Chmod it to 755 4 - Create an empty file for your e-mails list called whatever you want.txt and upload that in ascii mode to the same directory. Make sure to chmod 777. 5 - Create a directory in your cgi bin called "archives". Chmod the directory 711. 6 - Create an html form to send it information using the fields: -'address' which will be the address to subscribe to -'action' which should have two possible inputs; either 'Subscribe' or 'Unsubscribe'. Example code: HERE'S THE CODE YOU COPY INTO YOUR WEB SITE SO PEOPLE CAN SUBSCRIBE. <form action="/cgi-bin/mailmachine.cgi" method=post> <input type=text name="address" size=50><br> <input type=radio name=action value=Subscribe checked> Subscribe | Unsubscribe <input type=radio name=action value=Unsubscribe> <br><input type="submit" value="Update"> </form> 7 - To access the administration section in order to send e-mails to subscribers and subscribe/unsubscribe e-mails, enter the path in your web browser to the Mail Machine script - - and add a ?admin on the end so it would look like mailmachine.cgi?admin

# Quick note about customization # # Wherever you see $message below an error / thanks message is defined. You # may want to change these to fit your site.

$mailprog = '/usr/sbin/sendmail'; # Change the location above to wherever sendmail is located on your server. $admin_email=""; # Change the address above to your e-mail address. Make sure to KEEP the \ $list_name="Lord Our Righteousness Newsletter"; # Change the name above to whatever you would like to call your mailing list. $adminpass="admin"; # Change the password above to whatever you would like to use to access the # administration section. $sendto="0"; # Set this at 1 if you want to be informed everytime someone subscribes or # unsubscribes from your mailing list. Note: For large mailing lists you # probably want to set this at 0 or else you will most likely be bombarded # with subscribe/unsubscribe notices. $temp="0"; # Set this at 1 if you want to have subscribers confirm their addition to # the mailing list before they are actually added. This will stop people # from adding e-mail addresses without the owners knowledge or entering # fictitious addresses. Note: A temp.txt will be created - DO NOT DELETE! $remove_notice="1"; # Set this at 1 if you want to allow your subscribers the ability to remove # themselves directly from your mailing. This will create a removal notice # at the bottom of your mailing. $html = "1"; # If you would like to send out messages in HTML set this at 1. Otherwise, # leave it at 0 and your subscribers will receive standard text messages. $file = "list.txt"; # This is the file that will store all e-mail addresses for your mailing # list. Make sure and name this something that nobody will think of so # that no one will be able to get a hold of your mailing list. $temp_file = "temp.txt"; # - APPLIES TO TEMP SETTING ABOVE. IGNORE THIS IF NOT USING THAT FEATURE # This is the file that will temporarily store e-mail addresses awaiting # verification from the user. Once verified, the e-mail address will move # on to the "REAL" list. To be safe, I would add a couple digits to the # end of the name like this: temp17462.txt @bannedaddresses = ('',''); # This is a list of all addresses that you don't want to be able to join # your mailing list at anytime. If you don't want any addresses banned, # use this setup: @bannedaddresses = (); To extend the list of banned # addresses just add a comma. $lock = "2"; # Keep this at 2 if your server allows you to use file locking. File # locking helps insure that the file storing e-mail addresses will not # become corrupt in heavy usage. If your server doesn't allow you to use # file locking then you need to simply remove the 2 in between the quotes.


@months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','Se ptember','October','November','December'); @days = ('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday') ; ($mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = (localtime(time))[3,4,5,6]; $year += 1900; $date = "$months[$mon] $mday, $year"; $url = $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}; $script_url = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; &check; read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $in{$name} = $value; } if if if if if if if if if if ($in{'action'} eq "Subscribe") {&subscribe} ($in{'action'} eq "Unsubscribe") {&unsubscribe} ($in{'action'} eq "with") {&subscribe} ($in{'action'} eq "without") {&subscribe} ($in{'action2'} eq "with") {&unsubscribe} ($in{'action2'} eq "without") {&unsubscribe} ($in{'action'} eq "Send") {&send} ($in{'action'} eq "Load") {&load} ($in{'adminpass'} ne "$adminpass") {&adminerror} ($in{'adminpass'} eq "$adminpass") {&adminform}

exit; sub check { open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST); foreach $member(@addresses) { chomp($member); $in{'address'} = "$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}"; if ($in{'address'} eq $member){&unsubscribe} }

open(LIST,"$temp_file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST); foreach $tempmember(@addresses) { chomp($tempmember); @info = split(/::/, $tempmember); ($in{'address'},$in{'number'})=split('&',$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); if ($in{'number'} eq $info[0]){&subscribetemp} } if("admin" eq $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}){ &admin } } sub subscribe { open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST); $in{'address'} =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; if ($in{'address'}!~ /.*\@.*\..*/){&bademail} foreach $bannedaddress(@bannedaddresses) { if ($in{'address'} eq $bannedaddress){&banned_message} } foreach $member(@addresses) { chomp($member); if ($in{'address'} eq $member){&already_subscribed} } if ($in{'action'} eq "without") { push (@addresses,$in{'address'}); open(LIST,">>$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } $in{'address'} =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; print LIST "$in{'address'}\n"; close(LIST); $message="The e-mail address <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has successfu lly been added to the $list_name."; &message; exit; } if ($temp eq "1") { push (@addresses,$in{'address'}); open(LIST,">>$temp_file");

if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } $in{'address'} =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; srand(time|$$); $RandomNumber = int(rand(10000000)); $Num = "_$RandomNumber"; $Num .= "_$$"; $Num =~ s/-//g; $Num =~ s/_//g; $address = "$in{'address'}"; $number = "$Num"; $in{'number'} = "$number"; $temp_entry = $number . "::" . $address . "::"; print LIST "$temp_entry\n"; close(LIST); $message="The e-mail address <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has been put on the temporary list and is awaiting confirmation. Please confirm the addition to the $list_name by clicking on the link provided in the follow-up e-mail."; &mailtemp; &message; exit; } if ($temp eq "0") { push (@addresses,$in{'address'}); open(LIST,">>$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } print LIST "$in{'address'}\n"; close(LIST); $message="The e-mail address <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has successfu lly been added to the $list_name."; if ($in{'action'} ne "without") { &mailadd; } &message; exit; } } sub subscribetemp { open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST); if ($in{'address'}!~ /.*\@.*\..*/){&bademail} foreach $bannedaddress(@bannedaddresses) { if ($in{'address'} eq $bannedaddress){&banned_message} } push (@addresses,$in{'address'}); open(LIST,">>$file");

if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } print LIST "$in{'address'}\n"; close(LIST); $message="The e-mail address <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has been take n off the temporary list and successfully added to the $list_name."; &mailadd; &message; &unsubscribetemp; exit; } sub bademail { $message="There appears to be something not quite right about that e-mail address. Please go back and try again. If the program is not allowin g a true e-mail address then please e-mail <a href=mailto:$admin_email> $admin_e mail</a> and I'll add you onto the list manually. Sorry for the inconvenience.";&message; exit; } sub banned_message { $message="Sorry, but it appears that <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has b een banned for various reasons.";&message; exit; } sub already_subscribed { $message="It appears that <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> is already subscribed!";&message; exit; } sub unsubscribe { open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST);$x=0; foreach $member(@addresses) { &clean; if ($in{'address'} eq $member){&deletemember} $x++; } &not_found; } sub unsubscribetemp { open(LIST,"$temp_file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock);

} @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST);$x=0; foreach $member(@addresses) { @info = split(/::/, $member); &clean; if ($in{'address'} eq $info[1]){@addresses[$x]=""; open(LIST,">$temp_file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } foreach $member(@addresses) { @info = split(/::/, $member); &clean; unless($member eq "") {print LIST "$member\n";} }} $x++; } exit; } sub adminerror { $message="There appears to be something not quite right about that password. Please go back and try again.";&message; exit; } sub admin { $message="<form action=mailmachine.cgi method=post>Password: <input type=passwor d name=adminpass><BR><BR><input type=submit value=Enter><input type=reset value= Clear></FORM>";&message; exit; } sub clean { chomp($member); $member=~ s/^\s+//; $member=~ s/\s+$//; } sub not_found { $message="It appears that <font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> isn't on the list so that e-mail address cannot be unsubscribed!";&message; exit; } sub deletemember { @addresses[$x]=""; open(LIST,">$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); }

foreach $member(@addresses) { &clean; unless($member eq "") {print LIST "$member\n";} } $message="<font color=red>$in{'address'}</font> has been successfully removed fr om the $list_name."; if ($in{'action2'} ne "without") { &mailun; } &message; exit; } sub mailadd{ open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $in{'address'}\n"; print MAIL "Subject: You Have Subscribed - Please Read\n\n"; print MAIL <<to_the_end; This is to confirm your subscription to the $list_name. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. Have a great day and GOD BLESS YOU. <br> For all information visit our website <A HREF=\"http://www.lordourrighteousness. org">Website</A> to_the_end close (MAIL); if ($sendto eq "1") { open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Mailing List Entry\n\n"; print MAIL <<to_the_end; $in{'address'} has been added to the $list_name. to_the_end close (MAIL); } } sub mailtemp{ open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $in{'address'}\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Confirmation e-mail\n\n"; print MAIL <<to_the_end; This is to confirm your addition to the $list_name. Click on the link below to m ove your e-mail address off the temporary list and successfully on the $list_nam e. If you did NOT subscribe to this list, then here is the person who did: $ENV{ 'REMOTE_ADDR'} In any case, don't click on the link below and you will NEVER rec eive anything from us :)

http://$url$script_url?$in{'address'}&$in{'number'} (Or copy and paste the link into your browser) Regards, Your_Name to_the_end close (MAIL); } sub mailun{ open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $in{'address'}\n"; print MAIL "Subject: You have been unsubscribed!\n\n"; print MAIL <<to_the_end; You have been unsubscribed from the $list_name. to_the_end close (MAIL); if ($sendto eq "1") { open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Adios!\n\n"; print MAIL <<to_the_end; $in{'address'} has been unsubscribed from the $list_name. to_the_end close (MAIL); } } sub adminform { $number=0; open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; print LIST "$number\n"; close(LIST); $number = push(@addresses); $number2=0; open(TEMPLIST,"$temp_file"); if ($lock){ flock(TEMPLIST, $lock); } @tempaddresses=<TEMPLIST>; print TEMPLIST "$number2\n"; close(TEMPLIST); $number2 = push(@tempaddresses);

print "<html><title>$list_name</title><body bgcolor=white> <center><pre> </pre> <table width=500> <td align=center> <font face=arial> <font face=arial size=+1 color=blue><b>$list_name</b></font> <br><br> There are currently <font color=red>$number</font> e-mail addresses in the datab ase, and <font color=red>$number2</font> e-mail addresses awaiting verification. <form action=mailmachine.cgi method=post><BR>Archives: <select name=archives>"; open(LIST,"archives/log.txt"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @entries=<LIST>; close(LIST); @entries = reverse(@entries); foreach $entry(@entries) { print "<option>$entry\n"; $x++; } print "</select><input type=submit name=action value=Load></form><form action=ma ilmachine.cgi method=post>Subject: <input type=text name=subject><BR><BR>Message : <BR><textarea name=message rows=12 cols=50></textarea><BR><BR><input type=subm it name=action value=Send><input type=reset value=Clear name=></FORM><BR><form a ction=mailmachine.cgi method=post><input type=text name=address> Subscribe user <input type=submit name=action value=with><input type=submit name =action value=without> notification.</form> <br><TABLE><TR><form action=mailmachine.cgi method=post> <TD>Database:<BR> <select name=address size=6>"; @addresses = sort(@addresses); foreach $member(@addresses) { print "<option>$member"; $x++; } print "</select><BR><CENTER>Unsubscribe user <input type=submit name=action2 val ue=with><input type=submit name=action2 value=without> notification.</CENTER></T D></form></TR></TABLE>"; # Removing or altering the code below will void your acceptance of the # terms and conditions and consequently you will no longer be able to # use the program. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding # this. print "<BR><BR><BR><BR> <font face=arial size=-1>Mail Machine v3.985<BR> <A HREF=\"\">Website</A></font> </td> </table> </body></html>"; }

sub load { print "<html><title>$list_name</title><body bgcolor=white> <center><pre> </pre> <table width=500> <td align=center> <font face=arial> <font face=arial size=+1 color=blue><b>$list_name</b></font> <br><br><form action=mailmachine.cgi method=post>Archives: <select name=archives >"; open(LIST,"archives/log.txt"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @entries=<LIST>; close(LIST); @entries = reverse(@entries); foreach $entry(@entries) { print "<option>$entry\n"; $x++; } print "</select><input type=submit name=action value=Load></form><form action=ma ilmachine.cgi method=post>Subject: <input type=text name=subject value=\""; open(FILE,"archives/$in{'archives'}.txt"); while (<FILE>) { ($message, $subject) = split /::/; if($subject ne "") { print "$subject\""; } } close(FILE); print "><BR><BR>Message: <BR><textarea name=message rows=12 cols=50>"; open(FILE,"archives/$in{'archives'}.txt"); while (<FILE>) { ($message, $subject) = split /::/; print "$message"; } close(FILE); print "</textarea><BR><BR><input type=submit name=action value=Send><input type= reset value=Clear name=></FORM><A HREF=\"javascript:history.back()\">Back</A>"; # Removing or altering the code below will void your acceptance of the # terms and conditions and consequently you will no longer be able to # use the program. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding # this. print "<BR><BR><BR><BR> <font face=arial size=-1>Mail Machine v3.985<BR>

<A HREF=\"">Website</A></font> </td> </table> </body></html>"; exit; } sub send { $pid = fork(); $pid; if ($pid) { &sendcomplete; &archive; exit(0); } else { close (STDOUT); open(LIST,"$file"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } @addresses=<LIST>; close(LIST); foreach $member(@addresses) { chomp($member); open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; if ($html eq "1") { print MAIL "Content-type:text/html\n"; } print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $member\n"; print MAIL "Subject: $in{'subject'}\n\n"; print MAIL "$in{'message'}\n\n"; if ($remove_notice eq "1") { if ($html eq "1") { print MAIL <<to_the_end; <BR><BR> ---------------------------------------------------------------------<BR> To Unsubscribe click the link <A HREF="http://$url$script_url?$member">http://$u rl$script_url?$member</A><BR> or Copy and paste the ENTIRE web address in your b rowser and hit "Enter" to be removed from the $list_name.<BR><BR> If you have successfully Unsubscribe then you will receive a confirmation Message.<BR> --------------------------------------------------------------------to_the_end } else { print MAIL <<to_the_end; --------------------------------------------------------------------Click on the link below to be removed from the $list_name. http://$url$script_url?$member (Or copy and paste the ENTIRE link into your browser) ---------------------------------------------------------------------

to_the_end } } close (MAIL); } &confirmation; exit; } } sub archive { open(LIST, ">>archives/log.txt"); if ($lock){ flock(LIST, $lock); } print LIST "$date - $in{'subject'}\n"; close(LIST); $message = "$in{'message'}"; $subject = "$in{'subject'}"; $new_entry = $message . "::" . $subject; open(FILE, ">>archives/$date - $in{'subject'}.txt"); if ($lock){ flock(FILE, $lock); } print FILE "$new_entry\n"; close(FILE); } sub sendcomplete { $message="Congratulations! The mailing has been started. You will receive a conf irmation e-mail when the mailing has been completed."; &message; } sub confirmation { open (MAIL, "|$mailprog -t") || die "Can't open $mailprog!\n"; if ($html eq "1") { print MAIL "Content-type:text/html\n"; } print MAIL "From: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "To: $admin_email\n"; print MAIL "Subject: Congratulations!\n\n"; if ($html eq "1") { print MAIL <<to_the_end; Congratulations! The mailing completed successfully. Here is what was sent:<BR>< BR> $in{'message'} to_the_end close (MAIL); } else { print MAIL <<to_the_end; Congratulations! The mailing completed successfully. Here is what was sent:

$in{'message'} to_the_end close (MAIL); } } sub message { print qq~ <html><title>$list_name</title><body bgcolor=white> <center><pre> </pre> <table width=500> <td align=center> <font face=arial> <font face=arial size=+1 color=blue><b>$list_name</b></font> <br><br>$message~; if("admin" ne $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}){ print "<BR><BR><A HREF=\"javascript:history.back()\">Back</A>" } # Removing or altering the code below will void your acceptance of the # terms and conditions and consequently you will no longer be able to # use the program. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding # this. print "<BR><BR><BR><BR> <font face=arial size=-1>Mail Machine v3.985<BR> <A HREF=\"\">Website</A></font> </td> </table> </body></html>"; }

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