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SESSIONS 16 & 17

Refine goals & objectives Confirm scope Identify & assign resources Determine realistic time, cost and performance parameters Initial preparation of all documentation necessary to support the project Identification of areas of high risk and uncertainty

Confirm Investment Analysis

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

PLANNING: definitions
A process whereby Determining what procedures are laid needs to be done, down so that certain A predetermined by whom, and by objectives can be when in order to course of action achieved within a fulfil ones within a forecasted specific time at an responsibility. environment. optimum cost.

Planning does not happen by itself

That is why
Major & most important responsibility of a project manager
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

the key to successful project planning

(understanding of roles)

Involvement should be from conception through execution

Objectives of Project Planning

To define work required to be readily identifiable to project To eliminate or reduce uncertainty To improve efficienc y of the operation


To obtain a better understanding of objectives

To provide a basis for monitoring & controlling work.

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Effective Project Planning

Provides clear objectives Provides simplicity Provides flexibility Facilitates reviews and controls Utilises effective planning techniques and use of resources Based on known standards Systematic Performed throughout the life of the project
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Some consequences of poor planning

Failing to plan is a plan to fail

Project initiation Chaos Search for the guilty Punishment of the innocent Promotion of the non-participants

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Components of the Planning Phase

Budget Schedule Policy Procedure


Standard Organisation

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

What makes a good objective?
1. Reduce wastage in some of the manufacturing processes.
2. Increase sales by 10000% by next month 3. Change all finance departments computer systems to Windows NT, by 30 October. 4. Try to improve productivity this year. 5. Redesign the invoice process to deliver a 20% faster response rate (4days) to invoice queries by 30 November. 6. Produce a report to outline options on improvement, to be presented by 1 November.
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

A good objective should be

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Questions following objectives

What are the major elements of the work required to satisfy the objectives? How are these elements interrelated? Which functional divisions will assume responsibility for accomplishment of these objectives and the major-element work requirements? Are the required corporate and organisational resources available? What are the information flow requirements for the project?
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Commitment Resources control Involvement Benefits Constraints Budget



Dimensions of Objectives project scope

End product Reports Milestones

Start End Constraints

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


PROJECT SPONSOR Business manager who will exploit the deliverables of the project PROJECT MANAGER The person responsible for the day-to-day control of the project

EXECUTIVE SPONSOR Senior executive who is the ultimate beneficiary of the project

KEY USER Represents the people who will use the delivered product

Executive Sponsor

Management Team

Project Sponsor

Project Manager
IT Manager

Key user

Business Analyst




Statement of Work (SOW)


Statement of Requirements (SOR)

Project Specifications

Milestone schedule
Project start and end date Other major milestones: review meetings, prototype, procurement, testing .. Data items (deliverables or reports)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Statement of Work (SOW) or Statement of Requirements (SOR)

A narrative description of the work required for the project. Should contain:
Purpose: business need (strategic) Scope: high level description Objectives: qualitative & quantitative measures

Prepared by the project office The Project Manager ensures adequacy of content by holding frequent reviews with project and functional specialists.
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Used to ease control of projects

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Project is broken down into small elements that should be:

Structured in accordance with the way

Project costs & data summaris ed and reported.

Work will be performe d

specific authority and responsibility can be assigned

or with minimum dependence on other ongoing elements

so that the total package can be seen

Measurable in terms of progress

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Preparation of WBS considers scheduling, management, contract funding, and technical performance parameters

The Six-level Structure

Level 1 is for authorisation and release of all work level 2 Budgets preparation level 3 Schedules preparation


Level Managerial Normally specified for levels

reporting purposes. PM manages at these level

Description Total program Project Task

1 2 3

These levels reflect integrate d efforts

Technical levels
generated by the contractor for inhouse control
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

4 5 6

Subtask Work package Level of effort


Total Programme

Project A

Project B

Project C

Project D

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Subtask 1

Subtask 2

Subtask 3

Work package 1

Work pakage 2

Work package 3


Risk Analysis

Co-ordination of objectives Organisational Structure

Responsibility Matrix


DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

The critical level for managing a work breakdown

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

WBS levels characteristics

Summation of all elements in one level must be the sum of all work in all the next lower level. Each element of work should be assigned to only one level of effort e.g. House foundation should be one task. Project is managed at the work package level. WBS must be accompanied by a description of the scope of the effort required. (Reproduce SOW)
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Tasks for setting up the WBS

In setting up the WBS, tasks should:
have clearly defined start and end dates be usable as a tool in which results can be compared with expectations be estimated be structured

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Work Packages
Subdivisions of cost accounts and constitute the basic building blocks used by the contractor in planning, controlling, and measuring contract performance. A work package is a low-level task or job assignment with a definable end results. It describes the work to be accomplished It serves as a vehicle for monitoring and reporting progress of work. Ideal work packages are 80 hours. For large projects planning will be phased at the work package level of the WBS.
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Work Package Characteristics

Represents units of work at the level where the work is performed.
Clearly distinguishes one work package from all others. Contains clearly defined start and end dates that are representative of physical accomplishment Specifies a budget in terms of currency, man-hours, or other measurable units Limits the work to be performed to relatively short periods of time to minimise the work-in-process effort.
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Evolve development concept Prepare existing data Establish subsurface development option Develop preliminary completion designs Model reservoir fluid mechanics Flow process analytical and numerical situation Investigate primary recovery mechanism Investigate secondary/GOR recovery mechanisms Formulate development concept Build hydrocarbon resource model Develop number of location of producing wells Evaluate subsurface options Quantify subsurface options Predict gross net production & injection forecasts

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA





Prepare existing data Model reservoir fluid mechanics

Build hydrocarbon resource model

Evolve development concept

Establish subsurface development option

Evaluate subsurface options

Formulate development concept

Quantify subsurface options

Flow process analytical and numerical situation Investigate primary recovery mechanism Investigate secondary/GOR recovery mechanisms Develop number of location of producing wells Develop preliminary completion designs Predict gross net production & injection forecasts

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

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