Session42 43

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The Management of People

It is the most effective use of people Requires skills in:
communication, leadership, delegation, recruitment, selection, & training

Involves organisational planning, staff acquisition, team development

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Involves knowing: What a person can do What a person can achieve How a person behaves What a person knows

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


Cost Effective & Independent Service Correlating Controlling Integrating Managing

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


Motivate Manage Co-ordinate Lead

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


Approachable Businesslike Co-ordinator Decisive Energetic Finisher Good Humoured Handler of conflict Ideas man Jack-of-all trades Knowledge transferer
Legal minded Money-watcher
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Negotiator Organiser People oriented Quality-man Reliable Stress-proof Time manager Unflappable Variance controller Wise Xenophile Young-at-heart Zealous


Client Design Team Consultants Contractors & Sub-Contractors
PM should have the skills & diplomacy to deal with all
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Can tackle larger jobs than individuals Can tackle wider and more complex range of tasks More creative and innovative Members motivate and support each other Provide social support Improve quality of solution by error reduction & cross checking

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


Appreciation & commitment to project objectives Firm duties of teamwork (team attitude) Performance appraisals Suitable locations Technical qualifications

Communicatio n skills

Clear areas of responsibilitie s & authority

Identifying suitable deputies

Creative/innov ative ability

Relevant experience


Enthusiasm and commitment

Level of available supporting resources

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Managing the Team

A. Getting the right people B. Team leadership C. Motivating the team D. Assessment of skills required E. Responsibilities F. Team development G. Forecast of personnel needs H. Dealing with difficult people I. Negotiation to get personnel
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

A. Getting the right people

Technical proficiency Education Experience Personality

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Managers do things right Leaders do the right thing

Implement and obtain Set new direction and current operations initiate change Plan, budget, organise, Establish a vision resource, control Set clear& compelling Solve problems goals Procedures & Set strategies for change administration Communicate vision; Influence and motivate enlist support Are formalised in the Influence and motivate company structure ARE YOU A LEADER OR A MANAGER?
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Leadership Style
System 1: exploitative autocratic has no confidence or trust in subordinates imposes decisions; never delegates has little communication with subordinates motivates by threat System 2: benevolent authoritative has superficial confidence or trust in subordinates imposes decisions; never delegates sometimes involves subordinates in problem solving motivates by reward; paternalistic

Leadership style should be based on the situation not preferences So.. Assess the situation and adapt your style

System 3: participative has some confidence and trust in subordinates listens and controls decision-making uses ideas and opinions of subordinates constructively motivates by reward and some involvement

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

System 4: democratic has complete confidence and trust in subordinates allows subordinate to make decisions for themselves motivates by reward for achieving goals shares ideas and opinions

B. Dimensions of team
leadership 2 1
Building trust and team work

Working as a team

Working through conflict

Fostering team identity & commitment

Expanding Assuming team capabilities a strategic role

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-1. Fostering team identity & commitment

Unity of purpose: Vision , Mission, Objectives Behaviour: Values, Operating agreement, Norms Performance Challenges: achievement of goals Team identity & commitment involves:
Loyalty Willingness to go the extra mile Strong orientation towards achievement Supportive behaviour & high moral Capability

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-2. Building Trust

Members will be accepted by each other Work and credit will be shared in fairness Commitment to do well is shared & demonstrated Opinions & contributions will be valued Team-mates will help one another Build & maintain the self esteem and confidence Keep the focus on the issue not on individuals Help the team recognise problems and take the initiative to solve them.

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-3. Working as a team

Building accountability through an operating agreement which consists of
agreement on individual contribution and behaviour agreement on how to go about managing things guidelines for working together

Procedures for dealing with unteamly behaviour Facilitation

focus on group activity clear organised discussion beneficial use of group's time progress towards the desired results of the activity

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-4. Working through conflict

What does not work Conquest Avoidance Bargaining Plasters Role superiority

What does work Effective atmosphere Clarify perceptions Individual/shared needs Build shared power Future/past Options/action/agree

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Team Conflict
Conflict resolution
Establish the roots of conflict and resolve it hold an off-site event honesty, trust, support revisit values and operating agreement surface and examine group norms modify team operating agreement

Healthy conflict
Help team to take advantage of differences among team members Use diversity to build the strength of the team Prize disagreement
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-5. Expanding team capabilities

Developing individual performance Improving team skills Building internal leadership with a team Transferring responsibilities

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Problem solving & decision making

Problem solving
Identify problem Use skills to solve problem Structured or systematic, creative approach Train the team Inform Guide the process Empower people Review the results

Developing decision making skills

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Decision by consensus
gather a variety of ideas prize disagreement protect individual judgement base decision on solid facts promote mutual respect and trust focus on issues met/not met synthesise and integrate positions

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

B-6. Assuming a strategic role

Use forward thinking Monitor the need for change Help to implement change

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Knowing which incentives to use Hope people will feel rewarded by the job itself You can not grant pay rise or punish people at least directly

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

C-1. Carrot
improve productivity or reward for outstanding performance training, annual conventions, in house courses, seminars, workshops, more challenging work assignments, delegate responsibilities, recognition

C-2. Stick
Terminate participation Less challenging tasks Deny certain privileges
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Hertzbergs Hygiene Factors

Selfactualisation Status

Social bad working conditions, minimum pay, health & safety do not motivate. Security Motivation Factors include: recognition, responsibility, satisfaction, Physiological autonomy

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


The ideal manager will: Inform, about
project vision and context, individual goals organisational changes

Delegate and develop staff Encourage e.g.

via feedback and challenge for achievers personal interest and teamwork for affiliators offering opportunities for those motivated by power and influence

Accept that no one is perfect Listen

early warning of problems offer genuine support
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

D. Assessment of Skills Required

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Roles of Leadership
1. Interpersonal: figurehead, manage, liaison 2. Informational: monitor, disseminator,

3. Decisional : entrepreneur, disturbance, resource

allocation, negotiator

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Leadership Skills
1. Conceptual skills:
To identify a problem and collect information. Ability to think strategically about the team and planning ahead.

2. Human relations skills:

Ability to interact with others, Ability to make people listen and do what you want, Ability to work as part of a group, Ability to communicate, Ability to understand people.

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Leadership skills
3. Administrative skills: Ability to put policies into practice rather than formulating them. 4. Technical skills: Ability to put into practice the knowledge, tools, and techniques of a particular sphere of activity.
Leaders will require some measure of all these skills but the particular mix depends on their level and function within organisation.
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

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