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SESSIONS 44 - 45

F. Team Development

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

3 2

Experimentation Risky issues debated Wider options Mechanical working considered Agreed procedures Personal feeling raised Established Ground rules More listening Concern for others Experimentation Risky issues debated Wider options Mechanical working considered Agreed procedures Personal feeling raised Established Ground rules More listening Concern for others

Appropriate leadership Max. use of energy/ability Essential principles & social aspects considered Needs of all met Development & priority

Experimentation Risky issues debated Wider options considered Personal feeling raised More listening Concern for others

Performing Norming
(not all standards, procedures & processes formalised)

Fully effective Team operations

Unclear objectives Low involvement in planning Weaknesses covered up Workplace is for work Poor listening Feeling not dealt with Bureaucracy Established line prevails No rocking the boat Boss takes most decisions


Roles accepted Developing team

(role & responsibilities not formalised yet)

Stressful negotiation of working terms

(no common objectives yet)

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Learning to deal with others Minimal work achievement



DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA


Chairman Shaper Plant or Innovator Resource investigator Monitor/evaluator Team worker Specialist Company worker Completer/finisher
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Goal setter and leader Dynamic leader/driver Originator of ideas Scouts external information

Team Synergy

Objective judge Unifier & harmoniser Dedicated single skill Efficient task completion Identifies errors/omissions

Chairman (CH)
Typical features:
Calm Self-confident Controlled

Positive qualities
A capacity for treating and welcoming all potential contributors on their merits and without prejudice A strong sense of objectives

Allowable weakness
No more than ordinary in terms of intellect or creative ability
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Shaper (SH)
Typical features:
High strung Outgoing Dynamic

Positive qualities
Drive and readiness to challenge inertia, ineffectiveness, complacency or self-deception

Allowable weakness
Proneness to provocation, irritation and impatience
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Plant (PL) or Innovator

Typical features:
Individualistic Serious-minded Unorthodox

Positive qualities
Genius Imagination Intellect Knowledge

Allowable weakness

Up in the clouds Inclined to disregard practical details or protocols

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Resource Investigator (RI)

Typical features:
Extroverted Enthusiastic Curious

Positive qualities
A capacity for contacting people and exploring anything new An ability to respond to challenge

Allowable weakness
Liable to loose interest once the initial fascination has passed
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Monitor-Evaluator (ME)
Typical features:
Sober Unemotional Prudent

Positive qualities
Judgement Discretion Hard-headedness

Allowable weakness
Lacks inspiration or the ability to motivate others
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Team Worker (TW)

Typical features:
Socially orientated Rather mild Sensitive

Positive qualities
An ability to respond to people and to situations, and to promote team spirit

Allowable weakness
Indecisiveness at moments of crisis
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Specialist (SP)
Typical features:
Single minded

Positive qualities
Dedicated Depth of knowledge

Allowable weakness
Tunnel vision Sees the world from one view
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Company Worker (CW)

Typical features:
Conservative Dutiful Predictable

Positive qualities
Organising ability Practical common sense Hard working Self-discipline

Allowable weakness
Lack of flexibility Unresponsiveness to unproven ideas
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Completer/Finisher (CF)
Typical features:
Painstaking Orderly Conscientious Anxious

Positive qualities

A capacity for follow-through Perfectionism

Allowable weakness

A tendency to worry about small things. A reluctance to let go

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Team 1: to design a new model and prepare a prototype

Team 2: to streamline the system destined to produce it Teams contain five members Team 1 requirements Designer of genius A manager to chair the project and adopt a low profile A person with creative talents and a wide range of contacts A person with good organisational skills and abilities

Team 2 requirements Getting things done done at high speed in a politically sensitive area Leadership with relentless drive to guarantee results and ensures that sch
DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Team 1 Coordinator/Team Worker Super Innovator Evaluator/Organiser Resource Investigator/Team Worker Organiser/Finisher

Team 2 Shaper/Finisher
Evaluator/Team Worker Organiser/Team Worker Team Worker/Organiser Finisher/Team Worker

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Successful Teams

Deliver what they set out to Have clear objectives, roles and deliverables Balance the effort across the members Provide a fun, challenging, rewarding work environment for the members Remain with participants after the task is finished Match leadership style, structure and operation with the context within which they operate Provide a learning experience for the members Enjoy increased productivity

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

Unsuccessful Teams
Deliver late, low quality, do not meet the stakeholder expectations Stumble from an unclear beginning through unforeseen problems Do not exploit the varied skills and experience available Are little fun to be part of Do not move towards shared objectives

DR ASSEM AL-HAJJ, Univation, RGU Project Management and Economics. SITP-SPDC, NIGERIA

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