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Workforce Central ®

Developer’s Toolkit Reference

Guide — Timekeeping

An alphabetical listing of the XML application programming

interface (API) tag definitions that are used by the Workforce
Central platform and Workforce Timekeeper.

Kronos Workforce Central Suite

Version 5

Document Part Number: 4703394-001

Document Revision: A
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment
by Kronos Incorporated. Kronos Incorporated assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this
manual. This document or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of
Kronos Incorporated. All rights reserved. Copyright 2005.

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Document Revision History

Document Revision Product Version Release Date

A Workforce Central 5.1 June 2005

About This Guide

Organization of this guide ........................................................................... 16
Abbreviations and terms .............................................................................. 17

Chapter 1: Introduction
Using the tag descriptions ........................................................................... 20

Chapter 2: XML API Tag Definitions

AccessAssignment Tag ............................................................................... 26
AccessProfile Tag ........................................................................................ 35
AccrualBalanceLimit Tag ........................................................................... 40
AccrualBalanceSummary Tag ..................................................................... 42
AccrualCode Tag ......................................................................................... 49
AccrualData Tag .......................................................................................... 52
AccrualMove Tag ........................................................................................ 54
AccrualPatternElement Tag ......................................................................... 58
AccrualProfile Tag ...................................................................................... 59
AdHocLaborAccount Tag ........................................................................... 62
AppendShifts Tag ........................................................................................ 64
ApprovalStatus Tag ..................................................................................... 66
ApproveSignoff Tag .................................................................................... 71
Attribute Tag ............................................................................................... 75
AuthenticationType Tag .............................................................................. 77
BadgeAssignment Tag ................................................................................. 79
Bid Tag ........................................................................................................ 83
BidGroup Tag .............................................................................................. 87
BidGroupItem Tag ....................................................................................... 93
BidNote Tag ................................................................................................ 99
BidRequest Tag ......................................................................................... 101

BulkAccruals Tag ......................................................................................110

BulkTotals Tag ...........................................................................................113
CancelDeductions Tag ...............................................................................115
CertificationItem Tag .................................................................................118
CheckAdvice Tag .......................................................................................120
CheckAdviceDetailDeductions Tag ...........................................................126
CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit Tag ......................................................128
CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay Tag ..............................................................130
CheckAdviceDetailTaxes Tag ...................................................................132
Comment Tag .............................................................................................134
ConnectToSchedule Tag ............................................................................136
ConnectToScheduleItem Tag .....................................................................138
CoverShiftStatus Tag .................................................................................141
CurrentUser Tag .........................................................................................143
CustomData Tag ........................................................................................147
CustomDate Tag ........................................................................................149
DataSource Tag ..........................................................................................151
DateTotals Tag ...........................................................................................153
DeductRule Tag .........................................................................................154
DeviceGroup Tag .......................................................................................156
Document Tag ............................................................................................158
DocumentDueDate Tag ..............................................................................163
DocumentReminder Tag ............................................................................166
DocumentStatus Tag ..................................................................................168
EarnedAccrual Tag ....................................................................................173
EffectiveWorkload Tag ..............................................................................177
EligibilityAnswer Tag ................................................................................181
EligibilityEvaluation Tag ...........................................................................183
EligibilityQuestion Tag ..............................................................................186
EligibilityRequirement Tag ........................................................................187
EligibleJobs Tag .........................................................................................194
EmailAddress Tag ......................................................................................196
EmployeeGroupAssign Tag .......................................................................198
EmployeeGroupItem Tag ...........................................................................201

4 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeGroupProfile Tag ....................................................................... 203

EmployeeSummary Tag ............................................................................ 205
EmployeeTenure Tag ................................................................................ 207
EmploymentStatus Tag ............................................................................. 210
Error Tag ................................................................................................... 214
ExpectedHours Tag ................................................................................... 218
FailedXMLTransaction Tag ...................................................................... 220
FunctionAccessProfile Tag ....................................................................... 227
GroupMembership Tag ............................................................................. 230
Headcount Tag ........................................................................................... 232
HeadcountPattern Tag ............................................................................... 234
HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag ....................................................................... 236
HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag .................................................................... 244
Holiday Tag ............................................................................................... 252
HolidayEditHours Tag ............................................................................... 254
HolidayEditWages Tag ............................................................................. 256
HomeAccount Tag ..................................................................................... 258
HyperFindQuery Tag ................................................................................. 260
HyperFindResult Tag ................................................................................ 264
ImportBatchStatus Tag .............................................................................. 266
JobAssignment Tag ................................................................................... 271
JobAssignmentDetails Tag ........................................................................ 275
Kronos_WFC Tag ..................................................................................... 279
KTimeZone Tag ........................................................................................ 281
LaborAccount Tag ..................................................................................... 283
LaborAccountEntry Tag ............................................................................ 286
LaborAccountEntryData Tag .................................................................... 289
LaborAccountSet Tag ................................................................................ 291
LaborAccountSetProfile Tag ..................................................................... 296
LaborLevelDefinition Tag ......................................................................... 298
LaborLevelEntry Tag ................................................................................ 301
LeaveCascader Tag ................................................................................... 307
LeaveCase Tag .......................................................................................... 309
LeaveCaseRuleAssignment Tag ................................................................ 327

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 5


LeaveCategory Tag ....................................................................................329

LeaveDecisionNode Tag ............................................................................334
LeaveDocument Tag ..................................................................................337
LeaveDocumentReminder Tag ..................................................................339
LeaveDocumentTemplate Tag ...................................................................340
LeavePassThroughNode Tag .....................................................................345
LeaveProfile Tag ........................................................................................347
LeaveProfileCategory Tag .........................................................................352
LeaveProfileCategoryRule Tag ..................................................................354
LeaveProfileCategoryType Tag .................................................................355
LeaveReason Tag .......................................................................................356
LeaveRequest Tag ......................................................................................362
LeaveRule Tag ...........................................................................................365
LeaveRuleNode Tag ..................................................................................370
LeaveTaking Tag .......................................................................................372
LeaveTakingNode Tag ...............................................................................374
LeaveTime Tag ..........................................................................................376
LeaveType Tag ..........................................................................................379
LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment Tag .......................................................385
LeaveTypeReason Tag ...............................................................................387
LicenseType Tag ........................................................................................388
LocationId Tag ...........................................................................................391
LockedDataCorrection Tag ........................................................................392
LogonProfile Tag .......................................................................................394
ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile Tag .............................................397
ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile Tag ...................................................399
ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile Tag ..................................................402
ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile Tag ............................................................404
MarkForTotalization Tag ...........................................................................406
Menu Tag ...................................................................................................408
MenuItem Tag ............................................................................................410
MinimunHoursNoModification Tag ..........................................................413
NameList Tag .............................................................................................416
Names Tag .................................................................................................418

6 Kronos Incorporated

NonCancellingPayCodeEdit Tag ............................................................... 419

OnCall Tag ................................................................................................ 425
OpenShiftItem Tag .................................................................................... 427
OpenShiftVolunteer Tag ........................................................................... 428
OptOutStatus Tag ...................................................................................... 433
OptOutStatusList Tag ................................................................................ 435
OrgJob Tag ................................................................................................ 437
OrgLocation Tag ....................................................................................... 438
OrgLocationsImport Tag ........................................................................... 442
OrgSet Tag ................................................................................................. 444
OrgSetEntry Tag ........................................................................................ 448
OrgSetJob Tag ........................................................................................... 450
OvertimeApproval Tag .............................................................................. 452
PasswordHistory Tag ................................................................................. 456
PatternElement Tag ................................................................................... 457
PayCode Tag ............................................................................................. 461
PayCodeEdit Tag ....................................................................................... 465
PayCodeMove Tag .................................................................................... 474
PayCodeProfile Tag ................................................................................... 482
PayFromSchedule Tag ............................................................................... 485
PayFromScheduleStopEvent Tag .............................................................. 488
PayRuleProfile Tag ................................................................................... 491
PeriodTotals Tag ....................................................................................... 493
Permission Tag .......................................................................................... 495
Person Tag ................................................................................................. 497
PersonAccessAssignment Tag ................................................................... 504
Personality Tag .......................................................................................... 508
PersonalOvertimeAssignment Tag ............................................................ 513
PersonalOvertimeLimit Tag ...................................................................... 517
PersonalOvertimeRule Tag ....................................................................... 519
PersonAuthenticationType Tag ................................................................. 521
PersonCertificationAssign Tag .................................................................. 523
PersonCertificationItem Tag ..................................................................... 526
PersonIdentity Tag ..................................................................................... 529

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 7


PersonInformation Tag ..............................................................................534

PersonLeaveProfileAssignment Tag ..........................................................543
PersonLicenseType Tag .............................................................................545
PersonShiftTemplateAssignment Tag ........................................................547
PersonSkillAssign Tag ...............................................................................549
PersonSkillItem Tag ...................................................................................552
PostalAddress Tag ......................................................................................554
PreferenceProfile Tag ................................................................................557
PrimaryLaborAccount Tag ........................................................................559
Process Tag ................................................................................................563
ProcessProfile Tag .....................................................................................570
ProcessSchedule Tag ..................................................................................573
ProcessTask Tag ........................................................................................577
ProcessTemplate Tag .................................................................................585
Punch Tag ..................................................................................................606
PunchStatus Tag .........................................................................................616
ReportProfile Tag .......................................................................................619
Request Tag ................................................................................................621
RequestToCover Tag .................................................................................632
RequestToCoverItem Tag ..........................................................................638
ResetAccrual Tag .......................................................................................639
Response Tag .............................................................................................644
RuleSetEmployeeAssign Tag ....................................................................646
Schedule Tag ..............................................................................................648
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit Tag .............................................................662
ScheduleAccrualPattern Tag ......................................................................665
ScheduleCostPaycode Tag .........................................................................670
ScheduleCostResult Tag ............................................................................672
ScheduleCostSummary Tag .......................................................................674
ScheduleGroup Tag ....................................................................................676
ScheduleGroupProfile Tag .........................................................................680
ScheduleHours Tag ....................................................................................682
ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation Tag ........................................................688
ScheduleHoursDailyStatus Tag .................................................................689

8 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHoursException Tag ................................................................... 691

ScheduleHoursStatus Tag .......................................................................... 692
ScheduleMarkPosted Tag .......................................................................... 695
ScheduleOff Tag ........................................................................................ 697
SchedulePattern Tag .................................................................................. 702
SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag ........................................................................ 709
SchedulePeriod Tag ................................................................................... 716
ScheduleShift Tag ..................................................................................... 720
ScheduleShiftSwap Tag ............................................................................. 726
ScheduleUnavailable Tag .......................................................................... 728
ScheduleZone Tag ..................................................................................... 733
ServerTime Tag ......................................................................................... 735
ShiftBuilder Tag ........................................................................................ 737
ShiftCode Tag ............................................................................................ 739
ShiftCountSpan Tag .................................................................................. 743
ShiftSegment Tag ...................................................................................... 744
ShiftStartTimeBand Tag ............................................................................ 748
ShiftTemplateAssignment Tag .................................................................. 752
ShiftTemplateItem Tag .............................................................................. 754
ShiftValidation Tag ................................................................................... 756
SimpleValue Tag ....................................................................................... 759
StandardShift Tag ...................................................................................... 760
SuiteProduct Tag ....................................................................................... 762
Supervisor Tag ........................................................................................... 765
SwapShiftEmployees Tag ......................................................................... 767
SwapShiftJobs Tag .................................................................................... 770
SystemSettings Tag ................................................................................... 773
TelephoneNumber Tag .............................................................................. 775
TimeEntry Tag ........................................................................................... 777
TimeFramePeriod Tag ............................................................................... 779
TimekeepingException Tag ....................................................................... 782
Timesheet Tag ........................................................................................... 785
Total Tag ................................................................................................... 791
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit Tag .......................................................... 795

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 9


TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable Tag .........................................798

TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration Tag ....................................................802
TotaledSpan Tag ........................................................................................805
TotalSummary Tag ....................................................................................807
Transaction Tag ..........................................................................................808
TransferEmployee Tag ...............................................................................809
TransferJobSeniorityDate Tag ...................................................................811
TypeOverride Tag ......................................................................................814
User Tag .....................................................................................................816
UserAccount Tag .......................................................................................819
UserAccountLockout Tag ..........................................................................823
UserAccountStatus Tag ..............................................................................825
VacationBid Tag ........................................................................................829
WageProfile Tag ........................................................................................835
WaitingPeriod Tag .....................................................................................837
WeekDay Tag ............................................................................................839
WfcJob Tag ................................................................................................841
WorkedDuration Tag .................................................................................846
WorkerType Tag ........................................................................................854
WorkerTypeElement Tag ...........................................................................858
WorkflowAccessAssignment Tag ..............................................................860
WorkflowTemplateCategory Tag ..............................................................863
WorkHour Tag ...........................................................................................866
WorkRule Tag ............................................................................................869
WorkRuleProfile Tag .................................................................................871
WSAAssignmentRule Tag .........................................................................873
WSAAutoBreakPlacement Tag .................................................................878
WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP Tag .............................................................881
WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem Tag ...................................................884
WSABonusDeductRule Tag ......................................................................886
WSABreakRule Tag ..................................................................................898
WSABreakTime Tag ..................................................................................905
WSACallInRule Tag ..................................................................................908
WSACombinationRule Tag .......................................................................915

10 Kronos Incorporated

WSACombinedPayCodeRule Tag ............................................................ 917

WSAComment Tag ................................................................................... 921
WSACommentType Tag ........................................................................... 924
WSAContributingPayCodeRule Tag ......................................................... 926
WSAContributingShiftRule Tag ............................................................... 929
WSACoreHoursRule Tag .......................................................................... 933
WSACreditCalculator Tag ........................................................................ 939
WSADaysOfWeek Tag ............................................................................. 947
WSADisplayOrder Tag ............................................................................. 950
WSADispOrdOptionalRule Tag ................................................................ 953
WSAEffectivePayRule Tag ....................................................................... 955
WSAEffectiveWorkRule Tag .................................................................... 961
WSAEligibilityDeterminer Tag ................................................................. 965
WSAExceptionRule Tag ........................................................................... 969
WSAFixedRule Tag .................................................................................. 974
WSAFunctionAccessProfile Tag ............................................................... 977
WSAHoliday Tag ...................................................................................... 981
WSAHolidayCreditRule Tag ..................................................................... 984
WSAIntervalRoundRule Tag .................................................................... 988
WSALaborLevel Tag ................................................................................ 991
WSALaborLevelEntry Tag ....................................................................... 995
WSALogonProfile Tag .............................................................................. 999
WSAMajorityRule Tag ........................................................................... 1005
WSAOptionalRule Tag ........................................................................... 1009
WSAOvertimeCombination Tag ............................................................. 1011
WSAOvertimeRule Tag .......................................................................... 1014
WSAPatternTemplateDAP Tag ............................................................... 1020
WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem Tag .................................................... 1023
WSAPayCode Tag ................................................................................... 1025
WSAPayCodeDAP Tag ........................................................................... 1032
WSAPayCodeDistribution Tag ............................................................... 1035
WSAPayCodeProfileItem Tag ................................................................ 1039
WSAPayDistributionAssociation Tag ..................................................... 1041
WSAPayPeriod Tag ................................................................................. 1044

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 11


WSAPayRule Tag ....................................................................................1047

WSAPayRuleHoliday Tag .......................................................................1050
WSAPermission Tag ................................................................................1052
WSAPunchRoundRule Tag .....................................................................1055
WSAReportDAP Tag ...............................................................................1068
WSAReportProfileItem Tag ....................................................................1071
WSAScheduleDeviationRule Tag ............................................................1073
WSAScheduledHoursType Tag ...............................................................1076
WSAScheduleGroupDAP Tag .................................................................1079
WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem Tag ......................................................1082
WSASequencedItem Tag .........................................................................1084
WSASequencerRule Tag .........................................................................1086
WSAShiftGuarantee Tag .........................................................................1089
WSAShiftLength Tag ..............................................................................1094
WSAShiftTemplateDAP Tag ...................................................................1096
WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem Tag ........................................................1099
WSASignOffRestriction Tag ...................................................................1101
WSATkTerminalRule Tag .......................................................................1105
WSAULLE Tag .......................................................................................1113
WSAWageProfile Tag .............................................................................1116
WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage Tag ..............................................1119
WSAWageProfilePayCode Tag ...............................................................1121
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule Tag ......................................................1123
WSAWorkRule Tag .................................................................................1126
WSAWorkRuleDAP Tag .........................................................................1129
WSAWorkRuleGeneral Tag ....................................................................1132
WSAWorkRulePCDistr Tag ....................................................................1135
WSAWorkRuleProfileItem Tag ...............................................................1138
WSAWPWageAdjustment Tag ................................................................1140
WSAZone Tag .........................................................................................1143
WSAZoneCombinationRule Tag .............................................................1155
WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule Tag ........................................1158
WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule Tag .....................................................1160
WSAZoneRule Tag ..................................................................................1162

12 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneRuleHoliday Tag .................................................................... 1165

WSAZoneRuleLimit Tag ........................................................................ 1167
WTDEmployeeAssignment Tag ............................................................. 1169
WTDGlobal Tag ...................................................................................... 1174
WTDRule Tag ......................................................................................... 1181
WTKEmployee Tag ................................................................................. 1195


Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 13


14 Kronos Incorporated
About This Guide

This reference guide defines and describes the Kronos XML API for Version 5.1
of the Kronos® Workforce Central® suite.
This preface contains the following sections:
• “Organization of this guide” on page 16
• “Abbreviations and terms” on page 17
About This Guide

Organization of this guide

This reference guide contains the following information:
• Chapter 1, “Introduction,” on page 19 provides an overview on how to use the
reference information.
• Chapter 2, “XML API Tag Definitions,” on page 25 contains detailed
information about each XML tag.

Users of this guide

This reference guide is for programmers, system integrators, and Web developers
who need to understand the Kronos XML interface.
Readers should have knowledge of the following software technologies:
• Tag-based markup languages such as HTML and XML.
• Data transfer protocols such as TCP/IP; HTTP and HTTPS; and SOAP.
• Request-response transactions and sessions.
• The Workforce Central user interface.

16 Kronos Incorporated
Abbreviations and terms

Abbreviations and terms

The following abbreviations and terms are used in this reference guide:

Abbreviation Term
API Application Program Interface
DTK Developer’s Toolkit
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
RDBMS Relational Database Management System
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
URL Universal Resource Locator
XML Extensible Markup Language

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 17

About This Guide

18 Kronos Incorporated
Chapter 1

This introduction explains the XML tag and syntax formats that are used in the
Kronos XML API reference documentation.
Chapter 1 Introduction

Using the tag descriptions

The XML tags are described using standard formats and conventions, described in
this section.
XML tag name

The XML tag name includes the technical name, or how the tag is referenced in
code, and the non-technical name, or how the tag is referenced in the XML Import
and Export Programmer Guides and the user interface.
Example technical name: CheckAdvice
Example non-technical name: Earnings History
XML tag description

The XML tag description gives an overview of what the XML tag is used for, and
specifies whether it is used by another XML tag. The description also includes tag
level validations, if they are not standard validations. For example, standard date
validation is not mentioned, but if the date must fall during the last week of a
month, the information is included.
Function access control point

The function access control point identifies the access point in the function access
profile that must be enabled to make an XML tag available to the user who made
the request.
Example: API.Timecard means that the user must have access to Timecard.
To validate whether you have the appropriate access rights, complete these steps
in Workforce Central Setup. Contact your system administrator if you do not have
access to Workforce Central Setup:
1. Click Access Profiles.
2. Select Function Access Profiles from the list on the left. Double-click the
function access profile that is associated with the client application’s access
right to the tag on the right; for example, IS.
3. The Edit Function Access Profile window opens. Expand the API and API
Beans entries to see all the function access control points.

20 Kronos Incorporated
Using the tag descriptions

4. Find the specified function access control point on the list and verify that it is
specified as Allowed.

The “introduced” version specifies the Workforce Central version number when
the tag was introduced. If the tag was modified since it was introduced, the
version when it was last changed is specified. If it has been modified in this
release and you are already using this tag, check your XML code to make sure it is
If the tag has been marked for deprecation, this information is specified. A
deprecated item will be removed from the API in the next major release, or
after one year, whichever date is later.

This section describes the abstract syntax for the XML tag. XML tag names,
action names, action parameters, and property names are case sensitive.


Request -->
<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >
Actions --> "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"
Parameters -->
[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]
Properties -->
AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
[ FromLaborAccountName = String ]
FromPayCodeName = String
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ ManagerName = String ]

Workforce Central Developer’s Toolkit Reference Guide 21

Chapter 1 Introduction

OrgJobId = String
[ OrgJobName = String ]
PayCodeName = String >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

The syntax conventions are described in the following table.

Syntax Description Example

monospace Variable, which must be replaced CommentText = String
italic by a value in the XML code. where String tells you to add
comments here.
Brackets Optional elements [CommentText = String]
[ ] where [] mean that the
CommentText property is not
required in the tag.
Parenthesis Output only properties (AccrualCodeId = Long)
() identifies AccrualCodeId as a
property that is only used for
vertical pipe Mutually exclusive options "AddComment" |
| "AddOnly" | "Delete"
Choose one of these actions.
asterisk Array of zero or more occurrences <Comment>*
* An array of comments can be
plus sign Array of one or more occurrences

22 Kronos Incorporated
Using the tag descriptions

Parts of a syntax statement

The five optional parts of a syntax statement are:

• Request—An XML statement can be actionable or non-actionable. If it is
actionable, the statement is contained within a Request tag. If it is not
actionable, it must be used within an actionable tag.
• Actions—If the syntax statement contains actions, an Actions part identifies
all the actions supported by the XML tag.
• Parameters—If any actions use parameters, a Parameters part identifies them.
• Properties—The properties part of the syntax statement identifies all
properties that are available for a tag, including required and optional

• Contained API tags—If the syntax of the primary XML tag requires another
XML tag, which is not assigned to any property within the primary tag, a
container API tag is used to specify a placeholder for the other tag.
Action descriptions

The action description includes the following information:

• The action name includes the technical name, or how the action is referenced
in code; and the non-technical name, or how the action is referenced in the
XML Import and Export Programmer Guides and the user interface.
• The description tells what the action does, including validation rules.
• The return value type identifies whether the action returns any data, and if so,
the data type of the returned value.
• The required properties identifies all properties that must be specified when
this action is used.
• The optional properties identifies the properties that can optionally be
specified for the action.
• The access control point name identifies the type of access available for the
• The Action Parameters table specifies the names and descriptions of all
parameters associated with an action. Not all actions have action parameters.

Workforce Central Developer’s Toolkit Reference Guide 23

Chapter 1 Introduction

• The “introduced” version specifies the Workforce Central version number

when the action was introduced. If the action was modified since it was
introduced, the version when it was last changed is specified. If it has been
modified in this release and you are already using this action, check your
XML code to make sure it is up-to-date.
If the action has been marked for deprecation, this information is specified. A
deprecated item will be removed from the API in the next major release, or
after one year, whichever date is later.
Property descriptions

The property description describes all of the properties specified for an XML tag.
• The property name includes the technical name, or how the property is
referenced in code; and the non-technical name, or how the property is
referenced in the XML Import and Export Programmer Guides and the user
• The description describes each property, including validation rules.
• Allowed Values identifies a predefined set of allowable values for the
• The Default Value item identifies a default value, where appropriate.
• The Contributes to Uniqueness item identifies properties that are required as
part of the unique identification of an instance of a tag.
• Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties specifies if any of the properties in a
tag are mutually exclusive. For example, in the EarnedAccruals tag, you can
specify the AmountInTime or the AmountInCurrency property, but not both.
• The “introduced” version specifies the Workforce Central version number
when the property was introduced. If the property was modified since it was
introduced, the version when it was last changed is specified. If it has been
modified in this release and you are already using this property, check your
XML code to make sure it is up-to-date.
If the property has been marked for deprecation, this information is specified.
A deprecated item will be removed from the API in the next major release,
or after one year, whichever date is later.

24 Kronos Incorporated
Chapter 2
XML API Tag Definitions

This chapter lists and describes the XML API tags, in alphabetical order.
Chapter 2

AccessAssignment Tag
Access Rights
The AccessAssignment tag enables you to specify access rights for a person.
Access rights can also be displayed and edited online in the People Editor. The
user of this tag must have access rights to view or edit the specified data.
Used by: PersonInformation
Dependency: Access to this information is controlled through the Role View
access control point. The user must have view or add access rights to retrieve or
modify the information in this tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

[ AccessProfileName = String ]
[ AvailabilityPatternName = String ]
[ GroupScheduleName = String ]
[ ManagerAccessSetName = String ]
[ ManagerPayCodeName = String ]
[ ManagerTransferSetName = String ]
[ ManagerWorkRuleName = String ]
[ PreferenceProfileName = String ]
[ ProfessionalPayCodeName = String ]
[ ProfessionalTransferSetName = String ]
[ ProfessionalWorkRuleName = String ]
[ ReportName = String ]
[ SchedulePatternName = String ]
[ ShiftCodeName = String ]
[ TimeEntryTypeName = String ]
[ TransferEmployeeFlag = Boolean ] />

Property Descriptions
Function access profile

26 Kronos Incorporated
AccessAssignment Tag

The name of the person's function access profile. The function access profile
contains a set of permissions and restrictions that determine which components
users can access and the types of functions they can perform. For information
about function access profiles and related concepts, see the online help.

The following predefined data values are available:

• &IS
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Default Value: Specified in the Access Profile editor in the Workforce Timekeeper
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Availability template profile
The name of the availability template profile that an individual can use when in a
manager's role. An availability template is a series of availability settings for a
recurring time period that a manager can assign to multiple employees and reuse
as needed. An availability template profile is a group of availability templates.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Default Value: The Empty Data Access Profile

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 27

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Schedule group profile
Contains the name of a manager's schedule group profile. A schedule group is a
set of employees who work the same shifts, and the schedule group profile is a set
of schedule groups.
Workforce Scheduler provides the following predefined data values:
• &ALL_GROUP_SCHEDULES and &EMPTY for all group schedules

Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager's license
Default Value: The Empty Data Access Profile
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Employee group profile
The name of the labor level set that is the manager's employee group when an
individual is in a manager role. This gives the manager access to the records of
those individuals whose primary accounts are in that labor level set.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Dependency: ManagerAccessSetName is only used for an employee who has a
user account.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters

28 Kronos Incorporated
AccessAssignment Tag

Must have a labor account set type of Employee Groups (Manager) or All Sets
(Both Manager and Transfer)
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Pay codes profile - manager
The name of the pay code profile that applies to an individual when in a manager
role. A pay code profile identifies those pay codes that the manager can select.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager's license.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Labor level transfer set - manager
The name of the labor level transfer set that applies to an individual when in a
manager role. A labor level transfer set is a group of labor level entries that a
manager or employee can use to transfer time or money.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:

Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Must be identified as a labor account set and have a Type of Employee Groups
(Manager) or All Sets (Both Manager and Transfer)

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 29

Chapter 2

Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager's license.

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Work rule profile - manager
The name of the work rule profile that applies to an individual in a manager role.
A work rule profile is a set of rules that determines how employee hours accrue
(for example, details about how punches round, what types of overtime can be
earned, which pay codes hold what type of hours, and policies for meals and
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager's license.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Display profile
The name of the personís display profile. The display profile identifies the
information that is displayed to a user; for example, which Workforce Genie
appears as a Genie selection on the navigation bar, or how time is displayed in the
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: &DEFAULT_PREFERENCE,
&SUPER_USER_PREFERENCE, Monday Manager, Tuesday Manager, Friday
Manager, Timekeeper, Scheduler, Professional Employees

30 Kronos Incorporated
AccessAssignment Tag

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Pay codes profile - employee
The name of the pay code profile that applies to an individual when in an
employee role. A pay code profile identifies those pay codes that the employee
can select.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Dependency: Only specify for an employee who has a user account user.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Labor level transfer set - employee
The name of the labor level transfer set that applies to an individual when in an he
name of the labor level transfer set that applies to an individual when in an
employee role. A labor level transfer set is a group of labor level entries that a
manager or employee can use to transfer time or money.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Dependency: The specified person must have a Type of Employee Groups
(Manager) or All Sets (Both Manager and Transfer)
Dependency: Only specify for an employee who has a user account.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 31

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Work rule profile - employee
The name of the work rule profile that applies to an individual in an employee
role. A work rule profile is a set of rules that determines how employee hours
accrue (for example, details about how punches round, what types of overtime can
be earned, which pay codes hold what type of hours, and policies for meals and
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Dependency: Only specify for an employee who has a user account user.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Reports profile
Contains the name of the report profile that applies to an individual when in a
manager role. A reports profile defines which reports the manager can generate or
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager license.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

32 Kronos Incorporated
AccessAssignment Tag

Pattern template profile
Contains the name of a manager's pattern template profile. Pattern templates
contain a series of shifts that managers can assign to multiple employees. This
pattern template profile identifies those pattern templates that the individual can
select when in a manager's role.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager license.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Default Value: The Empty Data Access Profile
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Shift template profile
The name of the shift template profile that an individual can use when in a
manager's role. A shift template is a shift with all its segments that a manager can
assign to multiple employees and reuse as needed, and a shift template profile is a
group of shift templates.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Dependency: Only specify for a person who has a manager license

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 33

Chapter 2

Default Value: The Empty Data Access Profile.

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Time entry method
Indicates the method that the person uses for entering time.
Specify one of the following numbers to represent the data value:
• 1 for Timestamp
• 2 for Timestamp and Hourly View
• 3 for Hourly View
• 4 for Project View
Dependency: Specify only if you are importing a person who has a license type of
1 (Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee).
Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Only Allowed Values: 1, 2, 3, 4
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Can see transferred employees
Indicates whether the user can view data for employees who have transferred into
work labor accounts that match the primary accounts to which the user has access.
TransferEmployeeFlag can have the following values:
• False, if the user cannot see employees who have transferred in
• True, if the user can see employees who have transferred in
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4

34 Kronos Incorporated
AccessProfile Tag

AccessProfile Tag
Access Profile
The AccessProfile tag provides information about access controls. Use it to check
a specific access control prior to attempting to perform an action, such as edit.
Access profiles are created in Workforce Central Setup and are assigned to people
in the online People Editor.
The tag provides the following types of information:
• Access Control Points identify the types of access that can be made available;
for example, whether access can be made available for HomeLaborAccount.
• Actions identify what a user can do with data; for example, edit.
• Suite Products identify components of the system that can be made available;
for example, DCM.
Function Access Control Point: API.AccessProfile
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"IsPermitted" |
"Load" |
"LoadAllAccessControlPointNames" |
"LoadAllActionNames" |
"LoadAllowedPermissions" |

AccessControlPointName = String
ActionName = String
[ PersonNumber = String ]
SuiteProductName = String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 35

Chapter 2

[ AccessProfileName = String ]
( Description = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns a value that denotes whether the specified combination of person, access
control point, action, and suite product has access rights.
Returns either True or False
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride = True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used
Default Value: False

Returns the access profile name and description for the specified access profile.
If the access profile name is specified, it must exist in the system. If the access
profile name is not specified, the default access profile is used.
Return Value Type: AccessProfile tag

36 Kronos Incorporated
AccessProfile Tag

Optional Properties: AccessProfileName

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Returns all access control points.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all action names.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all permissions allowed for the specified access profile.
Either the specified AccessProfileName or the default AccessProfile must exist.
Return Value Type: Zero or more Permission tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all suite product names.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 37

Chapter 2

Access profile name
The name of the person's function access profile. The function access profile
determines the Workforce Timekeeper components that users can access and the
types of functions that users can perform within Workforce Timekeeper, based on
their assigned roles.
For example, access profiles for Managers can include permission to edit
schedules and timecards. The same profile can be assigned to a group of similar
users, such as managers in the same department. The system administrator creates
the access profiles in Workforce Central Setup. Refer to the Workforce Central
System Administrator's Guide-Timekeeping for an explanation of the roles.
Workforce Timekeeper provides the following predefined data values:
• &IS
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Default Value: As specified in the Access Profile editor of the Workforce Central
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Describes the access profile.
Type: String

38 Kronos Incorporated
AccessProfile Tag

Output Only
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 39

Chapter 2

AccrualBalanceLimit Tag
Accrual Balance Limit (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. This tag represents an accrual balance test
condition. The left side of the expression is an accrual code. The operator is a
normal mathematical equality operator and the right side of the expression
represents a limiting value. If the balance associated with the accrual code does
not meet the limiting criteria, the test fails.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

AccrualCode = String
Limit = TimeDuration
Operator = String />

Property Descriptions
Accrual code
The name of an accrual code.
Type: String
The name must match an exiting Accrual Code defined in Workforce Central
Introduced in v5.0.a
An amount of time in days.

40 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualBalanceLimit Tag

Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.0.a; last changed in v5.1
The comparison operator to use when comparing the actual balance in the given
Accrual Code versus the Limit.
Type: String
Valid values are Less than, Less than or equal to, Equal to, More than or equal to,
More than, Not equal to.
Only Allowed Values: Less than, Less than or equal to, Equal to, More than or
equal to, More than, Not equal to
Sample values: Less than
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 41

Chapter 2

AccrualBalanceSummary Tag
Accrual Balance for a Person
The AccrualBalanceSummary tag returns data about an accrual balance for one
Used by: AccrualData, EmployeeSummary
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

( AccrualCodeId = Long )
( AccrualCodeName = String )
( AccrualType = Long )
( EncumberedBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( EncumberedBalanceInTime = TimeDuration )
( HoursPerDay = TimeDuration )
( ProbationaryBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( ProbationaryBalanceInTime = TimeDuration )
( ProjectedBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( ProjectedBalanceInTime = TimeDuration )
( ProjectedDate = Date )
( ProjectedGrantAmountInCurrency = Currency )
( ProjectedGrantAmountInTime = TimeDuration )
( ProjectedProbationaryBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( ProjectedProbationaryBalanceInTime = TimeDuration )
( ProjectedTakingAmountInCurrency = Currency )
( ProjectedTakingAmountInTime = TimeDuration )
( ProjectedVestedBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( ProjectedVestedBalanceInTime = TimeDuration )
( VestedBalanceInCurrency = Currency )
( VestedBalanceInTime = TimeDuration ) />

Property Descriptions
Accrual code Id

42 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualBalanceSummary Tag

A unique identifier for the accrual code.

Type: Long
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Accrual code name
A named account containing the category in which time or money accrues, such
as sick, personal, or vacation.
Type: String
Output Only
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Type of accrual
The type identifier displayed for an accrual: 1 for hours, 2 for days, 3 for currency.
Type: Long
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: 1, 2, 3
Introduced in v4
Encumbered balance, in currency
Amount of money vested, minus any future scheduled takings.
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a monetary type
Introduced in v4
Encumbered balance, in time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 43

Chapter 2

Amount of time vested, minus any future scheduled takings.

Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a time type
Introduced in v4
Hours per day
Number of hours in an accrual day.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Probationary balance, in currency
Amount of money earned, but not taken because the employee is within the
probation period. A probationary amount is one that cannot be taken or paid out.
A balance that is given to a person for a probationary period can be transferred as
a vested amount once the person has worked through the probationary period.
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a monetary type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Probationary balance, in time
Amount of time earned, but not taken because the employee is within the
probation period. A probationary amount is one that cannot be taken or paid out.
A balance that is given to a person for a probationary period can be transferred as
a vested amount once the person has worked through the probationary period.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only

44 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualBalanceSummary Tag

Contains a value if the accrual is a time type

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Projected balance, in currency
The current balance minus all projected takings and plus all projected credits up
through the furthest projected taking date. This balance includes any scheduled
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual type is currency
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0
Projected balance, in time
The current balance minus all projected takings and plus all projected credits up
through the furthest projected taking date. This balance includes any scheduled
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual type represents a time
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0
Projected date
The date used in determining the projected balance.
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 45

Chapter 2

Projected grant amount, in currency
The amount of money scheduled for future grants between the selected date and
the furthest projected grant date.
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a monetary type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Projected grant amount, in time
The amount of time scheduled for future grants between the selected date and the
furthest projected grant date.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a time type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Projected probationary balance, in currency
The projected probationary balance expressed as an amount of money. A
probationary amount is one that cannot be taken or paid out. A balance that is
given to a person for a probationary period can be transferred as a vested amount
once the person has worked through the probationary period.
Type: Currency
Output only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Projected probationary balance, in time
The projected probationary balance expressed as an amount of time. A
probationary amount is one that cannot be taken or paid out. A balance that is

46 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualBalanceSummary Tag

given to a person for a probationary period can be transferred as a vested amount

once the person has worked through the probationary period.
Type: TimeDuration
Output only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Projected taking amount, in currency
The amount of money that the employee is scheduled to take between the selected
date and the furthest projected taking date.
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a monetary type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Projected taking amount, in time
The amount of time that the employee is scheduled to take between the selected
date and the furthest projected taking date.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a time type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Projected vested balance, in currency
The current vested balance of money minus all projected takings and plus all
projected vested credits up through the furthest projected taking date. This
balance includes any scheduled resets.
Type: Currency
Output only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 47

Chapter 2

Projected vested balance, in time
The current vested balance of time minus all projected takings and plus all
projected vested credits up through the furthest projected taking date. This
balance includes any scheduled resets.
Type: TimeDuration
Output only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Vested balance, in currency
The amount of money that is vested in the employee's account. A vested amount is
one that can be taken or paid out.
Type: Currency
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a monetary type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Vested balance, in time
The amount of time that is vested in the employee's account. A vested amount is
one that can be taken or paid out.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Contains a value if the accrual is a time type
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

48 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualCode Tag

AccrualCode Tag
Accrual Code
The AccrualCode tag defines details about an accrual code. Accrual codes
identify categories of time or money that employees earn, such as vacation, sick
time, and bonus. Amounts can be hours, days, or money.
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAllAccrualCodes"

( Abbreviation = String )
( AccrualCodeName = String )
( DisplayType = String )
( HoursPerDay = TimeDuration ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns information for all accrual codes
Return Value Type: Zero or more AccrualCode tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 49

Chapter 2

The abbreviation of the accrual code, which can be up to three characters. This
abbreviation may appear on selected reports.
Abbreviation of the accrual code name.
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Accrual code name
A named account identifying a category of time or money that employees earn.
Type: String
Output Only
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The type of accrual code, which can be money, hours, or days.
Suggested display type of the value.
Type: String
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: Hours, Days, Currency
Introduced in v4
The number of hours per day that constitutes a day of this accrual code. This value is
used to convert hours to days.
Number of hours in an accrual day.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only

50 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualCode Tag

Contains no value when the DisplayType is Currency

Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 51

Chapter 2

AccrualData Tag
Accrual Data for Employee
The AccrualData tag gets accrual balance information for the specified employee
on the specified date.
Used by: EmployeeSummary
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
BalanceDate = Date >
( <AccrualBalances>
</AccrualBalances> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Returns one summary for each accrual code for the specified employee and date.
Only returns one employee
Return Value Type: AccrualData tag
Required Properties: Employee, BalanceDate
Access Control Point Name: View

52 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualData Tag

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
The balance amounts in all accrual codes for the specified employee
One or more sets of accrual summaries that represent all accrual codes found for
the employee at the specified date.
Type: Zero or more AccrualBalanceSummary tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The date specified for the accrual balances being retrieved. Balance date is required.
The date specified for the accrual balances. The vested balance is as of this date.
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The employee whose accrual data is being retrieved. Employee is required.
The employee whose accrual data is being retrieved. Employee is required and
must be an existing and active employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 53

Chapter 2

AccrualMove Tag
Accrual Move
The AccrualMove tag moves an accrued amount from one accrual code to
another. For example, depending on your companyís policies and the user's access
rights, a user might be able to move an employeeís accrued sick time to the
employee's vacation time.
Dependency: All rules related to applying an accrual move apply to this tag and its
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"
AmountInCurrency = Currency
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
Date = Date
GivingEmployeeAccrualCodeName = String
TakingEmployeeAccrualCodeName = String >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions

54 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualMove Tag

Moves an accrual amount from one employee accrual code to another.
The amount of the accrual is also required. Specify either an AmountInCurrency
or an AmountInTime.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: GivingEmployeeAccrualCodeName,
TakingEmployeeAccrualCodeName, Date, GivingEmployee, TakingEmployee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of accrual, in currency
An accrual amount expressed as money.
Type: Currency
See group( Amount)
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Amount of pay code, in time
A pay code amount, expressed as time.
Type: TimeDuration
See group( Amount)
The accrual amount that should be assigned to the employee if the accrual code is
an hour or daily accrual code.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Effective date
The date when the accrual move takes effect.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 55

Chapter 2

Type: Date
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Employee who is giving
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, from whom
the accrual will be deducted.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Accrual code the accrual is moved from
Accrual code (such as sick or vacation) that you want to move to another accrual
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application. Use a value
that is assigned to the employee, as specified in the accrual profile.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Employee who is taking
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to whom the
accrual will be assigned. This employee can be the same as the GivingEmployee,
or it can be a different employee.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag

56 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualMove Tag

Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Accrual code the accrual is moved to
Accrual code (such as sick or vacation) to which you want to move an accrued
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application. Use a value
that is assigned to the employee, as specified in the accrual profile.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

The accrual code determines whether AmountInCurrency and AmountInTime
must be specified
Group includes: AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 57

Chapter 2

AccrualPatternElement Tag
Accrual Pattern Element
The AccrualPatternElement tag represents a schedule day allocated to a specific
accrual code.
Used by: ScheduleAccrualPattern
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

DayNumber = Integer />

Property Descriptions
Day number in the pattern
Specifies the day of the pattern.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than zero
Introduced in v4

58 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualProfile Tag

AccrualProfile Tag
Accrual Profile
The AccrualProfile tag provides information about the accrual profile assigned to
a group of employees. The accrual profile defines a set of accrual rules that apply
to the employees to which the accrual profile is assigned. For example, one profile
can be assigned to all full-time employees and another can be assigned to all part-
time employees.
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v4.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllAccrualProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ AccrualProfileId = Integer ]
[ AccrualProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns an accrual profile.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: AccrualProfile tag
Required Properties: AccrualProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 59

Chapter 2

Returns all accrual profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more AccrualProfile tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns an accrual profile, based on the specified AccrualProfileId.
Return Value Type: AccrualProfile tag
Required Properties: AccrualProfileID
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Accrual profile Id
A unique identifier for the accrual profile.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Accrual profile
The accrual profile to be used for a person or group. Accrual profiles are based on
your companyís accrual rules and policies that apply to similar groups of
employees. The rules determine how employees accrue their time or money, or
both. When an employee uses accrued time or money, specified amounts are
deducted from the balance. When an employee receives or earns time or money,
specified amounts are credited to the balances.
Type: String

60 Kronos Incorporated
AccrualProfile Tag

Maximum length: 50 characters

You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: VAC and Sick Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 61

Chapter 2

AdHocLaborAccount Tag
Ad Hoc Labor Account
The AdHocLaborAccount tag enables the creation of an ad hoc labor level
An ad hoc labor level account can be created only if it does not already exist, and
if at least one of the labor level entries needs to be created.
Function Access Control Point: API.LaborLevel
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "CreateAdHoc"

FieldDefinitionName = String
LaborAccountName = String />

Action Descriptions
Adds an ad hoc labor account
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LaborAccountName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions

62 Kronos Incorporated
AdHocLaborAccount Tag

Field definition name
Activity form substep's field definition name.
Type: String
Must match an existing field definition name
Introduced in v5.0
Labor account
Name of the labor level account to be created ad hoc.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the database.
For example, if you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for each
labor level: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employeeís primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
The user and labor level account must allow ad hoc access
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 63

Chapter 2

AppendShifts Tag
Append shifts
The AppendShifts tag adds time to the beginning or end of a given shift.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

AppendDurationAmount = TimeDuration
AppendToBeginOrEnd = Boolean
EffectiveDate = Date
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Amount of time to be appended
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Append to the beginning?
AppendToBeginOrEnd property.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

64 Kronos Incorporated
AppendShifts Tag

Effective date
EffectiveDate property
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Labor account
LaborAccountName property.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Organizational job path
OrgJobPath property.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Work rule
WorkRuleName property.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 65

Chapter 2

ApprovalStatus Tag
Approval Status
This tag describes the Approval Status of a leave case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

DefaultSwitch = Boolean
[ Description = String ]
IsActive = Boolean
Name = String
OrderNumber = Integer />

Action Descriptions
Adds an Approval Status.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch

66 Kronos Incorporated
ApprovalStatus Tag

Optional Properties: Description

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes an Approval Status by name.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves an Approval Status by name.
Return Value Type: ApprovalStatus tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all Approval Status objects.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ApprovalStatus tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all Approval Status objects.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the Approval Status with the given name.
Return Value Type: ApprovalStatus tag

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 67

Chapter 2

Required Properties: Name

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates an Approval Status. If the named Approval Status does not exist, then it
is created.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Updates an existing Approval Status.
The named Approval Status must exist.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
default flag
Indicates whether the Approval Status is used as the default.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Sample values: true

68 Kronos Incorporated
ApprovalStatus Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Description of the status. It can be up to 250 characters long.
Type: String
Sample values: Description of the status.
Introduced in v5.1
Active Flag
Indicates whether the Approval Status is active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the Approval Status.
Type: String
The max string length is 50. The name is unique.
Introduced in v5.1
Order Number
The order number of the Approval Status.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 69

Chapter 2

The integer format must be correct.

Default Value: 0
Sample values: 12
Introduced in v5.1

70 Kronos Incorporated
ApproveSignoff Tag

ApproveSignoff Tag
Approve Timecard
The ApproveSignoff tag enables the user to manage the approval and signoff
aspects of a timecard.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

"Approve" |
"PeriodIsApproved" |
"PeriodIsSignedOff" |
"RemoveApproval" |
"RemoveOthersApproval" |
"RemoveSignOff" |

[ DataSource = String ]
[ UserName = String ] >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions
Approves the specified employee's timesheet.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 71

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns a True or False, depending on whether the specified employee's timesheet
is approved.
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns True or False, depending on whether the specified employee's timesheet
is signed off.
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Removes the approval from the employee.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Removes an approval that was added by someone other than the current user.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Period, UserName, DataSource

72 Kronos Incorporated
ApproveSignoff Tag

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v4
Removes the latest signoff for the employee.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a sign off to the specified employee's timesheet.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Data source
The data source that identifies the user who performed a timecard approval.
This value is only relevant for the RemoveOthersApproval action.
Type: String
Maximum length: 10 characters
Introduced in v4
One employee whose time is to be approved or signed off, as specified in a
PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.

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Chapter 2

Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag

Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Time period
For all actions except Signoff, this is the timeframe to which the action applies. It
is ignored for the Signoff action.
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Introduced in v4
User name
The user name used for the approval. Used in the PeriodIsApproved action.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Default Value: The logged on user
Introduced in v4

74 Kronos Incorporated
Attribute Tag

Attribute Tag
Attribute for process or task
The Attribute tag identifies an attributes for either a process or a task.
Used by: Process, ProcessTask
Function Access Control Point:
Introduced in v5.1

Name = String
Value = String />

Property Descriptions
Attribute name
Name of the attribute. Each attribute must contain both a name and a value.
Type: String
Maximum length: 255 characters
Sample values: HRAdministrator
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Attribute value
The value for the attribute. Each attribute must contain both a name and a value.
Type: String

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Chapter 2

Sample values: 207

Introduced in v5.1

76 Kronos Incorporated
AuthenticationType Tag

AuthenticationType Tag
Authentication Type
The AuthenticationType tag retrieves all AuthenticationType objects.
Function Access Control Point: API.People
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAll"

( AuthTypeName = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Retrieves all AuthenticationType objects from the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more AuthenticationType tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Authentication type
Name of the authentication type.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 77

Chapter 2

Output only
Introduced in v5.1

78 Kronos Incorporated
BadgeAssignment Tag

BadgeAssignment Tag
Badge Assignment
The BadgeAssignment tag assigns a badge number to an employee.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadBadgeAssignments"

BadgeNumber = String
EffectiveDate = DateTime
[ ExpirationDate = DateTime ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions
Assigns a badge number to a person for a specified time period. If no time period
is specified, the time period begins with the current date and time and continues
indefinitely. An empty tag (with only the Identity and Period properties) results
when no data for the person or period is found.
The person must exist and the user must have access to that person.

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Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more BadgeAssignment tags

Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Badge number
The badge number that you want to assign to the employee.
The system can be configured to allow multiple badges for employees using the
global.BadgeAssignment.allowsOverlap property. For information, see the
System Settings information in online help. If an employee is assigned multiple
badge numbers, each badge number and associated information is added in a
separate request. If an employee is assigned multiple badge numbers and you
want to remove one of the badge numbers, first remove all existing badge
numbers and then reassign the badge number that you want to keep.
Type: String
Maximum length: 25 characters
Must be unique for the specified date span. Validation is done after a person is
associated with a badge, using the PersonInformation tag.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Effective date and time
The date and time when the badge number assignment becomes effective. If this is
blank, the current date and time are used.
Type: DateTime
Must occur before the expiration date

80 Kronos Incorporated
BadgeAssignment Tag

Default Value: If only the date is specified, the time defaults to 12:00am; that is,
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Expiration date and time
The date and time when the badge number assignment expires. If this is blank, the
badge number assignment continues indefinitely.
Type: DateTime
Must occur after the effective date
If only the date is specified, the time defaults to 12:00am; that is, midnight.
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The person to whom the badge number is assigned, as specified in a
PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify a person.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Time period
The time span that is associated with the badge assignments.
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
The specified identity is used when the time frame requires an association with a

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Chapter 2

Used for the LoadBadgeAssignments action.

Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0

82 Kronos Incorporated
Bid Tag

Bid Tag
This is an abstract bid bean that describes the generic bid which the employee
submits, once the manager sends on a bid request.
The validate method validates the contents of the bean. When it returns normally,
the bean is believed to be valid for posting to the database.
For Action BidGroupItem AddBids, the vacation bid BidGroupItemId property
should match the BidGroupItem BidGroupItemId property.
Function Access Control Point: API.Bid
Introduced in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "ApplyBidNotes" | "DeleteBidNotes"

BidGroupItemId = Long
BidId = Long
Priority = Integer
( Status = String ) >
[ <BidNotes>
</BidNotes> ]

Action Descriptions
Applies the specified bid notes to the bid specified by the bid id. Existing bid
notes are deleted and the specified ones are inserted.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 83

Chapter 2

For the ApplyBidNotes Action, the BidId property and the BidNotes property
MUST be defined.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidId, BidNotes
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Deletes all bid notes associated with the bid represented by this bid bean.
For the DeleteBidNotes Action, the BidId property MUST be defined.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Property Descriptions
Bid Group Item Id
Id of the bid group item that this bid belongs to.
Type: Long
If the property is defined for an Action, the BidGroupItemId cannot be null. The
BidGroupItemId MUST be defined for the VacationBid element in the
BidGroupItem BidList for adding bids.
Sample values: <VacationBid BidGroupItemId="3" Priority="5" StartDate="04/
01/2004 00:00:00" EndDate="05/01/2004 11:48:56" HoursPerDay="288000"
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

84 Kronos Incorporated
Bid Tag

Bid Id
Unique identifier for this bid.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidId property cannot be null. The BidId property
MUST NOT be specified for the BidGroupItem AddBids Action. The BidId
property MUST be defined for the ApplyBidNotes, DeleteBidNotes,
BidGroupItem RemoveBids Actions.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Bid Notes
List of BidNotes to add a specific bid.
Type: Zero or more BidNote tags
If defined for an Action, the BidNotes property cannot be null. The contents of the
BidNotes list cannot be null. The BidNotes property MUST contain one or more
BidNote elements. The BidNotes property MUST be specified for the
ApplyBidBNotes Action.
Sample values: <VacationBid Id="501">
<BidNote Sequence="1" Text="For vacation bid with Id=501"></BidNote>
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Bid Priority
Bid priority. Also known as rank.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 85

Chapter 2

Type: Integer
If the Priority property is defined for an action, the Priority property cannot be
null. The Priority cannot be less than 1.
Sample values: <VacationBid BidGroupItemId="3" Priority="1" StartDate="04/
01/2004 00:00:00" EndDate="05/01/2004 11:48:56" HoursPerDay="288000"
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Bid status
The status of the bid, which may be 1 of 3 states : Submitted, Approved, Rejected.
Type: String
Output only
The BidStatus property cannot be defined for any BidGroupItem, Bid, or Vacation
Bid Action.
Only Allowed Values: Submitted - 0, Approved - 1, Rejected - 2
Default Value: Submitted, 0
Sample values: Submitted - 0, Approved - 1, Rejected - 2
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

86 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroup Tag

BidGroup Tag
Bid Group
This tag identifies the bidding group where one or more employees may belong
The validate method validates the contents of the bean. When this method returns
normally, the bean is believed to be valid for posting to the database.
Function Access Control Point: API.BidGroup
Introduced in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadByBidRequest" |
"Update" |

BidGroupId = Long
BidRequestId = Long
CloseDate = DateTime
[ Description = String ]
Name = String
[ NotificationText = String ]
OpenDate = DateTime
ShiftOverride = Boolean />

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 87

Chapter 2

Adds a new bid group.
For the AddOnly Action, the BidRequestId property, the Name property, the
OpenDate property, the CloseDate property, and the ShiftOverride property
MUST be specified and valid values. The BidGroupId MUST NOT be specified
for the AddOnly Action.
Return Value Type: BidGroup tag
Required Properties: BidRequestId, Name, OpenDate, CloseDate, ShiftOverride
Optional Properties: NotificationText
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Deletes a bid group.
For the Delete Action, the BidGroupId MUST be specified and set to a valid
BidGroupId value.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidGroupId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Loads bid group given the specific BidGroupID.
For the Load Action, the BidGroupId MUST be specified and set to a valid
BidGroupId value.
Return Value Type: BidGroup tag
Required Properties: BidGroupId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0.a
Loads all bid groups for a given bid request.

88 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroup Tag

For the LoadByBidRequest Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be

specified and set to a valid id for a BidRequest.
Return Value Type: Zero or more BidGroup tags
Required Properties: BidRequestId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0.a
Updates or inserts a bid group depending respectively on whether a bid group
having the specified BidGroupId, already exists or not. When the update implies
addition of a new bid group, the BidGroupId, if any, if specified, is ignored.
For Update Action, the BidGroupId property, the BidRequestId property, the
OpenDate property, and the CloseDate property all MUST be specified for the
Update Action.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidGroupId, BidRequestId, OpenDate, CloseDate
Optional Properties: ShiftOverride, NotificationText
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Updates a bid group given its BidGroupId.
For the UpdateOnly Action, the BidRequestId MUST NOT be specified. The
BidGroupId property MUST be specified, and the BidGroupId specified MUST
be a valid id for a Bid Group.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidGroupId
Optional Properties: Name, Description, OpenDate, CloseDate, ShiftOverride,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 89

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Bid Group Id
Identifies a unique bid group.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidGroupId cannot be null. The BidGroupId MUST
be equal to or greater than 1. The BidGroupId MUST NOT be defined for
AddOnly Action. The BidGroupId MUST be defined for Delete, Load, Update,
and UpdateOnly Actions.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Request Id
Identifies the parent bid request.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidRequestId cannot be null. If the BidRequestId
property is defined for an Action, it MUST be a valid id for a specific Bid
Request. The BidRequestId MUST be defined for AddOnly, LoadByBidRequest,
and Update Actions.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Close Date
Date on which bidding closes.
Type: DateTime

90 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroup Tag

If defined for an Action, the CloseDate property cannot be null. The CloseDate
property must be defined for AddOnly and Update Actions.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 11:48:56"
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Group Description
Description for bid group.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the Description property cannot be null.
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Group Name
Name for bid group.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the Name property cannot be null. The Name value
MUST be less than or equal to 250 characters. The Name property MUST be
specified for the AddOnly Action.
Introduced in v5.0.a
Notification Text
Text of the notification sent when the parent bid request is sent to the bidding
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the NotificationText property cannot be null. The
NotificationText property MUST be less than or equal to 4000 characters in

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 91

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0.a
Open Date
Date on which bidding opens.
Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, OpenDate property cannot be null. The OpenDate
property MUST be specified for the AddOnly and Update Actions.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 00:00:00"
Introduced in v5.0.a
Shift Override
Whether to override shifts when posting to schedule.
Type: Boolean
If defined for an Action, the ShiftOverride property cannot be null. The
ShiftOverride property MUST be defined for the AddOnly Action.
Default Value: "false"
Sample values: "true" OR "false"
Introduced in v5.0.a

92 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroupItem Tag

BidGroupItem Tag
Bid Group Item
The BidGroupItem tag assigns one or more person(s) into a specific bid group.
Each person is identified by a specific person id and each bid group is identified
by a specific bid group id.
The BidSubmissionStatus may not be specified for any action.
All Actions are validated. The validate method validates the contents of the bean.
When the validation method returns normally, the bean is believed to be valid for
posting to the database.
Function Access Control Point: API.BidGroupItem
Introduced in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddBids" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadByBidGroupAndPerson" |

BidGroupId = Long
BidGroupItemId = Long
[ BidReceived = DateTime ]
( BidSubmissionStatus = String )
[ LastSubmitted = DateTime ]
PersonId = Long >
[ <BidList>
</BidList> ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 93

Chapter 2


Action Descriptions
Adds bids to an existing bid group item given the BidGroupItemId.
For the AddBids Action, the BidGroupItemId property and the BidList property
MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: BidGroupItem tag
Required Properties: BidGroupItemId
Optional Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId, LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Adds a new bid group item.
For AddOnly Action, the BidGroupItemId and the BidSubmissionStatus should
not be specified. The BidGroupId and PersonId should be valid id values and
specified for the AddOnly Action.
Return Value Type: BidGroupItem tag
Required Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId
Optional Properties: LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Deletes a bid group item given its BidGroupItemId.
For the Delete Action, the BidGroupItemId MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidGroupItemId
Optional Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId, LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: Edit

94 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroupItem Tag

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Loads the specific bid group item given its BidGroupItemId.
For the Load Action, the BidGroupItemId must be specified.
Return Value Type: BidGroupItem tag
Required Properties: BidGroupItemId
Optional Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId, LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Retrieves the specific bid group item given the BidGroupId and PersonId.
For the LoadByBidGroupAndPerson Action, the BidGroupId and PersonId
property must be specified.
Return Value Type: BidGroupItem tag
Required Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId
Optional Properties: BidGroupItemId, LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Remove bids from a bid group item specified by the BidGroupItemId.
For the RemoveBids Action, the BidGroupItemId property and the BidList
property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: BidGroupItem tag
Required Properties: BidGroupItemId
Optional Properties: BidGroupId, PersonId, LastSubmitted, BidReceived
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 95

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Bid Group Id
The id value for a specific bidding group. The BidGroupId is the id of the bid
group this bid group item belongs to.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidGroupId MUST not be null. The BidGroupId
MUST be a valid id value which is able to retrieve a specific BidGroup bean. The
BidGroupId MUST be specified for AddOnly and LoadByBidGroupAndPerson
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Bid Group Item Id
The specific id value for each bid group item. The BidGroupItemId identifies a
unique bid group item.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, BidGroupItemId cannot be null. The BidGroupItemId
property MUST not be defined for AddOnly Action, but MUST be defined for
Delete, Load, AddBids, and RemoveBids Actions. The BidGroupItemId cannot
be less than 1.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Bid List
List of Bids to add to the bid group item.
Type: Zero or more VacationBid tags

96 Kronos Incorporated
BidGroupItem Tag

If defined for AddBids or RemoveBids Actions, the BidList cannot contain null
values. The BidList property may only be defined for the AddBids and
RemoveBids Actions.
Introduced in v5.0
Date Bid Received
The date on which the bid request was last received by the employee. If null, the
bid request associated with this bid group item was not received by the employee.
Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, the BidReceived property cannot be null.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 11:48:56"
Introduced in v5.0
Bid Submission Status
The bidding submission status value: Not Submitted, Submitted, or Declined To
Type: String
Output only
The BidSubmissionStatus can only have values for Not Submitted, Submitted, or
Declined To Submit. The BidSubmissionStatus cannot be defined for AddOnly
Only Allowed Values: 1 - Not Submitted, 2 - Submitted, 3 - Declined To Submit
Default Value: Not Submitted
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Date Last Submitted
The date on which the bids associated with this bid group item were last
submitted. If null, the bid associated with this bid group item has not been

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 97

Chapter 2

Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, the LastSubmitted property cannot be null.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 00:00:00"
Introduced in v5.0
Person Id
The specific id value of person. The PersonId is the id of the person this bid group
item belongs to.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the PersonId cannot be null. The PersonId cannot be less
than 1. The PersonId MUST be defined for AddOnly and
LoadByBidGroupAndPerson Actions.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

98 Kronos Incorporated
BidNote Tag

BidNote Tag
Bid Note
These are the bid notes associated with a specified bid.
The validate method validates the contents of the bean. When it returns normally,
the bean is believed to be valid for posting to the database.
Function Access Control Point: API.BidNote
Introduced in v5.0.a

Sequence = Integer
Text = String />

Property Descriptions
Sequence Number
Sequence number for a bid note in the set of bid notes for a given bid.
Type: Integer
If defined for a BidNote, the Sequence property cannot be null. The Sequence
property MUST be defined for a BidNote within BidNotes list when running the
Bid or VacationBid ApplyBidNotes Action. The Sequence value cannot be less
than 1.
Sample values: <BidNotes>
<BidNote Sequence="1" Text="This text is for vacation bid with Id=501"></
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 99

Chapter 2

Bid Note Text
Text for the bid note.
Type: String
If defined for a BidNote, the Text property cannot be null. The Text MUST be a
string value less than or equal to 255 characters. The Text property MUST be
defined for a BidNote.
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

100 Kronos Incorporated

BidRequest Tag

BidRequest Tag
Bid Request
The Bid Request tag can be used to submits a bidding request. Typically, the
manager will send out or submit a bidding request to his or her employees, so that
the employees may be able to submit bids for specific vacation time.
The validate method validates the contents of the bean.
Function Access Control Point: API.BidRequest
Introduced in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadByManager" |
"PostToSchedule" |
"SendToParticipants" |
"Update" |

BidRequestId = Long
[ Description = String ]
GroupScheduleProfileName = String
[ MaxBids = Integer ]
[ Name = String ]
[ NotificationDate = DateTime ]
[ PeriodEndDate = DateTime ]
[ PeriodStartDate = DateTime ]
SchedulePatternProfileName = String
ShfitCodeProfileName = String
( Status = String )

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 101

Chapter 2

Type = String
VacationPayCodeName = String >

Action Descriptions
Adds a bid request.
For the AddOnly Action, the Manager Property, the PeriodStartDate Property, the
PeriodEndDate Property, the Name Property, and the Type Property, and the
specific pay code profile name based on the Type property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: BidRequest tag
Required Properties: Manager, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate, Name, Type,
Either VacationPayCodeName, ShiftCodeProfileName,
SchedulePatternProfileName, GroupScheduleProfileName
Optional Properties: Description, NotificationDate
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Deletes a bid request given the BidRequestId.
For the Delete Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidRequestId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Retrieves a bid request given the BidRequestId. Properties other than the
BidRequestId property, if specified, are ignored.
For the Load Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be specified.

102 Kronos Incorporated

BidRequest Tag

Return Value Type: BidRequest tag

Required Properties: BidRequestId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0.a
Retrieves a list of bid requests corresponding to the specified Manager. Properties
other than the Manager property, if specified, will be ignored.
For the LoadByManager Action, the Manager property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: Zero or more BidRequest tags
Required Properties: Manager
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0.a
Posts the bid request for the specified BidRequestId to schedule. Properties other
than the BidRequestId property, if specified, are ignored.
For the PostToSchedule Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidRequestId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Posts the bid request for the specified BidRequestId to schedule. Properties other
than the BidRequestId, if specified, are ignored.
For the SendToParticipants Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidRequestId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 103

Chapter 2

Updates or inserts a bid request depending respectively on whether a bid request
having the specified BidRequestId, already exists or not. When the update implies
addition of a new bid request, the BidRequestId, if any is specified, is ignored.
For the Update Action, you must specify the following properties: Manager,
PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate, Name, MaxBids, Type, based on Type specify
either VacationPayCodeName, ShiftCodeProfileName,
SchedulePatternProfileName, GroupScheduleProfileName.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidRequestId, Manager, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate,
Name, MaxBids, Type, Either VacationPayCodeName, ShiftCodeProfileName,
SchedulePatternProfileName, or GroupScheduleProfileName
Optional Properties: Description, NotificationDate
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Updates the bid request given the BidRequestId.
For the UpdateOnly Action, the BidRequestId property MUST be specified. If
you specify the Type property, based on Type specified you MUST specify either
VacationPayCodeName, ShiftCodeProfileName, SchedulePatternProfileName, or
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidRequestId
Optional Properties: Manager, PeriodStartDate, PeriodEndDate, Name,
Description, MaxBids, NotificationDate, Type and Either
VacationPayCodeName, ShiftCodeProfileName, SchedulePatternProfileName,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a

Property Descriptions

104 Kronos Incorporated

BidRequest Tag

Bid Request Id
Identifies a unique bid request.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidRequestId property cannot be null. The
BidRequestId property MUST be greater than or equal to 1. The BidRequestId
property MUST be specified for every BidRequest Action, except
LoadByManager & AddOnly Action.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Request Description
Description for bid request.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the Description property cannot be null. The Description
property MUST be less than or equal to 255 characters in length.
Introduced in v5.0.a
Group Schedule Profile Name
Name of Access Profile that governs the set of Group Schedules from which
bidding participants can choose. Applies only to bidding type 'Shift By Group
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the GroupScheduleProfileName cannot be null. If the
Type property is set to the shift by group schedule bidding tye, then the
GroupScheduleProfileName MUST be defined, and the VacationPayCodeName
and other 2 Profile Names NOT.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 105

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Request Owner
Owner of bid request.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
If defined for an Action, the Manager property cannot be null. The PersonIdentity
tag must be specified in the Manager property. The Manager property MUST be
specified for the AddOnly and the LoadByManager Actions.
Sample values: <Manager>
<PersonIdentity PersonNumber="207">
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Max Bids
Maximum number of bids allowed.
Type: Integer
If the property is defined for an Action, the MaxBids property cannot be null. The
MaxBids property MUST be greater than or equal to 1. The MaxBids property
MUST be specified for the AddOnly Action.
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Request Name
Name for the bid request.
Type: String

106 Kronos Incorporated

BidRequest Tag

If defined for an Action, the Name property cannot be null. The Name property
MUST be less than or equal to 30 characters. The Name property MUST be
specified for the AddOnly Action.
Introduced in v5.0.a
Notification Date
Date on which notification about this bid request was last sent to bidding
Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, the Notification cannot be null.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 11:48:56"
Introduced in v5.0.a
Period End Date
Bid End Date for target bidding period.
Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, the PeriodEndDate cannot be null. The PeriodEndDate
MUST be specified for the AddOnly Action.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 11:48:56"
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Period Start Date
Start Date for the target bidding period.
Type: DateTime

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 107

Chapter 2

If defined for an Action, the PeriodStartDate cannot be null. The PeriodStartDate

property MUST be specified for the AddOnly Action.
Sample values: "04/20/2004 00:00:00"
Introduced in v5.0.a
Schedule Pattern Profile Name
Name of Access Profile that governs the set of Schedule Patterns from which
bidding participants can choose. Applies only to bidding type 'Shift By Pattern'.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the SchedulePatternProfileName cannot be null. If the
Type property is set to the shift by pattern bidding tye, then the
SchedulePatternProfileName MUST be defined, and the VacationPayCodeName
and other 2 Profile Names NOT.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Shift Code Profile Name
Name of Access Profile that governs the set of Shift Codes from which bidding
participants can choose. Applies only to bidding type 'Shift By Day'.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the ShiftCodeProfileName cannot be null. If the Type
property is set to the shift by day bidding tye, then only the ShiftCodeProfileName
MUST be specified, the VacationPayCodeName and other 2 Profile Name
properties MUST NOT.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a

108 Kronos Incorporated

BidRequest Tag

Status for bid request.

Type: String
Output only
The Status property MUST NOT be defined or specified for any BidRequest
Only Allowed Values: 0 - Not Ready, 1 - Ready, 2 - Done, 3 - Posted
Default Value: 0 - Not Ready
Introduced in v5.0.a
Bid Type
Identifies the bidding type.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the Type property cannot be null. The Type property can
only be 1 of 4 Bidding Types - Vacation, Shift By Day, Shift By Pattern, or Shift
By Group Schedule. The Type property MUST be specified for the AddOnly
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a
Vacation Pay Code Name
Name of Pay Code to use for vacation. Applies only for bidding type 'Vacation'.
Type: String
If defined for an Action, the VacationPayCodeName cannot be null. If the Type
property is set to the vacation bidding tye, then only the VacatioPayCodeName
MUST be specified, the other 3 ProfileName properties MUST NOT be defined.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 109

Chapter 2

BulkAccruals Tag
Set of Accruals for Employees
The BulkAccruals tag identifies a set of accruals for one or more employees
during a specified time period.
Function Access Control Point: API.BulkSummary
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAccruals"
AccrualCodeNames = String >

Action Descriptions
Returns detailed data about the specified set of accruals. This action uses the
EmployeeSummary tag, which in turn uses the AccrualBalanceSummary tag to
list details about the specified accruals.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EmployeeSummary tags
Required Properties: Employees, AccrualCodeNames, Period
Access Control Point Name: View

110 Kronos Incorporated

BulkAccruals Tag

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Accrual code names
A comma-separated list of accrual code names. The accrual codes are created in
Workforce Timekeeper and must be assigned to the employee before you can
import data against them.
Type: String
Maximum length: Limited by your system environment settings
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4
One or more people, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag, for whom accruals are
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Introduced in v4
Time period
Two timeframes are supported:
• 1 or Current_Pay_Period
• 13 or Today
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Only Allowed Values: 1, 13

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 111

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

112 Kronos Incorporated

BulkTotals Tag

BulkTotals Tag
Bulk Totals
The BulkTotals tag identifies a list of employees, a list of pay code names, and a
time period.
Function Access Control Point: API.BulkSummary
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadPayCodeTotals"
PayCodeNames = String >

Action Descriptions
Returns totals for a given list of employees in their respective current pay periods.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EmployeeSummary tags
Required Properties: Employees, PayCodeNames, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 113

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
One or more people, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag, for whom totals are
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Introduced in v4
Pay codes
A comma-separated list of pay code names
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Time period
Two timeframes are supported:
• 1 or Current_Pay_Period
• 13 or Today
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Default Value: 1, 13
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

114 Kronos Incorporated

CancelDeductions Tag

CancelDeductions Tag
Cancel Deductions
The CancelDeductions tag denotes a request from Data Collection Manager
(DCM) to cancel all deductions for a specified date and time.
You can use the Update action to locate the nearest shift overlapping or prior to
the given date and time, as long as it is within a twenty-four-hour period. If found,
the shift will be flagged as if its auto-deductions are canceled.
This action is comparable to flagging a punch in the Timecard editor and
canceling all deductions.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"
Date = Date
[ ManagerName = String ]
Time = Time >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Flags the indicated shift so that automatic deductions are not applied to the totals
for that shift.
Return Value Type: None

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 115

Chapter 2

Required Properties: Employee, Date, Time

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Date of cancelation
The date of the cancelation.
Type: Date
Introduced in v4
One employee whose deductions are being canceled, as specified in a
PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Manager name
The name used to replace the user name in audit.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Introduced in v5.0.a
Time of cancelation

116 Kronos Incorporated

CancelDeductions Tag

The time of the cancelation. The Time and Date form a timestamp. If a shift
overlaps the 23:59 preceding this timestamp, auto-deductions will be canceled for
that shift. Otherwise, the cancelation has no effect.
Type: Time
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 117

Chapter 2

CertificationItem Tag
Certification Item
The CertificationItem tag defines an item in the certification.
Used by: PersonCertificationAssign
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

[ Abbreviation = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String />

Property Descriptions
Abbreviation for the certification item
Abbreviation for the certification
Type: String
Maximum length: 5 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Is the rule type active?
If True, the specified rule type is active.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0

118 Kronos Incorporated

CertificationItem Tag

Certification item name
The unique name of the certification item
Type: String
Maximum length: 40 characters
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 119

Chapter 2

CheckAdvice Tag
Earnings History
The CheckAdvice tag provides earnings history information for the specified
Function Access Control Point: API.PayrollAddOns
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly"
CheckDate = Date
CheckNumber = String
[ Deductions = String ]
EndDate = Date
[ GrossPay = String ]
NetPay = String
PaymentType = String
StartDate = Date
[ Taxes = String ]
[ TotalHours = String ] >
[ <DeductionsList>
</DeductionsList> ]
[ <DirectDepositList>
</DirectDepositList> ]
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
[ <GrossPayList>
</GrossPayList> ]

120 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdvice Tag

[ <TaxesList>
</TaxesList> ]

Action Descriptions
Adds a pay stub to the database. If one already exists with the same key, it is
overwritten by the new one.
Dates must be valid dates
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, CheckNumber, CheckDate, NetPay, StartDate,
EndDate, PaymentType
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Date of check
Payment date
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Check number
The check number for this transaction
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 121

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Total of all deductions
The total amount of deductions that applied to the payment
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0
List of deductions
One or more deductions that were applied to the payment.
Type: Zero or more CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tags
If there are any values in DeductionsList, then Deductions must be specified.
Introduced in v5.0
Direct deposit details
Details about the direct deposit of the check
Type: Zero or more CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tags
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v5.0

122 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdvice Tag

End date of pay period
The end date for the pay period for which the check is drawn
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Gross pay
The amount of the check before adjustments are made
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0
List of gross pay details
Details about the gross payment for the check. May not be specified if GrossPay
property is not specified.
Type: Zero or more CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tags
Introduced in v5.0
Net pay
The gross pay with adjustments, such as deductions and taxes, applied
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 123

Chapter 2

Method of payment
The method of payment
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Sample values: Direct Deposit, Check
Introduced in v5.0
Start date of pay period
The start of the pay period for which the check is drawn
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Total amount of taxes for items identified as detail taxes that is deducted from the
gross payment
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0
List of taxes
Details about the taxes applied to the check.
Dependency: May not be specified if the Taxes property is not specified.
Type: Zero or more CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tags

124 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdvice Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Total hours
The total number of hours for which the employee is being paid
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 125

Chapter 2

CheckAdviceDetailDeductions Tag
Earnings History - Deduction
The CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag describes a deduction in the employee's
earnings history.
Used by: CheckAdvice
Function Access Control Point: API.PayrollAddOns
Introduced in v5.0

Amount = String
AmountYTD = String
Description = String
EmployeePaid = String
EmployeePaidYTD = String />

Property Descriptions
Amount of deduction
Amount of the specified deduction
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Year to date total
A cumulative year to date amount for this deduction
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

126 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdviceDetailDeductions Tag

An explanation of the deduction
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Portion paid by employee
The portion of the deduction that is paid by the employee
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Year to date total paid by employee
The year to date portion of the deduction that is paid by the employee
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 127

Chapter 2

CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit Tag
Earnings History - Direct Deposit
The CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tag describes details about a direct deposit.
Used by: CheckAdvice
Function Access Control Point: API.PayrollAddOns
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

AccountNumber = String
Amount = String
Description = String
RoutingNumber = String />

Property Descriptions
Account number
The account number to which the direct deposit is posted.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Amount of deposit
Amount of the direct deposit
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

128 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit Tag

An explanation of the item listed for the direct deposit
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Routing number
The routing number of the bank to which the direct deposit is posted.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 129

Chapter 2

CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay Tag
Earnings History - Gross Pay
The CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag identifies a gross pay detail.
Used by: CheckAdvice
Function Access Control Point: API.PayrollAddOns
Introduced in v5.0

Amount = String
AmountYTD = String
Date = Date
Description = String
Hours = String
Rate = String />

Property Descriptions
Amount of gross pay
Gross pay amount
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Year to date total
Gross year to date pay amount
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

130 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay Tag

Date of check
Date of the check
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
The explanation that the specified amount is the gross pay
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Hours paid
Number of hours for which payment is made
Type: String
Must match an existing field definition name
Introduced in v5.0
Pay rate
Rate at which payment was made
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 131

Chapter 2

CheckAdviceDetailTaxes Tag
Earnings History - Taxes
The CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tag describes details about a tax that is part of the
employee's earnings history.
Used by: CheckAdvice
Function Access Control Point: API.PayrollAddOns
Introduced in v5.0

Amount = String
Description = String
TaxableWages = String
TaxesYTD = String />

Property Descriptions
Amount of tax
Amount of the specified tax
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
An explanation of the specified tax
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

132 Kronos Incorporated

CheckAdviceDetailTaxes Tag

Taxable wages
Wages for which taxes are paid
Type: String
and/or a list of values
Introduced in v5.0
Year to date total for taxes
The cumulative year to date taxes for this taxable item reported with this check
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 133

Chapter 2

Comment Tag
The Comment tag denotes additional text assigned to a punch, pay code edit, or
other timekeeping tags. The Comment and WSAComment tags refer to the same
database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Audit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadActiveComments" | "LoadCommentCategories"

[ CommentCategory = String ]
( CommentText = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns a list of active comments.
Return Value Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of comment beans with CommentCategory properties set to all
categories available in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Access Control Point Name: View

134 Kronos Incorporated

Comment Tag

Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Comment category
Specify the comment category name string. Only the comments for the given
category will be loaded. If unspecified, all active comments will be loaded. If the
name is invalid, an empty result will be return (no error).
Type: String
Default Value: null
Sample values: SHIFTS
Introduced in v5.0
Comment text
A comment that can be attached to another record. Comments can be returned for
a specified category or for all categories.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 254 characters
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 135

Chapter 2

ConnectToSchedule Tag
Schedule Import
The ConnectToSchedule tag imports an employee's scheduled shifts from another
application into the scheduler.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"
<ConnectToSchedule >

Action Descriptions
Adds the specified items into schedule period
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ConnectToScheduleItems
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Schedule items to import

136 Kronos Incorporated

ConnectToSchedule Tag

One or more ConnectToScheduleItem tags. Taken together, these items define the
values that form a shift.
Type: One or more ConnectToScheduleItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 137

Chapter 2

ConnectToScheduleItem Tag
Schedule Import Items
The ConnectToScheduleItem tag contains schedule import elements that are used
by another application to import shifts into the Workforce scheduler.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

[ CommentText = String ]
[ Duration = TimeDuration ]
EmployeeId = String
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
RequestCode = Integer
[ StartDate = Date ]
[ StartTime = Time ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] />

Property Descriptions
A comment about the shift
Type: String
Maximum length: 255 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Time duration of shift
The duration of the shift

138 Kronos Incorporated

ConnectToScheduleItem Tag

Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Employee Id
The unique employee id
Type: String
Must identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Labor account
The labor account for the schedule shift being imported
Type: String
LaborAccountName and OrgJobPath are mutually exclusive.
Introduced in v5.1
Location of job in the organization
The fully qualified path name for an organizational job
Type: String
OrgJobPath and LaborAccountName are mutually exclusive.
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 139

Chapter 2

A code that represents a request, where: DELETE_CODE = 10;

Type: Integer
Only Allowed Values: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 41, 42
Introduced in v5.1
Date when a shift starts
The date when a shift starts
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Time when a shift starts
Time when a shift starts
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Work rule name
Name of the work rule
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

140 Kronos Incorporated

CoverShiftStatus Tag

CoverShiftStatus Tag
Cover Shift Status
This tag represents result of daily status.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

( Date = Date )
( IsShiftCovered = Boolean )
( IsShiftExists = Boolean ) >
( <RequestToCoverItems>
</RequestToCoverItems> )

Property Descriptions
The date of the daily status.
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Is the shift covered?
This property holds the result of whether the shift has been covered.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 141

Chapter 2

Does the shift exist?
This property holds the result of whether is the shift existing.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Date and time span of the shift
This property contains a set of shift's date time span information.
Type: Zero or more RequestToCoverItem tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

142 Kronos Incorporated

CurrentUser Tag

CurrentUser Tag
Currently Logged On User
The CurrentUser tag identifies the currently logged on user.
This is a special instance of the PersonIdentity tag. It can be used wherever a
PersonIdentity is allowed and CurrentUser is appropriate. However, if you specify
CurrentUser, do not specify any property. When you specify the CurrentUser tag,
the properties are all provided by the system. CurrentUser always represents the
person making the request.
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadIdentities"
BadgeNumber = String
EmployeeKey = Long
PersonKey = Long
PersonNumber = String
UserKey = Long />

Action Descriptions
Returns current user information for the logged on user.
Return Value Type: CurrentUser tag
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 143

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Badge number
Contains an employee badge number that is assigned to the employee.
The system can be configured to allow multiple badges for employees. Specify
whether to allow multiple badge assignments in Workforce Timekeeper > System
Configuration > System Settings > Global Values >
global.BadgeAssignment.allowsOverlap = Yes.
If an employee is assigned multiple badge numbers, each badge number and
associated information is added in a separate request.
If you want to remove a badge number, remove all existing badge numbers. Then
reassign the valid number that you want to keep.
Type: String
See group( Identifier)
Maximum length: 25 characters
Must be unique for the specified date span. Validation is done after a person is
associated with a badge, using the PersonInformation tag.
Introduced in v4
Employee database key
The employee database key for the current user
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify only one person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

144 Kronos Incorporated

CurrentUser Tag

Person database key
The person database key for the current user
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify only one person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Person number
Person number of the specified person
Type: String
See group( Identifier)
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v4
User database key
The database key for the current user
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify only one person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

A single value that identifies the current user

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 145

Chapter 2

Group includes:

146 Kronos Incorporated

CustomData Tag

CustomData Tag
Custom Data
The CustomData tag lets you specify information for individuals, such as a social
security number or an alternate name. This function is the same as the Additional
Information workspace in the People Editor.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

CustomDataTypeName = String
Text = String />

Property Descriptions
Type of custom data
The customer-defined label for custom string types. You must define the custom
data type first using the Workforce Central Setup Application. Then you can use
this property to specify custom strings.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Values for CustomDataTypeName are added to the system through the Workforce
Central Setup Application.
A maximum of ten custom strings can be included for a person.
Sample values: seniority number, motherís maiden name, Social Security Number
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 147

Chapter 2

The text of the custom string
Type: String
Maximum length: 80 characters
Introduced in v4

148 Kronos Incorporated

CustomDate Tag

CustomDate Tag
Custom Date
The CustomDate tag denotes Date type information for a site-specified Date
category that can be assigned to a person.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

CustomDateTypeName = String
Date = Date />

Property Descriptions
Date name
Contains the name of a person-specific date for an employee
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Sample values: 401K Enrollment Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Specifies a custom date field to be used by the Person tag.

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Chapter 2

Type: Date
Introduced in v4

150 Kronos Incorporated

DataSource Tag

DataSource Tag
Data Source
The DataSource tag identifies the location and meaning of a Timesheet item.
Function Access Control Point: API.Audit
Introduced in v4

( ClientName = String )
( FunctionalAreaCode = Integer )
( ServerName = String )
( UserName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Client name
Name that specifies the client's identity
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Code number of functional area
Code that specifies the function change being performed
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Server name

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 151

Chapter 2

Name representing the server

Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
User name
Name of the logged on user
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

152 Kronos Incorporated

DateTotals Tag

DateTotals Tag
Totals for a Date
The DateTotals tag returns a summary of totals for a particular date.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( Date = Date ) >
( <Totals>
</Totals> )

Property Descriptions
Date to which the totals apply
The date on which totals apply
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v4
Set of Totals
A list of totals for this date, broken out by labor account and pay code
Type: TotalSummary tag
Output only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 153

Chapter 2

DeductRule Tag
Deduct Rule
The DeductRule tag provides information about deduct rules. The DeductRule
and WSABonusDeductRule tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Rules
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAllDeductRules"
( DeductRuleName = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns all deduct rules in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more DeductRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Deduct rule name
Name of the deduct rule
Type: String

154 Kronos Incorporated

DeductRule Tag

Output only
Maximum length: 50 characters
Must be unique
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 155

Chapter 2

DeviceGroup Tag
Device Group
The DeviceGroup tag represents all of the data collection devices that an
employee can access.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllDeviceGroups" | "LoadById"

[ DeviceGroupId = Integer ]
[ DeviceGroupName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns information about the specified device group, based on
Return Value Type: DeviceGroup tag
Required Properties: DeviceGroupName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all device groups in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more DeviceGroup tags

156 Kronos Incorporated

DeviceGroup Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v4
Returns information about a device group, based on DeviceGroupId.
Return Value Type: DeviceGroup tag
Required Properties: DeviceGroupId
Optional Properties: DeviceGroupId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Device group ID
A unique identifier for a device group
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Group of devices that the employee can use
The name of the group of devices that the employee is authorized to use
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4

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Chapter 2

Document Tag
The Document tag is the document template root.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave.config
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

[ Description = String ]
[ Domain = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String />

Action Descriptions
Adds a new document or updates it if it already exists.

158 Kronos Incorporated

Document Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: Name, Domain
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new Document.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Domain
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the document.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the document with the given name.
Return Value Type: Document tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all documents (both active and inactive).
Return Value Type: Zero or more Document tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 159

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Returns the names of all of the documents.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the document with the specified name. Used by Setup Data Manager.
Return Value Type: Document tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the document if it already exists, or adds it if it does not.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Domain
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

160 Kronos Incorporated

Document Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride = True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Updates an existing Document.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Domain
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName A new name for the Document. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 161

Chapter 2

Description of the document. Length must be between 0 and 250 characters.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
The ocument is available for Workforce Leave if the domain is "Leave
Management". The ocument is available for Workforce Attendance if the domain
is "Attendance".
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Leave Management, Attendance
Default Value: Leave Management
Introduced in v5.1
Is active?
Indicates if the object is active or not. True means that the object is active. False
means the object is not active.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the document. Length must be between 1 and 50 characters.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

162 Kronos Incorporated

DocumentDueDate Tag

DocumentDueDate Tag
Document Due Date
The DocumentDueDate tag is used by the LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag to
assign documents to a leave type (LeaveType tag). It has no actions of its own.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

AmountUnit = String
[ CustomDateType = String ]
DateOperator = String
DueDateAmt = Integer
[ DueDateType = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Amount unit
The amount unit is the unit of the amount for the document due date used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: String
The valid values are "Day(s)", "Week(s)", and "Month(s)".
Sample values: Day(s)
Introduced in v5.1
Custom date type
The custom date type is the name of a custom date type for the document due date
used for assignment to a Leave Type.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 163

Chapter 2

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Date operator
The date operator is the operator of the date for the document due date used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: String
The valid values are "Before" and "After".
Sample values: Before
Introduced in v5.1
Due date amount
The due date amount is the amount of units for the document due date used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: Integer
Sample values: 1
Introduced in v5.1
Due date type
The due date type is the type of the due date for the document due date used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: String
The valid values are "Initial Leave Request Date", "Leave Start Date", and "Leave
End Date".
Sample values: Leave Start Date

164 Kronos Incorporated

DocumentDueDate Tag

Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 165

Chapter 2

DocumentReminder Tag
Document Reminder
The DocumentReminder tag is used by the LeaveDocumentReminder tag which
assigns a LeaveDocument to a Leave Document Reminder and has no actions of
its own.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

AmountUnit = String
ReminderAmt = Integer
ReminderType = String />

Property Descriptions
Amount unit
The amount unit is the amount of the unit for the document reminder used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: String
The valid values are "Day(s)", "Week(s)", and "Month(s)".
Sample values: Day(s)
Introduced in v5.1
Reminder amount
The reminder amount is the amount units for the document reminder used for
assignment to a Leave Type.
Type: Integer

166 Kronos Incorporated

DocumentReminder Tag

Sample values: 1
Introduced in v5.1
Reminder type
The reminder type is the type of the reminder used for assignment to a Leave
Type: String
The valid values are "Before Due Date" and "After Due Date".
Sample values: Before Due Date
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 167

Chapter 2

DocumentStatus Tag
Document Status
The Document Status tag stores status of the document.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

[ Description = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String
OrderNumber = Integer
RemovePastDueSwitch = Boolean />

Action Descriptions
Adds the document status.

168 Kronos Incorporated

DocumentStatus Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: Name, IsActive, RemovePastDueSwitch, OrderNumber
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the named document status.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the document status with this name.
Return Value Type: DocumentStatus tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all document statuses.
Return Value Type: Zero or more DocumentStatus tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the names of all document statuses.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 169

Chapter 2

Returns the document status with the specified name.
Return Value Type: DocumentStatus tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the document status if it exists, or adds it if it does not.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, RemovePastDueSwitch,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName Changes the status name to the new Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Updates an existing document status.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, RemovePastDueSwitch,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

170 Kronos Incorporated

DocumentStatus Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName Updates the name to the new name. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Property Descriptions
Description of the document status.
Type: String
Length must be between 0 and 250 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
is active
Determines whether the document status is active. True means active, false means
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the document status.
Type: String
Length must be between 1 and 50 characters.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 171

Chapter 2

Sample values: Pending

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Order number
Display order on the user interface.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Remove past due switch
True means that this document status will remove the past due status for the given
document. False means that documents with this status are still past due.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

172 Kronos Incorporated

EarnedAccrual Tag

EarnedAccrual Tag
Earned Accrual
This tag adds or subtracts an amount of time or money for a specified accrual code
and employee.
If you want to replace the current balance (rather than add or subtract a specific
amount), use the ResetAccrual tag.
All rules associated with adding earned accruals apply to the EarnedAccrual tag
and associated actions.
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"

AccrualCodeName = String
AmountInCurrency = Currency
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
Date = Date >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Updates an accrual amount for a specified employee. If the accrual code does not
exist for the employee, this action adds it.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 173

Chapter 2

The type of the accrual code determines the amount that can be specified: either a
time duration, or a currency.
The format of the accrual amount must match the type of the accrual code.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AccrualCodeName, Date, Employee, One member of the
AccrualAmount group
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Accrual code name
The name of an accrual code that exists and is assigned to the specified employee
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Amount of accrual, in currency
TThe amount of money to be added to the current balance for the specified accrual
code and employee. Use a negative number to decrement the current balance.
Type: Currency
See group( AccrualAmount)
Maximum length: 30 characters
AmountInCurrency belongs to the AccrualAmount group. To specify a currency
value, use either the AmountInCurrency or the AmountInTimeOrCurrency

174 Kronos Incorporated

EarnedAccrual Tag

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Amount of accrual, in time
The amount of time to be added to the current balance for the specified accrual
code and employee. Use a negative value to decrement the current balance.
Type: TimeDuration
See group( AccrualAmount)
Maximum length: 30 characters
AmountInTime belongs to the AccrualAmount group. To specify a time value, use
either the AmountInTime or the AmountInTimeOrCurrency property.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Amount of accrual, in time or currency
The amount to be added or decremented to the current balance for a specified
accrual code and employee. This value can be formatted either as a time value or a
currency, depending on the format needed for the specified accrual code.
Type: String
See group( AccrualAmount)
AmountInTimeOrCurrency belongs to the AccrualAmount group. Only one
member of the group can be used.
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
The date to which the accrual transaction applies
Type: Date
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 175

Chapter 2

One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.

Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Accrual amount must be specified either in terms of time or money.
AmountInTimeOrCurrency is recommended, but you can use the other
properties instead.
Group includes: AmountInTimeOrCurrency,AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

176 Kronos Incorporated

EffectiveWorkload Tag

EffectiveWorkload Tag
Workload Type
The EffectiveWorkload tag defines a workload type.
Used by: WorkloadPlan
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

( AnchorDate = Date )
( EffectiveDate = Date )
( ExpirationDate = Date )
OrgJobPath = String
[ PatternDurationType = String ]
WorkloadPatternType = String
WorkloadPlanType = String
( WorkloadType = String ) >

Property Descriptions
Base start date of workload pattern
Specifies the date on which the workload pattern is scheduled to start
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Effective start date in workload pattern
The effective start date within the workload pattern

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 177

Chapter 2

Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
End date for workload pattern
The end date for the workload pattern
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Daily staffing patterns
One or more instances of staffing data patterns
Type: One or more HeadcountPattern tags
Introduced in v5.0
Location of job in the organization
The fully qualified path name for an organizational job
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
The LocationOrgNodePath in the WorkloadPlan tag, which represents the fully
qualified path name for the organization node on the organization tree, must be the
parent of the OrgJobPath.
Sample values: If the LocationOrgNodePath path is A/B/C, then the OrgJobPath
is A/B/C/D.
Introduced in v5.0

178 Kronos Incorporated

EffectiveWorkload Tag

Pattern duration type (weekly, daily)
The workload duration
Dependency: PatternDurationType is required, and can be Weekly or Daily if the
value of WorkloadPlanType is Regular. You must specify Weekly to import the
normal Baseline and Adjusted patterns that appear in the Pattern Tab of the
Workload Planner user interface.
Dependency: PatternDurationType is optional if the WorkloadPlanType is
Holiday, but if specified, it must be specified as "Daily"
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Weekly, Daily
Introduced in v5.0
Type of workload pattern
The type of workload pattern
Type: String
Sample values: Baseline, Adjusted
Introduced in v5.0
Type of workload plan
The type of workload plan
Dependency: If WorkloadPlanType is specified as Holiday, then
PatternDurationType must be specified as Daily and DayOfWeek in the
Headcount tag must be specified as Anyday.
Dependency: If WorkloadPlanType is specified as Regular, PatternDurationType
must be specified as Weekly to import the normal Baseline and Adjusted patterns
that appear in the Pattern Tab of the Workload Planner user interface.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 179

Chapter 2

Dependency: If WorkloadPlanType is specified as Regular and

PatternDurationType is specified as Daily, then they are available from the
Workload Planner user interface on the Calendar tab.
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Regular, Holiday
Introduced in v5.0
Type of workload
Type of workload
Type: String
Output only
This value is system-generated.
Introduced in v5.0

180 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityAnswer Tag

EligibilityAnswer Tag
Eligibility Answer
Eligibility Answer indentifies the answer for an eligibility question that is
associated with a leave case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

OkSw = Boolean
QuestionText = String />

Property Descriptions
OK switch
The answer for a YES/NO question. True means YES.
Type: Boolean
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1
Question text
This is the eligibility question associated with the answer.
Type: String
The maximum length is 255 characters.
Sample values: Do more than 75 employees work at this location?

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 181

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

182 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityEvaluation Tag

EligibilityEvaluation Tag
Eligibility Evaluation
This tag identifies the Eligibility Evaluations for a leave case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

EligibilityRequirement = String
EligibilitySwitch = Boolean
[ EmployeeTenureSwitch = Boolean ]
EnableSwitch = Boolean
LeaveType = String >
[ <EligibilityAnswers>
</EligibilityAnswers> ]

Property Descriptions
Eligibility answers
The answers for Eligibility Questions.
Type: Zero or more EligibilityAnswer tags
Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility requirement
The name of an eligibility requirement.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 183

Chapter 2

The eligibility requirement must be preconfigured.

Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility switch
This flag indicates whether the employee is eligible for this leave type. True
means they are eligible, false means they are not.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1
Employee tenure switch
This flag indicates whether the employee's tenure has been checked. True means
his or her tenure has been checked. False means his or her tenure has not been
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Enable switch
This flag indicates whether the leave type is enabled. True means it is enabled.
False means it is not enabled.
Type: Boolean
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1

184 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityEvaluation Tag

Leave type
The name of leave type which is being evaluated for eligibility.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Type. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 185

Chapter 2

EligibilityQuestion Tag
Eligibility Question
This tag describes the Eligibility Question.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

QuestionText = String />

Property Descriptions
Question text
A Yes/No question.
Type: String
The max string length is 255.
Sample values: Do you have a car?
Introduced in v5.1

186 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityRequirement Tag

EligibilityRequirement Tag
Eligibility Requirement
This tag describes the eligibility for a leave case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

Name = String

Category = String
[ Description = String ]
IsActive = Boolean
Name = String
Operator = String >
[ <ActiveEmployeeTenure>
</ActiveEmployeeTenure> ]
[ <EmployeeTenure>
</EmployeeTenure> ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 187

Chapter 2

[ <Questions>
</Questions> ]

Action Descriptions
Creates an Eligibility Requirement with the given name.
The name must be unique.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Category, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes an Eligibility Requirement.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Name The name of an Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Retrieves an Eligibility Requirement by name.

188 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityRequirement Tag

If the Eligibility Requirement does not exist, an exception will be thrown.

Return Value Type: EligibilityRequirement tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Name The name of the Eligibility Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Finds all Eligibility Requirements.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EligibilityRequirement tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves names of all EligibilityRequirement objects.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the given EligibilityRequirement by name. This method is used by
Setup Data Manager.
Return Value Type: EligibilityRequirement tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 189

Chapter 2

Tries to update an existing EligibilityRequirement; if the Eligibility Requirement
does not exist, then creates one.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Category, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1; last changed in v5.0.a
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Name The name of the Eligibility Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Updates an existing Eligibility Requirement only.
The named Eligibility must exist.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Category, IsActive
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Name The name of the Eligibility Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Property Descriptions

190 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityRequirement Tag

Active employee tenure
The required tenure for the active employee.
Type: EmployeeTenure tag
Introduced in v5.1
Leave category
The name leave category that an Eligibility Requirement belongs to.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Category. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1
The description of an Eligibility Requirement.
Type: String
The string length must be less then 250.
Sample values: A description of the requirement.
Introduced in v5.1
Employee tenure
The requirement for the Employee Tenure.
Type: EmployeeTenure tag
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 191

Chapter 2

Hours worked
The Hours Worked requirement for the Eligibility.
Type: WorkHour tag
Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
The Active flag indicates whether the Eligibility Requirement is active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the Eligibility Requirement. It must be less than 50 characters long.
Type: String
Sample values: Elig
Introduced in v5.1
Must be "All questions must be answered Yes to be eligible for a leave type" or
"At least one question must be answered Yes to be eligible for a leave type".
Type: String
Sample values: All questions must be answered Yes to be eligible for a leave type

192 Kronos Incorporated

EligibilityRequirement Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility requirement questions
A list of Eligibility Question.
Type: Zero or more EligibilityQuestion tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 193

Chapter 2

EligibleJobs Tag
This tag will get all open shifts for a specified date range.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAll"

[ EndDate = Date ]
StartDate = Date >

Action Descriptions
The LoadAll action gets all open shifts in the employee's transfer set for the
specified date range.
The specified employee must be an active employee.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LocationItem tags
Required Properties: Employee, StartDate
Optional Properties: EndDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

194 Kronos Incorporated

EligibleJobs Tag

Property Descriptions
This property represents the employee who requests the action.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
It must be an active employee.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
End Date
EndDate is the ending date of query date span.
Instead of using KDateSpan, the start date & end date is more a convenience way
for process manager.
Type: Date
It must be a valid end date for property StartDate.
Introduced in v5.1
Start Date
StartDate is the beginning date of query date span.
Instead of using KDateSpan, the start date & end date is more a convenience way
for process manager.
Type: Date
It must be a valid date.
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 195

Chapter 2

EmailAddress Tag
Email Address
The EmailAddress tag specifies an e-mail address of the given e-mail address
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Address = String
ContactTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Email address for employee
The employee's electronic mail address
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v4
Type of contact
The name of the contact category
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters

196 Kronos Incorporated

EmailAddress Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 197

Chapter 2

EmployeeGroupAssign Tag
Employee Group Assignments
The EmployeeGroupAssign tag is used to assign a list of employees to one or
more schedule groups.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "Update"

( PersonNumber = Integer ) >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Load action loads employee's group assignment information. PeriodDateSpan is
an optional tag. If it hasn't been defined, load employee's group assignment
information; start from today to "forever".
Person Number shouldn't be null
Return Value Type: String
Required Properties: PersonNumber

198 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeGroupAssign Tag

Optional Properties: Period,TimeFramePeriod, PeriodDateSpan

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Update action assigns a list of employees to one or more groups ofr a certain date
EmployeeGroupItems shouldn't be null
Return Value Type: String
Required Properties: EmployeeGroupItems, Employees
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Employee group items
A list of EmployeeGroupItem tags.
Type: One or more EmployeeGroupItem tags
Introduced in v5.1
A list of schedule employees
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Introduced in v5.1
Person number
PersonNumber is a required property for load action only.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 199

Chapter 2

Type: Integer
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

200 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeGroupItem Tag

EmployeeGroupItem Tag
Employee Group Item
The EmployeeGroupItem tag contains information about the the group
information to which the employee is being assigned.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

EffectiveDate = Time
ExpirartionDate = Time
Name = String />

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The effective date on which an employee will be assigned to a schedule group.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Expiration date
The expiration date which employee will be disassociated from a schedule group.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Name of employee group item

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 201

Chapter 2

The name of the group

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

202 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeGroupProfile Tag

EmployeeGroupProfile Tag
Group Profile for Employee Assignment
The employee group is a collection of labor level entries assigned to a manager
that defines the employee information to which the manager has access. A
manager who is assigning a new employee to an employee group can only grant
the new employee the labor level sets in his or her own employee group or a
subset of that group. The manager cannot assign groups that are outside of his or
her employee group.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllEmployeeGroupProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ EmployeeGroupProfileId = Integer ]
[ EmployeeGroupProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified employee group profile, based on
Return Value Type: EmployeeGroupProfile tag
Required Properties: EmployeeGroupProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 203

Chapter 2

Returns all employee group profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EmployeeGroupProfile tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns the specified employee group profile, based on EmployeeGroupProfileId.
Return Value Type: EmployeeGroupProfile tag
Required Properties: EmployeeGroupProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Employee group profile ID
A unique identifier for the employee group profile
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Employee group profile name
Name of the employee group profile
Type: String
Introduced in v4

204 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeSummary Tag

EmployeeSummary Tag
Employee Summary
The EmployeeSummary tag contains either accruals or totals for an employee.
Used by: BulkAccruals, BulkTotals
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4

<EmployeeSummary >
( <Accruals>
</Accruals> )
( <Employee>
</Employee> )
( <Totals>
</Totals> )

Property Descriptions
One or more accruals for the specified employee, as requested by the
BulkAccruals tag.
Type: Zero or more AccrualBalanceSummary tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 205

Chapter 2

One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag, for whom the accruals or

totals are returned.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Output Only
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
A list of totals for the specified employee, as requested by the BulkTotals tag. The
Total tag contains the minimum information, PayCodeId, PayCodeName, and
AmountInTime or AmountInCurrency.
Type: Zero or more Total tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

206 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeTenure Tag

EmployeeTenure Tag
Employee Tenure
This tag describes the employee tenure information.
Function Access Control Point: wfl.config.api
Introduced in v5.1

[ ActiveDays = Boolean ]
AmtOperator = String
[ CustomDateType = String ]
TenureAmount = Integer
TenureAmtUnit = String
TenureRefDateType = String />

Property Descriptions
Active day switch
The Boolean flag that indicates whether or not this EmployeeTenure is an active
days condition.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Amount operator
The name of an operator
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 207

Chapter 2

For english version the possible values are: Less than, Less than or equal to,Equal
to,More than or equal to,More than,Not equal to.
Sample values: Less than
Introduced in v5.1
Custom date type
The custom date type
Type: String
Sample values: Union Hire Date
Introduced in v5.1
Tenure amount
The required amount for the Employee Tenure.
Type: Integer
Sample values: 365
Introduced in v5.1
Tenure amount unit
The unit of the tenure amount.
Type: String
Calendar days, Scheduled days
Sample values: Calendar days
Introduced in v5.1
Tenure reference date type

208 Kronos Incorporated

EmployeeTenure Tag

The tenure reference date type.

Type: String
The valid value is "Hire Date".
Sample values: Hire Date
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 209

Chapter 2

EmploymentStatus Tag
Employment Status
This tag sets the employment status of a person identified in the
PersonInformation tag for the specified time frame. The employment status can be
Active, Inactive, or Terminated. For more information, see the online help.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadEmploymentStatuses"

[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
EmploymentStatusName = String
[ ExpirationDate = Date ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns information associated with the employment status for one person over
the specified period of time.
If the period of time is not specified, the current date through January 1, 3000 is

210 Kronos Incorporated

EmploymentStatus Tag

The information returned for the Identity and Period properties is added to the first
tag in the resulting list.
If no data for the person is found, the value returned consists of just the Identity
and Period properties.
The person must exist and the user must have access to that person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EmploymentStatus tags
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The beginning date of the employment status that this tag sets.
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Default Value: The date of the import
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Employment status name
Indicates the current status of the employee.
Values can be:
• 0 for not applicable
• 1 for an active employee
• 2 for an inactive employee
• 3 for a terminated employee

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 211

Chapter 2

Dependency: If the employment status is 1 (active) or 2 (inactive), the person

must have a license type of Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee,
Workforce_Professional_ Employee, or Workforce_Manager. Otherwise, the
employment status is automatically set to 0 (not applicable). If an employee's
license type changes, a corresponding employment status is assigned
Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Only Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3
Introduced in v4
Expiration date
The date when the employment status specified by this tag ends.
Type: Date
Must occur after the effective date.
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify a person.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Time period

212 Kronos Incorporated

EmploymentStatus Tag

The time span that is associated with an employment status

Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
The specified identity shall be used when the time frame requires an association
with a person.
Used for the LoadEmploymentStatuses action
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 213

Chapter 2

Error Tag
An Error tag represents a processing, validation, or persistence error that occurred
while processing the XML or executing an action
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ ActionName = String ]
[ BeanName = String ]
ErrorCode = Integer
[ ErrorData = Collection ]
Message = String
[ ParameterName = String ]
[ ParameterType = String ]
[ ParameterValue = String ]
[ PropertyName = String ]
[ PropertyType = String ]
[ PropertyValue = String ] >
[ <DetailErrors>
</DetailErrors> ]

Property Descriptions
Action being used when error occurred
Identifies the action in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4

214 Kronos Incorporated

Error Tag

Tag being used when error occurred
The external name of the tag in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Error Details
A list of other errors that may have caused the primary error
Type: Zero or more Error tags
Introduced in v4
Error code
A unique code that identifies the error
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Other data related to the error
Other data about the error. Each entry is of the form name=value.
Type: Collection
Introduced in v4
Error message
An error message that describes the error
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 215

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
Parameter being used when error occurred
The name of the parameter in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Data type of the parameter being used when the error occurred
The data type of the parameter in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Value of the parameter when the error occurred
The value of the parameter in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Property being used when the error occurred
The name of the property in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Data type of property being used when the error occurred

216 Kronos Incorporated

Error Tag

The data type of the property in which the error occurred

Type: String
Introduced in v4
Value of property when the error occurred
The value of the property in which the error occurred
Type: String
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 217

Chapter 2

ExpectedHours Tag
Hours an Employee Is Expected to Work
The ExpectedHours tag contains the number of hours that the employee is
expected to work each day.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Quantity = TimeDuration
TimePeriodTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Number of hours
The number of hours the employee is expected to work for the time span
identified in TimePeriodTypeName.
Type: TimeDuration
Maximum length: 6 characters
The value can be an integer or a decimal amount, such as 8, 8.0 or 8.5. Do not use
colons, for example, 8:00 to separate hours and minutes.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Time span associated with number of hours
The span of time associated with the number of hours reported in Quantity.
Type: String

218 Kronos Incorporated

ExpectedHours Tag

Maximum length: 10 characters
Only Allowed Values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Pay Period, Schedule
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 219

Chapter 2

FailedXMLTransaction Tag
Failed XML Transaction
The FailedXMLTransaction tag provides information about an XML transaction
that has failed an attempt to process an XML request. It is used to retrieve or
modify failed XML transaction information.
Note: This tag provides information for the Transaction Assistant. It is primarily
used by Workforce Connect.
Function Access Control Point: API.FailedXMLTransaction
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly" | "Delete" | "Load"

[ APIBeanName = String ]
[ BatchStatId = Long ]
[ ErrorCode = Integer ]
[ ErrorRecordNumber = Integer ]
[ ErrorText = String ]
[ PropertyName = String ]
[ PropertyValue = String ]
[ SourceDetails = String ]
[ SourceName = String ]
[ TransactionType = String ]
[ XMLRequestBeginDate = Date ]
[ XMLRequestBeginTime = Time ]
[ XMLRequestBodyText = String ]
[ XMLRequestEndDate = Date ]
[ XMLRequestEndTime = Time ]
[ XMLRequestHeaderText = String ] />

220 Kronos Incorporated

FailedXMLTransaction Tag

Action Descriptions
Adds a failed XML transaction error record to the database.
Does not replace an existing failed transaction
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: SourceName, BatchStatId, XMLRequestEndDate,
XMLRequestEndTime, TransactionType, XMLRequestHeaderText,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Removes the failed transaction record with matching property values from the
database. SourceName or TransactionType must be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: XMLRequestEndDate, XMLRequestEndTime
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Returns all failed transactions for the specified SourceName and
TransactionType. You must specify at least one of these properties with the Load
action; if you do not, an error is returned.
Return Value Type: Zero or more FailedXMLTransaction tags
Optional Properties: SourceName, TransactionType
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Name of failed XML tag

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 221

Chapter 2

The API tag name for the failed XML transaction request
Type: String
Maximum length: 100 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Batch status ID
The unique numeric value of an instance of a batch that contains a failed
transaction. The batch status Id is the value in the Import Batch Status tag that
was generated when the batch was created.
Type: Long
Maximum length: 10 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Error code
A identification for the error that was returned
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0
Record number for error
The unique number that is generated for the error
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0

222 Kronos Incorporated

FailedXMLTransaction Tag

Description of error
A description of the error that was returned
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Property that caused the error
The name of the property within the XMLRequestBody that caused the error
Type: String
Maximum length: 10 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Value of property that caused the error
The value of the property in the XMLRequestBody that caused the error
Type: String
Maximum length: 2000 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Details about the application
The source details including additional information about source
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 223

Chapter 2

Name of application submitting the import
The name of the source system submitting an XML import
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Sample values: Connect, NameOfAThird PartyApplication, DCM
Introduced in v5.0
Transaction (import content) type
The XML Import transaction type for the failed transaction. If the type is "XML"
the XMLRequestBodyText is examined to determine the transaction type.
Type: String
Must be a valid import type
Sample values: Accrual Dates, Accruals, Activities, Activities People,
Availability Templates, Certifications, Customers, Labor Level Entries, Labor
Level Sets, Organizational Maps, Pay Code Edits, People, Punches, Results,
Schedule Assistant Criteria, Schedule Rules, Schedules, Skills, Staffing,
Workforce Activities, Workforce Scheduler
Introduced in v5.0
Start date of XML request
The date when the XML request was started
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Start time of XML request

224 Kronos Incorporated

FailedXMLTransaction Tag

The time when the XML request was started

Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0
Body of the XML request
Details for the failed XML request
Type: String
Maximum length: 2000 characters
Replace all special characters with the descriptive special HTML characters, as
shown: " = &quot; & = &amp; < = &lt; > = &gt; ' = &apos;
Sample values: &lt; Request Action=&quot; AddOnly&quot;&gt; &lt; Punch
Date=&quot; 08/23/03&quot; Time=&quot;9:00AM&quot;
KronosTimeZone=&quot;13011&quot; DayLightSavingsFlag=&quot;
True&quot;&gt; &lt;Employee&gt; &lt; PersonIdentity BadgeNumber=&quot;
28&quot; /&gt; &lt; /Employee&gt; &lt; /Punch&gt; &lt; /Request&gt;
Introduced in v5.0
End date of XML request
The end date of the request failure
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
End time of XML request
The end time of the request failure.
Type: Time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 225

Chapter 2

Value must parse to a valid time according to current user's preferences.

Introduced in v5.0
Header of the XML request
The XML request header for the failed XML request
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
Replace all special characters with the special HTML characters, as shown: " =
&quot; & = &amp; < = &lt; > = &gt; ' = &apos;
Sample values: &lt; ?xml version=&quot; 1.0&quot; ?&gt; &lt;Kronos_WFC
version=&quot; 1.0&quot; &gt;
Introduced in v5.0

226 Kronos Incorporated

FunctionAccessProfile Tag

FunctionAccessProfile Tag
Function Access Profile
Returns a list of function access profiles.
A function access profile determines the components that users can access and the
functions that users can perform within the system. For example, the function
access profile for a manager can include permission to edit schedules and
The FunctionAccessProfile and WSAFunctionAccessProfile tags refer to the
same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllFunctionAccessProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ FunctionAccessProfileId = Integer ]
[ FunctionAccessProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a function access profile, based on FunctionAccessProfileName.
Return Value Type: FunctionAccessProfile tag
Required Properties: FunctionAccessProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 227

Chapter 2

Returns all function access profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more FunctionAccessProfile tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a function access profile, based on FunctionAccessProfileId.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: FunctionAccessProfile tag
Required Properties: FunctionAccessProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Function access profile ID
Uniquely identifies the function access profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Function access profile name
The name of the person's function access profile. The function access profile
determines the Workforce Timekeeper components that users can access and the
types of functions that users can perform within Workforce Timekeeper, based on
their assigned roles.
For example, access profiles for Managers can include permission to edit
schedules and timecards. The same profile can be assigned to a group of similar
users, such as managers in the same department. The system administrator creates

228 Kronos Incorporated

FunctionAccessProfile Tag

the access profiles in Workforce Central Setup. Refer to the Workforce

Timekeeper System Administrator's Guide for an explanation of the roles.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
• IS
• Payroll Manager
• Time Stamp Employee
• Workforce Employee
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Default Value: Default
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 229

Chapter 2

GroupMembership Tag
Group Membership
The GroupMembership tag identifies employees who belong to a group during a
specified time period.
Used by: ScheduleGroup
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

EffectiveDateSpan = DateSpan >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Property Descriptions
Span of time when employee is member of group
The period of time when the specified employee belongs to the group
Type: DateSpan
Introduced in v4
One employee who belongs to the group, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag

230 Kronos Incorporated

GroupMembership Tag

Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee

Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 231

Chapter 2

Headcount Tag
Daily Staffing Data
The Headcount tag defines the staffing data for a given day of the week in the date
Used by: HeadcountPattern
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

DayOfWeek = String
NumberOfStaffs = Integer />

Property Descriptions
Day of the week
Represents each day of the week
Dependency: Values that can be specified for this property depend on the value of
the PatternDurationType property in the EffectiveWorkload tag as follows:
If the value of PatternDurationType property is "Daily", the value of this property
must be "Anyday"
If the value of PatternDurationType property is "Weekly", seven Headcount tags
must be created. Each one must identify a different day of the week.
Type: String
The value "Anyday" can only be used for holiday or daily workload patterns
You must use the English name for the day, even if your application server is
configured to use a different national language.

232 Kronos Incorporated

Headcount Tag

Only Allowed Values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,

Friday, Saturday, Anyday
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Number of staff required
The total number of staff required for a given day of the week
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 233

Chapter 2

HeadcountPattern Tag
Daily Staffing Pattern
The HeadcountPattern tag defines the staffing data pattern for each day of the
week in the workload.
Used by: EffectiveWorkload
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

WorkloadSpanName = String >

Property Descriptions
Staffing data for pattern
Staffing data for specific days of the week
Dependency: The number of items in this list depends on the value of the
PatternDurationType property in the EffectiveWorkload tag.
• If the value of PatternDurationType is "Daily", then this list must contain one
• If the value of PatternDurationType is "Weekly", then this list must contain
seven items.
Type: One or more Headcount tags
Introduced in v5.0

234 Kronos Incorporated

HeadcountPattern Tag

Workload span
The workload span for the staffing data
Type: String
Must match an existing shift name or zone name that is assigned to the location
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 235

Chapter 2

HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag
Historical Pay Code Edit
The HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag makes a pay code edit in a signed-off or locked
pay period. You can make historical edits only to pay code amounts.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
HistoricalDate = Date
[ ImpactsAccrualsFlag = Boolean ]
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ PaidFlag = Boolean ]
PayCodeName = String
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

236 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag


Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to the set of comments associated with the existing historical pay
code edit.
Acceptable values can be found in the Setup Application.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, CommentText, Date,
HistoricalDate, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new historical pay code edit for the specified employee. There is no limit
to the number of historical pay code edits that an employee can have.
Return Value Type: HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, HistoricalDate,
Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 237

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride = True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used
Default Value: False

Marks for deletion all historical pay code edits for this employee, matching the
given date, time, and labor account.
At least one historical pay code edit must exist for the specified employee whose
required properties match the supplied properties.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, HistoricalDate,
Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
A value that can represent money or time, depending on the PayCodeName.
The value is a monetary amount if PayCodeName is a money type or time if
PayCodeName is a time type.
Type: String

238 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag

Maximum of 30 characters.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The set of comments currently associated with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
Text that is attached to the pay code amount or totaled amount.
Note: A comment entered as part of a historical amount is not used as part of the
criteria when an import delete is issued for the same historical amount.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must exactly match an applicable comment that already exists. The string
matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Effective date of the edit
The date on which the pay code edit becomes effective
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 239

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
One employee for whom the edit applies, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Date on which the user performed the edit
The server date on which this edit was added to the database
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v4
Time at which the user performed the edit
The server time at which this edit was added to the database
Type: Time
Output only
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date to which the historical edit is applied
Type: Date
The specified date must be within a locked pay period.

240 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4
Accrual balance adjusted based on historical amount?
Determines whether the accrual balances should be adjusted based on the
historical amount.
Its value is:
• False if the employee's accrual balances should not be adjusted based upon
the historical amount entered
• True if the employee's accrual balances should be adjusted based upon the
historical amount entered
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The name of the labor account of the employee whose pay code amount or totaled
amount is being edited. It is required when the pay code edit, historical edit, or
totaled amount being deleted or commented, contained an explicit value. This
property need not be specified if the pay code amount or totaled amount applies to
the employee's primary account. It is required if you are deleting or adding a
comment to a pay code edit that contains an explicit LaborAccountName value.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the database.
For example, if you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for each
labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing. For example, you can enter the
value 101//303////, indicating that only the first and third labor level entries are

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 241

Chapter 2

If any of the labor levels are the same as the employee's primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters.
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Included in employee's totals?
Determines whether the historical amount is tracked and included in the
employee's totals.
Value can be:
• False means that the amount supplied is tracked, but is not included in the
employee's totals for the current pay period.
• True means that the amount supplied is tracked and included in the
employee's totals for the current pay period.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Pay code
Identifies the name of the pay code that is being applied to an amount associated
with a historical amount.
A pay code represents an amount in time or ciurrency. It can represent one of the
following units:

242 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeEdit Tag

• The hours accumulated during a pay period. A pay code that holds hours can
contain worked hours (such as regular, overtime, or second shift) or unworked
hours (such as vacation, sick, or personal).
• Money earned by employees during a pay period.
For example, if hours are allocated for J.D. Smith, who worked 8 regular and 4
overtime hours for a total of 12 hours, there will be two pay code edit entries:
• An entry with 8 regular hours
• An entry with 4 overtime hours
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Work rule
Name of the work rule. A work rule applies specific payrole rules to shifts that
determine how employee hours accrue.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Application Setup.
Introduced in v4
Deprecated in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 243

Chapter 2

HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag
Historical Pay Code Move
The HistoricalPayCodeMove tag moves historical amounts of time or money for
an individual employee or for a group of employees. When you move historical
amounts from one pay code to another, the historical date must be in a signed-off
or locked pay period.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
[ FromLaborAccountName = String ]
FromPayCodeName = String
HistoricalDate = Date
[ ImpactsAccrualsFlag = Boolean ]
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
PayCodeName = String
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
( <Comments>

244 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag

</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to the set of comments associated with this historical pay code
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, CommentText, Date,
FromLaborAccountName, FromPayCodeName, HistoricalDate, Employee,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new historical pay code edit with the specified properties for this
employee. There is no limit to the number of historical pay code edits that you can
add for an employee.
Return Value Type: HistoricalPayCodeMove tag
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, FromLaborAccountName,
FromPayCodeName, HistoricalDate, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 245

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride = True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Marks all historical pay code edits for an employee that match a set of specified
requirements for deletion.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, FromLaborAccountName,
FromPayCodeName, HistoricalDate, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code, expressed as a time duration or a currency.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters

246 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag

Whether the value is expressed as a time duration or a currency depends on the

pay code.
Both PayCodeName and FromPayCodeName must identify pay codes that are of
the same payment type; either time or currency.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment that you can add with this edit
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Effective date of the edit
The date on which the edit is applied to correct an event that occurred on the
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 247

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
The employee for whom the edit applies, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Date on which the user performed the edit
The server date on which this edit was added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time at which the user performed the edit
The server time at which this edit was added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account that the amount is moved from
If moving time from one labor account to another, the labor account from which
the amount is to be moved.
Type: String

248 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag

Maximum length: 356 characters

Ad hoc creation of labor level entries is not supported; the labor level entries must
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Pay code that the amount is moved from
If moving an amount from one pay code to another, the pay code from which the
amount is to be moved.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Both PayCodeName and FromPayCodeName must be associated with the same
type of payment; either time or currency.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Historical date to which the edit applies
The past date which this edit is correcting. It can be at or prior to the employee's
current signoff timestamp.
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Check edit against accrual balance?
Indicates whether this edit should be checked against the employee's accrual

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 249

Chapter 2

Determines whether the accrual balances should be adjusted based on the

historical amount
Its value is:
• 0 if the employe's accrual balances should not be adjusted based upon the
historical amount entered
• 1 if the employee's accrual balances should be adjusted based upon the
historical amount entered
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Labor account
If moving time from one labor account to another, the name of the labor account
to which a pay code amount or totaled amount is being applied.
LaborAccountName is optional when adding a pay code edit, historical edit, or
totaled amount. It is required when the pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled
amount being deleted or commented contained an explicit value. This property
need not be specified if the pay code amount or totaled amount applies to the
employeeís primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employeeís primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee

250 Kronos Incorporated

HistoricalPayCodeMove Tag

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Pay code
If moving an amount from one pay code to another, the pay code to which the
amount is to be moved.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Both PayCodeName and FromPayCodeName must be associated with the same
type of payment; either time or currency.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Work rule
Name of the work rule
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Application Setup.
Introduced in v4
Deprecated in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 251

Chapter 2

Holiday Tag
The Holiday tag denotes a predefined holiday period. The Holiday and
WSAHoliday tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllHolidaysInSpan"

DateTimeSpan = DateTimeSpan
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the named holiday for the specified time span
Return Value Type: Holiday tag
Required Properties: Name, DateTimeSpan
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Returns all holidays that are effective within the specified date span
Return Value Type: Zero or more Holiday tags
Required Properties: DateTimeSpan

252 Kronos Incorporated

Holiday Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Date and time span
Specifies the date and time span of the holiday
Type: DateTimeSpan
Introduced in v4
The name of the holiday
Type: String
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 253

Chapter 2

HolidayEditHours Tag
Holiday Edit Hours
The HolidayEditHours tag is generated by the Callable Totalizer as a timesheet
item for a Holiday credit if the Holiday Credit Rule is identified as one of the three
credit types: fixed number of hours, hours from schedule, or average shift length.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String )
( Date = Date )
( HolidayName = String )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( PayCodeName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code amount, expressed as a time duration or a currency
Type: String
Output Only
Should always be TimeDuration for this tag
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date on which the edit is credited
Type: Date
Output Only

254 Kronos Incorporated

HolidayEditHours Tag

Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001

Introduced in v4
The name of the holiday
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
False indicates that the pay code represents a monetary item
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Must always be False
Introduced in v4
Pay code
The pay code to be credited with the amount
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 255

Chapter 2

HolidayEditWages Tag
Holiday Edit Wages
The HolidayEditWages tag is generated by the Callable Totalizer as a timesheet
item for a Holiday credit if the Holiday Credit Rule is identified as one of the three
credit types: fixed wages, percent of wages, or average wages.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String )
( Date = Date )
( HolidayName = String )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( PayCodeName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code, expressed as a time duration or a currency
Type: String
Output Only
Should always be Currency for this tag
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date on which the edit is credited
Type: Date
Output Only

256 Kronos Incorporated

HolidayEditWages Tag

Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001

Introduced in v4
The name of the holiday
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
False indicates that the pay code represents a monetary item.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Must always be True
Introduced in v4
Pay code
The pay code to be credited with the amount
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 257

Chapter 2

HomeAccount Tag
Home Account
The HomeAccount tag denotes the labor account assigned for the specified time
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the PrimaryLaborAccount tag instead.

EffectiveDate = Date
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
LaborAccountName = String />

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The date when the home labor account status becomes effective
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use this property in the PrimaryLaborAccount tag instead.
Expiration date
The date when the home labor account expires
Type: Date

258 Kronos Incorporated

HomeAccount Tag

Must occur after the effective date
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use this property in the PrimaryLaborAccount tag instead.
Primary labor account
This is the name of the primary labor account of the employee whose pay code
amount or totaled amount is being edited. LaborAccountName is optional when
adding a pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount. It is required when the
pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount being deleted or commented
contains an explicit value. This property need not be specified if the pay code
amount or totaled amount applies to the employeeís primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employeeís primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use this property in the PrimaryLaborAccount tag instead.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 259

Chapter 2

HyperFindQuery Tag
The HyperFindQuery tag specifies a HyperFind query that is used to return one or
more people as well as other data.
Used by: PersonIdentity
Function Access Control Point: API.Hyperfind
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "GetQueryCount" | "LoadAllQueries" | "RunQuery"

( Description = String )
[ HyperFindQueryName = String ]
[ QueryDateSpan = DateSpan ]
[ QueryIncludePersonFlag = Boolean ]
[ QueryIncludeUserFlag = Boolean ]
[ QueryIncludeWTKEmployeeFlag = Boolean ]
[ QueryPersonOrEmployee = String ]
VisibilityCode = String />

Action Descriptions
Returns the number of people that can be returned by the HyperFind query.
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Required Properties: HyperFindQueryName, VisibilityCode, QueryDateSpan,
Access Control Point Name: View

260 Kronos Incorporated

HyperFindQuery Tag

Introduced in v4
Returns a list of all HyperFind queries.
Return Value Type: Zero or more HyperFindQuery tags
Required Properties: VisibilityCode
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of people and associated information for the specified HyperFind
Return Value Type: Zero or more HyperFindResult tags
Required Properties: HyperFindQueryName, VisibilityCode, QueryDateSpan,
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Description of query
Describes the HyperFind query
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
HyperFind query name
Specifies the name of the HyperFind query. The query name and its visibility code
form a unique key to the HyperFind query.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 261

Chapter 2

The names of HyperFind queries can be found in the Workforce Central user
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Span of dates for the query
The span of dates when the query is valid. Specifies the date span used to
determine access to and active status of the people returned in the result.
Type: DateSpan
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Include person data?
Indicates whether to include information from the Person tag in the result
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Include user account data?
Indicates whether to include information from the UserAccount tag in the result
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

262 Kronos Incorporated

HyperFindQuery Tag

Include employee data?
Indicates whether to include information from the WTKEmployee tag in the result
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Category (person, employee, job assignment) for query
The type of person being requested in the query
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Person, Employee, Job Assignment
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Visibility (public, private)
The visibility of the HyperFindQuery: public or private. Private queries are visible
only to the query owner; public queries are available to any user whose access
profile allows it. The query name and its visibility form a unique key to the
HyperFind query. Use Private when referring to a personal HyperFind query.
Type: String
Note: For a Personal HyperFind, use the value Private.
Only Allowed Values: Public, Private
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 263

Chapter 2

HyperFindResult Tag
Result of Query
The HyperFindResult tag returns the result of running a HyperFind query.
Used by: HyperFindQuery
Function Access Control Point: API.Hyperfind
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

( FullName = String )
( PersonNumber = String ) >
( <PersonData>
</PersonData> )
( <UserAccountData>
</UserAccountData> )
( <WTKEmployeeData>
</WTKEmployeeData> )

Property Descriptions
Full name
Name of the resulting person
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 64 characters
Introduced in v4
Person data

264 Kronos Incorporated

HyperFindResult Tag

Information about the resulting person

Type: Person tag
Output Only
Dependency: Only contains a value when the QueryIncludePersonFlag property
in the HyperFindQuery is True
Introduced in v4
Person number
Person number of the specified person
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
User account data
The User Account tag for the resulting person
Type: UserAccount tag
Output Only
Dependency: Only contains a value when the QueryIncludeUserAccountFlag
property in the HyperFindQuery is True
Introduced in v4
Employee data
WTKEmployee tag for the resulting person
Type: WTKEmployee tag
Output Only
Contains a value when the QueryIncludeWTKEmployeeFlag property in the
HyperFindQuery is True
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 265

Chapter 2

ImportBatchStatus Tag
Status of Import Batch
The Import Batch Status tag represents an import batch's details.
This tag is used to add, modify, or retrieve import batch name and batch statistics
Function Access Control Point: API.ImportBatchStatus
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly" | "LoadAllBatchNames" | "Update"

( BatchDescription = String )
[ BatchName = String ]
[ BatchProcessStatus = String ]
[ BatchStatId = Long ]
( BatchType = String )
[ ErrorText = String ]
[ FailedRecordCount = Integer ]
[ SuccessRecordCount = Integer ]
[ TotalRecordCount = Integer ]
[ TransactionType = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Adds a new batch status record, including the batch status identification.
If a record already exists in ImportBatch with the same name but of type Table,
the AddOnly action fails.

266 Kronos Incorporated

ImportBatchStatus Tag

Return Value Type: ImportBatchStatus tag

Required Properties: BatchName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Returns all batch name information in the database.
The response status is Failure if the request finds no records.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ImportBatchStatus tags
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Adds a new batch status record or updates an existing one.
The BatchProcessStatus must exist in the ImportProcStat table and the
TransactionType must exist in the ImportCntntType table. Otherwise, the tag
returns a status of Failure.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BatchStatId, TransactionType, BatchProcessStatus
Optional Properties: ErrorText, TotalRecordCount, SuccessRecordCount,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Batch description
The BatchDescription contains the same value as BatchName.
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 30 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 267

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Batch name
A user defined Import Batch name.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Batch Name must uniquely identify an Import Batch. Existing batch names can be
found in the user interface.
Required: For an AddOnly action
Introduced in v5.0
Status of batch process
The status of the batch import process
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Must be one of the identified values
Introduced in v5.0
Batch status ID
The unique numeric value of an instance of a batch which has been run, or is in
the process of running.
Type: Long
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.

268 Kronos Incorporated

ImportBatchStatus Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.0
Import type (table or XML)
The type of batch import
Type: String
Output only
Only Allowed Values: Table Import, XML Import
Introduced in v5.0
Description of error
The error text for the batch
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Sample values: Normal Completion
Introduced in v5.0
Number of records processed unsuccessfully
The total number of records that were not successfully processed in the batch. The
client can provide the total record count at the beginning of the batch; then
provide this information and the success count at the conclusion.
Otherwise, the system can update these values for each record.
Type: Integer
Sample values: 3
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 269

Chapter 2

Number of records processed successfully
Indicates the total number of records that were successfully processed in the
batch. The user can provide the total record count at the beginning of the batch as
well as the success and failure counts, or the system can update for each record.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0
Total number of records in batch
The total number of records that were expected to be added in the batch. The user
can provide this information at the beginning of the batch and provide the success/
failure count at the conclusion or it can update for each record.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0
Transaction type
The type of transaction
Type: String
If more than one transaction type is being imported in the batch, transaction type
is set to XML.
Sample values: Accrual Dates, Accruals, Activities, Activities People,
Availability Templates, Certifications, Customers, Labor Level Entries, Labor
Level Sets, Organizational Maps, Pay Code Edits, People, Punches, Result",
Schedule Assistant Criteria, Schedule Rules, Schedules, Skills, Staffing,
Workforce Activities, Workforce Scheduler, XML
Introduced in v5.0

270 Kronos Incorporated

JobAssignment Tag

JobAssignment Tag
Job Assignment
The JobAssignment tag specifies information about a person's job assignment. It
is used to import data.
Used by: Personality
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
( HasPersonalOvertimeFlag = Boolean )
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <JobAssignmentDetailsData>
</JobAssignmentDetailsData> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]
[ <PersonalOvertimeAssignments>
</PersonalOvertimeAssignments> ]
[ <PrimaryLaborAccounts>
</PrimaryLaborAccounts> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 271

Chapter 2

Returns all information associated with the job and overtime assignments for the
specified person and period.
Return Value Type: JobAssignment tag
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Is there personal overtime?
Indicates whether personal overtime assignments are associated with that person
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify a person.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Job assignment details

272 Kronos Incorporated

JobAssignment Tag

General job, employee, and scheduling information that is associated with this job
Type: JobAssignmentDetails tag
Introduced in v5.0
Time period
The specified time frame
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Must evaluate to a span of time. Identity is used when the time frame requires
association with a person.
Used for the Load action.
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0
Personal overtime assignments
One or more rules that override the person's assigned overtime rule; that is,
specify one or more Overriding Personal Rules.
Type: Zero or more PersonalOvertimeAssignment tags
Each tag in the list must be a Personal Overtime Assignment tag
Introduced in v5.0
Primary labor accounts
One or more Primary Labor Accounts
Type: Zero or more PrimaryLaborAccount tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 273

Chapter 2

Maximum length: 356 characters

This property consists of one or more labor levels, separated by slash (/). Each
labor level has a maximum length of 50 characters.
At least one primary labor account must be specified for a new person.
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule group assignment
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0

274 Kronos Incorporated

JobAssignmentDetails Tag

JobAssignmentDetails Tag
Job Assignment Details
The JobAssignmentDetails tag specifies certain job, employee, and schedule
information for a person.
Used by: JobAssignment
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

[ BaseWageHourly = Currency ]
[ DeviceGroupName = String ]
[ PayRuleName = String ]
[ SeniorityRankDate = Date ]
[ SupervisorName = String ]
[ TimeZoneName = String ]
[ WageProfileName = String ]
[ WorkerTypeName = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Base hourly wage
The base wage is the employeeís hourly wage without any premium values
(overtime, shift differential, and so on).
Type: Currency
Maximum length: 15 characters
If specified, this value must be greater than or equal to 0.0.
Default Value: 0.0
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 275

Chapter 2

Device group
The Device Group represents all of the data collection devices that the employee
can access.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application..
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Pay rule
The name of the pay rule that is assigned to the employee. A pay rule contains
general payroll rules such as type of pay period (for example, weekly). A
complete pay rule controls such items as the pay period length, the day divide,
when punches link to schedules, when data collection devices accept and reject
punches, which holidays give holiday credits, and the order that hour types are
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Required: For a new Workforce Timekeeper Employee or Timekeeper Employee
that tracks their time in Workforce Central.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Seniority date
The date when the individual became qualified to work the job or was assigned to
the job.
Type: Date

276 Kronos Incorporated

JobAssignmentDetails Tag

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Reports to
The name of a person's manager
Type: String
Maximum length: 64 characters
Specify the managers name as last name, first name, middle initial.
It must match the name of an existing manager
Sample values: Example: Smith, John B
Introduced in v5.0
Time zone
Either the ID, a five-digit value that describes how the local time for a region
relates to Greenwich mean time (GMT), or the exact name of the time zone in
which the person works.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Required: When a value is also specified for DeviceGroupName
For a list of values, see ìTime Zone Definitionsî in Appendix B in the Workforce
Timekeeper DTK Reference Guide.
Default Value: Default time zone
Introduced in v5.0
Wage profile
The name of the person's wage profile. The Wage Profile allows an employee to
have multiple wage rates.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 277

Chapter 2

Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Worker type
The worker type identifies the category of worker (for example, full-time, part-
time, or other types that your site might define).
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

278 Kronos Incorporated

Kronos_WFC Tag

Kronos_WFC Tag
Session Container
The Kronos_WFC tag is a container for all XML session information sent to and
from a client application. This tag is required to identify the context and version
for Workforce Central. It can contain any combination of XML API tags defined
in the Workforce Central XML API. All tags specified in the request
Kronos_WFC tags are echoed in the response.
The Kronos_WFC tag must appear prior to the first request in an XML session
with the version tag identifying the Kronos XML version. The response will also
contain this tag which shall include the version, WFCVersion, and TimeStamp
Function Access Control Point: API.XML
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ TimeStamp = String ]
Version = String
( WFCVersion = String ) />
Contained API Tag+

Contained API Tag→

<Request> |
<Transaction> |

Property Descriptions
Time stamp

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 279

Chapter 2

The timestamp can refer to the request or the response. This value is ignored by
the API XML, but can be used for documenting request times. For a response, it is
set to the execution time.
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Version of XML API
The XML API version
Type: String
The value is validated against the versions supported by the XML server.
Introduced in v4
Version of core timekeeping product
The WFC version on the server that the session was run on
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

280 Kronos Incorporated

KTimeZone Tag

KTimeZone Tag
Time Zone
The KTimeZone tag provides information about the Time Zones in the Workforce
Timekeeper system.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllKTimeZones" | "LoadById"

[ KTimeZoneId = Integer ]
[ KTimeZoneName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns time zone information, based on KTimeZoneName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: KTimeZone tag
Required Properties: KTimeZoneName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of all time zones in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more KTimeZone tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 281

Chapter 2

Required Properties: None

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns time zone information, based on KTimeZoneId.
ID should be valid
Return Value Type: KTimeZone tag
Required Properties: KTimeZoneId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Time zone ID
Uniquely identifies the time zone in the database
Type: Integer
Sample values: 13011
Introduced in v4
Time zone name
Identifies the time zone by name, for example, Eastern
Type: String
Sample values: (GMT -05:00) Eastern Time
Introduced in v4

282 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccount Tag

LaborAccount Tag
Labor Account
The LaborAccount tag identifies the labor level entries in a labor level account.
Used by: PunchStatus
Function Access Control Point: API.LaborLevel
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "Update" | "UpdateAndLoad"

( Description = String )
LaborAccountName = String >
( <LaborLevelEntries>
</LaborLevelEntries> )

Action Descriptions
Returns labor account information for the specified labor account
Return Value Type: LaborAccount tag
Optional Properties: LaborAccountName, LaborAccountId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Adds a new labor account or updates an existing one

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 283

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: LaborAccountName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new labor account, or updates an existing one. Returns labor account
information for the specified labor account.
Return Value Type: LaborAccount tag
Required Properties: None
Optional Properties: LaborAccountName, LaborAccountId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Description of labor account
Describes the labor account
Type: String
Output Only
Must contain only legal description characters
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The name of the labor account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
Type: String

284 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccount Tag

Maximum length: 356 characters
Each component in the name must correspond to the name and sort order position
of an existing labor level entry. The name must contain only legal naming
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Set of labor level entries
One labor level entry is specified for each labor level in the specified labor
Type: Zero or more LaborLevelEntry tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 285

Chapter 2

LaborAccountEntry Tag
Labor Account Entry
The LaborAccountEntry tag identifies one or more labor level entries that need to
be added, removed, or replaced in the labor account set.
The order of precedence is:
• Replace
• Add
• Remove
Used by: LaborAccountSet
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ AddEntries = String ]
LaborLevelDefinitionName = String
[ RemoveEntries = String ]
[ ReplaceEntries = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Labor level entries added to the labor account set
A semicolon-delimited list of labor level entries that need to be added to the labor
account set for this labor level. Entries can contain wildcards.
Type: String
Maximum length: 146 characters
Each semicolon-delimited entry is validated against the labor level definitions
length requirements, and checked for invalid characters.

286 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountEntry Tag

Except for wildcards, all labor level entries must exist.

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Labor level to which the entry belongs
The name of the labor level to which this labor level entry belongs
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Labor level entries removed from the labor account set
The semicolon-delimited list of labor level entries to be removed from the labor
account set for this labor level. Entries can contain wildcards.
Type: String
Maximum length: 146 characters
Each semicolon-delimited entry is validated against the labor level definitions
length requirements, and checked for invalid characters.
Except for wildcards, all labor level entry must exist.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Labor level entries that replace the labor account set
A semicolon-delimited list of labor level entries that should replace existing
entries in the labor account set for this labor level. Entries can contain wildcards.
Type: String
Maximum length: 146 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 287

Chapter 2

Each semicolon-delimited entry is validated against the labor level definitions

length requirements, and checked for invalid characters.
Except for wildcards, all labor level entry must exist.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

288 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountEntryData Tag

LaborAccountEntryData Tag
Entry Data for a Labor Account
The LaborAccountEntryData tag describes the labor account entry data in a labor
account set.
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v5.0

( Adhoc = Boolean )
( Descriptions = String )
( Entries = String )
( LaborLevelDefinitionName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Is ad hoc allowed?
True or False, based on whether ad hoc is allowed
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Description of labor account set
Describes the labor account set
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 289

Chapter 2

Labor level entries
The labor level entries
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Labor level definition
The name of the labor level definition
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

290 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountSet Tag

LaborAccountSet Tag
Labor Account Set
The LaborAccountSet tag describes the set of labor levels that comprise a labor
This set is used by the access package to determine if a user can access a person or
the specified Labor Level.
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Load" |
"LoadLaborAccountData" |
"LoadLaborAccountUpdateData" |
"Update" |

[ Description = String ]
[ LaborAccountSetKey = String ]
LaborAccountSetName = String
[ LaborAccountSetTypeName = String ]
[ NewName = String ]
[ UpdatedDate = String ] >
[ <EntryList>
</EntryList> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 291

Chapter 2

Adds a new labor account set
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetName, LaborAccountSetTypeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns information for the specified labor account set name
Return Value Type: LaborAccountSet tag
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all labor account set data for the specified labor account set key.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LaborAccountSet tags
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetKey
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Returns a list of labor entries for the specified labor account set key that have been
updated or modified since the given reference date.
Return Value Type: LaborAccountSet tag
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetKey, UpdatedDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new labor account set or updates an existing one
Return Value Type: None

292 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountSet Tag

Required Properties: LaborAccountSetName. If adding a new labor account set,

LaborAccountSetTypeName is required.
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Updates an existing labor account set
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Summary of the labor level set
A brief summary of the labor level set
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v4
List of entries in the labor account set
Specifies the list of labor level account entries in the labor account set
Type: Zero or more LaborAccountEntry tags
Each labor level account entry in the list is validated individually.
Introduced in v4
Key for the labor account set

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 293

Chapter 2

The database key for the labor account set

Type: String
Maximum length: 10 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Labor account set name
The name of the labor level set
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Type of labor account set
Identifies the type of the labor level set. LaborAccountSetTypeName can have the
following values:
1-Indicates the entry of a labor level set that can be used in any user role.
2-Indicates the entry of a labor level set that is used exclusively for employee
group labor level sets.
3-Indicates entry of a labor level set that is used exclusively for labor level
transfer sets.
For values 1 and 2, there must be at least one entry in each level in the labor level
set. For example, if the labor level set consists of seven labor levels, then there
must be at least one entry in each level.
For value 3, there must be at least one entry in the labor level set, which can be in
any labor level. For example, if the labor level set consists of seven labor levels,
then at least one of those seven must include at least one entry.

294 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountSet Tag

Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Only Allowed Values: 1, 2, 3
Introduced in v4
New name of labor account set
The name to replace the existing name of a labor level set.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Use the value @ to indicate that the existing name of the labor level set should be
Required: For an update of a labor level set.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Updated Date
The date when the entries of thespecified labor accout set are updated
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 295

Chapter 2

LaborAccountSetProfile Tag
Set Profile for a Labor Account
The LaborAccountSetProfile tag provides information about valid labor account
set profiles. A labor account set profile specifies the labor level sets a manager or
employee can use when defining a labor account for transfer. To prevent access to
labor level transfer sets, select the empty profile.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllLaborAccountSetProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ LaborAccountSetProfileId = Integer ]
[ LaborAccountSetProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a labor account set profile, based on LaborAccountSetProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: LaborAccountSetProfile tag
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all labor account set profiles in the system.

296 Kronos Incorporated

LaborAccountSetProfile Tag

Return Value Type: Zero or more LaborAccountSetProfile tags

Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a labor account set profile, based on LaborAccountSetProfileID.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: LaborAccountSetProfile tag
Required Properties: LaborAccountSetProfileID
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of set profile for labor account
Uniquely identifies the labor account set profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Set profile for labor account
The name for the common set of labor accounts that a group of users can access;
for example, F Snow Employees.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Sample values: All Labor Account
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 297

Chapter 2

LaborLevelDefinition Tag
Labor Level Definition
The LaborLevelDefinition tag describes the hierarchical labor levels that define a
job structure. The LaborLevelDefinition and WSALaborLevel tags refer to the
same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.LaborLevel
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "GetNumberOfLaborLevels" | "LoadAllDefinitions"

( AddAtTerminalFlag = Boolean )
( LaborLevelDefinitionName = String )
( MaxNameLength = Integer )
( MinNameLength = Integer )
( OverrideFlag = Boolean )
( ShortName = String )
( SortOrder = Integer ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns a count of labor level definitions
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

298 Kronos Incorporated

LaborLevelDefinition Tag

Returns all labor level definition names
Return Value Type: Zero or more LaborLevelDefinition tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Add labor level at a data collection device?
Specifies whether this labor level can be added at a Data Collection Manager
(DCM) device
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Labor level definition
The name of the labor level definition
Type: String
Output Only
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application
Introduced in v4
Maximum length of name
Maximum length of a labor level entry name
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 299

Chapter 2

Minimum length of name
Minimum length of a labor level entry name
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Override rules for name length?
Indicates whether the user is allowed to define a labor level entry name that does
not conform to the minimum or maximum length rules
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Short name for labor level definition
Short name of the labor level definition
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Position of this labor level in labor account
A number representing the position of this definition in the labor account
Type: Integer
Output Only
Must be between 1 and the number of labor levels in the system
Introduced in v4

300 Kronos Incorporated

LaborLevelEntry Tag

LaborLevelEntry Tag
Labor level entry
The LaborLevelEntry tag describes one labor level. Labor level entries usually
contain an entry name and description.
This tag is used by LaborAccount. The LaborLevelEntry and
WSALaborLevelEntry tags refer to the same database object.
The NewName property can only be specified to update an existing
LaborLevelEntry, using the Update or UpdateOnly action.
The LaborLevelEntryName can be the name or the description when locating an
existing labor level entry using the Load, Update, or UpdateOnly action.
Function Access Control Point: API.LaborLevel
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"GetCountByLaborLevelWithFilter" |
"GetCountsByLaborLevel" |
"Load" |
"LoadByWildcard" |
"Update" |

LaborLevelDefinitionName = String
Wildcard = String

[ Description = String ]
[ InactiveFlag = Boolean ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 301

Chapter 2

[ LaborLevelDefinitionName = String ]
[ LaborLevelEntryName = String ]
[ NewName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Adds a new labor level entry
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LaborLevelEntryName, LaborLevelDefinitionName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns the number of visible labor level entries for the specified level
Return Value Type: SimpleValue tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Wildcard Introduced in v4.0

LaborLevelDefinitionNa The name of labor level definition Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Returns the number of labor level entries for each labor level in the system
Return Value Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

302 Kronos Incorporated

LaborLevelEntry Tag

Returns the specified labor level entry
Return Value Type: LaborLevelEntry tag
Required Properties: LaborLevelEntryName, LaborLevelDefinitionName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns the labor level entries that match the wildcard name or description pattern
for the specified labor level definition
Return Value Type: Zero or more LaborLevelEntry tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

WildCard The pattern with which to search the Introduced in v4
description field
LaborLevelDefinitionNa The name of the labor level definition Introduced in v4

Adds a new labor level entry or updates an existing one
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LaborLevelEntryName, LaborLevelDefinitionName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Updates an existing labor level entry

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 303

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: LaborLevelEntryName, LaborLevelDefinitionName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Contains text that describes the labor level entry specified in
LaborLevelEntryName. It is ignored when you inactivate or reactivate a labor
level entry.
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v4
Is the labor level entry inactive?
Indicates whether the labor level entry is active. If True, the labor level entry is no
longer valid for this labor level.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Labor level definition
Identifies the labor level for which a labor level entry can be specified.
For example, if theLaborLevelDefinitionName is Job, a LaborLevelEntryName
might be 401 and have a corresponding Description value of Assembly.
Type: String

304 Kronos Incorporated

LaborLevelEntry Tag

Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Labor level entry
The LaborLevelEntryName identifies the name of the labor level entry.
LaborLevelEntryName works in conjunction with LaborLevelDefinitionName,
which identifies the labor level that the labor level entry is a member of. The text
that describes the LaborLevelEntryName is entered in the Description column.
Although defined as a string, LaborLevelEntryName typically contains a number,
not text.
The Precision Auto factory uses the labor account format with the following labor
The employees perform a variety of work, so the Job labor level has multiple
entries that represent the jobs that are performed. In this example, each job has a
different LaborLevelEntryName, as follows:
• LaborLevelEntryName 401 has a corresponding Description value of
• LaborLevelEntryName 402 has a corresponding Description value of
• LaborLevelEntryName 403 has a corresponding Description value of
• LaborLevelEntryName 404 has a corresponding Description value of
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 305

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
New name for existing entry
Identifies the new name of an existing labor level entry. NewName is required
only when you update a labor level entry.
If the labor level entry name is not changing, you can enter @H to indicate that the
labor level entry name should retain its original value.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

306 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCascader Tag

LeaveCascader Tag
Leave Cascader
Allows the user to cascade or re-cascade a person's leave time.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "Cascade" | "Recascade"

BranchToCascade = String
EndDate = Date
<LeaveCascader >

Action Descriptions
Cascades an employee's leave time.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 307

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EndDate The date out to which the person's Introduced in v5.1
leave times will be cascaded.
BranchToCascade Specifies which branch of the leave Introduced in v5.1
rules to cascade.
This value may be "Paid", "Unpaid",
or "Both".

Re-cascades an employee's leave time.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
The person whose leave time is being cascaded.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Introduced in v5.1

308 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

LeaveCase Tag
Leave Case
Leave case tag identifies a leave case for a particular employee for a single reason.
The following properties are required for a Leave Case: ShortName, Category,
StartDate, EndDate, InitialLeaveRequestDate, CaseStatus,
CaseStatusAsOf,Frequency,FrequencyAsOf,EligibilityChecked, Person. The Start
Date must be on or before End Date. The FrequencyAsOf date must be between
StartDate and EndDate.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"CommitToBasicScheduler" |
"CommitToTimecard" |
"CommitToWorkforceScheduler" |
"CommitWithHistoricalTakingsToTimecard" |
"Delete" |
"DeleteAllLeaveTimes" |
"DeleteLeaveTimes" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveByCaseStatusAndPerson" |
"RetrieveByPerson" |
"RetrieveOpenCaseByPerson" |
"Uncommit" |
"Update" |

BranchToCommit = String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 309

Chapter 2

CaseStatus = String
CreateOpenShift = Boolean
DisplayTime = String
EffectiveDate = Date
EndDate = Date
ImpactsAccruals = Boolean
IncludeInTotals = Boolean
[ OrgJobNodePath = String ]
OverrideShift = String
ShortName = String
StartDate = Date
[ TransferName = String ]
[ UnavailableDuration = TimeDuration ]
[ UnavailableStartTime = Time ]

ApprovalStatus = String
ApprovalStatusAsOf = DateTime
CaseStatus = String
CaseStatusAsOf = Date
Category = String
[ Detail = String ]
[ EligibilityCheckedDateTime = DateTime ]
EligibilityCheckType = String
EndDate = Date
Frequency = String
FrequencyAsOf = Date
InitialLeaveRequestDate = Date
[ PaidCommitDtm = DateTime ]
[ Reason = String ]
[ ReasonDetail = String ]
ShortName = String
StartDate = Date
[ UnpaidCommitDtm = DateTime ] >
[ <EligibilityEvaluations>
</EligibilityEvaluations> ]
[ <LeaveCaseRuleAssignments>
</LeaveCaseRuleAssignments> ]
[ <LeaveTimes>
</LeaveTimes> ]

310 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag


Action Descriptions
Add a leave case.
The Start Date must be on or before End Date. The FrequencyAsOf date must be
between StartDate and EndDate.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ShortName, Category, StartDate, EndDate,
InitialLeaveRequestDate, CaseStatus,
CaseStatusAsOf,Frequency,FrequencyAsOf,EligibilityCheckedType, Person.
Optional Properties: Detail, Reason,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Commits uncommitted LeaveTakings by a person ID and date range to the Basic
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 311

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EndDate The date out to which the user can Introduced in v5.1
The format of the date.
BranchToCommit The branch for which to commit. Introduced in v5.1
Valid values are: both, paid, or unpaid.
TransferName A LaborAccount name. Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null
orgJobNodePath The path to the employee's orgjob Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:
OverrideShift A flag to indicate None, partial or Introduced in v5.1
whole pay code override. Possible
values are: NO_PCE_OVERRIDE,

Default Value:
DisplayTime The time at which to start showing the Introduced in v5.1
leave time in the Scheduler.

Commits uncommitted LeaveTakings selected by a person ID and date range to
the Timecard. The LeaveTakings are marked committed and the new
timesheetitem ID is added before the takings are updated.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

312 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EndDate The date out to which we wish to Introduced in v5.1
Date format.
BranchToCommit The branch for which to commit. Introduced in v5.1
Valid values are: both, paid, or unpaid.
TransferName A LaborAccount name. Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null.

Commits uncommitted LeaveTakings by a person ID and date range to the
Workforce Scheduler.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 313

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EndDate The date out to which we wish to Introduced in v5.1
Date format.
BranchToCommit The branch for which to commit. Introduced in v5.1
Valid values are: both, paid, or unpaid.
TransferName A LaborAccount name. Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null
OrgJobNodePath The path to the employee's orgjob Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:
OverrideShift A flag to indicate None, partial or Introduced in v5.1
whole pay code override. Possible
values are: NO_PCE_OVERRIDE,
CreateOpenShift This flag indicate whether to create a Introduced in v5.1
shift as an open shift.

Default Value:
DisplayTime The time at which to start showing the Introduced in v5.1
leave time in the scheduler.
Time format.
Default Value:
UnavailableStartTime The start time for the unavailable span Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null
UnavailableDuration The duration of the unavailable span Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null

Commits uncommitted LeaveTakings and Historical Leave Takings selected by
person ID and date range to the Timecard. The LeaveTakings are marked
committed and the new timesheetitem ID is added before the takings are updated.

314 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EndDate The date out to which we wish to Introduced in v5.1
branchToCommit The branch for which to commit. Introduced in v5.1
Valid values are: both, paid, or unpaid.
TransferName A LaborAccount name. Introduced in v5.1
Default Value: null
EffectiveDate The effective date for the takings in Introduced in v5.1
the Historical PCE list.
ImpactsAccruals The flag indicate whether this action Introduced in v5.1
should inpact accuruals.

Default Value:
IncludeInTotals Determines if the taking is historical Introduced in v5.1
and need to be applied against the
paid amount in the PCE to be created.

Default Value:

Delete will try to delete a leave case that matches the given StartDate, ShortName,
If there is more than one leave case that matches those parameters, Delete will
throw an exception. The import cannot uniquely identify the leave case. The edits
can be made using the user interface.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Person

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 315

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ShortName The short name of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1
Must be the short name of an existing
Leave Case.
StartDate The start date of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1

Deletes all the leave times (for this leave case) and their associated takings.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes all the leave times (specified by the LeaveTimes properties) and their
associated takings. LeaveTimes must be owned by this LeaveCase.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Optional Properties: LeaveTimes
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieve will try to retrieve a LeaveCase that matches the given StartDate,
ShortName and Person.

316 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

If there is more than one LeaveCase that matches those parameters, Retrieve will
throw an exception because it could not uniquely identify the leave case. The user
can use the UI to make the shortName unique to solve this problem.
Return Value Type: LeaveCase tag
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ShortName The short name of a leave case Introduced in v5.1
Must be the shortName of an existing
Leave Case.
StartDate The start date of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1
The date format must be valid.

Retrieves all leave cases.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveCase tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves leave cases by CaseStatus and Person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveCase tags
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 317

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

CaseStatus The status of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Retrieves leave cases by Person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveCase tags
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
This action retrieves a list of APILeaveCase for the person with the "open" status.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveCase tags
Required Properties: Person
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Uncommits all the committed LeaveTakings for this LeaveCase.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: StartDate, ShortName, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

318 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

BranchToCommit The branch to uncommit. Introduced in v5.1
Valid values are: both, paid, or unpaid.

If the leave case is found, it will be updated; otherwise a leave case will be
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ShortName, Category, StartDate, EndDate,
InitialLeaveRequestDate, CaseStatus,
CaseStatusAsOf,Frequency,FrequencyAsOf,EligibilityCheckType, Person.
Optional Properties: Detail, Reason,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ShortName The short name of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1

StartDate The start date of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1

The date format must be correct.

UpdateOnly will try to delete a leave case that matches the given StartDate,
ShortName and Person.
If there is more than one leave case that matches those parameters, UpdateOnly
will throw an exception because it could not uniquely identify the leave case. The
edits can be made using the user interface.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 319

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: ShortName, Category, StartDate, EndDate,
InitialLeaveRequestDate, CaseStatus,
CaseStatusAsOf,Frequency,FrequencyAsOf,EligibilityCheckType, Person.
Optional Properties: Detail, Reason,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ShortName The leave case short name. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:
StartDate The start date of a leave case. Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Approval status
The approval status of the leave case.
Type: String
Sample values: ApprovalStatus = "Approved"
Introduced in v5.1
Approval status as of date time
Defines the leave case approval status as of date and time.
Type: DateTime

320 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

Date time format.
Introduced in v5.1
Case status
The status of the leave case.
Type: String
The value must be valid. It can be either Open or Closed.
Sample values: Open, Closed
Introduced in v5.1
Case status as of date
The leave case status as of date.
Type: Date
The date format must be valid.
Introduced in v5.1
Leave category
Each leave case must belong to a leave category.
Type: String
The Leave Category with the specified name must be preconfigured.
Sample values: Medical
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 321

Chapter 2

The description of leave case detail.

Type: String
The length of string should not exceed 250.
Sample values: The description of Leave Case detail.
Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility checked date time
The date and time when the eligibility is checked.
Type: DateTime
The format of the date time must be correct.
Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility check type
The Eligibility Checked Type indicates the state of the eligibility checking.
Type: String
Valid values are Checked, Unchecked, Bypassed.
Only Allowed Values: Checked, Unchecked, Bypassed.
Sample values: Unchecked
Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility evaluations
The Eligibility Evaluations identifies the eligibility questions and answers for a
leave case.
Type: Zero or more EligibilityEvaluation tags

322 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

Introduced in v5.1
End date
The end date of the leave case.
Type: Date
The date format must be correct.
Default Value: 1/1/3000
Introduced in v5.1
Leave frequency
The frequency of a leave case.
Type: String
Valid values are Continuous or Intermittent.
Only Allowed Values: Continuous, Intermittent
Sample values: Continuous
Introduced in v5.1
Leave frequency as of date
The leave frequency as of date.
Type: Date
The date format must be correct.
Introduced in v5.1
Initial leave request date
The date of the initial leave request.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 323

Chapter 2

Type: Date
The date format must be correct.
Introduced in v5.1
Leave case rule assignments
Specifies the effective-dated leave rules that are associated with the leave case.
Type: Zero or more LeaveCaseRuleAssignment tags
Sample values: <LeaveCaseRuleAssignments>
<LeaveCaseRuleAssignment Rule="TEST" EffectiveDate="10/2/2004" />
Introduced in v5.1
Leave times
The leave times that are associated with the leave case.
Type: Zero or more LeaveTime tags
Introduced in v5.1
Paid commit date time
Defines date and time of the leave case paid commit.
Type: DateTime
date time format.
Introduced in v5.1

324 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCase Tag

The person who owns the leave case.

Type: PersonIdentity tag
The properties for the PersonIdentity must be valid.
Sample values: <Person>
<PersonIdentity PersonNumber="SUPERUSER" />
Introduced in v5.1
Leave reason
The leave reason for a leave case.
Type: String
The Leave Reason must be preconfigured.
Sample values: Sick
Introduced in v5.1
Reason detail
The detail description of the leave reason.
Type: String
The length of the string should not exceed 250.
Sample values: Description of the reason.
Introduced in v5.1
Short name
The short name of a leave case. The length must be between 1 and 6 characters.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 325

Chapter 2

Type: String
Sample values: case1
Introduced in v5.1
Start date
The start date of leave case.
Type: Date
The date format must be correct.
Introduced in v5.1
Unpaid commit date time
Defines the date and time of the leave case unpaid commit.
Type: DateTime
Date Time format
Introduced in v5.1

326 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCaseRuleAssignment Tag

LeaveCaseRuleAssignment Tag
Leave Case Rule Assignment
This tag identifies the effectively dated rules assigned to a leave case.
Function Access Control Point: wfl.manager.api
Introduced in v5.1

EffectiveDate = Date
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
Rule = String />

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The effective date of the leave rule assignment.
Type: Date
The date format must be correct.
Introduced in v5.1
Expiration date
The expiration date for the leave case rule assignment.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Leave rule

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 327

Chapter 2

The leave rule that is assigned to a leave case.

Type: String
The Leave Rule must be pre-configured.
Introduced in v5.1

328 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCategory Tag

LeaveCategory Tag
Leave Category
A category of leave, such as "Medical" or "Education". This is a named entity.
The type of leave.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |
[ NewName = String ]
[ DefaultSwitch = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String
[ OrderNumber = Integer ]
ShortName = String />

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 329

Chapter 2

Adds a leave category
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes a leave category
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave category by its name.
Return Value Type: LeaveCategory tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all leave categories.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveCategory tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the names of all leave categories.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View

330 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCategory Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the leave category with the specified name. Used by Setup Data
Return Value Type: LeaveCategory tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates a leave category if it exists, or adds it if it does not.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName New Name for the Leave Category. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Updates a leave category.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, OrderNumber, DefaultSwitch
Optional Properties: Description
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 331

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName New Name for the Leave Category. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Property Descriptions
Default switch
This is true if this leave category is the default leave category.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Description of the leave category. The description can be from 0 to 250
characters long.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
If the active flag is set to true, the leave category is active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1

332 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveCategory Tag

Name of the category. The name can be from 1 to 50 characters.
Type: String
Sample values: Medical
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Order number
The display order of the leave categories
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Short name
Short name of the category. The name can be from 1 to 6 characters long.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 333

Chapter 2

LeaveDecisionNode Tag
Leave Decision Node (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. A LeaveDecisionNode is a decision test that
evaluates to either a Yes or a No value. These two possible out comes are
represented by two (and only two) PassThroughNode children.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

DisplayName = String >
[ <AccrualBalanceLimits>
</AccrualBalanceLimits> ]
[ <Children>
</Children> ]
[ <WaitingCondition>
</WaitingCondition> ]

Property Descriptions
Accrual balance limits

334 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveDecisionNode Tag

The AccrualBalanceLimits associated with this decision node

Type: Zero or more AccrualBalanceLimit tags
Introduced in v5.1
A node that is the child of the current node.
Type: Any combination of LeaveDecisionNode or LeavePassThroughNode or
LeaveRuleNode or LeaveTakingNode tags
Introduced in v5.1
Display name
The nodes name that is displayed in the user interface.
Type: String
Maximum length is 50.
Introduced in v5.1
No node
A node that represents the NO branch off a decision node
Type: LeavePassThroughNode tag
Introduced in v5.1
Waiting condition
This property is the period after which this decision node may be evaluated. Its
value may be null. This will cause the decision to be evaluated with no waiting.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 335

Chapter 2

Type: WaitingPeriod tag

Introduced in v5.1
Yes node
The node that represents the YES branch off of a decision node.
Type: LeavePassThroughNode tag
Introduced in v5.1

336 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveDocument Tag

LeaveDocument Tag
Leave Document
A Leave Document generated for a particular leave case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

( Document = String )
( DocumentStatus = String )
( DocumentStatusAsOf = Date )
( DueDate = Date )
( GeneratedBy = String )
( GenerationDateTime = DateTime ) />

Property Descriptions
Name of the document.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Document status
Name of the document status for this document.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 337

Chapter 2

Document status as of date
Date when the document status changed to its current status.
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Due date
Date when the document is due.
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Generated by
Name of the employee who generated the leave document.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Generation date time
Date and time that the leave document was generated.
Type: DateTime
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

338 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveDocumentReminder Tag

LeaveDocumentReminder Tag
Leave Document Reminder
The LeaveDocumentReminder tag is used by the
LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag to assign documents to a leave type
(LeaveType tag). Ithas no actions of its own, but has a DocumentReminder
reminder associated with it
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<LeaveDocumentReminder >
[ <DocumentReminder>
</DocumentReminder> ]

Property Descriptions
Document reminder
The LeaveDocumentReminder has an associated DocumentReminder
Type: DocumentReminder tag
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 339

Chapter 2

LeaveDocumentTemplate Tag
Leave Document Template
A localized leave document template.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

[ Description = String ]
[ DocumentRoot = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
[ Language = String ]
Name = String />

Action Descriptions

340 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveDocumentTemplate Tag

Adds a new leave document template, or updates it if it already exists.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, Language, DocumentRoot
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new leave document template.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, Language, DocumentRoot
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the leave document template with the given name.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the leave document templates with the given name.
Return Value Type: LeaveDocumentTemplate tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all leave document templates (active and inactive).

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 341

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveDocumentTemplate tags

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the names of all leave document templates
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the leave document template with the given name. Used by Setup Data
Return Value Type: LeaveDocumentTemplate tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the leave document template with the given name.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, Language, DocumentRoot
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

342 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveDocumentTemplate Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName Updates a Leave Document Template Introduced in v5.1
if it exists, or adds it if it doesn't.

Updates the leave document template with the given name.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, IsActive, Language, DocumentRoot
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName Updates an existing Leave Document Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Description of the leave document template. The length must be between 0 and
250 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Document Root
The name of the root Document for this template.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 343

Chapter 2

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
True means the document template is active. False means it is not active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the language for this document.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the leave document template. The name can be from 1 to 50
characters long.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

344 Kronos Incorporated

LeavePassThroughNode Tag

LeavePassThroughNode Tag
Leave Pass-Through Node (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. This node is a named junction to which other nodes
are attached.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

DisplayName = String >
[ <Children>
</Children> ]

Property Descriptions
A list of nodes that are children of this node.
Type: Any combination of LeaveDecisionNode or LeavePassThroughNode or
LeaveRuleNode or LeaveTakingNode tags
Introduced in v5.1
Display name
The name of the node that is displayed in the user interface.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 345

Chapter 2

The maximum length is 50 characters.
Introduced in v5.1

346 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveProfile Tag

LeaveProfile Tag
Leave Profile
A container for LeaveCategories assignments
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

[ Description = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String >
[ <ProfileCategoryAssignments>
</ProfileCategoryAssignments> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 347

Chapter 2

Adds a new leave profile
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive
Optional Properties: Description, ProfileCategoryAssignments
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes a leave profile
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave profile
Return Value Type: LeaveProfile tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all leave profiles
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveProfile tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the list names of all leave profiles (active and inactive).
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View

348 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveProfile Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave profile for updating
Return Value Type: LeaveProfile tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates a leave profile or adds it if it does not exist
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive
Optional Properties: Description, ProfileCategoryAssignments
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The new name of the leave profile. Introduced in v5.1

Updates an existing leave profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive
Optional Properties: Description, ProfileCategoryAssignments
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 349

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The new name of the leave profile. Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
The description of this leave profile.
Type: String
The maximum length is 250 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
The state that indicates whether this leave profile is enabled for use (true = active).
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
The name of this leave profile.
Type: String
The maximum length is 50 characters.
Introduced in v5.1

350 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveProfile Tag

Profile category assignments
A list of APILeaveProfileCategory objects.
Type: Zero or more LeaveProfileCategory tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 351

Chapter 2

LeaveProfileCategory Tag
Leave Profile Category
Represents the assignment of a category to a profile.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

Category = String >
[ <ProfileCategoryRuleAssignments>
</ProfileCategoryRuleAssignments> ]
[ <ProfileCategoryTypeAssignments>
</ProfileCategoryTypeAssignments> ]

Property Descriptions
The leave category name for this leave category profile
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing leave category. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1
Profile category rule assignments
A list of APIProfileCategoryRule objects associated with this
Type: Zero or more LeaveProfileCategoryRule tags

352 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveProfileCategory Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Profile category type assignments
A list of APIProfileCategoryRule objects associated with this
Type: Zero or more LeaveProfileCategoryType tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 353

Chapter 2

LeaveProfileCategoryRule Tag
Leave Profile Category Rule
Associates a LeaveRule to a LeaveProfile and a LeaveCategory pair.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

LeaveRule = String />

Property Descriptions
Leave Rule
The name of the leave rule associated with a leave profile category.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Rule. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1

354 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveProfileCategoryType Tag

LeaveProfileCategoryType Tag
Leave Profile Category Type
Represents the assignment of a LeaveType to a LeaveProfileCategory
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

[ EligibilityRequirement = String ]
LeaveType = String />

Property Descriptions
The name of the leave eligibility associated with this leave profile category type.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing leave eligibility.
Introduced in v5.1
Leave type
The name of the leave type associated with the Leave profile category. This must
be the name of an existing Leave type. The maximum length is 50 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 355

Chapter 2

LeaveReason Tag
Leave Reason
Reason for taking leave. Reasons are dependent on LeaveCategory.
Function Access Control Point: WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveByCategory" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

Category = String
[ Description = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String
ShortName = String >
[ <LeaveTypeReasons>
</LeaveTypeReasons> ]

356 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveReason Tag

Action Descriptions
Adds a leave reason.
Name must be unique. Category must be valid.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, Category
Optional Properties: Description, ShortName, IsActive, LeaveTypeReasons
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the specified leave reason.
Name must be a valid LeaveReason
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave reason by name.
Name must be a valid LeaveReason.
Return Value Type: LeaveReason tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieve all leave reasons.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveReason tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 357

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the names of all the leave reasons
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a list of leave reasons by category name.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveReason tags
Required Properties: Category
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the named leave reason. Used by Setup Data Manager.
Return Value Type: LeaveReason tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified leave reason if it exists; otherwise the leave reason is added.
Name must be a valid LeaveReason.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, ShortName, IsActive, Category,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

358 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveReason Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName New Name for the Leave Reason. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Updates a leave reason only if it exists.
Name must be a valid LeaveReason
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: Description, ShortName, IsActive, Category,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName New Name for the Leave Reason. Introduced in v5.1

Default Value:

Property Descriptions
Name of an existing leave category associated with the leave reason.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 359

Chapter 2

Description of the leave reason. Length must be between 0 and 250 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
Indicates if the leave reason is active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1
Leave type reasons
List of leave type reasons.
Type: Zero or more LeaveTypeReason tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the leave reason. Length must be between 1 and 50 characters.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Short name

360 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveReason Tag

Short name of the leave reason. Length must be 1 to 6 characters.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 361

Chapter 2

LeaveRequest Tag
Leave Request
Request for time off on an existing Leave Case.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly"

EndDate = Date
LeaveCaseShortName = String
LeaveCaseStartDate = Date
PerDayAmount = TimeDuration
RequestDTM = DateTime
StartDate = Date >

Action Descriptions
Creates a new leave request.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: EndDate, PerDayAmount, Person, RequestDTM, StartDate,
LeaveCaseShortName, LeaveCaseStartDate, Person
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

362 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveRequest Tag

Property Descriptions
End date
End date for the leave request.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Leave case short name
The short name of the leave case for which the employee is requesting leave.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Leave case start date
Start date for the leave case for which the employee is requesting leave.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Per day amount
Amount of leave requested per day.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Person requesting leave.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 363

Chapter 2

Type: PersonIdentity tag

Introduced in v5.1
Request date time
The date and time that the leave request was submitted by the employee.
Type: DateTime
Introduced in v5.1
Start date
Date the employee wants to begin leave.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1

364 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveRule Tag

LeaveRule Tag
Leave Rule (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. The Leave Rule tag is a rule used by the
LeaveCascader to calculate leave takings.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

Category = String
[ Description = String ]
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String
[ UserOverride = Boolean ] >
[ <RootNode>
</RootNode> ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 365

Chapter 2

Action Descriptions
Adds a leave rule
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, Category, RootNode
Optional Properties: Description, DisregardAccrualRules, UserOverride
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes a leave rule
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave rule
Return Value Type: LeaveRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all leave rules
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the list names of all leave rules (active and inactive).
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags

366 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveRule Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves an existing leave rule with the given name.
Return Value Type: LeaveRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates a leave rule. If the rule is not found, it is inserted.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, Category, RootNode
Optional Properties: Description, DisregardAccrualRules, UserOverride
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The new name for the Leave Rule. Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Updates a leave rule only if it already exists
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name, IsActive, Category, RootNode
Optional Properties: Description, DisregardAccrualRules, UserOverride
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 367

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The new name for the Leave Rule. Introduced in v5.1
The maximum length is 50 characters.

Property Descriptions
The name of the Leave Category for which this Leave Rule is valid.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Category. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1
The description of this LeaveRule
Type: String
The maximum length is 250 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
Is active
The state that indicates whether this LeaveRule is enabled for use (true = active)
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1

368 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveRule Tag

The name of this LeaveRule.
Type: String
The maximum length is 50 characters.
Sample values: Maternity rule.
Introduced in v5.1
Root node
The root node of the rule tree that eventually gets associated with a rule.
Type: LeaveRuleNode tag
Introduced in v5.1
User override
Sets whether or not this is a user custom rule (true=custom).
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 369

Chapter 2

LeaveRuleNode Tag
Leave Rule Node (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. LeaveRuleNode is the root node of the leave rule
It must have 2 children, both LeavePassThroughNodes. The nodes must be mark
Paid and Unpaid.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

DisplayName = String >
[ <Children>
</Children> ]

Property Descriptions
A list of nodes that are children of the current node.
Type: Any combination of LeaveDecisionNode or LeavePassThroughNode or
LeaveRuleNode or LeaveTakingNode tags

370 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveRuleNode Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Display name
The name of the node that is displayed in the user interface. The maximum length
is 50 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Paid node
The node that represents the PAID branch off of the root node
Type: LeavePassThroughNode tag
Introduced in v5.1
Unpaid node
The node that represents the UNPAID branch off of the root node
Type: LeavePassThroughNode tag
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 371

Chapter 2

LeaveTaking Tag
Leave Taking
Represents the proposed leave time for a specific accrual code for which there was
available (and accessible - e.g. passed balance limit checks) accrued time for a
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

CommitType = String
Date = Date
Duration = TimeDuration
LeaveType = String />

Property Descriptions
Commit type
The type that indicates where this taking was committed.
Type: String
Must be either Timecard or Schedule.
Only Allowed Values: Timecard, Schedule
Default Value: Timecard
Introduced in v5.1
The date for which this taking applies.

372 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveTaking Tag

Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
The amount of time (in seconds) this taking represents.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Leave type
The leave type used to generate this taking.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Type. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 373

Chapter 2

LeaveTakingNode Tag
Leave Taking Node (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. These nodes evaluate the accrual balances and
produce LeaveTakings from the LeaveTimes being processed.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

DisplayName = String
LeaveType = String >
[ <AccrualBalanceLimit>
</AccrualBalanceLimit> ]
[ <Children>
</Children> ]

Property Descriptions
Accrual balance limit
The accrual balance condition that determines the accrual balance limit this node
must meet before it can be used to generate leave takings.
Type: AccrualBalanceLimit tag
Introduced in v5.1

374 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveTakingNode Tag

A list of nodes that are children of the current node.
Type: Any combination of LeaveDecisionNode or LeavePassThroughNode or
LeaveRuleNode or LeaveTakingNode tags
Introduced in v5.1
Display name
The name of the node that is displayed in the user interface. The maximum length
is 50 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Leave type
The name of leave type for which this taking node performs taking operations.
Type: String
This must be the name of an existing Leave Type. The maximum length is 50
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 375

Chapter 2

LeaveTime Tag
Leave Time
Amount of time an employee will be on leave. A LeaveTime belongs to one
LeaveCase, and after processed by the LeaveCascader, will have 0 to many
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

Date = Date
Duration = TimeDuration
[ IsManualEdit = Boolean ]
[ IsPaidCommitted = Boolean ]
[ IsPaidProcessed = Boolean ]
[ IsUnpaidCommitted = Boolean ]
[ IsUnpaidProcessed = Boolean ] >
[ <LeaveTakings>
</LeaveTakings> ]

Property Descriptions
Date the employee will be out on leave.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Duration the employee will be out on leave.

376 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveTime Tag

Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Manual edit flag
True if the leave time has been manually edited.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Paid committed flag
True if the leave time's paid takings have been committed.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Paid processed flag
True if the leave time has been cascaded for the Paid branch of the rule.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Unpaid committed flag
True if the leave time's unpaid takings have been committed.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 377

Chapter 2

Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Unpaid processed flag
True if the leave time has been cascaded for the unpaid branch of the rule.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Introduced in v5.1
Leave takings
List of leave takings associated with this leave time.
Type: Zero or more LeaveTaking tags
Introduced in v5.1

378 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveType Tag

LeaveType Tag
Leave types are essentially an accrual code/pay code pair. Leave types can also
contain a leave type document assignment, which assigns a document to a leave
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ NewName = String ]

AccrualCode = String
[ Description = String ]
Group = String
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String
PayCode = String
ShortName = String >
[ <LeaveTypeDocumentAssignments>

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 379

Chapter 2

</LeaveTypeDocumentAssignments> ]

Action Descriptions
Adds a leave type.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes a leave type.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave type by name.
Return Value Type: LeaveType tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all leave types.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveType tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all leave types.

380 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveType Tag

Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a leave type by name for an update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more LeaveType tags
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified leave type if it exists; otherwise the leave type is created.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The NewName parameter is used to Introduced in v5.1
indicate that a name change will take
place in an update.
A Valid new name must be present.
Default Value:

Updates a leave type only if it exists
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 381

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

NewName The NewName parameter is used to Introduced in v5.1
indicate that a name change will take
place in an update.
A valid new name must be present
Default Value:

Property Descriptions
Accrual code
The name of an existing Accrual Code associated with the leave type.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Description of the leave type. Length must be between 0 and 250 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Identifies a group as paid or unpaid.
Type: String
Sample values: Paid

382 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveType Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Active flag
True if the leave type is active.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: true
Introduced in v5.1
Leave type document assignments
The leave type document assignment contains documents and leave document
reminders which are associated with the leave type.
Type: Zero or more LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the leave type. Length must be between 1 and 50 characters.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code
Name of an existing Pay Code associated with the leave type.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 383

Chapter 2

Short name
Short name of the leave type. Length must be between 1 and 6 characters.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

384 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment Tag

LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment Tag
Leave Type Document Assignment
The LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag is used to assign documents to a Leave
Type (LeaveType tag). It has no actions of its own.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment >
[ <Document>
</Document> ]
[ <DocumentDueDate>
</DocumentDueDate> ]
[ <LeaveDocumentReminders>
</LeaveDocumentReminders> ]

Property Descriptions
The Document tag is the document used by the Leave Type Document
Assignment to assign the Document to a Leave Type.
Type: Document tag
Introduced in v5.1
Document due date
The DocumenDueDate tag is the document due date object used by the Leave
Type Document Assignment to assign the document to a Leave Type.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 385

Chapter 2

Type: DocumentDueDate tag

Introduced in v5.1
Leave document reminders
The LeaveDocumentReminders tag is the list of Document Reminders used by the
Leave Type Document Assignment to assign the document to a Leave Type.
Type: Zero or more LeaveDocumentReminder tags
Introduced in v5.1

386 Kronos Incorporated

LeaveTypeReason Tag

LeaveTypeReason Tag
Leave Type Reason
Associates leave types with leave reasons. This is a many-to-many relationship.
Function Access Control Point: WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<LeaveTypeReason >

Property Descriptions
Leave type
The name of an exsiting leave type associated with a leave reason.
Type: LeaveType tag
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 387

Chapter 2

LicenseType Tag
License Type
The LicenseType tag identifies the available licenses within the system. This tag
contains category and count information for the specified license.
The license must already be defined. The license need not be assignable or active
to obtain its information.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAssignable"

( AvailableCount = Integer )
( CategoryName = String )
( InUseCount = Integer )
[ LicenseTypeName = String ]
( LimitCount = Integer ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns the category and count information associated with the specified license
The license type name must be specified and identify an existing license within
the system.
Return Value Type: LicenseType tag
Required Properties: LicenseTypeName

388 Kronos Incorporated

LicenseType Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.0
Returns all assignable licenses that are active and have a limit count greater than
Return Value Type: Zero or more LicenseType tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Number of unassigned licenses
The number of licenses still available to assign
Type: Integer
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
License type
The name of the license category
Type: String
Output only
Only Allowed Values: Product, Interactive
Introduced in v5.0
Number of assigned licenses
The number of licenses currently in use
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 389

Chapter 2

Output only
Introduced in v5.0
License type name
The name or the Id of the license type.
There are a number of valid licenses, but not all are assignable to employees
The following license types can be assigned to employees:
• 1 or Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee
• 2 or Workforce_Professional_ Employee
• 3 or Workforce_Manager
• 5 or Workforce_Activities
• 9 or Workforce_Scheduler
• 10 or Workforce_Attendance_Employee
• 12 or Workforce_Leave_Employee
Type: String
Maximum length: 2 characters
Specify @ to make no change to the existing license type.
Only Allowed Values: @, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 12
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Maximum number of licenses allowed
The total number of licenses allowed
Type: Integer
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

390 Kronos Incorporated

LocationId Tag

LocationId Tag
Location Id of Node
The LocationId tag identifies the location of a node in the Organizational Map.
Used by: ScheduleZoneSet, StandardShiftSet
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0

NodeId = String />

Property Descriptions
Node ID
An existing node in the Organizational Map
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 391

Chapter 2

LockedDataCorrection Tag
Adjust Signed-off Timesheet
The LockedDataCorrection tag describes a timesheet item generated by the
Callable Totalizer that represents a totalizer-generated adjustment credited to the
current pay period. The purpose of this edit is to make an adjustment to time in a
signed-off period.
Such an adjustment can be needed, for example, when an employee punches
across a day divide and the signoff date happens to occur on that day divide. If the
work rule specifies that hours count to the scheduled start day, then the "out"
punch must be credited to the period prior to the signoff. However, no punches or
other timekeeping events are permitted in the database prior to the signoff.
Therefore, a LockedDataCorrection is issued by the totalizer, crediting some
hours to the current pay period and noting the nature of this correction.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( Date = Date ) >
( <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> )
( <Totals>
</Totals> )

Property Descriptions
The date on which the edit is credited

392 Kronos Incorporated

LockedDataCorrection Tag

Type: Date
Output Only
Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001
Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to whom the
amount is credited.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Output Only
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
The totals constituting the correction
Type: Zero or more Total tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 393

Chapter 2

LogonProfile Tag
Logon Profile
The LogonProfile tag provides information about valid logon profiles that are
defined within the system. A logon profile defines the settings for a user's
password and restrictions. The LogonProfile and WSALogonProfile tags are used
by the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllLogonProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ LogonProfileId = Integer ]
[ LogonProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns information for the specified logon profile, based on LogonProfileName.
Only logon profiles with a database key of -1 or greater will be returned.
Return Value Type: LogonProfile tag
Required Properties: LogonProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Returns all assignable logon profiles in the system.

394 Kronos Incorporated

LogonProfile Tag

Only logon profiles with a database key of -1 or greater shall be returned.

Return Value Type: Zero or more LogonProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Returns information for the specified logon profile, based on LogonProfileId.
Only logon profiles with a database key of -1 or greater shall be returned.
Return Value Type: LogonProfile tag
Required Properties: LogonProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Logon profile Id
Uniquely identifies the logon profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Logon profile name
The Logon Profile column contains the name of the user's logon profile. The
logon profile provides rules for password behavior or provides rules for automatic
logout and lockout behavior.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 395

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Default Value: &DEFAULT_LOGON
Sample values: MobileTime Logon
Introduced in v4

396 Kronos Incorporated

ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile Tag

ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile Tag
Availability Pattern Profile for Managers
The ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile tag contains a valid, existing
availability pattern Profile.
Function Access Control Point: API.Profile
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll"

[ AvailabilityPatternProfileName = String ]
( Description = String )
( IsAllowAll = Boolean ) />

Action Descriptions
Load the AvailabilityPattern profile from the database.
This property cannot be null and has to be valid.
Return Value Type: ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile tag
Required Properties: AvailabilityPatternProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Load all of the AvailabilityPattern profiles in the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 397

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Availability pattern profile name
The AvailabilityPatternProfile Name.
Type: String
Required: For a Load action
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Description of the profile
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Does profile contain all permissions?
Indicates whether the profile contains all permissions.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0

398 Kronos Incorporated

ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile Tag

ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile Tag
Schedule Group Profile for Managers
The ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag contains a valid Schedule Group
Profile defined in Workforce Timekeeper.
Function Access Control Point: API.Profile
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll"

( Description = String )
( IsAllowAll = Boolean )
[ ScheduleGroupProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Load the Schedule Group Profile from the database.
The ScheduleGroupProfileName property cannot be null and must be valid.
Return Value Type: ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Load all of the Schedule Group Profiles in the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 399

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Description of the profile.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Does profile contain all permissions?
Indicates whether the profile contains all permissions
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule group profile name
The name of a Workforce Manager's schedule group profile. This schedule group
profile identifies those schedule groups that the person can select.
Workforce Timekeeper provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

400 Kronos Incorporated

ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile Tag

Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 401

Chapter 2

ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile Tag
Schedule Pattern Profile for Managers
The ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag contains a valid SchedulePattern
Profiles defined in Workforce Timekeeper.
Function Access Control Point: API.Profile
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll"

( Description = String )
( IsAllowAll = Boolean )
[ SchedulePatternProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Load the SchedulePattern profile from the database.
The SchedulePatternProfileName property cannot be null and has to be valid.
Return Value Type: ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag
Required Properties: SchedulePatternProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Load all of the SchedulePattern profiles in the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tags

402 Kronos Incorporated

ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Description of the profile
Required: For a load action
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Does profile contain all permissions?
Indicates whether the profile contains all permissions
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule pattern profile name
The name of SchedulePatternProfile
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 403

Chapter 2

ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile Tag
Shift Code Profile for Managers
The ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile displays a valid shift code profile that already
Function Access Control Point: API.Profile
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll"

( Description = String )
( IsAllowAll = Boolean )
[ ShiftCodeProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Load the ShiftCode profile from the database.
The ShiftCodeProfileName property cannot be null and has to be valid.
Return Value Type: ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag
Required Properties: ShiftCodeProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Load all of the ShiftCode profiles in the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tags

404 Kronos Incorporated

ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Description of the profile
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Does profile contain all permissions?
Indicates whether the profile contains all permissions
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Shift code profile name
Name of the shift code profile
Required: For a load action
Type: String
Maximum value: 30 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 405

Chapter 2

MarkForTotalization Tag
Mark for Totalization
The MarkForTotalization tag identifies employee information that has changed
and must be recomputed.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"
[ RuleChangedFlag = Boolean ]
[ ScheduleChangedFlag = Boolean ] >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Updates the specified flag or flags for the employee.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee
Optional Properties: RuleChangeFlag, ScheduleChangedFlag
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

406 Kronos Incorporated

MarkForTotalization Tag

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to be marked
for totalization
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Totalize if the pay rule changes?
Initiates a totalization for the employee as if the employee's pay rule has changed
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4
Totalize if the schedule changes?
Initiates a totalization for the employee as if the employee's schedule has changed
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 407

Chapter 2

Menu Tag
The Menu tag identifies the list of menu items for one user. If no user is specified,
the default value is the logged-on user.
Function Access Control Point: API.Menu
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
<Menu >
( <MenuItems>
</MenuItems> )
[ <User>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</User> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns a list of menu items for the specified user or the currently logged-on user.
Return Value Type: Menu tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions

408 Kronos Incorporated

Menu Tag

Menu items
A list of menu items for the user
Type: Zero or more MenuItem tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to whom the
menu is assigned
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Default Value: Logged on user
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 409

Chapter 2

MenuItem Tag
Menu Item
The MenuItem tag denotes one entry in a Menu tag. You can use this tag to
display a menu item and follow its links.
Used by: Menu
Function Access Control Point: API.Menu
Introduced in v4

( AccessControlPointName = String )
( Depth = Integer )
( ExternalFlag = Boolean )
( Label = String )
( MenuItemName = String )
( URL = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Access control point name
A control, such as access to the HyperFind function, that determines how a user
can interact with a product feature
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Depth of item within menu
Depth of this item in the menu
Type: Integer

410 Kronos Incorporated

MenuItem Tag

Output Only
Must be greater than or equal to 0
Introduced in v4
Is this an external menu link?
Indicates whether this menu item points to a link that is part of the Workforce
Central application. If it points to an external link, the value is True.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Label shown in menu
The label used when displaying this menu item
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Menu item
Name of the menu item
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
URL for menu item
The URL of the menu item
Type: String
Output Only

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 411

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4

412 Kronos Incorporated

MinimunHoursNoModification Tag

MinimunHoursNoModification Tag
Minimun Allowable Hours before a Swap Shift
In order to swap a shift, you must make your request before the shift start time.
The minimum number of hours in advance of the shift is determined according to
organizational rules. For example, if the minimum number of hours is 72, your
request must be made at least 72 hours before the start time of the shift.
The MinimunHoursNoModification tag is used to determine whether a swap shift
is requested at an acceptable time.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
( IsBeyondMinimunHours = Boolean )
( MinimunHoursRequired = Time )
QueryDate = Date
StartTime = Time />

Action Descriptions
This action determines whether the request is made at an acceptable time.
Return Value Type: MinimunHoursNoModification tag
Required Properties: QueryDate, StartTime
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 413

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Is request submitted on time?
This value is true if your request has been submitted on time; false if is has not.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: true, false
Introduced in v5.0.a
Hours required before the request
The minimum number of hours before a shift that a swap can be accepted
Type: Time
Output only
Sample values: 72.00
Introduced in v5.0.a
Start date
The date when the request is submitted
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Start time
The time of day when the shift begins
Type: Time
Sample values: 7a

414 Kronos Incorporated

MinimunHoursNoModification Tag

Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 415

Chapter 2

NameList Tag
Name List
The NameList tag returns one or more items that are specified in a specific
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v5.1

( PropertyName = String ) >
( <Names>
</Names> )

Property Descriptions
One or more names of the entities in the DB as instances of "SimpleValue"
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Property Name
This whole object represents the collection of names of all of the instances of a
particular type of business object within the target DB. This attribute holds the
name of the attribute which is used with one of the names within this collection to
retrieve a particular instance of this Business Object class from the database.
Type: String
Output only

416 Kronos Incorporated

NameList Tag

Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 417

Chapter 2

Names Tag
Names of Rules
List of user-understandable names of all rules (i.e business entities).
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v5.1

<Names >
( <SimpleValues>
</SimpleValues> )

Property Descriptions
Set of rule names
List of names returned as simple values.
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

418 Kronos Incorporated

NonCancellingPayCodeEdit Tag

NonCancellingPayCodeEdit Tag
Non-Canceling Pay Code Edit
The NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag adds or subtracts an amount to an existing
pay code edit.
If you want to override a scheduled pay code edit with a specified amount, use the
PayCodeEdit tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
PayCodeName = String >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 419

Chapter 2


Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to each pay code edit associated with the specified employee.
The CommentText must exactly match an entry in the Comment table.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, CommentText, Date, Employee,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new pay code edit with the specified properties.
Return Value Type: PayCodeEdit tag
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

420 Kronos Incorporated

NonCancellingPayCodeEdit Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride=True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Marks for deletion all pay code edits for the employee with matching properties.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount to be added or subtracted from an existing pay code, expressed as a time
duration or money. To subtract an amount, use a negative number.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Whether the value is expressed as a time duration or a currency depends on the
pay code.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 421

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
The comment must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the
database. The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Date to which the edit applies
The date to which the edit applies
Type: Date
Sample values: 4/2/2000
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

422 Kronos Incorporated

NonCancellingPayCodeEdit Tag

One employee to be credited with the amount, as specified in a PersonIdentity or

CurrentUser tag
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Date of the edit
The server date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time at which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
True if the pay code represents a monetary item. False if it represents an hourly
pay code.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 423

Chapter 2

Labor account
The name of the labor account. LaborAccountName is required when the pay
code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount being deleted or commented contained
an explicit value. It need not be specified if the pay code amount or totaled
amount applies to the employee's primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. For example, if you have a seven-level labor account,
specify a value for each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employee's primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code to be edited.
Type: String
Must be assiciated with an hourly or monetary pay code edit
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

424 Kronos Incorporated

OnCall Tag

OnCall Tag
On Call
The OnCall tag describes a timesheet item generated by the Callable Totalizer.
This read-only pay code edit corresponds to the amount of time in the scheduled
shift if the scheduled shift's work rule has been configured as a "Callin" work rule.
The scheduled shift may be a work rule transfer.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( AmountInTime = TimeDuration )
( Date = Date )
( LaborAccountName = String ) >
( <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> )

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time
Amount of pay code amount, expressed as a time duration
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4
The date on which the edit is credited
Type: Date

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 425

Chapter 2

Output Only
Sample values: 4/2/2001
Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to be credited
with the amount.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Output Only
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The labor account associated with the edit. If not specified in the PayCodeEdit
tag, the employee's primary account is used.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length:356 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

426 Kronos Incorporated

OpenShiftItem Tag

OpenShiftItem Tag
This tag only contains an open shift's date time span information.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

( DATE_TIME_SPAN = DateTimeSpan ) />

Property Descriptions
date time span
This property contains an open shift's date time span.
Type: DateTimeSpan
Output only
Must be a valid date time span.
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 427

Chapter 2

OpenShiftVolunteer Tag
This tag assigns a WFS licensed employee to an open shift.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AssignOpenShiftVolunteer" | "GetOpenShiftsForJob"

[ IsCheckRules = Boolean ]
[ IsSaveData = Boolean ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
[ PartialEndDate = Date ]
[ PartialEndTime = Time ]
[ PartialStartDate = Date ]
[ PartialStartTime = Time ]
[ QueryDate = Date ]
[ QueryDateTimeSpan = DateTimeSpan ] >
( <OpenShiftItems>
</OpenShiftItems> )
( <RuleViolations>
</RuleViolations> )

Action Descriptions

428 Kronos Incorporated

OpenShiftVolunteer Tag

This action will assign a person to an open shift.
The specified open shift must be a vliad open shift. The specified employee must
be an active employee.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: QueryDateTimeSpan,OrgJobPath,Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
This action will load all open shifts for a specified job within a specified date
OrgJobPath must be a valid organization job path and QueryDate must be a valid
Return Value Type: Zero or more OpenShiftItem tags
Required Properties: QueryDate, OrgJobPath
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
This property represents the employee who requests the action to cover an open
Type: PersonIdentity tag
It must be an active employee.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 429

Chapter 2

Check validation rules?
This property indicates whether schedule validation rules will be checked.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Save change data?
This property indicates whether the changes made will be persisted to the
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Open Shift Items
This property contains a list of an open shift's date time span information.
Type: Zero or more OpenShiftItem tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Organizational job path
This property represents an organization job for an open shift
Type: String
The specified jon must be a valid job

430 Kronos Incorporated

OpenShiftVolunteer Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.1
End date of replacement shift
This property represents the end date of a shift to replace a specified open shift.
Type: Date
Must be a valid date.
Introduced in v5.1
End time of replacement shift
This property represents the end time of a shift to replace a specified open shift.
Type: Time
Must be a valid time.
Introduced in v5.1
Start date of replacement shift
This property represents the start date of a shift to replace a specified open shift.
Type: Date
Must be a valid date.
Introduced in v5.1
Start time of replacement shift
This property represents the start time of a shift to replace a specified open shift.
Type: Time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 431

Chapter 2

Must be a valid time.

Introduced in v5.1
Query date
This property is used to query for open shifts in the specified date.
Type: Date
Must be a valid date.
Introduced in v5.1
Open shift date and time span
This property represents an existing an open shift date time span.
Type: DateTimeSpan
It must be a vlalid date time span for an existing open shift.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Rule violations
This is a set of rule violations that was generated by the tag.
Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

432 Kronos Incorporated

OptOutStatus Tag

OptOutStatus Tag
Working Time Directive Opt Out Status
This tag shows an employee's opt in/out status for the Working Time Directive.
The Working Time Directive feature lets you plan, monitor, and track the amount
of time that employees are required to work. It also lets you ensure that employees
have appropriate rest periods.
A working time directive rule should be assigned only to those employees who
have working time limits. For more information, see the online help.
See parent WTDEmployeeAssignment.
Function Access Control Point: Working Time Directive
Introduced in v5.1

[ EffectiveDate = DateTime ]
[ ExpirationDate = DateTime ]
[ In = Boolean ]
WtdEmployeeAssgnmntId = Long />

Property Descriptions
Effective Date
The date on which this status is effective.
Type: DateTime
Introduced in v5.1
Expiration Date
The date on which this status expires. Not used.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 433

Chapter 2

Type: DateTime
Introduced in v5.1
Opt Out/In Status
Indicates if the status is an opt in or out.
Type: Boolean
Sample values: True
Introduced in v5.1
WTD Employee Assignment Id
Set on object insert. No need to set.
Type: Long
Sample values: 1
Introduced in v5.1

434 Kronos Incorporated

OptOutStatusList Tag

OptOutStatusList Tag
Working Time Directive Opt Out Status List
Extended from EffectiveDatedList it represents all of an employee's opt in/out
status for a Working Time Directive Rule.
See parent WTDEmployeeAssignment.
Function Access Control Point: Working Time Directive
Introduced in v5.1

[ WtdAssignmentId = Long ] >
[ <OptOutStatuses>
</OptOutStatuses> ]

Property Descriptions
Opt Out Statuses
The list of opt in/out statuses for an employee
Type: Zero or more OptOutStatus tags
Introduced in v5.1
WTD Assignment Id
Set on insertion into WTDEmployeeAssignment. Not necessary to set.
Type: Long
Sample values: 1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 435

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

436 Kronos Incorporated

OrgJob Tag

OrgJob Tag
Organizational Job
An organizational job is a job plus a location in the organizational map. An
organizational job is represented by an organizational path name.
Function Access Control Point: API.RetailSchedules
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

( FullPath = String )
( NodeId = Long ) />

Property Descriptions
Full path for organizational job
The full path for the task group organizational job
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Organizational node id
The id for the organizational node
Type: Long
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 437

Chapter 2

OrgLocation Tag
Location of Node in Organization
The OrgLocation tag describes a node in an organizational map (or tree). An
organizational map is a hierarchical representation of an organization that
represents where employees work, where they might be scheduled (locations), and
the jobs they perform at those locations.
Used by: OrgLocationsImport
The node must be unique under the parent node.
Function Access Control Point: API.Tree
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

[ Description = String ]
[ EndEffectiveDate = Date ]
[ LLEntryName = String ]
[ LocationName = String ]
LocationNum = Long
[ LocationType = String ]
ParentLocationNum = Long
[ Seasonal = Boolean ]
[ StartEffectiveDate = Date ] />

Property Descriptions
Describes the node.
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Registered Nurse

438 Kronos Incorporated

OrgLocation Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Effective end date
The date when the node ceases to be effective.
Required: If an organizational location is being added.
Optional: If an organizational location is being updated.
Type: Date
The effectives date must be within the range of effective dates for the parent node.
A change in an effective date for a parent node automatically changes the
appropriate child node's effective date.
Default Value: 1/1/3000
Introduced in v5.0
Labor level entry
The labor level name of the node.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Node in the organization
The name of the node.
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Required: If you are adding a new node
Sample values: Lab

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 439

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Node Id
A unique identifier for the node.
Type: Long
Maximum length: 12
Sample values: 232
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Location type
The category of the node in the organization.
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Required: If you add a new node, you must specify an already existing
Sample values: Facility, Job, Division
Introduced in v5.0
Location of parent node
The unique identifier of the parent node to which this node is associated.
Type: Long
Maximum length: 12 characters
Must be an integer
The ParentLocationNum must exist in the organizational tree.

440 Kronos Incorporated

OrgLocation Tag

Required: When adding a new location or job

Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.0
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the job or location is not active for
the full year.
Type: Boolean
true or false
Sample values: true, false
Introduced in v5.1
Effective start date
The date when the node becomes effective.
Required: If an organizational location is being added.
Optional: If an organizational location is being updated.
Type: Date
The effectives date must be within the range of effective dates for the parent node.
A change in an effective date for a parent node automatically changes the
appropriate child node's effective date.
Default Value: 1/1/3000
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 441

Chapter 2

OrgLocationsImport Tag
Nodes in Organizational Map
The OrgLocationsImport tag is used to import one or more nodes in the
organizational map (or tree). A node can be modified, moved to a different parent
node, or added.
Function Access Control Point: API.Tree
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"

ChangeDate = Date >

Action Descriptions
Imports one or more organizational tree nodes. If a specified node already exists,
it is updated. If it does not exist, it is added.
If you are adding a node, you must specify existing LocationType and
LocationName properties in the OrgLocation tag.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ChangeDate, OrgLocations
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

442 Kronos Incorporated

OrgLocationsImport Tag

Property Descriptions
Date of import
The date when the specified nodes are imported
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Organization locations
One or more organization locations
Type: One or more OrgLocation tags
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 443

Chapter 2

OrgSet Tag
Organizational Set
The OrgSet tag describes the attributes of an organizational set. An organizational
set is a group of organizational jobs combined into a single entity for group edits
and other management tasks. Organizational sets contain one or more
organizational groups or job transfer sets, beginning with the managerís personal
This tag identifies the area of the organizational map that a user can access. It also
retrieves a list of organizational sets of a particular type, such as job transfer sets.
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Load" |
"Update" |
[ Description = String ]
[ NewName = String ]
( OrgSetId = Long )
OrgSetName = String
[ OrgSetTypeName = String ] >
[ <EntryList>
</EntryList> ]
( <OrgSetJobList>
</OrgSetJobList> )

444 Kronos Incorporated

OrgSet Tag

Action Descriptions
Adds a new organizational set.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: OrgSetName,OrgSetTypeName, EntryList
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Returns information for all organization sets. When type is not specified, orgsetids
and effectiveDate are required when type is "orgJobs".
Return Value Type: Zero or more OrgSet tags
Required Properties: orgsetName
Optional Properties: TYPE, orgsetids, effectiveDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Adds a new organizational set or updates an existing one. When adding a new
organizational set, Description, orgSetTypeName and EntryList are required.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: orgsetName
Optional Properties: Description, OrgSetTypeName, EntryList
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Updates information for an existing organization set.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: OrgSetName
Access Control Point Name: Edit

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 445

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Describes the organization set, which consists of locations and jobs.
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0
All jobs in the set
This list contains all of the jobs in the set.
Type: Zero or more OrgSetEntry tags
Introduced in v5.0
New name of job set
A unique name used to rename the organization job set
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Primary identifier for job set
The primary identifier for the organization job set
Type: Long
Output only
Maximum length: 10 characters

446 Kronos Incorporated

OrgSet Tag

An integer value
Introduced in v5.0
Jobs in set
One or more jobs in the organization job set
Type: Zero or more OrgSetJob tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Job sets with similarities
The name of the organizational set for the selected action.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Job set type
Type of the organization job set
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: All Organizational Sets, Organizational Groups, Job
Transfer Sets
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 447

Chapter 2

OrgSetEntry Tag
Jobs in Set
Use the OrgSetEntry tag to add or replace organizational jobs in an organizational
Used by: OrgSet
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

[ AddEntries = String ]
EffectiveDate = Date
( OrgId = Long )
[ ReplaceEntries = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Locations for new jobs
A semicolon-delimited list of full pathnames for jobs. The jobs you list will be
added to the organizational set.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Effective date
The date when the specified jobs become effective
Type: Date

448 Kronos Incorporated

OrgSetEntry Tag

Introduced in v5.0
ID for job set entry
A unique identifier for the organization set entry
Type: Long
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Replacement jobs in set
A semicolon-delimited list of full pathnames for jobs. The jobs you list will
replace existing jobs in the organizational set.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 449

Chapter 2

OrgSetJob Tag
Job in Organizational Job Set
The OrgSetJob tag describes a job that is defined in the organizational set.
Used by: Org Set
Function Access Control Point: API.DataAccess
Introduced in v5.0

( OrgJobId = String )
( OrgJobName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Job Id
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: String
Output only
You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure.
Introduced in v5.0
Job name
The full path of the job in the organization
Note: OrgJobName string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central
server that connects to an Oracle database.
Type: String
Output only

450 Kronos Incorporated

OrgSetJob Tag

Maximum length: 1000 characters

You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 451

Chapter 2

OvertimeApproval Tag
Overtime Approval
The OvertimeApproval tag lets an individual approve overtime for an employee
on one specified day.
Use either the ApproveAll, ApproveSome, or ApproveNone action to approve the
appropriate amount of overtime.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddComment" |
"ApproveAll" |
"ApproveNone" |
[ AmountInTime = TimeDuration ]
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time ) >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions

452 Kronos Incorporated

OvertimeApproval Tag

Adds a comment along with the action taken.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date, CommentText, AmountInTime
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Approve all overtime for the specified day.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Does not approve any overtime requested or submitted for the specified day.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Approve only a portion of the overtime hours that the employee submitted or
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date, AmountInTime
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 453

Chapter 2

Amount of approved overtime
This property is meaningful only when you use the ApproveSome action. Enter
the number of hours to be approved. When used with the AddComments action,
All or None can be specified, if appropriate.
Type: TimeDuration
Must not be negative
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
The comment must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the
database. The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Date of overtime
The date for which the overtime hours are being approved

454 Kronos Incorporated

OvertimeApproval Tag

Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
One employee for whom overtime hours are to be approved, as specified in a
PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Date of the edit
The server date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 455

Chapter 2

PasswordHistory Tag
Password History
The PasswordHistory tag returns an encrypted password for the specified date.
Used by: User
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

( EffectiveDateTime = DateTime )
( Password = Password ) />

Property Descriptions
Effective date and time
The date and time when the password becomes effective
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Encrypted password of the user account
Type: Password
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

456 Kronos Incorporated

PatternElement Tag

PatternElement Tag
Schedule Pattern Element
The PatternElement tag describes a part of the schedule pattern that represents an
employee's schedule for a day.
Used by: SchedulePattern
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

AmountInCurrency = Currency
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
( CommentText = String )
DayNumber = Integer
[ DisplayTime = Time ]
PayCodeName = String
ShiftCodeName = String >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in currency
An amount expressed as a currency
Only used if PayCodeName is specified and represents a monetary item.
Type: Currency
See group( AccrualAmount)
Must be greater than zero
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 457

Chapter 2

Amount of pay code, in time
A pay code amount, expressed as a time duration
Dependency: Only used if PayCodeName is specified and represents an hourly
pay code.
Type: TimeDuration
See group( AccrualAmount)
Must be greater than zero
Introduced in v4
User comments
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Comment text
A text string that is returned
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 254 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Day number in the pattern
Specifies the day of the pattern
Type: Integer
Must be greater than zero

458 Kronos Incorporated

PatternElement Tag

Introduced in v4
Time to display in the user interface
The time displayed in the user interface
Type: Time
Introduced in v4
Pay code for the day
The pay code allocated to that day. PayCodeName and ShiftCodeName are
mutually exclusive; one is required.
Type: String
See group( PatternElementCode)
A pay code can require either AmountInCurrency or AmountInTime. Must be a
valid pay code.
Introduced in v4
Shift code for the day
The shift code allocated to the specified day. PayCodeName and ShiftCodeName
are mutually exclusive; one is required.
Type: String
See group( PatternElementCode)
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

A Schedule Pattern element is either a Shift or PayCode

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 459

Chapter 2

Group includes: ShiftCodeName,PayCodeName

Group includes: AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

460 Kronos Incorporated

PayCode Tag

PayCode Tag
Pay Code
The PayCode tag provides information about a pay code. You can use this tag to
determine whether a user has permission to assign the pay code to himself/herself
or to other employees. The PayCode and WSAPayCode tags refer to the same
database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v4.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAllPayCodes"

( DisplayOrder = Integer )
( ExcuseAbsenceFlag = Boolean )
( IsCombinedFlag = Boolean )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( IsVisibleFlag = Boolean )
( ManagerAccessFlag = Boolean )
( PayCodeName = String )
( ProfessionalAccessFlag = Boolean ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns a list of all pay codes.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PayCode tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 461

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Order to display pay codes in the user interface
If another tag returns a list of PayCode tags, this specifies the sort order of this tag
in the list.
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Can credited amounts excuse an absence?
Indicates whether amounts credited to this pay code can excuse an absence
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code combined?
Indicates whether the pay code is combined
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
True if the pay code represents a monetary item. False if it represents an hourly
pay code.

462 Kronos Incorporated

PayCode Tag

Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Can a user see the pay code?
Indicates whether the pay code is visible to the end user
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Can a manager access the pay code?
Indicates whether the pay code is accessible for manager functions
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Pay code
Name of the pay code
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Can an employee access the pay code?
Indicates whether the pay code is accessible for professional functions
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 463

Chapter 2

Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4

464 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeEdit Tag

PayCodeEdit Tag
Pay Code Edit
The PayCode Edit tag identifies a positive or negative amount that replaces a
scheduled pay code edit. To add a value rather than replace one, use the
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ ManagerName = String ]
OrgJobId = String
OrgJobName = String
PayCodeName = String
ScheduleAmountType = String >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 465

Chapter 2

<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to each pay code edit associated with the specified employee.
Depending on the type of edit, you may need to specify LaborAccountName.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, CommentText, Date, Employee,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new pay code edit with the specified properties.
Return Value Type: PayCodeEdit tag
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

466 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeEdit Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride=True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Marks for deletion all pay code edits for the employee with matching properties.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, Employee, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount, in time or currency
The value associated with the corresponding pay code amount or totaled amount.
This property is required for all request codes. Enter the value as follows:
• If PayCodeName holds money, specify an amount of money.
• If PayCodeName holds time, specify a duration of time.
ScheduleAmountType and AmountInTimeOrCurrency are mutually exclusive.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 467

Chapter 2

See group( Amount in Time)

Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A text string that is attached to the pay code amount or totaled amount.
CommentText is required when you add a comment. It is optional when adding a
pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date on which the current pay code edit becomes effective.
Type: Date
Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

468 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeEdit Tag

Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to be credited
with the amount.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Date of the edit
The date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The time at which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the amount in currency or time?
True if the pay code represents a monetary item. False if it represents an hourly
pay code.
Type: Boolean
Output Only

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 469

Chapter 2

Only Allowed Values: True, False

Introduced in v4
Labor account
This is the name of the labor account of the employee whose pay code amount or
totaled amount is being edited. LaborAccountName is optional when adding a pay
code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount. It is required when the pay code edit,
historical edit, or totaled amount being deleted or commented contained an
explicit value. It need not be specified if the pay code amount or totaled amount
applies to the employee's primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employee's primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Mananger name
The name that replaces the user name in audit.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Introduced in v5.0.a

470 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeEdit Tag

ID of job in organization
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0
Job in the organization
The name of the organizational job path for the employee whose pay code amount
or totaled amount is being edited.
It is optional when you add a pay code, historical edit, or totaled amount. It is not
used if the punch applies to the employee's primary organizational job.
Enter data for OrgJobName in the same format as it appears in the database.
Note: OrgJobName string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central
server that connects to an Oracle database.
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Maximum length: 1000 characters
You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure.
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0
Pay code
Identifies the name of the pay code that is being applied to an amount associated
with a pay code or to a historical amount. This is always required when importing
a pay code edit or a historical edit.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 471

Chapter 2

A pay code represents an amount in time or ciurrency. It can represent one of the
following units:
• The hours accumulated during a pay period. A pay code that holds hours can
contain worked hours (such as regular, overtime, or second shift) or unworked
hours (such as vacation, sick, or personal).
• Money earned by employees during a pay period.
For example, to allocate hours for J.D. Smith, who worked 8 regular and 4
overtime hours for a total of 12 hours, create two pay code edit entries:
• An entry with 8 regular hours
• An entry with 4 overtime hours
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Amount, based on the employee's schedule
ScheduleAmountType can be used instead of AmountInTimeCurrency to specify
an amount based on the employee's schedule. The amount of time actually saved
for the pay code edit will be calculated by the totalizer based on the employee's
schedule for the specified day, or zero if there is no schedule for the day.
If ScheduleAmountType is calculated, the value is based on the number of hours
that the employee is scheduled to work that day and whether the amount is a full
day or half day amount.
If specified, it must be one of the following:
• 1 to calculate the amount as a full-day scheduled amount.
• 2 to calculate the amount as a half-day scheduled amount
ScheduleAmountType and AmountInTimeOrCurrency are mutually exclusive.
Type: String
See group( Amount in Time)

472 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeEdit Tag

Maximum length: 1 character

Only Allowed Values: 1 , 2
Introduced in v4.3; last changed in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Amount in Time
Properties that specify the amount of time to be assigned to a specified pay code
Group includes: AmountInTimeOrCurrency,ScheduleAmountType
Organization Job Name or ID: If ID exists, Name is ignored.
Group includes: OrgJobId,OrgJobName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 473

Chapter 2

PayCodeMove Tag
Pay Code Move
The PayCodeMove tag moves an amount of time or money to from one pay code
or labor account to another.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
[ FromLaborAccountName = String ]
FromPayCodeName = String
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ ManagerName = String ]
OrgJobId = String
[ OrgJobName = String ]
PayCodeName = String >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

474 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeMove Tag

<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to the set of comments associated with the pay code move item.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, CommentText, Date,
FromLaborAccountName, FromPayCodeName, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new pay code move item with the specified properties.
Return Value Type: PayCodeMove tag
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, FromLaborAccountName,
FromPayCodeName, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 475

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride=True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Marks for deletion an existing pay code move item.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTimeOrCurrency, Date, FromLaborAccountName,
FromPayCodeName, PayCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code, expressed as a time duration or currency.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Whether the value is expressed as a time duration or a currency depends on the
pay code.

476 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeMove Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
The date on which the move is to be credited; for example, move 8:00 from pay
code A to pay code B, effective on 4/1/2001
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 477

Chapter 2

One employee whose pay codes are to be adjusted, as specified in a

PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Date of the edit
The server date on which the move is entered in the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time at which the move is entered in the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account that the amount is moved from
This is the name of the labor account of the employee from which a pay code
amount or totaled amount is being moved. LaborAccountName is optional when
adding a pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount. It is required when the
pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount being deleted or commented
contained an explicit value. This property need not be specified if the pay code
amount or totaled amount applies to the employee's primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.

478 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeMove Tag

Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.

If any of the labor levels are the same as the employee's primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry name.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Pay code that the amount is moved from
The pay code from which the amount is to be moved
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Labor account
This is the name of the labor account of the employee for whom a pay code
amount or totaled amount is being applied. LaborAccountName is optional when
adding a pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount. It is required when the
pay code edit, historical edit, or totaled amount being deleted or commented
contained an explicit value. This property need not be specified if the pay code
amount or totaled amount applies to the employee's primary account.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 479

Chapter 2

If any of the labor levels are the same as the employee's primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Manager Name
The name to replace the user name in audit.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Introduced in v5.0.a
ID of job in organization
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0
Job in the organization
The name of the organizational job path for the employee
If specified, enter data for OrgJobName in the same format as it appears in the
Note: OrgJobName string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central
server that connects to an Oracle database.

480 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeMove Tag

Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure.
Default Value: null
Introduced in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code to be credited with the moved amount
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Organization Job ID or Name: If ID exists, Name is ignored.
Group includes: OrgJobId,OrgJobName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 481

Chapter 2

PayCodeProfile Tag
Pay Code Profile
The PayCodeProfile tag returns information about valid PayCode profiles defined
within the Workforce Timekeeper system. A Pay Code is a category that the
Workforce Timekeeper system uses to organize time and money. Time pay codes
accrue hours, while money pay codes accrue money.
Note: To assign a pay code profile to a person, use the ManagerPayCodeName or
ProfessionalPayCodeName property in the AccessAssignment tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"Load" |
"LoadAllPayCodeProfiles" |
"LoadById" |

[ PayCodeProfileId = Integer ]
[ PayCodeProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a pay code profile, based on PayCodeProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: PayCodeProfile tag

482 Kronos Incorporated

PayCodeProfile Tag

Required Properties: PayCodeProfileName

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of all pay code profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PayCodeProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a pay code profile, based on PayCodeProfileId.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: PayCodeProfile tag
Required Properties: PayCodeProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all paycodes associated with the given profile name, based on
Validates that the name is associated with a valid profile name.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PayCode tags
Required Properties: PayCodeProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Id of Pay code profile

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 483

Chapter 2

Uniquely identifies the pay code data access profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Pay code profile name
The name for the common set of pay codes that can be accessed by a group of
users, for example, All Pay Codes.
Type: String
Introduced in v4

484 Kronos Incorporated

PayFromSchedule Tag

PayFromSchedule Tag
Pay from Schedule
The PayFromSchedule tag identifies a period of time during which an employee
can be paid from a predefined schedule. When the tag is used, the employee's
timecard is populated with punches and pay code edits, based on the personís
work schedule.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ CommentText = String ]
EndDate = Date
StartDate = Date >

Action Descriptions
Adds a record to the timesheet that identifies an employee and a time period when
pay is based on a schedule.
The employee must exist.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, StartDate, EndDate

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 485

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v4
Marks all existing pay from schedule items for deletion for the specified
employee and time span.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, StartDate, EndDate
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
One employee who is paid from a schedule, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4

486 Kronos Incorporated

PayFromSchedule Tag

End date
The end date of the schedule period
Type: Date
Introduced in v4
Start date
The start date of the schedule period
Type: Date
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 487

Chapter 2

PayFromScheduleStopEvent Tag
Stop Payment from Schedule
The PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag stops a Pay from Schedule payment from
being posted for a specific date (for example, when an employee is absent).
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date >

Action Descriptions
Adds a record to the timesheet to stop an employee from being paid according to
the schedule when he or she is absent.
Only one entry can exist for the given employee and date.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

488 Kronos Incorporated

PayFromScheduleStopEvent Tag

Marks the record to stop an employee from being paid according to the schedule
for deletion.
The employee must exist
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, Date
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Date of event
The date when the event occurred employee that caused payment to be stopped.
An example of such an event is an absence.
Type: Date
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 489

Chapter 2

One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag, who is paid from schedule and
was absent.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4

490 Kronos Incorporated

PayRuleProfile Tag

PayRuleProfile Tag
Pay Rule Profile
The PayRuleProfile tag provides information about existing pay rules.
A pay rule contains general payroll rules, such as type of pay period (for example,
weekly). A complete pay rule controls such items as the pay period length, the day
divide, when punches are linked to schedules, when data collection devices accept
and reject punches, which holidays give holiday credits, and the order in which
hour types are processed.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllPayRuleProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ PayRuleProfileId = Integer ]
[ PayRuleProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a pay rule profile, based on PayRuleProfileName.
Return Value Type: PayRuleProfile tag
Required Properties: PayRuleProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 491

Chapter 2

Returns a list of all pay rule profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PayRuleProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a pay rule profile, based on PayRuleProfileId.
Return Value Type: PayRuleProfile tag
Required Properties: PayRuleProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
ID of pay rule profile
Uniquely identifies the pay rule in the system
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Pay rule profile
The name for the common set of general payroll rules that apply to a group of
Type: String
Sample values: Full Time
Introduced in v4

492 Kronos Incorporated

PeriodTotals Tag

PeriodTotals Tag
Period Totals
The PeriodTotals tag contains a summary of all hours and currency earned during
a range of days, disbursed by labor account and pay code. The amount associated
with each labor account and pay code pair is returned in a Total tag.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( PeriodDateSpan = DateSpan ) >
( <Totals>
</Totals> )

Property Descriptions
Span of dates
The start and end dates separated by a dash for the specified period; that is, the
period for which the totals apply.
Type: DateSpan
Output Only
Sample values: 04/03/2001-04/09/2001
Introduced in v4
A list of totals for this date, broken out by labor account and pay code
Type: TotalSummary tag

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 493

Chapter 2

Output Only
The combination of pay code and labor account must be unique.
Introduced in v4

494 Kronos Incorporated

Permission Tag

Permission Tag
The Permission tag denotes an action and its associated access control point. This
tag has no actions, but is accessed through the GetAllowedPermissions action of
the AccessProfile tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.AccessProfile
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( AccessControlPointName = String )
( ActionName = String )
( ScopeName = String )
( SuiteProductName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Access control point name
A control, such as access to the HyperFind function, that determines how a user
can interact with a product feature
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Action name
Action for which the permission has been granted: add, edit, delete, or view.
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 495

Chapter 2

Scope of action
Scope that is associated with the action and permission type.
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Product name
Individual product that is protected by this access control point.
Type: String
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: WFA, WFP, WTK, WAC, WFE, WFS, DCM, WRM,
Introduced in v4

496 Kronos Incorporated

Person Tag

Person Tag
Name and Employment Data
The Person tag defines name and employment information for an employee.
Used by: HyperFindResult, PersonInformation
Because several properties are required to define an employee, property
validations are not done until the data is updated in the system.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

[ AccrualProfileName = String ]
[ BaseWageHourly = Currency ]
[ BirthDate = Date ]
[ EmployeeStandardHours = Double ]
[ FingerRequiredFlag = Boolean ]
[ FirstName = String ]
( FullName = String )
[ FullTimePercentage = Long ]
[ FullTimeStandardHours = Double ]
[ HireDate = Date ]
[ LastName = String ]
( ManagerSignoffThruDateTime = Date )
[ MiddleInitial = String ]
( PayrollLockoutThruDateTime = Date )
[ PersonNumber = String ]
[ ShortName = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Accrual profile
The accrual profile to be used for a person or group. An accrual profile can
contain one or more accrual rules. Accrual profiles are assigned to similar groups

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 497

Chapter 2

of employees. For example, all full-time employees might have the same accrual
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: VAC and Sick Only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Base hourly wage
The base wage is the employeeís hourly wage without any premium values
(overtime, shift differential, and so on).
Type: Currency
Maximum length: 15 characters
If specified, this value must be greater than or equal to 0.0.
Default Value: 0.00
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0: Use this property in the JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.
Birth date
The person's date of birth
Type: Date
Must occur before the hire date when the hire date is also specified
Introduced in v4
Ratio - employee hours

498 Kronos Incorporated

Person Tag

The EmployeeStandardHours and FullTimeStandardHours properties define the

full-time equivalency for a part-time employee, defining the equivalency as a ratio
of the employee's scheduled hours to the hours in a standard work week. Full-time
equivalency is used to determine the rate at which benefits accrue for an employee
who is not scheduled to work a full standard work week.
For example, suppose this employee is scheduled to work 30 hours, and a full-
time employee works 40 hours per week. You would enter a value of 30 for
EmployeeStandardHours and a value of 40 for FullTimeStandardHours.
You can alternatively specify the employee's full-time equivalency as the
percentage of full-time hours that the employee is scheduled to work. To do this,
use the FullTimePercentage property. If you enter a value for FullTimePercentage,
do NOT enter a value for EmployeeStandardHours or FullTimeStandardHours.
Type: Double
Maximum length: 15 characters
EmployeeStandardHours must be greater than or equal to 0.0. If both
EmployeeStandardHours and FullTimePercentage are specified,
FullTimePercentage takes precedence.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Is finger scan identification required?
Indicates when a finger scan (biometric) entry is required for the person
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
First name
The person's first name.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 499

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
Full name
Name of the person. This name is usually listed in the browser.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 64 characters
This property is derived from other properties in the person tag.
Introduced in v4
Percentage of full-time hours
FullTimePercentage sets the full-time equivalency for a part-time employee,
defining the equivalency as the percentage of full-time hours that the employee is
scheduled to work. The full-time equivalency is used to determine the rate at
which benefits accrue for an employee who is not scheduled to work a full
standard work week.
For example, suppose this employee is scheduled to work 20 hours, and a full-
time employee works 40 hours per week. The full-time percentage for this person
is therefore 50%.
To use this property for a part-time employee, use an integer value between 1 and
You can alternatively specify the employee's full-time equivalency as a ratio of
scheduled hours to standard hours. To do this, use the EmployeeStandardHours
and FullTimeStandardHours properties. If you enter a value for
EmployeeStandardHours and FullTimeStandardHours, do NOT enter a value for
Type: Long

500 Kronos Incorporated

Person Tag

Maximum length: 15 characters, including decimals
It must be between 0 and 100.
Default Value: 100.0
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Ratio - full time status
The EmployeeStandardHours and FullTimeStandardHours properties define the
full-time equivalency for a part-time employee, defining the equivalency as a ratio
of the employee's scheduled hours to the hours in a standard work week. Full-time
equivalency is used to determine the rate at which benefits accrue for an employee
who is not scheduled to work a full standard work week.
For example, suppose this employee is scheduled to work 30 hours, and a full-
time employee works 40 hours per week. You would enter a value of 30 for
EmployeeStandardHours and a value of 40 for FullTimeStandardHours.
You can alternatively specify the employee's full-time equivalency as the
percentage of full-time hours that the employee is scheduled to work. To do this,
use the FullTimePercentage property. If you enter a value for FullTimePercentage,
do NOT enter a value for EmployeeStandardHours or FullTimeStandardHours.
Type: Double
Maximum length: 15 characters, including decimals
This value is specified as part of the Employee to FullTime Standard Hours ratio.
It must be greater than 0.0.
Default Value: 40
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Hire date
The date on which the person was hired.
Type: Date

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 501

Chapter 2

If you provide a value, it must be later than the birth date.
Required: When adding a new employee.
Default Value: The date when the personís record is imported.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Last name
The person's last name. A value for this column is required when adding a new
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
Date of last manager signoff
Date of the last manager signoff
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Middle initial
The person's middle initial
Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Introduced in v4
Date of last payroll lockout

502 Kronos Incorporated

Person Tag

Date of the last payroll lockout

Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Person number
Person number of the specified person. This property is used to set, change, or
display the Person Number assignment.
Type: String
Maximum length: 15 characters
This number must be unique regardless of whether the person is active, inactive,
or terminated.
Required: When creating a new person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Short name for person
The name by which the person wants to be known.
Type: String
Maximum length: 20 characters
Default Value: The first 20 characters of the first name.
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 503

Chapter 2

PersonAccessAssignment Tag
Access Assignment Data
The PersonAccessAssignment tag specifies an access assignment that is in effect
for an employee as of the effective date.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadPersonAccessAssignments"
[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
[ ManagerAccessOrganizationSetName = String ]
[ ManagerTransferOrganizationSetName = String ]
[ ProfessionalTransferOrganizationSetName = String ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns information associated with person access assignments over the specified
time period.

504 Kronos Incorporated

PersonAccessAssignment Tag

If the period is not specified, the current date through January 1, 3000 is used.
The Identity and Period information associated with the request are added to the
item in the returned list. If there are no data for the person and time period, one list
item is returned containing only the Identity and Period properties.
The person must exist within the system and the user must have access to that
Return Value Type: Zero or more PersonAccessAssignment tags
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Date when access becomes effective
The date the access assignment becomes effective for the person
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Default Value: The current system date
Introduced in v5.0
Expiration date for access
The date the person's access assignment expires
Type: Date
Must occur after the effective date
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 505

Chapter 2

One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify a person.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Organizational group
An organizational group that a manager can use.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: All Organizational Sets, Organizational Groups
Default Value: The Empty Organization Set
Introduced in v5.0
Job transfer set - manager
A job transfer set that a manager can use.
Type: String
Maximun length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: All Organizational Sets, Job Transfer Sets
Default Value: The Empty Organization Set
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Time period

506 Kronos Incorporated

PersonAccessAssignment Tag

The span of time associated with the person access assignments

Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Used for the LoadPersonAccessAssignments action
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0
Job transfer set - employee
A job transfer set that an employee can use.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: All Organizational Sets, Job Transfer Sets
Default Value: The Empty Organization Set
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 507

Chapter 2

Personality Tag
Personality Data
Use the Personality tag to add a new person to the system, delete an existing
person from the system, or modify certain information about an existing person.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"DeleteOnly" |
"Load" |
"Update" |

<Personality >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <JobAssignmentData>
</JobAssignmentData> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]
[ <PersonInformationData>
</PersonInformationData> ]
[ <UserData>
</UserData> ]
[ <WTKEmployeeData>

508 Kronos Incorporated

Personality Tag

</WTKEmployeeData> ]

Action Descriptions
Adds a new person to the system.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PersonInformationData
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Marks a person for deletion.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Marks a person for deletion.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the Delete action.
Returns a person's demographic, user, and employee information.
Return Value Type: Personality tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 509

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
Adds information for a new person or updates an existing one.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: If Identity is not specified, PersonInformationData is
required, and a new person is added. If Identity is specified, the record is updated
or added, depending on whether it already exists.
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Updates an existing person.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Job assignment data
The job assignment information for the person
Type: JobAssignment tag

510 Kronos Incorporated

Personality Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Time period
A span of time that may or may not be associated with a person
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Used for narrowing the effective date of the request
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0
Person data
The person information of the person
Type: PersonInformation tag
Required: When creating a new person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
User data
The user information for the person
Type: User tag
Introduced in v4
Employee data
Specifies the WTKEmployee information for the person
Type: WTKEmployee tag

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 511

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Deprecated in v5.0: Use the properties in the Person and JobAssignmentDetails

512 Kronos Incorporated

PersonalOvertimeAssignment Tag

PersonalOvertimeAssignment Tag
Overtime Assignment for a Person
The PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag specifies an overtime assignment within a
range of dates for a person. It is used for importing data into the system.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
OvertimeLevel = Long
OvertimeTypeName = String
[ StopOvertimeFlag = Boolean ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]
[ <PersonalOvertimeRuleData>
</PersonalOvertimeRuleData> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 513

Chapter 2

Returns all personal overtime assignments for the specified person within the
specified time period. If the period is not specified, the current date through
January 1, 3000 is used.
The Identity and Period information associated with the request are added to the
item in the resulting list.
If no data are found for the person and time period, the first item on the list
contains only the Identity and Period properties.
The person must exist within the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PersonalOvertimeAssignment tags
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The date when the personal overtime assignment becomes effective
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Default Value: Current system date
Introduced in v5.0
Expiration date
The date when the personal overtime assignment expires
Type: Date

514 Kronos Incorporated

PersonalOvertimeAssignment Tag

Must occur after the effective date

Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee.
Only used for the Load action
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Overtime level
The numeric position of the overtime rule within the sequence of rules.
Type: Long
Maximum length: 2 characters
The value must be an integer greater than zero.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Overtime type
The reset interval for the rule
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 515

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.0
Time period
The specified time frame
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Must evaluate to a span of time. Identity is used when the time frame requires
association with a person.
Used for the Load action
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Personal overtime rule
The personal overtime rule associated with the personal overtime assignment An
overtime establishes the limits and reset methods for accumulating overtime
Type: PersonalOvertimeRule tag
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Associate with job assignment?
Indicates whether this personal overtime assignment shall be associated with the
job during the time span
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0

516 Kronos Incorporated

PersonalOvertimeLimit Tag

PersonalOvertimeLimit Tag
Overtime Limit for a Person
The PersonalOvertimeLimit tag identifies personal overtime values that are
assigned to a personal overtime rule.
Used by: PersonalOvertimeRule
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0

[ Amount = TimeDuration ]
[ MinimumAmount = TimeDuration ]
PersonalOvertimeAmountTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Time worked before overtime accrues
The amount of time before the overtime begins to accrue. This overrides the
amount in the limit rule.
Type: TimeDuration
Default Value: null
Introduced in v5.0
Overtime worked before overtime rate starts
The amount of overtime time that must be worked before the overtime rate is
Type: TimeDuration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 517

Chapter 2

Default Value: null
Introduced in v5.0
Type of overtime amount
The type that is associated with the amounts.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0

518 Kronos Incorporated

PersonalOvertimeRule Tag

PersonalOvertimeRule Tag
Overtime Rule for a Person
The PersonalOvertimeRule tag provides the amount information associated with a
personal overtime assignment. An overtime rule establishes the limits and reset
methods for accumulating overtime hours. When employees reach overtime goals
within specified time periods, they start to earn overtime hours. There is always
one personal overtime rule for each personal overtime assignment.
Used by: PersonalOvertimeAssignment
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

( PersonalOvertimeRuleDisplayName = String )
[ UseScheduleFlag = Boolean ] >
[ <PersonalOvertimeLimits>
</PersonalOvertimeLimits> ]

Property Descriptions
Personal overtime limits
The list of Personal Overtime Limit tags that are associated with the personal
overtime rule
Type: Zero or more PersonalOvertimeLimit tags
Introduced in v5.0
Personal overtime rule
The name of a personal overtime rule used for an external user

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 519

Chapter 2

Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Use schedule to determine overtime?
When true, the personal overtime rule uses the days in the schedule to determine
when overtime is allowed.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0

520 Kronos Incorporated

PersonAuthenticationType Tag

PersonAuthenticationType Tag
Authentication Type
The PersonAuthenticationType tag contains information about an authentication
type relative to a specific person. There is a finite set of authentication types
recognized by the system and each person is either considered active or inactive
with respect to each of them. A person should be active with a single
authentication type at any given time.
For the ActiveFlag property data is expected to be either boolean true or false.
For the AuthenticationTypeName property data is expected to be one of the
following types recognized by the system: Kronos, NT, LDAP,
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.1

ActiveFlag = Boolean
AuthenticationTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Is this auth type active for this person?
Indicates whether or not the specified Authentication Type is active or inactive
with respect to the person. True means that this person will be authenticated in the
manner specified in AuthenticationTypeName when they attempt to log on to the
Type: Boolean
Sample values: true or false

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 521

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Name or ID of Authentication Type
The name or id of the AuthenticationType being activated or inactivated for this
Type: String
Sample values: Kronos, NT, LDAP, KRONOS_CUSTOM or 1,2,3,4
Introduced in v5.1

522 Kronos Incorporated

PersonCertificationAssign Tag

PersonCertificationAssign Tag
Certifications Assigned to Employees
The PersonCertificationAssign tag assigns one or more certifications to one or
more employees.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAll" | "LoadCertificationAssignments" | "Update"

[ PersonNumber = String ] >
[ <Employees>
</Employees> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]
[ <PersonCertificationItems>
</PersonCertificationItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all certification assignments for an employee.
Return Value Type: PersonCertificationAssign tag
Required Properties: PersonNumber
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 523

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Returns certification assignments for an employee for the specified timeframe.
If Period is not specified, this action returns all assignments from the current date
to January 1, 3000
Return Value Type: PersonCertificationAssign tag
Required Properties: PersonNumber
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Assigns certifications to one or more employees.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PersonCertificationItems, Employees
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
One or more employees, as specified in one or more PersonIdentity tags, for
whom the certification is assigned.
Type: Zero or more PersonIdentity tags
Each employee must have a WFS license.
Introduced in v5.0
Time period

524 Kronos Incorporated

PersonCertificationAssign Tag

The time span when the assignment is in effect.

Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Introduced in v5.0
Certification items
The certification items that are assigned to the employees specified in Employees.
Type: Zero or more PersonCertificationItem tags
Introduced in v5.0
Person number
The person number of the person about whom information is returned
Type: String
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 525

Chapter 2

PersonCertificationItem Tag
Certification Assigned to Employees
The PersonCertificationItem tag identifies a certification that can be assigned to
one or more people.
Used by: PersonCertificationAssign
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

[ CertificationNumber = String ]
EffectiveDate = Date
ExpirationDate = Date
Name = String
[ OldCertificationNumber = String ]
[ OldEffectiveDate = Date ]
[ OldExpirationDate = Date ] />

Property Descriptions
Certification number
Certification number
Type: String
Maximum length: 12 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Effective date
The date when the certification assignment becomes effective for the employee
previously specified

526 Kronos Incorporated

PersonCertificationItem Tag

Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Expiration date
The date when the assignment of this certification to the previously specified
employee expires
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Certification name
The unique name of a legal certification
Type: String
Maximum length: 40 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0
Old certification number
The old certification number is the number that was previously assigned to a
Dependency: If any one of OldCertificationNumber, OldEffectiveDate, or
OldExpirationDate is specified, the other two must also be specified.
To update a certification number, you must specify the certification number and
these three properties.
Type: String
Maximum length: 12 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 527

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Old effective date
The old effective date is the one that was previously specified for a person
certification assignment.
Dependency: If any one of OldCertificationNumber, OldEffectiveDate, or
OldExpirationDate is specified, the other two must also be specified.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Old expiration date
The old expirtion date is the one that was previously specified for a person
certification assignment.
Dependency: If any one of OldCertificationNumber, OldEffectiveDate, or
OldExpirationDate is specified, the other two must also be specified.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0

528 Kronos Incorporated

PersonIdentity Tag

PersonIdentity Tag
Person Identity Data
The PersonIdentity tag identifies one or more people. It is used by many import
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadIdentities"
BadgeNumber = String
EmployeeKey = Long
PersonKey = Long
PersonNumber = String
UserKey = Long >
[ <FilterQueryName>
</FilterQueryName> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the person number, badge number, and database keys for the specified
person. The user must specify exactly one of BadgeNumber, PersonNumber,
PersonKey, EmployeeKey, or UserKey.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 529

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: PersonIdentity tag

Required Properties: PersonNumber
Optional Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Badge number
Contains an employee badge number that is assigned to the employee.
The system can be configured to allow multiple badges for employees. Specify
whether to allow multiple badge assignments in Workforce Timekeeper > System
Configuration > System Settings > Global Values >
global.BadgeAssignment.allowsOverlap = Yes.
If an employee is assigned multiple badge numbers, each badge number and
associated information is added in a separate reqiest.
If you want to remove a badge number, remove all existing badge numbers. Then
reassign the valid number that you want to keep.
A member of the Identifier group. If you are importing data from another system,
this may be a convenient identifier to use.
Type: String
See group( Identifier)
Maximum length: 25 characters
Must be unique for the specified date span. Validation is done after a person is
associated with a badge, using the PersonInformation tag.
The effective date is the date of the server
Introduced in v4
Employee database key

530 Kronos Incorporated

PersonIdentity Tag

The internal database key that identifies the employee. As an internal number, it is
not likely to be widely used for functions such as import transactions.
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify just one person
A member of the Identifier group
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Query name
Specifies the name of an existing query that identifies one or more people.
Information is returned in the HyperFindResult tag.
Note: When importing person-related information that involves making changes
to an inactive or terminated employeeís status or information, specify the name of
a hyperfind query that includes all employees.
Type: HyperFindQuery tag
The default value, All Home, only returns Active employees.
Default Value: All Home
Introduced in v5.0
Person identity list
One or more PersonIdentity and CurrentUser tags
Type: Any combination of CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tags
See group( Identifier)
Each person in the list is validated separately.
PersonIdentityList is a member of the Identifier group. However, you may not use
it if you are importing data.
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 531

Chapter 2

Person database key
The internal database key that identifies the person. As an internal number, it is
not likely to be widely used for functions such as import transactions.
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify just one person
A member of the Identifier group
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Person number
The personís identification number.
A member of the Identifier group. If you are importing data from another system,
this may be a convenient identifier to use.
Type: String
See group( Identifier)
Maximum length: 15 characters
Non-numeric values are permitted.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
User database key
The internal database key that identifies the user. As an internal number, it is not
likely to be widely used for functions such as import transactions.
Type: Long
See group( Identifier)
Maximum value = 2,147,488, 848
Must identify just one person

532 Kronos Incorporated

PersonIdentity Tag

A member of the Identifier group

Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Only one member of the Identifier group can be specified.
Identifier and FilterQueryName are mutually exclusive.
Outstanding: Identifier usage constraint is specified as Required. But Identifier
and FilterQueryName are mutually exclusive. Therefore, Identifier should not be
Group includes:

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 533

Chapter 2

PersonInformation Tag
Person Information and Data
The PersonInformation tag contains demographic, employment, and system
Used by: Personality
See the following tags for validation rules:
• AccessAssignment
• BadgeAssignment
• CustomData
• CustomDate
• EmailAddress
• EmploymentStatus
• ExpectedHours
• HomeAccount
• PersonIdentity
• Person
• PersonAccessAssignment
• PersonLicenseType
• PostalAddress
• Supervisor
• TelephoneNumber
• UserAccountStatus
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

534 Kronos Incorporated

PersonInformation Tag


"Load" |
"LoadAllBadgeAssignments" |
"LoadAllEmploymentStatus" |
"LoadAllHomeAccounts" |

<PersonInformation >
[ <AccessAssignmentData>
</AccessAssignmentData> ]
[ <BadgeAssignments>
</BadgeAssignments> ]
[ <CustomDataList>
</CustomDataList> ]
[ <CustomDates>
</CustomDates> ]
[ <EmailAddresses>
</EmailAddresses> ]
[ <EmploymentStatusList>
</EmploymentStatusList> ]
[ <ExpectedHoursList>
</ExpectedHoursList> ]
[ <HomeAccounts>
</HomeAccounts> ]
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
[ <PersonAccessAssignments>
</PersonAccessAssignments> ]
[ <PersonAuthenticationTypes>

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 535

Chapter 2

</PersonAuthenticationTypes> ]
[ <PersonData>
</PersonData> ]
[ <PersonLicenseTypes>
</PersonLicenseTypes> ]
[ <PostalAddresses>
</PostalAddresses> ]
[ <SupervisorData>
</SupervisorData> ]
[ <TelephoneNumbers>
</TelephoneNumbers> ]
[ <UserAccountStatusList>
</UserAccountStatusList> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all demographic, employment, and system information for the specified
Return Value Type: PersonInformation tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all badge assignments for the specified person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more BadgeAssignment tags
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

536 Kronos Incorporated

PersonInformation Tag

Deprecated in v5.0: Use the LoadBadgeAssignments action in the

BadgeAssignment tag.
Returns all employment statuses for the specified person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more EmploymentStatus tags
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the LoadEmploymentStatuses action in the
EmploymentStatus tag.
Returns all home accounts for the specified person. The home account shall be
the derived account (resulting from the combination of the Primary Job and
Primary Labor Account) for the specified time frame.
Return Value Type: Zero or more HomeAccount tags
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the LoadPrimaryLaborAccounts action in the
PrimaryLaborAccount tag.
Returns all user account statuses for the specified person.
Return Value Type: Zero or more UserAccountStatus tags
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the LoadUserAccountStatuses action in the
UserAccountStatus tag.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 537

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Access rights
A set of access rights and preferences
Type: AccessAssignment tag
Introduced in v4
Badge assignments
One or more badge numbers and associated time frames
Type: Zero or more BadgeAssignment tags
Introduced in v4
Additional information
One or more sets of information for site-specified data categories
Type: Zero or more CustomData tags
Introduced in v4
Person dates
One or more sets of date type information for site-specified date categories that
can be assigned to a person
Type: Zero or more CustomDate tags
Introduced in v4
E-mail addresses

538 Kronos Incorporated

PersonInformation Tag

Specifies the person's e-mail address.

Type: Zero or more EmailAddress tags
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Employment statuses
The employment statuses for the specified time frames
Type: Zero or more EmploymentStatus tags
Introduced in v4
Standard hours
The number of hours for the specified time period types
Type: Zero or more ExpectedHours tags
Introduced in v4
Labor accounts
Specifies labor accounts assigned for the specified time frames. When specified
within and AddOnly, Update, or UpdateOnly action, the values within this tag
represent the labor accounts assigned to the person over the specified time frame.
When resulting from the Load action, the home account shall be the derived
account (resulting from the combination of the Primary Job and Primary Labor
Account) for the specified time frame.
Type: Zero or more HomeAccount tags
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the PrimaryLaborAccount tag to assign labor accounts.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 539

Chapter 2

One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Access assignment dates
The access assignments for the person for the specified time frames
Type: Zero or more PersonAccessAssignment tags
Introduced in v5.0
Authentication Types
The list of one or more authentication types, and the status (either active or
inactive) for each type, for the current person. Only one authentication type
should be active at a given time for each person. The authentication types include
the following: Kronos, NT, LDAP, KRONOS_CUSTOM.
Type: Zero or more PersonAuthenticationType tags
Default Value: Kronos
Introduced in v5.1
Person data
Basic name and employment information for a person
Type: Person tag

540 Kronos Incorporated

PersonInformation Tag

Required: When creating a new person
Introduced in v4
Status of licenses
The licenses for a specific person.
Type: Zero or more PersonLicenseType tags
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Postal addresses
Postal addresses for the specified address types
Type: Zero or more PostalAddress tags
Introduced in v4
Supervisor data
The person who is logically defined as this person's supervisor
Type: Supervisor tag
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the JobAssignmentDetails tag to assign a supervisor.
Telephone numbers
The telephone numbers for the given telephone number types
Type: Zero or more TelephoneNumber tags
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 541

Chapter 2

User account statuses
The user account statuses for the specified time frames
Type: Zero or more UserAccountStatus tags
Introduced in v4

542 Kronos Incorporated

PersonLeaveProfileAssignment Tag

PersonLeaveProfileAssignment Tag
Person Leave Profile Assignment
This is the XML API that is used to assign persons to a leave profile.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Add" | "Delete" | "Retrieve"

[ LeaveProfile = String ] >

Action Descriptions
Assigns a person to a leave profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: LeaveProfile (name), PersonIdentity
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes a person's assignment to a leave profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PersonIdentity

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 543

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves the leave profile assignment for the specified person.
Return Value Type: PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag
Required Properties: PersonIdentity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Leave Profile
The name of the leave profile. This property is required only for the Add action.
Type: String
Sample values: LeaveProfile ="demoProfile"
Introduced in v5.1
The person who is assigned a leave profile.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Introduced in v5.1

544 Kronos Incorporated

PersonLicenseType Tag

PersonLicenseType Tag
License that is Assigned to a Person
The PersonLicenseType tag contains information about the license assigned to a
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

ActiveFlag = Boolean
LicenseTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Is the license active?
Specifies the state of the license. True if the license is active for the person.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Type of license
The name or the Id of the license type.
There are nine valid licenses, but not all are assignable to employees
The following license types can be assigned to employees:
• 1 or Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 545

Chapter 2

• 2 or Workforce_Professional_ Employee
• 3 or Workforce_Manager
• 5 or Workforce_Activities
• 9 or Workforce_Scheduler
Dependency: Every person with an active or inactive Employment status or Name
of user account status must have a license type of
Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee, Workforce_Professional_ Employee, or
Type: String
Maximum length: 2 characters
Specify @ to make no change to the existing license type.
Only Allowed Values: @, 1, 2, 3, 5, 9
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

546 Kronos Incorporated

PersonShiftTemplateAssignment Tag

PersonShiftTemplateAssignment Tag
Shift Template Profile Assigned to Person
The PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag associates a shift template profile with a
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.0.a
Deprecated in v5.0.a: should use ShiftTempalteAssignment instead.

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "Update"

[ ShiftTemplateProfileName = String ] >

Action Descriptions
Returns the name of the shift template for the specified employee.
Return Value Type: PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag
Required Properties: Employee
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Assigns a specified shift template to a specified employee.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 547

Chapter 2

Taken together, the shift template and employee must be unique in the system.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Employee, ShiftTemplateProfileName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.0.a
Shift template profile name
The name of a shift code profile name
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1Beta

548 Kronos Incorporated

PersonSkillAssign Tag

PersonSkillAssign Tag
Skills Assigned to Employees
The PersonSkillAssign tag assigns one or more skills to one or more employees
for a specific period of time.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAll" | "LoadSkillAssignments" | "Update"

[ PersonNumber = String ] >
[ <Employees>
</Employees> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]
[ <PersonSkillItems>
</PersonSkillItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all skill assignments for an employee.
Return Value Type: PersonSkillAssign tag
Required Properties: PersonNumber
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 549

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Returns skill assignments for an employee for the specified timeframe.
Return Value Type: PersonSkillAssign tag
Required Properties: PersonNumber
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Assigns skills to one or more employees.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PersonSkillItems, Employees
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
One or more people, as specified in one or more PersonIdentity tags. The skills
that are specified in PersonSkillItems are assigned to this list of people.
Type: Zero or more PersonIdentity tags
Each employee must have a WFS license.
Introduced in v5.0
Time period
The span of time during which the skill assignments are in effect for the specified
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag

550 Kronos Incorporated

PersonSkillAssign Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Person number
The person number of a person about whom information is returned.
Type: String
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Skill items assigned to employees
The skill items that are assigned to the employees specified in Employees.
Type: Zero or more PersonSkillItem tags
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 551

Chapter 2

PersonSkillItem Tag
Skill that can be Assigned
The PersonSkillItem tag contains a skill that can be assigned to one or more
Used by: PersonSkillAssign
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
( ExpirationDate = Date )
[ IsActive = Boolean ]
Name = String />

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The date when the skill becomes available for assignment
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Expiration date
The date when the skill will no longer be available for assignment
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

552 Kronos Incorporated

PersonSkillItem Tag

Is the skill active?
Specifies whether the skill is active
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Skill name
The name of a skill
Type: String
Maximum length: 40 characters
You can see the list of existing skills in the user interface.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 553

Chapter 2

PostalAddress Tag
Postal Address
The PostalAddress tag specifies address elements for a specified address type.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ City = String ]
ContactTypeName = String
[ Country = String ]
[ PostalCode = String ]
[ State = String ]
[ Street = String ] />

Property Descriptions
The city or town portion of the person's address
Type: String
Maximum length: 25 characters
Introduced in v4
Category of the contact
The name of the contact category
Type: String

554 Kronos Incorporated

PostalAddress Tag

Maximum length: 30 characters

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
The country portion of the person's address
Type: String
Maximum length: 25 characters
Introduced in v4
Zip code
The postal code portion of the person's address
Type: String
Maximum length: 25 characters
Introduced in v4
The state or province of the person's address
Type: String
Maximum length: 25 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
The numerical and street name portion of the person's address
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 555

Chapter 2

Maximum length: 100 characters
Introduced in v4

556 Kronos Incorporated

PreferenceProfile Tag

PreferenceProfile Tag
Display Profile
The PreferenceProfile tag provides information about valid Preference Profiles
defined within the WTK system. The display profile determines the information
that the system displays to a user (for example, the Workforce Genies that appear
on the navigation bar).
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllPreferenceProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ PreferenceProfileId = Integer ]
PreferenceProfileName = String />

Action Descriptions
Returns a preference profile, based on PreferenceProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: PreferenceProfile tag
Required Properties: PreferenceProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Returns all preference profiles in the system.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 557

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more PreferenceProfile tags

Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a preference profile, based on PreferenceProfileId.
Return Value Type: PreferenceProfile tag
Required Properties: PreferenceProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of display profile
Uniquely identifies the preference profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Display profile name
The name for the common set of display preferences applying to a group of users.
For example, Tuesday Manager. It includes the time formats and the Genie profile
for managers.
Type: String
Introduced in v4

558 Kronos Incorporated

PrimaryLaborAccount Tag

PrimaryLaborAccount Tag
Primary Labor Account
The PrimaryLaborAccount tag identifies the labor account and primary
organization job for a person's job assignment within a range of dates. If
organizational maps are in use, the primary account is comprised of a primary job
and a primary labor account. For those whose organizations do not use jobs, the
primary account is comprised solely of a primary labor account.
Used by: JobAssignment
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadPrimaryLaborAccounts"
[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrganizationPath = String ] >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 559

Chapter 2

Loads information associated with the primary labor account for a specified
person over a specified period. If the period is not specified, the current date
through January 1, 3000 is used.
The Identity and Period information associated with the request is added to the
item in the list.
If no data is found, just the Identity and Period properties are returned.
Return Value Type: Zero or more PrimaryLaborAccount tags
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The date when the primary labor account becomes effective
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Default Value: Current date
Introduced in v5.0
Expiration date
The date when the primary labor account expires
Type: Date
Must occur after the effective date
Default Value: January 1, 3000

560 Kronos Incorporated

PrimaryLaborAccount Tag

Introduced in v5.0
One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify a person
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Labor account
The name of the employeeís primary labor account.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Required for an employeeís primary labor account name.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Sample values: The following is an example of a primary account name
(depending on how labor levels and accounts are defined in your system): 112/
222/332/401/501/601/701. You can use shorthand for the primary labor account in
any labor account entry if you are also importing an organizational path.
Introduced in v5.0
Primary job in the organization
The primary job information.
Dependency: This value is required only to import a Workforce Scheduler
Enter values in the same format as they appear in the database. String matching is
case-sensitive on a Workforce Central server that connects to an Oracle database.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 561

Chapter 2

Note: The labor level entries within a labor account cannot overlap with the
organization-derived account. For example, in the labor account: 101//////701, the
entry 101 overlaps with Organization in the organization-derived account
Organization/Hospitals/Hosp A/Floor 1/ER/RN2.
The combining of an imported labor account and an organizational job path-
derived account must result in a fully qualified labor account. For example, the
labor account /////// and organization-derived account Organization/Hospitals/
Hosp A/Floor 1/ER/RN2 cannot result in a fully qualified labor account, because
the organization-derived account has only six labor level entries, not seven labor
level entries.
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
When shorthand notation is used, the person's current primary account must have
a primary organization assigned.
Required: For any person who has a scheduler license
Introduced in v5.0
Time period
The period of time associated with the primary account
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Identity is used if a person is required in association with the time frame.
Used for the LoadPrimaryLaborAccounts action
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0

562 Kronos Incorporated

Process Tag

Process Tag
The Process tag specifies a process that resulted from a specific process template.
Function Access Control Point:
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"AddWithWebForm" |
"DeleteOnly" |
"Retrieve" |

ResourceId = String

AdminTemplateId = Integer
[ KProcessUniqueKey = String ]
ProcessId = Integer
ProcessName = String
ProcessState = String
ProcessStateCode = Integer >
[ <ProcessAttributes>
</ProcessAttributes> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 563

Chapter 2

This action initiates or starts a process and supports the initialization of process
attributes. It does not add new process attributes, but can initialize existing
process attribute values. Any process attribute that has an attribute type of
"Object" or "java.lang.Object" cannot be updated or initialized. The ResourceID
is equivalent to the WTK Person Number or Person Id value. The ResourceId
must match the WFC person number, and it is important to note that trailing
blanks are significant and should not be included.
AdminTemplateId must be greater than 0. ResourceId must be greater than 1
character and less than or equal to 30 characters.
Return Value Type: Process tag
Required Properties: One of AdminTemplateId or KProcessUniqueKey is
required. ResourceId is a required action parameter.
Optional Properties: ProcessAttributes
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ResourceId The ResourceId is a required action Introduced in v5.1
parameter for the Add action. It is the
identifier of the resource or equivalent
to the PersonNumber or PersonId of
the person who will be initiating the
process. The ResourceID is equivalent
to the WTK Person Number

This action initiates or starts a process and supports the initialization of the
process attributes. This action initiates a process that contains a web form,

564 Kronos Incorporated

Process Tag

supports the initialization of process attributes, and returns the first task which
contains the web form. New process attributes cannot be added through this
action, but existing process attribute values can be initialized. Any process
attribute that has an attribute type of "Object" or "java.lang.Object" cannot be
updated or initialized. The ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK Person Number
or Person Id value. The ResourceId must match the WFC person number, and it is
important to note that trailing blanks are significant and should not be included.
AdminTemplateId must be greater than 0. ResourceId must be greater than 1
character and less than or equal to 30 characters.
Return Value Type: ProcessTask tag
Required Properties: One of AdminTemplateId or KProcessUniqueKey is
required. ResourceId is a required action parameter.
Optional Properties: ProcessAttributes
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ResourceId The ResourceId is the required action Introduced in v5.1
paramter for the AddWithWebForm
action. It is the id of the resource or
equivalent to the person's number or
person id who will be initiating the
process. The ResourceID is
equivalent to the WTK Person
Number or

The DeleteOnly method deletes a single process specified by the process id.
The ProcessId must be greater than 0.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 565

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: ProcessId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
This action returns a specific process.
The ProcessId must be greater than 0.
Return Value Type: Process tag
Required Properties: ProcessId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
This action updates a process by updating the process state and the process
attributes. This action does not add new process attributes, but can update existing
ones. The process state can be updated from an aborted state to active state. The
process state can be updated from a ready state to a passive state. The process
state can be updated from an active state to passive state or to an abort state. The
process state can be updated from an abort state to a passive state. Any process
attribute that has an attribute type of "Object" or "java.lang.Object" cannot be
updated or initialized.
The ProcessId must be greater than 0. The ProcessStateCode can be 1 to update a
process state to active, 3 to update process state to abort state, and 4 to update a
process state to passive or a canceled state.
Return Value Type: Process tag
Required Properties: ProcessId
Optional Properties: ProcessStateCode, ProcessAttributes
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

566 Kronos Incorporated

Process Tag

Administrator Template Id
The identifier for the process template from which the process was created, used
for administration purposes.
Type: Integer
The AdminTemplateId is a required property on the Process. The
AdminTemplateId must not be null and must be greater than 0. The
AdminTemplateId is an optional property on the Process Add and
AddWithWebForm actions.
Sample values: 559
Introduced in v5.1
Process unique key
The exposed private_PMUniqueKey that can be used to instantiate or start a
Type: String
KProcessUniqueKey must be 1 or more characters long.
Sample values: 95c73c96947cdca4:52fecf:101437b4fc1:-7ffd
Introduced in v5.1
Process attributes
One or more process attributes. Each process attribute contains a name and a
Type: Zero or more Attribute tags
Each Attribute within a Process Attributes list must contain a Name property and
Value property pair. The Name must be greater than 1 character. The Name has
maximum length of 255 characters.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 567

Chapter 2

Sample values: <ProcessAttributes>

<Attribute Name="HRAdministrator" Value="207"></Attribute>
Introduced in v5.1
Process identifier
The identifier of the process or the instantiated process template
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 583
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Process name
The name of the process
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Minimum length: Must be greater than 1 character
Sample values: EmployeeAward
Introduced in v5.1
Process state
The state of the process
Type: String

568 Kronos Incorporated

Process Tag

ProcessState is a required property on the Process. The ProcessState must not be

null and must be one of the valid process states. The ProcessState is an optional
property on the Process UpdateOnly action.
Sample values: "Ready","Active","Done","Abort","Passive"
Introduced in v5.1
Process State Code
The integer value for the process state.
Type: Integer
The ProcessState Code can only be values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sample values: 0 for Ready process state, 1 for Active process state, 2 for Done
process state, 3 for Abort process state, 4 for Passive process state
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 569

Chapter 2

ProcessProfile Tag
Process Profile
The ProcessProfile tag loads the specific information for one or more process
For the Load Action, the ProcessProfileName MUST be specified. For the
LoadById Action, the ProcessProfileId property MUST be specified.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkflowProfile
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllProcessProfiles" | "LoadById"

ProcessProfileId = Long
[ ProcessProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Loads the process profile from the database given the ProcessProfileName
property. An example of the ProcessProfileName may be "All Process
The ProcessProfileName must already exist in the database, prior to calling the
Load action.
Return Value Type: WorkflowProfile tag
Required Properties: ProcessProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View

570 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessProfile Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Loads all process profiles in the database, returning a list of
Return Value Type: Zero or more WorkflowProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Loads the Process Profile from the database given the ProcessProfileId property.
The ProcessProfileId which uniquely identifies a process profile must already
exist in the database, prior to calling the LoadById action.
Return Value Type: WorkflowProfile tag
Required Properties: ProcessProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Process Profile Id
The Id of a specific process profile, which identifies a unique process profile.
Type: Long
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Process Profile name
The Name of the Process Profile. The ProcessProfileName property MUST be
specified for the Load action.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 571

Chapter 2

Type: String
For the Load action, the ProcessProfileName property MUST be specified. The
ProcessProfileName must already exist in the database, prior to calling the Load
Sample values: ProcessProfileName="All Process Templates"
Introduced in v5.0

572 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessSchedule Tag

ProcessSchedule Tag
Process Schedule
The ProcessSchedule tag is used to modify an existing employee schedule in
addition to what is already scheduled. With the ProcessSchedule tag, you can
swap shifts between employees or assign a new employee to cover a scheduled
shift for another employee.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "CoverShift" | "SwapShifts"

[ CheckRules = Boolean ]
QueryDateSpan = DateSpan
[ SaveData = Boolean ] >
[ <ScheduleItems>
</ScheduleItems> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 573

Chapter 2

Assign an employee to cover a shift for another employee, as specified by a
ScheduleShiftSwap tag in the ScheduleItems property.
The Employees list must contain exactly two employees. These must be the same
employees as those identified in the ScheduleShiftSwap tag.
The ScheduleItems list must contain exactly two shifts.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: Employees, QueryDateSpan, ScheduleItems
Optional Properties: SaveData, CheckRules
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Swap the employee assignments for the two specified shifts, as identified by
ScheduleShiftSwap tags in the ScheduleItems property.
The Employees list must contain exactly two employees. These must be the same
employees as those identified in the ScheduleShiftSwap tag.
The ScheduleItems list must contain exactly two shifts.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: Employees, QueryDateSpan, ScheduleItems
Optional Properties: SaveData, CheckRules
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Validate modified schedule?
Iindicates whether schedule validation will take place on the modified schedule
from an action
Type: Boolean

574 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessSchedule Tag

SaveData and CheckRules cannot both be false.
If CheckRules is True, any rule violations from employees or jobs that are
affected by the action are returned by the action. If it is False, then null is returned.
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
One or more employees for whom the action will be processed, as specified in one
or more PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tags.
Type: Any combination of CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tags
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Span of dates
The span of dates that are used
Type: DateSpan
The span must fully encompass the dates of any shift that is specified in
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Save the modified schedule?
SaveData indicates whether the schedule, modified by an action, will be saved.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 575

Chapter 2

SaveData and CheckRules cannot both be false.

If SaveData is True, any rule violations from employees or jobs that are affected
by the action are returned by the action. If it is False, then null is returned.
Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
Scheduled shifts
The ScheduleItems property contains the shifts that will be processed by actions
in the ProcessSchedule tag. Each one represents a shift that would appear in the
schedule editor or the schedule planner. Each item in this list must be a
ScheduleShiftSwap tag.
Type: Any combination of ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit or ScheduleOff or
SchedulePayCodeEdit or ScheduleShift or ScheduleShiftSwap or
ScheduleUnavailable tags
Introduced in v5.0

576 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTask Tag

ProcessTask Tag
Process Task
The ProcessTask tag relates a task within a process or worklow. A process task has
state and attribute values that can be retrieved and updated.
Function Access Control Point:
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAllByProcessId" |
"RetrieveAllByResourceId" |

[ CategoryName = String ]

EndDate = Date
[ Locations = String ]
[ PrevLocations = String ]
ProcessId = Integer
[ ProcessName = String ]
[ ResourceId = String ]
[ ResourceName = String ]
StartDate = Date
TaskId = Integer
TaskName = String
TaskState = String
TaskStateCode = Integer
[ TaskURL = String ] >

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 577

Chapter 2

[ <TaskAttributes>
</TaskAttributes> ]

Action Descriptions
The Retrieve action returns the ProcessTask specified by the TaskId.
Return Value Type: ProcessTask tag
Required Properties: TaskId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0.a
This action returns a list of tasks for a given process. By specifying the ProcessId,
TaskStateCode, and ResourceId, you can retrieve a list of tasks by process id, or
by process id and task state, or by process id, task state and resource id, or by
process id and resource id. The ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK Person
Number or Person Id value. The ResourceId must match the WFC person number,
and it is important to note that trailing blanks are significant and should not be
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTask tags
Required Properties: ProcessId
Optional Properties: TaskStateCode, ResourceId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
This action returns a list of tasks for a given process. By specifying the
ResourceId, TaskStateCode, CategoryName, you can retrieve a list of process
tasks by resource, or by resource id and task state, or by resource id, task state, and
category name, or by resource id and by category name. If you specify an active
task state with a TaskStateCode of 1, a list of all active tasks that are assiged to the
specified resource for all processes is returned. If you specify a CategoryName

578 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTask Tag

and a specific ResourceId, a list of all tasks assigned to that resource and also
correspond to a process template that belong to the specified category will be
returned. If you specify an TaskStateCode of 1, a CategoryName, and a
ResourceId, a list of all active tasks assigned to the specified resource that
correspond to a process template that belongs to the specified CategoryName are
returned. The ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK Person Number or Person Id
value. The ResourceId must match the WFC person number, and it is important to
note that trailing blanks are significant and should not be included.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTask tags
Required Properties: ResourceId
Optional Properties: CategoryName - optional action parameter, TaskStateCode -
optional property
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

CategoryName The CategoryName is an optional Introduced in v5.1
action parameter to the
RetrieveByResourceId action.
If specified for the action, the
CategoryName must not be null and
must be greater than 1 character and
less than or equal to 50 characters in

This action updates a specific task within a process by updating the task state and
task attributes. You cannot add any new task attributes. However, process task
attribute values can be updated. Any task attribute that has an attribute type of
"Object" or "java.lang.Object" cannot be updated or initialized.
Return Value Type: ProcessTask tag
Required Properties: TaskId

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 579

Chapter 2

Optional Properties: TaskStateCode, TaskAttributes

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
End date
The date on which the process task ends
Type: Date
EndDate is a required property on the ProcessTask. The EndDate must not be null
and must be a valid Date.
Introduced in v5.1
List of active tasks
A comma separated list of active tasks that indicate where you are in the process.
Type: String
Locations is an optional property on the ProcessTask.
Introduced in v5.1
List of resources assigned to previous tasks
A comma separated list of resources assigned to one or more previous tasks. If a
resource name is not available, you can specify the resource identifier instead. If
the previous tasks have no assigned resources, an empty string is returned. This
can occur with synch tasks.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

580 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTask Tag

Process identifier
The identifier of the process to which this process task belongs.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than zero.
Sample values: 583
Introduced in v5.1
Process name
The name of the process to which this process task belongs.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters and MinimumLength: 1 character
Sample values: EmployeeAward
Introduced in v5.1
Resource or person Id who owns the task
The identifier of the resource or person who owns the process task. The
ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK Person Number or Person Id value. The
ResourceId must match the WFC person number, and it is important to note that
trailing blanks are significant and should not be included.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Sample values: 203
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 581

Chapter 2

Resource or person who owns the task
The name of the resource or person who owns the process task
Type: String
Maximum length: 64 characters
Minimum length: 1 character
Sample values: Fryman, Christy
Introduced in v5.1
Start date
The date the process task starts
Type: Date
StartDate is a required property on the ProcessTask. The StartDate must not be
null and must be a valid Date.
Introduced in v5.1
Task attributes
One or more Attribute tags that identify who belongs to the process task. Each
TaskAttribute has a name and value pair.
Type: Zero or more Attribute tags
TaskAttributes list is an optional property on the ProcessTask and an optional
property on ProcessTask UpdateOnly action. For each task attribute specified, the
task attribute Name cannot be null and must be > 1 char and <= 255 chars in
Sample values: <TaskAttributes>
<Attribute Name="roleAttribute" Value="${employee}.manager></Attribute>

582 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTask Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Task identifier
The identifier of the process task.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than zero.
Sample values: 685
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Task name
The name of the process task
Type: String
The TaskName is a required property on the ProcessTask. The TaskName must
not be null and must be greater than 1 character and less than 50 characters in
Sample values: Approval Form
Introduced in v5.1
Task state
The state of the process task
Type: String
If specified, the TaskState must be one of the valid task states.
Sample values: "Ready","Active","Complete","Failed","Passive"

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 583

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Task state code
The integer value representing the Process Task state.
Type: Integer
0 for Ready task state, 1 for Active task state, 2 for Complete task state, 3 for
Failed task state, 4 for Passive task state
Only Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Introduced in v5.1
The url of the web task in a process
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

584 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

ProcessTemplate Tag
Process Template
The ProcessTemplate tag represents the template for a process. A process template
can belong to one or more categories. A process template can be used to create a
Function Access Control Point:
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"DeleteOnly" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllByCategory" |
"RetrieveAllByResourceId" |
"RetrieveAllForEmployee" |
"RetrieveAllForManager" |
"RetrieveByDisplayName" |
"RetrieveByUniqueKey" |

[ CategoryName = String ]
GetHiddenActions = Boolean
[ IncludeTemplateData = Boolean ]
ResourceId = String

ActionListSwitch = Integer
ActiveSwitch = Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 585

Chapter 2

AdminTemplateId = Long
AdminTemplateName = String
[ CategoryNames = String ]
[ CommentText = String ]
DisplayName = String
EffectiveDate = DateTime
ExpirationDate = DateTime
[ KProcessUniqueKey = String ]
[ MaxPoolSize = Integer ]
TemplateData = String
TemplateId = Long
[ UsedBy = String ]
Version = Integer />

Action Descriptions
This action adds a new Process Template using the specified TemplateData.
Return Value Type: ProcessTemplate tag
Required Properties: DisplayName, EffectiveDate, ExpirationDate, TemplateData
Optional Properties: ActiveSwitch, ActionListSwitch, CommentText,
MaxPoolSize, CategoryNames
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
This action deletes a process template specified by the AdminTemplateId.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AdminTemplateId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
This action returns the process template for the specified template identifier.
The AdminTemplateId must be greater than 0.

586 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Return Value Type: ProcessTemplate tag

Required Properties: AdminTemplateId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
The RetrieveAll method retrieves a list of all process templates regardless of
which person or resource id they belong to or which category they belong to. This
method retrieves a list of all process templates. By default, the Filter action
parameters is set to "ALL" and the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set
to "false". If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "true", the
TemplateData property will be displayed for each process template returned in the
XML Response. If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false", the
TemplateData property will not be displayed for each process tempate returned in
the XML Response. If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is not specified
at all for this action, by default the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to
"false", and the TemplateData property will not be displayed for each returned
process template.
Filter action parameter can only be: "ALL", "ACTIVE", "INACTIVE" and the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter can only be "true" or "false"
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTemplate tags
Optional Properties: Filter, IncludeTemplateData - action parameters
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
This action returns one or more process templates for the specified category.
This action has an action parameter, IncludeTemplateData. If
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is specified as "true", TemplateData
property is returned for each process template. By default, the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false". If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is not specified, the IncludeTemplateData
is set to "false", and the TemplateData property will not be displayed for each
ProcessTemplate returned.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 587

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTemplate tags

Required Properties: CategoryName - required property
Optional Properties: IncludeTemplateData - optional action parameter
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template. If you do not specify

This method returns a combined list of all the process templates tha a specific
manager and employee can instantiate. This method gets a list of all actions from
the Employee and Manager Action lists, for the specified resource. The
GetHiddenActions parameter can be set to "true" or "false". If the
GetHiddenActions is set to "true", the process templates who's ActionListSwitch
is set to 0, will be returned along with those who's values is 1. If the
GetHiddenActions action parameter is set to "false", only process templates with
an ActionListSwitch set to 1 will be returned. The IncludeTemplateData action
parameter may be "true" or "false". If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter
is set to "true", the TemplateData property will be displayed for every process
template returned in the XML Response. If the IncludeTemplateData action

588 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

parameter is set to "false", the TemplateData property will not be displayed within
each process template returned within the XML Response. By default, the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false". If you do not specify the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter, the value for for IncludeTemplateData
will be set to "false". Therefore, the TemplateData property will not be displayed
for each returned process template. The ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK
Person Number or Person Id value. The ResourceId must match the WFC person
number, and it is important to note that trailing blanks are significant and should
not be included.
The ResourceId, IncludeTemplateData are required parameters. The ResourceId
must be > 1 char & <= 30 chars in length. The GetHiddenActions action
parameter and the IncludeTemplateData action parameter can only be set to either
"true" or "false".
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTemplate tags
Required Properties: ResourceId, GetHiddenActions - required action parameters
Optional Properties: IncludeTemplateData - optional action parameter
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 589

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ResourceId The ResourceId is a required action Introduced in v5.1
parameter on the
RetrieveAllByResourceId action. It
represents the id of the resource,
manager or employee who will be
initiating the process. The ResourceID
is equivalent to the WTK Person
Number or Person Id value.
GetHiddenActions The GetHiddenActions action Introduced in v5.1
parameter is a required action
parameter on the
RetrieveAllByResourceId action. The
GetHiddenActions action parameter
can either be "true" or "false". If the
GetHiddenActions action parameter is
set to "true", all the process
t?????????????????????P ?

590 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Parameter Name Description Additional information

IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template. If the
IncludeTemplateData action

This method returns a list of process templates that employees can instantiate. If
you do not specify the CategoryName, you will retrieve all process templates, that
a manager, specified by resourceId, can instantiate. If you specify a
CategoryName, you will get all process templates that belong to specific category,
specified by the given category name, that the specified manager can instantiate.
If the GetHiddenActions is set to "true", the process templates who's
ActionListSwitch is set to 0, will be returned along with those who's values is 1.
The IncludeTemplateData action parameter may be "true" or "false". If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "true", the TemplateData property
will be displayed for every process template returned in the XML Response. If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false", the TemplateData
property will not be displayed within each process template returned within the
XML Response. By default, the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to
"false". If you do not specify the IncludeTemplateData action parameter, the
IncludeTemplateData will be set to "false" by default, and the TemplateData
property will not be displayed for each returned process template. The
ResourceID is equivalent to the WTK Person Number or Person Id value. The
ResourceId must match the WFC person number, and it is important to note that
trailing blanks are significant and should not be included.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 591

Chapter 2

The ResourceId, GetHiddenActions, IncludeTemplateData are required

parameters. The ResourceId must be > 1 char & <= 30 chars in length.
CategoryName, if given, must be > 1 char & <= 50 chars in length.
GetHiddenActions can only be "true" or "false".
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTemplate tags
Required Properties: ResourceId, GetHiddenActions - required action parameters
Optional Properties: CategoryName, IncludeTemplateData - optional action
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

592 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ResourceId The ResourceId is a required action Introduced in v5.1
parameter on the
RetrieveAllForEmployee action. It
represents the id of the resource or
employee who will be initiating the
process. The ResourceID is equivalent
to the WTK Person Number or Person
Id value. The
GetHiddenActions The GetHiddenActions action Introduced in v5.1
parameter is a required action
parameter on the
RetrieveAllForEmployee action. The
GetHiddenActions action parameter
can either be "true" or "false". If the
GetHiddenActions action parameter is
set to "true", all the process

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 593

Chapter 2

Parameter Name Description Additional information

CategoryName The CategoryName is an optional Introduced in v5.1
action parameter on the
RetrieveAllForEmployee action. It
represents the name of the category
which one or more process template
belongs to.
CategoryName is an optional action
parameter on the
IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template.If the
IncludeTemplateData action

This method returns a list of process templates that managers can instantiate. The
CategoryName is an optional action parameter. If you do not specify the
CategoryName, you will retrieve all process templates, that a manager, specified
by resourceId, can instantiate. If you specify a CategoryName, you will get all
process templates that belong to specific category, specified by the given category
name, that the specified manager can instantiate. If the GetHiddenActions is set to
"true", the process templates who's ActionListSwitch is set to 0, will be returned
along with those who's values is 1. The IncludeTemplateData action parameter
may be "true" or "false". If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to

594 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

"true", the TemplateData property will be displayed for every process template
returned in the XML Response. If the IncludeTemplateData is set to "false", the
TemplateData property will not be displayed within each process template
returned within the XML Response. By default, the IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "false". If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is not
specified, the default value is set to "false", therefore the TemplateData property
will not be displayed for each returned process template. The ResourceID is
equivalent to the WTK Person Number or Person Id value. The ResourceId must
match the WFC person number, and it is important to note that trailing blanks are
significant and should not be included.
The ResourceId, GetHiddenActions are required parameters. The ResourceId
must be > 1 char & <= 30 chars in length. CategoryName, if given, must be > 1
char & <= 50 chars in length. GetHiddenActions can only be "true" or "false".
Return Value Type: Zero or more ProcessTemplate tags
Required Properties: ResourceId, GetHiddenActions - required action parameters
Optional Properties: CategoryName, IncludeTemplateData - optional action
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 595

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

ResourceId The ResourceId is a required action Introduced in v5.1
parameter on the
RetrieveAllForManager action. It
represents the id of the resource or
manager who will be initiating the
process. The ResourceID is equivalent
to the WTK Person Number or Person
Id value. The
GetHiddenActions The GetHiddenActions action Introduced in v5.1
parameter is a required action
parameter on the
RetrieveAllForManager action. The
GetHiddenActions action parameter
can either be "true" or "false". If the
GetHiddenActions action parameter is
set to "true", all the process

596 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Parameter Name Description Additional information

CategoryName The CategoryName is an optional Introduced in v5.1
action parameter on
RetrieveAllForManager. It represents
the name of the category which one or
more process template belongs to.
CategoryName is an optional action
parameter on the
RetrieveAllForManager action. If
IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template.
IncludeTemplateData is an optional

This method returns a process template by specifying the process template display
name. The RetrieveByDisplayName action takes one required action parameter
called IncludeTemplateData, which can either be set to "true" or "false". If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "true", the TemplateData property
will be displayed within the XML Response of the returned process template. If
the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false", the TemplateData
property will not be displayed within the returned process template as part of the
XML Response. By default, the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to
"false". If you do not specify the IncludeTemplateData action parameter, the
IncludeTemplateData is set to "false" and the TemplateData property will not be
displayed for each returned process template.
The DisplayName is a required property and must be greater than 1 character and
<= 50 characters in length. The IncludeTemplateData is an optional action

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 597

Chapter 2

parameter to RetrieveByDisplayName action. It can only be either "true" or

"false" value.
Return Value Type: ProcessTemplate tag
Required Properties: DisplayName - required property
Optional Properties: IncludeTemplateData - optional action parameter
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTemplateData action Introduced in v5.1
parameter specifies whether
information that is returned should
include TemplateData property. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData property is returned for
each process template. If

This method returns a process template by specifying the Kronos Process Unique
Key. The action RetrieveByUniqueKey takes one action parameter called
IncludeTemplateData, which can either be set to "true" or "false". If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "true", the TemplateData property
will be displayed within the returned process template within the XML Response.
If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false", the TemplateData
property will not be displayed within the returned process template in the returned
XML Response. By default, the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to
"false". If you do not specify the IncludeTemplateData action parameter, the

598 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

IncludeTemplateData is set to "false" and the TemplateData property will not be

displayed for each processs template returned.
The KProcessUniqueKey is a required property and must be > 1 character and <=
255 characters in length. The IncludeTemplateData is an optional action
parameter to RetrieveByUniqueKey action. It can only be either "true" or "false"
Return Value Type: ProcessTemplate tag
Required Properties: KProcessUniqueKey - required property
Optional Properties: IncludeTemplateData - optional action parameter
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template. If you do not specify

This method updates a process template. The following ProcessTemplate
properties cannot be updated through this method: the TemplateId,
AdminTemplateId, AdminTemplateName, Version, UsedBy,
KProcessUniqueKey, and TemplateData properties. All other properties of the

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 599

Chapter 2

ProcessTemplate can be updated. This method will allow updates to a process

template by assigning a process template to categories. If the CategoryName does
not exist, the process template will not be assigned to that category. The category
name will not be added to the ProcessTemplate categoryNames list. The
UpdateOnly action takes one action parameter called IncludeTemplateData. The
IncludeTemplateData action parameter can only be "true" or "false" value. If the
IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "true", the TemplateData property
will be displayed within the process template within the returned XML Response.
If the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false", the TemplateData
property will not be displayed within the process template in the returned XML
Response. By default, the IncludeTemplateData action parameter is set to "false".
If you do not specify the IncludeTemplateData action parameter, the
IncludeTemplateData value is set to "false", and the TemplateData property will
not be displayed in the returned process template.
The AdminTemplateId is a required property. The AdminTemplateId must be
greater than 0. The IncludeTemplateData is an optional action parameter. It can
only be "true" or "false" value.
Return Value Type: ProcessTemplate tag
Required Properties: AdminTemplateId - required property, IncludeTemplateData
- optional action parameter
Optional Properties: DisplayName, ActiveSwitch, EffectiveDate, ExpirationDate,
ActionListSwitch, CommentText, MaxPoolSize, CategoryNames - optional
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

600 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

IncludeTemplateData The IncludeTempateData specifies Introduced in v5.1
whether information that is returned
should include TemplateData. If the
IncludeTemplateData action
parameter is set to "true",
TemplateData is returned for each
process template. If you do not specify

Property Descriptions
Is the process visible in the action list?
The ActionListSwitch indicates whether this process is visible in the action list.
Type: Integer
Only Allowed Values: 0, 1
Default Value: 1
Introduced in v5.1
Is the process active?
The ActiveSwitch indicates whether this process is active.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 601

Chapter 2

Only Allowed Values: 0, 1

Default Value: 1
Introduced in v5.1
Administrator Template Id
The template id used in the Process Manager Process Designer application and in
the Process Administrator, used for administrative purposes. Corresponds to the
Type: Long
Must be greater than zero
Sample values: 2101
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Template name
The AdminTemplateName is the name used in the Process Manager Process
Designer application and in the Process Administrator, used for administration
Type: String
Maximum length: 60 characters
Sample values: Employee_Award.template
Introduced in v5.1
Set of categories
A comma separated list of categories that this process template belongs to.
Type: String

602 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Maximum length for each CategoryName: 50 characters

Introduced in v5.1
Comment text
The CommentText is a comment on a process.
Type: String
Maximum length: 255 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Template Display Name
The name or the display name of the process template.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Sample values: EmployeeAward
Introduced in v5.1
Effective date
The effective date of this process.
Type: DateTime
Must be a valid KDateTime.
Sample values: 12/01/2004 00:00:00
Introduced in v5.1
Expiration date
The expiration date of this process.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 603

Chapter 2

Type: DateTime
Must be a valid KDateTime
Sample values: 01/01/3000 00:00:00
Introduced in v5.1
App. Unique Key
The exposed unique ID for the template, the private Kronos Unique Key. This ID
is created when you create a new process template in the Process Designer. You
can use this value to start a process.
Type: String
Maximun length: 255 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Max processes in pool
The maximum number of processes that can be in a pool.
Type: Integer
Must be equal to or greater than zero. The MaxPoolSize cannot be greater than the
WFC System Settings Business Automation value for
Default Value: 0
Introduced in v5.1
Template XML
A based-64 encoded string that represents the process template XML.
Type: String

604 Kronos Incorporated

ProcessTemplate Tag

Maximum length: 1 character

Introduced in v5.1
Template identifier
The identifier of the process template. Corresponds to the WPMWORKFLOWID
column in the WPMWORKFLOW table.
Type: Long
Must be greater than zero
Sample values: 559
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Process profiles that use the template
A comma-separated list of process profiles that use this process template.
Type: String
Maximum length: 255 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Version for optimistic locking
The version number used for optimistic locking.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than zero
Default Value: 1
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 605

Chapter 2

Punch Tag
The Punch tag adds a punch or a comment, deletes a punch, or removes the work
rule transfer from an existing punch,
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"AddComment" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

[ CancelDeductRuleName = String ]
[ CommentText = String ]
[ Date = Date ]
[ DaylightSavingsFlag = Boolean ]
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
[ KronosTimeZone = String ]
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ ManagerName = String ]
OrgJobId = String
OrgJobName = String
[ OverrideTypeName = String ]

606 Kronos Incorporated

Punch Tag

[ Time = Time ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Adds a comment to an existing punch.
Depending on the type of punch, you may need to specify one of the following
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: CommentText, Date, Employee, Time
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new punch for an employee.
If no date or time are specified, this action uses a timestamp; a new punch is
created with the current system date and time, with the time adjusted for the
employee's default time zone.
If one of date or time is specified, the other must also be specified.
An employee can have at most one punch for a given date and time.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 607

Chapter 2

A punch cannot be added if the date and time precedes or exactly equals the
employee's Manager Signoff Date.
Return Value Type: Punch tag
Required Properties: Employee
Optional Properties: Date, Time
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of the tag.
Default Value: False
AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride=True.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used

Default Value: False

Marks an existing punch for deletion.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Date, Employee, Time
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Removes the work rule transfer from an existing punch.
Return Value Type: Punch tag

608 Kronos Incorporated

Punch Tag

Required Properties: Date, Employee, Time

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False

Property Descriptions
Deduct rule for cancelation override
Specifies the deduct rule to be used
Type: String
Cancel deduction rules can be found in the user interface. Either select one of
these, or type 'All' to cancel all deductions for the day.
Introduced in v4
The set of comments that are returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
Use comment text to provide details about the punch.
It contains a comment string that is attached to the punch.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 609

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Date of punch
Date contains one of the following entries:
• The date of a punch that is being added or deleted
• The date of a punch for which you are adding a comment
• The date of a punch for which the work rule is being cleared
If you are clearing a work rule transfer, use a different combined Date and Time
than was used for the work rule transfer. If you erroneously put in a work rule
transfer, delete the punch to clear it.
Type: Date
Dependency: If Date is specified, Time must also be specified.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Is daylight-saving time in effect?
True if daylight saving time is in effect for the specified time zone.
Type: Boolean
Ignored if the time zone does not support Daylight Savings Time
Only Allowed Values: True, False

610 Kronos Incorporated

Punch Tag

Default Value: False

Introduced in v4
One employee for whom the punch is credited, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Date of the edit
The server date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time at which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time zone
The time zone used for the punch. Specify either the name of the time zone or the
five-digit Kronos time zone.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 611

Chapter 2

If the KronosTimeZone was specified when a punch was added, it must also be
used to perform another action such as delete, clear, or add a comment.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
For a list of values, see ìTime Zone Definitionsî in Appendix B in the Workforce
Timekeeper DTK Reference Guide.
Default Value: Time zone at the employee's server
Sample values: 13011, Eastern
Introduced in v4
Labor account name
The name of the labor account that is associated with the punch. This is optional
when adding a punch. It need not be specified if the punch applies to the
employee's primary account.
To specify a labor account name, enter it in the same format as it appears in the
database. For example, if you have a seven-level labor account in the Workforce
Timekeeper configuration, specify a value for each labor level, using the
following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
You can omit any labor levels that are not changing; for example, you can enter
the value 101//303////, indicating that only the first and third labor level entries are
different. If any of the labor levels should be the same as the employeeís primary
labor account, specify @H for those labor levels.
If your Workforce Timekeeper system is set up to allow you to create ad hoc labor
level entries when adding a punch, you can create the ad hoc entries when
specifying the labor account.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.

612 Kronos Incorporated

Punch Tag

Introduced in v4
Manager name
The name to replace the user name in audit.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Introduced in v5.0.a
ID of job in organization
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0
Job in the organization
The primary organizational job information for the employee. You can optionally
specify OrgJobName or OrgJobId. You can leave this column blank if the punch
applies to the employee's primary organizational job.
Enter data for OrgJobName in the same format as it appears in the database. The
OrgJobName string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central server that
connects to an Oracle database.
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Maximum length: 1000 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 613

Chapter 2

You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0
Type of override
The type of override
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: In Punch, Out Punch, New Shift, or an associated Break
Rule name as defined in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup
Introduced in v4
Time contains one of the following items:
• The time when the punch is added or deleted
• The time when you are adding a comment for the punch
• The time of the punch for which the work rule is being cleared
If you add a punch with a work rule other than the employee's default work rule,
the work rule behaves like a transfer work rule. To change the work rule, delete
the punch; then add it and specify the new work rule.
Type: Time
The combination of Date and Time must be unique for all non-deleted punches for
an employee.
Dependency: If Date is specified, Time must also be specified.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4

614 Kronos Incorporated

Punch Tag

Work rule
This is the work rule associated with the punch. A work rule applies a different set
of pay rules to the employeeís time. The application of these rules determines how
employee hours are calculated.
Dependency: Enter this value only when a work rule other than the employeeís
usual work rule is to be used.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Application Setup.
Sample values: Salaried, Part Time
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Organization Job ID or Name: If ID is supplied, Name is ignored.
Group includes: OrgJobName,OrgJobId

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 615

Chapter 2

PunchStatus Tag
Punch Status
The PunchStatus tag checks the employee's punch in/punch out status. It returns
punch-in time and labor account transfer, if the employee has punched in.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "CheckStatus"
[ DaylightSavingsFlag = Boolean ]
[ KronosTimeZone = Integer ]
[ Time = DateTime ] >
( <LaborAccountName>
</LaborAccountName> )

Action Descriptions
Returns the status (In or Out) of the punch.
Return Value Type: PunchStatus tag
Required Properties: Employee
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

616 Kronos Incorporated

PunchStatus Tag

Property Descriptions
Is daylight-saving time in effect?
Whether daylight saving time is in effect for the specified date and time. When
returning within status, it is the daylight saving time associated with the punch.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v5.0
Time zone
The timezone associated with the date and time. When returning within status, it is
the timezone of the punch.
Type: Integer
For a list of values, see ìTime Zone Definitionsî in Appendix B in the Workforce
Timekeeper DTK Reference Guide.
Default Value: The application server timezone
Sample values: 13011
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 617

Chapter 2

Labor account
If the punch status is in, returns the current labor account transfer
Type: LaborAccount tag
Output only
Maximum length:356 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Date and time of punch
The date and time of a punch. When returned by the system, it contains the time
of the punch.
Type: DateTime
Default Value: Current time
Sample values: 06/17/2003 10:00AM
Introduced in v5.0

618 Kronos Incorporated

ReportProfile Tag

ReportProfile Tag
Report Profile
The ReportProfile tag shows the report profile assigned to a manager. A Report
Profile defines which reports the Workforce Manager can view or run.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllReportProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ ReportProfileId = Integer ]
[ ReportProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a report profile, based on ReportProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: ReportProfile tag
Required Properties: ReportProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of all report profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ReportProfile tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 619

Chapter 2

Required Properties: None

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a report profile, based on ReportProfileId.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: ReportProfile tag
Required Properties: ReportProfileId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of report profile
Uniquely identifies the report data access profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Report profile name
The name for the common set of reports that a group of users can access. For
example, IS Reports.
Type: String
Introduced in v4

620 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag

Request Tag
The Request tag is a container for other XML tags. If an XML tag is actionable, it
is contained in a Request tag. If it is not actionable, a Request tag must not be
Note: There are contained API tags listed in the syntax that are not part of the
platform or WTK. These tags are in add-on products such as Workforce Activities
or Retail Schedules.
Function Access Control Point: API.XML
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Action = String
[ DataSource = String ]
[ FailureURL = String ]
[ Object = String ]
[ OnError = String ]
[ Password = Password ]
[ ProcessAsManager = Boolean ]
[ Sequence = String ]
[ SuccessURL = String ]
[ UserName = String ] />
Contained API Tag∗

Contained API Tag→

<AccessProfile> |
<AccrualCode> |
<AccrualData> |
<AccrualMove> |
<AccrualProfile> |
<Activity> |
<ActivityConfiguration> |

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 621

Chapter 2

<ActivityCustomer> |
<ActivityEmployee> |
<ActivityExportStatus> |
<ActivityFieldDefinition> |
<ActivityForm> |
<ActivityFormProcess> |
<ActivityFormProfile> |
<ActivityFormProfileEntry> |
<ActivityFormStep> |
<ActivityPayCodeAction> |
<ActivityProfile> |
<ActivityResultCode> |
<ActivityResultCodeProfile> |
<ActivityResultCodeProfileEntry> |
<ActivitySettings> |
<ActivityStandard> |
<ActivityTeam> |
<ActivityUnitOfMeasure> |
<ActualVolume> |
<AdHocLaborAccount> |
<ApprovalStatus> |
<ApproveSignoff> |
<AssignedStaticDriver> |
<AuthenticationType> |
<AvailPattern> |
<AvailPatternTemplate> |
<BadgeAssignment> |
<BatchEvent> |
<BatchRequestStatus> |
<BatchTask> |
<Bid> |
<BidGroup> |
<BidGroupItem> |
<BidRequest> |
<BulkAccruals> |
<BulkTotals> |
<CancelDeductions> |
<CensusDataSegment> |
<Certification> |
<CheckAdvice> |
<Comment> |
<ConnectToSchedule> |
<ConsolidatedLaborForecast> |
<CurrentUser> |

622 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag

<DeductRule> |
<DeviceGroup> |
<Document> |
<DocumentStatus> |
<DynamicScheduler> |
<DynamicSchedulerOptionSet> |
<EarnedAccrual> |
<EligibilityRequirement> |
<EligibleJobs> |
<EmployeeGroupAssign> |
<EmployeeGroupProfile> |
<EmployeeJobPreferences> |
<EmployeeMinor> |
<EmployeeRuleSet> |
<EmployeeRuleSetForHRMS> |
<EmployeeSchedulePreferences> |
<EmploymentStatus> |
<EngOptionSetDap> |
<EvalRule> |
<EvalRuleCategory> |
<EvalRuleOperatorType> |
<EvalRuleParameterType> |
<EvalRuleParameterValueType> |
<EvalRuleSeverity> |
<EvalRuleType> |
<EvalRuleWeight> |
<FailedXMLTransaction> |
<ForecastCategory> |
<ForecastCategoryProperty> |
<ForecastCategoryType> |
<ForecastEvent> |
<ForecastEventType> |
<ForecastMapDap> |
<FunctionAccessProfile> |
<HistoricalPayCodeEdit> |
<HistoricalPayCodeMove> |
<Holiday> |
<HoursOfOperation> |
<HoursOfOperationAssignment> |
<HyperFindQuery> |
<ImportBatchStatus> |
<JobAssignment> |
<KTimeZone> |
<LaborAccount> |

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 623

Chapter 2

<LaborAccountSet> |
<LaborAccountSetProfile> |
<LaborBudget> |
<LaborForecastDetail> |
<LaborForecastLimit> |
<LaborForecastLimitAssignment> |
<LaborLevelDefinition> |
<LaborLevelEntry> |
<LaborStandard> |
<LeaveCascader> |
<LeaveCase> |
<LeaveCategory> |
<LeaveDocumentTemplate> |
<LeaveProfile> |
<LeaveReason> |
<LeaveRequest> |
<LeaveRule> |
<LeaveType> |
<LicenseType> |
<LinkedForecastCategory> |
<LocationRuleSet> |
<LogonProfile> |
<ManagerRoleAutoscheduleroptionsetProfile> |
<ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile> |
<ManagerRoleForecastMapProfile> |
<ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile> |
<ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile> |
<ManagerRoleSchoolCalendarProfile> |
<ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile> |
<MarkForTotalization> |
<Menu> |
<MinimunHoursNoModification> |
<MinorRule> |
<MinorRuleDayType> |
<MinorRuleWeekType> |
<NonCancellingPayCodeEdit> |
<OpenShiftVolunteer> |
<OrgLocationsImport> |
<OrgSet> |
<OverrideHoursOfOperation> |
<OverrideHoursOfOperationAssignment> |
<OvertimeApproval> |
<PayCode> |
<PayCodeEdit> |

624 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag

<PayCodeMove> |
<PayCodeProfile> |
<PayFromSchedule> |
<PayFromScheduleStopEvent> |
<PayRuleProfile> |
<PersonAccessAssignment> |
<Personality> |
<PersonalOvertimeAssignment> |
<PersonCertificationAssign> |
<PersonIdentity> |
<PersonInformation> |
<PersonLeaveProfileAssignment> |
<PersonShiftTemplateAssignment> |
<PersonSkillAssign> |
<PreferenceProfile> |
<PrimaryLaborAccount> |
<Process> |
<ProcessProfile> |
<ProcessSchedule> |
<ProcessTask> |
<ProcessTemplate> |
<ProductivityMonitor> |
<Punch> |
<PunchStatus> |
<ReportProfile> |
<RequestToCover> |
<ResetAccrual> |
<RuleSetEmployeeAssign> |
<RuleSetLocationAssign> |
<SchedBreakRuleSet> |
<Schedule> |
<ScheduleAccrualPattern> |
<ScheduleAssistantCriteria> |
<ScheduleAssistantCriteriaSet> |
<ScheduleBudget> |
<ScheduleGroup> |
<ScheduleGroupProfile> |
<ScheduleHours> |
<ScheduleMarkPosted> |
<SchedulePattern> |
<SchedulePeriod> |
<ScheduleZoneSet> |
<SchoolCalendar> |
<SchoolCalendarDap> |

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 625

Chapter 2

<SchoolCalendarDayType> |
<ServerTime> |
<ShiftBuilder> |
<ShiftCode> |
<ShiftSetAssignment> |
<ShiftStartTimeBand> |
<ShiftTemplateAssignment> |
<ShiftValidation> |
<Skill> |
<StandardShiftSet> |
<StaticDriver> |
<SuiteProduct> |
<SwapShiftEmployees> |
<SwapShiftJobs> |
<SystemSettings> |
<Task> |
<TaskActionType> |
<TaskGroup> |
<TimeEntry> |
<TimeFramePeriod> |
<Timesheet> |
<TransferJobSeniorityDate> |
<TypeOverride> |
<User> |
<UserAccountStatus> |
<UserDefinedDriver> |
<UserDefinedDriverDataAssignment> |
<VacationBid> |
<Volume> |
<VolumeBudget> |
<VolumeDriver> |
<VolumeForecast> |
<VolumeForecastModel> |
<WageProfile> |
<WATEmpProfile> |
<WATEventTransaction> |
<WATPointBalanceAdjustment> |
<WATPointBalanceReset> |
<WATPolicy> |
<WATProfile> |
<WeekDay> |
<WfcJob> |
<WorkedDuration> |
<WorkerType> |

626 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag

<WorkflowAccessAssignment> |
<WorkflowTemplateCategory> |
<WorkloadPlan> |
<WorkloadPlanner> |
<WorkloadPlannerProfile> |
<WorkRule> |
<WorkRuleProfile> |
<WSAAssignmentRule> |
<WSAAutoBreakPlacement> |
<WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP> |
<WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem> |
<WSABonusDeductRule> |
<WSABreakRule> |
<WSABreakTime> |
<WSACallInRule> |
<WSACombinationRule> |
<WSACombinedPayCodeRule> |
<WSAComment> |
<WSACommentType> |
<WSAContributingPayCodeRule> |
<WSAContributingShiftRule> |
<WSACoreHoursRule> |
<WSADaysOfWeek> |
<WSADisplayOrder> |
<WSADispOrdOptionalRule> |
<WSAEffectivePayRule> |
<WSAEffectiveWorkRule> |
<WSAExceptionRule> |
<WSAFixedRule> |
<WSAFunctionAccessProfile> |
<WSAHoliday> |
<WSAHolidayCreditRule> |
<WSAIntervalRoundRule> |
<WSALaborLevel> |
<WSALaborLevelEntry> |
<WSALogonProfile> |
<WSAMajorityRule> |
<WSAOptionalRule> |
<WSAOvertimeCombination> |
<WSAOvertimeRule> |
<WSAPatternTemplateDAP> |
<WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem> |
<WSAPayCode> |
<WSAPayCodeDAP> |

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 627

Chapter 2

<WSAPayCodeDistribution> |
<WSAPayCodeProfileItem> |
<WSAPayDistributionAssociation> |
<WSAPayPeriod> |
<WSAPayRule> |
<WSAPayRuleHoliday> |
<WSAPermission> |
<WSAPunchRoundRule> |
<WSAReportDAP> |
<WSAReportProfileItem> |
<WSAScheduleDeviationRule> |
<WSAScheduledHoursType> |
<WSAScheduleGroupDAP> |
<WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem> |
<WSASequencedItem> |
<WSASequencerRule> |
<WSAShiftGuarantee> |
<WSAShiftLength> |
<WSAShiftTemplateDAP> |
<WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem> |
<WSASignOffRestriction> |
<WSATkTerminalRule> |
<WSAWageProfile> |
<WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage> |
<WSAWageProfilePayCode> |
<WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule> |
<WSAWorkRule> |
<WSAWorkRuleDAP> |
<WSAWorkRuleGeneral> |
<WSAWorkRulePCDistr> |
<WSAWorkRuleProfileItem> |
<WSAWPWageAdjustment> |
<WSAZone> |
<WSAZoneCombinationRule> |
<WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule> |
<WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule> |
<WSAZoneRule> |
<WSAZoneRuleHoliday> |
<WSAZoneRuleLimit> |
<WTDEmployeeAssignment> |
<WTDGlobal> |
<WTDRule> |
<WTKEmployee> |

628 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag


Property Descriptions
Action for the request
The action to apply to the contained tags
Type: String
Action must be supported by all contained tags
Introduced in v4
Data source (application) submitting the request
Instantiates a DataSource in the thread state, creating it in the database if
Type: String
Introduced in v4
URL to display for a failed response
A URL used to redirect a failed response
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Tag specified as an object of the Request
Object name of the contained tag
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 629

Chapter 2

Required: When specifying System for Logon, Logoff, or Ping

Required: When the contained object is omitted
Introduced in v4
Action to take after error (continue or stop)
Indicates whether to continue or stop after an error is encountered
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Continue, Stop
Introduced in v4
Logon password
Type: Password
Required: For logon Action
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Process requests using Manager role
Specifies whether to process the XML APIs within the request using the
Manager's role:
• True - process using Manager's role
• False - process using Employee role.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: false
Sample values: true
Introduced in v5.1

630 Kronos Incorporated

Request Tag

A user-supplied sequence string that is returned in the corresponding Response
Type: String
Maximum length: There is no maximum length other than what your operating
system can accommodate.
Introduced in v4
URL to display for a successful response
A URL used to redirect a successful response
Type: String
Introduced in v4
User name
The logon user id
Type: String
Required: For logon Action
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 631

Chapter 2

RequestToCover Tag
This tag will provide all the needed actions to assign a shift to an employee to
cover another shift.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AssignCoverShift" | "LoadEligibleEmployees" |


[ IsCheckRules = Boolean ]
[ IsSaveData = Boolean ]
( IsShiftExists = Boolean )
[ PartialEndDate = Date ]
[ PartialEndTime = Time ]
[ PartialStartDate = Date ]
[ PartialStartTime = Time ]
[ QueryDate = Date ]
[ QueryDateTimeSpan = DateTimeSpan ] >
[ <Employee>
</Employee> ]
[ <Employees>
</Employees> ]
( <RequestToCoverItems>
</RequestToCoverItems> )
( <RequestToCoverStatus>
</RequestToCoverStatus> )

632 Kronos Incorporated

RequestToCover Tag

( <RuleViolations>
</RuleViolations> )

Action Descriptions
AssignCoverShift assigns a shift to an employee to cover another shift.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: QueryDateTimeSpan, Employees
Optional Properties:
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
LoadEligibleEmployees returns eligible employees who can work for the
specified shift.
Return Value Type: RequestToCover tag
Required Properties: QueryDateTimeSpan, Employee
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
The LoadShifts action will load all shifts for the specified employee and a query
Return Value Type: RequestToCover tag
Required Properties: QueryDate,Employee
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 633

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
The employee who requests his/her shift to be covered.
Type: Personality tag
It must be an active employee.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
This property represents 2 employees for whom one's shift is to be covered by the
other one.
Type: Zero or more PersonIdentity tags
The size must be 2.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Check rules?
This property indicates whether schedule rule validation should be checked.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Save changes?
This property indicates whether the changes made by an action will be persisted to
the database.

634 Kronos Incorporated

RequestToCover Tag

Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Does the shift exist?
This property holds the result of whether is the shift existing.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
End date of replacement shift
The end date of a shift which will override partial or full schedule of the open
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
End time of replacement shift
The end time of a shift which will override partial or full schedule of the open
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Start date of replacement shift
The beginning date of a shift which will override partial or full schedule of the
open shift.
Type: Date

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 635

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Start time of replacement shift
The beginning time of a shift which will override partial or full schedule of the
open shift.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
The date to query for a specified employee's shifts.
Type: Date
It must be a valid date.
Introduced in v5.1
Schedule date and time span
This property represents the start date and time and end date and time of a
Type: DateTimeSpan
It must be a valid date time span.
Introduced in v5.1
Date and time span
This property contains a shift's date time span information.
Type: Zero or more RequestToCoverItem tags

636 Kronos Incorporated

RequestToCover Tag

Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Request To Cover Status
This property is the status of the result.
Type: CoverShiftStatus tag
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Rule violations generated
RuleViolations is the set of rule violations that was generated by the tag.
Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 637

Chapter 2

RequestToCoverItem Tag
Request To Cover Item
This tag represents the result of execution of the OpenShifts tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

( DateTimeSpan = DateTimeSpan ) >
( <OrgJobPaths>
</OrgJobPaths> )

Property Descriptions
Date and time span
This property represents a date and time span of a valid shift.
Type: DateTimeSpan
Output only
Introduced in v5.1
Organization job paths
This property represents a set of valid organization jobs.
Type: Zero or more LocationItem tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1

638 Kronos Incorporated

ResetAccrual Tag

ResetAccrual Tag
Accrual Reset
The ResetAccrual tag specifies values to use when resetting amounts for a
specified accrual code and employee.
The accrual code determines whether an AmountInTime or AmountInCurrency
must be specified.
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"

AccrualCodeName = String
AmountInCurrency = Currency
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
Date = Date
ProbationAmountInCurrency = Currency
ProbationAmountInTime = TimeDuration >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Resets an accrual amount for the specified accrual code. The accrual code is used
to determine the amount types, time duration, or currency.
Updates information for one employee

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 639

Chapter 2

Either AmountInTime or AmountInCurrency must be specified.

Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AccrualCodeName, Date, Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Accrual code name
The accrual code associated with the transaction.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
The accrual code must be created in Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application
and assigned to the employee before you can import data against it.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4
Amount of accrual, in currency
The new monetary value for the employee's accrual balance
Type: Currency
See group( Amount/Currency)
Maximum length: 30 characters
Default Value: 0.00
Introduced in v4
Amount of accrual, in time
The new time span value for the employee's accrual balance

640 Kronos Incorporated

ResetAccrual Tag

Type: TimeDuration
See group( Amount/Currency)
Maximum length: 30 characters
Default Value: 0.0 or 0:0
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Amount of accrual, in time or currency
The amount to be added or decremented to the current balance for a specified
accrual code and employee. This value can be formatted either as a time value or a
currency, depending on the format needed for the specified accrual code.
Type: String
AmountInTimeOrCurrency belongs to the AccrualAmount group. Only one
member of the group can be used.
Introduced in v5.1
The date when the accrual transaction is effective
Type: Date
Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 641

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
Probationary amount, in currency
The amount, expressed as a currency, in which accrual balances are earned but
cannot be taken or paid. This property is optional when resetting an accrual
balance. If you do not specify a value for ProbationaryAmountInCurrency or
ProbationaryAmountInTime, then the probation amount defaults to zero.
Dependency: If you specify a value for this property, you must also have a value
in AmountInCurrency.
Type: Currency
See group( Probation Amount/Currency)
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v4
Probationary amount, in time
The amount, expressed as a time duration, in which accrual balances are earned
but cannot be taken or paid. This property is optional when resetting an accrual
balance. If you do not specify a value for ProbationaryAmountInCurrency or
ProbationaryAmountInTime, then the probation amount defaults to zero.
Dependency: If you specify a value for this property, you must also have a value
in AmountInTime.
Type: TimeDuration
See group( Probation Amount/Currency)
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Mutually Exclusive group for AmountInTimeOrCurrency, AmountInTime and

642 Kronos Incorporated

ResetAccrual Tag

Group includes: AmountInTimeOrCurrency,AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency
Probation Amount/Currency
Mutually Exclusive group for Probation AmountInCurrency and Probation
Group includes: ProbationAmountInTime,ProbationAmountInCurrency

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 643

Chapter 2

Response Tag
The Response tag is a container for all response information that is sent back to
the client application. A Response tag corresponds to a Request tag, which can
contain any number of XML API tags.
All XML API tags specified in the request are echoed in the response, unless the
EchoData action parameter is specified as False for the tag.
Note: EchoData can not be specified for all XML API tags.
Function Access Control Point: API.XML
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( Message = String )
( Sequence = String )
( Status = String )
( TransactionSequence = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Message if request fails
This message is generated if a failure occurs and explains the reason for the failure
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Sequence specified in request
A user-supplied sequence string returned in the corresponding Response tag
Type: String

644 Kronos Incorporated

Response Tag

Output Only
Introduced in v4
Status of response
The status resulting from the corresponding Request
Type: String
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: Success, Failure
Introduced in v4
Transaction sequence specified in transaction
A user-supplied sequence string specified in the Transaction tag and returned in
the Response tags for every Request in the transaction
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 645

Chapter 2

RuleSetEmployeeAssign Tag
Rule Sets Assigned to Employees
The RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag assigns one or more rule sets to one or more
Function Access Control Point: API.RuleEvaluation
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "Update"

[ PersonNumber = String ] >

Action Descriptions
Returns the rule set assignments for an employee
Required Properties: PersonNumber
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Assigns rule sets to one or more employees.

646 Kronos Incorporated

RuleSetEmployeeAssign Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: EmployeeRuleSetItems, Employees
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Rules in the rule set
The rule sets that are assigned to the specified employees
Type: One or more EmployeeRuleSetItem tags
Introduced in v5.0
One or more employees for whom the rule set is assigned, as specified in one or
more PersonIdentity tags.
Type: One or more PersonIdentity tags
Each employee specified must have a WFS license.
Introduced in v5.0
Person number
Person number of the person about whom information is returned
Type: String
Maximum length: 15 characters
This person must have WFS license.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 647

Chapter 2

Schedule Tag
The Schedule tag contains information about all schedule activities for one
employee or group.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddScheduleItems" |
"AddShiftRemovingOverlaps" |
"AppendShift" |
"AssignBreaks" |
"AssignOpenShift" |
"CheckRuleViolations" |
"Delete" |
"EditScheduleItems" |
"Load" |
"LockDays" |
"LockShifts" |
"RemoveScheduleItems" |
"RemoveSpecifiedScheduleItems" |
"ReplaceShift" |
"TransferEmployees" |
"UnLockDays" |
"UnlockShifts" |

[ CheckRules = Boolean ]
[ IsForeverPattern = Boolean ]
[ IsOpenShift = Boolean ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]

648 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

QueryDateSpan = DateSpan
[ SaveData = Boolean ] >
[ <AppendShifts>
</AppendShifts> ]
[ <Employees>
</Employees> ]
[ <Locations>
</Locations> ]
[ <OpenShiftItems>
</OpenShiftItems> ]
[ <OrgJobPaths>
</OrgJobPaths> ]
[ <PartialShiftItems>
</PartialShiftItems> ]
[ <ScheduleCostSummaries>
</ScheduleCostSummaries> ]
[ <ScheduleGroups>
</ScheduleGroups> ]
[ <ScheduleItems>
</ScheduleItems> ]
[ <SchedulePatterns>
</SchedulePatterns> ]
[ <TransferEmployees>
</TransferEmployees> ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 649

Chapter 2

Action Descriptions
Adds the specified items into the schedule for the identified people and time
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleItems, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds the specified shift item for an employee, and removes any existing shift item
that overlaps within the time span
QueryDateSpan must identify just one day.
Employees must specify just one employee.
ScheduleItems must contain just one ScheduleShift tag.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan, Employees, ScheduleItems
Optional Properties: SaveData, CheckRules
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Appends shift for specified employees. At lease one of the optional properties
must be present.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AppendShifts, QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

650 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

Assigns breaks, based on the break placement rules, to the shift identified by the
query date span and employee
The query date span and each employee, taken together, must identify an existing
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan, Employees
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a
Assigns an open shift to a person
QueryDateSpan must identify exactly one day.
Employees must specify exactly one employee.
OpenShiftItems must contain exactly one ScheduleShiftSwap.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan, Employees, OrgJobPath, OpenShiftItems
Optional Properties: SaveData, CheckRules
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Returns all rule violations that exist in the current schedule for the specified
employees and/or jobs. At least one of the optional properties must be present.
Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, OrgJobPath, OrgJobPaths
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 651

Chapter 2

Marks all schedule items for deletion from the identified schedule period. At least
one of the optional properties must be present.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Modifies one or more existing schedule items. At least one of the optional
properties must be present.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleItems, QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Returns all schedule items and patterns for the specified people and time period.
Any item that is not currently active returns a value of True for the IsDeleted
property. At least one of the optional properties must be present.
Return Value Type: Schedule tag
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups, IsOpenShift
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Locks the days for specified employees. At least one of the optional properties
must be present.
Return Value Type: None

652 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

Required Properties: QueryDateSpan

Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Lock schedule shifts for the following conditions:

QueryDateSpan and one or more Locations

QueryDateSpan and one or more OrgJobPaths

QueryDateSpan and one or more Employees

QueryDateSpan spanning 1 day,one employee

Optional fields contain following logic: one of: Locations, OrgJobPaths,

Employees or QueryDateSpan and one employee, and one ScheduleItem
ScheduleItems must identify one Shift and one Employee.
QueryDateSpan must represent a single day.
If Locations, OrgJobPath, or Employees is specified, QueryDateSpan must also be
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Locations, OrgJobPaths, Employees, ScheduleItems
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Removes the specified items for the specified identified time period

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 653

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: ScheduleItems, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Removes the specified items for the specified identified time period
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleItems, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Replace shift for specified employees. At least one of the optional properties must
be present. Note: to avoid an override of the <StartDate> value, keep the
<StartDayNumber> and <EndDayNumber> values to 1 when performing a
replaceshifts action.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Transfers employees to other jobs. At least one of the optional properties must be
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: TransferEmployees, QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employees, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

654 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

UnLockDays for the specified employees. At least one of the optional properties
must be present.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan
Optional Properties: Employee, ScheduleGroups
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Locks schedule shifts can be used for the following cases:

QueryDateSpan and one or more Locations

QueryDateSpan and one or more OrgJobPaths

QueryDateSpan and one or more Employees

QueryDateSpan spanning 1 day,one employee

Optional fields contain following logic: one of: Locations, OrgJobPaths,

Employees or QueryDateSpan and one employee, and one ScheduleItem
If ScheduleItems is specified, there can only be one, and it must be a Shift.
Only one Employee must be specified.
QueryDateSpan must represent a single day.
If Locations, OrgJobPath, or Employees is specified, QueryDateSpan must also be
Return Value Type: None list
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 655

Chapter 2

Optional Properties: Locations, OrgJobPaths, Employees, ScheduleItems

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Replaces the specified items and patterns from the schedule period
At least one employee or group must be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleItems, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Append shifts
Type: Zero or more AppendShifts tags
Introduced in v5.1
Validate modified schedule?
Iindicates whether schedule validation should be done on the modified schedule
Type: Boolean
If True, all rule violations from employees or jobs that are affected by the action
are returned. If False, null is returned.
Dependency: Only one of SaveData and CheckRules can be False.
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0

656 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

One or more employees for whom the schedule is valid, as specified in one or
more PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tags.
Type: Any combination of CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tags
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Extend end date indefinitely?
Indicates whether the pattern end date is January 1, 3000
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Is this an open shift?
Specifies whether the shift is open. If True, the shift is open.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Locations property is used to load the schedule for a specific locations into the
container that gets created. Used for locking/unlocking shifts
Type: Zero or more LocationItem tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 657

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Items in open shift
The set of items that define the open shift
Type: Zero or more ScheduleShiftSwap tags
Only one shift can be specified.
Introduced in v5.1
Location of job in the organization
The fully qualified organizational job
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
Only used if the IsOpenShift property is "True"
Introduced in v5.0
Organizational jobs
OrgJobPaths specifies a list of OrgJobs. It is similar to multiple OrgJobPath
Type: Zero or more LocationItem tags
All items in the list must identity organizational jobs.
Introduced in v5.0
Items in partial shift
The set of items that define a partial shift. The partial shift is assigned to an open

658 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

Type: Zero or more ScheduleShiftSwap tags

Only one partial shift can be specified.
Introduced in v5.1
Span of dates for the schedule
The span of dates when the schedule is valid. If you are creating a pattern and
want the pattern to last forever, use IsForeverPattern.
Type: DateSpan
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Save the modified schedule?
SaveData indicates whether the modified schedule will be saved.
Type: Boolean
No Save severity rule violations may exist, regardless of the value of
IsCheckRules. If any such rules exist, the Request will fail and the violations will
be listed.
Dependency: Only one of SaveData and CheckRules can be False.
Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule cost summaries
One or more ScheduleCostSummary tags.
Type: Zero or more ScheduleCostSummary tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 659

Chapter 2

Default Value: none

Introduced in v5.0.a
Groups associated with the schedule
One or more groups for whom the schedule is valid
Type: Zero or more ScheduleGroup tags
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Items in schedule
A list of all ScheduleShift, SchedulePayCodeEdit, ScheduleUnavailable,
ScheduleOff, ScheduleShiftSwap, and ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tags that
make up the schedule. These items can all be seen in the user interface.
Each of them contains an IsDeleted property, which specifies whether the item is
active. An inactive item is one that is deleted but remains visible and struck
through in the user interface. Any item that is not visible in the user interface, such
as a deleted ad hoc shift item, is not included.
Type: Any combination of ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit or ScheduleOff or
SchedulePayCodeEdit or ScheduleShift or ScheduleShiftSwap or
ScheduleUnavailable tags
Introduced in v4
Schedule patterns
A list of patterns that are used to generate the schedule
Type: Zero or more SchedulePattern tags
Introduced in v4

660 Kronos Incorporated

Schedule Tag

Transfer employees
Type: Zero or more TransferEmployee tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 661

Chapter 2

ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit Tag
Accrual Amount Edit
The ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag represents a modification to the accrued
balance of an employee or group.
Used by: Schedule
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

AccrualCodeName = String
[ AmountInCurrency = Currency ]
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
( IsDeleted = Boolean )
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ]
Startdate = Date >
[ <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> ]

Property Descriptions
Accrual code name
The accrual code associated with the transaction. The accrual code must be
created in Workforce Timekeeper and assigned to the employee before you can
import data against it.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick

662 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit Tag

Introduced in v4
Amount of accrual, in currency
An accrual amount expressed as a currency
Type: Currency
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
Amount of accrual, in time
An accrual amount, expressed in hours or days
Type: TimeDuration
See group( AccrualAmount)
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
One employee who is assigned to the shift, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Is the item inactive?
Indicates whether the item is active.
• If False, the item is active.
• If True, it is currently inactive.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 663

Chapter 2

An inactive shift is one that has been deleted from an inherited shift item or from a
pattern. It displays in the user interface with the text struck through; it can be
restored. This does not apply to an ad hoc shift item, which is deleted. It does not
display in the user interface and cannot be restored.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4
Start date
The start date for this item
Type: Date
Must be within the span of the containing schedule
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Group includes: AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

664 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleAccrualPattern Tag

ScheduleAccrualPattern Tag
Create or Modify Accrual Pattern
The ScheduleAccrualPattern tag allows you to create or modify an accrual pattern
for a given employee or group.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Delete" | "Update"

AccrualCodeName = String
[ AmountInCurrency = Currency ]
[ AmountInTime = TimeDuration ]
[ AnchorDate = Date ]
IsForeverPattern = Boolean
[ PeriodCodeName = String ]
[ PeriodLength = Integer ]
( PeriodLengthInDays = Integer )
QueryDateSpan = DateSpan >
[ <Employees>
</Employees> ]
[ <ScheduleGroups>
</ScheduleGroups> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 665

Chapter 2

Marks an existing accrual pattern from an employee or a group for deletion
The existing pattern anchor time must be within the query data span.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AccrualCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new pattern or updates an existing one for an employee or a group
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AccrualCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Accrual code name
A named account containing a specific type of accrual balance
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: Vacation, Sick
Introduced in v4
Elements in accrual pattern
One or more elements that comprise the pattern. Each element corresponds to one
day in the pattern.

666 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleAccrualPattern Tag

Type: One or more AccrualPatternElement tags

Introduced in v4
Amount of accrual, in currency
An accrual amount expressed as a currency
Type: Currency
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
Amount of pay code, in time
A pay code amount, expressed in hours or days
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v4
Start date for accrual pattern
Specifies the date on which the pattern is scheduled to start
Type: Date
Introduced in v4
One or more employees, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag, who are assigned to
the accrual.
Dependency: At least one of Employees or ScheduleGroups is required.
Type: PersonIdentity tag

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 667

Chapter 2

Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Extend end date indefinitely?
Indicates whether the pattern's end date is January 1, 3000
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Units of time for accrual period
The unit of time used for the PeriodLength
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually, Pay Period, Schedule
Introduced in v4
Number of units
The number of units in the availability pattern, as specified by the
PeriodCodeName. For example, if the PeriodCodeName is Weeks and
PeriodLength is 3, it specifies three weeks.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4

668 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleAccrualPattern Tag

Number of days for pattern
The number of days to which the accrual pattern applies
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Span of dates for schedule
The span of dates when the schedule is valid. If you are creating an accrual pattern
and want the pattern to last forever, set IsForeverPattern to True.
Type: DateSpan
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Group assigned to the accrual
Identifies one or more group who are assigned to the accrual
Dependency: At least one of Employees or ScheduleGroups is required.
Type: Zero or more ScheduleGroup tags
Any group that is specified must exist
Introduced in v4

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

AccrualAmount is either in Currency or in Time depending on AccrualCodeName
Group includes: AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 669

Chapter 2

ScheduleCostPaycode Tag
Schedule Cost Paycode
The ScheduleCostPaycode tag contains the hours and wages for one pay code in
the schedule costing table.
Function Access Control Point: API.RetailSchedules
Introduced in v5.0.a

( Hours = Time )
( Label = String )
( Wages = Currency ) />

Property Descriptions
Hours to earn wage
The hours worked to earn the wage.
Type: Time
Output only
Sample values: 41.00
Introduced in v5.0.a
Paycode label
A label for the paycode
Type: String
Output only
Default Value: none

670 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleCostPaycode Tag

Sample values: Summary

Introduced in v5.0.a
Wage for paycode and job
The wage for this paycode and job.
Type: Currency
Output only
Default Value: none
Sample values: 1,500
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 671

Chapter 2

ScheduleCostResult Tag
Schedule Cost Result
This tag contains the the result tags for all paycodes under the given job or
Function Access Control Point: API.RetailSchedules
Introduced in v5.0.a

( Label = String ) >
( <Paycodes>
</Paycodes> )

Property Descriptions
Job or account label
The fully qualified name for the selected job or account label
Type: String
Output only
Default Value: none
Sample values: Organization/Manufacturing/Bright Plant/Light Bulbs/Line 1/
Introduced in v5.0.a
Paycodes for the job or account
One or more ScheduleCostPaycode tags for the job or account

672 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleCostResult Tag

Type: Zero or more ScheduleCostPaycode tags

Output only
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 673

Chapter 2

ScheduleCostSummary Tag
Schedule Cost Summary
The ScheduleCostSummary tag contains information about the schedule cost.
Function Access Control Point: API.RetailSchedules
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Grouping = String
SummaryType = String
[ Updated = Boolean ] >
( <Results>
</Results> )

Property Descriptions
Job or account?
Specifies whether the results should be indexed by job or by account.
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: job, account
Introduced in v5.0.a
Results for a job or account
One or more ScheduleCostResult tags. Each ScheduleCostResult tags represents a
job or account.
Type: Zero or more ScheduleCostResult tags
Output only

674 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleCostSummary Tag

Introduced in v5.0.a
Employee or location?
Specifies whether the output should be based on employee or location
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: employee, location
Default Value: none
Introduced in v5.0.a
Request an update to schedule cost data?
This property is used to determine whether the system updates schedule cost data.
In a request, specify True to request an update. In a response, True means that the
data has been updated.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0.a

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 675

Chapter 2

ScheduleGroup Tag
Schedule Group
The ScheduleGroup tag identifies employees who are grouped together for
scheduling purposes. Each employee's membership in a schedule group varies,
depending on the date span.
Used by: Schedule, ScheduleAccrualPatern
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddEmployees" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadAllGroups" |
"RemoveEmployees" |
"RemoveEmployeesByDateSpan" |

[ IsOverrideConflict = Boolean ]
[ QueryDateSpan = DateSpan ]
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ] >
[ <GroupMemberships>
</GroupMemberships> ]

Action Descriptions
Adds one or more employees to the existing group for the specified period of time

676 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleGroup Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName, Group Memberships
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Marks a specified group for deletion
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns an employee assignment for the specified group for the date span
Return Value Type: ScheduleGroup tag
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all groups in the system
Return Value Type: Zero or more ScheduleGroup tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Removes one or more employees from the schedule group for the specified period
of time
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName, GroupMemberships
Access Control Point Name: Edit

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 677

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
Removes one or more employees from the specified group for the specified date
All of the employees to be removed must be specified in the GroupMembership
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: GroupMemberships
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Modifies the employee list for the specified group and date span
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName, QueryDateSpan
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
List of group members
One or more employees who are part of the group
Type: Zero or more GroupMembership tags
Introduced in v4
Override schedule conflicts?
Indicates whether to override conflicts when adding group members
Type: Boolean

678 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleGroup Tag

Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Date span for the schedule
The range of dates when the schedule is valid for the group members
Type: DateSpan
Introduced in v4
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the members of the group are assigned.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 679

Chapter 2

ScheduleGroupProfile Tag
Profile for Schedule Group
The ScheduleGroupProfile tag provides information about valid ScheduleGroup
profiles defined within the system. A Schedule Group is a set of employees who
work the same shift.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllScheduleGroupProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ ScheduleGroupId = Integer ]
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a schedule group, based on ScheduleGroupName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: ScheduleGroupProfile tag
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Returns all schedule group profiles in the system.

680 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleGroupProfile Tag

Return Value Type: Zero or more ScheduleGroup tags

Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a schedule group, based on ScheduleGroupId.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: ScheduleGroup tag
Required Properties: ScheduleGroupId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Id of Schedule group
Uniquely identifies the schedule group in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 681

Chapter 2

ScheduleHours Tag
Schedule Hours
The ScheduleHours tag provides information about a schedule shift for a person,
and allows it to be overridden.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "AddOnly" | "CancelTimeOff"

[ AmountInTime = TimeDuration ]
[ DisplayTime = Time ]
[ IsAllDays = Boolean ]
[ IsCheckRules = Boolean ]
[ IsCreateOpenShift = Boolean ]
[ IsOverride = Boolean ]
[ IsSaveData = Boolean ]
PaycodeName = String
QueryDateSpan = DateSpan
[ UnavailableDuration = TimeDuration ]
[ UnavailableStartTime = Time ] >

Action Descriptions
This action either overrides existing scheduled hours with a pay code edit, or adds
the pay code edit to the schedule.

682 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHours Tag

Return Value Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags

Required Properties: Employee, QueryDateSpan, PaycodeName
Optional Properties: AmountInTime, DisplayTime,
IsAllDays,UnavailableDuration, IsCreateOpenShift, IsOverride, IsSaveData,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
This action removes the specified pay code edit.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ScheduleHoursStatus tags
Required Properties: Employee, QueryDateSpan, PaycodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time
The amount of the pay code edit, expressed as a time value
Type: TimeDuration
Must be between 00:00 and 100:00
Dependency: If AmountInTime is used, DisplayTime must also be used.
Dependency: If AmountInTime is used, the pay code must be associated with
time, rather than currency.
Introduced in v5.0
Time to display in the user interface
The start time of the scheduled pay code edit
Type: Time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 683

Chapter 2

Dependency: If DisplayTime is used, AmountInTime must also be used.
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee. If the employee has
a Workforce_Scheduler_Employee license and specifies True for
IsCreateOpenShift, you will be able to create open shifts. Otherwise
IsCreateOpenShift will have no effect.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Apply Paycode edit applied to non-scheduled days?
This property identifies how AmountInTime and DisplayTime will be used. If
True, a pay code edit is created for non-scheduled days. If False, a pay code edit
is not applied to non-scheduled days.
Type: Boolean
Dependency: If True, AmountInTime and DisplayTime must be specified.
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Validate modified schedule?
Iindicates whether schedule validation should be done on the modified schedule
Type: Boolean

684 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHours Tag

If True, any rule violations for affected employees or jobs will be returned. If
False, null is returned.
Dependency: Only one of IsSaveData and IsCheckRules can be False.
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
Create open shifts?
Specifies whether open shifts should be created
Type: Boolean
Dependency: If IsCreateOpenShift is True, IsOverride must also be True.
Dependency: This property is only available to employees who have
Workforce_Scheduler_Employee licenses.
Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
Override scheduled hours?
Specifies whether the pay code edit should override the scheduled hours
Type: Boolean
Dependency: If IsCreateOpenShift is True, IsOverride must also be True.
Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
Save modified schedule?
Indicates whether the modified schedule should be saved
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 685

Chapter 2

There may be No Save severity rule violations in existence. If so, regardless of the
value of IsCheckRules, the Request will fail and the violations will be listed.
Dependency: Only one of IsSaveData and IsCheckRules can be False.
Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code that will override or add to the person scheduled hours
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
The pay code must be a monetary type.
Introduced in v5.0
Date range of schedule
The range of dates for which the schedule is valid
Type: DateSpan
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Time range when employee is unavailable
The period of time during a specific day when an employee is unavailable
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.0
Unavailable start time

686 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHours Tag

If this property is specified, its value will be used as this persons unavailable start
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 687

Chapter 2

ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation Tag
Accrual Violations Message
The ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation tag contains a message about an accural
Used by: ScheduleHoursStatus
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

( ViolationMessage = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Violation message
The violation message
Type: String
Output only
Cannot be null.
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

688 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHoursDailyStatus Tag

ScheduleHoursDailyStatus Tag
Daily Status for Schedule Hours
The ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tag returns daily information about schedule
Used by: ScheduleHoursStatus
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta

( Date = Date )
( IsPayCodeEditCreated = Boolean )
( ScheduledShiftExist = Boolean ) />

Property Descriptions
Date for requested data
The date for which schedule information has been requested
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Was pay code edit created?
This property returns true if a pay code edited was created; false if one has not.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 689

Chapter 2

Does scheduled shift exist?
This property returns true if the specified shift exists; false if it does not.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta

690 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHoursException Tag

ScheduleHoursException Tag
Exception Message for Schedule Hours
The ScheduleHoursException tag contains an exception message.
Used by: ScheduleHoursStatus
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

( ViolationMessage = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Violation message
This is an output only property; it displays exception messages that will be used
by process manager.
Type: String
Output only
Cannot be null.
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 691

Chapter 2

ScheduleHoursStatus Tag
Schedule Hours Status
The ScheduleHoursStatus tag contains all of the messages from the
ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation, ScheduleHoursDailyStatus, and
ScheduleHoursException tags, as well as violations identified in the
RuleViolations tag.
Information in this tag is returned by the CancelTimeOff action of the
ScheduleHours tag.
One ScheduleHoursStatus tag is returned for each date in the QueryDateSpan
range that is specified in the ScheduleHours tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta

( Date = Date ) >
( <AccrualViolation>
</AccrualViolation> )
( <DailyStatus>
</DailyStatus> )
( <Exception>
</Exception> )
( <RuleViolations>
</RuleViolations> )

Property Descriptions
Accural violation
An accrual violation as shown in the ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation tag

692 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleHoursStatus Tag

Type: ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation tag

Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Status for daily schedule hours
One or more schedule hours daily status records, as shown in the
ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tag.
Type: Zero or more ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
The date for which information is requested
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Violation for schedule hours
The schedule hours violation message as shown by the ScheduleHoursException
Type: ScheduleHoursException tag
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Schedule rule violations
The rule violations as shown in the RuleViolations tag
Type: Zero or more RuleViolation tags
Output only

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 693

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1Beta

694 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleMarkPosted Tag

ScheduleMarkPosted Tag
Schedules Marked As Posted
The ScheduleMarkPosted tag enables you to specify a date range and a set of jobs
for which all shifts are captured and marked as posted.
Note: These shifts can be modified and assigned to employees, but they cannot be
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Update"

OrgJobLocation = String
QueryDateSpan = DateSpan />

Action Descriptions
Updates a mark posted period if one exists
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: QueryDateSpan, OrgJobLocation
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 695

Chapter 2

Set of jobs in the organization
A set of jobs for which all shifts will be marked as posted
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Span of dates for schedule
The date range when the schedule is valid
Type: DateSpan
Introduced in v5.0

696 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleOff Tag

ScheduleOff Tag
Employee On Call
The ScheduleOff tag describes a situation where an employee is on call. The
person may or may not actually be called in. Because the person may not come in,
a punch may not be recorded. Although the person is not paid for the shift, no
exception is generated.
Used by: Schedule
Dependency: A shift with this segment type must specify a transfer of labor level,
work rule, organizational job path, or any combination of these items.
Only one ScheduleOff segment can be specified.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ CommentText = String ]
( IsDeleted = Boolean )
[ IsOpenShift = Boolean ]
ShiftCodeName = String
[ ShiftTypeName = String ]
StartDate = Date >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
[ <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> ]

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 697

Chapter 2

The set of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Comment text
A text string that is attached to the shift, rather than to a shift segment. The
comment must be applicable for this category.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v5.0
One employee who is assigned to the shift, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Is the item inactive?
Indicates whether the item is active.

698 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleOff Tag

• If False, the item is active.

• If True, it is currently inactive.
An inactive shift is one that has been deleted from an inherited shift item or from a
pattern. It displays in the user interface with the text stuck through; it can be
restored. This does not apply to an ad hoc shift item, which is deleted. It does not
display in the user interface and cannot be restored.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Is this an open shift?
Specifies whether the current Off shift is open. If True, the shift is open.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
Shift code name
Name of shift code
Type: String
See group( Shift segment)
Maximum length: 50 characters
Must identify an existing shift code
Introduced in v5.0
Segments in shift

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 699

Chapter 2

The set of segments that comprise the shift code schedule

Type: Zero or more ShiftSegment tags
See group( Shift segment)
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Type of shift
Name of shift type
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0
Start date of shift
Contains information that depends on the action you are taking as follows:
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts, pay codes, and off days that begin
on the specified date, it contains the start date of the shift, pay code, or off day
being deleted.
• If the action is to begin importing a new shift, it contains the start date of the
shift being imported.
• If the action is to insert a break in a shift, it contains the start date of the break
being imported.
• If the action is to insert a transfer in a shift, it contains the start date of the
transfer being imported.
• If the action is to import a new off day, it contains the start date of the off day
being imported.
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts and off days that begin on the
specified date, it contains the start date of the shift or off day being deleted.
• If the action is to add an off shift (a shift for an off day on which a person is
available to work, if necessary), it contains the start date of the off shift being

700 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleOff Tag

ShiftStartDate is required when you delete all scheduled shifts, import a shift,
insert a break, insert a transfer, import an off day, or import an off shift.
Type: Date
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Shift segment
A shift must specify either a ShiftCode or a set of segments, but not both.
Group includes: ShiftSegments,ShiftCodeName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 701

Chapter 2

SchedulePattern Tag
Schedule Pattern
The SchedulePattern tag describes a schedule pattern.
Used by: Schedule
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddPatternElements" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadAllPatterns" |
"LoadTemplatePatterns" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AnchorDate = Date ]
[ Description = String ]
( EffectiveDateSpan = DateSpan )
( Employee = String )
[ IsTemplateFlag = Boolean ]
[ PeriodCodeName = String ]
[ PeriodLength = Integer ]
( PeriodLengthInDays = Integer )
( ScheduleGroupName = String )
SchedulePatternName = String >
[ <PatternElements>
</PatternElements> ]

702 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePattern Tag


Action Descriptions
Adds a list of specified pattern elements to an existing pattern or adds a new
pattern if one does not already exist
If a pattern is added, it must be a template pattern.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: SchedulePatternName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Marks a pattern for deletion
Must be a template pattern
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: SchedulePatternName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns a single pattern by name
Return Value Type: SchedulePattern tag
Required Properties: SchedulePatternName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a list of defined patterns, including templates
Return Value Type: Zero or more SchedulePattern tags
Required Properties: None

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 703

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v4
Returns information about all template patterns
Return Value Type: Zero or more SchedulePattern tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
SDM optional action to retrieve all Schedule Patterns.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SchedulePattern tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve all the names of the Schedule Patterns.
Return Value Type: Zero or more KBusinessObjectNameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve a Schedule Pattern by name.
Return Value Type: SchedulePattern tag
Required Properties: SchedulePatternName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new pattern or updates an existing one
Must be a template pattern
Return Value Type: None

704 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePattern Tag

Required Properties: SchedulePatternName, AnchorDate, PatternElements,

PeriodLength, PeriodCodeName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Start date for pattern
Specifies the date on which the pattern is scheduled to start
Type: Date
Introduced in v4
Describes the named pattern. A pattern can be associated with an anchor date and
assigned to one or more employees or groups of employees.
Type: String
Introduced in v4
Date and time span for the pattern
The span of time that is designated for an instance of the pattern that is starting on
a specific anchor date and associated with a specific employee
Type: DateSpan
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
The PersonNumber for the specified employee

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 705

Chapter 2

Type: String
Output only
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v5.0
Is the pattern a template?
Indicates whether this pattern is a template
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Pattern elements
Lists the elements that comprise the pattern
Type: Zero or more PatternElement tags
Introduced in v4
Units of time period (days or weeks)
The unit of time used for the PeriodLength
Type: String
Maximum length: 10 characters
Only Allowed Values: Days, Weeks
Introduced in v4
Number of units

706 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePattern Tag

The number of units in the availability pattern, as specified by the

PeriodCodeName. For example, if the PeriodCodeName is Weeks and
PeriodLength is 3, it specifies three weeks.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Number of days for pattern
The number of days to which the pattern applies. This number is formulated by
converting the PeriodLenth on the basis of the PeriodCodeName.
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0
Pattern template profile
Defines the name of the schedule pattern template
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 707

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4

708 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag

SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag
Schedule Pay Code Edit
The SchedulePayCodeEdit tag represents a planned transfer of time or money
between labor accounts.
Used by: Schedule
The ScheduleGroupName and the Employee are mutually exclusive. One must be
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

AmountInCurrency = Currency
AmountInTime = TimeDuration
AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String
[ CommentText = String ]
DisplayTime = Time
( IsDeleted = Boolean )
[ IsOverride = Boolean ]
[ IsOverrideAccrual = Boolean ]
[ IsPartialOverride = Boolean ]
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
[ PayCodeName = String ]
[ StartDate = Date ]
[ UnavailableDuration = TimeDuration ]
[ UnavailableStartTime = Time ] >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
[ <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> ]

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 709

Chapter 2

Amount of pay code, in currency
The amount of the pay code edit, expressed as currency.
Dependency: If AmountInCurrency is specified, the associated PayCodeName
must match.
Type: Currency
See group( AccrualAmount)
Must be between 0 and 999
Introduced in v4
Amount of pay code, in time
The amount of the pay code edit, expressed as a time value. If AmountInTime is
specified, the associated PayCodeName must match.
Type: TimeDuration
See group( AccrualAmount)
Must be between 00:00 and 100:00
Introduced in v4
Amount of pay code
The amount of the pay code edit, in time or currency, expressed as string, and
convert the string to Timeduration or Currency based on amount type of pay code
Type: String
See group( AccrualAmount)
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
The set of comments that are returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags

710 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag

Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment string that is attached to the scheduled pay code edit.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Time to display in the user interface
The start time of the scheduled pay code edit.
Type: Time
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Either a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag. Specifies the employee assigned to the
paycode edit.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee.
Introduced in v5.0
Is the item inactive?

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 711

Chapter 2

Indicates whether the item is active.

• If False, the item is active.
• If True, it is currently inactive.
An inactive shift is one that has been deleted from an inherited shift item or from a
pattern. It displays in the user interface with the text stuck through; it can be
restored. This does not apply to an ad hoc shift item, which is deleted. It does not
display in the user interface and cannot be restored.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Override shift while creating pay code edit?
Indicates whether shifts can be overridden.
• If True, all existing inherited shifts for the specified day are ovedridden.
• If False, no override is applied.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
Override shift and allow pay code edit?
Indicates whether an override is acceptable:
• If True, it overrides a warning exception and creates a new pay code edit.
• f False, it provides a warning message and no pay code edit is added.
Type: Boolean

712 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag

Only Allowed Values: True, False

Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
Override shift partially while creating pay code edit?
If IsPartialOverride is True, the shift is partially overriden.
Type: Boolean
Default Value: False
Sample values: True
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Labor account
The labor account that is associated with the pay code.
Note the following:
Do not specify if the scheduled pay code edit applies to the employee's primary
LaborAccountName is required if the scheduled pay code edit applies to a labor
account other than the employeeís primary account
If you are adding a comment to a scheduled pay code edit that had an explicit
value for LaborAccountName when it was added, you must enter that value.
Do not specify if you are deleting a scheduled pay code edit.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in Workforce
Timekeeper. If you have a seven-level labor account in the Workforce Timekeeper
configuration, specify a value for each labor level, using the format shown in the
following example:

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 713

Chapter 2

You do not have to enter values for any labor levels that are not changing. For
example, you can enter 101//303////, indicating that only the first and third labor
level entries are different.
If any of the labor levels should stay the same as the employeeís primary labor
account, you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor
entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Location of job in the organization
The organizational job path of the employee whose scheduled pay code edit is
being imported.
Enter data for OrgJobPath in the same format as it appears in the database. The
OrgJobPath string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central server that
connects to an Oracle database. @P is a short-hand of employee's primary job.
Required: If you are adding a comment to a scheduled pay code edit that had an
explicit value for OrgJobPath when it was imported
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters
Dependency: This is required if the scheduled pay code edit applies to an
organizational job other than the employee's primary organizational job.
Introduced in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code that is associated with the pay code edit
Type: String

714 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePayCodeEdit Tag

Maximum length: 50 characters

Introduced in v4
Start date
The date of the scheduled pay code edit.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Time duration of unavailability
The period of time when an employee is unavailable on a specific day
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.0
Start time for unavailability
The start time for an unavailable duration
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

AccrualAmount is either in Currency or in Time depending on PayCodeName
Group includes: AmountInTimeOrCurrency,AmountInTime,AmountInCurrency

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 715

Chapter 2

SchedulePeriod Tag
Schedule Period
The SchedulePeriod tag defines the length of time to be used for the previous,
current, and next schedule periods.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadAllPeriods" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Description = String ]
PeriodCodeName = String
PeriodLength = Integer
SchedulePeriodName = String
StartDate = Date />

Action Descriptions
Marks an existing schedule period for deletion
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: SchedulePeriodName

716 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePeriod Tag

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v5.0
Returns all existing schedule period in the database
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: SchedulePeriodName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Load all schedule periods from the database.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SchedulePeriod tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
SDM optional action to retrieve all Schedule Periods.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SchedulePeriod tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve all the names of the Schedule Periods.
Return Value Type: Zero or more KBusinessObjectNameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve a Schedule Period by name.
Return Value Type: SchedulePeriod tag
Required Properties: SchedulePeriodName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 717

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new schedule period or updates an existing one
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PeriodCodeName, PeriodLength, StartDate,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Describes the schedule period
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Units for time period (days or months)
The unit of time used for the PeriodLength
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Days, Weeks
Default Value: Days
Introduced in v5.0
Number of units

718 Kronos Incorporated

SchedulePeriod Tag

The number of units in the availability pattern, as specified by the

PeriodCodeName. For example, if the PeriodCodeName is Weeks and
PeriodLength is 3, it specifies three weeks.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule period name
The name of the schedule period
Type: String
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v5.0
Start date
The anchor date for the schedule period
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 719

Chapter 2

ScheduleShift Tag
Shift from Schedule
The ScheduleShift tag represents a schedule item that has a contiguous span of
time for a single employee or group.
Used by: Schedule if you add it to the ScheduleItems property list
The ScheduleGroupName and the Employee are mutually exclusive. One must be
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ CommentText = String ]
( IsDeleted = Boolean )
[ IsOpenShift = Boolean ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ]
ShiftCodeName = String
[ ShiftTypeName = String ]
StartDate = Date >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
[ <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> ]

Property Descriptions

720 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleShift Tag

The set of comments returned with this shift

Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Comment text
A text string that is attached to the entire shift, rather than to any shift segment.
This string must apply for this category.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, who is
assigned to the shift. Specify either ScheduleGroupName or Employee, but not
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Is the item inactive?
Indicates whether the item is active.
• If False, the item is active.
• If True, it is currently inactive.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 721

Chapter 2

An inactive shift is one that has been deleted from an inherited shift item or from a
pattern. It displays in the user interface with the text stuck through; it can be
restored. This does not apply to an ad hoc shift item, which is deleted. It does not
display in the user interface and cannot be restored.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Is this an open shift?
Specifies whether the shift is open. If True, the shift is open.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Location of job in the organization
Contains the organizational job path to which the employee is transferring.
The OrgJobPath is case-sensitive if your Workforce Central data resides on an
Oracle database.
Required: When the pay code edits, historical edit, or totaled amount being
deleted or commented contained an explicit OrgJobName value
Required: When adding a shift that does not apply to the employee's primary
organizational job.
Dependency: When inserting a transfer within a shift or adding an off shift, you
must specify a value for LaborAccountName, WorkRuleName, or OrgJobPath.
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters

722 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleShift Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the members of the group are assigned.
Specify either ScheduleGroupName or Employee, but not both.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4
Shift code name
The name of a shift template
Type: String
See group( ShiftCodeSegment)
Maximum length: 50 characters
Must be an existing shift code name
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4
Segments in shift
The set of segments that comprise the shift code schedule
Type: Zero or more ShiftSegment tags
See group( ShiftCodeSegment)
Introduced in v4
Shift Type
How the shift is displayed

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 723

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: Work Shift, Displayed Unavailable Day, Hide this Shift,
Scheduled Pay Code Edit, Hidden Work Shift, Hidden Unavailable Day, Hidden
Pay Code Edit, Displayed Off Day, Hidden Off Day, Accrual Amount, Hidden
Accrual Amount
Introduced in v4
Start date of shift
Contains information that depends on the action you are taking as follows:
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts, pay codes, and off days that begin
on the specified date, it contains the start date of the shift, pay code, or off day
being deleted.
• If the action is to begin importing a new shift, it contains the start date of the
shift being imported.
• If the action is to insert a break in a shift, it contains the start date of the break
being imported.
• If the action is to insert a transfer in a shift, it contains the start date of the
transfer being imported.
• If the action is to import a new off day, it contains the start date of the off day
being imported.
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts and off days that begin on the
specified date, it contains the start date of the shift or off day being deleted.
• If the action is to add an off shift (a shift for an off day on which a person is
available to work, if necessary), it contains the start date of the off shift being
Required: If you delete all scheduled shifts, import a shift, insert a break, insert a
transfer, import an off day, or import an off shift
Type: Date

724 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleShift Tag

Maximum length: 15 characters

Must be within the date span of the containing schedule.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Either provide ShiftCodeName from shift template or ShiftSegmnets with detailed
information for each segment.
Group includes: ShiftSegments,ShiftCodeName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 725

Chapter 2

ScheduleShiftSwap Tag
Existing Shift
The ScheduleShiftSwap tag contains an existing shift for actions on schedules that
operate on shifts, but do not add new ones.
Used by: Process
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

EndDate = Date
EndTime = Time
StartDate = Date
StartTime = Time >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Property Descriptions
One employee who is assigned to the shift, as specified in a PersonIdentity or
CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v5.0
End date
End date for shift

726 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleShiftSwap Tag

Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
End of the shift
The end of the identified shift
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0
Start date for shift
The start date of the identified shift
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0
Start time for shift
The time when the identified shift starts
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 727

Chapter 2

ScheduleUnavailable Tag
Unavailable Schedule Period
The ScheduleUnavailable tag is a schedule item that describes a schedule period
when a person or group is not available for work.
Used by: Schedule if you add it to the ScheduleItems property list
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

[ CommentText = String ]
EndDate = Date
EndTime = Time
( IsDeleted = Boolean )
( IsLockedFlag = Boolean )
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ]
StartDate = Date
StartTime = Time >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )
[ <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> ]

Property Descriptions
The set of comments currently returned with this unavailable shift
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

728 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleUnavailable Tag

Comment text
A text string that is attached to the shift, rather than to a shift segment. The
comment must be applicable for this category.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
String matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v5.0
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, who is
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
End date of unavailable period
The end date of the unavailable period
Type: Date
StartDate must be less than or equal to EndDate
Introduced in v4
End time of unavailable period
The end time associated with the EndDate of the unavailable period

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 729

Chapter 2

Type: Time
If StartDate is the same as EndDate, then StartTime must be less than EndTime
Introduced in v4
Is the schedule item inactive?
Indicates whether the item is active.
• If False, the item is active.
• If True, it is currently inactive.
An inactive shift is one that has been deleted from an inherited shift item or from a
pattern. It displays in the user interface with the text stuck through; it can be
restored. This does not apply to an ad hoc shift item, which is deleted. It does not
display in the user interface and cannot be restored.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Is the schedule item locked?
True if the schedule item has been locked. A schedule might be locked because
the timecard has been signed off.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String

730 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleUnavailable Tag

Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4
Start date
Contains information that depends on the action you are taking as follows:
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts, pay codes, and off days that begin
on the specified date, it contains the start date of the shift, pay code, or off day
being deleted.
• If the action is to begin importing a new shift, it contains the start date of the
shift being imported.
• If the action is to insert a break in a shift, it contains the start date of the break
being imported.
• If the action is to insert a transfer in a shift, it contains the start date of the
transfer being imported.
• If the action is to import a new off day, it contains the start date of the off day
being imported.
• If the action is to delete all scheduled shifts and off days that begin on the
specified date, it contains the start date of the shift or off day being deleted.
• If the action is to add an off shift (a shift for an off day on which a person is
available to work, if necessary), it contains the start date of the off shift being
Required: If you delete all scheduled shifts, import a shift, insert a break, insert a
transfer, import an off day, or import an off shift.
Type: Date
Must be within the date span of the containing schedule.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 731

Chapter 2

Start time
Contains information that depends on the action being taken, as follows:
• If you begin importing a new shift, it contains the start time of the shift being
• If you insert a break in a shift, it contains the start time of the break being
• If you insert a transfer in a shift, it contains the start time of the transfer being
• If you import a new off day, the start time of the off day being imported.
• If you add an off shift (a shift for an off day on which a person is available to
work, if necessary), the start time of the off shift being imported.
This column is required whenever you import a shift, insert a break in a shift,
insert a transfer in a shift, or import an off shift. It is optional when importing an
off day. If you do not specify a value, the off day start time defaults to the start of
the day.
If you specify StartTime, you must have previously specified the
UserAccountStatusName in the UserAccountStatus tag.
Type: Time
If StartDate is the same as EndDate, then StartTime must be less than EndTime.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

732 Kronos Incorporated

ScheduleZone Tag

ScheduleZone Tag
Schedule Zone
The ScheduleZone tag identifies a period of time during a day for which coverage
is measured; for example, the Day schedule zone can be defined as 7 A.M. to 3
Used by: ScheduleZoneSet
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

BeginTime = Time
EndTime = Time
[ ZoneDescription = String ]
ZoneName = String />

Property Descriptions
Start time
The starting time for a zone time span
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0
End time
The ending time for a zone time span
Type: Time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 733

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Description of schedule zone
Describes the schedule zone
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Schedule zone name
The name of a schedule zone
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface under the
Scheduler Setup Workload Setup menu.
Sample values: Morning, Evening, 7AM-3PM
Introduced in v5.0

734 Kronos Incorporated

ServerTime Tag

ServerTime Tag
Server Date and Time
The ServerTime tag represents the date, time, and time zone of the Workforce
Timekeeper server.
Function Access Control Point: API.Audit
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "GetServerTime"
( DateTime = DateTime )
( KronosTimeZone = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns the server's date, time, and timezone.
Return Value Type: ServerTime tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Date and time at the server
The date and time of the server

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 735

Chapter 2

Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time zone at the server
Time zone at the server
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 30 characters
For a list of values, see ìTime Zone Definitionsî in Appendix B in the Workforce
Timekeeper DTK Reference Guide.
Introduced in v4

736 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftBuilder Tag

ShiftBuilder Tag
Build Employee Schedule
The ShiftBuilder tag represents a schedule builder background process that uses
an employee's schedule pattern to populate future employee schedules.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "BuildShifts" | "LoadPopulatedThroughDate"

( PopulatedThroughDate = Date )
[ UserName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Invokes the shift builder process
Return Value Type: None
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
To get the PopulatedThroughDate.
Return Value Type: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 737

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Populated Through Date
The populated through date
Type: Date
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
User name
The name of the user who starts the Schedule Builder
Type: String
Introduced in v4

738 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftCode Tag

ShiftCode Tag
Named Shift
The ShiftCode tag describes a named shift. It can be used for group or individual
shifts, or as a template for generating shifts.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadAllShiftCodes" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Description = String ]
[ Label = String ]
ShiftCodeName = String >
[ <ShiftSegments>
</ShiftSegments> ]

Action Descriptions
Marks the specified shift code for deletion
Return Value Type: None

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 739

Chapter 2

Required Properties: ShiftCodeName

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Returns the specified shift code
Return Value Type: ShiftCode tag
Required Properties: ShiftCodeName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all user-defined shift codes
Return Value Type: Zero or more ShiftCode tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
SDM optional action to retrieve all Shift Codes.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ShiftCode tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve all the names of the Shift Codes.
Return Value Type: Zero or more KBusinessObjectNameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
SDM required action to retrieve a Shift Code by name.
Return Value Type: ShiftCode tag

740 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftCode Tag

Required Properties: ShiftCodeName

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new shift code or updates an existing one
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ShiftCodeName, ShiftSegments
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Description of Shift Code
Describes the shift code
Type: String
Maximum length: 100 characters
Introduced in v4
Label for Shift Code
The shift code label that displays in the user interface
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4
Shift code name
The shift that can be generated by the system

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 741

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Segments in shift
The set of segments that comprise the specified shift code
Type: Zero or more ShiftSegment tags
Introduced in v4

742 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftCountSpan Tag

ShiftCountSpan Tag
Shift Count Exceptions
The ShiftCountSpan tag identifies exceptions to the default counting rules. An
exception occurs when a default counting rule is not used for a shift, but the
majority rule is used instead.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

BeginTime = Time
EndTime = Time />

Property Descriptions
Start time
The starting time for a shift count span
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0
End time
The ending time for a shift count span
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 743

Chapter 2

ShiftSegment Tag
Shift Segment
The ShiftSegment tag represents shift-related information for a single time span.
Used by: ScheduleOff, ScheduleShift, and ShiftCode
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

EndDayNumber = Integer
EndTime = Time
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
[ SegmentTypeName = String ]
StartDayNumber = Integer
[ StartTime = Time ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Offset for end day in shift
The day offset of the segment end within its shift
Type: Integer
StartDayNumber must be less than or equal to EndDayNumber
Introduced in v4
End time
The segment end time within its end day

744 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftSegment Tag

Type: Time
If StartDayNumber is the same as EndDayNumber, then StartTime must be less
than EndTime.
Introduced in v4
Labor account
This is the name of the labor account to charge for this activity.
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. If you have a seven-level labor account, specify a value for
each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters
Introduced in v4
Location of job in the organization
Contains the organizational job path to which the employee is transferring.
OrgJobPath is optional when you import a shift, insert a transfer, import an off
day, or import an off shift. When adding a shift, it can be left blank if the shift
being added applies to the employee's primary organizational job. When inserting
a transfer within a shift or adding an off shift, you must specify a value
LaborAccountName, WorkRuleName, or OrgJobPath.
Enter data for OrgJobPath in the same format as it appears in the database. The
OrgJobPath string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central server that
connects to an Oracle database.
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000 characters

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 745

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Segment Type
The type of activity that the segment represents
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Only Allowed Values: Regular, Unavailable, Transfer, Break, Off, Regular
PCE, Availability PCE, Accrual Edit
Default Value: Regular
Introduced in v4
Offset for start day in shift
The day offset of the segment within its shift
Type: Integer
StartDayNumber must be less than or equal to EndDayNumber
Introduced in v4
Start time
Contains information that depends on the action being taken, as follows:
• If you begin importing a new shift, it contains the start time of the shift being
• If you insert a break in a shift, it contains the start time of the break being
• If you insert a transfer in a shift, it contains the start time of the transfer being
• If you import a new off day, the start time of the off day being imported.

746 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftSegment Tag

• If you add an off shift (a shift for an off day on which a person is available to
work, if necessary), the start time of the off shift being imported.
This column is required whenever you import a shift, insert a break in a shift,
insert a transfer in a shift, or import an off shift. It is optional when importing an
off day. If you do not specify a value, the off day start time defaults to the start of
the day.
Type: Time
Maximum length: 15 characters
If StartDate is the same as EndDate, then StartTime must be less than EndTime.
Dependency: If you specify StartTime, you must have previously the
UserAccountStatusName in the UserAccountStatus tag.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Work rule
Name of the work rule that describes the activity
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Application Setup.
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 747

Chapter 2

ShiftStartTimeBand Tag
Shift Start Time Band
The ShiftStartTimeBand tag describes a named start time of the shift.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"addOnly" |
"deleteOnly" |
"retrieve" |
"retrieveAll" |
"update" |

[ ActiveSwitch = Boolean ]
DisplayName = String
Name = String
[ NewName = String ]
StartTime = Time />

Action Descriptions
Stores shift start band in the database. Returns an error if object with the same
name exists
Validate all properties including optional
Return Value Type: Boolean

748 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftStartTimeBand Tag

Required Properties: Name, DisplayName, StartTime

Optional Properties: ActiveFlag
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Logically deletes the shift start time band object from the database or returns an
error if object does not exists
Validate Name property.
Return Value Type: Boolean
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves shift start time band object from the database by name
Validate the Name property.
Return Value Type: ShiftStartTimeBand tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves all ShiftStartTimeBand objects from the database
Return Value Type: Zero or more List of ShiftStartTimeBand tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Persists the shift start time band object in the database or updates with new data if
object exists.
Validate all properties including optional.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 749

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Boolean

Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: NewName, DisplayName, StartTime, ActiveSwitch
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the start time band object in the database. Rreturns an error if object does
not exists or the new name is not unique
Validate all properties including optional
Return Value Type: Boolean
Required Properties: Name
Optional Properties: NewName, DisplayName, StartTime, ActiveSwitch
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Is the band active?
The active band flag.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name to display in the user interface
The shift start time band display name
Type: String
Can not be null and should contain between 1 and 50 characters.

750 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftStartTimeBand Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Name of band
The shift start time band name
Type: String
The value can not be null and should contain from 1 to 50 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
New Name
The new name of the shift strt time band ( for update action only)
Type: String
Can not be null and should contain between 1 and 30 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
Start Time
The shift start time (required for add, optional for update)
Type: Time
Can not be null
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 751

Chapter 2

ShiftTemplateAssignment Tag
Shift Template Profiles Assigned to Employees
The ShiftTemplateAssignment tag consists of one or more shift template profiles
for one employee who has been identified in the ShiftTemplateItem.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll" | "Update"

<ShiftTemplateAssignment >

Action Descriptions
Returns all shift template profiles for the employee specified in the
ShiftTemplateItem tag.
All ShiftTemplateItem tags that are returned must identify the same existing
Return Value Type: ShiftTemplateAssignment tag
Required Properties: ShiftTemplateItems
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta

752 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftTemplateAssignment Tag

Loads all shift template profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more ShiftTemplateItem tags
Required Properties: none
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Updates a person's shift template profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: ShiftTemplateItems
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Property Descriptions
Shift template profile items
One or more shift template assignments, as shown in the ShiftTemplateItem tag.
Type: One or more ShiftTemplateItem tags
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 753

Chapter 2

ShiftTemplateItem Tag
Shift Template Item
The ShiftTemplateItem tag defines an element of a shift template profile
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.0.a

[ ShiftTemplateProfileName = String ] >

Property Descriptions
The employee to whom the shift code template profile is assigned
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must be a unique and existing employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift template profile name
The name of an existing shift code profile
Type: String

754 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftTemplateItem Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 755

Chapter 2

ShiftValidation Tag
Shift Validation
The ShiftValidation tag determines if a shift has been assigned to an identified
employee within a specified date and time range.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.0.a

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"
EndTime = Time
( IsShiftExists = Boolean )
QueryDate = Date
StartTime = Time >

Action Descriptions
The Load action returns the ShiftValidation tag. The IsShiftExists property will
have a value of True if the shift exists.
Return Value Type: ShiftValidation tag
Required Properties: QueryDate, StartTime, EndTime, Employee
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta

756 Kronos Incorporated

ShiftValidation Tag

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1Beta
End time
The time when the shift ends
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Is shift assigned to employee?
Indicates whether a shift as been assigned to the employee for the specified date
and time range. A value of true means there is such an assignment.
Type: Boolean
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift start date
The date when the shift starts
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 757

Chapter 2

Start time
The time when the shift begins
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta

758 Kronos Incorporated

SimpleValue Tag

SimpleValue Tag
Simple Value
The SimpleValue tag contains a single primitive value. This tag is used mainly
when an action returns a primitive type, such as Integer or String.
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v4

Value = String />

Property Descriptions
A primitive value whose format depends on the action or property that returns it,
and can represent an alphanumeric string, an integer, or a boolean type.
Type: String
This property represents one value.
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 759

Chapter 2

StandardShift Tag
Standard Shift
The StandardShift tag describes a named time span.
Used by: StandardShiftSet
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

BeginTime = Time
EndTime = Time
[ ShiftDescription = String ]
ShiftName = String />

Property Descriptions
Start time
The starting time for the shift
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0
End time
The ending time for the shift
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.0

760 Kronos Incorporated

StandardShift Tag

Describes the shift
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Shift name
The name of the shift
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface under the
Scheduler Setup Workload Setup menu.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 761

Chapter 2

SuiteProduct Tag
Product in Suite
The SuiteProduct tag provides license information about products in the
Workforce Central suite.
The product that is specified must be defined to the system, but need not be
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAll" | "LoadByName"

( IndependentProductSw = Boolean )
( InstalledSw = Boolean )
( LicensedSw = Boolean )
[ SuiteProductName = String ]
( Version = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns information about all suite products in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SuiteProduct tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Returns information about the requested suite product.

762 Kronos Incorporated

SuiteProduct Tag

Return Value Type: SuiteProduct tag

Required Properties: SuiteProductName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Is this a standalone product?
Specifies whether the product is part of Workforce Central or is independent
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Is the product installed?
Specifies whether the product is installed
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
Is the product licensed?
Specifies whether the suite is licensed
Type: Boolean
Output only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 763

Chapter 2

Suite product name
The name of the suite product for which information is requested
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Version of suite product
The version of the suite product.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0

764 Kronos Incorporated

Supervisor Tag

Supervisor Tag
Person Employee Reports To
The Supervisor tag identifies the person who is defined as the supervisor for the
containing tag. This name specified in this tag is not related to any system rights.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the SupervisorName property in the
JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.

[ FullName = String ]
[ PersonNumber = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Full name
The name of the person's manager. Specify the name as last name, comma, space,
first name, space, middle initial.
Type: String
Maximum length: 64 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the SupervisorName property in the
JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.
Person number

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 765

Chapter 2

The person number of the person's manager.

Type: String
Maximum length: 15 characters
Introduced in v5.1

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

One member or bothe members of the Identifier group can be specified..
Outstanding: Identifier usage constraint is specified as Required. But only one
member of the Identifier group is required. Their values can be none.
Group includes: FullName,PersonNumber

766 Kronos Incorporated

SwapShiftEmployees Tag

SwapShiftEmployees Tag
Employees Eligible for Swap Shifts
The SwapShiftEmployees tag contains information about an employee who can
swap a shift with another shift.
Must be an active employee.
The specified shift must be exist.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadEligibleEmployees"
EndTime = Time
QueryDate = Date
StartTime = Time >

Action Descriptions
This action returns one or more employees who can swap with the specified shift.
Return Value Type: Zero or more Person tags
Required Properties: Employee, QueryDate, StartTime, EndTime
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 767

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee. If the employee has
a Workforce_Scheduler_Employee license and specifies True for
IsCreateOpenShift, you will be able to create open shifts. Otherwise
IsCreateOpenShift will have no effect.
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift end time
The end time for the shift that needs to be swapped
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift start date
The start date for a shift that can be swapped.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift start time
Start time for the shift that can be swapped.
Type: Time

768 Kronos Incorporated

SwapShiftEmployees Tag

Introduced in v5.1Beta

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 769

Chapter 2

SwapShiftJobs Tag
Jobs Eligible for Swap Shifts
This tag returns job list for a shift swap.
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadJobs"

EndTime = Time
QueryDate = Date
StartTime = Time >
( <OrgJobs>
</OrgJobs> )

Action Descriptions
This action returns one or more jobs for the shift within the specified date and
time span.
Return Value Type: Zero or more OrgJob tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1Beta

770 Kronos Incorporated

SwapShiftJobs Tag

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity tag.
Type: PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee.
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift end time
This property is the end time of a shift.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Organization jobs
This property is a tag list property that represent a list of organization jobs.
Type: Zero or more OrgJob tags
Output only
Introduced in v5.1Beta; last changed in v5.1
Shift start date
This property is the start date of a shift.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1Beta
Shift start time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 771

Chapter 2

This property is the start time of a shift

Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1Beta

772 Kronos Incorporated

SystemSettings Tag

SystemSettings Tag
System Settings
The SystemSettings tag returns the value of system settings on the application
server. For a description of system settings, see the online help (System
Configuration > System Settings).
If the requested system settings do not exist, a list of null values is returned.
Function Access Control Point: APIBeans.COMMON
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "Load"
KeyNames = String
( Key = String )
( Value = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns system settings that match parameter values. There can be more than one
system setting that matches a parameter. For example, a parameter of site.local
would return all site.local.* system settings.
Return Value Type: Zero or more SystemSettings tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 773

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.0
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

KeyNames A comma separated list of system Introduced in v5.0
setting keys. Each item in the list
represents one or more system

Property Descriptions
Key for the the system setting
A unique key for a system setting
Type: String
Output only
Sample values: site.locale
Introduced in v5.0
Value for the system setting
The value of a requested system setting.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

774 Kronos Incorporated

TelephoneNumber Tag

TelephoneNumber Tag
Telephone Number
The TelephoneNumber tag defines a person's telephone number.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

ContactTypeName = String
PhoneNumber = String />

Property Descriptions
Type of contact
The name of the contact category; up to three telephone numbers can be provided:
Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile Phone.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Sample values: Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile Phone
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Phone number
The telephone number for the specified contact type
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 775

Chapter 2

Maximum length: 35 characters
A maximum of three phone numbers can be specified for a person in Workforce
Introduced in v4

776 Kronos Incorporated

TimeEntry Tag

TimeEntry Tag
Time Entry
The TimeEntry tag returns information about valid time entries defined within the
system. The Time Entry Method determines how a Workforce Employee will see
time when entering data.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllTimeEntries" | "LoadById"

[ TimeEntryId = Integer ]
[ TimeEntryName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a time entry, based on TimeEntryName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: TimeEntry tag
Required Properties: TimeEntryName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns all time entries in the system.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 777

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more TimeEntry tags

Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a time entry, based on TimeEntryID.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: TimeEntry tag
Required Properties: TimeEntryID
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of time entry
Uniquely identifies the TimeEntryProfile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Time entry name
The name for the common set of TimeEntries that a group of employees can select
Type: String
Only Allowed Values: Timestamp, Timestamp & Hourly View, Hourly View,
Project View
Introduced in v4

778 Kronos Incorporated

TimeFramePeriod Tag

TimeFramePeriod Tag
Time Frame for a Period of Time
The TimeFramePeriod tag describes a period of time.
Used by: a number of other tags
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAllTimeFrames"

[ PeriodDateSpan = DateSpan ]
[ TimeFrameDate = Date ]
TimeFrameName = String />

Action Descriptions
Returns all time frames in the system.
Only TimeFrameName is returned
Return Value Type: Zero or more TimeFramePeriod tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 779

Chapter 2

Span of dates
The start and end dates, dash separated, for the specified period
Type: DateSpan
For input, the value is the time span for the period. For output, the value is the
time span for the resulting information.
Introduced in v4
Reference date
A date for a time span that requires a reference date
Type: Date
If the value of the TimeFrameName is Specific-Date, this property contains the
value of that date.
Introduced in v4
Time frame name
The name of the time frame
Specify one of the following numbers to represent the data value:
• 0 for Previous_Payperiod
• 1 for Current_Payperiod
• 2 for Next_Payperiod
• 3 for Previous_SchedPeriod
• 4 for Current_SchedPeriod
• 5 for Next_SchedPeriod
• 6 for Week_to_Date
• 7 for Last_Week

780 Kronos Incorporated

TimeFramePeriod Tag

• 8 for Yesterday
• 9 for Range_of_Dates
• 11 for Specific_Date
• 13 for Today
Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Only Allowed Values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 781

Chapter 2

TimekeepingException Tag
Timekeeping Exception
The TimekeepingException tag describes an exception that occurred as a result of
a timekeeping exception rule such as late, early, or missing punch.
Used by: TotaledSpan, WorkedDuration
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( ActualNumberOfActiveDays = Integer )
( AssociatedWithInPunchFlag = Boolean )
( DifferenceToLimit = TimeDuration )
( DurationOfException = TimeDuration )
( ExceptionTypeName = String )
( MinimumNumberOfActiveDays = Integer )
( MissedOutDateTime = DateTime )
( NumberOfWorkedDays = Integer ) />

Property Descriptions
Number of active days
Meaningful only for MinimumDaysActive and MinimumDaysEmployed
timekeeping exceptions
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the exception associated with an in-punch?

782 Kronos Incorporated

TimekeepingException Tag

True if the exception is associated with an In punch, False if it is associated with

an Out punch
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Difference between triggering limit and time of event
Specifies the difference between the triggering limit and the time of the event.
Meaningful only for timekeeping exceptions identified as Early, Late, VeryEarly,
VeryLate, Long, or Short. For example, if there is a Late limit of 0:32, and if the
employee punches out at 1:00 past the scheduled end of shift, the
DifferentToLimit is 0:28.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time duration for exception
Specifies the sum of the DifferenceToLimit and the value of the triggering limit.
Meaningful only for Early, Late, VeryEarly, VeryLate, Long, and Short
timekeeping exceptions. For example, if the late limit is 0:32, and if the employee
punches out 1:00 past the scheduled end of shift, the DurationOfException is 1:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Exception type
The name of the exception.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 783

Chapter 2

Output Only
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Sample values: Canceled Deduction, Core Hours Violation, Early
Introduced in v4
Minimum number of active days
The configured minimum
Meaningful only for MinimumDaysActive and MinimumDaysEmployed
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Date and time of missed out-punch
The computed missed out time. Meaningful only for a MissedOut exception.
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Number of worked days
This value is meaningful only for a WorkHistory exception
Type: Integer
Output Only
Introduced in v4

784 Kronos Incorporated

Timesheet Tag

Timesheet Tag
The Timesheet tag represents a set of timekeeping items for an employee and a
given period of days. (This is also referred to as a Timecard.) These include
punches, edits, and worked durations, and totalization output such as per period
summary, per day summaries, and exceptions.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadDailyTotals" | "LoadPeriodTotals"

( LastTotalizationDateTime = DateTime )
( ManagerSignoffDateTime = DateTime )
( TotalsUpToDateFlag = Boolean ) >
( <DailyTotals>
</DailyTotals> )
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
( <PeriodTotalData>
</PeriodTotalData> )
( <TotaledPayCodeEdits>

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 785

Chapter 2

</TotaledPayCodeEdits> )
( <TotaledSpans>
</TotaledSpans> )
( <TotaledWorkedDurations>
</TotaledWorkedDurations> )
( <UntotaledPunches>
</UntotaledPunches> )
( <UntotaledWorkedDurations>
</UntotaledWorkedDurations> )

Action Descriptions
Returns a timesheet containing everything known about timekeeping events for
the specified period and employee.
Return Value Type: Timesheet tag
Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a timesheet whose daily totals contain the most recent totalization for the
specified period and employee.
Return Value Type: Timesheet tag
Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

786 Kronos Incorporated

Timesheet Tag

Returns a timesheet whose period totals contain totals for the specified period and
Return Value Type: Timesheet tag
Required Properties: Employee, Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Set of daily totals
A list of DateTotals tags for the number of days in the requested period
Type: Zero or more DateTotals tags
Output Only
Contains the number of days in the requested period. Each item is an instance of
DateTotals, and represents a summary total for the specified day.
Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, for whom the
action is requested.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Date and time of last totalization
A server timestamp for the most recent totalization
Type: DateTime

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 787

Chapter 2

Output Only
Introduced in v4
Date and time of manager signoff
The date and time of the most recent manager signoff. If the employee has not yet
been signed off, this property is not returned.
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time period
The time period for the data being retrieved
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Introduced in v4
Totals for time period
Totals for the requested period
Type: PeriodTotals tag
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Total of pay code edits
One or more pay code edits credited for the requested period. These are specified
in the PayCodeEdit, PayCodeMove, HistoricalPayCodeEdit,
HistoricalPayCodeMove. LockedDataCorrection, and OnCall tags.
Note: The Employee property is omitted from these tags.
Type: Any combination of HistoricalPayCodeEdit or HistoricalPayCodeMove or
LockedDataCorrection or OnCall or PayCodeEdit or PayCodeMove or Punch tags

788 Kronos Incorporated

Timesheet Tag

Output Only
Introduced in v4
Totals for time spans
A list of TotaledSpan tags credited towards the requested period. Each
TotaledSpan must contain one or two Punch tags defining the span, along with
any TimekeepingException tags relevant to the span.
Note: No Employee tag is returned in the Punch tags, because all of the punches in
a timesheet apply to the employee associated with the Timesheet tag. Each Punch
includes a list of Comment tags, if the punch is associated with one or more
Timekeeing Comments.
Type: Zero or more TotaledSpan tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Total of worked durations
A list of WorkedDuration tags credited towards the requested period, each of
which can include a list of Comment tags and a list of TimekeepingException
Note: No Employee tag is returned in the WorkedDuration tags, because all of the
worked durations in a given timesheet apply to the employee associated with the
Type: Zero or more WorkedDuration tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Are totals up to date?
Indicates whether totals are up to date. This value is True only if no punches or
edits have been made since the last totalization.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 789

Chapter 2

Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Untotaled punches
A list of Punch tags that have not been totalized
Type: Zero or more Punch tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Untotaled worked durations
A list of WorkedDuration tags that have not been totalized
Type: Zero or more WorkedDuration tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

790 Kronos Incorporated

Total Tag

Total Tag
The Total tag describes a total for a PayCode and LaborAccount pair.
Used by: EmployeeSummary, TotalSummary
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( AmountInCurrency = Currency )
( AmountInTime = TimeDuration )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( LaborAccountDescription = String )
( LaborAccountId = Long )
( LaborAccountName = String )
( OrgJobDescription = String )
( OrgJobId = Long )
( OrgJobName = String )
( PayCodeId = Long )
( PayCodeName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in currency
A pay code amount, expressed as a currency
Type: Currency
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Amount of pay code, in time
Amount of pay code amount, expressed as a time duration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 791

Chapter 2

Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
True if the pay code represents a monetary item. False if it represents an hourly
pay code.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Description of labor account
The description associated with the labor account
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account ID
A unique identifier for the labor account to which this amount is applied. This is
intended for use by Kronos support personnel only. It is recommended that you
use the labor account name instead.
Type: Long
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account
Name of the labor account to which this amount is applied

792 Kronos Incorporated

Total Tag

Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 356 characters
Each component in the name corresponds to the name and sort order position of
an existing labor level entry. The name must contain only legal naming characters.
Introduced in v4
Description of organizational job
The description of the job in the organization.
Type: String
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Organizational job ID
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: Long
Output only
Introduced in v5.0
Organizational job
The full path of the job in the organization
Type: String
Output only
Maximum length: 1000 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Pay code ID

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 793

Chapter 2

The unique identifier of the pay code to which this amount is applied. Intended for
use by Kronos support personnel only. It is recommended that you use the
PayCodeName property instead.
Type: Long
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Pay code
The pay code to which this amount is applied
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4

794 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit Tag

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit Tag
Editable Scheduled Pay Code Edit that is Totaled
The TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag is generated by the Callable Totalizer. It is
based on the Scheduled PayCodeEdit tag, and can be edited with the Timecard
Editor. For example, you can edit the Timecard Editor to add comments.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String )
( Date = Date )
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( LaborAccountName = String )
( PayCodeName = String ) >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code, expressed as a time duration or a currency.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 30 characters
Must be consistent with the given pay code
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 795

Chapter 2

A list of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date on which the edit is credited
Type: Date
Output Only
Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001
Introduced in v4
Date of the edit
The server date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time at which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?

796 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit Tag

True if the pay code represents a monetary item. False if it represents an hourly
pay code.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Labor account
This is the name of the labor account of the employee whose pay code amount or
totaled amount is being edited.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code to be credited with the amount
Type: String
Output Only
Must be assiciated with an hourly or monetary pay code edit
Introduced in v4

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Chapter 2

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable Tag
Uneditable Scheduled Pay Code Edit that is Totaled
The TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable tag is generated by the Callable
Totalizer. "Uneditable" means that this pay code edit cannot be edited in a
timesheet. For example, you cannot use the timecard editor to add comments.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

( AmountInTimeOrCurrency = String )
[ CommentText = String ]
( Date = Date )
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
( IsCurrencyFlag = Boolean )
( LaborAccountName = String )
( PayCodeName = String ) >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time or currency
Amount of pay code, expressed as a time duration or a currency
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 30 characters
An amount expressed as a TimeDuration or Currency depending on the pay code.
Must be consistent with the given pay code.

798 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable Tag

Introduced in v4
A list of comments currently returned with this timekeeping item
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A comment
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Date to which the edit applies
The date on which the edit is credited
Type: Date
Output Only
Sample values: 8:00 Vacation on 4/2/2001
Introduced in v4
Date of the edit
The server date on which the edit is added to the database
Type: Date

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 799

Chapter 2

Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the edit
The server time at which the edit is added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Is the pay code in currency?
False indicates that the pay code represents a monetary item
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Labor account
This is the name of the labor account of the employee whose pay code amount or
totaled amount is being loaded. A seven-level labor account will appear using the
following format: 101/202/303/404/504/603/702.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 356 characters
Default Value: Primary account for the employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Pay code
The pay code to be credited with the amount

800 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable Tag

Type: String
Output Only
Must be assiciated with an hourly or monetary pay code edit
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 801

Chapter 2

TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration Tag
Amount of Scheduled Work in Shift
The TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag represents the amount of worked time
that is scheduled for the employee in a single shift of the employee's schedule.
This tag is generated by the Callable Totalizer only if the employee is configured
as an hourly employee; that is, the Timecard Editor shows the amount of time
worked by the employee, rather than punches. This timesheet item is not
generated for a non-hourly employee.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( AmountInTime = TimeDuration )
( Date = Date )
( LaborAccountName = String )
( ScheduledLaborAccountName = String )
( WorkRuleName = String ) >
( <Employee>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Employee> )
( <Exceptions>
</Exceptions> )

Property Descriptions
Amount of pay code, in time
Amount of pay code amount, expressed as a time duration
Type: TimeDuration
Output Only
Introduced in v4

802 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration Tag

Date for the scheduled work
The date to be credited with this worked duration
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, to be credited
with the time.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Output Only
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Introduced in v4
Timekeeping exceptions
A list of timekeeping exceptions.
Dependency: Returned only when the WorkedDuration tag is returned as part of a
Timesheet tag, and only if the most recent totalization detects one or more
timekeeping exceptions for this WorkedDuration.
Type: Zero or more TimekeepingException tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The labor account associated with this worked duration. The duration is a transfer
to this labor account.
Type: String
Output Only

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 803

Chapter 2

Maximum length:356 characters

Introduced in v4
Scheduled labor account
The portion of the labor account that is automatically derived from any
corresponding scheduled shift
Type: String
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Work rule
A work rule associated with this worked duration. The duration is a transfer to this
work rule.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v4

804 Kronos Incorporated

TotaledSpan Tag

TotaledSpan Tag
Total for Time Span
The TotaledSpan tag is returned as a record of a Timesheet object. All
TotaledSpans in a Timesheet apply to the same employee.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

( LaborAccountName = String ) >
( <Exceptions>
</Exceptions> )
( <InPunch>
</InPunch> )
( <OutPunch>
</OutPunch> )

Property Descriptions
Exceptions associated with the totaled span
A list of all timekeeping exceptions associated, through totalization, with this
TotaledSpan. If no exceptions are associated with this totaled span, the property
will not be returned.
Type: Zero or more TimekeepingException tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 805

Chapter 2

Punch associated with start of the span
The Punch object associated with the start of this span. When returned within a
TotaledSpan, the Punch object does not contain an Employee tag.
Type: Punch tag
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The name of the labor account for which the span is charged
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length:356 characters
Introduced in v4
Punch associated with end of the span
The Punch tag associated with the end of this span. When returned within a
TotaledSpan, the Punch tag does not contain an Employee tag.
Type: Punch tag
Output Only
Introduced in v4

806 Kronos Incorporated

TotalSummary Tag

TotalSummary Tag
Summary of Totals
The TotalSummary tag contains a set of Total tags, each of which records an
amount of time and/or currency to be credited to a labor account and pay code.
Used by: DateTotals, PeriodTotals
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

<TotalSummary >
( <Totals>
</Totals> )

Property Descriptions
Set of Totals
A list of totals, each of which reports an amount of time or currency for a unique
combination of labor account and pay code
Type: Zero or more Total tags
Output only
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 807

Chapter 2

Transaction Tag
The Transaction tag provides a means to specify atomic actions across multiple
Request tags. The Transaction tag can contain only a sequence number and one or
more Request tags. A Response with a Status of Failure generated from any
Request tag in the transaction causes all requests to roll back. After a failure,
processing continues with the next Transaction or Request tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.XML
Introduced in v4

[ TransactionSequence = String ] />
Contained API Tag+

Contained API Tag→


Property Descriptions
Transaction sequence
A number supplied by the client application that is returned in each Response tag
for the Transaction
Type: String
Introduced in v4

808 Kronos Incorporated

TransferEmployee Tag

TransferEmployee Tag
Transfer Employee
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.1

EffectiveDate = Date
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ OrgJobPath = String ]
TransferStartTime = Time
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
[ <Comments>
</Comments> ]

Property Descriptions
Type: Comment tag
Introduced in v5.1
Effective date
Type: Date

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 809

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Labor account name
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Organization job path
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Transfer start time
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Work rule
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

810 Kronos Incorporated

TransferJobSeniorityDate Tag

TransferJobSeniorityDate Tag
Seniority Date
The TransferJobSeniorityDate tag assigns a seniority date for an employee and an
organizational job, based on the employee's job transfer set, as of an effective
Function Access Control Point: API.Schedule
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "Update"

EffectiveDate = Date
LocationOrgNodePath = String
PersonNumber = String
[ SeniorityDate = Date ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieves employee seniority information as of an effective date.
Return Value Type: Collection
Required Properties: PersonNumber, LocationOrgNodePath, EffectiveDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Updates employee seniority information.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 811

Chapter 2

The LocationOrgNodePath must represent an organizational node.

Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: PersonNumber, LocationOrgNodePath, EffectiveDate,
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Effective date
The date when the job transfer set was assigned to the employee
Type: Date
Job Transfer Set with OrgJobs must be defined and exist on the given effective
Introduced in v5.0
Full path for node location
The full path for the organizational node location
Type: String
Maximum length: 1000
Introduced in v5.0
Person number
Person number of the specified person
Type: String

812 Kronos Incorporated

TransferJobSeniorityDate Tag

Maximum length: 15 characters

A job transfer set with OrgJobs should be defined and exist on the given effective
The specified person must have a Workforce Scheduler license.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Seniority date
The seniority date of a Workforce Timekeeper Employee. This is a factor for a
schedule job list, in which each job has a seniority date associated with it.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 813

Chapter 2

TypeOverride Tag
Override for Punch
The TypeOverride tag identifies the override that can be associated with a punch.
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load"

( OverrideRuleName = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns information for each punch type override defined in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more TypeOverride tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Override type name
The name of an override type that can be associated with a punch
Type: String
Output Only

814 Kronos Incorporated

TypeOverride Tag

Sample values: New Shift, In Punch, Out Punch

Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 815

Chapter 2

User Tag
The User tag contains user account and related information.
Used by: Personality
See the validation rules for the PersonIdentity, PasswordHistory, UserAccount,
and UserAccountLockout tags.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadUserAccount"

<User >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
( <PasswordHistories>
</PasswordHistories> )
[ <UserAccountData>
</UserAccountData> ]
( <UserAccountLockouts>
</UserAccountLockouts> )

Action Descriptions

816 Kronos Incorporated

User Tag

Returns the user account, password history, and lockout information for the
specified person.
Return Value Type: User tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns user account information for the specified person.
Return Value Type: UserAccount tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4
Password histories
Encrypted passwords for the specified dates and times
Type: Zero or more PasswordHistory tags
Output Only

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 817

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4
User account data
The user's logon, name, and password information
Type: UserAccount tag
Required: When inserting a new user
Introduced in v4
User account lockouts
The user's lockouts for the specified dates, times, and reasons
Type: Zero or more UserAccountLockout tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4

818 Kronos Incorporated

UserAccount Tag

UserAccount Tag
User Account
The UserAccount tag returns logon information for the specified person;
including the user's username and pasword.
Used by: HyperFindResult, User
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

( ConsecutiveBadLogons = Long )
( LockoutResetDateTime = DateTime )
[ LogonProfileName = String ]
( PasswordUpdatedDateTime = DateTime )
[ PasswordUpdateFlag = Boolean ]
[ RecordManagerLockoutFlag = Boolean ]
[ UserName = String ]
[ UserPassword = Password ] />

Property Descriptions
Number of consecutive bad logons
Number of consecutive bad logon attempts the user is permitted before being
locked out of the system.
Type: Long
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Date and time when user lockout ends

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 819

Chapter 2

The date and time after which a user who is currently locked out may log on to the
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
User's logon profile
The Logon Profile column contains the name of the user's logon profile. The
logon profile provides rules for password behavior or provides rules for automatic
logout and lockout behavior.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
• Default
• Background Processor
• DCM Super Access
• Event Manager
• HR- Payroll
• MobileTime
• RecordManager- IS
• Super Access
• TeleTime Logon

The predefined data values that are available at a specific installation varies
according to the products that have been installed and licensed. To determine
which values are available, use the LogonProfile tag with the
LoadAllLogonProfiles action; the response will return the logon profiles that are
Type: String

820 Kronos Incorporated

UserAccount Tag

Maximum length: 50 characters

Default Value: &DEFAULT_LOGON
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Date and time of last password update
Date and time that the password was last updated
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Change password?
Indicates whether the user must change the password the next time he or she logs
The value can be:
• False if no password change is required
• True if a password change is required
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Access to archive databases
Boolean value that, when true (the default), indicates that the user account will not
have access to the target system after Record Manager has copied data to it. If
false, the user account will be able to access the target database.
Type: Boolean
This property can only be used if you have Record Manager installed.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 821

Chapter 2

Only Allowed Values: True, False

Default Value: True
Introduced in v5.0
User name
This is the user name that allows the user to access Workforce Timekeeper. A
unique logon name is required.
If your system uses authorization that is external to Workforce Timekeeper, such
as the Windows NT or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), the
UserName must match the logon name for the authorization protocol.
Type: String
Maximum length: 70 characters
Must be unique for the user for all user accounts, regardless of whether they are
active, inactive, or terminated.
Required: When adding a new user.
Introduced in v4
User password
The user's password must be specified if UserName is specified.
Type: Password
Maximum length: 30 characters
Do not use an encrypted value for input. However, for output, the value is
Required: When adding a new user
Do not specify: For an existing user
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

822 Kronos Incorporated

UserAccountLockout Tag

UserAccountLockout Tag
User Account Lockout
The UserAccountLockout tag returns the date and reason for a user being locked
out of the system.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

( EffectiveDateTime = DateTime )
( LockoutReasonName = String ) />

Property Descriptions
Date and time when the lockout starts
The date and time when the lockout becomes effective
Type: DateTime
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Reason for lockout
Name of the lockout reason
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:
• 1 for Inactivity Lockout
• 2 for Password Lockout
• 3 for Maintenance Lockout
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 823

Chapter 2

Output Only
Only Allowed Values: 1, 2, 3
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

824 Kronos Incorporated

UserAccountStatus Tag

UserAccountStatus Tag
User Account Status
The UserAccountStatus tag sets a user's account status to be active or inactive.
Used by: PersonInformation
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadUserAccountStatuses"

[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
[ ExpirationDate = Date ]
UserAccountStatusName = String >
[ <Identity>
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
</Identity> ]
[ <Period>
</Period> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns information associated with the user account status for the specified
person over the period specified. If the period is not specified, the current date
through January 1, 3000 is used. The Identity and Period information associated
with the request will be added to the first tag in the resulting list. An empty tag
(with just the Identity and Period properties) will be returned when no data for the
person or period is found.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 825

Chapter 2

The person must exist within the system and the user must have access to that
Return Value Type: Zero or more UserAccountStatus tags
Required Properties: Identity
Optional Properties: Period
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Date the user account becomes effective
The date when the user account becomes effective
Type: Date
Must occur before the expiration date
Default Value: The current system date
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Date when the user account expires
The end date for the status of the user account
Type: Date
Must occur after the effective date.
Default Value: January 1, 3000
Introduced in v4
One person, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.

826 Kronos Incorporated

UserAccountStatus Tag

Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag

Must uniquely identify a person.
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Time period
The period of time associated with the user account statuses.
Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
The time frame must evaluate to a span of time. The specified identity shall be
used when the time frame requires an association with a person.
Used for the LoadUserAccountStatuses action.
Default Value: From the current date until January 1, 3000
Introduced in v5.0
Account status of the user
The User Status column contains a value indicating the status of the user.
Specify one of the following numbers to represent the data value:
• 0 if not applicable
• 1if active
• 2 if inactive
• 3 if terminated
Dependency: If the user account status is 1 (active) or 2 (inactive), the person
must have a license type of Workforce_Timekeeper_Employee,
Workforce_Professional_ Employee, or Workforce_Manager. Otherwise, the user
account status is automatically set to 0 (not applicable).
Otherwise, the person's license will not be retained after an import action. If the
person's license type changes, the system assigns a user status automatically.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 827

Chapter 2

Type: String
Maximum length: 1 character
Introduced in v4

828 Kronos Incorporated

VacationBid Tag

VacationBid Tag
Vacation Bid
The VacationBid tag specifies the vacation bids requested by an employee
whereas the employee bids for a specific vacation time.
All Actions are validated. The validate method validates the contents of the
vacation bid bean.
Function Access Control Point: API.VacationBid
Introduced in v5.0.a; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"Approve" |
"Load" |
"LoadByBidGroupItem" |
[ BidGroupItemId = Long ]
BidId = Long
CreateOpenShift = Boolean
EndDate = DateTime
HoursPerDay = TimeDuration
[ Priority = Integer ]
StartDate = DateTime
( Status = String ) >
[ <BidNotes>
</BidNotes> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 829

Chapter 2

Approve the vacation bid specified by the vacation bid id and upon approval be
able to specify true or false value for creating an open shift or not.
For the Approve Action, the BidId property and the CreateOpenShift property
MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidId, CreateOpenShift
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Loads the vacation bid given the bid id value.
For the Load Action, the BidId property must be specified.
Return Value Type: VacationBid tag
Required Properties: BidId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Loads the vacation bid(s) given the bid group item id.
For the LoadBidGroupItemId, the BidGroupItemId property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: Zero or more VacationBid tags
Required Properties: BidGroupItemId
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a
Rejects the vacation bid specified by the vacation bid id.
For the Reject Action, the BidId property MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: BidId

830 Kronos Incorporated

VacationBid Tag

Access Control Point Name: Edit

Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.0.a

Property Descriptions
Bid Group Item ID
BidGroupItemId identifies a row in the WPMBIDGRPPRSNMM table, which
associates a person with a particular bid group.
Type: Long
The BidGroupItemId MUST be defined for the VacationBid element in the
BidGroupItem BidList for adding bids.
Sample values: <VacationBid BidGroupItemId="3" Priority="5" StartDate="04/
01/2004 00:00:00" EndDate="05/01/2004 11:48:56" HoursPerDay="288000"
Introduced in v5.1
Vacation Bid ID
BidId uniquely identifies a row in the WMPVACATIONBID table, which
contains information about vacation bids.
Type: Long
If defined for an Action, the BidId property cannot be null. The BidId property
MUST NOT be specified for the BidGroupItem AddBids Action. The BidId
property MUST be defined for the ApplyBidNotes, DeleteBidNotes,
BidGroupItem RemoveBids Actions.
Sample values: 1
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 831

Chapter 2

Bid Notes
List of Bid Notes to add a specific bid.
Type: Zero or more BidNote tags
If defined for an Action, the BidNotes property cannot be null. The contents of the
BidNotes list cannot be null. The BidNotes property MUST contain one or more
BidNote elements. The BidNotes property MUST be specified for the
ApplyBidBNotes Action.
Sample values: <VacationBid Id="501">
<BidNote Sequence="1" Text="For vacation bid with Id=501"></BidNote>
Introduced in v5.1
Create Open Shift
Determines whether to create an open shift when this vacation bid is approved.
Type: Boolean
If defined for an Action, the CreateOpenShift property cannot be null. The
CreateOpenShift property MUST be defined for the VacationBid element within
the BidGroupItem BidList when adding bids.
Default Value: "false"
Sample values: "true" or "false"
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Bid End Date
Vacation Bidding End Date.

832 Kronos Incorporated

VacationBid Tag

Type: DateTime
If defined for an Action, the EndDate property cannot be null. The EndDate
property MUST be defined for the VacationBid element in the BidGroupItem
BidList when you adding bids.
Sample values: "05/01/2004 11:48:56"
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Hours Per Day
Hours Per Day towards this vacation bid.
Type: TimeDuration
If defined for an Action, the HoursPerDay property cannot be null. The
HoursPerDay property MUST be defined for the VacationBid element within the
BidGroupItem BidList when adding bids.
Sample values: "288000"
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Bid Priority
Specifies the priority of a bid, also know as the bid rank.
Type: Integer
Priority cannot be less than 1. Required when adding vacation bids
Sample values: <VacationBid BidGroupItemId="3" Priority="1" StartDate="04/
01/2004 00:00:00" EndDate="05/01/2004 11:48:56" HoursPerDay="288000"
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 833

Chapter 2

Bid Start Date
Vacation bid start date.
Type: DateTime
If the StartDate property is defined for an Action, StartDate cannot be null. The
StartDate property MUST be defined for the VacationBid element within the
BidGroupItem BidList when adding bids.
Sample values: "04/01/2004 00:00:00"
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1
Bid Status
The status of the bid, which may be 1 of 3 states: Submitted, Approved, Rejected.
Type: String
Output only
The BidStatus property cannot be defined for any BidGroupItem, Bid, or Vacation
Bid Action.
Only Allowed Values: Submitted - 0, Approved - 1, Rejected - 2
Sample values: Submitted - 0, Approved - 1, Rejected - 2
Introduced in v5.1

834 Kronos Incorporated

WageProfile Tag

WageProfile Tag
Wage Profile
The WageProfile tag returns a list of available wage profiles. The wage profile
enables you to assign multiple wage rates to the same employee to comply with
union regulations or company policy. For example, if people perform different
jobs, they might earn a different wage rate for each job.
The WageProfile and WSAWageProfile tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllWageProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ WageProfileId = Integer ]
[ WageProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a wage profile, based on WageProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: WageProfile tag
Required Properties: WageProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 835

Chapter 2

Returns a list of all wage profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WageProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a wage profile, based on WageProfileID.
ID must be valid
Return Value Type: WageProfile tag
Required Properties: WageProfileID
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of wage profile
Uniquely identifies the wage profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Wage profile name
The name of the person's wage profile
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v4

836 Kronos Incorporated

WaitingPeriod Tag

WaitingPeriod Tag
Waiting Period (unsupported)
WORKFORCE CONNECT. The amount of time (in seconds) that must pass
before a leave decision node can be used in the cascade evaluation process.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

RelativeStartDateType = String
[ Units = String ]
WaitingPeriodDuration = TimeDuration />

Property Descriptions
Relative start date type
The name of the waiting period start date type.
Type: String
Valid values include Leave Start Date, Initial Leave Request Date. It can also be
the name of existing Site-Wide dates or Person-specific Dates configured in
Calculated Accruals Setup. The maximum length is 50 characters.
Introduced in v5.1
The units by which the waiting period is defined.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 837

Chapter 2

The valid values are Calendar days or Scheduled days.

Only Allowed Values: Calendar days, Scheduled days
Sample values: Calendar days
Introduced in v5.1
Waiting period duration
The amount of time to wait (in days) as a KTimeDuration.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

838 Kronos Incorporated

WeekDay Tag

WeekDay Tag
Week Day
The WeekDay tag provides information about a week day as defined in the
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAll"

[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns information for the specified weekday.
Specify exactly one of Name or Description.
Return Value Type: WeekDay tag
Required Properties: Name, Description
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Returns all weekday information in the system.
No properties can be specified.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 839

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more WeekDay tags

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
The localized description of the week day. This value is used as the display name
in the user interface.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Week day name
A day of the week
Type: String
You must use the English name for the day, even if your application server is
configured to use a different national language.
Only Allowed Values: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0

840 Kronos Incorporated

WfcJob Tag

WfcJob Tag
Job in Organization
Use the WfcJob tag to add, delete, or modify a job that can be attached to
locations in an organizational map.
Function Access Control Point: API.Hierarchies
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"LoadByName" |

[ InActiveSw = Boolean ]
[ JobCode = String ]
[ JobTitle = String ]
[ LLEDesc = String ]
[ LLEName = String ]
[ SortOrder = Long ]
[ WfcJobDesc = String ]
WfcJobName = String
[ WfcJobNewName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Adds a new job to the job hierarchy.
Return Value Type: None

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 841

Chapter 2

Required Properties: WfcJobName

Optional Properties: WfcJobDesc, JobCode, JobTitle, LLEName, LLEDesc,
InActiveSw, SortOrder
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Marks an existing job for deletion.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: WfcJobName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Returns information for a job with the specified name.
Return Value Type: WfcJob tag
Required Properties: WfcJobName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Updates an existing job.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: WfcJobName
Optional Properties: WfcJobDesc, JobCode, JobTitle, LLEName, LLEDesc,
InActiveSw, SortOrder, WfcJobNewName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions

842 Kronos Incorporated

WfcJob Tag

Is the job inactive?
Indicates whether the job is inactive
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Default Value: False
Introduced in v5.0
Job code
The job code name can be used to identify a job. It is often used when the job has
been imported from another system.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Description of job code
This is a description of the job. It is often used when the job has been imported
from another system.
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Description of labor level entry
The description of the labor level entry for the specified job
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 843

Chapter 2

Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0
Labor level entry mapped to job
The name of the labor level entry that is mapped to the specified job.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Required: If the job location type matches a labor level
Introduced in v5.0
Sort order
The sort order number controls the order in which the job appears in functions
such as Schedule Planner or Staff Planner.
Type: Long
Maximum length: 9 characters
Use only integers that are greater than zero.
Introduced in v5.0
Job description
The description for the specified job
Type: String
Maximum length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.0

844 Kronos Incorporated

WfcJob Tag

Job name
Job name
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
Must conform to the name property standards
Introduced in v5.0
New name for job
The new job name for an existing job.
Used only for the Update action.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
The name must be unique.
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 845

Chapter 2

WorkedDuration Tag
Amount of Time Worked
Use the WorkedDuration tag to add a time amount, to delete a time amount, or to
add a comment to a time amount for an employee.
Used by: Timesheet
Function Access Control Point: API.Timecard
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "AddComment" | "AddOnly" | "Delete"

[ AccrualOverride = Boolean ]
[ allowAdHoc = Boolean ]
[ EchoData = Boolean ]

AmountInTime = TimeDuration
[ CommentText = String ]
Date = Date
( EnteredOnDate = Date )
( EnteredOnTime = Time )
[ LaborAccountName = String ]
[ NewShiftOverrideFlag = Boolean ]
OrgJobId = String
OrgJobName = String
[ ScheduledLaborAccountName = String ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
( <Comments>
</Comments> )

846 Kronos Incorporated

WorkedDuration Tag

<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>
( <Exceptions>
</Exceptions> )

Action Descriptions
Adds a comment for the specified worked durations for the specified employee.
Depending on the type of worked duration, you may need to specify one of the
following properties:
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTime, Date, Employee, CommentText
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4
Adds a new worked duration with the specified amount and date for the specified
employee. You can add multiple worked durations with identical amount and date
values, for the same employee.
Return Value Type: WorkedDuration tag
Required Properties: AmountInTime, Date, Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 847

Chapter 2

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

AccrualOverride If the action results in an accrual Introduced in v4
warning, the warning is overridden
when AccrualOverride=True.
Default Value: False
EchoData If True, the Response includes a copy Introduced in v4
of this tag.
Default Value: False
allowAdHoc Specifies whether an ad hoc labor Introduced in v5.0
level is allowed. Deprecated in v5.0: Not used
Default Value: False

Marks for deletion all worked durations for the employee and the work duration.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: AmountInTime, Date, Employee
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Amount of time worked, in time
The amount of time to be added or deleted, expressed as a duration.
Type: TimeDuration
Maximum length: 30 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

848 Kronos Incorporated

WorkedDuration Tag

The set of comments that are associated with worked durations in the timesheet.
Type: Zero or more Comment tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Comment text
A text string that is attached to the pay code amount or totaled amount.
Type: String
Maximum length: 254 characters
Must match exactly an applicable comment that already exists in the database.
The string matching is case-sensitive.
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4
Effective date
The date for which the added or deleted time duration is to be posted.
Type: Date
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag, who is to be
credited with the time.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 849

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v4
Date of the entry for worked time
The date on which this duration was added to the database
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Time of the entry for worked time
The time at which this duration was added to the database
Type: Time
Output Only
Introduced in v4
A list of timekeeping exceptions.
Dependency: Returned only when the WorkedDuration is returned as part of a the
Timesheet tag, and only if the most recent totalization detected a timekeeping
exception for this worked duration.
Type: Zero or more TimekeepingException tags
Output Only
Introduced in v4
Labor account
The name of the labor account
Enter data for labor accounts in the same format as they appear in the Workforce
Timekeeper database. For example, if you have a seven-level labor account,

850 Kronos Incorporated

WorkedDuration Tag

specify a value for each labor level, using the following format: 101/202/303/404/
Do not specify labor levels that are not changing.
If any of the labor levels are the same as the employeeís primary labor account,
you can enter @H for those labor levels instead of entering the labor entry names.
Type: String
Maximum length: 356 characters.
Introduced in v4
Start a new shift?
The override type value, if any, that is being applied when adding a totaled
Values are:
• False for no new shift override
• True for a new shift override
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4
Organizational job ID
A unique identifier for a job in the organization
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Default Value: Null
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 851

Chapter 2

Organizational job
The name of the organizational job path of the employee whose pay code amount
or totaled amount is being edited.
Enter data for OrgJobName in the same format as it appears in the database.
Note: OrgJobName string matching is case-sensitive on a Workforce Central
server that connects to an Oracle database.
Required: When the pay code edits, historical edit, or totaled amount being
deleted or commented contained an explicit OrgJobName value
Type: String
See group( OrgJob)
Maximum length: 1000 characters
You must have Functional Access for Job Transfers. A node with this Id must
exist in the organizational structure
Default Value: null
Introduced in v5.0
Scheduled labor account
Denotes a labor account transfer entered by means of the scheduler application.
This property can only be specified for a Delete action..
Type: String
Introduced in v5.0
Work rule
The work rule for which the amount is being applied. If left blank, the employee's
default work rule is used.
Workforce provides the following predefined data values:

852 Kronos Incorporated

WorkedDuration Tag

Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Application Setup.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

Groups of Mutually Exclusive Properties

Organization Job Name or ID: If ID exists, Name is ignored.
Group includes: OrgJobId,OrgJobName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 853

Chapter 2

WorkerType Tag
Worker Type
The WorkerType tag identifies an optional attribute, such as full-time or part-time,
that you can assign to a person. Use this tag to add, modify, delete, load, or
retrieve worker types.
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"Load" |
"LoadAll" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

[ Name = String ] >

Action Descriptions
Adds a new worker type to the database.
Return Value Type: None

854 Kronos Incorporated

WorkerType Tag

Required Properties: WorkerTypeElements

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Marks a worker type record for deletion.
This worker type must exist
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: WorkerTypeElements
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Returns the specified worker type.
The worker type must exist
Return Value Type: WorkerType tag
Required Properties: WorkerTypeElements
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Returns all available worker types.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WorkerType tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Returns all worker types for update (SDM-required action).
Return Value Type: Zero or more WorkerType tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 855

Chapter 2

Returns the names of all worker types (SDM-required action).
Return Value Type: Zero or more KBusinessObjectNameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified worker type (SDM-required action).
Return Value Type: WorkerType tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new worker type or updates an existing one.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: WorkerTypeElements
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0
Updates an existing worker type value.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: WorkerTypeElements
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Worker Type
The name of the worker type.

856 Kronos Incorporated

WorkerType Tag

Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Sample values: Full Time, Part Time, Per Diem
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Set of worker type elements
A list of the elements that comprise the worker type. The elements are defined
using the WorkerTypeElement tag.
Type: One or more WorkerTypeElement tags
Introduced in v5.0; last changed in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 857

Chapter 2

WorkerTypeElement Tag
WorkerType Elements
The WorkerTypeElement tag defines a worker type. It is used by WorkerType tag.
Function Access Control Point: API.Common
Introduced in v5.0

[ IsActive = Boolean ]
[ NewName = String ]
WorkerTypeName = String />

Property Descriptions
Is worker type active?
Specifies whether the worker type is active. If True, it is active.
Type: Boolean
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v5.0
New name of worker type
You can specify a new name for the worker type if you are updating an existing
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

858 Kronos Incorporated

WorkerTypeElement Tag

Introduced in v5.0
Worker type name
The name of the worker type
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Sample values: Full Time, Part Time, Per Diem
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 859

Chapter 2

WorkflowAccessAssignment Tag
Process Profiles Assigned to a Person
The WorkflowAccessAssignment tag assigns a person to a specific employee
process profile and/or a manager process profile. Each person is identified
through the Identity property.
The Identity of a person must be specified as a property of the
WorkflowAcessAssignment tag. Either the EmployeeWorkflowProfileName and/
or the ManagerWorkflowProfileName must be specified to assign the specified
person to the a given employee process profile and manager process profile.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkflowAccessAssignment
Introduced in v5.0

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "UpdateOnly"

[ EmployeeWorkflowProfileName = String ]
[ ManagerWorkflowProfileName = String ] >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Action Descriptions
Retrieves a process profile access assignment given the Identity of a person. The
Identity property must be specified for the Load Action.

860 Kronos Incorporated

WorkflowAccessAssignment Tag

The Identity property must be specifie for the Load Action. The Person or the
Person Number specified in the Identity property must already exist in the
database, prior to calling the Load Action.
Return Value Type: WorkflowAccessAssignment tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.0
Assigns a person to a specific employee process profile and/or a manager process
For the UpdateOnly action, the Identity property MUST be specified, and
EmployeeWorkflowProfileName and/or the ManagerWorkflowProfileName
MUST be specified.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Identity, Either EmployeeWorkflowProfileName and/or
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0

Property Descriptions
Process profile for employees
Name of employee process profile. The EmployeeWorkflowProfileName must be
specified as a property for the UpdateOnly Action, if you wish to assign a specific
process profile name as the employee process profile.
Type: String
If the EmployeeWorkflowProfileName is defined for an action, the
EmployeeWorkflowProfileName cannot be null. The
EmployeerWorkProfileName must be assigned a string value of a process profile
name that already exists in the database.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 861

Chapter 2

Sample values: EmployeeWorkflowProfileName="All Process Templates"

Introduced in v5.0
Identifies the subject person. The Identity property MUST be specified for the
UpdateOnly and Load Actions.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
If the Identity property is defined for an action, the Identity property cannot be
null. The Person or the Person Number must already exist in the database, before
assigning the process profile(s).
Sample values: <Identity>
<PersonIdentity PersonNumber="207"></PersonIdentity>
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.0
Process profile for managers
Name of the manager process profile. The ManagerWorkflowProfileName must
be specified as a property for the UpdateOnly Action, if you wish to assign a
specific process profile name as the manager process profile.
Type: String
If the ManagerWorkflowProfileName property is defined for an action, the
ManagerWorkflowProfileName cannot be null. The ManagerWorkProfileName
must be assigned a string value of a process profile name that already exists in the
Sample values: ManagerWorkflowProfileName="All Process Templates"
Introduced in v5.0

862 Kronos Incorporated

WorkflowTemplateCategory Tag

WorkflowTemplateCategory Tag
Workflow Template Category
The Process Template Category specifies the template categories. A process
template can be assigned to one or more categories of choice.
Function Access Control Point:
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllCategories"

[ Description = String ]
Id = Long
Name = String
Originator = Integer />

Action Descriptions
This action returns a list of the template categories.
Return Value Type: WorkflowTemplateCategory tag
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.0.a

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 863

Chapter 2

Category description
A description of the category.
Type: String
Maximum Length: 250 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Category identifier
The category's Id.
Type: Long
Must be greater than zero
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Category name
The category's name.
Type: String
Maximum Length: 50 characters
Introduced in v5.1
Category originator
The Category Orignator defines if the category was created by the system or if it
was created by a user. Thus, 0 - specifies a system category, 1 - specifies a user
defined category.
Type: Integer

864 Kronos Incorporated

WorkflowTemplateCategory Tag

The Category Originator must be either 0 or 1.
Sample values: 0, 1
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 865

Chapter 2

WorkHour Tag
Work Hour
The WorkHour tag defines a rule based on the number of hours that an employee
has worked.
Function Access Control Point: API.WorkforceLeave
Introduced in v5.1

AmountOperator = String
[ CustomDateType = String ]
HourAmount = String
PayCode = String
TimePeriodDuration = String
[ WorkHireRefDateType = String ] />

Property Descriptions
Amount operator
The amount operator is used to validate the actual amount and requirement
amount. The actual amount is on the left side of the operator. The requirement is
on the right side of the operator.
Type: String
The operator must be valid.
Sample values: Less than, Less than or equal to, Equal to, More than or equal to,
More than, Not equal to
Introduced in v5.1
Custom date type

866 Kronos Incorporated

WorkHour Tag

A custom date type defined by the accruals configuration.

Type: String
Sample values: Union Hire Date
Introduced in v5.1
Hour amount
The required hour amount for an employee.
Type: String
Sample values: 4:00
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code
The name of an existing pay code for the hours worked requirement.
Type: String
Sample values: Sick
Introduced in v5.1
Time period duration
The time period that is needed to look back. The unit is calendar day.
Type: String
The format should satisfy the KTimeDuration.
Introduced in v5.1
Work hired reference date type

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 867

Chapter 2

The worked hours reference date type.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

868 Kronos Incorporated

WorkRule Tag

WorkRule Tag
Work Rule
The WorkRule tag returns a set of work rules and information about who can
access them. A work rule is a set of parameters that apply specific payroll rules to
shifts. These rules determine how employee hours accrue (for example, for
breaks, overtime, and pay code distribution. Properties are defined to show
whether the user has permission to assign the work rule to himself or herself, or to
other employees.
The WorkRule and WSAWorkRule tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: API.Accruals
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "LoadAllWorkRules"

( ManagerHasAccessFlag = Boolean )
( ProfessionalHasAccessFlag = Boolean )
( WorkRuleName = String ) />

Action Descriptions
Returns a list of all work rules in the system
Return Value Type: Zero or more WorkRule tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 869

Chapter 2

Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Do managers have access?
Boolean value that indicates, when True, that a manager can access the work rule.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Do professionals have access?
Boolean value that indicates, when True, that employees can access the work rule.
Type: Boolean
Output Only
Only Allowed Values: True, False
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Work rule name
Name of the work rule. The name is case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Output Only
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v4

870 Kronos Incorporated

WorkRuleProfile Tag

WorkRuleProfile Tag
Work Rule Profile
The WorkRuleProfile tag returns information about work rule profiles. A work
rule profile is a set of rules that determine how employee hours accrue. Details
about how punches round, the types of overtime the employee can earn, which
pay codes hold what type of hours, and policies for meals and breaks are examples
of work rules that can be included in a work rule profile.
For more information, see the online help.
Function Access Control Point: API.Employee
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Load" | "LoadAllWorkRuleProfiles" | "LoadById"

[ WorkRuleProfileId = Integer ]
[ WorkRuleProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns a work rule profile, based on WorkruleProfileName.
Name should be valid
Return Value Type: WorkRuleProfile tag
Required Properties: WorkruleProfileName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

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Chapter 2

Returns a list of all work rule profiles in the system.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WorkRuleProfile tags
Required Properties: None
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4
Returns a work rule profile, based on WorkruleProfileID.
ID should be valid
Return Value Type: WorkRuleProfile tag
Required Properties: WorkruleProfileID
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4

Property Descriptions
Id of work rule profile
Uniquely identifies the work rule data access profile in the database
Type: Integer
Introduced in v4
Work rule profile name
The name for the common set of work rules that a group of employees can select.
For example, Professional Employees.
Type: String
Introduced in v4

872 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAssignmentRule Tag

WSAAssignmentRule Tag
Assignment Rule
The Assignment Rule tag allows you to assign a work rule to a specific time
period. When employees qualify for an assigned shift, the assigned work rule
applies rather than their default work rule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"

[ Friday = Boolean ]
[ Monday = Boolean ]
[ OrderNum = Integer ]
[ Saturday = Boolean ]
[ Scheduled = Boolean ]
[ ScheduleEndTime = Long ]
[ ScheduleStartTime = Long ]
[ ShiftMax = Long ]
[ ShiftMin = Long ]
[ Sunday = Boolean ]
[ Thursday = Boolean ]
[ Tuesday = Boolean ]
[ Unscheduled = Boolean ]
[ Wednesday = Boolean ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] />

Action Descriptions

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Chapter 2

Returns the specified assignment rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAAssignmentRule tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Is the rule enabled for Friday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Friday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Monday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Monday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Order of the rule
Order number of the assignment rules that are assigned to a particular pay rule.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Saturday?

874 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAssignmentRule Tag

Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Saturday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule scheduled?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), allows scheduled employees to
qualify for this assignment shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Schedule End Time
End time in HH:mm AM|PM format. The end time closes the range of time that
allows in-punches to link to an assigned schedule. For scheduled employees to
qualify for the assigned shift, their scheduled start times must be before the end
time. For unscheduled employees to qualify for the assigned shift, their in-
punches must be before the end time.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Schedule Start Time
Start time in HH:mm AM|PM format. For scheduled employees to qualify for the
assigned shift, their scheduled start times must be before the end time. For
unscheduled employees to qualify for the assigned shift, their in-punches must be
before the end time.
Type: Long

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Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Maximum shift length
Maximum shift length allowed for an employee to qualify for the assignment rule.
Specify the length in in HH:mm format. The default is 99:59.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum shift length
Minimum shift length required for an employee to qualify for the assignment rule.
Specify the length in in HH:mm format. The default is 0:00 (no minimum is
required to qualify).
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Sunday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Sunday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Thursday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Thursday.
Type: Boolean

876 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAssignmentRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Tuesday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Tuesday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule unscheduled?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), allows unscheduled employees to
qualify for this assignment shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the rule enabled for Wednesday?
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the assignment rule is
enabled for Wednesday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Work Rule
Name of the work rule that applies to this shift.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

WSAAutoBreakPlacement Tag
Automatic Break Placement
The Automatic Break Placement tag enables you to specify automated break
placements in work rules. Note: Automated break placements are available only if
Workforce Scheduler is installed.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"

[ MaxStartTimeForBreak = Long ]
[ MinStartTimeForBreak = Long ]
[ MinTimeBetweenBreaks = Long ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ShiftLengths>
</ShiftLengths> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified automated break placement.
Return Value Type: WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

878 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAutoBreakPlacement Tag

Property Descriptions
Latest start time for a break
Number of hours that employees must work between the start of the last break and
the end of their shift. Valid values are from 0 (zero) to 99 hours. The default is 0
(zero) hours.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Earliest start time for a break
Number of hours employees must work before taking a break. Valid values are
from 0 (zero) to 99 hours. The default is 0 (zero) hours.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum time between breaks
Minimum number of hours employees must work between breaks. Valid values
are from 0 (zero) to 99 hours.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the automated break placement. The name can be up to 32 characters in
length, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String

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Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.1
List of shift lengths
List containing one or more shift lengths.
Type: Zero or more WSAShiftLength tags
Introduced in v5.1

880 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP Tag

WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP Tag
Availability Pattern Data Access Profile
The Availability Pattern Data Access Profile tag enables you to specify the
availability templates to which users have access.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all availability pattern data access profiles for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

Returns a list of all availability pattern data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified availability pattern data access profile for update.
Return Value Type: WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified availability pattern data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the user have access to all availability templates?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the availability pattern data access
profile includes all availability patterns in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

882 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP Tag

Description of the availability pattern data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the Availability template data access profile
Name of the availability pattern data access profile. The name is case-insensitive
and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Availability templates associated with this data access profile
List of availability templates associated with this availability pattern data access
Type: Zero or more WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem Tag
Availability Pattern Profile Item
This is a Worforce Setup Application tag that identifies availability pattern profile
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all availability pattern profile items for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified availability pattern profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

884 Kronos Incorporated

WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem Tag

Property Descriptions
Availability pattern profile item name
Name of the availability pattern profile item. The namecan be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

WSABonusDeductRule Tag
Bonus Deduct Rule
The WSABonusDeductRule tag enables you to list and update bonus and
deduction rules. The DeductRule and WSABonusDeductRule tags refer to the
same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Amount = String ]
[ AtLeastSelected = Boolean ]
[ BonusQualify = String ]
[ BreakRule = String ]
[ Friday = Boolean ]
[ InWinEtime = Time ]
[ InWinStime = Time ]
[ IsCanceledInTimecard = Boolean ]
[ IsShiftRestriction = Boolean ]
[ Locator = TimeDuration ]
[ LocatorAtOrAfter = Time ]
[ LocatorBefore = Time ]
[ Monday = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PayCode = String ]
[ PaycodeMax = TimeDuration ]
[ PaycodeMin = TimeDuration ]

886 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

[ QualifyPerShift = Boolean ]
[ Saturday = Boolean ]
[ ShfLenMax = TimeDuration ]
[ ShfLenMin = TimeDuration ]
[ ShiftReq = Integer ]
[ Sunday = Boolean ]
[ Thursday = Boolean ]
[ TimeOfDay = Time ]
[ TrigpaycodeName = String ]
[ Tuesday = Boolean ]
[ Type = String ]
[ Wednesday = Boolean ]
[ WeekStart = Integer ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all bonus and deduction rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSABonusDeductRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all bonus and deduction rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified bonus or deduction rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSABonusDeductRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

Updates the specified bonus or deduction rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
The amount of the bonus or deduction that will be deducted from or added to
timecards. The Amount can be decimal or time. If you specify a pay code, the pay
code type determines the amount type. A money pay code indicates a decimal
amount. A time pay code indicates a time amount. The default is time in HH:mm
format (00:00).
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
At Least Selected
At Least Selected
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Bonus Qualify
When the trigger is PayCode (Type property is B), time frame during which the
activity in PayCode must occur for an employee to
qualify for this bonus or deduction. Valid values are: "shift", "week", and
"payPeriod". If you select "week", the Week start property can also be set. If you

888 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

select "week" or "payPeriod", the Qualify per Shift option propertycan also be set.
The default is "shift".
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Break Rule
Break rule specifying when a punch qualifies as a break and how these punches
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Friday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
In window end time
If a shift restriction exists on the bonus or deduction, earliest time that a shift may
end in order to qualify for
the bonus or deduction. This value is expressed in HH:mm AM|PM format.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
In window start time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 889

Chapter 2

If a shift restriction exists on the bonus or deduction, time by which a shift must
begin for the shift to qualify
for the bonus or deduction. This value is expressed in HH:mm AM|PM format.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Is Canceled In Timecard
Boolean value that, when True (the default), allows this deduction or bonus to be
canceled when canceling all deductions in Timecard.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Shift Restriction
Boolean value that, when True, enables shift restriction. When shift restriction is
enabled, employees must start at or before InWinStime. Rounded out-punches are
compared to the Must Work Until time. Employees must end work at or after
InWinEtime. When thid value is False (the default), shift restriction is disabled,
employees are not required to meet specific time constraints to receive the bonus
or deduction.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
When the trigger is length of shift (Type property is D), time (specified in HH:mm
format) at which the bonus or deduction occurs in the shift. If employees earn a
daily shift differential, the automatic bonus or deduction could affect the time
earned in that zone. When a locator is not specified, the bonus or deduction is

890 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

taken at the beginning of the shift. For example, the locator is 4:00, the daily shift
differential is 11:00 P.M. to 8:00 A.M., an employee punches in at 7:00 A.M. and
punches out at 4:00 P.M. The shift length is 8 hours and the employee earns 1 hour
of daily shift differential. The locator appears at 11:00 A.M. If the locator is 0:00,
the shift length is still 8:00, but the employee does not earn any shift differential.
The default locator is 4:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Locator At Or After
When the trigger is length of shift (Type property is D), time at or after which the
locator must occur for the shift to qualify for the bonus or deduction. The value is
expressed in HH:mm AM|PM format. LocatorAtOrAfter is the beginning of the
fixed range during which the locator must appear for the bonus or deduction to
occur. Along with LocatorBefore, this property restricts when a bonus or
deduction occurs; for example, just at lunch or dinner time. To determine the fixed
range, add the locator to the rounded in-punch. If the resulting time occurs at or
after the start of the range, and before the end of the range, the shift meets this
requirement. The default is 12:00 AM.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Locator Before
When the trigger is length of shift (Type property is D), time before which the
locator must occur for the shift to qualify for the bonus or deduction. This value is
expressed in seconds, starting at midnight. The LocatorBefore property specifies
the end of the fixed range during which the locator must appear for the bonus or
deduction to occur. Along with the LocatorAtOrAfter property, it restricts when a
bonus or deduction occurs; for example, just at lunch or dinner time. To determine
the fixed range, add the locator to the rounded in-punch. If the resulting time

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 891

Chapter 2

occurs at or after the start of the range, and before the end of the range, the shift
meets this requirement.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Monday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
The bonus or deduction rule name. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay Code
Pay code for the bonus or deduction.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code Max

892 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

When the trigger is pay code (Type property is B), maximum amount of time to
qualify for the bonus or deduction in HH:mm format. If employees work more
than the maximum, they do not earn the bonus or deduction. Their rounded shift
lengths are compared to the maximum amount. Employees may be eligible for
more than one bonus or deduction. The maximum option might eliminate a lower-
paying bonus in favor of a higher-paying bonus. The maximum amount should be
greater than the minimum amount. The default is 99:59.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code Min
When the trigger is pay code (Type property is B), minimum amount of time (in
HH:mm format) required to qualify for the bonus or deduction. Employees must
work at least the shift minimum to earn the bonus or deduction. The rounded shift
length is compared to the minimum. The default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Qualify Per Shift
Boolean value that, when True and trigger is time of day (Type property is F) and
BonusQualify is week or pay period, indicates that employees must work the
number of shifts specified by ShiftsRequired to qualify for the bonus or
deduction. By default, this option is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 893

Chapter 2

Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Saturday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum shift length
When the trigger is length of shift (Type property is D), maximum shift length to
trigger. This is the amount of time (specified in HH:mm format) that determines
the cancelation of the automatic bonus or deduction. The maximum amount
should be greater than the ShfLenMin. The default is 99:59.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum shift length
When the trigger is length of shift (Type property is D), minimum shift length to
trigger. This is the least amount of time (specified in HH:mm format) that
employees are required to work to qualify for the bonus or deduction. The
rounded shift length is compared to the shift minimum. If the shift length equals
or is greater than the minimum, the shift qualifies for the bonus or deduction. The
default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Shifts Required
Is the trigger is time of day (Type property is F) and BonusQualify is week or pay
period, number of shifts employees must work before they earn the bonus or
deduction. For a shift to qualify, it must meet the minimum and not exceed the
maximum shift length requirements. The default is 1.

894 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Sunday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Thursday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Time Of Day
When the trigger is time of day (Type property is F), time of day that triggers the
bonus or deduction in HH:mm format. The bonus or deduction applies when an
employeeís shift contains this time.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Trigger pay code name
When pay code is the trigger (Type property is B), pay code that triggers the
bonus or deduction. Apply this pay code to an hour type in the pay code

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 895

Chapter 2

distribution. When employees earn hours during that zone, there is activity in the
pay code.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Tuesday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Deduct rule type that triggers the bonus or deduction. It can have one of the
following values:
• B: After a specified amount of time has accumulated in a certain pay code
• D: After a specified shift length
• F: When an employee works at a specified time of day
The default trigger is Length of Shift with the Shift Length Minimum set to 0:00
and Shift Length Maximum set to 99:59. This enables the bonus or deduction to
occur during any shift. The default locator is 4:00, and At or After and Before are
both set to 12:00 A.M.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

896 Kronos Incorporated

WSABonusDeductRule Tag

Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the bonus or deduction rule applies
to Wednesday.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Week Start
When the trigger is pay code (Type property is B) and BonusQualify is week,
number of the day of the week on which the timeframe accumulator resets. The
default is 1 (Monday).
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 897

Chapter 2

WSABreakRule Tag
Break Rule
The Break Rule tag enables you to list and update break rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ EndTime = Time ]
[ LongChgPoint = TimeDuration ]
[ LongException = TimeDuration ]
[ LongGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ LongRound = TimeDuration ]
[ MaxLength = TimeDuration ]
[ MediumGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ MediumRound = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PaidAmount = Long ]
[ RelativeTo = String ]
[ ShortChgPoint = TimeDuration ]
[ ShortException = TimeDuration ]
[ ShortGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ ShortRound = TimeDuration ]
[ StartTime = Time ] />

Action Descriptions

898 Kronos Incorporated

WSABreakRule Tag

Returns all break rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSABreakRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all break rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified break rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSABreakRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified break rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
End Time
"Before" time in HH:mm format. This value, relative to the time in the
RelativeTo property, defines the end of a range of time in which the break rule
applies. The default is 0:00.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 899

Chapter 2

Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Long Change Point
Long change point in HH:mm format. This value determines the limit at which the
round and grace rules for the medium break interval are activated. The default is
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Long Exception
Long Exception in HH:mm format. This exception defines a long period of time
between an out-punch for a break and a returning in-punch. For example, it is
possible to identify employees who take long lunches. This exception identifies
that situation on the Timecard and on reports. The actual break interval is
compared to the Long Exception setting. If the interval is equal to or greater than
the Long Exception, the exception appears on timecards and reports. The default
is 24:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Long Grace
Grace rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the long break interval. The default
is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

900 Kronos Incorporated

WSABreakRule Tag

Long Round
Round rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the long break interval. The default
is 0:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Max Length
Maximum amount of time, in HH:mm format, that an employee can punch out
during a shift and still have the next punch recognized as the return in-punch for
that shift. The default is 0:30.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Medium Grace
Grace rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the medium break interval. The
default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Medium Round
Round rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the medium break interval. The
default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 901

Chapter 2

Break rule name. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-insensitive,
and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Paid Amount
Paid amount of time in HH:mm format. Specify this amount if employees receive
compensation for their breaks. If you select this option, when employees take a
break that is equal to or less than the paid amount, no time is deducted from their
timecards. If they take a break that is longer than the paid amount, only the
incremental amount of time is deducted from their shifts. For example, the paid
amount is 30 minutes and employees punch out for 25 minutes. No time is
deducted from employeesís timecards. If they punch out for 45 minutes, then 15
minutes is deducted. The default is 0:00.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Relative To
Value that determines how the values expressed in the StartTime and EndTime
properties are used. Valid values of the RelativeTo property are: "midnight",
"scheduledStart", and "actualStart". Relative to "midnight" sets the StartTime and
EndTime properties as fixed points in time, whereas Relative to "scheduledStart"
or "actualStart" makes them variable. "scheduledStart" depends on the employee
linking to a schedule, whereas "actualStart" does not. The default is "midnight".
Type: String

902 Kronos Incorporated

WSABreakRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Short Change Point
Short change point in HH:mm format. This value determines the limits at which
the round and grace rules for the normal and long break intervals are activated.
The default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Short Exception
Short exception in HH:mm format. This exception defines a short period of time
between an out-punch for a break and a returning in-punch. For example, it is
possible to identify employees who take short lunches. This exception identifies
this situation on the Timecard and on reports. The actual break interval is
compared to the Short Exception setting. If the interval is equal to or less than the
Short Exception setting, the exception appears. The default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Short Grace
Grace rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the short break interval. The default
is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Short Round

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 903

Chapter 2

Round rule (in HH:mm format) that applies to the short break interval. The
default is 0:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Start Time
"At or After" time in HH:mm format. This value, relative to the time in the
RelativeTo property, defines the beginning of a range of time in which the break
rule applies. The default is 0:00.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1

904 Kronos Incorporated

WSABreakTime Tag

WSABreakTime Tag
Break Time
The BreakTime tag allows you to manage break times.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"

[ BreakRuleName = String ]
[ MaxStart = Long ]
[ MinStart = Long ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OrderNum = Integer ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified break time.
Return Value Type: WSABreakTime tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 905

Chapter 2

Associated Break Rule
Name of the break rule associated with the scheduled break.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum start period
Maximum number of minutes that an employee is allowed to work before a
scheduled break must begin.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum start period
Minimum number of minutes that an employee must work before a scheduled
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the break schedule time. The name is case-insensitive and must be
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

906 Kronos Incorporated

WSABreakTime Tag

Position in sequence
Order number that uniquely identifies this break schedule time with respect to the
specified break rule.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 907

Chapter 2

WSACallInRule Tag
Call-In Rule
The Call-In Rule tag allows you to specify and manage rules that specify how
employees are compensated when they are on call, called back to work, or both.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ EarlyScheduleMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ HasTransferToCallback = Boolean ]
[ HasTransferToRegular = Boolean ]
[ IsCallbackDeducted = Boolean ]
[ IsGuaranteedAsSumOfShifts = Boolean ]
[ IsOnlyActualAmountDeducted = Boolean ]
[ IsPaidBothRegularAndCallback = Boolean ]
[ IsSeparateShift = Boolean ]
[ MaximumOnCall = TimeDuration ]
[ MinimumToQualify = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OnCallLocator = Time ]
[ OnCallWorkRule = String ]
[ ShiftGuarantee = String ]
[ UnscheduledShiftLength = TimeDuration ] />

908 Kronos Incorporated

WSACallInRule Tag

Action Descriptions
Returns all call-in rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSACallInRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all call-in rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified call-in rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSACallInRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified call-in rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Early Schedule Margin

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 909

Chapter 2

Length of time, in HH:mm format, of the early schedule margin that is defined for
the call-in rule. This amount of time specifies the earliest time that employees can
punch in early for a call-back shift and start accruing call-back hours. This
schedule margin overrides the early schedule margin in Punch Interpretation rules.
The default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Has Transfer To Callback
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the Transfer to Callback at Regular
Schedule End option is selected for this call-in rule. When this option is selected:
• Employees are scheduled for regular shifts next to call-back shifts.
• Employees work during the call-back shift and regular shift.
• Employees stop accruing regular hours and start accruing call-back hours
when the call-back shift starts.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Has Transfer To Regular
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the Transfer from Callback at
Regular Schedule Start option is selected for this call-in rule. When this option is
• Employees are scheduled for regular shifts next to call-back shifts.
• Employees work during the call-back shift and the regular shift.0
• Employees stop accruing call-back hours and start accruing regular hours
when the regular shift starts.
Type: Boolean

910 Kronos Incorporated

WSACallInRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Is Callback Deducted
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the Deduct Call-Back from On-Call
option is selected for this call-in rule. When this option is selected, hours worked
or the guaranteed shift amount is deducted from the on-call hours that accrued.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Guaranteed As Sum Of Shifts
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the shift guarantee for this call-in
rule applies to the entire on-call shift. When this value is False, the guarantee
applies only to the first call-back period worked.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Only Actual Amount Deducted
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the Actual Amount Only option is
selected for this call-in rule. When this option is selected, only the actual amount
of time worked is deducted. When this value is False, the guaranteed shift amount
from the total on-call hours is deducted. This option is available only if you
selected Deduct call-back from On-Call.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Paid Both Regular And Callback

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 911

Chapter 2

Boolean value that indicates, when True, a manual transfer is required to stop
accruing both regular and call-back hours during the regular shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Separate Shift
Boolean value that, when True, indicates whether the Separate Shift from Other
Work Rules option is selected for this call-in rule. When this option is selected,
any worked span that uses this call-in rule is considered a separate shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum On-Call
Value, in HH:mm format, that indicates the maximum amount of on-call time that
is paid for each on-call shift. The default is 99:00, which is equivalent to no
maximum time specified.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum To Qualify
Amount of time, in HH:mm format, that employees must work before they start
accruing call-back hours. Actual punches are compared to the minimum. This
option prevents shifts that briefly enter an on-call shift from qualifying as call-
back hours. The default is 0:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

912 Kronos Incorporated

WSACallInRule Tag

Name of the call-in rule. The name is case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
On Call Locator
Value, in HH:mm format, that specifies at what time during a shift that on-call
hours start accumulating. The default is 0:00, which means hours start
accumulating at the beginning of the shift.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
On-Call Work Rule
Name that identifies the work rule that is applied to on-call hours.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Shift Guarantee
Name that identifies an existing shift guarantee to be assigned to this call-in rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 913

Chapter 2

Unscheduled Shift Length
Value that represents when call-back shifts are invoked by an activity code at a
data collection device.
Type: TimeDuration
Value that indicates whether the Unscheduled Shift Length option is selected for
this call-in rule. If zero (0), the option is not selected; if one, the option is
Introduced in v5.1

914 Kronos Incorporated

WSACombinationRule Tag

WSACombinationRule Tag
Combination Rule
The Combination Rule tag allows you to manage combination rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

<WSACombinationRule >
[ <Item>
</Item> ]
[ <Key>
</Key> ]
[ <Value>
</Value> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified combination rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSACombinationRule tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 915

Chapter 2

Item overtime rule
Combination item associated with this combination rule.
Type: WSAOvertimeRule tag
Introduced in v5.1
Key overtime rule
Combination key associated with this combination rule.
Type: WSAOvertimeRule tag
Introduced in v5.1
Value overtime rule
Combination value associated with this combination rule.
Type: WSAOvertimeRule tag
Introduced in v5.1

916 Kronos Incorporated

WSACombinedPayCodeRule Tag

WSACombinedPayCodeRule Tag
Combined Pay Code Rule
The Combined Pay Code rule tag allows you to manage combined pay code rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ EffectiveDate = Date ]
[ MoneyCategory = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ SelectedPayCodes = String list ]
[ VisibleInReport = Boolean ]
[ VisibleToUser = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all combined pay code rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSACombinedPayCodeRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 917

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all combined pay code rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified combined pay code rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified combined pay code rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Effective Date
Effective date of the combined pay code, in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Money Category

918 Kronos Incorporated

WSACombinedPayCodeRule Tag

Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code displays as money in
the Timecard totals. If a pay code type of time is specified, hours and total wages
appear on reports. If a pay code type of money is specified, hour amounts from
hour type of pay codes are converted to a monetary amount. The conversion
calculates wage rates with hour amounts, and the result is a total monetary
amount. Only monetary amounts appear on reports.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the combined pay code rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Selected Pay Codes
List of pay codes to be combined.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Visible In Report
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the combined pay code
is visible in Report options and totals.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 919

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Visible To User
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that the pay code is visible
on the Totals tab in the timecard and, if Workforce Scheduler is installed, in the
Cost Summary tab in Schedule.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

920 Kronos Incorporated

WSAComment Tag

WSAComment Tag
WSA Comment
The WSAComment tag enables you to add or edit comments. The Comment and
WSAComment tags refer to the same database object.
All rules related to Comments and their relationship with CommentTypes
Function Access Control Point: WSA.Comment
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Active = Boolean ]
[ Text = String ] >
[ <Types>
</Types> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all comments for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAComment tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 921

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all comments.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified comment for update.
Return Value Type: WSAComment tag
Required Properties: Text
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
This method uses the supplied WSAComment Bean info to either update (if a
comment with the supplied "Name" attribute exists in the DB already) or add
(otherwise) a comment with the information provided in the input stream. Note
that if you supply a value for the "Types" attribute, that value must be either one or
more WSACommentType bean entries. If you supply this information, the new/
updated comment will be assigned only to the comment categories/types which
you specify.
If you supply a value for the comment type/category attribute, "Types", you need
to provide at least one comment category for the target comment to be assigned to.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Text
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Is the comment active?

922 Kronos Incorporated

WSAComment Tag

Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the comment is active. This is the
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the WSA comment
Text of the comment. Each comment can have up to 256 characters and must be
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Types assigned to the comment
One or more types assigned to a comment.
Type: Zero or more WSACommentType tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 923

Chapter 2

WSACommentType Tag
Category of a Comment
The Comment Type tag enables you to retrieve and list the comment categories
and types defined in the database.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.Comment
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified comment type for update.
Return Value Type: WSACommentType tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Comment name
Name of the comment type.

924 Kronos Incorporated

WSACommentType Tag

Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 925

Chapter 2

WSAContributingPayCodeRule Tag
Contributing Pay Code Rule
The Contributing Pay Code Rule tag allows you to manage contributing pay code
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ] >
[ <PayCodeNames>
</PayCodeNames> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all contributing pay code rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAContributingPayCodeRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

926 Kronos Incorporated

WSAContributingPayCodeRule Tag

Returns a list of the names of all contributing pay code rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified contributing pay code rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified contributing pay code rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the contributing pay code rule. The name is case-insensitive and must be
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 927

Chapter 2

Pay code names
List of the names of pay codes that are part of the contributing pay code rule.
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Introduced in v5.1

928 Kronos Incorporated

WSAContributingShiftRule Tag

WSAContributingShiftRule Tag
Contributing Shift Rule
The Contributing Shift Rule tag allows you to manage contributing shift rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ ContributingPayCodeRuleName = String ]
[ DaysOfWeekIncludeType = String ]
[ LookBackTime = Integer ]
[ LookBackUnit = String ]
[ MinimumShiftLength = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <Days>
</Days> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all contributing shift rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAContributingShiftRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 929

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all contributing shift rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified contributing shift rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAContributingShiftRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified contributing shift rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the contributing pay code rule
Name of the contributing pay code rule for this contributing shift rule. This
property is required when adding a new rule; it is optional when updating an
existing rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

930 Kronos Incorporated

WSAContributingShiftRule Tag

List of days
List of those days of the week (for example, Monday, TuesdayÖ, Sunday) that
count toward contributing shifts when the Specify option is selected in the Days of
the Week Include Type property.
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Introduced in v5.1
Include type for day of the week
Day of week include type. This value indicates how the days of the week are
included in the contributing shifts that qualify for holiday credit. The following
values can be specified:
• A -- Include all days in the period preceding a holiday for the period of days
specified in the Look Back Time property.
• H -- Include only the day of the week on which a holiday falls for the period
of days specified in the Look Back Time column property.
• S -- Include the day of the week the user specifies for the period of days
specified in the Look Back Time property.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Look back time
Number of days, weeks, or months immediately preceding the holiday. It is
necessary for a shift to occur during this time period to be considered a
contributing shift.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 931

Chapter 2

Look back unit
Unit of time specified as the look back time (days, weeks, or months).
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum length of shift
Minimum length of time, in HH:mm format, for a shift that satisfies the conditions
for the contributing shifts rule relative to a holiday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the contributing shift rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

932 Kronos Incorporated

WSACoreHoursRule Tag

WSACoreHoursRule Tag
Core Hours Rule
The Core Hours Rule tag allows you to describe and manage rules that define
specific ranges of time during which employees are expected to work.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AtLeastSelected = Boolean ]
[ BreaksViolate_SW = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ EndTime = Time ]
[ Friday = Boolean ]
[ Monday = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ Saturday = Boolean ]
[ StartTime = Time ]
[ Sunday = Boolean ]
[ Thursday = Boolean ]
[ Tuesday = Boolean ]
[ Wednesday = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 933

Chapter 2

Returns all core hours rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSACoreHoursRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all core hours rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified core hours rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSACoreHoursRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified core hours rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
At Least Selected
At Least Selected
Type: Boolean

934 Kronos Incorporated

WSACoreHoursRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Breaks violate switch
Boolean value that, when True (the default), indicates that a break taken in a core
hours time span is considered a violation and will be flagged as an exception.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Description that identifies violations of core hours rules. The Exceptions report
shows this description. For example, you could call the violation "Morning Core
Hours Violation."
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
End Time
Ending time, in HH:mm AM|PM format, of a specific range of time during which
employees are expected to work. The default is 12:00 AM.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to Friday.
By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 935

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Monday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the core hours rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Saturday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Start Time
Starting time, in HH:mm AM|PM format, of a specific range of time during
which employees are expected to work. The default is 12:00 AM.
Type: Time

936 Kronos Incorporated

WSACoreHoursRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Sunday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Thursday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Tuesday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the core hours rule applies to
Wednesday. By default, this value is False.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 937

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

938 Kronos Incorporated

WSACreditCalculator Tag

WSACreditCalculator Tag
Credit Calculator
The Credit Calculator tag allows you to manage credit calculations for holiday
credit rules. It is meant for use only within the WSAHolidayCredit rule tag.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

[ ApplyHour = Long ]
[ AsIfWorkedSwitch = Boolean ]
[ AverageDaysMinimum = Integer ]
[ AverageFixedNumber = Integer ]
[ AverageShiftsMinimum = Integer ]
[ AverageSwitch = Long ]
[ AverageType = Long ]
[ ContributingShiftName = String ]
[ CreditFixedAmount = Long ]
[ CreditWageAmount = String ]
[ DefinedHolidayZone = Long ]
[ Grace = TimeDuration ]
[ HolidayDeduct = String ]
[ HolidayPolicy = String ]
[ MaxAmount = Long ]
[ Round = TimeDuration ]
[ Type = Long ]
[ UseAllShiftsSwitch = Boolean ]
[ WageCalculation = Boolean ]
[ WagePercent = String ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ] >
[ <CreditPayCodeNames>
</CreditPayCodeNames> ]

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 939

Chapter 2

Apply hour
Apply hour.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Set as if worked?
Boolean value that indicates whether the holiday credit was paid using work rules
or selected pay code rules. This property can have the following values:
• 0 -- Distribute to the pay codes that would have been in effect, had the
employee worked the scheduled hours on a
nonholiday day.
• 1 -- Distribute to selected pay codes.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Average Days Minimum
Minimum number of days required to calculate the average shift length.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Average fixed number
Average shift length when Fixed Number is selected in the Average Type
Type: Integer

940 Kronos Incorporated

WSACreditCalculator Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Average shift minimum
Minimum number of shifts required to calculate the average shift length.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Average switch for average type
Average swtich for AverageType.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Average type
Value that indicates which types of criteria are required to calculate the average
shift length, using the calculation: total number of qualified hours/total number of
days or shifts. This property can have the following values:
• 0 -- The divisor of the previous calculation equals the number of shifts that
satisfies the qualifying conditions, such as those specified by Contributing
• 1 -- The divisor of the previous calculation equals the number of days that
contain at least one qualified shift.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the contributing shift rule

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 941

Chapter 2

Name of the associated contributing shift rule.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Credit a fixed amount
Amount of holiday credits issued. The unit, such as amount of time, is determined
by the Type property.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Credit pay code rules
A list of one or more credit pay code rule names.
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Introduced in v5.1
Credit wage amount percentage
Percentage of total wages to be paid as a holiday credit. The unit, such as amount
of currency, is determined by the
Type property.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Defined holiday zone
Defined holiday zone.

942 Kronos Incorporated

WSACreditCalculator Tag

Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Value, expressed in HH:mm format, that is used in calculating an average shift
length. The value is rounded to a multiple of a specific
increment. The Holiday Credit Rules Hours Credits configuration determines the
grace values for the rounding rule.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday deduction
String value that indicates how to deduct the time from the holiday credit. This
property can have the following values:
• A -- Worked time that satisfies any Holiday Zone rule for the given holiday
has no effect on holiday credits.
• N -- Holiday credits are reduced by the amount of worked time that satisfies a
Holiday Zone rule for the particular holiday
• W -- All holiday credits are cancelled if any worked time satisfies a Holiday
Zone rule on a particular holiday.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday policy
Holiday policy.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 943

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Maximum amount
Maximum amount of holiday credits that can be issued by a particular holiday
credit rule.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Value, expressed in HH:mm format, that is used when calculating an average shift
length. The value is rounded to a multiple of a specific increment. The Holiday
Credit Rules Hours Credits configuration determines the round values for the
rounding rule.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Method used to calculate the holiday credit. This property can have the following
• 0 -- Fixed hours or wages. A set number of hours or wages issued as holiday
credit. This amount does not change from holiday to holiday.
• 1 -- Average actual wage. The actual wages for a specified period of time
immediately preceding the holidays.
• 2 -- Hours from schedule. The number of holiday credits is based on what the
employee would have scheduled for the day of the holiday.

944 Kronos Incorporated

WSACreditCalculator Tag

• 3 -- Average shift length. An averaged value of the total wages paid for
qualified shifts during a specified time period immediately preceding the
• 4 -- Percent of wages. A fixed percentage of the total wages paid for qualified
shifts during a specified time period immediately preceding the holiday.
• 5 -- Average base wage. The base wage for a specified time period
immediately preceding the holiday.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Should the all shifts switch be used?
Boolean value that indicates how to calculate multiple shifts when the Type
property has a value of hours from schedule. If multiple scheduled
shifts exist for a particular day, you can determine holiday credits by using one of
the following shift values:
• 0 -- First shift. Holiday credits equal the number of hours for the first
scheduled shift of the day.
• 1 -- Sum of all shifts. Holiday credits equal the sum of hours for all the
scheduled shifts of the day.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Wage calculation
Boolean value that indicates how the wages are calculated for the Average Wage
option in the Type property. It can have the following values:
• 0 -- Use base wage rate. The holiday credit, as a monetary amount, is the
product of the average shift length and the employee's base wage.
• 1 -- Use actual wages. This option disables the Round and Grace properties.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 945

Chapter 2

Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Wage percentage
Percentage of the total wages paid as a holiday credit.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Work rule
Name of the work rule that would apply if an employee works on a day on which
he or she was scheduled to be off.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

946 Kronos Incorporated

WSADaysOfWeek Tag

WSADaysOfWeek Tag
Days of Week
Internal use only. For use with Zone/Zone Combination rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ AtLeastSelected = Boolean ]
[ Friday = Boolean ]
[ Monday = Boolean ]
[ Saturday = Boolean ]
[ Sunday = Boolean ]
[ Thursday = Boolean ]
[ Tuesday = Boolean ]
[ Wednesday = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieve the specified instance from the DB
Return Value Type: WSADaysOfWeek tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 947

Chapter 2

Is the at least selected flag set?
The AtLeastSelected flag.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Friday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Friday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Monday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Monday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Saturday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Saturday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
IsSunday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Sunday is included.
Type: Boolean

948 Kronos Incorporated

WSADaysOfWeek Tag

Introduced in v5.1
IsThursday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Thursday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Tuesday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Tuesday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is Wednesday included?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that Wednesday is included.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 949

Chapter 2

WSADisplayOrder Tag
Display Order
The DisplayOrder tag allows you to control the order in which single and
combined pay codes appear in list boxes in Workforce Timekeeper. The order of
this list also affects which pay code receives accrual code payouts. If there is more
than one pay code that deducts from the accrual balance, the pay code that is listed
first in the Display Order window receives the transfer.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ] >
[ <PaycodesList>
</PaycodesList> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all display orders for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSADisplayOrder tags
Access Control Point Name: View

950 Kronos Incorporated

WSADisplayOrder Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all display orders.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified display order for updating.
Return Value Type: WSADisplayOrder tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified display order.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the display order
Name of the display order. The name is case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 951

Chapter 2

Pay codes list
Ordered list of paycodes.
Type: Zero or more WSADispOrdOptionalRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

952 Kronos Incorporated

WSADispOrdOptionalRule Tag

WSADispOrdOptionalRule Tag
Display Order Optional Rule
The Display Order Optional Rule tag allows you to manage the display order
optional rule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ ListOrder = Integer ]
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieves for Update
Return Value Type: WSADispOrdOptionalRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Order of the list

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 953

Chapter 2

The List Order

Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
The Name
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

954 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEffectivePayRule Tag

WSAEffectivePayRule Tag
Effective Dated Version of Pay Rule
The Effective Dated Version of Pay Rule tag allows you to manage effectively
dated versions of pay rules. A pay rule contains general payroll rules such as type
of pay period (for example, weekly). A complete pay rule controls such items as
the pay period length, the day divide, when punches link to schedules, when data
collection devices accept and reject punches, which holidays give holiday credits,
and the order that hour types are processed.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"

[ ApplyOnly = Boolean ]
[ EffectiveDate = Long ]
[ FixedRuleName = String ]
[ HolidayCreditRuleName = String ]
[ LaborAccountAndJobTransfers = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PayFromSchedule = Boolean ]
[ PrepopulateProject = Boolean ]
[ QualifiedSignOffRuleName = String ]
[ ScheduleTotal = Boolean ]
[ SequenceRuleName = String ]
[ TerminalRuleName = String ]
[ WorkRuleName = String ]
[ WorkRuleTransfers = Boolean ] >
[ <AssignmentRules>
</AssignmentRules> ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 955

Chapter 2

[ <Holidays>
</Holidays> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the effective pay rule selected by name and effective date.
Return Value Type: WSAEffectivePayRule tag
Required Properties: Name, EffectiveDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Is apply only enabled?
Boolean value that, when True, enables scheduled pay code edits to be applied to
the timecard, even if punches or other edits are made. A pay code edit that is
entered manually is not considered.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Assignment rules
List of assignment rules that allows a work rule to be assigned to a specific time
period. When employees qualify for an assigned shift, the assigned work rule
applies, not their default work rule.
Type: Zero or more WSAAssignmentRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

956 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEffectivePayRule Tag

Effective date
Effective date span of this pay rule version.
Type: Long
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Associated fixed rule
Name of the associated fixed rule that identifies constant pay policies that are
assigned to employees.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Associated holiday credit rule
Name of associated holiday credit rule that determines if an employee is eligible
to receive holiday credits and the amount of holiday credits the employee can
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
List of holidays that give holiday credits to the employees who are assigned to this
pay rule.
Type: Zero or more WSAPayRuleHoliday tags
Introduced in v5.1

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Chapter 2

Are labor account and job transfers enabled?
Boolean value that, when True, enables labor account and job transfers for this
effective pay rule.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the pay rule. The name is case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Is pay from schedule enabled?
Boolean value that, when True, enables paying from schedules for this effective
pay rule.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Should projects be prepopulated?
Boolean value that, when True, enables project prepopulation for this effective
pay rule. When this option is enabled, a project view timecard is prepopulated
with the transfer accounts that were used in the previous pay period.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

958 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEffectivePayRule Tag

Name associated with the qualified sign-off rule
Name of associated qualified sign-off rule that restricts a managerís ability to
sign-off, if specific conditions are not met.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Is schedule total enabled?
Boolean value that, when True, enables the schedule total option for this rule.
When this option is enabled, scheduled and projected totals are stored in the
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Associated processing order rule
Name of associated processing order rule that defines the order in which
accumulated hour types are processed.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Punch interpretation rule
Name of associated punch interpretation rule that determines when punches link
to schedules and when data collection devices accept and reject punches.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 959

Chapter 2

Associated work rule
Name of the associated work rule that identifies the work rule that interprets and
calculate employee time.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Is this a work rule transfer?
Boolean value that, when True, enables the work rule transfers option for this
effective pay rule. When this option is enabled, any work rule transfer that was
entered is allowed to continue until a new transaction (employee punch, Timecard
edit, or Group Edit) is entered.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

960 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEffectiveWorkRule Tag

WSAEffectiveWorkRule Tag
Effective Version of Work Rule
The Effective Version of Work Rule tag allows you to manage effectively dated
versions of work rules. Work rules determine how employee hours accrue.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"
[ CallInRuleName = String ]
[ DayDivideOverride = String ]
[ EffectiveDate = Long ]
[ ExceptionRuleName = String ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PayCodeDistributionName = String ]
[ RoundRuleName = String ]
[ ShiftGuaranteeName = String ]
[ UnapprovedOvertimePayCodeName = String ] >
[ <AutoBreakPlacement>
</AutoBreakPlacement> ]
[ <WorkRuleGeneral>
</WorkRuleGeneral> ]
[ <WorkRulePCDistr>
</WorkRulePCDistr> ]

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 961

Chapter 2

Returns the effective work rule selected by name and effective date.
Return Value Type: WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag
Required Properties: Name, EffectiveDate
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Automatic break placement configuration
Automatic break placement configuration for this work rule.
Type: WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag
Introduced in v5.1
Associated call-in rule
Name of associated call-in rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Associated day divide override rule
Name of associated day divide override rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Effective date

962 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEffectiveWorkRule Tag

Effective date span of this work rule version.

Type: Long
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Exception rule
Name of associated exception rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the work rule version
Name of the work rule version. The name is case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Name of pay code distribution
Name of associated pay code distribution.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of rounding rule
Name of associated interval round rule or punch round rule.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 963

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Name of shift guarantee
Name of associated shift guarantee.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code for unapproved overtime
Name of pay code to use for unapproved overtime.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Configuration for general work rule
General work rule configuration settings.
Type: WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code distribution for this work rule
Name of the pay code distribution associated with this work rule.
Type: WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag
Introduced in v5.1

964 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEligibilityDeterminer Tag

WSAEligibilityDeterminer Tag
Eligibility Requirements
The Eligibility Requirements tag allows you to manage the requirements an
employee must meet to be eligible for holiday credits.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

[ AfterHolidaySwitch = Boolean ]
[ AlternateHolidayCreditRuleName = String ]
[ BeforeHolidaySwitch = Boolean ]
[ EitherBeforeOrAfterHolidaySwitch = Boolean ]
[ MinimumTimeActiveUnit = String ]
[ MinimumTimeActiveValue = Integer ]
[ MinimumTimeEmployedUnit = String ]
[ MinimumTimeEmployedValue = Integer ]
[ MustSatisfyAllSwitch = Boolean ]
[ OnHolidaySwitch = Boolean ]
[ ScheduledShiftTypeSwitch = Boolean ] >
[ <EligibilityWorkHistoryQualifierNames>
</EligibilityWorkHistoryQualifierNames> ]

Property Descriptions
Must the employee work after the holiday?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must work after the
holiday to be eligible for this credit.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 965

Chapter 2

Name of the alternate holiday credit rule
Name of the alternate holiday credit rule. An alternate holiday credit rule is used if
the eligibility requirements for the primary holiday credit rule are not satisfied.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Must the employee work before the holiday?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must work before the
holiday to be eligible for this credit.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Must the employee work before or after the holiday?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must work either
before or after the holiday to be eligible for this credit.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Work history qualifiers
One or more work history qualifiers that must be satisfied in order for an
employee to receive this credit.
Type: Zero or more SimpleValue tags
Introduced in v5.1

966 Kronos Incorporated

WSAEligibilityDeterminer Tag

Unit of time for minimum amount of active time
Unit of time used for the minimum time an employee must be active prior to a
holiday in order to be eligible for holiday credits. Possible values are: Days,
Weeks, and Months.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Amount of active time to be elegible for holiday credits
Minimum number of days, weeks, or months for an employee to be active prior to
a holiday, in order to be eligible for holiday credits.
Type: Integer
Dependency: If specified, MinimumTimeActiveUnit must also be specified.
Introduced in v5.1
Unit of time for minumum time employed
Units of time (days, weeks, or months) used for the minimum time an employee
must be employed prior to a holiday in order to be eligible for holiday credits.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum amount of time employeed to be eligible for holiday credits
Minimum number of days, weeks, or months for an employee to be employed
prior to a holiday, in order to be eligible for holiday credits.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 967

Chapter 2

Dependency: If specified, MinimumTimeEmployedUnit must also be specified.

Introduced in v5.1
Satisfy all work history qualifiers?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must satisfy all
selected work history qualifiers to be eligible for this credit.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Must the employee work on the holiday?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must work on the
holiday to be eligible for this credit.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is the scheduled shift type used?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the employee must work the
scheduled shift to receive this credit. When this value is False, the employee can
work any shift on the day of her or his scheduled shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

968 Kronos Incorporated

WSAExceptionRule Tag

WSAExceptionRule Tag
Exception Rule
The Exception Rule tag allows you to define and manage rules by which to
identify employees who arrive at work early or late, leave work early or late,
forget to punch out, and work when not scheduled.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ InEarly = TimeDuration ]
[ InLate = TimeDuration ]
[ InVeryEarly = TimeDuration ]
[ LongInterval = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OutEarly = TimeDuration ]
[ OutLate = TimeDuration ]
[ OutVeryLate = TimeDuration ]
[ ShortShift = TimeDuration ]
[ Unscheduled = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all exception rules for updating.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 969

Chapter 2

Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAExceptionRule tags

Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all exception rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified exception rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAExceptionRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified exception rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
In Early
Amount for early in-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions occur when
employees punch in before their scheduled start times and at or before the early in
amount. The default is 24:00, which disables these exceptions.
Type: TimeDuration

970 Kronos Incorporated

WSAExceptionRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
In Late
Amount for late in-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions occur when
employees punch in after their scheduled start times and at or after the late in
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Very Early
Amount for very early in-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions appear when
employees punch in before their scheduled start times and at or before the very
early in amount. The default is 24:00, which disables these exceptions.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Long Interval
Long interval in HH:mm format. This property defines an unusually long period
of time between an in-punch and an out-punch. The rounded time between the
punches is used to compute this exception. If it equals or is greater than the long
interval, the long exception appears on the Timecard and on reports. By default,
this value is 99:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 971

Chapter 2

Name of exception rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-

insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Out Early
Amount for early out-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions occur when
employees punch out before their scheduled end times and at or before the early
out amount. The default is 24:00, which disables these exceptions.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Late
Amount for late out-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions occur when
employees punch out after their scheduled end times and at or after the late out
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Very Late
Amount for very late out-punches in HH:mm format. Exceptions occur when
employees punch out after their scheduled end times and at or after the very late
out amount. The default is 24:00, which disables these exceptions.
Type: TimeDuration

972 Kronos Incorporated

WSAExceptionRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Short Shift
The duration of a short shift in HH:mm format. Exceptions appear when rounded
shift lengths are less than or equal to the short shift setting. The default value is
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that an exception should occur when an
unscheduled employee punches in. By default this value is False.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 973

Chapter 2

WSAFixedRule Tag
Fixed Rule
The Fixed Rule tag allows you to define and manage rules that identify constant
pay policies that are assigned to employees.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ ApplyToDate = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <PayPeriodType>
</PayPeriodType> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all fixed rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAFixedRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

974 Kronos Incorporated

WSAFixedRule Tag

Returns a list of the names of all fixed rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified fixed rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAFixedRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified fixed rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Date when the rule is applied
Day when the pay period begins. Possible values include:
• S -- Scheduled in-day
• E -- Scheduled out-day
• M -- Day with majority hours
• A -- Day actually worked
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 975

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Name of the fixed rule
Name of the fixed rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Type of pay period
Pay period type. The pay period type can be days, semi-monthly, or monthly.
Type: WSAPayPeriod tag
Sample values: Days, Months
Introduced in v5.1

976 Kronos Incorporated

WSAFunctionAccessProfile Tag

WSAFunctionAccessProfile Tag
WSA Function Access Profile
The WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag allows you to define and manage profiles
that determine the system components that users can access and the types of
functions that users can perform. The FunctionAccessProfile and
WSAFunctionAccessProfile tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowsAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ IsDefault = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <Permissions>
</Permissions> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all function access profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAFunctionAccessProfile tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 977

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all function access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified function access profile for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified function access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the function access profile includes
all functions in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

978 Kronos Incorporated

WSAFunctionAccessProfile Tag

Description of the function access profile.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Is this the default function access profile?
Boolean value that, when True, makes this the default function access profile for
new users.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Function access profile name
Name of the function access profile. The name is case-insensitive and must be
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Permissions associated with the profile
Set of permissions and restrictions that determine which components users can
access and the types of functions they can perform. Permissions are associated
with points in the hierarchy of functions, known as access control points. The
access control points can apply to an entire component, or to specific functions
like printing or editing.
Type: Zero or more WSAPermission tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 979

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

980 Kronos Incorporated

WSAHoliday Tag

WSAHoliday Tag
WSA Holiday
The WSAHoliday tag allows you to define a holiday for credits or zones. The
Holiday and WSAHoliday tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ EndDate = Date ]
[ EndTime = Time ]
[ Name = String ]
[ StartDate = Date ]
[ StartTime = Time ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all holidays for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAHoliday tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 981

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all holidays.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified holiday for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAHoliday tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified holiday.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Holiday end date
Date when the holiday ends, in MM/DD/YYYY format. Specify start and end
dates and times for each year, because holidays do not carry over from year to
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday end time

982 Kronos Incorporated

WSAHoliday Tag

Time when holiday ends, in HH:mm format.

Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Name of WSA holiday
Name of the holiday.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday start date
Date when holiday starts, MM/DD/YYYY format. Specify start and end dates and
times for each year, because holidays do not carry over from year to year.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday start time
Time when holiday starts, in HH:mm format.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 983

Chapter 2

WSAHolidayCreditRule Tag
Holiday Credit Rule
The Holiday Credit Rule tag allows you to define the requirements for holiday
credit, as well as the calculations used to determine the time or wages to be issued
when the requirements are met.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ DayOvertimeLimitPayCodeName = String ]
[ DayOvertimeLimitType = Integer ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OvertimeLimitPayCodeName = String ]
[ OvertimeLimitType = Integer ] >
[ <WSACreditCalculator>
</WSACreditCalculator> ]
[ <WSAEligibilityDeterminer>
</WSAEligibilityDeterminer> ]

Action Descriptions

984 Kronos Incorporated

WSAHolidayCreditRule Tag

Returns all holiday credit rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAHolidayCreditRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all holiday credit rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified holiday credit rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAHolidayCreditRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified holiday credit rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Pay Code for Daily Overtime Limit
Consecutive day overtime pay code.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 985

Chapter 2

The number of hours over the limit that must be worked in a day before overtime
hours apply for a pay code
Introduced in v5.1
Daily overtime limit type
Value that indicates whether the holiday credits count toward consecutive day
overtime limits. It is only relevant when holiday credits are distributed to time-
type pay codes such as fixed hours, or average shift length. The following are
possible values for this property:
• 0 -- The holiday credits never count toward overtime limits.
• 1 -- The holiday credits always count toward overtime limits.
• 2 -- The holiday credits count toward overtime limits as specified in the pay
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the holiday credit rule
Name of the holiday credit rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
The name must be unique.
Maximum length: 50 characters
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay Code for Overtime Limit

986 Kronos Incorporated

WSAHolidayCreditRule Tag

Overtime pay code.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Overtime Limit Type
Value that indicates whether the holiday credits count toward overtime limits. It is
only relevant when holiday credits are distributed to time-type pay codes such as
fixed hours, or average shift length. The following are possible values for this
• 0 -- The holiday credits never count toward overtime limits.
• 1 -- The holiday credits always count toward overtime limits.
• 2 -- The holiday credits count toward overtime limits as specified in the pay
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Credit calculator
Name of credit calculator associated with this holiday credit rule..
Type: WSACreditCalculator tag
Introduced in v5.1
Eligibility determiners
List of one or more eligibility determiners associated with this holiday credit rule.
Type: WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 987

Chapter 2

WSAIntervalRoundRule Tag
Rounding Rule for an Interval
The Rounding Rule for an Interval tag allows you to define a rule that rounds
periods of time instead of individual start and end times, and applies a round and a
grace to the entire amount of time.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Grace = TimeDuration ]
[ IsMissedOutException = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ Round = TimeDuration ]
[ UseScheduledOut = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all interval round rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAIntervalRoundRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

988 Kronos Incorporated

WSAIntervalRoundRule Tag

Returns a list of the names of all interval round rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified interval round rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAIntervalRoundRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified interval round rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Grace period
Grace period, in HH:mm format.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Is a missed-out exception reported?

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 989

Chapter 2

Boolean value that, when True, causes an exception to be flagged when an

employee misses a punch and the missed-out limit has been reached. You
configure the missed-out limit in Punch Interpretation Rules, which is a Pay Rule
building block.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the interval rounding rule
Name of the interval rounding rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Number of minutes in the round
Round value, in HH:mm format, for start or end shift rounding intervals.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Should scheduled end time be used if there is no check out?
Boolean value that, when True, causes the scheduled end time to be used when an
employee does not punch out.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

990 Kronos Incorporated

WSALaborLevel Tag

WSALaborLevel Tag
Labor Level
The WSALaborLevel tag allows you to create and edit labor level definitions for
your site. The LaborLevelDefinition and WSALaborLevel tags refer to the same
database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.LaborLevel
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Abbreviation = String ]
[ CanOverrideMinMaxSwitch = Boolean ]
[ EncodedName = String ]
[ MaxNameLength = Integer ]
[ MinNameLength = Integer ]
[ ValidateAllNewEntriesSwitch = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all labor levels for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSALaborLevel tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 991

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all labor levels.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified labor level for updating.
Return Value Type: WSALaborLevel tag
Required Properties: EncodedName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified labor level.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: EncodedName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Short name for a labor level
Short name for the labor level. The short labor level name can be up to 20
characters long.
Type: String
Sample values: Div, Dept
Introduced in v5.1

992 Kronos Incorporated

WSALaborLevel Tag

Can minimum or maximum length for the labor level name be overridden?
Boolean value that allows, if True, users to override the configured number of
minimum and maximum characters when they create a labor level entry for this
labor level. Even with this property set, there is a system-mandated minimum of 1
character and a maximum of 50 characters.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Labor level name
Name of the labor level. The name can be up to 50 characters long and must be
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum labor level name length
Maximum number of characters that can be used in a labor level entry name for
this labor level. Valid values are 1 through 50.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum labor level name length
Minimum number of characters that can be used in a labor level entry name for
this labor level. Valid values are 1 through 50. The minimum labor level name
length cannot be greater than the maximum labor level name length.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 993

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Should new labor level entries be validated?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that all new labor level entries must be
validated. Set this property to prevent users from creating labor level entries for
this labor level at a data collection device or ad hoc in the Web browser.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

994 Kronos Incorporated

WSALaborLevelEntry Tag

WSALaborLevelEntry Tag
WSA Labor Level Entry
The WSALaborLevelEntry tag allows you to define choices within each labor
level. The LaborLevelEntry and WSALaborLevelEntry tags refer to the same
database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.LaborLevel
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Description = String ]
[ EncodedName = String ]
[ Inactive = Boolean ]
[ ReadOnly = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all labor level entries for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSALaborLevelEntry tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 995

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all labor level entries.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified labor level entry for updating.
Return Value Type: WSALaborLevelEntry tag
Required Properties: EncodedName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified labor level entry.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: EncodedName
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Description of the labor level entry
Description of the labor level entry. Although you can enter up to 250 characters,
some data collection devices can only store 20 characters; any characters over 20
are truncated at the device.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the labor level entry

996 Kronos Incorporated

WSALaborLevelEntry Tag

Encoded name of the labor level entry. This name includes the following fields:
• The sort order of the definition to which the entry belongs.
• The name of the definition to which the entry belongs.
• The name of the entry. The name can contain letters and numbers (most
commonly just a number). The length of the name must be no less than the
minimum number of characters and no more than the maximum number of
characters set for the labor level entry in the Labor Level definition. Only
names of 20 characters or less are downloaded to the data collection device. A
labor level entry name of more than 20 characters entered at the device will be
Each field is separated from the next by the pattern "-:-:-".
For example, a labor level entry named 101, in labor level definition Division, is
rendered as 1-:-:-Division-:-:-101.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Is the labor level entry inactive?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the labor level entry is inactive.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Can the labor level entry be modified?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the labor level entry cannot be
modified. This property cannot be set by a user, and is ignored on update.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 997

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

998 Kronos Incorporated

WSALogonProfile Tag

WSALogonProfile Tag
WSA Logon Profile
The WSALogonProfile tag allows you to define the settings for a userís password
and restrictions on Workforce Central sessions. The LogonProfile and
WSALogonProfile tags are used by the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ AccLockoutAfter = Integer ]
[ AccLockoutDuration = Long ]
[ AccLockoutSwitch = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ InactivityTimeOut = Long ]
[ InactivityTimeOutSwitch = Boolean ]
[ IsDefault = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PwdExpiredDays = Integer ]
[ PwdExpiredDaysSwitch = Boolean ]
[ PwdMaxHistory = Integer ]
[ PwdMaxHistorySwitch = Boolean ]
[ PwdMinLength = Integer ]
[ PwdMinLengthSwitch = Boolean ] />

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 999

Chapter 2

Action Descriptions
Returns all logon profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSALogonProfile tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all login profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified login profile for updating.
Return Value Type: WSALogonProfile tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified logon profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Number of attempts before locking user out

1000 Kronos Incorporated

WSALogonProfile Tag

When the AccLockoutSwitch property is True, number of invalid logon attempts

users can make before the system locks them out and will not accept another
logon attempt.
If this property is empty, users can attempt to log on to the system endlessly
without supplying a proper ID and password.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Duration of lockout
When the AccLockoutSwitch property is True, time, specified in HH:mm format,
during which a user is locked out of the account. The user remains locked put for
this length of time or until an administrator manually unlocks the user's account.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Should account be locked out?
Boolean value that, when True, enables account lockout management. If this
value is False, the AccLockoutAfter and AccLockoutDuration properties are
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Description of the logon profile.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1001

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Length of inactive time before locking account out
When the InactivityTimeOut Switch property is set to True, number of
milliseconds for which an application can be idle before the session is locked, and
the user must reenter the password to return to where he or she left off.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Should an inactive account be locked out?
Boolean value that, when True, enables account inactivity time out services. If
this value is False, the InactivityTimeOut property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Is this the default logon profile?
Boolean value that, when True, makes this login profile the default for all new
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Logon profile name
Name of the logon profile. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String

1002 Kronos Incorporated

WSALogonProfile Tag

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.1
Number of days until password expires
When the PwdExpiredDaysSwitch property is set to True, interval, specified as a
number of days, during which a new password remains valid. After this interval,
a new password must be selected.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Should the system provide password expiration services?
Boolean value that, when True, enables password expiration services. If this
value is False, the PwdExpiredDays property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Number of passwords to remember
When the PwdMaxHistorySwitch property is set to True, maximum number of
passwords the system will remember so that the system can monitor password
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Should the system remember past passwords?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the system should remember past
passwords. If this value is set to False, The PwdMaxHistory property is ignored.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1003

Chapter 2

Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum length of password
When the PwdMinLengthSwitch property is set to True, minimum number of
characters allowed in a password.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Should the system enforce a minimum password length?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the system will enforce a miniimum
password length. If this value is False, the PwdMinLength property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

1004 Kronos Incorporated

WSAMajorityRule Tag

WSAMajorityRule Tag
Majority Rule
The Majority Rule tag allows you to define rules to apply a single hour type to
shifts when employees qualify for more than one zone. In this respect, majority
rules determine zone precedence in a shift.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ EqualIntervalUse = String ]
[ IncludeDeducts = Boolean ]
[ IncludePunchedBreaks = Boolean ]
[ IncludeRegular = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <SelectedZones>
</SelectedZones> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all majority rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAMajorityRule tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1005

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all majority rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified majority rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAMajorityRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified majority rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Rule for equal intervals of worked time
Character string that specifies which rule takes precedence in the event that
employees work equal amounts of time in more than one zone, or they work equal
amounts of time in a zone and in a regular (non-zone) shift. The rules include:
• "Highest" -- The rule at the bottom of the Selected Zones list applies to the
entire shift.

1006 Kronos Incorporated

WSAMajorityRule Tag

• "Lowest" -- The rule at the top of the Selected Zones applies to the entire
• "First" -- The first zone worked applies to the entire shift.
• "Last" -- The last zone worked applies to the entire shift.
• "Ignore" -- No rule takes precedence. Each interval is paid according to the
rule associated with it.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Are automatic deductions included in zone length?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the time for automatic deductions in
a zone length should be included in the majority shift calculation.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Are punched breaks included in totalized results?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the interval of time for punched
breaks in a zone length should be counted for the purposes of establishing a
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Are regular shifts included in the majority calculation?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that regular shifts are included in the
majority calculation.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1007

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Name of majority rule
Name of the majority rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Zones selected for calculation
One or more zones that are used for calculating the majority zone.
Type: Zero or more WSAOptionalRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

1008 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOptionalRule Tag

WSAOptionalRule Tag
Optional Rule
The Optional Rule tag allows you to manage optional rules (really wrappers for
zone rules). For internal use with majority rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ ListOrder = Integer ]
[ MajorityRuleName = String ]
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieve the specified instance from the DB
Return Value Type: WSAOptionalRule tag
Required Properties: Name, MajorityRuleName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
List order

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1009

Chapter 2

The assigned List Order

Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Majority rule name
The parent's Majority Rule Name.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the optional rule
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1010 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOvertimeCombination Tag

WSAOvertimeCombination Tag
Overtime Combination Rules
The Overtime Combination Rules tag allows you to define and manage rules that
determine which overtime rule to apply when overtime conditions overlap.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ] >
[ <CombinationRules>
</CombinationRules> ]
[ <SelectedOvertimeRules>
</SelectedOvertimeRules> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all overtime combination rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAOvertimeCombination tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1011

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all overtime combination rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified overtime combination rule for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAOvertimeCombination tags
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified overtime combination rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Combination rules
List of one or more combination rules to be applied to this overtime combination
Type: Zero or more WSACombinationRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

1012 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOvertimeCombination Tag

Name of the overtime combination rule
Name of the overtime combination rule. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Overtime rules selected for combination
List of overtime rules selected for this combination.
Type: Zero or more WSAOvertimeRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1013

Chapter 2

WSAOvertimeRule Tag
Overtime Rule
The Overtime Rule tag allows you to develop and manage rules that define the
type of overtime employees earn after they work some number of hours.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Amount = TimeDuration ]
[ ConPreShifts = Boolean ]
[ Minimum = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]
[ RequiresApproval = Boolean ]
[ ResetAfter = Long ]
[ ResetAtTime = Time ]
[ ResetDate = Date ]
[ ResetDay = Integer ]
[ TrackStart = String ]
[ Type = String ]
[ UseBreakVar = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions

1014 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOvertimeRule Tag

Returns all overtime rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAOvertimeRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all overtime rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified overtime rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAOvertimeRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified overtime rule.
Return Value Type: String
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Type: TimeDuration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1015

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Conditional pre shift
Conditional Pre Shift.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Amount of time worked before accruing overtime
Amount of time, in HH:mm format, an employee must work before starting to
accrue overtime. The default is 8:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the overtime rule
Name of the overtime rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Does the overtime require approval?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the overtime defined by this rule
requires a manager's approval.
Type: Boolean

1016 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOvertimeRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
When to reset the accumulater
Time, in HH:mm format, when the accumulator is reset. This property is valid
only when the Type property is R or N.
Type: Long
Default Value: New Day
Introduced in v5.1
Reset time
Valid only with type A
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Date when the overtime accumulator resets
Initial date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, when the overtime accumulator resets to
zero. Thereafter, the overtime accumulator resets every 14 days. This property is
valid only when the Type property is B or N.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Day when the overtime accumulator resets
Day of the week when the overtime accumulator resets. This property is valid
only when the Type property is W or A.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1017

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
How to track start time
Method for tracking start time when the 24-hour rule is in effect. Valid values
• TrackingStartActual
• TrackingStartSchedule
• TrackingStartEarlier
This property is valid only when the Type property is T.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Type of overtime rule
Type of overtime rule that can be assigned to employees after they have worked a
standard number of hours. The following types are defined, based on when the
rule is reset:
• A -- Reset at a specified time (HH:mm AM|PM).
• B -- Reset at a new bi-week (day of week determined by specified reference
• D -- Reset at new day.
• N -- Reset after a specified number of days (with respect to a reference date).
• P -- Reset at new pay period.
• R -- Reset after specified amount of time (HHH:mm).
• S -- Reset at new shift.
• T -- 24-hour overtime rule.
• W -- Reset at new week (on specified day of the week).

1018 Kronos Incorporated

WSAOvertimeRule Tag

Type: String
Sample values: daily, weekly
Introduced in v5.1
Use break var?
Break Var.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1019

Chapter 2

WSAPatternTemplateDAP Tag
Pattern Template Data Access Profile
The Pattern Template Data Access Profile tag allows you to specify the set of
pattern templates that a user will see.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all pattern template data access profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPatternTemplateDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1020 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPatternTemplateDAP Tag

Returns a list of the names of all pattern template data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pattern template data access profile for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified pattern template data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the pattern template profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pattern template data access
profile includes all pattern templates in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1021

Chapter 2

Description of the pattern template data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Pattern template data access profile name
Name of the pattern template data access profile. The name can be up to 32
characters long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Profile items associated with the data access
List of pattern template profile items associated with this data access profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

1022 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem Tag

WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem Tag
Pattern Template Profile Item
The Pattern Template Profile Item tag allows you to list and update pattern
template profile items. A pattern template contains a series of shifts that is saved
with a name, but no date, so that you can assign it to multiple employees and reuse
it as needed. Pattern templates save time if you have employees who work
standard shift patterns.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all pattern template data access profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pattern template for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1023

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Pattern template name
Name of a pattern template. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1024 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCode Tag

WSAPayCode Tag
WSA Pay Code Definition
The WSAPayCode tag allows you to manage pay code definitions. The PayCode
and WSAPayCode tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AbbreviationChar = String ]
[ CheckAvlbltySw = Boolean ]
[ EditAffShfTotal = Boolean ]
[ EditCntToCdotSw = Boolean ]
[ EditCntToOt = Boolean ]
[ EditExcuseAbsn = Boolean ]
[ IsMoneyCategory = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PersistPceSw = Boolean ]
[ ScheduleHoursType = String ]
[ TerminalCdNum = Integer ]
[ VisibleInMainArea = Boolean ]
[ VisibleInReport = Boolean ]
[ VisibleToUser = Boolean ]
[ WageAddition = Double ]
[ WageMultiply = Double ] />

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1025

Chapter 2

Action Descriptions
Returns all pay codes for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPayCode tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all pay codes.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pay code for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPayCode tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified pay code.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Short Name

1026 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCode Tag

Abbreviated name for the pay code. The short name is for terminal display
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Available for scheduling?
Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to affect an employee's
availability to be scheduled.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Edit Affects Shift Total
Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to be added to timecard
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Edit Counts Towards Consecutive Day Overtime
Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to count toward
consecutive day overtime. This option is not available if the pay code holds
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Edit Counts Towards Overtime

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1027

Chapter 2

Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to count toward overtime
limits. This option is not available if the pay code holds money.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Edit Excuses Absence
Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to excuse absences that
were previously unexcused.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Does the pay code hold money?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code holds money. If the
value is False, the pay code holds time.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Pay Code Name
Name of the pay code. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code edit repeats on scheduled days?

1028 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCode Tag

Boolean value that, when True, causes pay code edits to repeat on scheduled days
until they are canceled. This option is not available if the pay code holds money.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Schedule Hours Type
Scheduled Hours Type determines how pay codes are treated relative to scheduled
hours when using Workforce Scheduler. Pay codes can be tracked as productive
time or non-productive time. Non-productive time does not appear as totaled
hours in the Schedule Planner. Productive time, however, can be included or not
included in the total scheduled hours, depending on the configuration.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Terminal Code Number
A four-character number that enables users to look up pay codes at a terminal. The
code number must be unique, numeric, and greater than 0 (zero).
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Visible In Main Area
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code is visible in the main
area of the timecard and schedule, in associated reports, and, if Workforce
Scheduler is installed, on the Hours summary tab in Schedule.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1029

Chapter 2

Visible In Report
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code is visible in Report
options and totals.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Visible To User
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code is visible on the Totals
tab in the timecard and, if Workforce Scheduler is installed, in the Cost Summary
tab in Schedule.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Wage Addition
Amount that is added to the employee's base wage to determine the adjusted
wage. This option is not available if the pay code holds money.
Type: Double
Introduced in v5.1
Wage Multiply
Amount by which the employee's base wage is multiplied to obtain the adjusted
wage. If the wage multiplier is 0 (zero), the value in the WageAddition Value
property is a flat rate.This option is not available if the pay code holds money.
Type: Double

1030 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCode Tag

Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1031

Chapter 2

Pay Code Data Access Profile
The Pay Code Data Access Profile tag allows you to define a group of pay codes
that a Workforce Employee or Workforce Manager can use to record time or
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all pay code data access profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPayCodeDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View

1032 Kronos Incorporated


Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all pay code data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pay code data access profile for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPayCodeDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified pay code data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the pay code profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the pay code data access profile
includes all pay codes in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1033

Chapter 2

Description of the pay code data access profile.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code data access profile name
Name of the pay code data access profile. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Items in the data access profile
List of pay codes associated with this data access profile.
Type: WSAPayCodeProfileItem tag
Introduced in v5.1

1034 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCodeDistribution Tag

WSAPayCodeDistribution Tag
Pay Code Distribution
The Pay Code Distribution tag allows you to define pay plans for a work rule.
Employees can work various shifts that use different work rules, so an employee
might have several different pay plans. The pay code distribution tells the system
in which pay codes each of the possible hour types accumulate.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Deviations = String list ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OvertimeCombination = String ]
[ ZoneCombination = String ] >
[ <Distribution>
</Distribution> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all pay code distribution rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPayCodeDistribution tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1035

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all pay code distribution rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pay code distribution rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPayCodeDistribution tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified pay code distribution rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
List of one or more schedule deviations.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1

1036 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCodeDistribution Tag

List of one or more pay codes for employees who are assigned this work rule. The
pay code distribution tells the system in which pay codes each of the possible hour
types accumulate.
Type: Zero or more WSAPayDistributionAssociation tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the pay code distribution rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long,
is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Overtime Combination
Overtime combination rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Zone Combination
Zone combination rule. Zones indicate that employees may receive a special pay
rate for working during a special interval of time (such as a holiday or on a
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1037

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

1038 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayCodeProfileItem Tag

WSAPayCodeProfileItem Tag
Pay Code Profile Item
The Pay Code Profile Item tag allows you to list and update pay code profile
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all pay code profile items for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPayCodeProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pay code profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAPayCodeProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1039

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Pay code profile item name
Name of a pay code profile item. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1040 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayDistributionAssociation Tag

WSAPayDistributionAssociation Tag
Pay Distribution Association
The Pay Distribution Association tag allows you to manage pay distribution
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Deviation = String ]
[ Name = String ]
[ Overtimes = String list ]
[ PayCodes = String list ]
[ Zones = String list ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified pay distribution association for update.
Return Value Type: WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag
Required Properties: Name, Overtimes, Zones, Deviation
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1041

Chapter 2

Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
name of the distribution
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Type: String list
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay Codes
Pay Codes
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1

1042 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayDistributionAssociation Tag

Type: String list
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1043

Chapter 2

WSAPayPeriod Tag
Pay Period
The Pay Period tag describes the details of a pay period.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ DayDivide = Time ]
[ Length = Integer ]
[ ReferenceDate = Date ]
[ ReferenceDay = String ]
[ TypeCode = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified pay period for update.
Return Value Type: WSAPayPeriod tag
Required Properties: TypeCode
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

1044 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayPeriod Tag

Time of day
The time of day, in HH:mm format, when a pay period starts.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Number of days in the pay period
Number of days in the pay period.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Start date for the pay period
Date, in MM/DD/YYYY format, when the pay period begins.
Type: Date
Introduced in v5.1
Start day for the pay period
The day of the month on which a semi-monthly or monthly pay period begins.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Type of pay period
Pay period type. The pay period type can have the following values:
• F -- Days.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1045

Chapter 2

• S -- Semi-monthly.
• M -- Monthly.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1046 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayRule Tag

WSAPayRule Tag
Pay Rules
The pay rule tag allows you to define and manage rules that control how time and
attendance information is processed for each employee.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ] >
[ <EffectivePayRules>
</EffectivePayRules> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all pay rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPayRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1047

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all pay rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified pay rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPayRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified pay rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Effectively dated pay rule
One or more associated effectively dated pay rules.
Type: Zero or more WSAEffectivePayRule tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the pay rule

1048 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayRule Tag

Name of the pay rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1049

Chapter 2

WSAPayRuleHoliday Tag
Holiday Credit rule for Pay rule
The Pay Rule for Holiday Credit tag allows you to associate a holiday credit rule
with a pay rule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"
[ CreditRuleNames = String list ]
[ HolidayName = String ]
[ Selected = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified pay rule for holiday credit.
Return Value Type: WSAPayRuleHoliday tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Holiday credit rules for pay rule

1050 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPayRuleHoliday Tag

Names of one or more holiday credit rules associated with the pay rule.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Holiday name
Name of the associated holiday.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Is the holiday selected for this pay rule?
Boolean value that, if True, indicates that the holiday indicated by HolidayName,
is selected for this pay rule.
Type: Boolean
The holidays that are associated with this pay rule
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1051

Chapter 2

WSAPermission Tag
Permissions for Function Access Profile
The Permissions for Function Access Profile tag allows you to define the set of
permissions and restrictions that determine which components users can access
and the types of functions they can perform.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ ActionName = String ]
[ ControlPointKey = String ]
[ ScopeName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified permission for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPermission tag
Required Properties: ControlPointKey, ActionName, ScopeName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

1052 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPermission Tag

Action name
Action for which the permission has been granted. Possible actions are:
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Access control point key
An identifier for access control points associated with a function access profile.
An access control point can apply to an entire component, or to specific functions
like printing or editing.
There are different types of control points:
• The great majority of control points are of the simple type, which means they
are either allowed or disallowed. They may be turned on by specifying ìALLî
for ScopeName, and ìALLOWEDî for ActionName. And they may be turned
off simply by leaving them out of an access control point list (as in the
WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag).
• A smaller number of control points have one or more subtypes, which are
distinguished by action name. The single ControlPointKey Wages, for
example, has two subtypes, with ActionNames VIEW and EDIT, and each
action has an independent set of options for ScopeName. The EDIT action
may have scope of ALL, ALL_BUT_SELF, or NONE, while the VIEW
action may have scope of ALL, ONLY_SELF, or NONE.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1053

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Scope name
Scope that is associated with the action and permission type. Possible scopes are:
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1054 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag
Punch Round Rule
The Punch Round Rule tag allows to create rounding rules for you site. Rounding
is a way to simplify payroll accounting and reporting, and to enforce shift start
and end times.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ InPunchEarlyChangePoint = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchEarlyInsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchEarlyInsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchEarlyOutsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchEarlyOutsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchLateChangePoint = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchLateInsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchLateInsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchLateOutsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ InPunchLateOutsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ IsMissedOutException = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OutPunchEarlyChangePoint = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchEarlyInsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchEarlyInsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchEarlyOutsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchEarlyOutsideRound = TimeDuration ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1055

Chapter 2

[ OutPunchLateChangePoint = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchLateInsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchLateInsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchLateOutsideGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ OutPunchLateOutsideRound = TimeDuration ]
[ TransferGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ TransferRound = TimeDuration ]
[ UnscheduledInGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ UnscheduledInRound = TimeDuration ]
[ UnscheduledOutGrace = TimeDuration ]
[ UnscheduledOutRound = TimeDuration ]
[ UseScheduledOut = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all punch round rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAPunchRoundRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all punch round rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified punch round rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAPunchRoundRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified punch round rule.

1056 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

Return Value Type: None

Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
In Punch Early Change Point
In Punch Early Change Point, in HH:mm format. This value defines how in-
punches are treated by the round rules when scheduled employees are early for the
beginning of their shifts. Change points determine when inside and outside
rounds and graces apply to punches and to inferred end times of amounts
associated with pay rules. To establish inside rounds and graces, define a change
point. Change points are usually a multiple of the inside round. For example, if
inside rounds are tenth hours (6), the change point would be a value such as 12,
18, 24, or 30. If inside rounds and graces are not used, the change point should be
0 (zero). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Early Inside Grace
In Punch Early Inside Grace, in HH:mm format. Early inside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the early inside interval (after the
change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They determine when
shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to
the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round amounts. You must
specify a change point to use inside graces. Legal values are in the range of 00:00
to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1057

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Early Inside Round
In Punch Early Inside Round, in HH:mm format. Early inside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the early inside interval (after the
change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They establish the
increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Configure early inside rounds if shift start times
round one way for very early shift start times, but round another way as the
scheduled start time approaches. You must specify a change point to use inside
rounds. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Early Outside Grace
In Punch Early Outside Grace, in HH:mm format. Early outside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the early inside interval
(after the change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They
determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and
when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round
amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Early Outside Round
In Punch Early Outside Round, in HH:mm format. Early outside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the early inside interval
(after the change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They establish
the increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into

1058 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,

3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59.
The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Late Change Point
In Punch Late Change Point, in HH:mm format. This value defines how in-
punches are treated by the round rules when scheduled employees are late for the
beginning of their shifts. Change points determine when inside and outside
rounds and graces apply to punches and to inferred end times of amounts
associated with pay rules. To establish inside rounds and graces, define a change
point. Change points are usually a multiple of the inside round. For example, if
inside rounds are tenth hours (6), the change point would be a value such as 12,
18, 24, or 30. If inside rounds and graces are not used, the change point should be
0 (zero). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Late Inside Grace
In Punch Late Inside Grace, in HH:mm format. Late inside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the late inside interval (after the
scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They determine when
shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to
the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round amounts. You must
specify a change point to use inside graces. Legal values are in the range of 00:00
to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1059

Chapter 2

In Punch Late Inside Round
In Punch Late Inside Round, in HH:mm format. Late inside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the late inside interval (after the
scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They establish the
increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Configure late inside rounds if shift start times
round one way immediately after the scheduled start time, but round another way
after a period of time. You must specify a change point to use inside rounds.
Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Late Outside Grace
In Punch Late Outside Grace, in HH:mm format. Late outside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the late inside interval
(after the scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They
determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and
when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round
amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
In Punch Late Outside Round
In Punch Late Outside Round, in HH:mm format. Late outside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the late inside interval
(after the scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They establish
the increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,

1060 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59.
The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Is Missed Out Exception
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that, when an employee forgets to punch
out and the missed-out limit has been reached, a missed-punch exception appears
on reports and the timecard. Configure the missed-out limit in Punch
Interpretation Rules, which is a Pay Rule building block.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the punch round rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Early Change Point
Out Punch Early Change Point, in HH:mm format. This value defines how in-
punches are treated by the round rules when scheduled employees are early or late
for the end of their shifts. Change points determine when inside and outside
rounds and graces apply to punches and to inferred end times of amounts
associated with pay rules. To establish inside rounds and graces, define a change
point. Change points are usually a multiple of the inside round. For example, if

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1061

Chapter 2

inside rounds are tenth hours (6), the change point would be a value such as 12,
18, 24, or 30. If inside rounds and graces are not used, the change point should be
0 (zero). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Early Inside Grace
Out Punch Early Inside Grace, in HH:mm format. Early inside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the early inside interval (after the
change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They determine when
shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to
the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round amounts. You must
specify a change point to use inside graces. Legal values are in the range of 00:00
to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Early Inside Round
Out Punch Early Inside Round, in HH:mm format. Early inside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the early inside interval (after the
change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They establish the
increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Configure early inside rounds if shift end times
round one way for very early shift end times, but round another way as the
scheduled end time approaches. You must specify a change point to use inside
rounds. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

1062 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

Out Punch Early Outside Grace
Out Punch Early Outside Grace, in HH:mm format. Early outside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the early inside interval
(after the change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They
determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and
when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round
amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Early Outside Round
Out Punch Early Outside Round, in HH:mm format. Early outside rounds apply
to punches and amount end times that do not occur during the early inside interval
(after the change point and before the scheduled start or end time). They establish
the increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59.
The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Late Change Point
Out Punch Late Change Point, in HH:mm format. This value defines how in-
punches are treated by the round rules when scheduled employees are early or late
for the end of their shifts. Change points determine when inside and outside
rounds and graces apply to punches and to inferred end times of amounts
associated with pay rules. To establish inside rounds and graces, define a change
point. Change points are usually a multiple of the inside round. For example, if
inside rounds are tenth hours (6), the change point would be a value such as 12,

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1063

Chapter 2

18, 24, or 30. If inside rounds and graces are not used, the change point should be
0 (zero). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Late Inside Grace
Out Punch Late Inside Grace, in HH:mm format. Late inside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the late inside interval (after the
scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They determine when
shift start and end times round to the previous increment and when they round to
the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round amounts. You must
specify a change point to use inside graces. Legal values are in the range of 00:00
to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Late Inside Round
Out Punch Late Inside Round, in HH:mm format. Late inside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that occur during the late inside interval (after the
scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They establish the
increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Configure late inside rounds, if shift end times
round one way immediately after the scheduled end time, and round another way
after a period of time. You must specify a change point to use inside rounds.
Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

1064 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

Out Punch Late Outside Grace
Out Punch Late Outside Grace, in HH:mm format. Late outside graces apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the late inside interval
(after the scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They
determine when shift start and end times round to the previous increment and
when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less than round
amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Out Punch Late Outside Round
Out Punch Late Outside Round, in HH:mm format. Late outside rounds apply to
punches and amount end times that do not occur during the late inside interval
(after the scheduled start or end time and before the change point). They establish
the increments for punches and inferred amount end times by dividing hours into
equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59.
The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Transfer Grace
Grace value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to punches by transferring
employees. Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous
increment and when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less
than round amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default
is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1065

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Transfer Round
Round value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to punches by transferring
employees. Rounds establish the increments for punches and inferred amount
end times by dividing hours into equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a
multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal
values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Unscheduled In Grace
Grace value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to in-punches by unscheduled
employees. Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous
increment and when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less
than round amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default
is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Unscheduled In Round
Round value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to in-punches by unscheduled
employees. Rounds establish the increments for punches and inferred amount
end times by dividing hours into equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a
multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal
values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

1066 Kronos Incorporated

WSAPunchRoundRule Tag

Unscheduled Out Grace
Grace value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to out-punches by unscheduled
employees. Graces determine when shift start and end times round to the previous
increment and when they round to the next increment. Grace amounts must be less
than round amounts. Legal values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default
is 00:00.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Unscheduled Out Round
Round value, in HH:mm format, to be applied to out-punches by unscheduled
employees. Rounds establish the increments for punches and inferred amount
end times by dividing hours into equal segments by minutes, so that 60 is a
multiple of the round (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15. 20, and 30). Legal
values are in the range of 00:00 to 99:59. The default is 00:01.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Use Scheduled Out
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that, when employees forget to punch
out and the the missed-out limit has been reached, their scheduled end times are
considered their out-punches. If employees are not scheduled, their unscheduled
shift lengths are added to their rounded in-punches. The result is used as the out-
punch. Configure the missed-out limit in Punch Interpretation Rules, which is a
Pay Rule building block.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1067

Chapter 2

WSAReportDAP Tag
Report Data Access Profile
The Report Data Access Profile tag allows you to define which reports the
Workforce Manager can access.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all report data access profiles for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAReportDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1068 Kronos Incorporated

WSAReportDAP Tag

Returns a list of the names of all report data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified report data access profile for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAReportDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified report data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the report profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the report data access profile
includes all reports in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1069

Chapter 2

Description of the report data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the report data access profile. The name can be up to 32 characters long,
is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Items in this data access profile
List of one or more report profile items associated with this data access profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAReportProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

1070 Kronos Incorporated

WSAReportProfileItem Tag

WSAReportProfileItem Tag
Report Profile Item
The Report Profile Item tag allows you to list and update report profile items.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all report profile items for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAReportProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified report profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAReportProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1071

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Report profile item name
Name of the report profile item. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1072 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduleDeviationRule Tag

WSAScheduleDeviationRule Tag
Schedule Deviation Rule
The Schedule Deviation Rule tag allows you to set up and maintain special
differentials that employees might earn when they work before or after their
scheduled times, or for shifts that are unscheduled.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ AfterShift = Boolean ]
[ BeforeShift = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ NotScheduled = Boolean ]
[ RequiresApproval = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all schedule deviation rules for updating.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAScheduleDeviationRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1073

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all schedule deviation rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified schedule deviation rule for updating.
Return Value Type: WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified schedule deviation rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
After Shift
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that time worked after the scheduled end
of a shift and before the missed-out limit accumulates as schedule deviation time.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Before Shift

1074 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduleDeviationRule Tag

Boolean value that, when True, indicates that time worked within the early
schedule margin and before the start of a shift accumulates as schedule deviation
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the schedule deviation rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Not Scheduled
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that, if an in-punch does not link to a
schedule, the time worked accumulates as scheduled deviation time.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Requires Approval
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that hours worked outside of the
employeeís scheduled shift requires a managerís approval.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1075

Chapter 2

WSAScheduledHoursType Tag
Scheduled Hours Type
The Scheduled Hours Type tag allows you to define scheduled hours types that
determine how pay codes are treated relative to scheduled hours.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ]
[ SchedHrsInclSw = Boolean ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all scheduled hours types for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAScheduledHoursType tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all scheduled hours types.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags

1076 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduledHoursType Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified scheduled hours type for update.
Return Value Type: WSAScheduledHoursType tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified scheduled hours type.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the scheduled hours type. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Should scheduled hours type be included in daily total?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that this scheduled hours type should be
included in the daily total of scheduled hours.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1077

Chapter 2

Type: Boolean
should be included in the daily total of scheduled hours.
Introduced in v5.1

1078 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduleGroupDAP Tag

WSAScheduleGroupDAP Tag
Schedule Group Data Access Profile
The Schedule Group Data Access Profile tag allows you to define sets of schedule
groups. A schedule group is a set of employees who work the same shifts.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Return all schedule group data access profiles for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAScheduleGroupDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1079

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all schedule group data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified schedule group data access profile for update.
Return Value Type: WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified schedule group data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the schedule group profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the schedule group data access
profile includes all schedule groups in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

1080 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduleGroupDAP Tag

Description of the schedule group data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the schedule group data access profile. The namecan be up to 32
characters long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Items in data access profile
List of one or more schedule group profile items associated with the schedule
group data access profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1081

Chapter 2

WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem Tag
Schedule Group Profile Item
The Schedule Group Profile Item tag allows you to list and update schedule group
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all schedule group profile items for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified schedule group profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1082 Kronos Incorporated

WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem Tag

Property Descriptions
Schedule group profile item name
Name of the schedule group profile item. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1083

Chapter 2

WSASequencedItem Tag
Sequenced Item
The Sequenced Item tag allows you to manage sequenced items. For internal use
with Sequencer Rules. (Now known as Processing Order rules in the v5.1 GUI.)
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Name = String ]
[ TypeCode = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified sequenced item for update.
Return Value Type: WSASequencedItem tag
Required Properties: Name, TypeCode
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the item being sequenced

1084 Kronos Incorporated

WSASequencedItem Tag

The name of the item being sequenced, for example the name of a schedule
deviation or overtime rule.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
The hour type being sequenced, such as holiday.
The assigned Type Code for the hour type being sequenced.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1085

Chapter 2

WSASequencerRule Tag
Processing Order rule (formerly Sequencer Rule)
The Sequencer Rule tag identifies the Processing Order rule that defines the order
in which accumulated hour types are processed. The Sequencer is one step in the
Totalizer process.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Name = String ] >
[ <DoFirstList>
</DoFirstList> ]
[ <DoLastList>
</DoLastList> ]

Action Descriptions
Retrieve all sequencer rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSASequencerRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View

1086 Kronos Incorporated

WSASequencerRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all sequencer rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified sequencer rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSASequencerRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified sequencer rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Do first list
Ordered list that specifies the hour types to process first. Hour types that help
employees reach overtime limits may be in this category. For example, if a
holiday occurs at the end of the week, place the holiday hour type in this list.
Holiday hours process first and help employees reach overtime limits.
Type: Zero or more WSASequencedItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1087

Chapter 2

Do last list
Ordered list that specifies the hour types to process last. You typically place an
hour type in this list to prevent the corresponding hours from counting toward the
weekly overtime goal. For example, if you moved daily overtime hours to this list,
you can prevent daily overtime hours from counting toward weekly overtime. You
can also total or process "non-home" labor level transfers last. That procedure
ensures that the system allocates overtime hours to the department to which the
person was "loaned" rather than to the personís "home" department.
Type: Zero or more WSASequencedItem tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the Processing Order rule
Name of the Processing Order (formerly sequencer) rule. The name can be up to
32 characters long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1088 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftGuarantee Tag

WSAShiftGuarantee Tag
Shift Guarantee
The Shift Guarantee tag allows you to set up and manage shift guarantees. Shift
guarantees are amounts of time that employees earn even if they actually work
less time. When employees work during shifts that contain a guaranteed amount,
they earn at least the minimum amounts of time specified in the guarantee. If they
work more than the guarantee, they accrue the amount of time actually worked.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Friday = TimeDuration ]
[ Monday = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]
[ ReductByAmountTardy = Boolean ]
[ Saturday = TimeDuration ]
[ Sunday = TimeDuration ]
[ Thursday = TimeDuration ]
[ Tuesday = TimeDuration ]
[ Wednesday = TimeDuration ]
[ WorkRule = String ] />

Action Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1089

Chapter 2

Returns all shift guarantees for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAShiftGuarantee tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all shift guarantees.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified shift guarantee for update.
Return Value Type: WSAShiftGuarantee tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified shift guarantee.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Length of the guaranteed shift for Friday.
Type: TimeDuration

1090 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftGuarantee Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Length of the guaranteed shift for Monday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the shift guarantee. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Reduce By Amount Tardy
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the guaranteed amount will be
reduced by the amount of time that employees are late for that scheduled shift.
The rounded amount is deducted from the guaranteed amount. The late in-punch
round rules determine the deduction for punch rounds. The Interval Round Rules
determine the deduction for interval rounds. If employees punch in later than the
length of the guarantee, the guaranteed shift no longer applies. By default, this
option is not selected.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1091

Chapter 2

Length of the guaranteed shift for Saturday.

Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Length of the guaranteed shift for Sunday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Length of the guaranteed shift for Thursday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Length of the guaranteed shift for Tuesday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Length of the guaranteed shift for Wednesday.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

1092 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftGuarantee Tag

Work Rule
Name of the work rule that accounts for the difference between the amount of
time employees actually work and the amount of time accrued because of shift
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1093

Chapter 2

WSAShiftLength Tag
Shift Lengths
The Shifts Length tag allows you to add or edit a shift length and the automated
breaks associated with the shift.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"
[ Length = Long ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <BreakTimes>
</BreakTimes> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the shift length of the specified shift.
Return Value Type: WSAShiftLength tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

1094 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftLength Tag

Break times
List of one or more breaks assigned to this shift.
Type: Zero or more WSABreakTime tags
Introduced in v5.1
Length of shift
Shift length, in HH:mm format. A shift can be from 0 (zero) to 99 hours long.
Type: Long
Introduced in v5.1
Shift name
Name of the shift. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-insensitive,
and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1095

Chapter 2

WSAShiftTemplateDAP Tag
Shift Template Data Access Profile
The Shift Template Data Access Profile tag allows you to specify the set of shift
templates that a user will see.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all shift template data access profiles for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAShiftTemplateDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1096 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftTemplateDAP Tag

Returns a list of the names of all shift template data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified shift template data access profile for update.
Return Value Type: WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified shift template data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Does the shift template profile allow all?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the shift template data access profile
includes all shift templates in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1097

Chapter 2

Description of the shift template data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Data access profile name
Name of the shift template data access profile. The name can be up to 32
characters long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Shift templates in the data access profile
List of one or more shift templates associated with this shift template data access
Type: Zero or more WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

1098 Kronos Incorporated

WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem Tag

WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem Tag
Shift template profile item
The Shift Template Profile Item tag allows you to list and update shift template
profile items (shift templates). A shift template is a shift with all its segments that
is saved with a name, but no date, so that you can assign it to multiple employees
and reuse it as needed. Shift templates save time if you have employees who work
standard shifts.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all shift template profile items for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specifed shift template profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1099

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Shift template name
Name of a shift template. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1100 Kronos Incorporated

WSASignOffRestriction Tag

WSASignOffRestriction Tag
Sign-Off Restrictions
The Sign-Off Restrictions tag allows you to set up restrictions that limit a
managerís ability to sign off when specific conditions are not satisfied.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ DisallowIfMissingPunches = Boolean ]
[ DisallowIfUnexcusedAbsences = Boolean ]
[ DisallowIfZeroHours = Boolean ]
[ Name = String ]
[ PayCodeForZeroHours = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all sign-off restrictions for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSASignOffRestriction tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1101

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all sign-off restrictions.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified sign-off restriction for update.
Return Value Type: WSASignOffRestriction tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified sign-off restriction.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Are missing punches disallowed?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that, to qualify for sign-off, a timecard
cannot contain any missed punches for the entire period that is being signed off.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Are unexcused absences disallowed?

1102 Kronos Incorporated

WSASignOffRestriction Tag

Boolean value that, when True, disallows unexcused absences. To qualify for
sign-off, a timecard cannot contain any unexcused absences for the entire period
being signed off. An unexcused absence is a day in which the employee is
scheduled to work and the employeeís timecard does not contain any punches or
pay code edits that excuse the absence.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Are zero hours disallowed?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that, to qualify for sign-off, a timecard
must contain hours accumulated in a specified pay code. A pay code that does not
contain hours (a zero value) is not signed off. This includes hours resulting from
worked shifts, pay code edits, internal pay code edits (such as holiday credits),
and scheduled pay code edits.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the sign-off restriction
Name of the sign-off restriction. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Pay code for zero hours
Pay code associated with the DisallowIfZeroHours property. You can specify a
single pay code or a combined pay code.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1103

Chapter 2

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

1104 Kronos Incorporated

WSATkTerminalRule Tag

WSATkTerminalRule Tag
Punch Interpretation Rule (formerly Terminal Rule)
The Terminal Rule tag allows you to set up and manage rules that determine when
punches link to schedules and when data collection devices accept and reject
punches. Terminal Rules are now called Punch Interpretation Rules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ AllowOverrides = Boolean ]
[ BeginEarlyEnd = TimeDuration ]
[ EarlyScheduleMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ EarlyStart = TimeDuration ]
[ EarlyStartBreakMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ EnforceBreaks = Boolean ]
[ LateEnd = TimeDuration ]
[ LateEndBreakMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ LateEndMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ LateScheduleMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ LateStart = TimeDuration ]
[ LateStartBreakMargin = TimeDuration ]
[ LiftEarlyEnd = TimeDuration ]
[ MaximumOut = TimeDuration ]
[ MaximumShiftLength = TimeDuration ]
[ MinimumMeal = TimeDuration ]
[ Name = String ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1105

Chapter 2

[ PunchRestrictions = Boolean ]
[ RuleNumber = Integer ]
[ UnscheduledIn = Boolean ]
[ UnscheduledShiftLength = TimeDuration ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all terminal rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSATkTerminalRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all terminal rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified terminal rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSATkTerminalRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified terminal rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

1106 Kronos Incorporated

WSATkTerminalRule Tag

Property Descriptions
Can supervisors override schedules?
Boolean value that, when True, allows supervisors to override schedules.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Starts a period of time before the end of a shift when an employee cannot punch out
The Begin Early End restriction, specified in HH:mm format, starts a period of
time before the end of a shift when an employee cannot punch out. If you use this
restriction, you are required to set Lift Early End Restriction, which ends the out-
punch restriction period. Begin Early End Restriction must be at least as great as
Lift Early End Restriction. The Begin Early Restriction default is 24:00..
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Early punch-in margin
Amount of time before a shift, specified in HH:mm format, that an employee can
punch in from a device and still have the punch link to the scheduled shift.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Early punch-in
Value, specified in HH:mm format, that determines how early an employee is
allowed to punch in using a terminal.
Type: TimeDuration

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1107

Chapter 2

Restriction (Start, Early End, and Late End) ó These values determine how early
or late an employee is allowed to punch in or out using a terminal.
Introduced in v5.1
Margin for the early start of breaks and meals.
The Early Start Break Margin, specified in HH:mm format. The punch margin for
the early start of breaks and meals in seconds.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Can the device enforces breaks?
Boolean value that, when True, specifies that the device enforces breaks.
Employees must remain punched out for the entire break. This applies to minor
and adult employees. Supervisors can override this restriction if you also set
Allow Overrides to True.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Late punch-out
Value, specified in HH:mm format, that determines how late an employee is
allowed to punch out using a terminal.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Late margin for the end of breaks and meals

1108 Kronos Incorporated

WSATkTerminalRule Tag

The Late End Break Margin, specified in HH:mm format. The late margin for the
end of breaks and meals. If employees try to punch in after this time, the device
displays an error message.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Length of time a punch is considered an out-punch
Length of time, specified in HH:mm format, after the scheduled end of a shift that
a punch is considered to be an out-punch even if the punch is the first punch
recorded for the shift. This can occur if the in-punch is determined to be missing
and an exception is generated.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Late punch-in margin
Amount of time after a shift, specified in HH:mm format, that an employee can
punch in from a device and still have the punch link to the scheduled shift.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Late punch-in
Value, specified in HH:mm format, that determines how late an employee is
allowed to punch in using a terminal.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1109

Chapter 2

Late punch margin for the start of breaks and meals
The Late Start Break Margin, specified in HH:mm format. The late punch margin
for the start of breaks and meals. If employees try to punch for a break or meal
after the late margin, the device displays an error message.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Time before the end of a shift that an employee cannot punch out
The Lift Early End, specified in HH:mm format, specifies the period of time
before the end of a shift when an employee cannot punch out. If you use this
restriction, you are required to set Begin Early End Restriction, which starts the
out-punch restriction period. Lift Early End Restriction cannot exceed Begin
Early End Restriction.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Time before an out-punch exception is generated
Length of time, specified in HH:mm format, after an in-punch that the out-punch
is determined to have been missed and an out-punch exception is generated.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum shift length
The maximum length of a shift, specified in HH:mm format.
Type: TimeDuration

1110 Kronos Incorporated

WSATkTerminalRule Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Minimum amount of time allowed for a meal break
Minimum Meal, specified in HH:mm format, is the minimum amount of time
allowed for a meal break.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the terminal rule
Name of the terminal rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Specifies Full or Simple punch restrictions
Boolean value that, when True, indicates Ful, which specifies that the device will
enforce full schedules. False equals Simple, which specifies that the device will
enforce simple schedules. Simple schedules are appropriate for retail
environments, where managers cannot always track the ins and outs of employees,
and for organizations who have minor employees that require strict time regimens.
The simple schedule does not include all of the properties in the Terminal Rule
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Rule number

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1111

Chapter 2

The assigned Rule Number

Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Are unscheduled in-punches allowed?
Boolean value that, when True, allows an employee without a scheduled shift to
punch in.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Unscheduled shift length
Value, specified in HH:mm format, used to calculate the expected end to an
unscheduled shift.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1

1112 Kronos Incorporated


Unspecified Labor Level Entry
The Unspecified Labor Level Entry tag allows you update the unspecified labor
level entry. The system creates an unspecified labor level entry for each labor
level you create. The entry is the same for all labor levels. This enables you to
attach a labor level to a job and ensures that there is an entry for each labor level in
a labor account.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.LaborLevels
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the one logical unspecified labor level entry in the system. (Note: This
API exists for completeness. Although there is one unspecified labor level entry
for each defined labor level, these entries all have the same attributes and are thus
one logical entity.)
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAULLE tags

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1113

Chapter 2

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list containing the name of the one logical unspecified labor level entry
in the system. (Note: This API exists for completeness. Although there is one
unspecified labor level entry for each defined labor level, these entries all have the
same attributes and are thus one logical entity.)
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the one logical unspecified labor level entry for update. (Note: This API
exists for completeness. Although there is one unspecified labor level entry for
each defined labor level, these entries all have the same attributes and are thus one
logical entity.)
Return Value Type: WSAULLE tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the one logical unspecified labor level entry. (Note: This API exists for
completeness. Although there is one unspecified labor level entry for each defined
labor level, these entries all have the same attributes and are thus one logical
Return Value Type: None
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

1114 Kronos Incorporated


Description of the unspecified labor level entry.

Type: String
Default Value: -
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the unspecified labor level entry. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Default Value: -
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1115

Chapter 2

WSAWageProfile Tag
WSA Wage Profile
The WSAWageProfile tag allows you to assign multiple wage rates to one or more
employees to comply with union regulations or company policy. The WageProfile
and WSAWageProfile tags refer to the same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.WageProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Name = String ]
[ OverrideIfHomeSwitch = Boolean ]
[ UseHighestWageSwitch = Boolean ] >
[ <WageProfileLLDef>
</WageProfileLLDef> ]
[ <WgpPayCodes>
</WgpPayCodes> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all wage profiles for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWageProfile tag

1116 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWageProfile Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all wage profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified wage profile for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWageProfile tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified wage profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
WSA Wage Profile Name
Name of the wage profile. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1117

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Should override be allowed if home switch is set?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that a wage rate adjustment should not
apply to employeesí Primary Labor Accounts.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Should the highest wage be used?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the higher of expanded or base
wages should be used.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Set of labor level/wage profile objects
One or more labor level and wage profiles associated with this wage profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage tags
Introduced in v5.1
Pay codes affected by the wage profile
One or more pay codes associated with this wage profile. If no pay codes are
listed in this property, all page codes are associated with the wage profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAWageProfilePayCode tags
Introduced in v5.1

1118 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage Tag

WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage Tag
This tag links a wage profile to labor levels
Internal use by WSAWageProfile
Function Access Control Point: WSA.WageProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ LaborLevelName = String ]
[ WageProfileName = String ] >
[ <Adjustments>
</Adjustments> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified wage profile labor level linkage.
Return Value Type: WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage tag
Required Properties: WageProfileName, LaborLevelName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1119

Chapter 2

List of adjustments applying to the linked labor level and wage profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAWPWageAdjustment tags
Introduced in v5.1
Labor level name
Name of associated labor level.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Wage profile name
Name of the associated wage profile.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1120 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWageProfilePayCode Tag

WSAWageProfilePayCode Tag
Wage Profile Pay Code
Internal Use by WSAWageProfile
Function Access Control Point: WSA.WageProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified wage profile pay code for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWageProfilePayCode tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of the wage profile pay code. The name is case-insensitive and must be

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1121

Chapter 2

Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1122 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule Tag

WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule Tag
Work History Qualifier Rule
The Work History Qualifier Rule tag allows you to define a set of conditions that
an employee must meet, prior to a holiday, to be eligible for holiday credits.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AmountUnits = String ]
[ ContributingShiftRuleName = String ]
[ Name = String ]
[ Type = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all work history qualifier rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1123

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all work history qualifier rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified work history qualifier rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified work history qualifier rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Type of units
It will be "converted" to type KTimeDuration for types B and E, Integer for the
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of contributing shift rule

1124 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule Tag

Name of the contributing shift rule for holidays that is associated with this work
history qualifier rule.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the work history qualifier rule
Name of the work history qualifier rule. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Type of contributing shift
Type of contributing shift conditions, such as a minimum or maximum number of
shifts, days, or hours, to satisfy this work history qualifier rule. Valid types
• A -- Maximum number of days
• B -- Maximum number of hours
• C -- Maximum number of shifts
• D -- Minimum number of days
• E -- Minimum number of hours
• F -- Minimum number of shifts
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1125

Chapter 2

WSAWorkRule Tag
Work Rule
The WSAWorkRule tag allows you to define and manage rules that determine
how employee hours accrue. The WorkRule and WSAWorkRule tags refer to the
same database object.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Name = String ] >
[ <EffectiveWorkRules>
</EffectiveWorkRules> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all work rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAWorkRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1126 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRule Tag

Returns a list of the names of all work rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified work rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified work rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Effective-dated versions of the work rule
List of one or more effective-dated versions of this work rule.
Type: Zero or more WSAEffectiveWorkRule tags
Introduced in v5.1
Name of WSA work rule

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1127

Chapter 2

Name of the work rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1128 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRuleDAP Tag

WSAWorkRuleDAP Tag
Work Rule Data Access Profile
The Work Rule Data Access Profile tag allows you to specify the work rules that
an individual can select.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ AllowAll = Boolean ]
[ Description = String ]
[ Name = String ] >
[ <ProfileItems>
</ProfileItems> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all work rule data access profiles for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAWorkRuleDAP tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1129

Chapter 2

Returns a list of the names of all work rule data access profiles.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified work rule data access profile for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkRuleDAP tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified work rule data access profile.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
If true, the profile allows access to all work rules
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that the work rule data access profile
includes all work rules in the system.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1

1130 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRuleDAP Tag

Description of the work rule data access profile.

Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Work rule data access profile name
Name of the work rule data access profile. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Work rules included in the data access profile
List of one or more work rule profile items associated with this work rule data
access profile.
Type: Zero or more WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1131

Chapter 2

WSAWorkRuleGeneral Tag
General work rule componentss
The General Work Rules tag allows you to define and maintain bonus/deduction
rules, break rules, and core hours rules associated with the specified work rule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"
[ BonusDeductRuleNames = String list ]
[ BreakRuleNames = String list ]
[ CoreHoursRuleNames = String list ]
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified general work rule.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

1132 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRuleGeneral Tag

Bonuses and deductions rule name
List of one or more bonus/deduction rules associated with this general rule.
Type: String list
Select bonuses and deductions from the Available Bonuses/Deductions box and
move the selections to the Selected Bonuses/Deductions box to specify the
deductions and bonuses used in this work rule.
Introduced in v5.1
Break rule names
List of one or more break rules associated with this general work rule.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Core hour rules
List of one or more core hours rules associated with this general work rule.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the general work rule
Name of the general work rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1133

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1

1134 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRulePCDistr Tag

WSAWorkRulePCDistr Tag
Pay Code Distributions for Work Rules
The Pay Code Distributions for Work Rules tag allows you to define pay plans for
a work rule. Employees can work various shifts that use different work rules, so
an employee might have several different pay plans. Pay code distributions
depend on the work rule that is assigned to the schedules.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "Retrieve"

[ MajorityRuleNames = String list ]
[ Name = String ]
[ OvertimeRuleNames = String list ]
[ ScheduleDeviationRuleNames = String list ]
[ ZoneRuleNames = String list ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified pay code distribution.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1135

Chapter 2

Property Descriptions
Majority rules
List of one or more majority rules associated with this pay code distribution.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the pay code distribution
Name of the pay code distribution. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Overtime rules
List of one or more overtime rules associated with this pay code distribution.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1
Schedule deviation rules
List of one or more schedule deviation rules associated with this pay code
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1

1136 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRulePCDistr Tag

Zone rule
List of one or more zone rules associated with this pay code distribution.
Type: String list
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1137

Chapter 2

WSAWorkRuleProfileItem Tag
Work Rule Profile Item
The Work Rule Profile Item tag allows you to list and update work rule profile
Function Access Control Point: WSA.AccessProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetreiveAllForUpdate" | "RetrieveForUpdate"

[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns all work rule profile items for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified work rule profile item for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1138 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWorkRuleProfileItem Tag

Property Descriptions
Work rule profile item name
Name of the work rule profile item. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1139

Chapter 2

WSAWPWageAdjustment Tag
Wage Adjustment
The Wage Adjustiment tag allows you to define an adjustment to a wage profile to
include an amount that changes an employeeís base wage.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.WageProfiles
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Amount = String ]
[ LaborLevelEntryName = String ]
[ LaborLevelEntryWildcard = String ]
[ LaborLevelName = String ]
[ Type = Integer ]
[ WageProfileName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified wage adjustment for update.
Return Value Type: WSAWPWageAdjustment tag
Required Properties: WageProfileName, LaborLevelName,
LaborLevelEntryName, LaborLevelEntryWildcard
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1140 Kronos Incorporated

WSAWPWageAdjustment Tag

Property Descriptions
Amount to be applied to the adjustment type. Although this property takes a
string, this value should be a well-formed float/long.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Labor Level Entry Name
Name of the associated labor level entry. If you are using the
LaborLevelEntryWildcard property instead of specifying a labor level entry name,
this property should contain the string "NULL".
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Wildcard for labor level entry
Labor Level Entry Wildcard. If you are using the LaborLevelEntryName property
instead of the wildcard, this property should contain the string "NULL".
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Labor level name
Name of the associated labor level.
Type: String

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1141

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Type of wage adjustment
Integer specifying the type of the wage adjustment. The wage adjustment types
• 1: AdditionóAn amount that is added to or subtracted from the base wage rate
or the current flat rate.
• 0: Flat rateóAn amount that replaces the base wage rate.
• 2: MultiplieróAn amount by which the base wage rate or the current flat rate
is multiplied.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Wage profile name
Name of the wage profile to which this adjustment belongs.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1142 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

WSAZone Tag
The Zone tag identifies a zone: that is, an interval of time when an employee can
earn a shift differential. It is an internal tag used within WSAZoneRule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ ConsecutiveDayNumber = Integer ]
[ ConsecutiveLastDayMinimumTime = TimeDuration ]
[ ConsecutiveMinimumTime = TimeDuration ]
[ ConsecutiveType = String ]
[ DaysOfWeekZonesAppliesType = Boolean ]
[ EndNumberOfDay = Integer ]
[ EndTime = Time ]
[ EndWorkAfterTime = Time ]
[ EndWorkAfterTimeSwitch = Boolean ]
[ EndWorkBeforeTime = Time ]
[ EndWorkBeforeTimeSwitch = Boolean ]
[ ExpansionMarginsEarlyTime = TimeDuration ]
[ ExpansionMarginsLateTime = TimeDuration ]
[ HolidayDeductTypeId = String ]
[ HolidayPolicyTypeId = String ]
[ MinimumHoursWithinShift = TimeDuration ]
[ MinimumHoursWithinZone = TimeDuration ]
[ NumberOfDay = Integer ]
[ QualifiersBasedOnType = Boolean ]
[ QualifiersUnscheduled = Boolean ]
[ StartNumberOfDay = Integer ]
[ StartTime = Time ]

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1143

Chapter 2

[ StartWorkAfterTime = Time ]
[ StartWorkAfterTimeSwitch = Boolean ]
[ StartWorkBeforeTime = Time ]
[ StartWorkBeforeTimeSwitch = Boolean ]
[ TypeCode = String ] >
[ <DaysOfWeek>
</DaysOfWeek> ]
[ <SelectedHolidays>
</SelectedHolidays> ]
[ <SelectedLimits>
</SelectedLimits> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified zone rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAZone tag
Required Properties: TypeCode
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Number of consecutive days
When the zone type is consecutive days worked and consecutive type is C (Days
is a row), number of the day of the week on which the number of contributing
days is reset to 0 (zero).
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1

1144 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

Minumum time on last consecutive day
When the zone type is consecutive days worked and the ConsecutiveType
property is C, the minimum amount of time, in HH:mm format, that an employee
must work on the last day in a sequence of consecutive days to receive overtime
pay for that day.
Type: TimeDuration
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum time to qualify towards consecutive overtime
When the zone type is consecutive days worked, the minimum time, in HH:mm
format, an employee must work during a shift for the day to count towards
consecutive day overtime. If the consecutive type is days in a row, the consecutive
day accumulator resets if the shift does not meet the minimum requirement.
Type: TimeDuration
ConsecutiveMinimumTime is in miliseconds.
Introduced in v5.1
Type of qualifyng consecutive days
When zone type is consecutive days worked, this property specifies one of the
following reset methods:
• A -- Days in a row: Resets the number of contributing days to 0 on the
specified day number. For example, if the value is 7, the count of contributing
days will automatically reset on the seventh day. This method allows days
contributing toward consecutive days work to cross the day divide.
• C -- Days in a row: Resets the number of contributing days to 0 on the
specified day of week.
• D -- Days in a week: Resets the number of contributing days to 0 on the
specified day of the week.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1145

Chapter 2

Type: String
Sample values: Days in a row, Days in a week
Introduced in v5.1
Days of week
When the zone type is days of week and the ConsecutiveType property is D, list of
one or more days that are eligible for a special pay rate.
Type: WSADaysOfWeek tag
Introduced in v5.1
What is the zone type?
When the zone type is days of week, Boolean value that specifies how shifts are
recognized when they cross the day divide. This value can be one of the
• False (default): Hours Worked Between Day Divides ó Activates the zone for
the entire shift.
• True: Hours Applying to Day ó Activates the zone only for the specific day.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Day the zone ends
When zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, number of the
day when the zone ends and the employee stops accumulating zone hours.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1

1146 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

Time the zone ends
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the time of
day, in HH:mm format, when the zone ends and the employee stops accumulating
zone hours.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Allowable amount of time after zone ends
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential and the
EndWorkAfterTimeSwitch property is True, the amount of time, in HH:mm
format, after a zone ends that an employee can can continue to earn zone hours.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Can an employee earn time after zone end?
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, Boolean
value that, when True, indicates that an employee can continue to earn zone hours
after the end of the zone. If the value is False, the EndWorkAfterTime property is
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Allowable amount of time before zone ends
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential and the
EndWorkBeforeTimeSwitch property is True,, the amount of time, in HH:mm

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1147

Chapter 2

format, before a zone ends that an employee can stop working, but continue to
earn hours for the entire zone.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Can an employee stop work early and still earn zone time?
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, Boolean
value that, when True, indicates an employee can earn zone hours if work is ended
before the end of the zone. If the value is False, the EndWorkBeforeTime
property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Time before zone when an employee can earn shift differential
When the zone type is daily shift differantial or weekend differential, the amount
of time, in HH:mm format, before the zone start time that an employee can still
earn a shift differential. Hours worked during the expansion window do not count
toward the zone minimum.
Type: TimeDuration
Default Value: 0.00
Introduced in v5.1
Time after zone when an employee can earn shift differential
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the amount
of time, in HH:mm format, after the zone end time that an employee can still earn
a shift differential. Hours worked during the expansion window do not count
toward the zone minimum.

1148 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

Type: TimeDuration
Default Value: 0.0
Introduced in v5.1
Id for the holiday zone rule type
When the zone type is holiday, value that defines the effect of worked hours on
holiday credits. The value can be one of the following:
• HolidayDeductNone ó Worked time does not affect the holiday credit.
• HolidayDeductWorked ó Reduces the holiday credit by the amount of time
that the employee worked during the holiday.
• HoidayDeductAll ó Eliminates the holiday credit if the employee works
during the holiday.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Id for the holiday policy type
When the zone type is holiday, value indicating where holiday hours belong,
based on the "Hours belong to" property in the Fixed rule. The following values
are defined:
• 0 -- Holiday Zone defined by Times in Holiday Table; Holiday Worked Hours
belong to Day Actually Worked.
• 1 -- Holiday Zone defined by Day Divide; Holiday Worked Hours belong to
Day Actually Worked.
• 2 -- Holiday Zone defined by Day Divide; Holiday Worked Hours belong to
Use Fixed Rule Setting.
• 3 -- Holiday Zone defined by Day Divide; Holiday Worked Hours belong to
Scheduled In-day.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1149

Chapter 2

• 4 -- Holiday Zone defined by Day Divide; Holiday Worked Hours belong to

Scheduled Out-day.
• 5 -- Holiday Zone defined by Day Divide; Holiday Worked Hours belong to
Day With Majority Hours.
• 6 -- Holiday Zone defined by Times in Holiday Table; Holiday Worked Hours
belong to Use Fixed Rule Setting.
• 7 -- Holiday Zone defined by Times in Holiday Table; Holiday Worked Hours
belong to Scheduled In-day.
• 8 -- Holiday Zone defined by Times in Holiday Table; Holiday Worked Hours
belong to Scheduled Out-day.
• 9 -- Holiday Zone defined by Times in Holiday Table; Holiday Worked Hours
belong to Day With Majority Hours.
When the zone type is not Holiday, the holiday policy type ID defaults to 6.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum time to qualify for shift differential
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the amount
of time, in HH:mm format, that an employee's rounded shift length must equal for
the employee to qualify for the shift differential.
Type: TimeDuration
Default Value: 0.00
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum time in zone to qualify for shift differential.
When zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the minimum
amount of time, in HH:mm format, an employee must work to qualify for the shift
differential. Time worked within an expansion window is not included.

1150 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

Type: TimeDuration
Default Value: 0.00
Introduced in v5.1
Number of days to work
When the zone type is consecutive days worked and consecutive type is A (Days
is a row), number of the day on which the number of contributing days is reset to
0 (zero).
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Will qualifiers be compared to start or must end work times?
If zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, Boolean value that,
when True, indicates that work hours are qualified by scheduled start times
compared to the Must Start or Must End work times. When this value is False,
work hours are qualified by rounded punches compared to the Must Start or Must
End work times.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Can unscheduled employees earn this type of zone hour
If zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, Boolean value that,
when True, indicates that unscheduled employees are allowed to earn this type of
zone hour.
Type: Boolean

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1151

Chapter 2

Unscheduled ó Select this option to allow unscheduled employees to earn this

type of zone hour. If this option is not selected, only scheduled employees can
earn hours in this zone.
Introduced in v5.1
Selected holidays
When the zone type is holiday, list of selected holiday zone rules.
Type: Zero or more WSAZoneRuleHoliday tags
Introduced in v5.1
Selected limits
The list of Selected Limits
Type: Zero or more WSAZoneRuleLimit tags
Introduced in v5.1
Day the zone begins
When zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the number of
the day when the zone starts and the employee starts accumulating zone hours.
Type: Integer
Introduced in v5.1
Time the zone begins
When zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, the time of day,
in HH:mm format, when the zone begins. Employees are required to punch in at
or after the start time to qualify for the zone. Rounded punches are compared to
the start time. If the start time and end time are the same, the zone is 24 hours

1152 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZone Tag

Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Allowable amount of time after zone begins
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential and the
StartWorkAfterTime property is True, the amount of time, in HH:mm format,
after a zone begins that an employee can start working, but continue to earn hours
for the entire zone.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Can an employee start work late and still earn zone time?
When the zone type is daily shift differential, Boolean value that, when True,
indicates that an employee can earn zone hours if work is started after the start of
the zone. If the value is False, the StartWorkAfterTime property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Allowable amount of time before zone begins
When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential and the
StartWorkBeforeTime property is True, the amount of time, in HH:mm format,
before a zone begins that an employee can start working.
Type: Time
Introduced in v5.1
Can an employee start work before the zone begins?

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1153

Chapter 2

When the zone type is daily shift differential or weekend differential, Boolean
value that indicates, when True, that an employee can earn zone hours if work is
started before the start of the zone. If the value is False, the StartWorkBeforeTime
property is ignored.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Zone type
Type of zone. Valid zone types include:
• C -- Consecutive days worked
• H -- Holiday
• D -- Days of week
• S -- Daily shift differential
• W -- Weekend differential
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1154 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneCombinationRule Tag

WSAZoneCombinationRule Tag
Zone Combination Rule
The Zone Combination Rule tag allows you to define a zone combination rule.
Zone combinations specify which zone rule takes precedence if an employee
qualifies for more than one zone.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
[ Name = String ] >
[ <CombinationRules>
</CombinationRules> ]
[ <SelectedZoneRules>
</SelectedZoneRules> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all zone combination rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAZoneCombinationRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1155

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of the names of all zone combination rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified zone combination rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAZoneCombinationRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified zone combination rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Zone combination rules
List of one or more combination rules to be applied to this zone combination rule.
Type: Zero or more WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule tags
If only one zone rule exists, you must create a zone combination rule that contains
the one zone rule.
Introduced in v5.1

1156 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneCombinationRule Tag

Name of zone combination rule
Name of the zone combination rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Selected zone rules
List of one or more zone rules used for a combination.
Type: Zero or more WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule tags
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1157

Chapter 2

WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule Tag
Zone Combination Specification Rule
Allows the management of zone combination specification rules. This is an
internal tag used within WSAZoneCombinationRule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ ItemName = String ]
[ KeyName = String ]
[ ValueName = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieve the specified instance from the DB
Return Value Type: WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule tag
Required Properties: ItemName, KeyName, ValueName
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Zone rule

1158 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule Tag

The name of the zone rule.

Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Key name
The name of a zone rule.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Value name
The name of a zone rule.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1159

Chapter 2

WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule Tag
Zone Combination Zone Rule
Allows the management of zone rules within the context of a zone combination
rule. This is an internal tag used within WSAZoneCombinationRule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Retrieve the specified instance from the DB
Return Value Type: WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of zone combination zone rule

1160 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule Tag

Name of the zone combination zone rule. The name can be up to 32 characters
long, is case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1161

Chapter 2

WSAZoneRule Tag
Zone Rule
The Zone Rule tag allows you to describe the amount of time within a zone that an
employee is required to work.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

[ Name = String ]
[ RequiresApproval = Boolean ] >
[ <Zone>
</Zone> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns all zone rules for update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WSAZoneRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1162 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneRule Tag

Returns a list of the names of all zone rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more NameList tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the specified zone rule for update.
Return Value Type: WSAZoneRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates the specified zone rule.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of zone rule
Name of the zone rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1163

Chapter 2

Is approval required?
Boolean value that, when True, indicates that manager approval is required to use
this zone.
Type: Boolean
Introduced in v5.1
Zone associated with this zone rule.
Type: WSAZone tag
Sample values: Evening, Night, Sunday, Weekend
Introduced in v5.1

1164 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneRuleHoliday Tag

WSAZoneRuleHoliday Tag
Zone Type for Holiday Rule
The Zone Type for Holiday Rule tag describes the zone type for the holiday rule.
This is an internal tag used within the WSAZoneRule tag.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Name = String ]
[ StartDateTime = DateTime ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified zone holiday rule for update,
Return Value Type: WSAZoneRuleHoliday tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of holiday zone rule

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1165

Chapter 2

Name of the holiday type zone rule. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is
case-insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Start date and time
The start date and time in MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm AM|PM format.
Type: DateTime
Introduced in v5.1

1166 Kronos Incorporated

WSAZoneRuleLimit Tag

WSAZoneRuleLimit Tag
Zone Rule Limit
The Zone Rule Limit tag allows the management of Zone Rule limits. This is an
internal tag that is used within WSAZoneRule.
Function Access Control Point: WSA.PayRules
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions >

Actions→ "RetrieveForUpdate"
[ Name = String ] />

Action Descriptions
Returns the specified zone rule limiy for update.
Return Value Type: WSAZoneRuleLimit tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Name of zone rule limit

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1167

Chapter 2

Name of the zone rule limit. The name can be up to 32 characters long, is case-
insensitive, and must be unique.
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1

1168 Kronos Incorporated

WTDEmployeeAssignment Tag

WTDEmployeeAssignment Tag
Working Time Directive Employee Assignment
The Working Time Directive feature lets you plan, monitor, and track the amount
of time that employees are required to work. It also lets you ensure that employees
have appropriate rest periods. You can set up Working Time Directive rules for
various types of employees such as Night Workers, Hazardous Night Workers,
and Young Workers.
Set up the application of Working Time Directive rules by defining the global
settings (WTDGlobal tag) and the rules (WTDRule tag). Global settings apply to
all of the workers at your site, and Working Time Directive rules can be tailored
for individual groups of workers.
You do not need to assign a Working Time Directive rule to all employees. You
should assign Working Time Directive rules only to those employees who have
working time limits.
Use this WTDEmployeeAssignment tag to assign a Working Time Directive rule
to an employee or to retrieve information about current Working Time Directive
rule assignments.
See individual actios.
Function Access Control Point: Working Time Directive
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1169

Chapter 2

EmployeeId = Long

EmployeeId = Long
[ HazardousWorker = Boolean ]
Id = Long
Name = String
WtdRuleId = Long >
[ <OptOutStatusList>
</OptOutStatusList> ]

Action Descriptions
Returns an WTDEmployeeAssignment Bean. If the object does not exist then
Object Key Not Found exception is thrown.
Return Value Type: WTDEmployeeAssignment tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

EmployeeId The WTKEmployeeId who's Introduced in v5.1
assignment is desired.
not null
Default Value:

Returns all Employee Assignments.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WTDEmployeeAssignment tags
Access Control Point Name: View

1170 Kronos Incorporated

WTDEmployeeAssignment Tag

Introduced in v5.1
Returns all WTDEmployeeAssignments for SDM update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WTDEmployeeAssignment tags
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the names of all Employee Assignments. This is formated as
Return Value Type: String list
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Retrieves a single WTDEmplyoeeAssignement for SDM update.
Return Value Type: WTDEmployeeAssignment tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Adds or updates an WTDEmployeeAssignment.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: EmployeeId WtdRuleId
Optional Properties: Id
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1171

Chapter 2

Employee Id
The WTKEmployeeId that this rule is being assigned to.
Type: Long
not null
Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.1
Hazardous Worker
Flag indicating if the employee's job is hazardous.
Type: Boolean
Sample values: True
Introduced in v5.1
The primary key of a Working Time Directive rule.
Type: Long
not null
Sample values: 1
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
The name of the employee/rule assignment.
Type: String

1172 Kronos Incorporated

WTDEmployeeAssignment Tag

Introduced in v5.1
The list of effective dated OptOutStatuses
Type: Zero or more OptOutStatusList tags
Introduced in v5.1
WTD Rule Id
The Working Time Directive rule that is being assigned to an employee.
Type: Long
not null
Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1173

Chapter 2

WTDGlobal Tag
Working Time Directive Global Configuration
Creates or modifies the global settings used in Working Time Directive
calculations. The global settings that you choose identify the pay codes that are
included and excluded from the Working Time Directive.
Global settings apply to every worker at your installation. To apply Working Time
Directive rules to a specific set of workers, use Working Time Directive rules.
See individual Actions. All actions check caller access to
Function Access Control Point: Working Time Directive
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"DeleteOnly" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |

Id = Long


1174 Kronos Incorporated

WTDGlobal Tag

[ BreakPayCode = Long ]
[ BreakPayCodeName = String ]
[ ExcludedPayCodeName = String ]
[ ExludedPayCode = Long ]
Id = Long
IncludedPayCode = Long
IncludedPayCodeName = String
Name = String />

Action Descriptions
Creates the global settings for Working Time Directive by including a list of pay
codes. You can choose a specific pay codes, or you can choose All Regular pay
codes. The global settings that you choose identify the pay codes for your site that
are included in Working Time Directive and apply to every worker at your
installation. To apply Working Time Directive rules to a specific set of workers,
use Working Time Directive rules.
Id and IncludedPayCode cannot be null.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: IncludedPayCode
Optional Properties: Id BreakPayCode ExcludedPayCode
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new instance. If an object exist for this Id then a duplicate exception is
Id and IncludedPayCode cannot be null
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Id IncludedPayCode
Optional Properties: ExcludedPayCode BreakPayCode
Access Control Point Name: Edit

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1175

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the specified pay code from the Working Time Directive global settings.
If the pay code is not listed in the global settings, no error is returned.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Id
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes an instance. If the object is not found then
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Id
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a list of pay codes in the Working Time Directive Global settings. If the
object is not found then OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_KEY is thrown.
Return Value Type: WTDGlobal tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1

1176 Kronos Incorporated

WTDGlobal Tag

Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Id The primary key by which the object Introduced in v5.1
is retrieved.
Id cannot be null.
Default Value:

Returns all global configurations, which should equal exactly 1 configuration
object. Implemented for future enchancements.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WTDGlobal tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all for SDM update.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WTDGlobal tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all names for the Setup Data Manager (SDM).
Return Value Type: String list
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns an instance for the provided name. If the object does not exists and an
Object key not found exception is thrown.
Return Value Type: WTDGlobal tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1177

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Updates a global config. If it does not exist then it is created.
Id IncludedPayCode cannot be null
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: IncludedPayCode IncludedPayCodeName
Optional Properties: Id ExcludedPayCode BreakPayCode
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
updates only. If the object is not found then OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_KEY is
Id and IncludedPayCode cannot be null.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Id IncludedPayCode
Optional Properties: BreakPayCode ExcludedPayCode
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Break Pay Code
One or more pay codes that you use to identify workersí breaks.
Type: Long
Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.1

1178 Kronos Incorporated

WTDGlobal Tag

Break Pay Code Name
name of the break pay code
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Excluded Pay Code Name
Name of the excluded pay code.
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1
Pay codes to exclude when applying rules
One or more pay codes to exclude when applying the Working Time Directive
rules. This is useful when you want to exclude one or more pay codes after having
included All Regular pay codes.
Type: Long
Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.1
Primary key of the global configuration.
Type: Long
cannot be null
Sample values: 1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1179

Chapter 2

Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes

Introduced in v5.1
Included Pay Code
The pay codes to include when applying the Working Time Directive rules. You
can choose specific pay codes, or you can choose All Regular pay codes.
Type: Long
cannot be null
Sample values: 101
Introduced in v5.1
Pay Code Name
Name of the included pay code
Type: String
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Name of the global config
Type: String
Introduced in v5.1

1180 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

WTDRule Tag
Working Time Directive Rule
This tag lets you retrieve, add, delete, or modify Working Time Directive rules.
A Working Time Directive rule specifies information such as maximum working
hours and minimum amounts of time off for certain workers subject to Working
Time Directive limits (for example, young workers or hazardous duty workers).
You should assign Working Time Directive rules only to those employees who
have working time limits.
The pay codes to which Working Time Directive rules are defined by the
WTDGlobal tag. The rules that you define in this WTDRule tag are assigned to
individual employees by the WTDEmployeeAssignment tag.
See Individual Actions.
Function Access Control Point: Working Time Directive
Introduced in v5.1

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

"Add" |
"AddOnly" |
"Delete" |
"DeleteOnly" |
"Retrieve" |
"RetrieveAll" |
"RetrieveAllForUpdate" |
"RetrieveAllNames" |
"RetrieveForUpdate" |
"Update" |


Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1181

Chapter 2

Ruleid = Long

[ Description = String ]
[ EndNightPeriod = DateTime ]
ExceptionsOnly = Integer
ExcludedHours = Integer
FirstDayOfWeek = Integer
MaxAdultWork = Integer
[ MaxHazardousNightHours = Integer ]
[ MaxNightHours = Integer ]
MaxWeeklyHours = Integer
MaxYoungWork = Integer
MinAdultBreak = Integer
MinAdultDailyRest = Integer
MinAdultWeeklyRest = Integer
[ MinPercentNightHours = Double ]
MinYoungBreak = Integer
MinYoungDailyRest = Integer
MinYoungWeeklyRest = Integer
Name = String
NumberOfIterations = Integer
OffAveragePeriod = Long
RuleId = Long
[ StartNightPeriod = DateTime ]
WorkedAveragePeriod = Integer
WorkWeekLength = Integer
[ YoungWorkerAge = Integer ]
[ YoungWorkerMaxDailyHours = Integer ]
[ YoungWorkerMaxWeeklyHours = Integer ] />

Action Descriptions
Adds a new WTDRule. If the object already exists a new one is created.
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name WorkWeekLength FirstDayOfWeek
NumberOfIterations ExceptionsOnly MaxWeeklyHours ExcludedHours
WorkedAveragePeriod MaxAdultWork MinAdultBreak MinAdultDailyRest

1182 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

MinAdultWeeklyRest OffAveragePeriod MaxYoungWork MinYoungBreak

MinYoungDailyRest MinYoungWee
Optional Properties: StartNightPeriod EndNightPeriod MinPercentNightHours
MaxNightHours MaxHazardousNightHours YoungWorkerAge
YoungWorkerMaxDailyHours YoungWorkerMaxWeeklyHours
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Adds a new WTDRule. If the object exists already a duplicate exception is
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: Name WorkWeekLength FirstDayOfWeek
NumberOfIterations ExceptionsOnly MaxWeeklyHours ExcludedHours
WorkedAveragePeriod MaxAdultWork MinAdultBreak MinAdultDailyRest
MinAdultWeeklyRest OffAveragePeriod MaxYoungWork MinYoungBreak
MinYoungDailyRest MinYoungWee
Optional Properties: StartNightPeriod EndNightPeriod MinPercentNightHours
MaxNightHours MaxHazardousNightHours YoungWorkerAge
YoungWorkerMaxDailyHours YoungWorkerMaxWeeklyHours
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Deletes the rule if exists. If it does not exist nothing happens.
RuleId cannot be null
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: RuleId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1183

Chapter 2

If the rule exists it will be deleted if it does not then an object key not found
exception is thrown.
RuleId cannot be null
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: RuleId
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Returns the Working Time Directive rule for the specified RuleId. If the rule does
not exist and an Object key not found, an exception is thrown.
Return Value Type: WTDRule tag
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

Ruleid The primary key of the rule to be Introduced in v5.1
cannot be null
Default Value:

Retrieves all Working Time Directive rules.
Return Value Type: Zero or more WTDRule tags
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns all rules for SDM update.
Return Value Type: String list

1184 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

Access Control Point Name: View

Introduced in v5.1
Returns the names of all Working Time Directive rules.
Return Value Type: String list
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Returns a Working Time Directive rule for a name provided for SDM update. If
the rule does not exist and an Object key is not found, an exception is thrown.
Return Value Type: WTDRule tag
Required Properties: Name
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v5.1
Updates a rule with new properties. If the rule does not exist one is created.
Not Enough Room
Return Value Type: None
Required Properties: RuleId
Optional Properties: Not Enough Room
Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1
Updates a rule. If the rule does not exist then an object key not found exception is
Not Enough Room
Return Value Type: Boolean
Required Properties: RuleId

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1185

Chapter 2

Optional Properties: Not Enough Room

Access Control Point Name: Edit
Introduced in v5.1

Property Descriptions
Short Description.
Type: String
Cannot exceed 50 characters in length
Sample values: "Description"
Introduced in v5.1
End Night Period
The time on which the night period ends.
Type: DateTime
Must be a valid date/time
Sample values: 1/1/2005 5:00AM
Introduced in v5.1
Report Content
Specifies if the report should contain data for everyone or just those that are in
Type: Integer
cannot be null.

1186 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

Sample values: 1
Introduced in v5.1
Excluded Hours
The minimum number of hours worked in a day to have that day included in an
averaging calculation.
Type: Integer
Cannot be null and must be greater than 0
Sample values: 4
Introduced in v5.1
First Day Of Week
The day of the week on which the work week begins.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0 and less than 7
Sample values: 0
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum Adult Work Time Without Rest Break
The maximum number of hours an adult who is subject to Working Time
Directive limits should work without a rest break
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 40
Introduced in v5.1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1187

Chapter 2

Maximum Hazardous Night Hours
The maximum number of hours an employee should work during the night
performing hazardous work.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 6
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum Night Hours
The maximum number of hours an employee should work at night.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 8
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum hours per Week
The maximum number of hours in a work week that employees covered by this
Working Time Directive rule may work.
Type: Integer
Cannot be null and must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 48
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum Young Worker Time Without Break

1188 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

The maximum number of hours that a Young Worker who is subject to Working
Time Directive limits should work without a rest break.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 40
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Adult Rest Break Length
The minimum length of a break, expressed in minutes, for an adult who is subject
to Working Time Directive limits.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 30
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Adult Daily Rest
The minimum number of hours of rest per day for an employee who is subject to
Working Time Directive limits.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 16
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Adult Weekly Rest
The minimum number of hours a week an adult worker should have to rest.

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1189

Chapter 2

Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 24
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Percent Night Hours
The minimum percent time of a shift worked during the night period to have it
count as a night shift.
Type: Double
Must be a percentage that is greater than 0.
Sample values: 50
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Young Worker Rest Break Length
The minimum length of a break, expressed in minutes, for a Young Worker who is
subject to Working Time Directive limits.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 30
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Young Worker Daily Rest Length
The minimum number of hours of rest per day for a Young Worker who is subject
to Working Time Directive limits.
Type: Integer

1190 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 18
Introduced in v5.1
Minimum Young Worker Rest Break Length
The minimum number of hours weekly a young worker should have to rest.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 48
Introduced in v5.1
Rule Name
The name of the rule.
Type: String
Cannot be null. Cannot excced 50 characters.
Sample values: "Rule One"
Introduced in v5.1
Number of Iterations
How many iterations should an averaging report run.
Type: Integer
Greater than 0 less than 6
Sample values: 1

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1191

Chapter 2

Introduced in v5.1
Off Time Average Period.
The number of weeks used in off time averaging calculations.
Type: Long
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 17
Introduced in v5.1
Primary key of a rule.
Type: Long
Cannot be null
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v5.1
Start Night Period
The time that marks the beginning of the night period
Type: DateTime
Must be a valide date/time
Sample values: 1/1/2005 6:00PM
Introduced in v5.1
Average Period for Working Time
The number of weeks to use in an averaging calculation.

1192 Kronos Incorporated

WTDRule Tag

Type: Integer
cannot be null and must be greater than 0
Sample values: 17
Introduced in v5.1
Work Week Length
The length of the work week, expressed as a number of days.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 1
Sample values: 7
Introduced in v5.1
Young Worker Age
The age for which an employee is considered a Young Worker for Working Time
Directive. Employess whose age is less than or equal to the age listed will be
considered as Young Workers.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 18
Introduced in v5.1
Young Worker Max Daily Hours
The maximum number of hours a young worker should work per day.
Type: Integer

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1193

Chapter 2

Must be greater than 0.

Sample values: 8
Introduced in v5.1
Maximum Young Worker Weekly Hours
The maximum number of ours an employee should work per week.
Type: Integer
Must be greater than 0.
Sample values: 40
Introduced in v5.1

1194 Kronos Incorporated

WTKEmployee Tag

WTKEmployee Tag
Employee Information
The WTKEmployee tag returns pay rules, accrual, wage, and other information
associated with a person.
Used by: Personality
When the WTKEmployee tag is used by the Personality tag to add employee
information, the PayRuleName must be specified.
Function Access Control Point: API.Person
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.1
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the Person and JobAssignmentDetails tags instead.

<Request Action = Actions
Parameters >

Actions→ "GetPayPeriodDates" | "Load"

TimeFrameName = String
[ AccrualProfileName = String ]
[ DeviceGroupName = String ]
( ManagerSignoffThruDateTime = Date )
( PayrollLockoutThruDateTime = Date )
[ PayRuleName = String ]
[ ScheduleGroupName = String ]
[ TimeZoneName = String ]
[ WageProfileName = String ] >
<CurrentUser> | <PersonIdentity>

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1195

Chapter 2

Action Descriptions
Returns the applicable pay period dates for an employee for a given time frame.
Return Value Type: TimeFramePeriod tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0
Action Parameters

Parameter Name Description Additional information

TimeFrameName Introduced in v4; last changed in
This name must be one of the pay v5.0
period time frame names. Deprecated in v5.0

Returns WTKEmployee information for the specified person.
Return Value Type: WTKEmployee tag
Required Properties: Identity
Access Control Point Name: View
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the Load action in the Person and JobAssignmentDetails
tags instead.

Property Descriptions
Accrual profile
The accrual profile to be used for a person or group. Accrual profiles are based on
your company's accrual rules and policies that apply to similar groups of
employees. The rules determine how employees accrue their time or money, or

1196 Kronos Incorporated

WTKEmployee Tag

both. When an employee uses accrued time or money, specified amounts are
deducted from the balance. When an employee receives or earns time or money,
specified amounts are credited to the balances.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Sample values: VAC and Sick Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the Person tag instead.
Device group
The name of the group of devices that the employee is authorized to use.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.
One employee, as specified in a PersonIdentity or CurrentUser tag.
Type: Either CurrentUser or PersonIdentity tag
Must uniquely identify an existing and active employee
Contributes to Uniqueness: Yes
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1197

Chapter 2

Date of manager signoff
Date of the last manager signoff
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the Person tag instead.
Date of payroll lockout
Date of the last payroll lockout
Type: Date
Output Only
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the Person tag instead.
Pay rule
The name of the pay rule that is assigned to the employee. A pay rule defines the
set of business standards by which persons are paid and determines how the
person's time is processed and categorized.
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Required: For a new TimeKeeper user
Required: When a person is tracked
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper Setup Application.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.

1198 Kronos Incorporated

WTKEmployee Tag

Schedule group name
The name of the schedule group to which the person is currently assigned
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
You can find values in the Workforce Timekeeper user interface.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the JobAssignment tag instead.
Time zone
Contains either the ID, a five-digit value that describes how the local time for a
region relates to Greenwich mean time (GMT), or the exact name of the time zone
in which the person works. A value is required when a value is also specified for
DeviceGroupName. If you do not specify a value, the default time zone is used.
Type: String
Maximum length: 30 characters
For a list of values, see ìTime Zone Definitionsî in Appendix B in the Workforce
Timekeeper DTK Reference Guide.
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0
Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.
Wage profile
The name of the person's wage profile
Type: String
Maximum length: 50 characters
Introduced in v4; last changed in v5.0

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1199

Chapter 2

Deprecated in v5.0: Use the property in the JobAssignmentDetails tag instead.

1200 Kronos Incorporated


A LeaveType tag 382

AccrualBalanceSummary tag 42
AccrualCode tag 50
CertificationItem tag 118
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 43
WSALaborLevel tag 992
AccrualCode tag 50
EarnedAccrual tag 174
WSAPayCode tag 1026
ResetAccrual tag 640
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 662
PersonInformation tag 538
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 666
MenuItem tag 410
BulkAccruals tag 111
Permission tag 495
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 36
AccessAssignment tag 26
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 161
AccessProfile tag 38
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 238
WSALogonProfile tag 1000
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 246
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 421
WSALogonProfile tag 1001
PayCodeEdit tag 467
PayCodeMove tag 476
WSALogonProfile tag 1001
Punch tag 608
WorkedDuration tag 848
CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tag 128
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 666
LeaveTakingNode tag 374
AccrualProfile tag 60
LeaveDecisionNode tag 334
AccrualProfile tag 60
AccrualData tag 53
Person tag 497
WTKEmployee tag 1196
AccrualBalanceLimit tag 40

›Accruals ¸AddComment
EmployeeSummary tag 205 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 237
›AccrualType HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 245
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 43 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 420
›AccrualViolation OvertimeApproval tag 453
ScheduleHoursStatus tag 692 PayCodeEdit tag 466
›Action PayCodeMove tag 475
Request tag 629 Punch tag 607
›ActionListSwitch WorkedDuration tag 847
ProcessTemplate tag 601 ¸AddEmployees
›ActionName ScheduleGroup tag 676
Error tag 214 ›AddEntries
Permission tag 495 LaborAccountEntry tag 286
WSAPermission tag 1053 OrgSetEntry tag 448
›Active ¸AddOnly
WSAComment tag 922 ApprovalStatus tag 66
›ActiveDays BidGroup tag 88
EmployeeTenure tag 207 BidGroupItem tag 94
›ActiveEmployeeTenure BidRequest tag 102
EligibilityRequirement tag 191 CheckAdvice tag 121
›ActiveFlag Document tag 159
PersonAuthenticationType tag 521 DocumentStatus tag 168
PersonLicenseType tag 545 EligibilityRequirement tag 188
›ActiveSwitch FailedXMLTransaction tag 221
ProcessTemplate tag 601 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 237
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 750 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 245
›ActualNumberOfActiveDays ImportBatchStatus tag 266
TimekeepingException tag 782 LaborAccountSet tag 292
¸Add LaborLevelEntry tag 302
Document tag 158 LeaveCase tag 311
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 341 LeaveCategory tag 330
PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag 543 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 341
Process tag 564 LeaveProfile tag 348
ProcessTemplate tag 586 LeaveReason tag 357
WTDGlobal tag 1175 LeaveRequest tag 362
WTDRule tag 1182 LeaveRule tag 366
›AddAtTerminalFlag LeaveType tag 380
LaborLevelDefinition tag 299 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 420
¸AddBids OrgSet tag 445
BidGroupItem tag 94 PayCodeEdit tag 466

1202 Kronos Incorporated


PayCodeMove tag 475 allowAdHoc

PayFromSchedule tag 485 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 238
PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag 488 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 246
Personality tag 509 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 421
Punch tag 607 PayCodeEdit tag 467
ScheduleHours tag 682 PayCodeMove tag 476
WfcJob tag 841 Punch tag 608
WorkedDuration tag 847 WorkedDuration tag 848
WorkerType tag 854 ›AllowAll
WTDGlobal tag 1175 WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 882
WTDRule tag 1183 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1021
¸addOnly WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1033
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 748 WSAReportDAP tag 1069
¸AddPatternElements WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1080
SchedulePattern tag 703 WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1097
›Address WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1130
EmailAddress tag 196 ›AllowOverrides
¸AddScheduleItems WSATkTerminalRule tag 1107
Schedule tag 650 ›AllowsAll
¸AddShiftRemovingOverlaps WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 978
Schedule tag 650 ›AlternateHolidayCreditRuleName
¸AddWithWebForm WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 966
Process tag 564 ›Amount
›Adhoc CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag 126
LaborAccountEntryData tag 289 CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tag 128
›Adjustments CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 130
WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tag 132
tag 1120 PersonalOvertimeLimit tag 517
›AdminTemplateId WSABonusDeductRule tag 888
Process tag 567 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1015
ProcessTemplate tag 602 WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1141
›AdminTemplateName ›AmountInCurrency
ProcessTemplate tag 602 AccrualMove tag 55
›AfterHolidaySwitch EarnedAccrual tag 174
WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 965 PatternElement tag 457
›AfterShift ResetAccrual tag 640
WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1074 ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 663
allowAdHoc ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 667
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 36 SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 710
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 161 Total tag 791

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1203


›AmountInTime ›AnchorDate
AccrualMove tag 55 EffectiveWorkload tag 177
EarnedAccrual tag 175 ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 667
OnCall tag 425 SchedulePattern tag 705
OvertimeApproval tag 454 ›APIBeanName
PatternElement tag 458 FailedXMLTransaction tag 221
ResetAccrual tag 640 ›AppendDurationAmount
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 663 AppendShifts tag 64
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 667 ¸AppendShift
ScheduleHours tag 683 Schedule tag 650
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 710 ›AppendShifts
Total tag 791 Schedule tag 656
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 802 ›AppendToBeginOrEnd
WorkedDuration tag 848 AppendShifts tag 64
›AmountInTimeOrCurrency ¸ApplyBidNotes
EarnedAccrual tag 175 Bid tag 83
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 238 ›ApplyHour
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 246 WSACreditCalculator tag 940
HolidayEditHours tag 254 ›ApplyOnly
HolidayEditWages tag 256 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 956
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 421 ›ApplyToDate
PayCodeEdit tag 467 WSAFixedRule tag 975
PayCodeMove tag 476 ›ApprovalStatus
ResetAccrual tag 641 LeaveCase tag 320
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 710 ›ApprovalStatusAsOf
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 795 LeaveCase tag 320
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable ¸Approve
tag 798 ApproveSignoff tag 71
›AmountOperator VacationBid tag 830
WorkHour tag 866 ¸ApproveAll
›AmountUnit OvertimeApproval tag 453
DocumentDueDate tag 163 ¸ApproveNone
DocumentReminder tag 166 OvertimeApproval tag 453
›AmountUnits ¸ApproveSome
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1124 OvertimeApproval tag 453
›AmountYTD ›AsIfWorkedSwitch
CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag 126 WSACreditCalculator tag 940
CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 130 ¸AssignBreaks
›AmtOperator Schedule tag 651
EmployeeTenure tag 207 ¸AssignCoverShift

1204 Kronos Incorporated


RequestToCover tag 633 ›BadgeNumber

›AssignmentRules BadgeAssignment tag 80
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 956 CurrentUser tag 144
¸AssignOpenShift PersonIdentity tag 530
Schedule tag 651 ›BalanceDate
¸AssignOpenShiftVolunteer AccrualData tag 53
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 429 ›BaseWageHourly
›AssociatedWithInPunchFlag JobAssignmentDetails tag 275
TimekeepingException tag 782 Person tag 498
›AtLeastSelected ›BatchDescription
WSABonusDeductRule tag 888 ImportBatchStatus tag 267
WSACoreHoursRule tag 934 ›BatchName
WSADaysOfWeek tag 948 ImportBatchStatus tag 268
›AuthenticationTypeName ›BatchProcessStatus
PersonAuthenticationType tag 522 ImportBatchStatus tag 268
›AuthTypeName ›BatchStatId
AuthenticationType tag 77 FailedXMLTransaction tag 222
›AutoBreakPlacement ImportBatchStatus tag 268
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 962 ›BatchType
›AvailabilityPatternName ImportBatchStatus tag 269
AccessAssignment tag 27 ›BeanName
›AvailabilityPatternProfileName Error tag 215
ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile ›BeforeHolidaySwitch
tag 398 WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 966
›AvailableCount ›BeforeShift
LicenseType tag 389 WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1074
›AverageDaysMinimum ›BeginEarlyEnd
WSACreditCalculator tag 940 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1107
›AverageFixedNumber ›BeginTime
WSACreditCalculator tag 940 ScheduleZone tag 733
›AverageShiftsMinimum ShiftCountSpan tag 743
WSACreditCalculator tag 941 StandardShift tag 760
›AverageSwitch ›BidGroupId
WSACreditCalculator tag 941 BidGroup tag 90
›AverageType BidGroupItem tag 96
WSACreditCalculator tag 941 ›BidGroupItemId
Bid tag 84
B BidGroupItem tag 96
›BadgeAssignments VacationBid tag 831
PersonInformation tag 538 ›BidId

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1205


Bid tag 85 ¸BuildShifts

VacationBid tag 831 ShiftBuilder tag 737
BidGroupItem tag 96 C
›BidNotes ›CallInRuleName
Bid tag 85 WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 962
VacationBid tag 832 ›CancelDeductRuleName
›BidReceived Punch tag 609
BidGroupItem tag 97 ¸CancelTimeOff
›BidRequestId ScheduleHours tag 683
BidGroup tag 90 ›CanOverrideMinMaxSwitch
BidRequest tag 105 WSALaborLevel tag 993
›BidSubmissionStatus ¸Cascade
BidGroupItem tag 97 LeaveCascader tag 307
›BirthDate ›CaseStatus
Person tag 498 LeaveCase tag 321
›BonusDeductRuleNames CaseStatus
WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag 1133 LeaveCase tag 318
›BonusQualify ›CaseStatusAsOf
WSABonusDeductRule tag 888 LeaveCase tag 321
BranchToCascade ›Category
LeaveCascader tag 308 EligibilityRequirement tag 191
BranchToCommit LeaveCase tag 321
LeaveCase tag 312, 313, 314, 319 LeaveProfileCategory tag 352
branchToCommit LeaveReason tag 359
LeaveCase tag 315 LeaveRule tag 368
›BreakPayCode ›CategoryName
WTDGlobal tag 1178 LicenseType tag 389
›BreakPayCodeName CategoryName
WTDGlobal tag 1179 ProcessTask tag 579
›BreakRule ProcessTemplate tag 594, 597
WSABonusDeductRule tag 889 ›CategoryNames
›BreakRuleName ProcessTemplate tag 602
WSABreakTime tag 906 ›CertificationNumber
›BreakRuleNames PersonCertificationItem tag 526
WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag 1133 ›ChangeDate
›BreaksViolate_SW OrgLocationsImport tag 443
WSACoreHoursRule tag 935 ›CheckAvlbltySw
›BreakTimes WSAPayCode tag 1027
WSAShiftLength tag 1095 ›CheckDate

1206 Kronos Incorporated


CheckAdvice tag 121 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable

›CheckNumber tag 799
CheckAdvice tag 121 TransferEmployee tag 809
›CheckRules WorkedDuration tag 848
ProcessSchedule tag 574 ›CommentText
Schedule tag 656 Comment tag 135
¸CheckRuleViolations ConnectToScheduleItem tag 138
Schedule tag 651 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 239
¸CheckStatus HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 247
PunchStatus tag 616 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 422
›Children OvertimeApproval tag 454
LeaveDecisionNode tag 335 PatternElement tag 458
LeavePassThroughNode tag 345 PayCodeEdit tag 468
LeaveRuleNode tag 370 PayCodeMove tag 477
LeaveTakingNode tag 375 PayFromSchedule tag 486
›City PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag 489
PostalAddress tag 554 ProcessTemplate tag 603
›ClientName Punch tag 609
DataSource tag 151 ScheduleOff tag 698
›CloseDate SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 711
BidGroup tag 90 ScheduleShift tag 721
›CombinationRules ScheduleUnavailable tag 729
WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1012 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable
WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1156 tag 799
›CommentCategory WorkedDuration tag 849
Comment tag 135 ¸CommitToBasicScheduler
›Comments LeaveCase tag 311
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 239 ¸CommitToTimecard
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 247 LeaveCase tag 312
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 422 ¸CommitToWorkforceScheduler
OvertimeApproval tag 454 LeaveCase tag 313
PatternElement tag 458 ›CommitType
PayCodeEdit tag 468 LeaveTaking tag 372
PayCodeMove tag 477 ¸CommitWithHistoricalTakingsToTimecard
Punch tag 609 LeaveCase tag 314
ScheduleOff tag 698 ›ConnectToScheduleItems
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 710 ConnectToSchedule tag 136
ScheduleShift tag 720 ›ConPreShifts
ScheduleUnavailable tag 728 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1016
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 796 ›ConsecutiveBadLogons

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1207


UserAccount tag 819 WSACreditCalculator tag 942

›ConsecutiveDayNumber ›CustomDataList
WSAZone tag 1144 PersonInformation tag 538
›ConsecutiveLastDayMinimumTime ›CustomDataTypeName
WSAZone tag 1145 CustomData tag 147
›ConsecutiveMinimumTime ›CustomDates
WSAZone tag 1145 PersonInformation tag 538
›ConsecutiveType ›CustomDateType
WSAZone tag 1145 DocumentDueDate tag 163
›ContactTypeName EmployeeTenure tag 208
EmailAddress tag 196 WorkHour tag 866
PostalAddress tag 554 ›CustomDateTypeName
TelephoneNumber tag 775 CustomDate tag 149
WSAContributingShiftRule tag 930 D
›ContributingShiftName ›DailyStatus
WSACreditCalculator tag 941 ScheduleHoursStatus tag 693
›ContributingShiftRuleName ›DailyTotals
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1124 Timesheet tag 787
›ControlPointKey ›DataSource
WSAPermission tag 1053 ApproveSignoff tag 73
›CoreHoursRuleNames Request tag 629
WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag 1133 ›Date
›Country AccrualMove tag 55
PostalAddress tag 555 CancelDeductions tag 116
¸CoverShift CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 131
ProcessSchedule tag 574 CoverShiftStatus tag 141
¸CreateAdHoc CustomDate tag 149
AdHocLaborAccount tag 62 DateTotals tag 153
›CreateOpenShift EarnedAccrual tag 175
VacationBid tag 832 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 239
CreateOpenShift HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 247
LeaveCase tag 314 HolidayEditHours tag 254
›CreditFixedAmount HolidayEditWages tag 256
WSACreditCalculator tag 942 LeaveTaking tag 372
›CreditPayCodeNames LeaveTime tag 376
WSACreditCalculator tag 942 LockedDataCorrection tag 392
›CreditRuleNames NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 422
WSAPayRuleHoliday tag 1050 OnCall tag 425
›CreditWageAmount OvertimeApproval tag 454

1208 Kronos Incorporated


PayCodeEdit tag 468 WSAZone tag 1146

PayCodeMove tag 477 ›DaysOfWeekIncludeType
PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag 489 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 931
Punch tag 610 ›DaysOfWeekZonesAppliesType
ResetAccrual tag 641 WSAZone tag 1146
ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tag 689 ›Deductions
ScheduleHoursStatus tag 693 CheckAdvice tag 122
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 796 ›DeductionsList
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable CheckAdvice tag 122
tag 799 ›DeductRuleName
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 803 DeductRule tag 154
WorkedDuration tag 849 ›DefaultSwitch
›DATE_TIME_SPAN ApprovalStatus tag 68
OpenShiftItem tag 427 LeaveCategory tag 332
›DateOperator ›DefinedHolidayZone
DocumentDueDate tag 164 WSACreditCalculator tag 942
›DateTime ¸Delete
ServerTime tag 735 ApprovalStatus tag 67
›DateTimeSpan BidGroup tag 88
Holiday tag 253 BidGroupItem tag 94
RequestToCoverItem tag 638 BidRequest tag 102
›DayDivide Document tag 159
WSAPayPeriod tag 1045 DocumentStatus tag 169
›DayDivideOverride EligibilityRequirement tag 188
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 962 FailedXMLTransaction tag 221
›DaylightSavingsFlag HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 238
Punch tag 610 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 246
PunchStatus tag 617 LeaveCase tag 315
›DayNumber LeaveCategory tag 330
AccrualPatternElement tag 58 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 341
PatternElement tag 458 LeaveProfile tag 348
›DayOfWeek LeaveReason tag 357
Headcount tag 232 LeaveRule tag 366
›DayOvertimeLimitPayCodeName LeaveType tag 380
WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 985 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 421
›DayOvertimeLimitType PayCodeEdit tag 467
WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 986 PayCodeMove tag 476
›Days PayFromSchedule tag 486
WSAContributingShiftRule tag 931 PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag 489
›DaysOfWeek Personality tag 509

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1209


PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag 543 EligibilityRequirement tag 191

Punch tag 608 HyperFindQuery tag 261
Schedule tag 652 LaborAccount tag 284
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 666 LaborAccountSet tag 293
ScheduleGroup tag 677 LaborLevelEntry tag 304
SchedulePattern tag 703 LeaveCategory tag 332
SchedulePeriod tag 716 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 343
ShiftCode tag 739 LeaveProfile tag 350
WfcJob tag 842 LeaveReason tag 360
WorkedDuration tag 848 LeaveRule tag 368
WorkerType tag 855 LeaveType tag 382
WTDGlobal tag 1176 ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile
WTDRule tag 1183 tag 398
¸DeleteAllLeaveTimes ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag 400
LeaveCase tag 316 ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag 403
¸DeleteBidNotes ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag 405
Bid tag 84 OrgLocation tag 438
¸DeleteLeaveTimes OrgSet tag 446
LeaveCase tag 316 SchedulePattern tag 705
¸DeleteOnly SchedulePeriod tag 718
Personality tag 509 ShiftCode tag 741
Process tag 565 WeekDay tag 840
ProcessTemplate tag 586 WorkflowTemplateCategory tag 864
WTDGlobal tag 1176 WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 882
WTDRule tag 1184 WSACoreHoursRule tag 935
¸deleteOnly WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 979
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 749 WSALaborLevelEntry tag 996
›Depth WSALogonProfile tag 1001
MenuItem tag 410 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1021
›Description WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1034
AccessProfile tag 38 WSAReportDAP tag 1069
ApprovalStatus tag 69 WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1080
BidGroup tag 91 WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1097
BidRequest tag 105 WSAULLE tag 1114
CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag 127 WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1130
CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tag 129 WTDRule tag 1186
CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 131 ›Descriptions
CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tag 132 LaborAccountEntryData tag 289
Document tag 161 ›Detail
DocumentStatus tag 171 LeaveCase tag 321

1210 Kronos Incorporated


›DetailErrors WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1037

Error tag 215 ›Document
›Deviation LeaveDocument tag 337
WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1042 LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag 385
›Deviations ›DocumentDueDate
WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1036 LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag 385
›DeviceGroupId ›DocumentReminder
DeviceGroup tag 157 LeaveDocumentReminder tag 339
›DeviceGroupName ›DocumentRoot
DeviceGroup tag 157 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 343
JobAssignmentDetails tag 276 ›DocumentStatus
WTKEmployee tag 1197 LeaveDocument tag 337
›DifferenceToLimit ›DocumentStatusAsOf
TimekeepingException tag 783 LeaveDocument tag 338
›DirectDepositList ›DoFirstList
CheckAdvice tag 122 WSASequencerRule tag 1087
›DisallowIfMissingPunches ›DoLastList
WSASignOffRestriction tag 1102 WSASequencerRule tag 1088
›DisallowIfUnexcusedAbsences ›Domain
WSASignOffRestriction tag 1102 Document tag 162
›DisallowIfZeroHours ›DueDate
WSASignOffRestriction tag 1103 LeaveDocument tag 338
›DisplayName ›DueDateAmt
LeaveDecisionNode tag 335 DocumentDueDate tag 164
LeavePassThroughNode tag 345 ›DueDateType
LeaveRuleNode tag 371 DocumentDueDate tag 164
LeaveTakingNode tag 375 ›Duration
ProcessTemplate tag 603 ConnectToScheduleItem tag 138
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 750 LeaveTaking tag 373
›DisplayOrder LeaveTime tag 376
PayCode tag 462 ›DurationOfException
›DisplayTime TimekeepingException tag 783
PatternElement tag 459
ScheduleHours tag 683 E
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 711 ›EarlyScheduleMargin
DisplayTime WSACallInRule tag 909
LeaveCase tag 312, 314 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1107
›DisplayType ›EarlyStart
AccrualCode tag 50 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1107
›Distribution ›EarlyStartBreakMargin

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1211


WSATkTerminalRule tag 1108 UserAccountStatus tag 826

EchoData WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 918
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 36 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 957
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 161 WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 962
EchoData EffectiveDate
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 238 LeaveCase tag 315
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 246 ›EffectiveDateSpan
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 421 GroupMembership tag 230
PayCodeEdit tag 467 SchedulePattern tag 705
PayCodeMove tag 476 ›EffectiveDateTime
Punch tag 608, 609 PasswordHistory tag 456
WorkedDuration tag 848 UserAccountLockout tag 823
›EditAffShfTotal ›EffectivePayRules
WSAPayCode tag 1027 WSAPayRule tag 1048
›EditCntToCdotSw ›EffectiveWorkRules
WSAPayCode tag 1027 WSAWorkRule tag 1127
›EditCntToOt ›EitherBeforeOrAfterHolidaySwitch
WSAPayCode tag 1027 WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 966
›EditExcuseAbsn ›EligibilityAnswers
WSAPayCode tag 1028 EligibilityEvaluation tag 183
¸EditScheduleItems ›EligibilityCheckedDateTime
Schedule tag 652 LeaveCase tag 322
›EffectiveDate ›EligibilityCheckType
AppendShifts tag 65 LeaveCase tag 322
BadgeAssignment tag 80 ›EligibilityEvaluations
EffectiveWorkload tag 177 LeaveCase tag 322
EmployeeGroupItem tag 201 ›EligibilityRequirement
EmploymentStatus tag 211 EligibilityEvaluation tag 183
HomeAccount tag 258 LeaveProfileCategoryType tag 355
LeaveCaseRuleAssignment tag 327 ›EligibilitySwitch
OptOutStatus tag 433 EligibilityEvaluation tag 184
OrgSetEntry tag 448 ›EligibilityWorkHistoryQualifierNames
PersonAccessAssignment tag 505 WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 966
PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 514 ›EmailAddresses
PersonCertificationItem tag 526 PersonInformation tag 538
PersonSkillItem tag 552 ›Employee
PrimaryLaborAccount tag 560 AccrualData tag 53
ProcessTemplate tag 603 ApproveSignoff tag 73
TransferEmployee tag 809 CancelDeductions tag 116
TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 812 CheckAdvice tag 122

1212 Kronos Incorporated


EarnedAccrual tag 175 ›EmployeeGroupProfileName

EligibleJobs tag 195 EmployeeGroupProfile tag 204
EmployeeSummary tag 205 ›EmployeeId
GroupMembership tag 230 ConnectToScheduleItem tag 139
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 240 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1172
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 248 EmployeeId
LockedDataCorrection tag 393 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1170
MarkForTotalization tag 407 ›EmployeeKey
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 422 CurrentUser tag 144
OnCall tag 426 PersonIdentity tag 530
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 429 ›EmployeePaid
OvertimeApproval tag 455 CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag 127
PayCodeEdit tag 469 ›EmployeePaidYTD
PayCodeMove tag 477 CheckAdviceDetailDeductions tag 127
PayFromSchedule tag 486 ›EmployeeRuleSetItems
PayFromScheduleStopEvent tag 489 RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag 647
PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag 548 ›Employees
Punch tag 611 BulkAccruals tag 111
PunchStatus tag 617 BulkTotals tag 114
RequestToCover tag 634 EmployeeGroupAssign tag 199
ResetAccrual tag 641 PersonCertificationAssign tag 524
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 663 PersonSkillAssign tag 550
ScheduleHours tag 684 ProcessSchedule tag 575
ScheduleOff tag 698 RequestToCover tag 634
SchedulePattern tag 705 RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag 647
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 711 Schedule tag 657
ScheduleShift tag 721 ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 667
ScheduleShiftSwap tag 726 ›EmployeeStandardHours
ScheduleUnavailable tag 729 Person tag 498
ShiftTemplateItem tag 754 ›EmployeeTenure
ShiftValidation tag 757 EligibilityRequirement tag 191
SwapShiftEmployees tag 768 ›EmployeeTenureSwitch
SwapShiftJobs tag 771 EligibilityEvaluation tag 184
Timesheet tag 787 ›EmployeeWorkflowProfileName
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 803 WorkflowAccessAssignment tag 861
WorkedDuration tag 849 ›EmploymentStatusList
›EmployeeGroupItems PersonInformation tag 539
EmployeeGroupAssign tag 199 ›EmploymentStatusName
›EmployeeGroupProfileId EmploymentStatus tag 211
EmployeeGroupProfile tag 204 ›EnableSwitch

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1213


EligibilityEvaluation tag 184 WSABreakRule tag 899

›EncodedName WSACoreHoursRule tag 935
WSALaborLevel tag 993 WSAHoliday tag 982
WSALaborLevelEntry tag 996 WSAZone tag 1147
›EncumberedBalanceInCurrency ›EndWorkAfterTime
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 43 WSAZone tag 1147
›EncumberedBalanceInTime ›EndWorkAfterTimeSwitch
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 43 WSAZone tag 1147
›EndDate ›EndWorkBeforeTime
CheckAdvice tag 123 WSAZone tag 1147
EligibleJobs tag 195 ›EndWorkBeforeTimeSwitch
LeaveCase tag 323 WSAZone tag 1148
LeaveRequest tag 363 ›EnforceBreaks
PayFromSchedule tag 487 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1108
ProcessTask tag 580 ›EnteredOnDate
ScheduleShiftSwap tag 726 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 240
ScheduleUnavailable tag 729 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 248
VacationBid tag 832 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 423
WSAHoliday tag 982 OvertimeApproval tag 455
EndDate PayCodeEdit tag 469
LeaveCascader tag 308 PayCodeMove tag 478
LeaveCase tag 312, 313, 314, 315 Punch tag 611
›EndDayNumber TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 796
ShiftSegment tag 744 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable
›EndEffectiveDate tag 799
OrgLocation tag 439 WorkedDuration tag 850
›EndNightPeriod ›EnteredOnTime
WTDRule tag 1186 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 240
›EndNumberOfDay HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 248
WSAZone tag 1146 NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 423
›EndTime OvertimeApproval tag 455
ScheduleShiftSwap tag 727 PayCodeEdit tag 469
ScheduleUnavailable tag 729 PayCodeMove tag 478
ScheduleZone tag 733 Punch tag 611
ShiftCountSpan tag 743 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 796
ShiftSegment tag 744 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable
ShiftValidation tag 757 tag 800
StandardShift tag 760 WorkedDuration tag 850
SwapShiftEmployees tag 768 ›Entries
SwapShiftJobs tag 771 LaborAccountEntryData tag 290

1214 Kronos Incorporated


›EntryList PersonInformation tag 539

LaborAccountSet tag 293 ›ExpirartionDate
OrgSet tag 446 EmployeeGroupItem tag 201
›EqualIntervalUse ›ExpirationDate
WSAMajorityRule tag 1006 BadgeAssignment tag 81
›ErrorCode EffectiveWorkload tag 178
Error tag 215 EmploymentStatus tag 212
FailedXMLTransaction tag 222 HomeAccount tag 258
›ErrorData LeaveCaseRuleAssignment tag 327
Error tag 215 OptOutStatus tag 433
›ErrorRecordNumber PersonAccessAssignment tag 505
FailedXMLTransaction tag 222 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 514
›ErrorText PersonCertificationItem tag 527
FailedXMLTransaction tag 223 PersonSkillItem tag 552
ImportBatchStatus tag 269 PrimaryLaborAccount tag 560
›Exception ProcessTemplate tag 603
ScheduleHoursStatus tag 693 UserAccountStatus tag 826
›ExceptionRuleName ›ExternalFlag
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 963 MenuItem tag 411
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 803 F
TotaledSpan tag 805 ›FailedRecordCount
WorkedDuration tag 850 ImportBatchStatus tag 269
›ExceptionsOnly ›FailureURL
WTDRule tag 1186 Request tag 629
›ExceptionTypeName ›FieldDefinitionName
TimekeepingException tag 783 AdHocLaborAccount tag 63
›ExcludedHours ›FilterQueryName
WTDRule tag 1187 PersonIdentity tag 531
›ExcludedPayCodeName ›FingerRequiredFlag
WTDGlobal tag 1179 Person tag 499
›ExcuseAbsenceFlag ›FirstDayOfWeek
PayCode tag 462 WTDRule tag 1187
›ExludedPayCode ›FirstName
WTDGlobal tag 1179 Person tag 499
›ExpansionMarginsEarlyTime ›FixedRuleName
WSAZone tag 1148 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 957
›ExpansionMarginsLateTime ›Frequency
WSAZone tag 1148 LeaveCase tag 323
›ExpectedHoursList ›FrequencyAsOf

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1215


LeaveCase tag 323 ProcessTemplate tag 590, 593, 596

›Friday ¸GetNumberOfLaborLevels
WSAAssignmentRule tag 874 LaborLevelDefinition tag 298
WSABonusDeductRule tag 889 ¸GetOpenShiftsForJob
WSACoreHoursRule tag 935 OpenShiftVolunteer tag 429
WSADaysOfWeek tag 948 ¸GetPayPeriodDates
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1090 WTKEmployee tag 1196
›FromLaborAccountName ¸GetQueryCount
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 248 HyperFindQuery tag 260
PayCodeMove tag 478 ¸GetServerTime
›FromPayCodeName ServerTime tag 735
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 249 ›GivingEmployee
PayCodeMove tag 479 AccrualMove tag 56
›FullName ›GivingEmployeeAccrualCodeName
HyperFindResult tag 264 AccrualMove tag 56
Person tag 500 ›Grace
Supervisor tag 765 WSACreditCalculator tag 943
›FullPath WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 989
OrgJob tag 437 ›GrossPay
›FullTimePercentage CheckAdvice tag 123
Person tag 500 ›GrossPayList
›FullTimeStandardHours CheckAdvice tag 123
Person tag 501 ›Group
›FunctionAccessProfileId LeaveType tag 382
FunctionAccessProfile tag 228 ›Grouping
›FunctionAccessProfileName ScheduleCostSummary tag 674
FunctionAccessProfile tag 228 ›GroupMemberships
›FunctionalAreaCode ScheduleGroup tag 678
DataSource tag 151 ›GroupScheduleName
AccessAssignment tag 28
G ›GroupScheduleProfileName
›GeneratedBy BidRequest tag 105
LeaveDocument tag 338
›GenerationDateTime H
LeaveDocument tag 338 ›HasPersonalOvertimeFlag
¸GetCountByLaborLevelWithFilter JobAssignment tag 272
LaborLevelEntry tag 302 ›HasTransferToCallback
¸GetCountsByLaborLevel WSACallInRule tag 910
LaborLevelEntry tag 302 ›HasTransferToRegular
GetHiddenActions WSACallInRule tag 910

1216 Kronos Incorporated


›HazardousWorker ›HyperFindQueryName
WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1172 HyperFindQuery tag 261
EffectiveWorkload tag 178 I
›Headcounts ›Id
HeadcountPattern tag 234 WorkflowTemplateCategory tag 864
›HireDate WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1172
Person tag 501 WTDGlobal tag 1179
›HistoricalDate Id
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 240 WTDGlobal tag 1177
HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 249 ›Identity
›HolidayCreditRuleName BadgeAssignment tag 81
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 957 EmploymentStatus tag 212
›HolidayDeduct JobAssignment tag 272
WSACreditCalculator tag 943 PersonAccessAssignment tag 506
›HolidayDeductTypeId Personality tag 510
WSAZone tag 1149 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 515
›HolidayName PersonInformation tag 540
HolidayEditHours tag 255 PrimaryLaborAccount tag 561
HolidayEditWages tag 257 User tag 817
WSAPayRuleHoliday tag 1051 UserAccountStatus tag 826
›HolidayPolicy WorkflowAccessAssignment tag 862
WSACreditCalculator tag 943 WTKEmployee tag 1197
›HolidayPolicyTypeId ImpactsAccruals
WSAZone tag 1149 LeaveCase tag 315
›Holidays ›ImpactsAccrualsFlag
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 957 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 241
›HomeAccounts HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 249
PersonInformation tag 539 ›In
›HourAmount OptOutStatus tag 434
WorkHour tag 867 ›Inactive
›Hours WSALaborLevelEntry tag 997
CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 131 ›InactiveFlag
ScheduleCostPaycode tag 670 LaborLevelEntry tag 304
›HoursPerDay ›InActiveSw
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 44 WfcJob tag 843
AccrualCode tag 50 ›InactivityTimeOut
VacationBid tag 833 WSALogonProfile tag 1002
›HoursWorked ›InactivityTimeOutSwitch
EligibilityRequirement tag 192 WSALogonProfile tag 1002

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1217


›IncludeDeducts WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1060

WSAMajorityRule tag 1007 ›InPunchLateOutsideGrace
›IncludedPayCode WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1060
WTDGlobal tag 1180 ›InPunchLateOutsideRound
›IncludedPayCodeName WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1060
WTDGlobal tag 1180 ›InstalledSw
IncludeInTotals SuiteProduct tag 763
LeaveCase tag 315 ›InUseCount
›IncludePunchedBreaks LicenseType tag 389
WSAMajorityRule tag 1007 ›InVeryEarly
›IncludeRegular WSAExceptionRule tag 971
WSAMajorityRule tag 1007 ›InWinEtime
IncludeTemplateData WSABonusDeductRule tag 889
ProcessTemplate tag 588, 591, 594, 597, ›InWinStime
598, 599, 601 WSABonusDeductRule tag 889
›IndependentProductSw ›IsActive
SuiteProduct tag 763 ApprovalStatus tag 69
›InEarly CertificationItem tag 118
WSAExceptionRule tag 970 Document tag 162
›InitialLeaveRequestDate DocumentStatus tag 171
LeaveCase tag 323 EligibilityRequirement tag 192
›InLate LeaveCategory tag 332
WSAExceptionRule tag 971 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 344
›InPunch LeaveProfile tag 350
TotaledSpan tag 806 LeaveReason tag 360
›InPunchEarlyChangePoint LeaveRule tag 368
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1057 LeaveType tag 383
›InPunchEarlyInsideGrace PersonSkillItem tag 553
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1057 WorkerTypeElement tag 858
›InPunchEarlyInsideRound ›IsAllDays
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1058 ScheduleHours tag 684
›InPunchEarlyOutsideGrace ›IsAllowAll
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1058 ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile
›InPunchEarlyOutsideRound tag 398
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1058 ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag 400
›InPunchLateChangePoint ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag 403
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1059 ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag 405
›InPunchLateInsideGrace ›IsBeyondMinimunHours
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1059 MinimunHoursNoModification tag 414
›InPunchLateInsideRound ›IsCallbackDeducted

1218 Kronos Incorporated


WSACallInRule tag 911 WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 989

›IsCanceledInTimecard WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1061
WSABonusDeductRule tag 890 ›IsMoneyCategory
›IsCheckRules WSAPayCode tag 1028
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 430 ›IsOnlyActualAmountDeducted
RequestToCover tag 634 WSACallInRule tag 911
ScheduleHours tag 684 ›IsOpenShift
›IsCombinedFlag Schedule tag 657
PayCode tag 462 ScheduleOff tag 699
›IsCreateOpenShift ScheduleShift tag 722
ScheduleHours tag 685 ›IsOverride
›IsCurrencyFlag ScheduleHours tag 685
HolidayEditHours tag 255 SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 712
HolidayEditWages tag 257 ›IsOverrideAccrual
NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 423 SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 712
PayCode tag 462 ›IsOverrideConflict
PayCodeEdit tag 469 ScheduleGroup tag 678
Total tag 792 ›IsPaidBothRegularAndCallback
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 796 WSACallInRule tag 911
TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable ›IsPaidCommitted
tag 800 LeaveTime tag 377
›IsDefault ›IsPaidProcessed
WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 979 LeaveTime tag 377
WSALogonProfile tag 1002 ›IsPartialOverride
›IsDeleted SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 713
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 663 ›IsPayCodeEditCreated
ScheduleOff tag 698 ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tag 689
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 711 ¸IsPermitted
ScheduleShift tag 721 AccessProfile tag 36
ScheduleUnavailable tag 730 ›IsSaveData
›IsForeverPattern OpenShiftVolunteer tag 430
Schedule tag 657 RequestToCover tag 634
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 668 ScheduleHours tag 685
›IsGuaranteedAsSumOfShifts ›IsSeparateShift
WSACallInRule tag 911 WSACallInRule tag 912
›IsLockedFlag ›IsShiftCovered
ScheduleUnavailable tag 730 CoverShiftStatus tag 141
›IsManualEdit ›IsShiftExists
LeaveTime tag 377 CoverShiftStatus tag 142
›IsMissedOutException RequestToCover tag 635

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1219


ShiftValidation tag 757 Punch tag 611

›IsShiftRestriction PunchStatus tag 617
WSABonusDeductRule tag 890 ServerTime tag 736
›IsTemplateFlag ›KTimeZoneId
SchedulePattern tag 706 KTimeZone tag 282
›IsUnpaidCommitted ›KTimeZoneName
LeaveTime tag 377 KTimeZone tag 282
LeaveTime tag 378 L
›IsVisibleFlag ›Label
PayCode tag 463 MenuItem tag 411
›Item ScheduleCostPaycode tag 670
WSACombinationRule tag 916 ScheduleCostResult tag 672
›ItemName ShiftCode tag 741
WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule ›LaborAccountAndJobTransfers
tag 1158 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 958
J Total tag 792
›JobAssignmentData ›LaborAccountId
Personality tag 510 Total tag 792
›JobAssignmentDetailsData ›LaborAccountName
JobAssignment tag 272 AdHocLaborAccount tag 63
›JobCode AppendShifts tag 65
WfcJob tag 843 ConnectToScheduleItem tag 139
›JobTitle HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 241
WfcJob tag 843 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 250
HomeAccount tag 259
K LaborAccount tag 284
›Key NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 424
SystemSettings tag 774 OnCall tag 426
WSACombinationRule tag 916 PayCodeEdit tag 470
›KeyName PayCodeMove tag 479
WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule PrimaryLaborAccount tag 561
tag 1159 Punch tag 612
KeyNames PunchStatus tag 618
SystemSettings tag 774 SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 713
›KProcessUniqueKey ShiftSegment tag 745
Process tag 567 Total tag 792
ProcessTemplate tag 604 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 797

1220 Kronos Incorporated


TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable ›LastTotalizationDateTime
tag 800 Timesheet tag 787
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 803 ›LateEnd
TotaledSpan tag 806 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1108
TransferEmployee tag 810 ›LateEndBreakMargin
WorkedDuration tag 850 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1108
›LaborAccountSetKey ›LateEndMargin
LaborAccountSet tag 293 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1109
›LaborAccountSetName ›LateScheduleMargin
LaborAccountSet tag 294 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1109
›LaborAccountSetProfileId ›LateStart
LaborAccountSetProfile tag 297 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1109
›LaborAccountSetProfileName ›LateStartBreakMargin
LaborAccountSetProfile tag 297 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1110
›LaborAccountSetTypeName ›LeaveCaseRuleAssignments
LaborAccountSet tag 294 LeaveCase tag 324
›LaborLevelDefinitionName ›LeaveCaseShortName
LaborAccountEntry tag 287 LeaveRequest tag 363
LaborAccountEntryData tag 290 ›LeaveCaseStartDate
LaborLevelDefinition tag 299 LeaveRequest tag 363
LaborLevelEntry tag 304 ›LeaveDocumentReminders
LaborLevelDefinitionName LeaveTypeDocumentAssignment tag 386
LaborLevelEntry tag 302, 303 ›LeaveProfile
›LaborLevelEntries PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag 544
LaborAccount tag 285 ›LeaveRule
›LaborLevelEntryName LeaveProfileCategoryRule tag 354
LaborLevelEntry tag 305 ›LeaveTakings
WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1141 LeaveTime tag 378
›LaborLevelEntryWildcard ›LeaveTimes
WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1141 LeaveCase tag 324
›LaborLevelName ›LeaveType
WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage EligibilityEvaluation tag 185
tag 1120 LeaveProfileCategoryType tag 355
WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1141 LeaveTaking tag 373
›Language LeaveTakingNode tag 375
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 344 LeaveTypeReason tag 387
›LastName ›LeaveTypeDocumentAssignments
Person tag 502 LeaveType tag 383
›LastSubmitted ›LeaveTypeReasons
BidGroupItem tag 97 LeaveReason tag 360

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1221


›Length LaborAccountSetProfile tag 296

WSAPayPeriod tag 1045 LaborLevelEntry tag 303
WSAShiftLength tag 1095 LicenseType tag 388
›LicensedSw LogonProfile tag 394
SuiteProduct tag 763 ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile
›LicenseTypeName tag 397
LicenseType tag 390 ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag 399
PersonLicenseType tag 545 ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag 402
›LiftEarlyEnd ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag 404
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1110 Menu tag 408
›Limit MinimunHoursNoModification tag 413
AccrualBalanceLimit tag 40 OrgSet tag 445
›LimitCount PayCodeProfile tag 482
LicenseType tag 390 PayRuleProfile tag 491
›ListOrder Personality tag 509
WSADispOrdOptionalRule tag 953 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 514
WSAOptionalRule tag 1009 PersonInformation tag 536
›LLEDesc PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag 547
WfcJob tag 843 PreferenceProfile tag 557
›LLEName ProcessProfile tag 570
WfcJob tag 844 ReportProfile tag 619
›LLEntryName RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag 646
OrgLocation tag 439 Schedule tag 652
¸Load ScheduleGroup tag 677
AccessProfile tag 36 ScheduleGroupProfile tag 680
AccrualData tag 52 SchedulePattern tag 703
AccrualProfile tag 59 SchedulePeriod tag 717
BidGroup tag 88 ShiftCode tag 740
BidGroupItem tag 95 ShiftTemplateAssignment tag 752
BidRequest tag 102 ShiftValidation tag 756
DeviceGroup tag 156 SystemSettings tag 773
EmployeeGroupAssign tag 198 TimeEntry tag 777
EmployeeGroupProfile tag 203 Timesheet tag 786
FailedXMLTransaction tag 221 TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 811
FunctionAccessProfile tag 227 TypeOverride tag 814
Holiday tag 252 User tag 817
JobAssignment tag 272 VacationBid tag 830
KTimeZone tag 281 WageProfile tag 835
LaborAccount tag 283 WeekDay tag 839
LaborAccountSet tag 292 WorkerType tag 855

1222 Kronos Incorporated


WorkflowAccessAssignment tag 860 ¸LoadAllEmploymentStatus

WorkRuleProfile tag 871 PersonInformation tag 537
WTKEmployee tag 1196 ¸LoadAllFunctionAccessProfiles
¸LoadAccruals FunctionAccessProfile tag 228
BulkAccruals tag 110 ¸LoadAllGroups
¸LoadActiveComments ScheduleGroup tag 677
Comment tag 134 ¸LoadAllHolidaysInSpan
¸LoadAll Holiday tag 252
EligibleJobs tag 194 ¸LoadAllHomeAccounts
ManagerRoleAvailabilityPatternProfile PersonInformation tag 537
tag 397 ¸LoadAllKTimeZones
ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag 399 KTimeZone tag 281
ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag 402 ¸LoadAllLaborAccountSetProfiles
ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag 404 LaborAccountSetProfile tag 296
PersonCertificationAssign tag 523 ¸LoadAllLogonProfiles
PersonSkillAssign tag 549 LogonProfile tag 394
ShiftTemplateAssignment tag 753 ¸LoadAllowedPermissions
SuiteProduct tag 762 AccessProfile tag 37
WeekDay tag 839 ¸LoadAllPatterns
WorkerType tag 855 SchedulePattern tag 703
¸LoadAllAccessControlPointNames ¸LoadAllPayCodeProfiles
AccessProfile tag 37 PayCodeProfile tag 483
¸LoadAllAccrualCodes ¸LoadAllPayCodes
AccrualCode tag 49 PayCode tag 461
¸LoadAllAccrualProfiles ¸LoadAllPayRuleProfiles
AccrualProfile tag 60 PayRuleProfile tag 492
¸LoadAllActionNames ¸LoadAllPeriods
AccessProfile tag 37 SchedulePeriod tag 717
¸LoadAllBadgeAssignments ¸LoadAllPreferenceProfiles
PersonInformation tag 536 PreferenceProfile tag 557
¸LoadAllBatchNames ¸LoadAllProcessProfiles
ImportBatchStatus tag 267 ProcessProfile tag 571
¸LoadAllDeductRules ¸LoadAllQueries
DeductRule tag 154 HyperFindQuery tag 261
¸LoadAllDefinitions ¸LoadAllReportProfiles
LaborLevelDefinition tag 299 ReportProfile tag 619
¸LoadAllDeviceGroups ¸LoadAllScheduleGroupProfiles
DeviceGroup tag 156 ScheduleGroupProfile tag 680
¸LoadAllEmployeeGroupProfiles ¸LoadAllShiftCodes
EmployeeGroupProfile tag 204 ShiftCode tag 740

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1223


¸LoadAllSuiteProductNames WorkRuleProfile tag 872

AccessProfile tag 37 ¸LoadByManager
¸LoadAllTimeEntries BidRequest tag 103
TimeEntry tag 777 ¸LoadByName
¸LoadAllTimeFrames SuiteProduct tag 762
TimeFramePeriod tag 779 WfcJob tag 842
¸LoadAllUserAccountStatus ¸LoadByWildcard
PersonInformation tag 537 LaborLevelEntry tag 303
¸LoadAllWageProfiles ¸LoadCertificationAssignments
WageProfile tag 836 PersonCertificationAssign tag 524
¸LoadAllWorkRuleProfiles ¸LoadCommentCategories
WorkRuleProfile tag 872 Comment tag 134
¸LoadAllWorkRules ¸LoadDailyTotals
WorkRule tag 869 Timesheet tag 786
¸LoadAssignable ¸LoadEligibleEmployees
LicenseType tag 389 RequestToCover tag 633
¸LoadBadgeAssignments SwapShiftEmployees tag 767
BadgeAssignment tag 79 ¸LoadEmploymentStatuses
¸LoadByBidGroupAndPerson EmploymentStatus tag 210
BidGroupItem tag 95 ¸LoadIdentities
¸LoadByBidGroupItem CurrentUser tag 143
VacationBid tag 830 PersonIdentity tag 529
¸LoadByBidRequest ¸LoadJobs
BidGroup tag 88 SwapShiftJobs tag 770
¸LoadById ¸LoadLaborAccountData
AccrualProfile tag 60 LaborAccountSet tag 292
DeviceGroup tag 157 ¸LoadLaborAccountUpdateData
EmployeeGroupProfile tag 204 LaborAccountSet tag 292
FunctionAccessProfile tag 228 ¸LoadPayCodesForProfileName
KTimeZone tag 282 PayCodeProfile tag 483
LaborAccountSetProfile tag 297 ¸LoadPayCodeTotals
LogonProfile tag 395 BulkTotals tag 113
PayCodeProfile tag 483 ¸LoadPeriodTotals
PayRuleProfile tag 492 Timesheet tag 787
PreferenceProfile tag 558 ¸LoadPersonAccessAssignments
ProcessProfile tag 571 PersonAccessAssignment tag 504
ReportProfile tag 620 ¸LoadPopulatedThroughDate
ScheduleGroupProfile tag 681 ShiftBuilder tag 737
TimeEntry tag 778 ¸LoadPrimaryLaborAccounts
WageProfile tag 836 PrimaryLaborAccount tag 560

1224 Kronos Incorporated


¸LoadShifts ›LongChgPoint
RequestToCover tag 633 WSABreakRule tag 900
¸LoadSkillAssignments ›LongException
PersonSkillAssign tag 550 WSABreakRule tag 900
¸LoadTemplatePatterns ›LongGrace
SchedulePattern tag 704 WSABreakRule tag 900
¸LoadUserAccount ›LongInterval
User tag 817 WSAExceptionRule tag 971
¸LoadUserAccountStatuses ›LongRound
UserAccountStatus tag 825 WSABreakRule tag 901
›LocationName ›LookBackTime
OrgLocation tag 439 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 931
›LocationNum ›LookBackUnit
OrgLocation tag 440 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 932
TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 812 M
›Locations ›MajorityRuleName
ProcessTask tag 580 WSAOptionalRule tag 1010
Schedule tag 657 ›MajorityRuleNames
›LocationType WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1136
OrgLocation tag 440 ›Manager
›Locator BidRequest tag 106
WSABonusDeductRule tag 890 ›ManagerAccessFlag
›LocatorAtOrAfter PayCode tag 463
WSABonusDeductRule tag 891 ›ManagerAccessOrganizationSetName
›LocatorBefore PersonAccessAssignment tag 506
WSABonusDeductRule tag 891 ›ManagerAccessSetName
¸LockDays AccessAssignment tag 28
Schedule tag 652 ›ManagerHasAccessFlag
›LockoutReasonName WorkRule tag 870
UserAccountLockout tag 823 ›ManagerName
›LockoutResetDateTime CancelDeductions tag 116
UserAccount tag 819 PayCodeEdit tag 470
¸LockShifts PayCodeMove tag 480
Schedule tag 653 Punch tag 613
›LogonProfileId ›ManagerPayCodeName
LogonProfile tag 395 AccessAssignment tag 29
›LogonProfileName ›ManagerSignoffDateTime
LogonProfile tag 395 Timesheet tag 788
UserAccount tag 820 ›ManagerSignoffThruDateTime

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1225


Person tag 502 WTDRule tag 1188

WTKEmployee tag 1198 ›MediumGrace
›ManagerTransferOrganizationSetName WSABreakRule tag 901
PersonAccessAssignment tag 506 ›MediumRound
›ManagerTransferSetName WSABreakRule tag 901
AccessAssignment tag 29 ›MenuItemName
›ManagerWorkflowProfileName MenuItem tag 411
WorkflowAccessAssignment tag 862 ›MenuItems
›ManagerWorkRuleName Menu tag 409
AccessAssignment tag 30 ›Message
›MaxAdultWork Error tag 215
WTDRule tag 1187 Response tag 644
›MaxAmount ›MiddleInitial
WSACreditCalculator tag 944 Person tag 502
›MaxBids ›MinAdultBreak
BidRequest tag 106 WTDRule tag 1189
›MaxHazardousNightHours ›MinAdultDailyRest
WTDRule tag 1188 WTDRule tag 1189
›MaximumOnCall ›MinAdultWeeklyRest
WSACallInRule tag 912 WTDRule tag 1189
›MaximumOut ›Minimum
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1110 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1016
›MaximumShiftLength ›MinimumAmount
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1110 PersonalOvertimeLimit tag 517
›MaxLength ›MinimumHoursWithinShift
WSABreakRule tag 901 WSAZone tag 1150
›MaxNameLength ›MinimumHoursWithinZone
LaborLevelDefinition tag 299 WSAZone tag 1150
WSALaborLevel tag 993 ›MinimumMeal
›MaxNightHours WSATkTerminalRule tag 1111
WTDRule tag 1188 ›MinimumNumberOfActiveDays
›MaxPoolSize TimekeepingException tag 784
ProcessTemplate tag 604 ›MinimumShiftLength
›MaxStart WSAContributingShiftRule tag 932
WSABreakTime tag 906 ›MinimumTimeActiveUnit
›MaxStartTimeForBreak WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 967
WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 879 ›MinimumTimeActiveValue
›MaxWeeklyHours WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 967
WTDRule tag 1188 ›MinimumTimeEmployedUnit
›MaxYoungWork WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 967

1226 Kronos Incorporated


›MinimumTimeEmployedValue BidGroup tag 91

WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 967 BidRequest tag 106
›MinimumToQualify CertificationItem tag 119
WSACallInRule tag 912 Document tag 162
›MinimunHoursRequired DocumentStatus tag 171
MinimunHoursNoModification tag 414 EligibilityRequirement tag 192
›MinNameLength EmployeeGroupItem tag 201
LaborLevelDefinition tag 300 Holiday tag 253
WSALaborLevel tag 993 LeaveCategory tag 333
›MinPercentNightHours LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 344
WTDRule tag 1190 LeaveProfile tag 350
›MinStart LeaveReason tag 360
WSABreakTime tag 906 LeaveRule tag 369
›MinStartTimeForBreak LeaveType tag 383
WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 879 PersonCertificationItem tag 527
›MinTimeBetweenBreaks PersonSkillItem tag 553
WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 879 ShiftStartTimeBand tag 751
›MinYoungBreak WeekDay tag 840
WTDRule tag 1190 WorkerType tag 856
›MinYoungDailyRest WorkflowTemplateCategory tag 864
WTDRule tag 1190 WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 879
›MinYoungWeeklyRest WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 883
WTDRule tag 1191 WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem tag 885
›MissedOutDateTime WSABonusDeductRule tag 892
TimekeepingException tag 784 WSABreakRule tag 902
›Monday WSABreakTime tag 906
WSAAssignmentRule tag 874 WSACallInRule tag 913
WSABonusDeductRule tag 892 WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 919
WSACoreHoursRule tag 936 WSACommentType tag 924
WSADaysOfWeek tag 948 WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 927
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1091 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 932
›MoneyCategory WSACoreHoursRule tag 936
WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 918 WSADisplayOrder tag 951
›MustSatisfyAllSwitch WSADispOrdOptionalRule tag 954
WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 968 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 958
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 963
N WSAExceptionRule tag 971
›Name WSAFixedRule tag 976
ApprovalStatus tag 69 WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 979
Attribute tag 75 WSAHoliday tag 983

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1227


WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 986 WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule tag 1160

WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 990 WSAZoneRule tag 1163
WSALogonProfile tag 1002 WSAZoneRuleHoliday tag 1165
WSAMajorityRule tag 1008 WSAZoneRuleLimit tag 1167
WSAOptionalRule tag 1010 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1172
WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1013 WTDGlobal tag 1180
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1016 WTDRule tag 1191
WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1022 Name
WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tag 1024 EligibilityRequirement tag 188, 189, 190
WSAPayCode tag 1028 ›Names
WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1034 NameList tag 416
WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1037 ›NetPay
WSAPayCodeProfileItem tag 1040 CheckAdvice tag 123
WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1042 ›NewName
WSAPayRule tag 1048 LaborAccountSet tag 295
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1061 LaborLevelEntry tag 306
WSAReportDAP tag 1070 OrgSet tag 446
WSAReportProfileItem tag 1072 ShiftStartTimeBand tag 751
WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1075 WorkerTypeElement tag 858
WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1077 NewName
WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1081 Document tag 161
WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tag 1083 DocumentStatus tag 170, 171
WSASequencedItem tag 1084 LeaveCategory tag 331, 332
WSASequencerRule tag 1088 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 343
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1091 LeaveProfile tag 349, 350
WSAShiftLength tag 1095 LeaveReason tag 359
WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1098 LeaveRule tag 367, 368
WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tag 1100 LeaveType tag 381, 382
WSASignOffRestriction tag 1103 ›NewShiftOverrideFlag
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1111 WorkedDuration tag 851
WSAULLE tag 1115 ›NodeId
WSAWageProfile tag 1117 LocationId tag 391
WSAWageProfilePayCode tag 1121 OrgJob tag 437
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1125 ›NoNode
WSAWorkRule tag 1127 LeaveDecisionNode tag 335
WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1131 ›NotificationDate
WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag 1133 BidRequest tag 107
WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1136 ›NotificationText
WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tag 1139 BidGroup tag 91
WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1157 ›NotScheduled

1228 Kronos Incorporated


WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1075 OptOutStatusList tag 435

›NumberOfDay ›OptOutStatusList
WSAZone tag 1151 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1173
›NumberOfIterations ›OrderNum
WTDRule tag 1191 WSAAssignmentRule tag 874
›NumberOfStaffs WSABreakTime tag 907
Headcount tag 233 ›OrderNumber
›NumberOfWorkedDays ApprovalStatus tag 69
TimekeepingException tag 784 DocumentStatus tag 172
LeaveCategory tag 333
O ›OrganizationPath
›Object PrimaryLaborAccount tag 561
Request tag 629 ›OrgId
›OffAveragePeriod OrgSetEntry tag 449
WTDRule tag 1192 ›OrgJobDescription
›OkSw Total tag 793
EligibilityAnswer tag 181 ›OrgJobId
›OldCertificationNumber OrgSetJob tag 450
PersonCertificationItem tag 527 PayCodeEdit tag 471
›OldEffectiveDate PayCodeMove tag 480
PersonCertificationItem tag 528 Punch tag 613
›OldExpirationDate Total tag 793
PersonCertificationItem tag 528 WorkedDuration tag 851
›OnCallLocator ›OrgJobLocation
WSACallInRule tag 913 ScheduleMarkPosted tag 696
›OnCallWorkRule ›OrgJobName
WSACallInRule tag 913 OrgSetJob tag 450
›OnError PayCodeEdit tag 471
Request tag 630 PayCodeMove tag 480
›OnHolidaySwitch Punch tag 613
WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 968 Total tag 793
›OpenDate WorkedDuration tag 852
BidGroup tag 92 OrgJobNodePath
›OpenShiftItems LeaveCase tag 314
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 430 orgJobNodePath
Schedule tag 658 LeaveCase tag 312
›Operator ›OrgJobPath
AccrualBalanceLimit tag 41 AppendShifts tag 65
EligibilityRequirement tag 192 ConnectToScheduleItem tag 139
›OptOutStatuses EffectiveWorkload tag 178

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1229


OpenShiftVolunteer tag 430 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1063

Schedule tag 658 ›OutPunchLateInsideGrace
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 714 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1064
ScheduleShift tag 722 ›OutPunchLateInsideRound
ShiftSegment tag 745 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1064
TransferEmployee tag 810 ›OutPunchLateOutsideGrace
›OrgJobPaths WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1065
RequestToCoverItem tag 638 ›OutPunchLateOutsideRound
Schedule tag 658 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1065
›OrgJobs ›OutVeryLate
SwapShiftJobs tag 771 WSAExceptionRule tag 972
›OrgLocations ›OverrideFlag
OrgLocationsImport tag 443 LaborLevelDefinition tag 300
›OrgSetId ›OverrideIfHomeSwitch
OrgSet tag 446 WSAWageProfile tag 1118
›OrgSetJobList ›OverrideRuleName
OrgSet tag 447 TypeOverride tag 814
›OrgSetName OverrideShift
OrgSet tag 447 LeaveCase tag 312, 314
›OrgSetTypeName ›OverrideTypeName
OrgSet tag 447 Punch tag 614
›Originator ›OvertimeCombination
WorkflowTemplateCategory tag 864 WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1037
›OutEarly ›OvertimeLevel
WSAExceptionRule tag 972 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 515
›OutLate ›OvertimeLimitPayCodeName
WSAExceptionRule tag 972 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 986
›OutPunch ›OvertimeLimitType
TotaledSpan tag 806 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 987
›OutPunchEarlyChangePoint ›OvertimeRuleNames
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1061 WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1136
›OutPunchEarlyInsideGrace ›Overtimes
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1062 WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1042
›OutPunchEarlyInsideRound ›OvertimeTypeName
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1062 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 515
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1063 P
›OutPunchEarlyOutsideRound ›PaidAmount
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1063 WSABreakRule tag 902
›OutPunchLateChangePoint ›PaidCommitDtm

1230 Kronos Incorporated


LeaveCase tag 324 ›PayCode

›PaidFlag LeaveType tag 383
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 242 WorkHour tag 867
›PaidNode WSABonusDeductRule tag 892
LeaveRuleNode tag 371 ›PayCodeDistributionName
›ParameterName WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 963
Error tag 216 ›PayCodeForZeroHours
›ParameterType WSASignOffRestriction tag 1103
Error tag 216 ›PayCodeId
›ParameterValue Total tag 793
Error tag 216 ›PaycodeMax
›ParentLocationNum WSABonusDeductRule tag 892
OrgLocation tag 440 ›PaycodeMin
›PartialEndDate WSABonusDeductRule tag 893
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 431 ›PayCodeName
RequestToCover tag 635 HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 242
›PartialEndTime HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 251
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 431 HolidayEditHours tag 255
RequestToCover tag 635 HolidayEditWages tag 257
›PartialShiftItems NonCancellingPayCodeEdit tag 424
Schedule tag 658 PatternElement tag 459
›PartialStartDate PayCode tag 463
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 431 PayCodeEdit tag 471
RequestToCover tag 635 PayCodeMove tag 481
›PartialStartTime SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 714
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 431 Total tag 794
RequestToCover tag 636 TotaledScheduledPayCodeEdit tag 797
›Password TotaledScheduledPayCodeEditUneditable
PasswordHistory tag 456 tag 800
Request tag 630 ›PaycodeName
›PasswordHistories ScheduleHours tag 686
User tag 817 ›PayCodeNames
›PasswordUpdatedDateTime BulkTotals tag 114
UserAccount tag 821 WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 928
›PasswordUpdateFlag ›PayCodeProfileId
UserAccount tag 821 PayCodeProfile tag 483
›PatternDurationType ›PayCodeProfileName
EffectiveWorkload tag 179 PayCodeProfile tag 484
›PatternElements ›PayCodes
SchedulePattern tag 706 WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1042

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1231


›Paycodes SchedulePeriod tag 718

ScheduleCostResult tag 672 ›PeriodDateSpan
›PaycodesList PeriodTotals tag 493
WSADisplayOrder tag 952 TimeFramePeriod tag 780
›PayFromSchedule ›PeriodEndDate
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 958 BidRequest tag 107
›PaymentType ¸PeriodIsApproved
CheckAdvice tag 124 ApproveSignoff tag 72
›PayPeriodType ¸PeriodIsSignedOff
WSAFixedRule tag 976 ApproveSignoff tag 72
›PayrollLockoutThruDateTime ›PeriodLength
Person tag 502 ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 668
WTKEmployee tag 1198 SchedulePattern tag 706
›PayRuleName SchedulePeriod tag 718
JobAssignmentDetails tag 276 ›PeriodLengthInDays
WTKEmployee tag 1198 ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 669
›PayRuleProfileId SchedulePattern tag 707
PayRuleProfile tag 492 ›PeriodStartDate
›PayRuleProfileName BidRequest tag 107
PayRuleProfile tag 492 ›PeriodTotalData
›PerDayAmount Timesheet tag 788
LeaveRequest tag 363 ›Permissions
›Period WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 979
ApproveSignoff tag 74 ›PersistPceSw
BadgeAssignment tag 81 WSAPayCode tag 1028
BulkAccruals tag 111 ›Person
BulkTotals tag 114 LeaveCascader tag 308
EmploymentStatus tag 212 LeaveCase tag 324
JobAssignment tag 273 LeaveRequest tag 363
PersonAccessAssignment tag 506 PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag 544
Personality tag 511 ›PersonAccessAssignments
PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 516 PersonInformation tag 540
PersonCertificationAssign tag 524 ›PersonalOvertimeAmountTypeName
PersonSkillAssign tag 550 PersonalOvertimeLimit tag 518
PrimaryLaborAccount tag 562 ›PersonalOvertimeAssignments
Timesheet tag 788 JobAssignment tag 273
UserAccountStatus tag 827 ›PersonalOvertimeLimits
›PeriodCodeName PersonalOvertimeRule tag 519
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 668 ›PersonalOvertimeRuleData
SchedulePattern tag 706 PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 516

1232 Kronos Incorporated


›PersonalOvertimeRuleDisplayName PostalAddress tag 555

PersonalOvertimeRule tag 519 ¸PostToSchedule
›PersonAuthenticationTypes BidRequest tag 103
PersonInformation tag 540 ›PreferenceProfileId
›PersonCertificationItems PreferenceProfile tag 558
PersonCertificationAssign tag 525 ›PreferenceProfileName
›PersonData AccessAssignment tag 30
HyperFindResult tag 264 PreferenceProfile tag 558
PersonInformation tag 540 ›PrepopulateProject
›PersonId WSAEffectivePayRule tag 958
BidGroupItem tag 98 ›PrevLocations
›PersonIdentityList ProcessTask tag 580
PersonIdentity tag 531 ›PrimaryLaborAccounts
›PersonInformationData JobAssignment tag 273
Personality tag 511 ›Priority
›PersonKey Bid tag 85
CurrentUser tag 145 VacationBid tag 833
PersonIdentity tag 532 ›ProbationAmountInCurrency
›PersonLicenseTypes ResetAccrual tag 642
PersonInformation tag 541 ›ProbationAmountInTime
›PersonNumber ResetAccrual tag 642
CurrentUser tag 145 ›ProbationaryBalanceInCurrency
EmployeeGroupAssign tag 199 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 44
HyperFindResult tag 265 ›ProbationaryBalanceInTime
Person tag 503 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 44
PersonCertificationAssign tag 525 ›ProcessAsManager
PersonIdentity tag 532 Request tag 630
PersonSkillAssign tag 551 ›ProcessAttributes
RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag 647 Process tag 567
Supervisor tag 765 ›ProcessId
TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 812 Process tag 568
›PersonSkillItems ProcessTask tag 581
PersonSkillAssign tag 551 ›ProcessName
›PhoneNumber Process tag 568
TelephoneNumber tag 775 ProcessTask tag 581
›PopulatedThroughDate ›ProcessProfileId
ShiftBuilder tag 738 ProcessProfile tag 571
›PostalAddresses ›ProcessProfileName
PersonInformation tag 541 ProcessProfile tag 571
›PostalCode ›ProcessState

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1233


Process tag 568 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 46

›ProcessStateCode ›ProjectedProbationaryBalanceInTime
Process tag 569 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 46
›ProfessionalAccessFlag ›ProjectedTakingAmountInCurrency
PayCode tag 463 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 47
›ProfessionalHasAccessFlag ›ProjectedTakingAmountInTime
WorkRule tag 870 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 47
›ProfessionalPayCodeName ›ProjectedVestedBalanceInCurrency
AccessAssignment tag 31 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 47
›ProfessionalTransferOrganizationSetName ›ProjectedVestedBalanceInTime
PersonAccessAssignment tag 507 AccrualBalanceSummary tag 48
›ProfessionalTransferSetName ›PropertyName
AccessAssignment tag 31 Error tag 216
›ProfessionalWorkRuleName FailedXMLTransaction tag 223
AccessAssignment tag 32 NameList tag 416
›ProfileCategoryAssignments ›PropertyType
LeaveProfile tag 351 Error tag 216
›ProfileCategoryRuleAssignments ›PropertyValue
LeaveProfileCategory tag 352 Error tag 217
›ProfileCategoryTypeAssignments FailedXMLTransaction tag 223
LeaveProfileCategory tag 353 ›PunchRestrictions
›ProfileItems WSATkTerminalRule tag 1111
WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 883 ›PwdExpiredDays
WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1022 WSALogonProfile tag 1003
WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1034 ›PwdExpiredDaysSwitch
WSAReportDAP tag 1070 WSALogonProfile tag 1003
WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1081 ›PwdMaxHistory
WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1098 WSALogonProfile tag 1003
WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1131 ›PwdMaxHistorySwitch
›ProjectedBalanceInCurrency WSALogonProfile tag 1003
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 45 ›PwdMinLength
›ProjectedBalanceInTime WSALogonProfile tag 1004
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 45 ›PwdMinLengthSwitch
›ProjectedDate WSALogonProfile tag 1004
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 45
›ProjectedGrantAmountInCurrency Q
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 46 ›QualifiedSignOffRuleName
›ProjectedGrantAmountInTime WSAEffectivePayRule tag 959
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 46 ›QualifiersBasedOnType
›ProjectedProbationaryBalanceInCurrency WSAZone tag 1151

1234 Kronos Incorporated


›QualifiersUnscheduled CheckAdviceDetailGrossPay tag 131

WSAZone tag 1151 ›ReadOnly
›QualifyPerShift WSALaborLevelEntry tag 997
WSABonusDeductRule tag 893 ›Reason
›Quantity LeaveCase tag 325
ExpectedHours tag 218 ›ReasonDetail
›QueryDate LeaveCase tag 325
MinimunHoursNoModification tag 414 ¸Recascade
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 432 LeaveCascader tag 308
RequestToCover tag 636 ›RecordManagerLockoutFlag
ShiftValidation tag 757 UserAccount tag 821
SwapShiftEmployees tag 768 ›ReductByAmountTardy
SwapShiftJobs tag 771 WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1091
›QueryDateSpan ›ReferenceDate
HyperFindQuery tag 262 WSAPayPeriod tag 1045
ProcessSchedule tag 575 ›ReferenceDay
Schedule tag 659 WSAPayPeriod tag 1045
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 669 ¸Reject
ScheduleGroup tag 679 VacationBid tag 830
ScheduleHours tag 686 ›RelativeStartDateType
ScheduleMarkPosted tag 696 WaitingPeriod tag 837
›QueryDateTimeSpan ›RelativeTo
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 432 WSABreakRule tag 902
RequestToCover tag 636 ›ReminderAmt
›QueryIncludePersonFlag DocumentReminder tag 166
HyperFindQuery tag 262 ›ReminderType
›QueryIncludeUserFlag DocumentReminder tag 167
HyperFindQuery tag 262 ¸RemoveApproval
›QueryIncludeWTKEmployeeFlag ApproveSignoff tag 72
HyperFindQuery tag 263 ¸RemoveBids
›QueryPersonOrEmployee BidGroupItem tag 95
HyperFindQuery tag 263 ¸RemoveEmployees
›Questions ScheduleGroup tag 677
EligibilityRequirement tag 193 ¸RemoveEmployeesByDateSpan
›QuestionText ScheduleGroup tag 678
EligibilityAnswer tag 181 ›RemoveEntries
EligibilityQuestion tag 186 LaborAccountEntry tag 287
R ApproveSignoff tag 72
›Rate ›RemovePastDueSwitch

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1235


DocumentStatus tag 172 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1017

¸RemoveScheduleItems ›ResourceId
Schedule tag 653 ProcessTask tag 581
¸RemoveSignOff ResourceId
ApproveSignoff tag 73 Process tag 564, 565
¸RemoveSpecifiedScheduleItems ProcessTemplate tag 590, 593, 596
Schedule tag 654 ›ResourceName
¸RemoveWorkRule ProcessTask tag 582
Punch tag 608 ›Results
›ReplaceEntries ScheduleCostSummary tag 674
LaborAccountEntry tag 287 ¸RetreiveAllForUpdate
OrgSetEntry tag 449 WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tag 1138
¸ReplaceShift ¸Retrieve
Schedule tag 654 ApprovalStatus tag 67
›ReportName Document tag 159
AccessAssignment tag 32 DocumentStatus tag 169
›ReportProfileId EligibilityRequirement tag 188
ReportProfile tag 620 LeaveCase tag 316
›ReportProfileName LeaveCategory tag 330
ReportProfile tag 620 LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 341
›RequestCode LeaveProfile tag 348
ConnectToScheduleItem tag 139 LeaveReason tag 357
›RequestDTM LeaveRule tag 366
LeaveRequest tag 364 LeaveType tag 380
›RequestToCoverItems PersonLeaveProfileAssignment tag 544
CoverShiftStatus tag 142 Process tag 566
RequestToCover tag 636 ProcessTask tag 578
›RequestToCoverStatus ProcessTemplate tag 586
RequestToCover tag 637 WSAAssignmentRule tag 874
›RequiresApproval WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 878
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1016 WSABreakTime tag 905
WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1075 WSAEffectivePayRule tag 956
WSAZoneRule tag 1164 WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 962
›ResetAfter WSAPayRuleHoliday tag 1050
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1017 WSAShiftLength tag 1094
›ResetAtTime WSAWorkRuleGeneral tag 1132
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1017 WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1135
›ResetDate WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1170
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1017 WTDGlobal tag 1176
›ResetDay WTDRule tag 1184

1236 Kronos Incorporated


¸retrieve WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem tag 884

ShiftStartTimeBand tag 749 WSABonusDeductRule tag 887
¸RetrieveAll WSABreakRule tag 899
ApprovalStatus tag 67 WSACallInRule tag 909
AuthenticationType tag 77 WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 917
Document tag 159 WSAComment tag 921
DocumentStatus tag 169 WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 926
EligibilityRequirement tag 189 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 929
LeaveCase tag 317 WSACoreHoursRule tag 934
LeaveCategory tag 330 WSADisplayOrder tag 950
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 341 WSAExceptionRule tag 969
LeaveProfile tag 348 WSAFixedRule tag 974
LeaveReason tag 357 WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 977
LeaveRule tag 366 WSAHoliday tag 981
LeaveType tag 380 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 985
ProcessTemplate tag 587 WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 988
WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1170 WSALaborLevel tag 991
WTDGlobal tag 1177 WSALaborLevelEntry tag 995
WTDRule tag 1184 WSALogonProfile tag 1000
¸retrieveAll WSAMajorityRule tag 1005
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 749 WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1011
¸RetrieveAllByCategory WSAOvertimeRule tag 1015
ProcessTemplate tag 587 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1020
¸RetrieveAllByProcessId WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tag 1023
ProcessTask tag 578 WSAPayCode tag 1026
¸RetrieveAllByResourceId WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1032
ProcessTask tag 578 WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1035
ProcessTemplate tag 588 WSAPayCodeProfileItem tag 1039
¸RetrieveAllCategories WSAPayRule tag 1047
WorkflowTemplateCategory tag 863 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1056
¸RetrieveAllForEmployee WSAReportDAP tag 1068
ProcessTemplate tag 591 WSAReportProfileItem tag 1071
¸RetrieveAllForManager WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1073
ProcessTemplate tag 594 WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1076
¸RetrieveAllForUpdate WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1079
SchedulePattern tag 704 WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tag 1082
SchedulePeriod tag 717 WSASequencerRule tag 1086
ShiftCode tag 740 WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1090
WorkerType tag 855 WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1096
WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 881 WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tag 1099

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1237


WSASignOffRestriction tag 1101 WSAHoliday tag 982

WSATkTerminalRule tag 1106 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 985
WSAULLE tag 1113 WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 989
WSAWageProfile tag 1116 WSALaborLevel tag 992
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1123 WSALaborLevelEntry tag 996
WSAWorkRule tag 1126 WSALogonProfile tag 1000
WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1129 WSAMajorityRule tag 1006
WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1155 WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1012
WSAZoneRule tag 1162 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1015
WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1171 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1021
WTDGlobal tag 1177 WSAPayCode tag 1026
WTDRule tag 1184 WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1033
¸RetrieveAllNames WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1036
ApprovalStatus tag 67 WSAPayRule tag 1048
Document tag 160 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1056
DocumentStatus tag 169 WSAReportDAP tag 1069
EligibilityRequirement tag 189 WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1074
LeaveCategory tag 330 WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1076
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 342 WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1080
LeaveProfile tag 348 WSASequencerRule tag 1087
LeaveReason tag 358 WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1090
LeaveRule tag 366 WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1097
LeaveType tag 380 WSASignOffRestriction tag 1102
SchedulePattern tag 704 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1106
SchedulePeriod tag 717 WSAULLE tag 1114
ShiftCode tag 740 WSAWageProfile tag 1117
WorkerType tag 856 WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1124
WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 882 WSAWorkRule tag 1127
WSABonusDeductRule tag 887 WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1130
WSABreakRule tag 899 WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1156
WSACallInRule tag 909 WSAZoneRule tag 1163
WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 918 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1171
WSAComment tag 922 WTDGlobal tag 1177
WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 927 WTDRule tag 1185
WSAContributingShiftRule tag 930 ¸RetrieveByCaseStatusAndPerson
WSACoreHoursRule tag 934 LeaveCase tag 317
WSADisplayOrder tag 951 ¸RetrieveByCategory
WSAExceptionRule tag 970 LeaveReason tag 358
WSAFixedRule tag 975 ¸RetrieveByDisplayName
WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 978 ProcessTemplate tag 597

1238 Kronos Incorporated


¸RetrieveByPerson WSALaborLevel tag 992

LeaveCase tag 318 WSALaborLevelEntry tag 996
¸RetrieveByUniqueKey WSALogonProfile tag 1000
ProcessTemplate tag 598 WSAMajorityRule tag 1006
¸RetrieveForUpdate WSAOptionalRule tag 1009
ApprovalStatus tag 67 WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1012
Document tag 160 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1015
DocumentStatus tag 170 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1021
EligibilityRequirement tag 189 WSAPatternTemplateProfileItem tag 1023
LeaveCategory tag 331 WSAPayCode tag 1026
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 342 WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1033
LeaveProfile tag 349 WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1036
LeaveReason tag 358 WSAPayCodeProfileItem tag 1039
LeaveRule tag 367 WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1041
LeaveType tag 381 WSAPayPeriod tag 1044
SchedulePattern tag 704 WSAPayRule tag 1048
SchedulePeriod tag 717 WSAPermission tag 1052
ShiftCode tag 740 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1056
WorkerType tag 856 WSAReportDAP tag 1069
WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 882 WSAReportProfileItem tag 1071
WSAAvailabilityPatternProfileItem tag 884 WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1074
WSABonusDeductRule tag 887 WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1077
WSABreakRule tag 899 WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1080
WSACallInRule tag 909 WSAScheduleGroupProfileItem tag 1082
WSACombinationRule tag 915 WSASequencedItem tag 1084
WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 918 WSASequencerRule tag 1087
WSAComment tag 922 WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1090
WSACommentType tag 924 WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1097
WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 927 WSAShiftTemplateProfileItem tag 1099
WSAContributingShiftRule tag 930 WSASignOffRestriction tag 1102
WSACoreHoursRule tag 934 WSATkTerminalRule tag 1106
WSADaysOfWeek tag 947 WSAULLE tag 1114
WSADisplayOrder tag 951 WSAWageProfile tag 1117
WSADispOrdOptionalRule tag 953 WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage
WSAExceptionRule tag 970 tag 1119
WSAFixedRule tag 975 WSAWageProfilePayCode tag 1121
WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 978 WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1124
WSAHoliday tag 982 WSAWorkRule tag 1127
WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 985 WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1130
WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 989 WSAWorkRuleProfileItem tag 1138

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1239


WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1140 S

WSAZone tag 1144
WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1156
WSAAssignmentRule tag 874
WSABonusDeductRule tag 893
tag 1158
WSACoreHoursRule tag 936
WSAZoneCombinationZoneRule tag 1160
WSADaysOfWeek tag 948
WSAZoneRule tag 1163
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1091
WSAZoneRuleHoliday tag 1165
WSAZoneRuleLimit tag 1167
ProcessSchedule tag 575
WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1171
Schedule tag 659
WTDGlobal tag 1177
WTDRule tag 1185
WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1077
LeaveCase tag 318
PayCodeEdit tag 472
LeaveRule tag 369
MarkForTotalization tag 407
WSACreditCalculator tag 944
Schedule tag 659
WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 990
WSAAssignmentRule tag 875
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 963
WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1136
CheckAdviceDetailDirectDeposit tag 129
TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 804
LeaveCaseRuleAssignment tag 327
WorkedDuration tag 852
MarkForTotalization tag 407
ScheduleHoursDailyStatus tag 690
WTDRule tag 1192
WSAEligibilityDeterminer tag 968
WTDRule tag 1184
WSAAssignmentRule tag 875
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1111
ScheduleGroupProfile tag 681
OpenShiftVolunteer tag 432
JobAssignment tag 274
RequestToCover tag 637
ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 664
ScheduleHoursStatus tag 693
ScheduleGroup tag 679
ScheduleGroupProfile tag 681
HyperFindQuery tag 261
SchedulePattern tag 707
ScheduleShift tag 723

1240 Kronos Incorporated


ScheduleUnavailable tag 730 WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1013

WTKEmployee tag 1199 ›SelectedPayCodes
›ScheduleGroupProfileName WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 919
ManagerRoleScheduleGroupProfile tag 400 ›SelectedZoneRules
›ScheduleGroups WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1157
Schedule tag 660 ›SelectedZones
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 669 WSAMajorityRule tag 1008
›ScheduleHoursType ¸SendToParticipants
WSAPayCode tag 1029 BidRequest tag 103
›ScheduleItems ›SeniorityDate
ProcessSchedule tag 576 TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 813
Schedule tag 660 ›SeniorityRankDate
›SchedulePatternName JobAssignmentDetails tag 276
AccessAssignment tag 33 ›Sequence
SchedulePattern tag 707 BidNote tag 99
›SchedulePatternProfileName Request tag 631
BidRequest tag 108 Response tag 644
ManagerRoleSchedulePatternProfile tag 403 ›SequenceRuleName
›SchedulePatterns WSAEffectivePayRule tag 959
Schedule tag 660 ›ServerName
›SchedulePeriodName DataSource tag 151
SchedulePeriod tag 719 ›ShfitCodeProfileName
›ScheduleStartTime BidRequest tag 108
WSAAssignmentRule tag 875 ›ShfLenMax
›ScheduleTotal WSABonusDeductRule tag 894
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 959 ›ShfLenMin
›ScopeName WSABonusDeductRule tag 894
Permission tag 496 ›ShiftCodeName
WSAPermission tag 1054 AccessAssignment tag 33
›Seasonal PatternElement tag 459
OrgLocation tag 441 ScheduleOff tag 699
›SegmentTypeName ScheduleShift tag 723
ShiftSegment tag 746 ShiftCode tag 741
›Selected ›ShiftCodeProfileName
WSAPayRuleHoliday tag 1051 ManagerRoleShiftCodeProfile tag 405
›SelectedHolidays ›ShiftDescription
WSAZone tag 1152 StandardShift tag 761
›SelectedLimits ›ShiftGuarantee
WSAZone tag 1152 WSACallInRule tag 913
›SelectedOvertimeRules ›ShiftGuaranteeName

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1241


WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 964 ›ShortRound

›ShiftLengths WSABreakRule tag 903
WSAAutoBreakPlacement tag 880 ›ShortShift
›ShiftMax WSAExceptionRule tag 973
WSAAssignmentRule tag 876 ¸SignOff
›ShiftMin ApproveSignoff tag 73
WSAAssignmentRule tag 876 ›SimpleValues
›ShiftName Names tag 418
StandardShift tag 761 ›SortOrder
›ShiftOverride LaborLevelDefinition tag 300
BidGroup tag 92 WfcJob tag 844
›ShiftReq ›SourceDetails
WSABonusDeductRule tag 894 FailedXMLTransaction tag 223
›ShiftSegments ›SourceName
ScheduleOff tag 699 FailedXMLTransaction tag 224
ScheduleShift tag 723 ›StartDate
ShiftCode tag 742 CheckAdvice tag 124
›ShiftTemplateItems ConnectToScheduleItem tag 140
ShiftTemplateAssignment tag 753 EligibleJobs tag 195
›ShiftTemplateProfileName LeaveCase tag 326
PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag 548 LeaveRequest tag 364
ShiftTemplateItem tag 754 PayFromSchedule tag 487
›ShiftTypeName ProcessTask tag 582
ScheduleOff tag 700 ScheduleOff tag 700
ScheduleShift tag 723 SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 715
›ShortChgPoint SchedulePeriod tag 719
WSABreakRule tag 903 ScheduleShift tag 724
›ShortException ScheduleShiftSwap tag 727
WSABreakRule tag 903 ScheduleUnavailable tag 731
›ShortGrace VacationBid tag 834
WSABreakRule tag 903 WSAHoliday tag 983
›ShortName StartDate
LaborLevelDefinition tag 300 LeaveCase tag 316, 317, 319, 320
LeaveCase tag 325 ›Startdate
LeaveCategory tag 333 ScheduleAccrualAmountEdit tag 664
LeaveReason tag 360 ›StartDateTime
LeaveType tag 384 WSAZoneRuleHoliday tag 1166
Person tag 503 ›StartDayNumber
ShortName ShiftSegment tag 746
LeaveCase tag 316, 317, 319, 320 ›StartEffectiveDate

1242 Kronos Incorporated


OrgLocation tag 441 ›SuccessURL

›StartNightPeriod Request tag 631
WTDRule tag 1192 ›SuiteProductName
›StartNumberOfDay Permission tag 496
WSAZone tag 1152 SuiteProduct tag 764
›StartTime ›SummaryType
ConnectToScheduleItem tag 140 ScheduleCostSummary tag 675
MinimunHoursNoModification tag 414 ›Sunday
ScheduleShiftSwap tag 727 WSAAssignmentRule tag 876
ScheduleUnavailable tag 732 WSABonusDeductRule tag 895
ShiftSegment tag 746 WSACoreHoursRule tag 937
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 751 WSADaysOfWeek tag 948
ShiftValidation tag 758 WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1092
SwapShiftEmployees tag 768 ›SupervisorData
SwapShiftJobs tag 771 PersonInformation tag 541
WSABreakRule tag 904 ›SupervisorName
WSACoreHoursRule tag 936 JobAssignmentDetails tag 277
WSAHoliday tag 983 ¸SwapShifts
WSAZone tag 1152 ProcessSchedule tag 574
WSAZone tag 1153 T
›StartWorkAfterTimeSwitch ›TakingEmployee
WSAZone tag 1153 AccrualMove tag 56
›StartWorkBeforeTime ›TakingEmployeeAccrualCodeName
WSAZone tag 1153 AccrualMove tag 57
›StartWorkBeforeTimeSwitch ›TaskAttributes
WSAZone tag 1153 ProcessTask tag 582
›State ›TaskId
PostalAddress tag 555 ProcessTask tag 583
›Status ›TaskName
Bid tag 86 ProcessTask tag 583
BidRequest tag 108 ›TaskState
Response tag 645 ProcessTask tag 583
VacationBid tag 834 ›TaskStateCode
›StopOvertimeFlag ProcessTask tag 584
PersonalOvertimeAssignment tag 516 ›TaskURL
›Street ProcessTask tag 584
PostalAddress tag 555 ›TaxableWages
›SuccessRecordCount CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tag 133
ImportBatchStatus tag 270 ›Taxes

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1243


CheckAdvice tag 124 AccessAssignment tag 34

›TaxesList ›TimeFrameDate
CheckAdvice tag 124 TimeFramePeriod tag 780
›TaxesYTD ›TimeFrameName
CheckAdviceDetailTaxes tag 133 TimeFramePeriod tag 780
›TelephoneNumbers TimeFrameName
PersonInformation tag 541 WTKEmployee tag 1196
›TemplateData ›TimeOfDay
ProcessTemplate tag 604 WSABonusDeductRule tag 895
›TemplateId ›TimePeriodDuration
ProcessTemplate tag 605 WorkHour tag 867
›TenureAmount ›TimePeriodTypeName
EmployeeTenure tag 208 ExpectedHours tag 218
›TenureAmtUnit ›TimeStamp
EmployeeTenure tag 208 Kronos_WFC tag 279
›TenureRefDateType ›TimeZoneName
EmployeeTenure tag 208 JobAssignmentDetails tag 277
›TerminalCdNum WTKEmployee tag 1199
WSAPayCode tag 1029 ›TotaledPayCodeEdits
›TerminalRuleName Timesheet tag 788
WSAEffectivePayRule tag 959 ›TotaledSpans
›Text Timesheet tag 789
BidNote tag 100 ›TotaledWorkedDurations
CustomData tag 148 Timesheet tag 789
WSAComment tag 923 ›TotalHours
›Thursday CheckAdvice tag 125
WSAAssignmentRule tag 876 ›TotalRecordCount
WSABonusDeductRule tag 895 ImportBatchStatus tag 270
WSACoreHoursRule tag 937 ›Totals
WSADaysOfWeek tag 949 DateTotals tag 153
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1092 EmployeeSummary tag 206
›Time LockedDataCorrection tag 393
CancelDeductions tag 116 PeriodTotals tag 493
Punch tag 614 TotalSummary tag 807
PunchStatus tag 618 ›TotalsUpToDateFlag
›TimeEntryId Timesheet tag 789
TimeEntry tag 778 ›TrackStart
›TimeEntryName WSAOvertimeRule tag 1018
TimeEntry tag 778 ›TransactionSequence
›TimeEntryTypeName Response tag 645

1244 Kronos Incorporated


Transaction tag 808 U

FailedXMLTransaction tag 224
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 964
ImportBatchStatus tag 270
ScheduleHours tag 686
AccessAssignment tag 34
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 715
Schedule tag 661
LeaveCase tag 314
Schedule tag 654
ScheduleHours tag 686
SchedulePayCodeEdit tag 715
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1065
LeaveCase tag 314
LeaveCase tag 312, 313, 314, 315
LeaveCase tag 318
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1066
WaitingPeriod tag 837
TransferEmployee tag 810
Schedule tag 655
WSABonusDeductRule tag 895
Schedule tag 655
WSAAssignmentRule tag 877
WSABonusDeductRule tag 896
LeaveCase tag 326
WSACoreHoursRule tag 937
WSADaysOfWeek tag 949
LeaveRuleNode tag 371
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1092
WSAAssignmentRule tag 877
BidRequest tag 109
WSAExceptionRule tag 973
WSABonusDeductRule tag 896
WSACreditCalculator tag 944
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1112
WSAOvertimeRule tag 1018
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1125
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1066
WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1142
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1066
WSAPayPeriod tag 1045
WSASequencedItem tag 1085
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1067
WSAZone tag 1154
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1067
WSAComment tag 923
WSACallInRule tag 914

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1245


WSATkTerminalRule tag 1112 ScheduleMarkPosted tag 695

›UntotaledPunches SchedulePattern tag 704
Timesheet tag 790 SchedulePeriod tag 718
›UntotaledWorkedDurations ShiftCode tag 741
Timesheet tag 790 ShiftTemplateAssignment tag 753
¸Update TransferJobSeniorityDate tag 811
AccrualMove tag 55 WorkerType tag 856
ApprovalStatus tag 68 WSAAvailabilityPatternDAP tag 882
BidGroup tag 89 WSABonusDeductRule tag 888
BidRequest tag 104 WSABreakRule tag 899
CancelDeductions tag 115 WSACallInRule tag 909
ConnectToSchedule tag 136 WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 918
Document tag 160 WSAComment tag 922
DocumentStatus tag 170 WSAContributingPayCodeRule tag 927
EarnedAccrual tag 173 WSAContributingShiftRule tag 930
EligibilityRequirement tag 190 WSACoreHoursRule tag 934
EmployeeGroupAssign tag 199 WSADisplayOrder tag 951
ImportBatchStatus tag 267 WSAExceptionRule tag 970
LaborAccount tag 283 WSAFixedRule tag 975
LaborAccountSet tag 292 WSAFunctionAccessProfile tag 978
LaborLevelEntry tag 303 WSAHoliday tag 982
LeaveCase tag 319 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 985
LeaveCategory tag 331 WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 989
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 342 WSALaborLevel tag 992
LeaveProfile tag 349 WSALaborLevelEntry tag 996
LeaveReason tag 358 WSALogonProfile tag 1000
LeaveRule tag 367 WSAMajorityRule tag 1006
LeaveType tag 381 WSAOvertimeCombination tag 1012
MarkForTotalization tag 406 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1015
OrgLocationsImport tag 442 WSAPatternTemplateDAP tag 1021
OrgSet tag 445 WSAPayCode tag 1026
Personality tag 510 WSAPayCodeDAP tag 1033
PersonCertificationAssign tag 524 WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1036
PersonShiftTemplateAssignment tag 547 WSAPayRule tag 1048
PersonSkillAssign tag 550 WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1056
ResetAccrual tag 639 WSAReportDAP tag 1069
RuleSetEmployeeAssign tag 646 WSAScheduleDeviationRule tag 1074
Schedule tag 656 WSAScheduledHoursType tag 1077
ScheduleAccrualPattern tag 666 WSAScheduleGroupDAP tag 1080
ScheduleGroup tag 678 WSASequencerRule tag 1087

1246 Kronos Incorporated


WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1090 Process tag 566

WSAShiftTemplateDAP tag 1097 ProcessTask tag 579
WSASignOffRestriction tag 1102 ProcessTemplate tag 599
WSATkTerminalRule tag 1106 WfcJob tag 842
WSAULLE tag 1114 WorkerType tag 856
WSAWageProfile tag 1117 WorkflowAccessAssignment tag 861
WSAWorkHistoryQualifierRule tag 1124 WTDGlobal tag 1178
WSAWorkRule tag 1127 WTDRule tag 1185
WSAWorkRuleDAP tag 1130 ¸updateOnly
WSAZoneCombinationRule tag 1156 ShiftStartTimeBand tag 750
WSAZoneRule tag 1163 ›URL
WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1171 MenuItem tag 411
WTDGlobal tag 1178 ›UseAllShiftsSwitch
WTDRule tag 1185 WSACreditCalculator tag 945
¸update ›UseBreakVar
ShiftStartTimeBand tag 749 WSAOvertimeRule tag 1019
¸UpdateAndLoad ›UsedBy
LaborAccount tag 284 ProcessTemplate tag 605
›Updated ›UseHighestWageSwitch
ScheduleCostSummary tag 675 WSAWageProfile tag 1118
›UpdatedDate ›User
LaborAccountSet tag 295 Menu tag 409
¸UpdateOnly ›UserAccountData
ApprovalStatus tag 68 HyperFindResult tag 265
BidGroup tag 89 User tag 818
BidRequest tag 104 ›UserAccountLockouts
Document tag 161 User tag 818
DocumentStatus tag 170 ›UserAccountStatusList
EligibilityRequirement tag 190 PersonInformation tag 542
LaborAccountSet tag 293 ›UserAccountStatusName
LaborLevelEntry tag 303 UserAccountStatus tag 827
LeaveCase tag 319 ›UserData
LeaveCategory tag 331 Personality tag 511
LeaveDocumentTemplate tag 343 ›UserKey
LeaveProfile tag 349 CurrentUser tag 145
LeaveReason tag 359 PersonIdentity tag 532
LeaveRule tag 367 ›UserName
LeaveType tag 381 ApproveSignoff tag 74
OrgSet tag 445 DataSource tag 152
Personality tag 510 Request tag 631

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1247


ShiftBuilder tag 738 ›VisibleInReport

UserAccount tag 822 WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 919
›UserOverride WSAPayCode tag 1030
LeaveRule tag 369 ›VisibleToUser
›UserPassword WSACombinedPayCodeRule tag 920
UserAccount tag 822 WSAPayCode tag 1030
WSAIntervalRoundRule tag 990 W
WSAPunchRoundRule tag 1067 ›WageAddition
›UseScheduleFlag WSAPayCode tag 1030
PersonalOvertimeRule tag 520 ›WageCalculation
WSACreditCalculator tag 945
V ›WageMultiply
›VacationPayCodeName WSAPayCode tag 1030
BidRequest tag 109 ›WagePercent
›ValidateAllNewEntriesSwitch WSACreditCalculator tag 946
WSALaborLevel tag 994 ›WageProfileId
›Value WageProfile tag 836
Attribute tag 75 ›WageProfileLLDef
SimpleValue tag 759 WSAWageProfile tag 1118
SystemSettings tag 774 ›WageProfileName
WSACombinationRule tag 916 JobAssignmentDetails tag 277
›ValueName WageProfile tag 836
WSAZoneCombinationSpecificationRule WSAWageProfileLaborLevelLinkage
tag 1159 tag 1120
›Version WSAWPWageAdjustment tag 1142
Kronos_WFC tag 280 WTKEmployee tag 1199
ProcessTemplate tag 605 ›Wages
SuiteProduct tag 764 ScheduleCostPaycode tag 671
›VestedBalanceInCurrency ›WaitingCondition
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 48 LeaveDecisionNode tag 335
›VestedBalanceInTime ›WaitingPeriodDuration
AccrualBalanceSummary tag 48 WaitingPeriod tag 838
›ViolationMessage ›Wednesday
ScheduleHoursAccrualViolation tag 688 WSAAssignmentRule tag 877
ScheduleHoursException tag 691 WSABonusDeductRule tag 896
›VisibilityCode WSACoreHoursRule tag 937
HyperFindQuery tag 263 WSADaysOfWeek tag 949
›VisibleInMainArea WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1092
WSAPayCode tag 1029 ›WeekStart

1248 Kronos Incorporated


WSABonusDeductRule tag 897 HistoricalPayCodeMove tag 251

›WfcJobDesc Punch tag 615
WfcJob tag 844 ShiftSegment tag 747
›WfcJobName TotaledScheduledWorkedDuration tag 804
WfcJob tag 845 TransferEmployee tag 810
›WfcJobNewName WorkedDuration tag 852
WfcJob tag 845 WorkRule tag 870
›WFCVersion WSAAssignmentRule tag 877
Kronos_WFC tag 280 WSACreditCalculator tag 946
›WgpPayCodes WSAEffectivePayRule tag 960
WSAWageProfile tag 1118 ›WorkRulePCDistr
WildCard WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 964
LaborLevelEntry tag 303 ›WorkRuleProfileId
Wildcard WorkRuleProfile tag 872
LaborLevelEntry tag 302 ›WorkRuleProfileName
›WorkedAveragePeriod WorkRuleProfile tag 872
WTDRule tag 1192 ›WorkRuleTransfers
›WorkerTypeElements WSAEffectivePayRule tag 960
WorkerType tag 857 ›WorkWeekLength
›WorkerTypeName WTDRule tag 1193
JobAssignmentDetails tag 278 ›WSACreditCalculator
WorkerTypeElement tag 859 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 987
›WorkHireRefDateType ›WSAEligibilityDeterminer
WorkHour tag 867 WSAHolidayCreditRule tag 987
›WorkloadPatternType ›WtdAssignmentId
EffectiveWorkload tag 179 OptOutStatusList tag 435
›WorkloadPlanType ›WtdEmployeeAssgnmntId
EffectiveWorkload tag 179 OptOutStatus tag 434
›WorkloadSpanName ›WtdRuleId
HeadcountPattern tag 235 WTDEmployeeAssignment tag 1173
›WorkloadType ›WTKEmployeeData
EffectiveWorkload tag 180 HyperFindResult tag 265
›WorkRule Personality tag 511
WSAShiftGuarantee tag 1093
›WorkRuleGeneral X
WSAEffectiveWorkRule tag 964 ›XMLRequestBeginDate
›WorkRuleName FailedXMLTransaction tag 224
AppendShifts tag 65 ›XMLRequestBeginTime
ConnectToScheduleItem tag 140 FailedXMLTransaction tag 224
HistoricalPayCodeEdit tag 243 ›XMLRequestBodyText

Workforce Central Developers Toolkit Reference Guide—Timekeeping 1249


FailedXMLTransaction tag 225

FailedXMLTransaction tag 225
FailedXMLTransaction tag 225
FailedXMLTransaction tag 226

LeaveDecisionNode tag 336
WTDRule tag 1193
WTDRule tag 1193
WTDRule tag 1194

WSAZoneRule tag 1164
WSAPayCodeDistribution tag 1037
ScheduleZone tag 734
ScheduleZone tag 734
WSAWorkRulePCDistr tag 1137
WSAPayDistributionAssociation tag 1043

1250 Kronos Incorporated

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