2013 Extra Credit Books & Videos

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1 Movies/Documentaries/Books for possible extra credit AD 104

10 possible points for each extra credit, maximum of 2 per person. If you are reading, limit yourself to 2-3 chapters of a book. Write a one-page synopsis, utilizing at least two intercultural principles we have addressed in class/text/readings or in-class videos. Give the class a short (5 minutes at the most) presentation on your paper; be sure to tell us what intercultural principles/theories it elucidates. If utilizing a video, watch the whole thing, write a 1-page synopsis, & give the 5-minute presentation. All choices below may contain graphic language, violence, etc. Black is, Black Aintfilmmaker Marlon Riggs (in PCC library) Crude (2009) Joe Berlinger's documentary explores the ongoing battle waged by 30,000 indigenous Ecuadorans and their lawyers against Chevron for dumping billions of gallons of toxic waste into the Amazon, a catastrophe dubbed the "Amazon Chernobyl." Available on Netflix streaming video and through the Summit system (interlibrary loan). Counseling the Culturally Diverse, 6th Edition, Chapter 3, Multicultural Counseling Competence for Minority Group Counselors/Therapists Culturally Alert Counseling: series of 6 DVDs (in PCC library) (only one of these can be used for extra credit) Gay affirmative counseling: a training video (85 min., c2005) Key practices in culturally alert counseling: a demonstration of skills (61 min., c2007) Work with an African American client (29 min., c2008) Work with an Asian client (20 min., c2008) Work with a Latino/Latina couple (20 min., c2008) Work with a religiously conservative client (17 min., c2008) Do the Right Thingone day in Bensonhurst, New York. A Spike Lee film (in PCC library) El Nortea brother & sister emigrate from Central America to the U.S. (in PCC library) Endgame: HIV in Black America (Available on PBS Frontline website). Details how the disease has devastated this population and how government and churches have both aided in its spread and helped those suffering from it. Goin' Back to T-TownThe American Experience series, Public Broadcastinglargely oral history from people who lived in the black section of Tulsa, Oklahoma before it was burned by a racist mob. (YouTube) Incident at Oglala1975 Wounded Knee incident-largely oral history (in PCC library) Jungle Feverabout African American & white relationships. A Spike Lee film. (Netflix DVD) La Cosecha/The Harvest (2011)Story of three U.S. children who are agricultural workers. (Netflix streaming, also available on DVD). Older than AmericaMental health, boarding school system, current politics; largely Native actors/producers (YouTube) The Other Conquestabout the cultural and spiritual colonization of Mexican Indigenous people during the Spanish invasion. Bewareit is very violent, with both blood and sexual violence. The Other Conquest broke box-office records upon its 1999 release in Mexico, enjoying the biggest opening weekend of any Mexican film in history on its home turf" (The New York Times). In the summer of 2007, the film was re-released in select cities across the United States. Available on Netflix download, in Spanish and Nahuatl with English subtitles, also on DVD. Detailed information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_Conquest A shortcomingshows Aztec sacrifice but not the public human sacrifices going on in Europe at the same time.

Where the Spirit LivesNative Canadian boarding school system When Worlds CollideMestizo culture: Latino journalist provides an excellent and enjoyable analysis of the synthesis of cultural influences in Latin America. (in PCC library) Books A different mirror: A history of multicultural America 1492-present by Howard Zinn (in PCC library) Biological Exuberance by Bruce Bagehmil details information concealed by scientists on widespread same-sex behavior in animals (in PCC library) Black & White: Styles in Conflict Thomas Kochman (in PCC library) Healing the Soul Wound: Counseling with American Indians and other Native Peoples Eduardo Duran, Ph.D. (in PCC library) Chemical Dependency & the African AmericanPeter Bell (in PCC library) Faces at the Bottom of the WellDerrick Bell (in PCC library) God is RedVine Deloria (in PCC library) Intercultural Marriage--Dugan Romano (in PCC library) Medical Apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on black Americans from colonial times to the present (in PCC library) Also has information on other groups who were/are experimental subjects The name of war: King Philip's War and the origins of American identity by Jill Lepore. Puritan war against Massachusetts natives (in PCC library) Lies my Teacher Told Me: Everything your American history textbook got wrong, by James W Loewen (in PCC library) New York burning: liberty, slavery, and conspiracy in eighteenth-century Manhattan by Jill Lepore (in PCC library) Racism without racists: Color-blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in the United States By Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (in PCC library) Racially Mixed People in America by Maria P.P. Root (in PCC library) Strangers from a Different Shore Ronald Takaki Using narrative history, personal recollection, & oral testimony, the author presents a sweeping history of Asian Americans. He writes of the Chinese who laid tracks for the transcontinental railroad, of plantation laborers in the canfields of Hawaii, of "picture brides" marrying strangers, of Japanese Americans in U.S. concentration camps during World War II, Hmong refugees tragically unable to adjust to Wisconsin's alien climate & culture, & Asian American students stigmatized by the stereotype of the "model minority." Ronald Takaki In PCC library) A people's history of the United States:

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