SA SA BASSAC - Parsons Media Release 13 Jan 2013 PDF

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#18 (upstairs) Sothearos Boulevard PO Box 2181 Phnom Penh 3, Cambodia

+855 (0)17 774 864

SA SA BASSAC is pleased to announce two events in collaboration with visiting students and professors from New York Citys Parsons The New School for Design. These events investigate the idea of Phnom Penh as a Living Arts City. Living Arts City, a workshop Public Presentation - Friday 18 January, 5-7pm Urban Interventions, an exhibition Public View - January 15-18, 10-6pm

Living Arts City, a Workshop

January 14-18: student workshop January 18, 5-7pm: public presentation

Left: White Building Schizoanalysis,

fromTheory of Urban Form

Living Arts City, A Workshop is a collaboration between SA SA BASSAC and the Urban Design BS Program at Parsons The New School for Design. It is also part of Living Arts City a multi-course practicum which links multiple courses and events at The New School to provide an intellectual context for Season of Cambodia, a major international arts festival taking place in New York City throughout April and May of 2013. Participants in Living Arts City Workshop will conduct five days of fieldwork structured through the exact urban sites of the artwork of selected Phnom Penh artists. Learning from an experience of walking and documenting a site with a guide, meeting people, and taking time to understand a given situation, students will then reflect and expand on the themes and practices of art making explored by the artists. Learning from Cambodia artists, this workshop will ask the following questions: How can innovative community-based practices in arts and education that elude rational notions of urban governance participate in the transitions of post-crisis cities? How can we as design students facilitate Cambodian design students, artists and other urban actors to foreground the operation and production of the informal cultural ecologies in Cambodia? Where else do we see this happening in other parts of the world? For example how can both Phnom Penh and New York be sustained as a living arts cities?

#18 (upstairs) Sothearos Boulevard PO Box 2181 Phnom Penh 3, Cambodia

+855 (0)17 774 864

Living Arts City, A Workshop from January 14th-18th 2013 includes students from Parsons The New School for Design, New York, Chulalongkorn University International Program for Design and Architecture, Bangkok and Royal University of Fine Arts, RUFA, Phnom Penh. It is coordinated by Victoria Marshall and Brian McGrath, with teaching fellows, Joshua Brandt and Jonathan Lapalme.

Urban Interventions, an exhibition

January 15-18, 10-6pm

(Above: image by Lindsey Devers)

The exhibit consists of student outcomes from the Parsons The New School For Design studio course, Urban Interventions. In this course, students developed thematically linking interventions based off their research of Phnom Penh visiting artists as part of the Living Arts City in association with the Season of Cambodia, NYC, resulting socially engaged art and design. Projects ranged from the static object to spontaneous interventions. Urban Interventions are inherently playful and accessible to anyone as both art and design, yet perhaps its biggest impact is that of surprise and generosity. This now global practice boldly attempts to apply an additional layer to the urban landscape, a total use, a ply that suggests that there is a more complete relationship to be had with the consuming public as the maker and the user. In this studio, students investigated possibilities of using the means and methods of public art and street art in order to make alienated places personal and impersonal spaces thoughtful. In Stages, students conceived, prepared and disseminated built or performed works that are accessible and integrated into NYC neighborhoods. Urban Interventions explored both the history and practical methodologies of contemporary public art and street art with an emphasis placed on public interventions that serve as communal ruptures into utilitarian urban environments. Students had to ask themselves how would their interests and focus translate into the public sphere? Through research and art/design responses, student developed a critical understanding of the visual landscape and the role social agency plays in the complex processes of urban transformation.


#18 (upstairs) Sothearos Boulevard PO Box 2181 Phnom Penh 3, Cambodia

+855 (0)17 774 864


About SA SA BASSAC SA SA BASSAC is a gallery and resource center dedicated to creating, facilitating, producing, and sharing contemporary visual culture in and from Cambodia. About New York Citys Parsons The New School for Design A pioneer in art and design education since its founding in 1896, Parsons has cultivated outstanding artists, designers, scholars, businesspeople, and community leaders for more than a century. Today, when design thinking is increasingly being employed to solve complex global problems, Parsons is leading new approaches to art and design education. Participating Artists From Cambodia: KhvaySamnang, Lim Sokchanlina, SvaySareth, Than Sok, VandyRattana From Parsons: Rosy Chayo, Lindsey Devers, Ian Gardiner, Nicholas Kleist, Monica Lee, Laura Moen, Mohammed Sardar, Madison Stirling, Melissa Trevens, Zoe Yates Location #18 2nd floor, Sothearos Boulevard, Phnom Penh, Cambodia Website Contact Erin Gleeson Artistic Director, SA SA BASSAC 012 507 917


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