Illinois State Bill Would Ravage Tenant Law, Alderman David Orr Says

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State _ would, ravage bill tenant law, aldermen say

Tim Carpenter, a representative of Strong Several Chicago aldermen and theMetropolitan Tenants Organizacommunity activist groups charged tion, 'said the proposed legislation Monday that real estate interests would "see to it that tenants have backed a move in Springfield seeking repairs or restoration of esto pass legislation to weaken the sential services would orice again city's tenants rights ordinance and have to depend on the good will of similar laws in 15 other communi- the landlord or else move out." Orr said that under the proposed ties. . Legislation sponsored by Rep. -Iaw landlords could waive their. reLarry W. Hicks (D., Mt. Vernon) sponsibility to' make repairs, could would effectively pre-empt home- remove the tenant's right to rule powers and prevent tenants withhold rents if a landlord fails to under from withhol- keep premises' "fit and habitable" ding rents or deducting repair bills, ~~~ ;~;~en'~g~~ym~~~u;~e~h~t all the opponents said. "If a tenant has a problem with a In an attack on the Springfield real estate; lobby, Ald. David Orr lack of heat in the winter, the ten(49th), chief sponsor of the Chicago ant and landlord would be required ordinance, said; "After losing in to give-each other a total of five every other arena, they have turned separate notices at specified times . to the state legislature in a last- before the tenant could take action. ditch, l attempt to scuttle A more complicated and unworkable procedure could hardly be imagour ordinance. "With a coalition of Downstate ined," Orr said. .and suburban legislators,they would r Joining' in opposition to the erase a Chicago ordinance which measure in the state legislaturewere was enacted by a near-unanimous Ald., Danny Davis (29th), Ald. 42-4 vote of my colleagues in the Helen Shiller (46th) and Ald. Ann City Council." Rainey of Evanston. Evanston and At a City Hall press conference.,_ Chicago are among the 16 commu-

ey James

Ald. David Orr

nities with tenant-landlord codes. Davis said the group will urge Chicago area members' of the General Assembly to block the legislation. . - "The Chicago ordinance is the most progressivepiece of legislation ever passed by the City Council and we will not stand by and allow it to be destroyed," Davis said. The measure has passed second reading in the Illinois House and Orr said he feared that without community protest a final adverse vote could occur this week.

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