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Northeastern University 3-d tools Sections 1,2,3,4 Room# Ryder411, 301 Various Times and days 1 credit Instructor:

Benjamin Caras. Office hours 10 min before and after class. (put 3-D tools class in the subject line)
Course content: In this lab we will be learning digital tools and process associated with 3-D design and the production of sculpture. The course exposes students to 3 dimensional design processes, techniques and output through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on assignments. We will be exploring Google Sketchup, Photoshop, Corel draw, and using a CNC laser-cutting machine to produce objects. The course emphasizes digital design using 3-D CAD, digital output of designed objects, and utilizing the software for the presentation of ideas. This is a companion lab to 3-d foundations and some work will overlap. Prerequisites: 3-D Foundations (most of you are taking 3-D foundations this semester. If you have already taken it or havent yet then see me after class) Homework: Homework will be due each week. Critiques, lectures, and demonstrations will dominate our weekly classes and there will be limited time for in-class work. Projects will be presented on date due to receive full credit. No late work is accepted. Attendance: Attendance is required. Absences and lateness will affect your grade. Arriving late or leaving early will be perceived as signs of lack of interest or lack of respect for your colleagues and instructors. It is your responsibility to seek out missed assignments. If you must be absent (documented excuse) please contact me at the email above. No incomplete will be given except in a case of incapacitation or other extraordinary circumstances. Three unexcused absences will result in automatic failure of the course regardless of any work completed during the quarter. Grading: Projects will be critiqued each week. Mid-term grades will be given - time permitting. Percentage of grade assigned to each part of the course is as follows; 40% execution of projects, 50% for the final project, and 10% for class participation and your ability to work effectively. Grading criteria is based on: Developing strong computer skills, understanding of assignments, quality of ideas and execution, ability to utilize new techniques and tools, exploration and originality, participation, attendance, attitude, personal growth. Requirements: Download and install the free version of Google Sketchup on your own PC at home for homework. Get a USB memory stick/drive if you dont already have one. Readings and video tutorials TBA

Homework first week: Due next week Install Sketchup on your own computer (Version 8) be sure to set it to engineering (feet and inches) as it starts up Watch these videos on Youtube:* Google Sketchup tutorial 1 the basic tools. Posted by andrefritz Getting started with Google Sketchup. Posted by SketchUpVideo
Using Components, Download a nice tree and design a treehouse for yourself. You can use all kinds of components to properly appoint your space. *These are the required videos but I encourage you to watch a whole bunch of them. There are so many videos of cool projects Im sure youll find something interesting.

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