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Newsletter No.

1 January 2013

Head Boy/Head Girl and Assistants. It has been an exciting and busy time for the Head Boy, Head Girl and Assistants. They have represented the college at a number of key events this term including open evening and the Macmillan Tea Party. They continue with their busy schedule with a number of other events happening this term including the Christmas hamper collection, Christmas Bazaar and OAP Christmas Party. Bryon Neary (Head Boy) and Suzie Flohr (Head Girl) have been bringing their artistic skills together by designing a poster to display the college priorities. They were requested by the principal, Mrs Wilkie to undertake this project. Their work was a great success and this poster is now displayed around the college for all to see.

(C4L) meeting Climate for Learning bassadors have been er of the the C4L Am A numb ported by the school and were sup ever y Thursday after Ambassadors have Charlotte Larkin. The Assistant Head Girl to ensure that ssrooms in the college naged to audit all cla ma d and 35 e results were analyse ssroom has a clock. Th d. The ever y cla now been distribute ordered and have clocks were C4L exchange visit o been involved in a Ambassadors have als e Ambassadors chnology College. Th th Wheelers Lane Te wi on Monday visited Cockshut Hill heelers Lane School from W ou r C4 L t tw o ho ur s wi th ve mb er an d sp en 26 th No imate for Learning' g the meaning of 'Cl Ambassadors explorin develop it in our anding of how we d having an underst an rs Lane on dors visited Wheele . Our C4L Ambassa their College plore the school and 28th November to ex Wednesday Climate for Learning.

Parent Partnership. This term the Parent Partnership group have helped to plan the content for the Parents Reection Meeting, which took place on 27th November in Warwick Hall. We have also looked at how to help parents to access the Parent View website during events.

The Stud ent Supp ort team who have is a grou be p of Am college. M en trained to me bassadors ntor othe entoring r students training h by the S in the as been amaritans. given to Mentees basis in S the team are meeti tratford a n g on a nd positiv from all st weekly e feedba udents wh ck has be o have ac are curre en given cessed th ntly rece e service. iving tra sessions, Students inin including sessions fo g to lead small r bullies a group nd victims.

SALPS This term the SALPS have spent time thinking about their vision, we eventually decided on To work together to improve learning at Cockshut Hill so that students and teachers can all feel proud of their achievements, and we look forward to putting this into practise over the coming months. We have also written our improvement plan and developed our skills observing the learning in lessons. We have planned our contribution to the Christmas Bazaar and are looking forward to running a Cake Stall, making a positive contribution to this community event. We have also visited South Bromsgrove School where we participated in a Learning Conference. It was a great opportunity to work with pupils from other schools and develop our enterprise and team work skills. Next half term we are planning to further observe learning in lessons and make a video for teaching staff on Teaching and Learning across the college.

Students Leading Change

Students Leading Change. Our group of Ambassadors are ives for Cockshut Hill and We are proud to be representat models for our peers and are focussed on being good role within the community. What for spreading this good example urs think of us is important so our local area and our neighbo relationships and setting we are committed to improving help out at future events good standards. We intend to hampers, the Christmas including giving out Christmas istm as par ty. As wel l as Baz aar, and the OA P Chr donate generously to the encouraging form members to per from our Ambassadors hampers we are creating a ham cause. At our meetings we group too to give to this wor thy ideas to improve specic are currently coming up with . These include maintenance elements of life at Cockshut Hill school, alternatives to "off and upkeep of facilities at themes, and improving curriculum" days/ extended form relationships with our neighbours.


The BIG event so far this term has been the MacMillan Tea party. We held this after school for staff, students and members of the local community. It involved a number of stalls including a rafe, tombola, book stall, bric-abrac, hot dogs, henna tattoos and of course tea and cake! We raised a fantastic 379.35 for this very worthwhile charity cause. As part of this day, the community team were involved in an exchange day with Wheelers Lane School. We visited the school to help out and see how they run their tea party. Ambassadors from Wheelers Lane then came back to Cockshut Hill to see our tea party and help us out. Exciting times lie ahead for the Community Ambassador Team as we have a number of events coming up this term. They include: Christmas hamper collection and delivery in the local community, the Christmas Bazaar and the OAP Christmas party.

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