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tamu aleksandar pominal del od svoeto detstvo,i sega sekoja godina tamu kako i po celata planina se
organiziraat Prosetki vo cest na Aleksandar Makedonski

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Toj grad e gradot MORODVIZON,e tamu vo hramot se pronajdeni skeletite na Cuvarite na

Aleksandar,a na vrvot na planinata ima 3 potoci,koi se soedinuvaat vo eden,i toa e rekata
Zrnovka,koja mine niz seloto Zrnovci,za taa reka se zbori deka bila spored 2 prednaie,sto go kazuvas
ti. Taa reka nekolku pati e proglasena za najcista reka vo makedonija i imaat kazuvano deka bila
aleksandrova reka.Ima edno mesto,Branata go vikaat,tamu e toj Davicev vir,tamu e pronajdena para
na koja od ednata strana e likot na Aleksandar,a od drugata strana stitot na makedonija.Ne mozam
da ti kazam mnogu zatoa sto toa go imam videno od odamna,a go ima vo tie cd-a sto treba da gi
dobijam,koga ke gi dobijam ke gi objavam na forumov i taka ke znaete za sto vi zboruvam,a za gradot
Morodvizon,tamu ima pronajdeno mnogu anticki raboti,sega letoto pronajden e Zlaten Konj,koj e
visok 2m i e od cisto zlato,toa go pronasle edni arheolozi od Amerika koi od nivni interes trazele so
Aparati za Stari raboti,i koga go pronasle konjot (zosto ne mozele da go izvadat,prijavile vo muzejot
na grad Skopje)i go izvadile Konjot od Zemja,i prodolzija da iskopuvaat tamu,no kako i na sekade vo
makedonija taka i tamu,tie iskopuvanja se sopreni,a gradot bil eden od najgolemite gradovi vo
anticka makedonija.Isto taka ova leto e pronajden i prsten izgraviran na nego stitot na makedonija.

Dechki ima ushte neshto !!!

1. Vo deneshen "Dnevnik", ima edno pismo nasloveno so - " Argumentite ni se na dofat ".

...Pishuva vo pravec na raspravata shto ja vodite , kazuva (ochigledno nekoe struchno lice arheolog), no ja nemal hrabrosta da se potpishe a razbiram i zoshto po ona shto go napishal,

...I toj kazuva shto se Makedonskata zemja sosdrzi osobeno vo - Mariovsko- mesnost " Visoka porta
" kade e "izgubenata" Makedonska prestolnina na - Pelagonidite...

...Kaj s. Bonche, pred nekoe vreme e pronajdena staromakedonska grobnica na chlen od pochesna
garda na makedonskiot kral na Antigonidite - Demetrij...

...Na samiot vrv pak na " Visoka porta" se naoga monumentalen dvorec od kralskata dinastija na
Pelagonidite za shto potkrepa bea masovnite i fino obraboteni kameni blokovi simetrichno i skladno
gradeni vo oblik na dvorec kaj temelite i vlezot na samata porta...

... NO SHTO SO SETO OVA ?! a za shto i razocharan pishuva avtorot..

...Kako po nekoe nepishano pravilo shtom se dojde do neshto shto gi rushi site Grchki falsifikati, i
tokmu sega koga e najpotreben vakov faktichki i efektiven odgovor...SE ZASTANUVA !!!!!!!


...I vo starite arheoloshki naogalishta - Herakleja i Stobi, se raboti SAMO NA RIMSKIOT PERIOD A

...Makedonskata prestolnina na Linkestidite - Link kaj s. Bukri iako e odamna otkriena - NE SE


...Niti gradot Perseida iako e odamna lociran a podignat od Makedonskiot kral Filip V vo chest na
sina si - Perej - posledniot Makedonski kral !!!

...Da ne zboreme za nikakvite istrazuvanja na Alkomenae, Braion, Stibera, Idomenae, Gortinija,

Atalanta, Antigoneja,... SITE VO MAKEDONIJA - TUKA a nishto ne se chepka !!!

...I za kochijata , prashuvam - SHTO SEGA I KOJ RABOTI POVEKE TAMU ?!

...Samo mal del od seto ova da se raschepka i ...


..Namesto vo imeto na - "Nenalutuvanje na Grcite " ( samo za aerodromot i statuite pred vlada Shto
napravija , pa se plashat nashive za ova koj znae shto li ke prevzemat) vo pregovorive , Da ne
chepkame nishto po ona , shto patem recheno e - NASHE ?!..

...Prashuvam - KOJ NI GO TOA PRAVI , Gospodo ?!

Pozdrav !

Publication Data:

Koneska. Elizabeta, Copper-made Objects in the Balkan Countries. EJOS. IV (2001)

(= M. Kiel. N. Landman & H. Theunissen (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of
Turkish Art, Utrecht - The Netherlands, August 23-28, ]999),No.27. 1-13.

ISSN 0928-6802

C Copyright 2001 Elizabeta Koneska.

Throughout history, due to its central geo-strategic position on the Balkan peninsula. Macedonia has
alx\ ays been a very attractive and interesting area.

The culture of the Ottoman Turks is one of the many cultures and civilizations that have left
impressive traces on the entire life of the people inhabiting this region.

The Ottoman Turks ruled the territory of Macedonia from the late 14th century till 1912.

They represented a significant part of the local. mainly urban population.

After the initial conquests that lasted for one century.

Macedonia became a strategic border region from which all the other Balkan and European
conquests were staged After the conquest of Skopje in 1392. this city became a significant military
and later on economic and cultural centre in Rumelia.

The implantation of the social, economic and cultural structures of the Ottoman Turks into the nex iv
conquered and populated regions was rather fast because of the already existing and firmly
incorporated medieval system.

Ready to accept everything that seemed practical and useful from this established system, the
Ottomans themselves, according to the already established routine, contributed to many aspects of
the social, economic and cultural life.

Such was the case with the crafts. The important position of the crafts in the economy of the
Ottoman Empire was established very soon in the towns of Rumelia. The existing crafts were
developed and advanced and many new crafts were introduced. In the beginning, most of the crafts

* Dr Elizabeta Koneska, Museum of Macedoma, Skopje

1 Joseph von Hammer, His torija tztrskog osrnanskog cars tva, I, Zagreb 1979, 62-79

2 Lidija Kumbaradi Bogoevi, Osmanski spornenici vo Skopje, Skopje 1998

Aleksandar Stojanovski, , Kon praanjeto za hnstijarnte spahn vo Makedornja, GLVI, 4,

Skopje 1960, 314-316. Idem, Gradovite vo Alakedonija od 14 do 17 vek, Dernografski

proittivana, Skopje 1981

David Talbot Rice, Islarnska Urnetnost, Beograd 1968. Smail Tthi, Islarnska nrnjetnost

na titi Jitgoslavije, Svjet islama, Beograd 1979, 313 supported militar needs, but soon there were
crafts that produced products that supported the newly created living conditions.

Metal work

A typical example is the development of the metal work. In the medieval period they were united
under the same name - goldsmiths. The goldsmiths ere well organized and held a respectable
position v ithin the state.

In medieval times, their well-defined status was regulated by the famous Dusans Law Book, dating
back to 1349.6

After the Ottoman conquests, the goldsmiths were divided into various metal orking crafts some of
which contributed to the state and militar needs (gunsmiths and cutlers, blacksmiths. minters, bell
casters). while the others catered to the needs of the common folk (silversmiths. tinsmiths and

The obj ects produced by the crafts mentioned above had, in addition to their utilitarian role, an
important artistic component appropriate to the time and place of production and use of the
objects. Such combination of craft and artistic elements can also be seen in the copper-made objects
and vessels that are the products of the coppersmiths.

Copper-made objects, as well as some wooden objects and textiles belonged to the standard
household inventory in the urban houses of the Ottoman period.8 As with the other objects. the
copper-vessels went through different phases from their first appearance to their development,
transformation and gradual extinction, in accordance with the traditional, historical, economic,
social, cultural and artistic craft circumstances.

As part of the interior inventor of the house, copper-made vessels followed the evolution and
development of the house concepts in this region. The transformation that the urban household was
undergoing in Rumelia during certain periods, from the 15th to the 18th century, and also from the
middle of the 1 th to the first decades of the 20th century9, could also be seen in the household
inventory, i.e. in the copper-made objects.

The Hamdija Kreevljakovi, Esnafi i obrti u Bosni 1 Hercegovmi, (1462-1878), Zbornikza

narodni ivot i obiaje junih Slovena, XXX, 1, Zagreb 1935, 55-178. Duanka opova,

Makedonija vo 16i 17 vek, Dokitmenti od carigradskite arhivi, (155 7-] 648), Skopje 1955.

6 Konstantin Jiriek, Istorija Srba, I, Beograd 1922, 40-48

Bojana Radojkovi, Srpsko Zlatarsivo 16 i 17 veka, Novi Sad 1966, 154. Mirjana Ljubinkovi
Corovi, Metal srednovekovm, Istorija prirnenjene itmetnosti kod Srba, Beograd 1977, 71.
Ourgica Petrovi, Tetovski Pukari, Rad 7 Kongresa folk/orista, Ohrid 1964, 117-120. Idem,
Oruje, Istorija primenjene itnietnosti kod Srba, Beograd 1977, 123

8 Verena Han, Putevima narodne tradicije od srednovjekovnih fresaka do folklornih

ornamenata, Zbornik vetozar Radojt, Beograd 1969, 391-398. Jasemin Nazim, Woolen
household covers in Turkish documents from Macedonia, J Mi//et/erarasi Turk halk ku/turn
kongresi, Maddi ku/fur seksijon bi/diri/eri, Ankara 1997, 298-302

Aneta Svetieva, Rezbareni tavani, do/api i vrati vo Makedonija, Skopje 1992

introduction of more sophisticated buildings with interiors furnished with objects of higher aesthetic
values coincides with the period from the end of the 17th until the beginning of the 19th century. a
period of most sophisticated copper-made objects in Macedonia.

In the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century, under the influence of
the rapid changes in social, political and economic life, and increasing western European influence,
the power and authority of the Ottoman empire was weakened, and its inability to adjust or
participate in the newly created conditions becomes visible. This contributed to the shrinking of the
borders of the empire so that its western parts v ere reduced mainly to the central and slightly
estern region of the Balkans. with Macedonia at its centre.

This process created changes in the etlmic and social structures, and led to a rapid slavization of the
towns. Changes in the social and material culture, as well as in the crafts, representing an important
economic branch, were also evident.

Until the first decades of the 20th century, the coppersmiths were craftsmen of importance in

The first evidence for the existence of coppersmiths in the Balkan countries is found in the city of
Skopje in the 15th century. This implicates that the city, in addition to being a militar and political
centre, as also functioning as an economic and trade centre, with the coppersmiths acknowledged as
one of the most important craftsmen.

The collection of the Museum of Macedonia

In 1454 the coppersmiths in the Balkan countries were registered for the first time in Skopje.2.
With the 550 years old tradition of the existence of the craft in Skopje. it is not a coincidence that
today the Museum of Macedonia has one of the richest collection of copper made objects in the
Balkans. We reached this conclusion by visiting collections, depots. or exhibition facilities in several
centres in Macedonia and across the Balkan

13 . .

countnes. Turkish experts value the objects as being of the highest qualth and assign them the
epithet Bosnian workmanship.14

10 Norman Itzkoitz, Osmansko carstvo, Svjet is/ama, Beograd 1979, 285. Vuk Vinaver,
Dubrovnik i Turska u 18 veku, SAXU, Beograd 1960

B Panov, G Palikrueva, M Apostoiski, Etnogeneza na makedonskiot narod,

Etnologija na Makedoncite, MAV , Skopje 1996, 20-25

12 Mustafa Karamehmedovi, i rnetnika obrada rneta/a ii Bosni i Hercegovini, Sarajevo


In the Republic of Turkey, in the ethnographic museums in Arkara, Konya and Izmir, in

Istanbul in the Topkapi Palace Museum and in the Museum of Turkish and Islamic Art, and in the
collection of the Sadberg Hanim Museum. In Yugoslavia, in Serbia, in the Ethnographic Museum and
the Museum for Applied Art in Belgrade. In Bulgaria in the

The collection of metal household objects from the Department of Ethnology at the Museum of
Macedonia. consists of more than one thousand vessels and objects. The objects are classified
according their usage. and within that, according their shape and decorations.

According their shape, which is derived from their usage. they can be grouped into flat, shallow,
medium depth and deep containers.

According to the decorations they are grouped into objects that are richly decorated across the
whole surface: obj ects with fragmented decor. objects with specific ornaments or bordering: and
the ones decorated only with an inscription.

The most important classification of the copper-made objects is according to their use. On this basis,
they are grouped into four categories:

1) household utensils. 2) objects for personal hygiene, 3) objects with sacral use, and 4) objects used
in trade and crafts.

1) Household utensils are divided into four subgroups: cooking utensils, dinner (table) ware,
containers for liquids, and heating, lighting and decorative obj ects.

Many cooking utensils were used for boiling, roasting or frying solid or liquid types of food. They are
different in size and shape and their decoration is modest or non-existent. The following objects are
included in this category: lencere (saucepan). kolle (kettle) (Figure 1). araniya (large boiler with
handles). grne (pot). lava (frying pan), tepslya (small tray), sahan (large dish with lid). tsedalka
(strainer), and maslarche (oil container).

There is a greater variety among the dishes for serving meals. In addition to the size and look the
serving dishes are different from the others in their sophisticated shapes and rich decorations. Some
classified containers for serving meals are: siniya (round metal tray) (Figure 5 and 6), sahan (large
food dish), labia (circular or oval tray). kase (bowl) (Figure 2). se/er las (traveling food box with
several metal dishes fastened together) (Figure 3). sugar and coffee boxes. boxes for transporting
food. and ladles.

Liquid containers, significantly differ from the others in their shape or depth. In this group of
containers are included: gum (vessel for ater with a long handle). ibrik (narrow necked vessel with a
spout) (Figure 4). cups. gezve (coffee pot). zarf (cup holder). karla (wine flask), kazan (cauldron).

National Museum in Sofia. In the museums in cities across Macedonia. Lamija

Hasanefendi, Pnlog upoznavanju umetrnke obrade bakra u Bosni i Hercegovini, Prilozi

za orijentalnitfilologiju, 28-29, Sarajevo 1978/9, 401. Karamehmedovi, Urnetnika, 201,

311. Anastas Primovski, Mednikarsivoto v rodopskata oblast, Sofia 1955, 139. E Peteva,

Metalieski sadove, Sofia 1939, 139-181. Oktay Belli, Gundag Kayaoglu, Anadohida Turk

Bakzrcihk8anatinin Gelicirni, Istanbul 1993. 91, 136, 192

14 Elizabeta Koneska, Geometriska ornamentika kaj metalnite pokuninski predmeti vo

Makedomja, Makedonski folk/or, 48, Skopje 1991, 325

In the group of household utensils are also included objects for heating as man gal (brazier) and obj
ects for lighting shandan (chandelier) and fener (lantern): vases. ashtrays and various boxes are just
a few of the decorative obj ects.

2) Some of the containers that were mainly used for maintaining personal hygiene are: kazan (boiler
for heating water). amam las (bowl for throwing water used in Turkish baths). legen (basin), soap

3) The objects made for sacral use, different in size, shape or application, have been used in religious
buildings - churches and mosques - and in private homes. This group includes: kandilo (oil lamp).
krlalnik (font). kadelnica- buhurdar (censer). sveknik (chandelier). saan-diskus (large round tray).
na,frnica (wafer box). pulir (chalice), and some smaller cups.

4) In the group of copper-made objects that have their application as craft tools or in trade are
included: brandy still, plates for measuring scales, tool boxes, pots. trays, boilers, cauldrons etc.

How old the copper vessels are is generally determined by the techniques of production, the
decoration, shapes of the objects. date on the object (the number of dated vessels is negligible), also
according to the evaluation of conditions of the historic, economic and craft circumstances. and very
rarely according to the usage of the objects.5

Most of the objects in the collection, according to our current estimates, are historically located
from the middle or the end of the 17th to the middle of the 20th century. Most of the obj ects were
locally produced in fe important coppersmith centres in Macedonia (Skopje. Pnlep, Stip, Kruevo,
Strumica, Ohnd) less are brought from other centres (Bosnia, Turkey, or some Middle-Eastern

Copper made objects and their socialfunctions

During a longer period of time, in addition to functional or decorative purpose of the copper objects
in the interiors of the households. the ownership of certain number of copper-made obj ects in the
households was an indicator of prestige and wealth.

We have found such copper-made objects noted in several Turkish published documents from the
Ottoman period in Macedonia. These objects were noted in 13 documents, two vaki/hames from
1570, (documents which establish pious foundations of Turkish dignitaries), 11 sicils (judicial records)
from 1607 until 1642. and from 1800 until 1839. From these documents we learn that copper

objects and kilims were the only movable household inventory that as listed in the inheritance lists.
In addition to the facts about the ownership, from these documents we also learn about the


Elizabeta Koneska, Sadovi od bakar vo Makedonija, Skopie 2000

types and variety of the copperware. the value of each individual object. as well as the number of
objects owned by a household. We also learn of their use in both sacral and profane public
buildings.6 It is important to note that in the society copper objects received the same treatment
as other highly valued inherited property. Even though the available documents do not allow us to
trace the development of the copperware in a continuum, we can still note that in the period from
the 17th to the 19th century the number of copperware in a household was gradually increasing.
There are also changes in their usage. a number of vessels with various functions appear, while there
are no significant changes in their value.

In the 17th century copper vessels are listed as household inventory mainly with Muslim aristocratic
families, and it is only in the 19th century that they begin to appear in some wealthier Christian
families.7 In this period copper objects are considered to be a sign of social prestige, a symbol of
status of the higher social class, in the beginning only within the Muslims. and later within the
Christian wealthy families.

The ethnic structure of the coppersmiths in Macedonia from the 17th to the 19th century
influenced, among other things, the decoration of the copper objects. For example. following the
transformation of the decoration on the most richly decorated flat copper objects, that is the sinis
(round trays), we can determine when and where they were produced.8

In the Balkans, where you can single out specific decorations of copper objects (in this case the sims)
in different centres in Bosnia, Bulgaria and Turkey, a specific Macedonian decoration from the end of
the 18th and beginning of the 19th century can also be singled out.

This decoration that we single out as Macedonian is rich with floral ornaments geometrically
arranged in circles. and has a reduced composition with changed ornaments compared with earlier
sWles. The composition of this decoration is dominated by a central ornament that is surrounded by
several decorated concentric bands, middle band void of decorations, and several trimmings from
the central motif are repeated on the widest outer band of the sini. This tpe of decoration is very
similar to the decoration

16 Turski dokumenti za istorijata na makedonskiot narod, I, Skopje 1963, 102. Titrski, ITT,

Skopje 1969, 123-124. Titrski, TV, Skopje 1972, 43-44. Turski, V. Skopje 1995, 55, 123.

Turski dokitmenti za makedonskata istorija, I, 1800-1803, TNT, Skopje 1951, 94-98. Turski

dokitmenti, TT, 1803-1808, TM, Skopje 1959, 17. Turski dokumenti, TTT, 1809-1817, TNT,

Skopje 1955, 87. Tiirski dokitmenti, TV, 1818-1827, TM, Skopje 1957, 9, 37, 76, 90

1 Elizabeta Koneska, Bakarmte sadovi vo turskite dokumenti, Symposium for Turkish

culture as a part of the 8-th Festival ofspringfestivites, Valandovo 1999, in print

18 Elizabeta Koneska, Balkan Ulkelerinde Duz Bakir Kaplarda Susleme, J Mi/let/er

Arasi Turk Ha/k Ku/turu Kongresi, Ankara 1997, 266 - 272 Tdem, published in

Macedoman as Dekoracija kaj bakarnite sadovi vo nekoi balkanski centri, Ba/kanika, 19-

21, Skopje 1997, 113-126

which is found on jewellerv9 made in this region from that period, as well as on some wooden
objects, particularly on wood-carved objects.2

The inception of this local decoration on the copper-made objects is overlapping with the period of
the appearance of higher social strata among the Christian population, for whom the sinis with this
Ppe of decoration were probably made. In the museum collection, the oldest dated sini ornamented
ith this type of decoration, is from 1799 originating from the famous coppersmiths centre in
Macedonia - Prilep: the t o names inscribed on the objects (Natza is probably the name of the user
and owner of the container, and Petar is likely to be the name of craftsman). are Christian Orthodox

Marjana Gui, Turna iz1oene grade, Etnografski Muzej Zagreb, Zagreb 1955, 176- 178

20 Svetieva Re7harern 5 2 Verena Han ( )n entalni predm eti u renesan snom Dubrovniku

Orijentalni Institut ii Sarajevu, VT-Vu, 1956/57. 115-135

October 20, 2009 | Author zmajstorski

T 22-
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65 60 ,
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270 250 4,5
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Koristena literatura ,, Anticki gradovi vo R. Makedonija,, Ivan Mikulcik 1999 Skopje.


Aleksandar makedonski 06.07.2008, 10:46


Vo 356 BC godina koga e roden Aleksandar Veliki vo Evropa imalo samo 5 milioni luge.Edinstveni beli
luge vo Evropa bile Antickite Sloveni.Grcite ne bile beli luge zasto doagat od Fenikija i Egipet.Koi bile
Antickite Makedonci.Dokazano e od ruski i slovacki naucnici deka Antickite Makedonci i starite

Rimjani poteknuvaat od Venetite.Venetite bile prastari Sloveni koi osnovale mnogu nacii vo
evropa.Ne e tocno deka starite Sloveni ziveele samo zad Karpatite.Starite Sloveni se vsusnost prvite
beli luge vo svetot i se znae deka belite luge doagat edinstveno od Evropa.20 iljadi godini pred
Hristos Evropa bila prekriena so led.Koga ledot se stopil belite luge koi ziveele severno od Izrael
,znaci juzno od Crno more se prosirile niz cela Evropa.Tie bile anticki Sloveni.Site drugi evropski nacii
nastanale od niv.Keltite,Galite,Germanite,Anglosaxonci,Finci i Bugari,Vikinzi,Goti..znaci site denesni
zapadni Evropejci se vsusnost po poteklo od Azija.Tie ziveele okolu stepite na Kazakstan i severna
Persija.Tie se po poteklo od starite Avari,Skiti i Persijci.Znaci ne bile beli luge.Tie bile nomadski
pleminja koi prezivuvale na konji ,kradele i plackale,isto kako Hunite i Mongolcite.Koga dosle vo
Evropa tie kidnapirale mnogu beli zeni i deca i so tek na vreme stanale beli Evropejci.Najsiguren
primer za toa se denesnite Bugari koi pod vodstvo na tursko-tatarskiot knez Asen dosle od zad
Kavkaz vo denesna Bugarija.Tuka veke ziveele 7-8 Anticki Makedonski Slovenski pleminja i tie so niv
stvorile nova nacija denesnite Blgari.Znaci ne e tocno sto vikaat Bugarite deka Makedoncite se Bugari
tuku obratno.Tie imaat Makedonska slovenska krv vo niv i nie im go dadovme jazikot ,a ne tie
nas.Starite Blgari zboruvale tursko-tatarski jazik.Znaci ocigledno e deka Antickite Makedonci
poteknuvaat od starite Veneti i Frigi koi bile del od golemoto slovensko semejstvo.Isto i den denes
Slovenite se najgolema bela Evropska grupa nacii so nad 400 milioni.Zosto denes istorijata ne go
priznava naseto Anticko Poteklo.Nie Makedoncite sme tuka na Balkanite veke 27 vekovi.Koga
slovenite dosle vo 5 vek ne vodele vojna so Antickite Makedonci zasto nie sme isti narod beli plavi
luge so sroden jazik i ostanale da ziveat tuka vo mir.Denes istorijata e izvrtena poradi Grcite.Grcite
ne sakajki da go priznaat nivnoto poteklo deka ne se evropska nacija tuku se ostatoci od staroto
Egipetsko carstvo i Fenikija.I drugite zapadno evropski narodi kako Anglicani,Francuzi i germanci ne
sakajki da priznat deka Galite,Gotite,Keltite i Germanite se dojdeni od Azija.Znaci tie zaedno so
Grcite si izmisluvaat nova istorija deka se potomci nastarite grci,Rimjani.Ne e tocno.Ako e taka zosto
Vandalite i Germanite go razrusile rimskoto Carstvo.Vistinata e deka Starite grci se izumreni i
denesnite Grci ne se nivni potomci.I denesnite Grci imaat 50 posto slovenska krv.Drugite denesni grci
se dojdeni posle 1830 godina od kraevi kade sto ziveele i trguvale.Od Ermenija,Krim,Maroko
,Egipet,Turcija.Vistinata e deka site beli luge vo svet,vo Amerika
,Kanada,Evropa,Rusija,Avstralija,Juzna Amerika se del od golemoto slovensko semejstvo so preku
2/3 slovenska krv vo niv.Ovoj ocigleden fakt dosega ne bese priznat poradi Studenata vojna megu
Zapad i Istok.Zamislete si kako bi bilo Amerikancite da priznaat deka imaat isto poteklo so Rusite i
deka se vsusnost bratucedi.Vo Amerika 40 posto se Germanci,20 posto se Anglicani i Skoti,10 Posto
se Irci,i isto taka 10 posto Italijani i Poljaci.Ovoj fakt e od Amerikanski popis.No site tie tie kako beli
luge imaat poteklo od stepite na Rusija ,Ukraina i Slovacka.Od kakde dosle Antickite
Makedonci.Starite Grcki pisateli velat nekade od Sever.Znaci od Panonija kade i den denes ziveat
Nasi slovenski narodi.Istrazuvav na Wikipedija za site Anticki Makedonski kralevi.Wikpedija e
zaposednata od grcki pisateli koi stalno tvrdat Aleksandar bil Grk,Filip bil Grk i site Makedonski
kralevi se do 7-8 vek pred nasa era gi povrzuvat deka imaat poteklo od nekoj peloponeski grcki
Kral.Zamislete si kakvi idioti.Najstariot Makedonski kral imal poteklo od Grcka mitologija i bil vnuk na
Herkules.No Grcite imaat pari,mnogu Grci nasekade vo svet koi znaat angliski i sami si ja izmisluvaat
istorija deka tie bile koi ja izmislile demokratijata i evropskata civilizacija.Da ne bese Aleksandar
Makedonski koj gi porazil grcite i istepal 30000 Grci koi se pobunile protiv nego,ocigledno se
pobunile zasto toj ne bil Grk tuku Makedonec.Ako Aleksandar bil Frk zosto bi ubil 30000 negovi
braka.No toj ja sirel potoa grckata nauka i filozofija poradi edna pricina zasto negov tutor bil Aristotel
i sekoj procitan zbor i nauka bila grcka,zasto Makedoncite nemale svoe pismo i svoja

gramatika.Nikade nema dokaz deka jazikot na Aleksandar bil Grcki.Ako Makedoncite se po poteklo
od Veneti i Frigi togas ke se najde dokaz deka nema sansa da bile Grci.


Aleksandar makedonski 06.07.2008, 10:48

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