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PHYSICS REVIEWER Velocity -speed and direction Scalar quantity -physical quantity Vector Quantity -has both a direction

and magnitude Displacement -change of position; from one from point to another Vectors may be: 1. Parallel same Direction 2. Anti-parallel opposite direction Vector Addition C = B + A ; where c = a+b aave = average acceleration v Velocity t time MOTION WITH ACCELERATION v = vo + at x = xo +vot + (1/2) at2 v2 = vo2 + 2a(x-xo) x-xo = (vo +v/2)t Free Falling Bodies -bodies moving acceleration at a CONSTANT


Acceleration due to Gravity g = 9.8 m/s2 MOTION IN TWO OR THREE DIMENTIONS Projectile -anybody that is given an initial velocity and then follows a path determined entirely by the effects of gravitational acceleration and air resistance. Trajectory -path followed by a projectile is 2-dim because it involves xy-coordinate plane. Projectile Motion(PM) -combination of horizontal motion w/ constant velocity & vertical motion w/ constant acceleration Ax = 0; Ay = -g Eq. involve in PM x = (vocoso)t y = (vosino) (gt2) vx = vocoso vy = vosino gt For Finding the projectile speed at any given time: V = Vx2 + Vy2 magnitude Tan = Vy / Vx Things to remember: At initial position t=0 with the x-axis horizontal & y-axis upward then: xo = 0; yo = 0; ax = 0; ay = -g At the highest point of trajectory vy = 0 MOTION IN A CIRCLE Velocity at one complete revolution (period (T)) v = 2R/T where: R Radius T Time Radial Acceleration arad = v2 /R by substitution - arad = 42R/T2

Components of Vectors A = Ax + Ay

If is measured from the (+) x-axis, rotating towards the (+) y axis Ax = Acos ; Ay = Asin If we know vector A A = Ax2 + Ay2 So, tan = Ay / Ax; = arctan Ay / Ax Unit Vector -vector that has a magnitude of 1 = points to the direction of x - axis = points to the direction of y - axis = x + y B = Bx + By MOTION ALONG A STRAIGHT LINE vave = x2 x1 / t2 t1 = x / t where: vave - average velocity x Displacement t time aave = v2 v1 / t2 t1 = v / t where:

NEWTONS LAW OF MOTION Newtons 1st Law: -a body acted on by no net force moves w/ constant velocity & zero acceleration. For a body in equilibrium: F = 0; where F Force Each Component: Fx = 0; Fy = 0 Newtons 2nd Law: -if a net external force acts on a body, the body accelerates. The direction of acceleration is the same as the direction of the net forces. F = ma; where m = mass, a = acceleration Each component: Fx = max; Fy = may; Fz = maz Mass -characterizes the initial properties of a body Weight -a force exerted on a body by the pull of the earth or some other large body. w = mg ; where w- weight, m-mass, g - acc. Due to gravity Newtons 3rd Law: -If a body A exerts a force on body B (an action), then body B exerts a force on body A (a reaction). These two forces have the same magnitude but are opposite in direction. Forces acted on different bodies: FA on B = -F
B on A

**the work done by the net force on a particle equals the change in the particles KE WTOTAL = K2 K1 = K (work-energy theorem) SPRING F = kx force of a spring Where: k Spring constant x diff. of the stretch and outstretch spring. W = (kX2) work done on a spring If already initially stretch: W = (kX22) - (kX12) Power -the time rate at w/c work is done PAVERAGE = W / t; unit = watt Momentum -the product of particles mass times velocity p = mv Law of Gravitation FG = Gm1m2/r2 Where: G-Gravitational constant m mass of the object r dist. Bet. The 1st and 2nd object Motion of Satellites v = GmE /r (circular orbit) T = 2r/v = 2r3/2/GmE one period Periodic Motion -motion that repeats itself in a definite cycle T=1/ period on full cycle =1/T - # of cycles per unit time Density = m/v

In solving forces, use the free body diagram

Work W=Fs; where displacement


FLUID MECHANICS Pressure P = F/A ; force per unit area Unit for pressure: Pascal Continuity Equation -the mass of the moving fluid doesnt change as it flows. A1v1 = A2v2 (continuity Eq.) Where: A Stationary cross-section area v Speed of the fluid V = Av Volume flow rate TEMPERATURE and HEAT TF = 9/5TC + 32

Unit for work: Joules = 1 N.m When force & displacement are on different directions W = Fscos WTOTAL > 0 speeds up WTOTAL < 0 slows WTOTAL = 0 maintains same Speed KE = (mv2)

TC = 5/9 (TF - 32) TK = TC + 273.15 **Constant-volume gas thermometer T2/T1 = P2/P1 T in Kelvin P pressure Kelvin absolute temp. scale T = 0K = -273.15 C absolute zero Thermal Expansion -expansion due to change in temperature Linear thermal Expansion L = LOT ; where . coefficient. of linear thermal expansion LO initial length Volume Thermal Expansion V = VOT; Where - coefficient of volume thermal expansion VO initial Volume Specific Heat Capacity Q = mcT; c specific heat of a material Phase Change Q = mL Where: (+) heat entering used when materials melt (-) heat leaving used when it freezes LF heat of fussion m mass MECHANISMS OF HEAT TRANSFER Conduction -occurs w/in a body or bet. Two bodies in contact H=kA ((TH-TC)/L) (heat current in conduction) Where: A - cross-sectional area of the rod K - thermal conductivity of the material TH-TC temperature difference on the rod L length of the heat flow path Large k good conductors of heat Small k poor conductors or insulators Thermal insulation in buildings: H=A (TH-TC)/R; R = L/k Where: R Thermal resistance of a slab (material) Convection -transfer of heat by mass motion of a fluid from one region of space to another. Types:

Forced Convection -the fluid circulated by a blower or pump Free/natural Convection -the flow is caused by differences in density due to thermal expansion, such as hot air rising Radiation -the transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves such as visible light, infrared, and UV radiation. H=AeT4 (heat current in radiation) Where: A surface area e emissivity T absolute Temp Stefan-Boltzmann constant =5.67051 x 10-8 W/m2 * K4 ***Emissivity is often larger for dark surfaces than for light ones. THERMODYNAMICS -interaction with the surroundings, or environment, in the least two ways, one w/c is heat is transfer. First law of thermodynamics -the change in internal energy of a system during any thermodynamic process depends only on the initial and final states, not on the path leading from one to the other. Denoted by: U = Q W Where: U internal energy Q quantity of heat W work **If it is an isolated system (one that does no work on its surroundings and has no heat flow to or from its surroundings) W=Q=0 Therefore, U2-U1=U = 0 Kinds of thermodynamic processes Adiabatic Process -no heat transfer into or out of a system Q=0 U = Q **when a system expands adiabatically, W is (+) (system does work on its surroundings), so U is (-) & internal energy decreases. **when a system compressed adiabatically, W is (-) (work done on the system by the surroundings) and U increases. Isochoric Process -constant volume process **when volume is constant, it does no work in its surroundings. So W=0.

U = Q Isobaric Process -constant pressure process **U,Q,W = 0 But calculating the work W=p(V2-V1) Isothermal Process -constant temperature process **U,Q,W are non-zero. Molar heat capacity of ideal gas CP = C V + R Where CP molar heat capacity at constant pressure CV - molar heat capacity at constant volume R 8.315 J/mol * K Ratios of Heat Capacity = CP / CV

= E/J E magnitude of electric field J Current density Resistors in Series Req = R1 + R2 + R3 + Resistors in Parallel 1/Req = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + SI - ohms

Capacitance -the measure of the ability capacitor to store energy


C = Q/Vab (definition of capacitance) Where: Q magnitude of the charge of the conductor Vab Voltage of the battery SI unit farad = 1 C/V = 1 coulomb/volt Capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor in a vacuum C = OA/d Where: O = 8.85 x 10-12 F/m A Area of each plate d distance bet. Two capacitors Capacitors in Series 1/Ceq = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3 + Capacitors in Parallel Ceq = C1 + C2 +C3 + POWER P = IV Where: I current V voltage Voltage V = IR SI - Volts Where: R Resistance R = L/A - resistivity of material L length A cross-section Area

Index of Refraction n = c/v where c speed of light in free space(3x108 m/s) v index of refraction of the medium Image Formation on PLANE MIRRORS(PM) -the distance of the object and the image from a plane mirror is always equal

s object distance from PM s image distance from PM s = - s y height of the object y height of the the image m lateral magnification (ratio of y over y) m = y/y if: m is positive image is real(upright) m is negative image is inverted Lenses Converging lenses positive focal point - Image produce:real Miniscus lenses one part concave other convex






Diverging point

Lenses -



Image produce:virtual

For Diverging Lenses: For all locations: -virtual, erect and smaller than the object Interference - The variation of wave amplitude that occurs when waves of the same or different frequency come together. -Either constructive or destructiove Double Slit -Produces an interference pattern of light and dark lines

Focal length (f) distance from a lens to its focal point Depends on: Index of refraction (n) Radii of curvature (R1 & R2) Radii of curvature is (+) convex (curved outward) Radii of curvature is (-) concave (curved inward) 1/f= (n-1) (1/ R1 + 1/ R2) Lenses have two focal points: Near focal point w/c the light come form Far focal point other side of the lense FOR CONVERGING LENSES OBJEC IMAGE APPEARAN T CE BET. F BEHIN VIRTUAL, &O D THE ERECT, LENS LARGER THAN THE OBJECT AT F NONE NONE EXAMPLE MAGNIFYI NG GLASS

Diffraction Grating -it produces sharper and brighter interference patterns than a double slit -consist of more than 2 gratings (slits)


Diffraction a wave behavior in w/c waves bend around the edge of an obstacle in their path Covalent Bonding The mechanism by which electron sharing holds atoms together to form molecules
TYPE BOND PROPERTI ES TYPES OF COVALE NT SHARED ELECTR ON Very hard; high melting point; soluble in a very few liquid Diamon d CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS IONIC MOLECUL AR ELECTRIC VAN DER ATTRACTI WAALS ON FORCES Hard; Soft; low High melting melting and point; boiling may be point; soluble in soluble in polar covalent liquid liquids such as water Sodium Chloride Methane METALLI C ELECTR ON GAS Ductile; metallic luster; ability to conduct heat and electric current readily Sodium


Radioactive Decay Alpha Particles -the nuclei of 42He atoms Beta particles -w/c are electrons or charged electrons) Gamma Rays -photons of high energy Electron Emission n O p+ + e Positron Emission p+ n O + e Electron Capture p+ + e - n O RADIOACTIVE DECAY DECAY NUCLEAR TRANSFORMATI ON A A-4 ALPHA ZX Z-2Y + 4 He 2 ELECTRO AZX A Z+1Y + eN EMISSION A A POSITRO ZX Z-1Y + e N EMISSION ELECTRO AZX + e- A Z-1Y N CAPTURE A A GAMMA ZX ZX +


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