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Performance Standard Form 2 Learning outcomes Obtain information for different purposes by listening to spoken text such as talks,

speeches, and from other multimedia sources 3 B3 Use knowledge acquired through listening, speaking, reading and writing B3 DL2 Listening to and understanding messages and descriptions

Band Performance standard



B3 DL2 E1 Able to answer comprehension questions orally

10 B3 DL2 E1


Listen to the passage read by the teacher twice. While listening, you may write down the answers to the questions. Set A 1. Where is the best place to have a family reunion? ______________________________________________ 2 What creates a gap between family members?

_______________________________________________ 3 What do the adults do before a meal is served?

________________________________________________ 4 Which two generations go very well together?


Set B

The best place to have a _____________ is in the family home town. A gap is created when ______________ do not see each other for a long time. Some adults cook the _________ while the others ___________ over tea. Grandchildren and ________________ go very well together.

2 3 4

B3 DL2 E1


Suggestion: Read the following text twice. Students answer the following questions after listening to the oral text.

Family reunions are a great way to bring all generations of a family together under one roof. What better place to do this than in the family home town? However, once everyone is there, the main question is: what do you then do? How do you close the gap that has been formed between family members who have not seen each other for a long time? One of the best ways to rekindle ties is through food. Some adults get together to cook dinner while the others chit-chat over tea. The children can play while waiting for the food to be served. Once the meal is ready, there is nothing like sitting around the around the table, listening to stories and getting to know one another again. Besides this, you can also plan family activities and outings. Remember to include everyone in the plan, especially your grandparents and young children. Grandparents love to talk about the good old days while children love listening to stories. Reread family letters in your spare time. Aunts and uncles may have saved letters from the days when were teenagers. Now, as a teenager yourself, you can compare the differences in life then and now. You can also find out more about how your parents thought and behaved when they were teenagers. Family reunions are really fun if they are well-planned and organised. So, why not organise one back in your home town during the next school holidays?

Sample answer: 1 The best place to have a family reunion is in the family home town. 2 A gap is created when family members do see each other for a long time. 3 Some adults cook the meal while the others chit-chat over tea.

4 Grandchildren and grandparents go very well together.

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