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Group discussion topics:

1. Brain drain: i.e. related to why immigration to U.S; I opposed partially and supported partially 2. Electronic media effect; Internet, TV ,Email multimedia

G.D they won't eliminate so many people. but you have participate with enthusiasm.You talk something. Interview as usual, stereoscopic TCS. Environment-Whose Responisibility". IMPACt of Western culture on Indian Youth. Some of the other GD topics were: 1 IS GD necessary for the elimination process 2 Who is responsible for the protection of the environment 3 VAlues in an IT Industry 4 What should be the retirement age of politicians 5 Should India play Against PAK? 1.Is China a threat to the indian software industry. 2.Role of UN in Peace keeping 3.War on Iraq 4.About Hockey being the primary game in India.

Next round was GD The topics were

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bhopal can be like Bangalore or not Brain drain private engg colleges should be there or not Privatization Gd necessary for elimination or not

6. Is internet suitable for Youngers?). 7. IS MBA needed? . etc.

Just follow all rules of gd & be confident & u can make itAfter gd there were 55 student for PI Next was PI It was basically HR+Project interview They r mainly checking ur presence of mind,confidence & communication skills by asking silly que, talking abt written they had my answer sheet with them,

Family,hobbies .etcSame hr person is there in gd & PI So if u had made ur GD well it will help u in PI also.Out of 55 in PI they selected 21.

TIPS 1 dont make eye contact with the HR person 2dont speak what the others have said say some new point(the poor guy on the last ) 3u shld b grammiticaly correct and fluent 4always start with a welcome note like(good morning to all) 5if u r in the last try 2 conclude the discussion 6smile

General Tips To Overcome An Interview Campus So what if you are not a mountaineer. Or a keen hiker. You still cannot treat your interview like a careless morning trot along a jogger's path. Your jaw-jaw at the interview table is nothing less than a cautious climb up a mountain trail--which begins around your early childhood and meanders through the years at the academia before reaching a new summit in your career.And as you retrace your steps down memory lane make sure that you post flags at important landmarks of your life and career, so that you can pop them before the interview panel scoops them out of you. You don't want to be at the receiving end, do you? Face the panel, but don't fall of the chair in a headlong rush-and-skid attempt to tell your story. Take one step at a time. If you place your foot on slippery ground, you could be ejecting out on a free fall. So prepare, fortify your thoughts, re-jig your memory, and script and design your story (without frills and falsity). Without the right preparation and storyboard, you could be a loser at the interview. Here are a few preparation tips that books on interviews sometimes overlook.

Topics were War on Iraq, Leaders Born or Made Try to assess ur group in GD, if u think its of to be an debating group, pls don't follow GD rules, and create ur oppurtunities for speaking as raising ur tone, intervening the conversation going on, 'its pretty sure that u'll be going off the GD rules, but it was the case in our group", i followed GD rules and i missed it out.

Group Discussion 1. No GD only shout!!! - Our LOk Sabha Style 2. Shout at top of your voice and shout some meaningful points 3. Please train ur vocal chords! Drink our good pure(pun intended) water before GD 4. IF u cant then carry a loudspeaker 5. 10 per group max 3 groups 6. final interview they select 3 from each group 7. Dont think 1-proposer 1-opposer 1-moderator it could 3-proposer or 3 opposer too. 8. If your group is silent Please follow GD rules. 9. 30 minutes of shouting(3min-choose the topic, 2min-prepare,20min-shout) 10. They might also give you a topic. 11. Please dont wait for your chance - Grab 12. Be ready to summarise. Try to say all the points told and say conclusion is yet to be reached. 13. 2 or 3 choosen people will summarise. 14. Dont ever make unruly gestures. You are out immediately. 15. Be ready for any topic .Only general topic - no subject, economics style

Next to test is GD.In GD they gave some general topics like 1)which one affect the country mare CASTE or CORRUPTION 2)About SET TOP box 3)Is IRAQ WAR is necessary 4)which one is good LOVE MARRIAGE or ARRANGED MARRIAGE

Group Disscussion Topic 1. area. 2. 3. 4. If you become muncipal corporater what steps you take to develop your

If you become administrative officer of this university what steps you Tell what are the seven problems in calcutta and solutions to problems? Abortion is legal or illegal

take to improve standards.

] GD TOPICs 1)Working in MNCs (+ve and ve) 2)Working with Spouse in the same company (+ve and -ve) Reasoning: 1)No Roman is a human 2)All Humans are Men

Questions in the Interview IBM 1. 2. 3. 4. Tell about yourself Family background About project which we did. Stack and Queue Data structures ( If possible trees, Linked list and Sorting these are important for a CS/IT students) 5. MOV statement in 8086 6. Print Hello using Java Script 7. Your Strengths and weakness 8. About your hobbies 9. Why you have selected ECE/IT/CS branch? 10. What is your plans after 3 years 11. Which language & subject like ( based on this answer next questions will be from those subjects) 12. When you were given an opportunity to work in J&K/ South Africa/Andaman will you accept? 13. What about your father (will you take your father and mother along with you) 14. Any achievements 15. If at all we offer you the job at IBM, what will you do? 16. Will you work for late hours 17. Will you want to go for technical side or other side? 18. PHP, HTML, JavaScript, MVC architecture ( you are supposed anything ask by the interviewer) 19. If we hire you, What you become after 5 years could you achieve CEO post within 5 years? 20. Different types of schedulers in OS 21. What is synchronization? 22. Polymorphism, inheritances, Classes in C++ ( Object oriented language Properties) 23. Generic pointers in C++ 24. There are different questions faced by students from C-Language

25. Malloc / Calloc functions and their purpose 26. Normalization and normal forms you have followed for your project/ you will prefer for any database. 27. Software Engineering basics (questions on your Project / Principles you are followed to develop that project)

Important thing here is In your resume some of the students are mentioning about JAVA Network Programming/ Java Servlets VB/ VC++ But in the interview your not answering even basics in the concepts there in your resume
GROUP DISCUSSION:Whether Sales is best for woman / Male For me topic is "Is s/w professionals r paying more ? It's a fact or not?

GD:You are each given a role to play..u have to justify why yours is best suited to the question and final reach a general consensus. Be cool...... Listen carefully..... n what u want but do say something.. don't be too aggressive nor too submissive n yes..don't address any one member only.

Group discussion topics: 1. Brain drain: i.e. related to why immigration to U.S; I opposed partially and supported partially 2. Electronic media effect; Internet, TV ,Email multimedia

G.D they won't eliminate so many people. but you have participate with enthusiasm.You talk something. Interview as usual, stereoscopic TCS.

Group discussion round: U only need to be confident and clear in ur ideas.Try to initiate if possible.Dont be rude and dont look at only one person.If someone is interrupting u just politely say 'let me just complete this point.'Dont have an argument with someone in ur group.Look at all group members and never look at the HR person observing the group.Be audible and present 2 to 3 good ideas and u will be selected.

SATYAM Following this was a gd. There were 5 topics

1. US war on iraq-justified or not. 2. Role of UN in peacekeeping. 3. Position of Women in India compared to other nations. 4. Environment MAnagement. 5. Is China better than India in software. Ppl appearin for test: 828 PPl selected for gd: 300 Ppl selected for interviews: 142

2.Group Discussion for those who clear the test. I got the topic-"Why is Indian Hockey limping" You have to speak and tell something different( hightlight a point which is not made by other members of the group). I think they see leadership quality, Taking Initiative etc. I came to know the two other topics, which were "UN's peace activities" and "America's war on Iraq". The topics were 'Importance of UN in world peace','Environmental Pollution','Sports'.. [the team had the option to select]. My topic was whether BPO call centers have good impact on younger generation? 1.can america occupy iraq shud be banned or not.. satyam some tips for GD 1.Be alert abt what others r talking take a chance to give ur opinion,b sure that u have a strong n sensible point to speak out. 2.Mostly ppl who initiate the talk r who conclude the talk will get through. Make sure u r anaysing the ideas of ppl there so that u can give a conclusion,there is a chance that u might b particularly asked to conclude the discussion. 3.Be confident while u speak 4.Stick on the point which u r speaking( far r against) dont deviate from the topic. 5.Stick on to one side either far r against till u finish unless n untill u r asked to change the side. 6.Make frnds with ur grp mets know abt them(i mean their names) b4 goin. 7.dont rise ur voice unnessesarily(dont speak much with out giving others a chance)

" whether the brand name is a way of life or not?, the other topics were as follows: India gifted the WorldCup toAustralia or not? gd shud be the part of selection process..?-SATYAM

Group disscussion topic For us he asked us to suggest a topic for GD some gal suggested this topic"shoud GD b a part of selection process r not" and we were given that topic to speak. we got 2 min to collect our ideas n then started to speak.HR just was pretending as if he is not hearing to us .But no body took it for granted n were alert in their talk. I along with another guy spoke against it. 6 others spoke for it. Some other topic was like"should sonia gandhi b made a PM or not?"-SATYAM U NEED TO EITHER INITIATE THE TALK,OR CONCLUDE IT,OR ADD EXTRA DURING CONCLUSION IN FAVOUR OF IT. U NEED TO KEEP NODDING UR HEAD AND BEHAVE AS IF U R A CEO OF THE COMPANY AND U R TAKING A MEETING TO UR EMPLOYEES. BE CONFIDANT ,CHANGE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS SOMETIMES SMILING AND SOMETIMES SERIOUS.... MAKE SOME STRONG POINTS AND WHILE MAKING BE SURE THAT IT IS HEARD BY THE EXAMINER AND OTHERS SHUT THEIR MOUTH(AS IF U R A CEO). MY TOPIC WAS "BALANCE BETWEEN PROFESSIONALISM AND FAMILY".I WAS THE INITIATOR MADE 3 STRONG POINTS AND ADDED AND MADE CONCLUSION MORE EFFECITVE... SOMETIMES U NEED TO SAY..HEY!!WHY R U MUM BY LOOKING AT HIM/HER AND ASKING HIM/HER EVEN TO INVOLVE.... AND MANY TOPICS LIKE WHETHER GD IS REQUIRED /NOT,ETC-SATYAM 1. effect of cinema on Youth 2. Education in India compared to Foreign nationsGD topics. 1) Is it necessary to ban COCOCOLA in India. 2) What is the effect of movies on youth.(is it good or bad)

3) Are studies more benifitial in India or in Abroad.-SATYAM about gd,the topic that our group got was "war on IRAQ" all spoke against...our group performed well....always keep in mind that u need to speak out points in this session and not that u just keep on little but to the point and u r thru... * GROUP Discussion: 1> Environmental pollution whose responsibility is it? {topic given to me} 2> Computer is a female or male? I remember only this much. One should have a good command over the language and the people around, then only he/she will be selected. >UNO's portion in keeping peace (My topic) >Is CHINA a software threat to INDIA >US-IRAQ war etc.- -SATYAM IPS for GD:

a) b) c)

Be careful while you choose to discuss towards the topic or against the topic. Predict how others may depend and write downs short points in a scrap paper. If possible try to start first , if not no problem but try to speak atleast not keep mum.

d) Be fixed to your attitude, it is if the opposite person argues strongly don't leave your topic go towards others. e) Never be in a neutral state i.e talking both towards as well as against. One girl in our batch did so. She was accepting both the arguments and she was eliminated. f) It's a discussion don't make it as DEBATE ,be cool. Don't jump on others. They test your patience too when you are at heavy argument.Patience doesn't mean silence but talk smoothly , try to convince your offenders. g) h) Always have a smiling face, that will carry you towards the success. Finally don't forget the conclude the discussion highlighting your strong points.

My GD topic was "Should SONIA gandhi be made the PM" . our group said a unanimous NO. 4 guys from our group got selected for interview. This was followed by GD. Topics were... 1. is indian hockey team lymping. 2. is US bombing on iraq justified. 3. can china excede india in IT industry 4. environmental management . I collected other GD topics from other friends 1. Should SONIA gandhi be made the PM 2. BPOs in INDIA 3. Govt contribution to IT 4. will punch lines rule the Advt 5. prematial sex 6. is china a threat to indian industry 7. india or west , which is the land of oppertunities 8. water resources should be nationalised-SATYAM ======================GD TOPICS birla soft===================== 1- indian cricket team is consistent or not; 2- IT shoud be necessary in rural area or not; 3- sourav ganguli should be caption or not; 4- advantage & disadvantages of Outsoursing; 5- india & pakistan matches are pation (josh) or not;

us Western Culture Vs Indian Culture. Be cool. Dont be dominative.HR was very easy. He just discussed abt my french beard? Almost we had discussion half an hour. It was nice. Than Technical. For us Mr. Ashokan taken this. He is long beard person, intelligent one.

group disscussion topic 1.if you become muncipal corporater what steps you take to develop your area. 2.if you become administrative officer of this university what steps you take to improve standards. 3.tell what are the seven problems in calcutta and solutions to problems?

4.abortion is legal or illegal the following two topics are omportant they asked the same topics to many students by changing the numbers 2050 a nuclear disaster has ocurred and 50 persons are saved.which are of age above 15.of them 20 know 6 subjects and you have to choose only 3 of six subjects so that resticted resorces can used for future subjects are 1.enggineering 2.medical sciences sciences space ship 5men are going1.docter,drug asdditive 2.lady lawer has done crime 3.teacher emotinally imbalanced 4.18.18 year old aeruonautical engineer 5. noble lauraut .suddenly some thing happend and oxygen is avaliable to only three people to use which of three you


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