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Publications on Siemens history (Selection, as of 2008)

Beginning with the companys founder, the book contains portraits of the ten personalities who have shaped the history of Siemens. The brief biographies of the individual heads of the Supervisory and Managing Board show how they saw their role and underline the core elements of the company identity and culture. Numerous illustrations and quotes.

Feldenkirchen, W./Posner, E.: The Siemens Entrepreneurs. Continuity and Change, 18472005 Munich 2005
Obtainable from Corporate Archives Munich Available also in German

Autobiography of the inventor and entrepreneur Werner von Siemens. New edition with family tree, additional biographical information, explanations of the text and numerous photos from the Corporate Archives Munich.

Siemens, Werner von: Recollections edited by Wilfried Feldenkirchen, Munich 2005

Obtainable from Corporate Archives Munich Available also in German

Published on the occasion of the 150th anniversary, this fully illustrated book describes the companys history from the founding of the TelegraphenBauanstalt by Siemens & Halske in 1847 to the year 1997. Current developments are sketched in a brief chapter headed Outlook.

Feldenkirchen, W.: Siemens. From Workshop to Global Player Munich 2000 ISBN-13: 9783492041515 39.90 EUR
Available also in German

The development of the largest German electrical engineering company in the period from 1918 to 1945 is analyzed on the basis of farreaching archive research in Germany and abroad. The company history is related to the economic developments and social policies of the time. Comprehensive notes.

Feldenkirchen, W.: Siemens 19181945 Columbus 1999 ISBN: 0-8142-0723-5

Out of print; remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich

Available also in German

Biography of the entrepreneur Werner von Siemens. The many different facets of his personality are described in the context of 19thcentury social, economic and technological developments.

Feldenkirchen, W.: Werner von Siemens. Inventor and international Entrepreneur, Columbus 1994 ISBN: 0-8142-0658-1
Out of print; remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich Available also in German

Selection of the 240 most important motifs illustrating the founding and development of the company

Historical Pictures Edition 1998, CD-ROM engl./ger. Munich 1998

Remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich

Multimedia CD-ROM which presents the milestones of company history and product development with brief texts, many pictures, film clips, original sound and animations. Information about the companys contemporary and technological history rounds off the picture.

Visions become reality CD-ROM engl./ger., Munich 1997

Remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich

Anniversary brochure which describes the main milestones of the companys history and technological development. Numerous pictures and quotes

150 Years of Siemens. The Company from 1847 to 1997 Munich 1997
Remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich Available also in German

By contrast with the publications that have been appearing since the mid1990s, this book focuses on the technical achievements and innovative strength of the electrical engineering company.

The Siemens Company Its Historical Role in the Progress of Electrical Engineering 18471980 Berlin/Munich 1984
Remaining copies may be obtained from Corporate Archives Munich Available also in German

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