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Effective & Reciprocal School, Family, and Community Collaboration Richard Williams EDL531 10 January 2013 Byron Green

FOCUS GROUP REFLECTION PAPER Focus Group Reflection Paper It takes a village to raise a child is a century old proverb. This saying is used regularly

throughout the educational world to define partnerships in a childs education. The problem with this saying is how people have misinterpreted it. The saying was meant to include decision making by everyone within the village. The village includes all stakeholders involved in educating the child. In America, public schools have difficulties in collaborating and sharing decision making with families, and community partnerships. Effective reciprocal collaboration between school, family, and community partnerships are beneficial to student academic success. The purpose of this paper is to identify areas to create more effective reciprocal school, family, and community partnerships. The barriers that exist in public school collaboration have disempowered and stifled childrens educational, emotional growth. For example, low expectation, underrepresented communities along with historical and contemporary factors prevent schools from bridging the gaps between families and community partners. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the perceptions that two teachers shared during a focus group interview in which the topic was Instructional Coaches or ICs. The setting for the interview was a safe place where the teachers were allowed to speak candidly (Knight, 2008). There were five questions presented for both teachers. Each teacher demonstrated different levels of experience and assumptions about coaches. Most teachers have different views and expectations of services that ICs actually provide. Of course, their assumptions are usually based on their background with ICs. The structure of this paper is organized in the order of the questions presented. What is your perception of mentor/coaching? Both teachers were fairly close in their perceptions of ICs. Teacher A, expected that the IC would give constructive feedback in her


teaching. Teacher B, expected the same and to be provided with different types of approaches to improve her teaching. Both were correct in their assumptions of ICs. It is probably safe to assume that both teachers would benefit from dialogue that allows IC and teacher to collaborate together as partners in improving teaching practices (Knight, 2008). What five words would you use to describe an effective coach/mentor? Teacher A listed; partner, stakeholder, trustworthy, knowledgeable, and helpful. Teacher B listed; supportive, expert, helpful, consistent, and encouraging. Clearly we can understand that the words listed for both are closely tied to ICs. According to Knight, ICs are successful when they have established a partnership of mutual respect that includes trust. Teachers have specific ideas of what it means to be a partner who is supportive, encouraging, and invested in their success (Knight, 2008).

What do you feel a mentor/coach should be expected to do? Teacher A expected an IC to address any areas of weakness by observing and collecting data. Teacher B had a similar view; observe lessons, model lessons, and conferences. The assumptions were correct. ICs typically observe and collect data before identifying teaching practices (Knight, 2008). After the data is collected the IC will encourage the teacher being coached to, agree on identifying next steps that have the most positive impact on their teaching (Knight, 2008). At this point in your career, are you interested in having a mentor/coach? If so, what areas would you like support in? Teacher A said, I am always interested in making my teaching better and receiving feedback. As far as areas that I would like support in, I am not sure at this time. As the year progresses, I would better be able to answer that! This teacher is better served when feedback includes what she is doing well. The practice of nonattributive feedback is a skill that Knight says that all ICs should develop (Knight, 2008).

FOCUS GROUP REFLECTION PAPER Have you ever had an experience with a mentor or a coach? If so, what is the most

significant thing your mentor did? Yes, I have! The mentor worked with me in order to provide me with methods to assist a struggling student. Through putting these methods into practice, I feel that I was better able to help that student! Teacher A had a better experience that Teacher B, who felt her IC did not provide useable feedback. Knight says that both teacher and IC should be learning (Knight, 2008). Teacher A had the most success in improving her weaknesses with an Instructional Coach benefited by positive feedback, modeling, and partnering with a supportive colleague. This aspect of coaching provides teachers working as partners ensure that students receive excellent instruction in the classroom.

FOCUS GROUP REFLECTION PAPER Reference Knight, J. (2008). Coaching: Approaches and perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

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