Sieve Analysis

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Sieve analysis is the process of dividing a sample of aggregate into fraction of the same size. The purpose of doing this analysis is to determine the grading or size distribution of the aggregate which is important to find out whether the aggregate pile we are studying is good for the mix or not. The grading of the aggregate usually affects on the workability of the fresh concrete. The aggregate of interest is thrown into a series of sieves nested in order with the smallest at the bottom, and after shaking the mass of retained aggregate in each sieve is calculated. The aggregate we use in our experiment should be representative to the pile we obtained it from, so we cant just take the mass we need for the experiment arbitrary because this arbitrary specimen might not contain a certain size of the aggregate. For that reason the Quartering Method is used, this method involves taking a big amount of aggregate from the pile of interest (more than the amount we need) and then divide them into quarters or halves till we gain the amount we need for the experiment. A sieve have square opening and are usually constructed of wire mesh. In this analysis certain sizes of sieves should be used to get a desired and accepted results, these sieves are determined by ASTM E 11 as mentioned in the specifications. The nested sieves we use every next sieve (starting from the smallest) is twice the size of sieve preceding it. After sieving the specimen, we calculate the retained mass in each sieve and a table is made and the grade curve is drawn.

- To determine the grading or the size distribution of the aggregates using the sieve analysis. - To determine the fineness modulus. - To draw the grading curve of pile of aggregate.

This test method is used primarily to determine the grading of materials proposed for use as aggregates or being used as aggregates. The results are used to determine compliance of the particle size distribution with applicable specication requirements and to provide necessary data for control of the production of various aggregate products and mixtures containing aggregates. The data may also be useful in developing relationships concerning porosity and packing

Apparatus and Materials

Set of sieves A dried specimen of aggregate


Electronic weighting machine.

1_Mix the material thoroughly by turning the entire sample over three times. With
the last turning, shovel the entire sample into a conical pile by depositing each shovelful on top of the preceding one. Carefully

Flatten the conical pile to a uniform thickness and diameter by pressing down the apex with a shovel so that each quarter sector of the resulting pile will contain the material originally in it. The diameter should be approximately four to eight times the thickness. Divide the flattened mass into four equal quarters with a shovel or trowel and remove two diagonally opposite quarters, including all fine material, and brush the cleared spaces clean. Successively mix and quarter the remaining material until the sample is reduced to the desired size.

2_then weighting the each empty sieve by Electronic weighting machine

After nesting the sieves in order (starting from the smaller at the bottom) the aggregate specimen is thrown into the sieves. 3_The nested sieves are then moved to the mechanical shaker and left there for 10 minutes. 4_Then the weight of the retained aggregate in each sieve is calculated using the Electronic weighting machine.

5_Table of the results is established and the Grading curve is drawn.

Standard specification

Sieve size

% finer


4.75 2.36 1.18 0.6 0.3 0.15 pan

86.5 62.2 44 27.3 6.6 1.5 ----

95-100 80-100 50-85 25-60 10-30 2-10 ----

fail fail fail pass fail fail ----

The aggregate we studied consists of coarse aggregate mainly; I noted that from the fineness modulus. From the Grading graph we note that the aggregate we have tested are not good for using in mixes, as the graph doesnt lie between the upper limit and the lower limit. At sieve number (4 & 8 & 16 & 50 & 100) the aggregate fail in the test because the result not between the standard specification.

Sieve analysis is one type of mechanical analysis which determines the size range of particles present in an aggregate, expressed as a percentage of the total weight or mass. Sieve analysis consists of shaking the aggregate sample through a set of sieves that have progressively smaller openings. The results of sieve analysis are generally expressed as the percentage of total weight of aggregate that passed through different sieve. From the results, the total mass sample after sieving is smaller than the total mass before sieving where 4.0 gm. of aggregate is missing. This is probably because the small particles of aggregate is missing during the sieves are being vibrated. Or during weighting of aggregate.

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