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I thought it would be interesting to note and comment on FreedomClubUSA (Debt Discharge Program) updates as provided in their official newsletter.

Ive been casually following FreedomClub USA since 2006. Please see my orginal post about FreedomClub USA. In order to reduce the length of this post and make it useful for you, Im only including the last update of each month going back to Jan 2009. Ill add prior updates in another (archive) post. Aug 14, 2011 Funding Status = ? No more newsletter updates, the count down clock has vanished from the FCUSA website, and updates will be via FCUSA website only. Per the last newsltter, FCUSA are aggressively completing steps for funding for Gold and Silver menbers. We do not know how long each step will take but our priority is to disburse interim funds ASAP. Please do not contact your consultants, referrers or our staff for more info. We have/will answer all questions on taped or live calls. What does that mean? Have they got funds to payoff your debts? Your guess is as good as mine Aug 1, 2011 Funding Status = Days to Red Light = 8. Counting down in days now. So, Aug 9 should funding and payout according to FCUSA schedule? FCUSA website is counting down in seconds. Jul 19, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 3 weeks. Jul 11, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 4 weeks. Jul 4, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 5 weeks. Other than the count down generating some excitement (and more paid members for FCUSA), nothing new. Jun 27, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 6 weeks. Jun 20, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 7 weeks. Jun 13, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 8 weeks. Jun 6, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow 9 weeks. Something firm from FCUSA funding, i.e. red light is 9 weeks or less. Well see. May 30, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new, except victory celebration will cost $300 once FCUSA funds. May 23, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. May 9, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. May 2, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. FCUSA is saying funding status is quickly turning to red. I may not be looking in the right place, but I dont see it. Apr 25, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. Apr 18, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new, except emancipation announcements are coming. I guess its about time Apr 11, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. Apr 4, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. FCUSA is now concentrating on interim funding. Not quite sure what that means. Mar 28, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Apparently FCUSA has acquired additional office space to house workers to process claims. Mar 21, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. No dates, just steady progress. So nothing new. Mar 14, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. Mar 7, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new, except almost there? Feb 28, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Nothing new. Feb 21, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Feb 14, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Please refer to Funding Staus Updates for further information Apparently funding will begin when their SILVER program closes and BRONZE program begins. Im wondering if there is cap on the number of people they accept for the SILVER program or will they keep it open as long as people are paying? Feb 7, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. Please refer to Funding Staus Updates for further updates THERE IS NO LONGER A NEED FOR THE ONE CENT TEST TO ANY ACCOUNT. I think Im just about ready to give up on the updates and I never got my cent! Jan 31, 2011 Funding Status = Yellow. What is yellow again? Oh yeah, nothing. Jan 9, 2011 To direct our time most wisely during this final stages of funding, we will provide our Newsletter only thru the website going forward. We will no longer send the Newsletter to your email but we will email you important notices as needed. Even less frequesnt, meaningful updates I wonder where this headed? No mention of funding status. Jan 1, 2011 Happy new year No mention of security clearance or back office upgeade from a few weeks ago. Dec 13, 2010 Our back office system is well underway with current emphasis in data conversion from our existing system and web data import. All other procedures are aligning right on schedule. I have a question what the heck does back office mean? A system to make them money? Dec 13, 2010 FCUSA funding developments continue to escalate daily as we continue to build the back office system and interface with the financial sector. All other procedures are aligning right on schedule I think weve heard this one before! If I were in this program I would definitely be seeing red lights! Unfortunately, Im talking about funding. Nov 29, 2010 FCUSA is expecting an additional increase in its security clearance this week further moving us closer to funding. All other procedures are aligning right on schedule Oh no, additional security clearance is now required. Is the SEC interfering once again? I hope so! Nov 22, 2010 FCUSA has received its security clearance this past week moving us ever closer to funding. All other procedures are aligning right on schedule Wow, security clearance received whatever that means. I guess were closer. Nov 15, 2010 FCUSA has received much awaited documents to further propel us ever closer to funding. We further expect our security clearance this week. All other procedures are aligning right on schedule.

Ah ha, back to the documents again Nov 8, 2010 We have connected with our major US Agency and are acquiring security clearance for this last phase of our funding process. All other proceedures are aligning right on schedule. Connection made. I think that is good? Nov 1, 2010 We expect to hear back this week from our major US Agency who will be assisting us with this last phase of our funding process. All other processes are aligning right on schedule. Ok, maybe were all going to hear something positive Oct 25, 2010 FUNDING STATUS : We have submitted our initial requirements with a major US Agency who will be assisting us with this last phase of our funding process. All other processes are aligning right on schedule. How many phases are there? Oct 18, 2010 Our backoffice system is now underway. We have reached agreement with our developer and work begins this week so we can handle the upcoming avalanche of business as funding is announced. No meaningful updates for another month (again). The newsletter is now sent in abbreviated format. I wonder if this means even less updates? Sep 27, 2010 team continue to make improvements at our new office to get ready for upcoming funding. We also have added a Member Office Visit segment under our office picture. Should you be visiting (by appointment only), please follow-up with your accounts of your visit here. No meaningful updates. If I were closer to their office I would probably go visit just out of curiosity. Sep 20, 2010 We have weathered the storm of our sabataged site this past week and have resolved this with expectations of our site being online again by Monday 9/20 All systems are GO. All systems have been GO for a month now. To me, both the .com and .org sites essentially are the same. Aug 23, 2010 All systems are GO. I wonder what GO means Aug 16, 2010 When RED LITE is ON we are funding. Current status is YELLOW. Aug 9, 2010 When RED LITE is ON we are funding. Current status is YELLOW. I hate being stuck at a traffic light for so long, even though things seem to be working backwards Aug 2, 2010 FCUSA has now taken possession at our new office suite in preparation for our upcoming funding and our rapid growth expectations We are continuing progress with funding as we revamp our website. OK, now a new website as well as a new building. I wonder how funding is coming along. Jul 26, 2010 FCUSA is now moving into our new office suite in preparation for our upcoming funding and our rapid growth expectations. We will be moved in by 8/1/10 Progress continues at an increasing rate to complete our funding program. Progress is now continuing at an increasing rate. Well its only been about 5 years. Jul 19, 2010 FCUSA is now moving into our new office suite in preparation for our upcoming funding and our rapid growth expectations. We will be moved in by 8/1/10 We are making significant progress these last days to complete our funding program. Same old update. Jul 12, 2010 FCUSA has now selected a new office suite and will be signing a lease in the next few days. In preparation for our upcoming funding, we have found a new facility for our rapid growth potential We have made significant progress these last days to encourage funding success. New building, but no funding Jun 28, 2010 FCUSA is lining up prospective office suites beginning this week. In preparation for our upcoming funding, we will be needing a new facility with growth potential. OK, a new building. No update of funding though. Jun 20, 2010 We are progressing steadily toward funding and are here to assist all Americans, Canadians and ultimately the entire planet. At 3500+ we are a vital force but it is a much bigger planet and we will need all the energy from these and more to assist in our paradigm shift. I think its going to take more than energy! No funding updates for a few weeks now. Jun 14, 2010 Our 1 cent Test has been sent to all members who have sent us their business information here. Should you have entered your information in Section 1 and have NOT received your 1 cent deposit by now, please carefully RE-ENTER your corrected information here. DO NOT CONTACT US May 31, 2010 If the train has not yet left the station, why lock the doors? What if it was you who just discovered the club today. Compassion here is important. If no one on the train is delayed, why not allow them to board? Remember the Titanic movie when there was plenty of room on the boats but those in the boats refused to help a few more live? WOW! We are now 3400+ strong. So no real progress, other than new members welcome! May 10, 2010 We are progressing steadily toward funding and are here to assist all Americans and Canadians who are inclined to join us. You are noticing, we will accomodate a few new members on a day to day basis until Red Lite as long as this does not interfere with our backend work (as has been stated on a recent member call). Good of them to continue to take on more members I wonder if the glitch in the administrative documents was ever resolved. May 10, 2010 We are progressing steadily toward funding and are here to assist all Americans and Canadians who are inclined to join us. You are noticing, we will accomodate a few new members on a day to day basis until Red Lite as long as this does not interfere with our backend work (as has been stated on a recent member call). Good of them to continue to take on more members I wonder if the glitch in the administrative documents was ever resolved. May 3, 2010 In the 5.5 year history of the club, it is only the last 2 months that we have communicated with this final level of the system. All previous steps were absolutely necessary to have been completed to get us here. Bottom line: This is happening. Incredible! It took over 5 years to say there is a glitch in some administrative documents for which they have met twice. Apr 26, 2010 Two meetings occurred this past week with the financial system to resolve the prior glitch and these are being resolved. Apr 19, 2010 Our administrative documents from the financial system have been delayed due to a glitch and are now expected this week Wow, weve grown to over 3000

members! Impressive membership numbers. Apr 12, 2010 We have taken a giant step forward this past week in getting ourselves fully connected to the financial system. We are expecting important administrative documents to be sent to us this week. When Red Lite comes on, WE ARE FUNDING! What? More documents? Interesting how red light means funding. Ive always thought of red light meaning red flag, do not proceed. Mar 29, 2010 Our momentum is building, stay focused! This is the calm before the whirlwind of activity! Be sure YOUR information is on track and accurate. Great, perhaps some activity coming at last? Mar 15, 2010 We are now preparing the next round of documents for the financial system which define the type of projects we will be engaging. This connection will give us maximum control and empowerment to process your claims. OK, new documents now Mar 8, 2010 Our financial documents are expected this week which when completed will define our relationship with the financial system. This connection will give us maximum control and empowerment to process your claims. Are these the same documents mentioned in the previous newsletter? Mar 1, 2010 Our long wait to arrive at our financial destination has taken a big step forward this past week. Documents are being sent to us to define how we will be relating to the US financial sources. New documents like what? Feb 22, 2010 We had great success this week as we have made positive steps with the financial system. Follow-up communication will continue this week OK, whats new? Seems to be the same old story week in, week out. So much for ringing in changes for the new year! Jan 25, 2010 We will be using this current week to setup numerous accounts in preparation for funding. There will still need to be work done with one of these in particular. Going forward we will simply acknowledge the progressive completion of vital steps as is occurring this week. Thank you for your understanding. Well, this is about as vague as you can get not a very good start to the new year! Dec 28, 2009 This week, we are in process of setting up our long awaited depository bank. The missing pieces are being put into place with precision and care. Nov 29, 2009 The FCUSA Express Train is leaving the station. We want you to be aware of all of the possibilities open to you. There was no update provided in the Novemeber newsletter, just something about a train leaving the station! Oct 19, 2009 Coming off our no call week, we have completed another requirement for Treasury funding. Great! What might that requirement be? How many were there and how many are left? Sep 28, 2009 Judi, Joanne and George have been very busy setting up the internal structure to process your AR debts Many of you who have been waiting for the right time to act and wish to preserve your maximum payout on your ARs will find this a great opportunity if you can afford it. The club never wishes anyone to spend the rent, grocery and necessity money on an AR process. If you can do so without interupting your current life style, this may be the right time for you. With no concrete updates for months, the time to get into this program is now? Aug 31, 2009 Judi, Joanne and Robb are setting up the email AR notification and getting familiar with some new software. Work continues on the corporate definitions for submission in the public records. Thanks to all for your support. These steps are essential to protect us and the system during funding. Incredible progress is bubbling forth from the energy of our recent meetings all thru August. Expect a huge acceleration in energy to complete these last steps for funding. Jul 20, 2009 The final treasury piece is being prepared and our new organizational chart has been established. Jun 29, 2009 Our new direction to establish our advising bank was one of these gifts wrapped as a problem. It has awakened many new possibilities and each is moving forward quickly. We will give more information on the member call this week with time for questions. May 26, 2009 We have submitted the final documents to our advising bank this week. Once the bank has approved they will be setting up our account for processing. Upon completion of these items we expect the rapid initiation of testing followed by the flow of interim funding. Apr 27, 2009 FCUSA continues to make positive progress in setting up an advising bank to assist in the flow of interim funding. Once interim funding is announced, we will tally all those who are members and AR contributors as of that date. Mar 20, 2009 FCUSA is pursuing purchasing a bank with our interim funding plus supporting all members on board as of interim funding date. Those with AR processes will receive a larger share as funds become available. I guess there was quite a bit of bad publicity with FreedomClub USAs program recently. Feb 23, 2009 Some of you have been overwhelmed by our new direction. We have been on a steady but ever enlightening journey via a roadway that suddenly ended at the Treasury. Conventional thinking tells us to call them, write them, etc. This would not be effective. They work with precise protocols and will not deviate unless advised by their higher authority. This higher authority are those who control the FED, IMF and the world monetary system (the families). We have a team that adjusts, learns and grows from every new challenge. We do what is necessary and ethical to get the job done. If its new, we learn and do it. Thanks to each of you for your incredible support to fulfull the mission of FCUSA and your mission for humanity. This latest stage is new for me also, but Ive been preparing 12 years for this moment. Perhaps something is about to happen with regard to funding? Update, still very vague so its hard to say. Jan 26, 2009 Wonderful things continue to expand the world energies Actions are already happening around the globeTruly awesome. With the divine help from our club energies very positive things are happening. Ive have no idea what they are talk about.

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