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Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

Course Syllabus
School of Business MGT/521 Version 6 Management
Copyright 2011, 2009, 2008 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

Course Description This course applies the tools available to University of Phoenix graduate students and the competencies of successful managers to understand the functions of business. Students develop an increased awareness of their own perceptions and values in order to manage and communicate with others more effectively. Other topics include MBA program goals, argument construction, decision making, collaboration, and academic research. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum.

University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. The discussion question points are now combined with the participation points for each week. You, as the instructor, may create a separate line item for discussion question points if you choose. Please note that some assignment points may have changed. Course Materials Hoch, S. J., Kunreuther, H. C., & Gunther, R. E. (Eds.). (2001). Wharton on making decisions. New York, NY: Wiley. Nickels, W. G., McHugh, J. M., & McHugh, S. M. (2010). Understanding business (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Robbins, S. P. & Judge, T. A. (2011). Organizational behavior (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Spatt, B. (2011). Writing from Sources (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/ St. Martins. Yukl, G. (2010). Leadership in organizations (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. All electronic materials are available on the student website.

Week One: Constructing and Supporting an Argument

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

Objectives 1.1 Identify channels for business communications. 1.2 Evaluate credibility and validity of sources of information. 1.3 Develop effective arguments. Read Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior. Read the following sections of Writing From Sources: Using Evidence and Reasoning to Exercise 6: Analyzing an Authors Logic in Ch. 1 Evaluating Print Sources to Exercise 28: Evaluating Internet Sources in Ch. 8 Accommodating Argument in Your Paragraphs to Integrating Your Sources: Recruiting in College Athletics in Ch. 9



Readings Readings

Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities

Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Course Overview podcast. Listen to the Week One podcast. Complete the final examination study guide located on the student website. Valid and Credible Article Search: o Locate an article from the University Library that is related to a topic or objective for this week. o Write a summary discussing the attributes of a good sourcefound in your readingsand describe how and why the selected article meets the criteria for selecting a credible and valid source. Self Assessment: How Good Are My Listening Skills? Listening is a part of communication. When making important business decisions, you will work with and listen to others. Take this self assessment located on the student website to see how good your listening skills are. To access this selfassessment: o Select the Assessment tab, then scroll to the Working with Others section and over to Communication Skills. o Select How Good Are My Listening Skills? o Summarize your assessment results. What kind of listener are you? How can you use your results to help you work better with others? National Public Radio Debates

Earned In Class

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

Argumentation is foundational for your writing in an MBA program and for good persuasive writing in general. Listen to one of the following "Intelligence Squared Debates" provided on the National Public Radio website: o A debate on the whether ethics are worse in the art market or the stock market: ( storyId=100557165) o A debate on Google and if it violates its motto of "Don't Be Evil": ( storyId=97216369) o A debate on who is to blame for the financial crisis: ( storyId=102312504) Determine what argumentation practices you see illustrated in the debates. What made these arguments more effective or less effective? Individual Communication Channel Scenarios Resources: Communication Channel Scenarios located on the student website. Read the scenarios located on the student website. Answer the questions after each scenario. Be sure to select the communication channel appropriate for each scenario. Defend your responses. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please refer to your Assignment Website for due date and time 4

Week Two: Values and Managing Others

Objectives 2.1 Evaluate alignment of personal values and organizational values. 2.2 Determine strategies to promote collaboration. 2.3 Explain ethical decision making in a complex environment. Read Ch. 13 of Leadership in Organizations. Read Values to Questions for Review in Ch. 5 of Organizational Behavior. Read Ch. 7 of Wharton on Making Decisions. Read Ch. 14 of Wharton on Making Decisions.



Readings Readings Readings Readings

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

Readings Readings Readings Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities

Read Ch. 4 of Understanding Business. Read Leading: Providing Continuous Vision and Values in Ch. 7 of Understanding Business. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Week Two podcast. Earned In Class 3

Personality and Values Self-Assessment Your personality traits and values influence your daily choices and decisions. Your traits and values will even influence the decisions you make as a business manager. Take the Personality and Values Self-Assessment located on the student website. To access the personality self-assessment: Select the Assessment tab, then scroll to the What About Me section, and then to Personality Insights. Select Whats My Jungian 16-Type Personality? To access your values self-assessment select the Assessment tab, then scroll to the What About Me section, and then to Values and Attitudes. Select What Do I Value? Complete both self-assessments. Write a short summary explaining the details of your results. How can these results assist you in the workplace or selecting future careers?

Learning Team Learning Team Weekly Reflection

Discuss last weeks objectives with your team. Include both the topics you feel comfortable with, topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.

Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due

Learning Team Credible Information Debate

Begin a debate with your learning team. Divide your learning team evenly with one side for and one side against. Debate with your learning team whether Wikipedia is a credible and valid source of information. Refer to the debate to complete your individual assignment due this week.

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

date and time Individual Writing an Argument Resource: Learning team debate and Ch. 9 Writing from Sources Option I Develop your own argument based on the debate outcomes. Use the four steps for fairly presenting arguments indentified in Ch. 9 of Writing from Sources to guide your writing. Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words supporting your argument by identifying criteria used to evaluate the credibility of sources of information. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Option II Write a paper of no more than 1,050 words where you are raising and countering objections regarding the decision to get an MBA. Support your point of view as part of countering objections with research. Examples include department of labor statistics, fairly current articles on the impact of education, especially graduate education on earnings. You can also cite a source to support your use of objections as well; for example, show the objection is documented as a valid concern. Identify the criteria you used to evaluate the credibility of sources of information you selected. Discuss how raising and countering objections has helped inform your own decision to get an MBA and the reason(s) you have decided to go back to school. Your paper should cite and reference at least two sources. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time 7

Week Three: Introduction to Business Analysis

Objectives 3.1 Explain entrepreneurship versus working for others. 3.2 Identify wants and needs of various stakeholders. 3.3 Conduct SWOT analyses. Read Ch. 1 of Understanding Business. Read Ch. 6 of Understanding Business.



Readings Readings

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

Readings Readings

Read Planning and Decision Making to Decision Making: Finding the Best Alternative in Ch. 7 of Understanding Business. Read the following sections of Leadership in Organization: Applications: Procedures for Developing a Vision to Implementing Change in Ch. 10. Multiple Stakeholders and Competing Values to Determinants and Consequences of Ethical Leadership in Ch. 13 Earned In Class 3

Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities

Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Week Three podcast.

Self Assessment: Becoming an Entrepreneur Does entrepreneurship interest you? Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Take this entrepreneur assessment to help you determine the skills you possess and the skills to develop for you to become an entrepreneur. The self assessment is located on the student website. o Select the Assessment tab, then scroll to the What About Me section, and then to Other. o Select Am I Likely to Become an Entrepreneur? o Describe what it takes to become an entrepreneur. Do you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? o Explain your answer.

Kudler Fine Food SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis provides companies with important information about its internal and external environment. Management can use a SWOT analysis to make informed business decisions. o Visit the Virtual Business Portal located on the student website to read about Kudler Fine Foods. Specifically, look at the companys strategic plan to review Kudlers SWOT analysis. o Describe the information the analysis provides. o Explain how management could use the information to make business decisions.

Identifying Stakeholders: Riordan Manufacturing As a manager, it is important for you to recognize and respond to the needs of your stakeholders. o Visit the Virtual Business Portal located on the student website.

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

o Visit Kudler Fine Foods and review the companys stakeholders identified in the strategic plan. o Visit Riordan Manufacturing. Identify the companys stakeholders. Describe what the company does to meet their needs. Learning Team Learning Team Weekly Reflection Resources: Conflict Scenario located on the student website. Read the scenario and discuss with your team strategies to resolve the conflict in the scenario to achieve the desired goal or objective. Look at it from the perspective of the manager. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Format your summary consistent with APA guidelines. Resources: Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Perform the Williams Institute Ethics Awareness Inventory Assessment. Select an organization to research or use your own organization. Write a paper no more than 1,500 words evaluating personal values, organizational values, and ethical decision making. Discuss one team members results from the inventory and how the results align and do not align with the organization you selected. Think of a scenario in which the selected team member would make a different ethical decision from the organization and answer the following questions. Based on the outcome of the Ethics Awareness Inventory, what is the most likely decision-making process your selected team member would go through to make the ethical decision based on their values? What is the most likely decision-making process the organization would go through to make the ethical decision based on its values? Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time 2

Learning Team Values and Ethical Decision Making


Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Four: The Business Environment

Objectives 4.1 Conduct benchmarking analyses. 4.2 Explain the basic tenets of managerial accounting and financial



Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

accounting. 4.3 Identify the effects of technology utilization on business. 4.4 Identify the effects of globalization on business. Readings Readings Readings Readings Readings Readings Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities Read Ch. 3 of Understanding Business. Read Ch. 17 of Understanding Business. Read Ch. 18 of Understanding Business. Read Bonus Ch. B of Understanding Business. Read Benchmarking and Core Competencies to Restructuring for Empowerment in Ch. 8 of Understanding Business. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings. Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Week Four podcast. Earned In Class 3

Finance Tutorial: Evaluating A Firm Financial statements can be used as tools for evaluating a firms financial performance. Complete the Finance tutorial located on the student website to gather some tips about how to evaluate a firms performance. o Select Chapter 3: Evaluating a Firms Financial Performance. o Select the tab on the left titled Lecture Notes. Read through the lecture notes. o Complete the Try It Now exercises along the way. After completing the tutorial, brainstorm a list of strategies you can use for evaluating a firms financial performance.

Business Line of Credit: Businesses must seek options to obtain short-term or long-term financing. o Visit a local bank or research a banks website to identify the types of financing available to businesses. o Describe the types of financing available for small and large businesses.

Video Case: The Mouse that Doesnt Come with a Computer Companies can benefit from entering the global market. Before

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6

entering the global market companies must make some critical decisions, such as where, when, and how they will enter the global market. o Read the video case: The Mouse that Doesnt Come with a Computer located at the end of Ch. 3 of Understanding Business to see the decisions one company had to make when it entered into the global market. o Describe the challenges the company faced entering the global market. o Explain the decisions the company made. Learning Team Learning Team Weekly Reflection Resources: Video Case: College Entrepreneurs Do Good and Make Money from Ch. 1 of Understanding Business. Read the Video Case College Entrepreneurs Do Good and Make Money Discuss the case with your team and the Thinking it Over Questions with your team. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion and answers to the questions at the end of the video case. Write a paper no more than 2,200 words in which you assume the role of a mutual fund manager deciding whether to invest in a specific company. You will conduct a business analysis in the remaining weeks based on the company you select. Select a Fortune 500 company. Conduct a SWOT analysis for the organization you selected. Based on the information you have gained from this analysis which parts of the SWOT analysis are most relevant to your decision of whether or not to invest in this company? Identify the companys internal and external stakeholders. Describe their wants and needs. Explain how the company is fulfilling those needs. If the company is not fulfilling those explain why the stakeholders needs are not being met and what the company needs to do to ensure they are. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time 2

Individual Business Analysis Part I

Week Five: Business Overview

Objectives 5.1 Identify methodologies for adapting different types of businesses to changing markets.



Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6


5.2 Determine the impact of economics on business. 5.3 Describe the role of human resource management in achieving business goals. Readings Readings Readings Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities Read Ch. 2 of Understanding Business. Read Ch. 8 of Understanding Business. Read Ch. 11 of Understanding Business. Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Week Five podcast. Earned In Class 3

Economic Tutorial: The Relationship of Basic Decision Making Units in the Market Firms and households play a large role in the economy. Complete the Economic tutorial located on the student website to learn more about the role both play. o Select Chapter 1: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium. o Select the tab on the left called Lecture Notes. Read through the lecture notes. After completing the tutorial describe the role firms and households play in the economy. o Provide an example to illustrate the relationship between these basic units in the economy.

Selecting the Right Employees One task of the human resource manager is to hire employees. Different companies seek different types of employees. A human resource manager must find for employees who will help the company achieve its goals. o Read the Video Case: Surfs Up at Patagonia at the end of Ch. 11 of Understanding Business. o Explain how a human resource manager selects potential candidates at Patagonia to achieve company goals. What tactics does Patagonia use to satisfy its employees?

Learning Team Learning Team Weekly Reflection

Discuss last weeks objectives with your team. Include the topics you feel comfortable with, you struggle with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your

Please refer to your Assignm ent

Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6



Website for due date and time Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time 8

Individual Business Analysis Part II

Continue your business analysis using the company you selected in Week Four. Write a paper no more than 2,400 words in which you research the companys business environment. Review the companys income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow to determine the financial health of the company. Be sure to compare your company to at least two other companies in the industry. Be sure to answer the following: What have you learned about the company by reviewing each statement? Is there information in any of these statements that concerns you? If so describe what it is and what it concerns. How can management use this information moving forward?

Summarize the companys financial health. How does it compare to other companies in the industry? Include a summary of the companys technological advantages, or lack thereof, in comparison to at least two other companies in the same industry. Describe how globalization has affected the companys business strategies. Conduct a benchmarking analysis. Be sure your analysis includes the following in comparison with other companies in the same industry: Best practices Operational processes and procedures Products or services

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Week Six: Business Analysis

Objectives Readings 6.1 Perform business analyses. 6.2 Differentiate between strategy and tactics. Read this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings.



Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6


Participation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Nongraded Activities and Preparation Learning Activities

Participate in class discussion. Listen to the Week Six podcast.

Earned In Class

Strategy and tactics: Kudler Fine Food Strategies and tactics are important for achieving business goals. A strategy is an idea and tactics are the actions taken for executing a strategy. o Visit the Virtual Business Portal located on the student website to read about Kudler Fine Foods. o Identify one strategy and the tactics Kudler Fine Foods used to execute the strategy.

Video: Evan Williams on Twitter Providing a service or a product to the entire world is not an easy task. o Watch this interview located in this weeks Electronic Reserve Readings with Twitters co-founder to discover his plan for serving the entire world. o Describe the strategies and tactics the company plans on using to expand and serve the entire world.

Learning Team Learning Team Weekly Reflection

Discuss last weeks objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, you struggle with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.

Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time

Individual Business Analysis Part III

Finish your business analysis using the company you selected in Week Four. Write a paper of no more than 3,500 words reviewing the strategic initiatives taken by the company relative to organizational and operational adaptation to changing markets. Explain the following in your paper: How recent economic trends are influencing the business Strategies the company has used or could use for adapting to changing markets, such as an economic downturn or recession


Course Syllabus MGT/521 Version 6


Tactics the company has implemented or could implement to achieve their strategic goals The role human resource management plays in helping the company achieve its business goals If you would be willing to invest in this company as a mutual fund manager

Write a conclusion for your overall business analysis. Be sure to support your conclusion with information you have gathered from parts one and two of your business analysis. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Individual Final Exam Final Examination Resources: Understanding Business, Organizational Behavior, and Leadership in Organizations Click the link to the Final Examination on the student website available from the end of Week Five through the end of Week Six. Complete the Final Examination. You are allowed one attempt to complete the exam, which is timed and must be completed in 3 hours. Results are auto graded and sent to your instructor. Note. Final Examination questions are adapted from the Understanding Business, Organizational Behavior, and Leadership in Organizations textbooks. Copyright
University of Phoenix is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Final Examinations contain third-party copyrighted materials. Portions are: Copyright 2011 University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Copyright 2011 Pearson Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Copyright 2011 McGraw-Hill/Irwin. All rights reserved. Copyright 2011 Wiley. All rights reserved. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix editorial standards and practices.

Please refer to your Assignm ent Website for due date and time


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