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English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Website/E-portfolio

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Your writing Format Website Audience Potential employers, professionals in your field, your professor, your classmates Purpose To display your writing and other marketable skills Tone Professional Length All required documents and introductions when appropriate

Instructions: You will create a website to serve as an e-portfolio for your writing. The site must include the following: About Me page, Informational Report Two, Analytical Report, Recommendation Report, Research Report Proposal, and the Research Report. You may either copy and paste the documents into the website and use the formatting options available with the web hosting service you are using, embed the documents so that your original formatting remain and the document can still be views directly on the website, or you may use a link so that the document can be downloaded. You should think rhetorically about which format would best serve your audiences needs. You may also want to consider providing introductions for some documents. Grading Criteria: Your website will be assessed on design, ease of navigation, rhetorical choices, and on the writing of the documents. At mid-term you will receive feedback; you will only receive a grade on the final version.

Due: Mid-term March15th; Final Monday, April 26th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Summary Report

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Ways to market yourself online Format Memo Audience Students in other English 3003 classes Purpose To inform a student about the benefits of a personal website Tone Informal, but professional Length No more than one page, single-spaced

Instructions: Write a memo that summarizes the articles by Gallent, Hempel, and Smith for a student who is not in this class but is considering ways to use the Internet to improve her or his chances of being hired after they graduate. Grading Criteria: Make sure that your summary contains all of the information pertinent to your audience. Use the Writers Checklist at the end of Chapter 3 in Markel to make sure your memo meets the requirements for a report. For more on memos, see the Writing Memos section of Chapter 14. You will also receive feedback on how accurate, concise, and clear your summary comparison is.

Due: Friday, January 18th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Informational Report One

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic About Me Page Format Webpage (printed and turned in this item does not need to be added to your online portfolio until after you have received my feedback) & Memo Audience Potential Employer and Your Instructor Purpose Inform professionals who do not know you about yourself and your credentials Tone Formal Length Webpage Draft: 1 full page, single-spaced; Revised: Less than 1 page, single-spaced; Memo: No more than 1 page

Instructions: This assignment will be comprised of two different documents, a memo and an About Me page for your e-portfolio. First, look through the example professional websites on the 35 Professional Websites page. Make sure to look at the About Me pages on these websites. Then write a memo to me explaining which website you found most appealing and why you felt that way. Also consider whether that website has elements that could be useful for someone in your field. Then create an About Me page for your own e-portfolio. This page does not need to be formatted as you want in on your site. For the peer-review process and for my assessment, we will focus on the writing. The page should tell a potential employer something about you and should highlight your education, any work experiences, and any interests that make you unique. Grading Criteria: The memo should directly reference the webpage you choose. It should discuss the site using examples (EG: The About Me page had several pictures that highlights the authors artistic side.). The About Me page should be interesting, but also formal. Both documents should be clear, concise, and precise. They must also be very well edited for grammatical and spelling mistakes. Both documents will also be assessed based on how well they meet the needs and expectations of the audience. The draft and the revision are each worth 20 points. If you are absent on the revising day or do not come with a full draft then you will receive a zero for the draft. The revised document cannot receive an A if it has more than 2 grammatical errors. The About Me page will be a required element of your online portfolio. Due: Draft Friday, January 25th; Revision Monday, January 28th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Informational Report Two

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Professional writing in your field Format Field Report Audience A professional not in your field Purpose To demonstrate your knowledge of writing in your field Tone Formal Length Draft: 3 pages, single-spaced; Revision: No more than 2 pages, single-spaced

Instructions: For this assignment you will need to incorporate the class readings with research of your own. Your task is to find an article in a scholarly journal or trade publication about communication in your field. Then look at the house style guide for that publication. Include information from our class readings and your research to thoroughly and correctly inform the audience about writing in your field. Your report should, include answers to the following questions: What kind of writing is required for your field (reports, memos, e-mails)? What journals are typically used? What citation style is required? Your report should also discuss what good writing looks like in your field. Should writing be brief and concise? Are you likely to be writing to others in your field or to people outside your field? To answer these questions you may need to read multiple articles to see examples of writing in your field. I highly recommend you to talk to a professional in your field about what types of writing they do most frequently. Grading Criteria: You will receive feedback on your critical thinking in this report: How well do assess information to determine its importance for inclusion in your report? How well do you synthesize the material you researched with the readings youve done for class? And how thoroughly have your researched your topic? The report should be clear, concise, and precise. It must also be very well edited for grammatical and spelling mistakes. It will also be assessed based on how well it meets the needs and expectations of the audience. The draft and the revision are each worth 20 points. If you are absent on the revising day or do not come with a full draft then you will receive a zero for the draft. The revised document cannot receive an A if it has more than 2 grammatical errors. This document will be a required element of your online portfolio. Due: Draft Friday, January 25th; Revision Monday, January 28th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Oral Presentation One

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Subject of interest in your field Format Oral Presentation Audience Your classmates Purpose To present findings of research and express your specific interests and field Tone Informal Length Approximately 2 minutes

Instructions: Present the findings from your Informational Report Two to the class. Grading Criteria: Although this is a brief, informal presentation you should approach it professionally, assuming that what you say will add to the knowledge and perhaps interest of your colleagues in the class. Use the Speakers Checklist at the back of Chapter 21 in Markel to make sure your presentation is concise, clear, and well organized. You will receive feedback in class from me and from your classmates on your general presentation style. The presentation is worth 25 points, as long as you meet the basic requirements you will receive all the points. If you do not present, you will receive a 0. There will be no chances for making up a missed presentation.

Due: Draft Wednesday, January 30th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Analytical Report

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Analyzing professional reports Format Field Report Audience The authors of these reports Purpose To evaluate rhetorical choices & give authors feedback to improve their documents Tone Formal Length Draft: 3 pages, single-spaced; Revision: No more than 2 pages, single-spaced

Instructions: You will read two recent reports and choose one to evaluate in terms of its rhetorical choices, including the following: appeal to audience, achievement of purpose, appropriateness of tone, conciseness and clarity of style, and consistency in point of view. In addition, your analysis should include layout, graphics, and appearance of the document. Finally, include recommendations to the authors for revisions. Grading Criteria: The rhetorical analysis report should break a document into its constitutive aspects, as stated in the instructions, and comment clearly and persuasively on their effectiveness. They also provide an overall evaluation of the effectiveness of a particular document. The report should be clear, concise, and precise. It must also be very well edited for grammatical and spelling mistakes. It will also be assessed based on how well it meets the needs and expectations of the audience. The draft and the revision are each worth 20 points. If you are absent on the revising day or do not come with a full draft then you will receive a zero for the draft. The revised document cannot receive an A if it has more than 2 grammatical errors. This document will be a required element of your online portfolio.

Due: Draft Friday, February 1st; Revision Monday, February 4th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Proposal for Oral Presentation 2

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Your upcoming presentation on a website of your choice Format Proposal Audience Your classmates Purpose To propose a very narrowed topic, arguable hypothesis, and plan for further research Tone Formal Length No more than four pages including abstract and research plan

Instructions: Draft a written proposal to convince me that you have a valid research topic. Include a research plan and an abstract of the presentation itself (it is fine if your presentation is slightly different than your abstract). You will be presenting an analysis of a website of your choice and some element of design that the website uses well, so in the proposal provide the link to the website you will be discussing. Also discuss what design element you plan to examine. You will need to do some research about design; discuss either the sources you will use in the proposal or how you plan to find sources. See memo for Oral Presentation 2 for more information on the goal of the presentation assignment. Grading Criteria: Proposal should be persuasive, clear, and pitched at the appropriate level for the knowledge of your audience. I will review the proposal and notify you if it has been approved. Once approved you may proceed with your research project.

Due: Draft Wednesday, February 6th via e-mail by 5:00pm

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Oral Presentation Two

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic An element of website design Format Oral presentation Audience Your classmates Purpose To present your analysis of a website of your choice Tone Formal Length 6 7 minutes

Instructions: Select a website that interests you or relates to your major. Then research effective website design. Discuss how the website effectively uses that element of design and other effective rhetorical choices. Use at least three outside sources to evaluate the website. You may want to consider evaluating a website with a specific target audience (an age group, professions, etc.) or with a specific purpose (education, information, etc.) to make help you narrow your focus. Grading Criteria: You will be required to use at least three outside sources including one academic source. You must also use an audio/visual aid, such as a Power Point slide. The majority of your grade will be based on improvement from your first presentation. Review Chapter 21 in Markel, particularly the Speakers Checklist for ways to make your presentation concise, clear, and effective.

Due: Draft February 18th, 20th, and 22nd

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Recommendation Report

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Web 2.0 in Higher Education OR E-portfolios Format Recommendation report Audience Your classmates, professors, and other university officials interested in this topic Purpose To study the usefulness of Web 2.0 technologies or e-portfolios and present a recommendation Tone Formal Length Draft: 3 pages, single-spaced; Revision: 2 pages, single-spaced

Instructions: After reading the articles for class on Web 2.0, write a report that synthesizes and evaluates the views from each article. In your conclusion, make a recommendation to your audience whether they should adopt Web 2.0 or e-portfolios in classes or not. You are encouraged but not required to do further research on the topic. Grading Criteria: You will receive feedback on whether your entire report supports your recommendation consistently, coherently, and effectively. Read Chapter 19 in Markel carefully and review the Writers Checklist for ways to make your report effective, complete, correct, and attractive. The report should be clear, concise, and precise. It must also be very well edited for grammatical and spelling mistakes. It will also be assessed based on how well it meets the needs and expectations of the audience. The draft and the revision are each worth 20 points. If you are absent on the revising day or do not come with a full draft then you will receive a zero for the draft. The revised document cannot receive an A if it has more than 2 grammatical errors. This document will be a required element of your online portfolio.

Due: Draft Wednesday, March 6th; Revision Friday, March 8th

English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Proposal for Research & Formal Researched


Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Student-selected Format Formal written report Audience Readers in your field or major Purpose To report information, make a recommendation, or propose a service or good Tone Formal Length Proposal: no more than 2 pages, single-spaced; Report Draft: no more than 10 pages; Report Revision: no more than 9 pages

Instructions: You will write a proposal for a researched report, draft the report, revise that report, and submit the final version to your instructor. Students are encouraged to develop their own topic related to health care reform, but if you wish to pursue a different topic, you should speak with the instructor prior to submitting the proposal. At the proposal stage, your instructor will either approve your proposal or give you suggestions as to how to improve your topic and hypothesis. Grading Criteria: Your proposal should include a statement of the topic, a hypothesis that states your initial position on the issue, a bibliography of sources you plan to read, and a research plan. The draft of your formal report will receive feedback and be evaluated on its format, design, use of visuals, rhetorical choices, and effectiveness of content. This assignment is the most comprehensive individual assignment of the semester. The report should be clear, concise, and precise. It must also be very well edited for grammatical and spelling mistakes. It will also be assessed based on how well it meets the needs and expectations of the audience. The draft and the revision are each worth 20 points. If you are absent on the revising day or do not come with a full draft then you will receive a zero for the draft. The revised document cannot receive an A if it has more than 2 grammatical errors. This document will be a required element of your online portfolio.

Due: Proposal Wednesday, March 13th; Draft Wednesday, March 27th; Friday, April 5th


English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Proposal for Group Presentation & Group


Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Your individual websites/e-portfolios Format Group Presentation Audience Your classmates Purpose To research, write, and present collaboratively on your websites Tone Formal Length Proposal: no more than 2 pages, single-spaced; Presentation: 10 minutes per group member

Instructions: You will work with a group of your peers to produce various stages of a research project leading up to a detailed, formal oral presentation to the rest of the class. You must find a way to discuss all of your group presentations. You may choose to link the websites to one another, discuss similarities and differences in documents or in the design as a whole, or any other topical analysis that can cover all the websites. Grading Criteria: You will be assessed on your improvement from earlier presentations and on how well your group functions collectively. Both instructor feedback and feedback from your other group members will be considered for the grade for this assignment.

Due: Proposal Wednesday, March 13th; Draft Wednesday, March 27th; Friday, April 5th


English 3003

To: ENGL 3003-Business Students From: Jami Barnett, Instructor Date: January 14, 2013 Re: Peer & Self-Evaluation

Assignment at-a-glance: Topic Your group members contributions and your own website/e-portfolio Format Memo Audience Your professor Purpose To evaluate your peers work and your own work Tone Formal Length No more than 3 pages, single-spaced

Instructions: This memo should be comprised of two parts. In the first part, discuss the collaboration of your group. Did all members participate equally? Did group members return e-mails, phone calls, and text messages? Did all members attend each group meeting? Did all members collaborate on the proposal? On the visual aid? In the second part of the report, you should evaluate your own website/e-portfolio. What strengths do you see in the site as a whole? What strengths do you see in your writing itself? What weaknesses do you see in the website and in your own writing? Given the time and resources, what would you change? How well do you think your website/eportfolio meets the requirements of the Website/E-Portfolio Assignment? Grading Criteria: You will be given full credit for completing this evaluation. Your assessment will be considered as I am grading your websites/e-portfolios.

Due: Monday, April 29th


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