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E-Session 5
Communication Skills: Speaking with Confidence
From this session you will know about the essential, delicate features of interpersonal communication speaking. You will fully realize why communication is treated as a special skill in a call center job, why it is qualified by effective. Remember, call center communication is mostly real-time. So you must be well aware of the problems and barriers and develop your skill so as to overcome them.

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O b j e c t i v e s

In this session, you will learn about: The need for and barriers to interpersonal communication Speaking effectively

Individual effectiveness and the call center industry

Part1 of this book gave us a brief insight into the call center industry and the kind of people being recruited, the kind of training being imparted and the various technologies that are finding use. The call center industry looks for people who are good in the following areas: 1. Communication: In terms of fluency, pronunciation, accent, articulation. 2. Energy levels: Ability to work without tiring off (your last call should be as good as the first one), result oriented, highly self-motivated. 3. Clarity of purpose: Goal-oriented. 4. Creative: Innovation. Ability to create new thought processes and generate enthusiasm and support for the same. 5. High Initiative: Self-starter. 6. Result-Oriented: Goal-oriented. 7. Strong Interpersonal skills: Ability to make friends and influence people. What is therefore needed is to hone these qualities? Identifying the desired areas for training in an individual and then working on improving those skills is very important.

It is observed that individuals usually operate to only a fraction of their potential. Knowledge and skills apart, what is desirable is the willingness to accept ones weak links and consciously work towards selfimprovement. Individual effectiveness is about understanding and identifying areas that need improvement, seeking information, formulating and restructuring that information so that the same can be transformed into actions and behaviors. This unrealized potential of an individual can be developed through assistance but the individual needs to desire success. Through this chapter we will try to look at some of the key areas for development considering the call center business.

E-Session 5: Communication Skills: Speaking with Confidence 

How many times do we self-limit our perceptions and our thinking because we know the answer and thus dont even think about considering other possibilities? I think this is a very common trait and one that deserves introspection. When we strive for personal growth and change, dont we often limit our ideas about the possibilities of improvement because we assume that we already know the answers? And by limiting our thinking, we are limiting our possibilities as well as limiting the rewards of self-improvement. Areas of self-improvement In the process of self-improvement we set out 5 key areas for development: 1. Enhance communication skills. 2. Develop listening skills. 3. Develop ability to cope with stress. 4. Personality Development. 5. Goal Setting. In this session, we will work towards developing the first area i.e., Communication skills.

Enhancing Communication Skills

If you were to rate yourself on a scale of 15 on communication skills, where would you place yourself? Normally youd find most of us rating ourselves as good in communication, as we believe that communication is mainly the ability to speak well. Lets understand communication better. Is it only the ability to speak or more? What is Communication? Communication has been defined in various ways but to understand it in simple words, it is the process of exchanging information between individuals. The exchange could happen through spoken words, written words, signs, actions (including body language) or behavior. Examples: Communication through words: In a discussion or meeting wherein two or more than two persons communicate through words. Communication through signs: If you have seen the communication process between hearing impaired people youd find that they use signs as the medium of communication. The traffic control system in a city and the signaling system used in the railways are good examples of communication through signs the traffic signal lights, the lights and horns on a vehicle that its driver uses, the whistle and hand-waving

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by the traffic police, the railways light signals, the whistle sounded by the engine driver, the flat/light shown by the guard, etc. Communication through actions: A common situation in movies wherein the Hero whilst beating up the villain is communicating his anger over an unacceptable action. Communication through behavior: Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Lady Diana were personalities who communicated through their behavior which only reflected love and compassion for everyone. To sum it up, good communication is the basis for any and every interaction to be good. Why Do We Need to Communicate? Communication is needed: 1. To understand people and their problems. 2. To inform people about new products and services. 3. To build trust amongst people. 4. To gain confidence of people. 5. To develop better relationships. What are the Methods of Communication? There are three ways to communicate: 1. Verbal: It includes the vocal voices by using words. 2. Non-Verbal: It includes the non-vocal language such as body language, eye contact, postures, gestures etc. 3. Written: It includes the written material, which could be in the form of letter, application, notice, poster, pamphlet etc. What is Effective Communication? Whenever the process of exchanging information is happening in a two-way process, it leads to an effective communication. Therefore, when two or more people are involved there should be a response to whatever is being communicated, then only it is supposed to be a healthy and effective communication. Examples: In an interview there are at least two peoplethe interviewer and the interviewee. Unless they communicate, the process would not be effective.

E-Session 5: Communication Skills: Speaking with Confidence !

If a customer says, I will kill you, the agent must try to find out the reasons for such a message. Unless you respond and ask him questions, you cannot reveal the reasons for such a message, and not understanding the reasons could have different implications. Exercise: Given below is a passage you should read twice and then close the passage and repeat it once. When you have finished find anyone either your friends, colleagues, parents, siblings etc. and without looking at the passage repeat it to them only once. Ask them to repeat the passage to another member similarly. You are to form a chain of atleast 6 members. After everyone has communicated each one should write down on a piece of paper the passage that they have communicated. And then compare it with the original text. You would experience the creation of a totally new message. What are the probable reasons for the message to have got distorted? When too many people are involved in a communication process, the message assumes complications and somehow along the way the original message becomes shorter. These changes to the message may change its meaning altogether. It is normally played as a game called Chinese Whisper. If the message is too long, distortions can happen due to various reasons like incorrect English, inability to understand, etc. and therefore the message becomes senseless. How should a Message Be? The message should be short and simple, so that there would be little scope for misunderstanding it. The message should be understood: In todays scenario, people are so much busy that it becomes critical to ensure that what you seek to communicate meets their requirements. Therefore after making a discussion/talk one must ensure that the message that is communicated is well understood by the other person. Communication should be in as few and simple words as it could be. How can You Improve Your Communication? Wording the message and seeking feedback: We can improve the communication by wording the message appropriately and taking feedback after the completion of message to confirm the accuracy of the message delivered and perceived. Communicating the mood of the message: The message should not only convey content but the moods too. Seeking feedback: Example: When we receive a phone call and the person says: My name is Ram. Could you please ask Sita to call me at 5467823? The response that comes instantaneously is: Just a minute, the number you said is 5467823.

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This is to ensure the process of feedback does not face any difficulty. What are the Major Components of Communication? The major components of communication are: Sender: One who sends or delivers the message Receiver: One who receives or perceives the delivered message Message: It is the content which is being exchanged between two persons Desired response: It is the desired action, which has to take place in the opposite direction after such communication. Feedback: It is the confirmation of perceiving the correct message which is being delivered/exchanged amongst the people involved in communication. These all are the essential components to ensure that communication is on the right track. It is found empirically that 80% of an officials time is spent in communicating in some form or the other.

What can Make the Difference in the Process of Communication?

Making use of these essential tools can differentiate communication: Conviction Stems from belief in your product/service/self. Is perceived through the way you speak, your voice, your expressions. Confidence It is perceived through your physical presentation: the expression on your face, your handshake, body posture. Enthusiasm It adds vitality to what you say.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Exercise: Read this story aloud. On the outskirts of a village lived a washerwoman with her husband. She worked very hard during the day collecting clothes from the village, washing them, ironing them and finally returning them at the end of the day. Once back home she had to cook, clean and take care of the home. Her husband did nothing other than drinking and nagging. He would beat her whenever he got an opportunity. The villagers too never bothered to help the lady or warn her husband of his conduct. The lady used to visit the grocer who had his shop on the other side of the river, which passed through the village. The grocer sympathized with her and she too felt that if there is anyone she would like to be with then it is the grocer.

E-Session 5: Communication Skills: Speaking with Confidence #

As usual, one day the husband beat the lady black and blue. She wept a lot and finally decided to go forever to whom she adoredthe grocer. She went to the banks of the river to cross over. Unfortunately due to heavy rains the river was in spate. The boatman who would take her across refused to go. She pleaded with him and begged him to take her across but he refused to go without being paid. Since she didnt have any money she couldnt cross the river by boat. Somewhere uphill there was a small bridge over the river, which was not used after sunset for the fear of wild animals. The lady had no other choice but to go uphill through the dense jungles and use the bridge to cross over. She went to cross over by the bridge but that was the end of her. No one ever heard of her anymore. Who do you think in this story could be blamed for the ladys misfortune? Was it the lady, her husband, the boatman, the grocer, the wild animals, or the villagers? Your answer to this will give an insight into your upbringing, conditioning of the mind, your perceptions, biases etc. There is nothing wrong in the story and neither is anyone to be blamed. Each one has his or her own perspective and way of looking at things. The objective is to look through others point of view. The objective is to look beyond. If you look at things with a narrow perceptive and allow it to clog your mind youll never be able to achieve what you set out to achieve. We generally tend to believe that what we communicate during the course of our conversation is easily understood by others. But it may not be so. It is therefore essential that the words we choose should be more pragmatic rather than philosophical. Most of the times the words mean not what the dictionary says but what the speaker intends to communicate. Since neither the sender nor the receiver of the message pays much attention, the scope of ambiguity remains, as a result the outcome is not as expected. Who is at fault? Who is bothered? Classic examples of blunders are evident in and around us everyday. At the end of the day somebody is blamed, as a face saving or defensive exercise, but the problem still remains unattended. It is therefore very critical to look out for possible misunderstandings and clarify the ambiguity in everything one says or hears. How many of us actually listen to, when others are communicating? Lack of attention leads to misinterpretation of the message that is communicated. This is mainly because words often have different meanings depending on context and/or culture. Examples: A dry state could mean one that lacks either water or alcohol. A couple could mean either two or a few.

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Besides, as humans we are bound to err at times. Making a mistake once or twice is okay but doing so consistently is a crime. Similarly, paying less attention to the conversation and probably missing out on simple words at times could be devastating as it may change the entire context of the communication. The question Should secularism be politicised? would elicit different responses, which could be a result of ones understanding, experiences, beliefs or perception. Similarly, the assumption that a match without Sachin Tendulkar cant be won could be ones bias. Biases could be a result of ones upbringing, past experiences, socio-economic background, others viewpoints etc. Biases can play havoc in communication, one should refrain from it. Some of the other barriers to communication are: Barriers that cause distractions to the process of communication. Noise: Noise of talking, loud music, traffic (try talking at a discotheque). Environment: Too hot, too cold, poor lighting (dim lights may not be a suitable environment for a business meeting). Interruptions: People, telephones (cell phones ringing in the midst of meetings). Timing: Inconvenient time to talk (calling up someone late in the night or very early in the morning). Barriers related to human emotions Prejudice: Your general dislike for a person. Status: If someone is very conscious about his own status and considers it to be higher than that of others. Assumptions: Knowing what is expected in a certain communication, you tend not to pay attention. (Elders like to narrate their experiences but having heard it before you do not tend to pay attention the moment they start narrating the incident, unmindful of the fact they are probably trying to share another aspect of their experience which could be of help to you.) Experience: Your last communication with a particular person may not have gone well (the person may have said no to your proposal). Values, religion, politics, morality: Sentiments of the people of Gujarat. Barriers created by usage of words Criticism: People with the tendency of starting a communication by criticising the others words or actions. Semantics: The same word could mean different to different people. For example, this dress is cheap, this dress is inexpensive, etc. Threatening /ordering tone: Tendencies of people to exert their thoughts and their belief that being the boss they need to call the shots. Use of jargon: Words that are usually not understood.

E-Session 5: Communication Skills: Speaking with Confidence %

How can One Overcome the Barriers? In the process of communication we have seen that to seek a response or a feedback is the best way to ensure that the message of a commnication has been understood in the desired way. ASK if you are not sure Simply, ask if you are not sure. You could say let me see if I have understood correctly, you are saying that... and rephrase what the speaker has just said. If the speaker acknowledges this as being correct, then you can be confident about your own understanding. Please remember that it is important to have a clear, concise and verified statement of what is said without which chances of getting it wrong are there. WRITE if you need further clarification If you must invest your time and effort, it is advisable that you write it down and get it doubly checked. This would get you many advantages: Would help in further clarificationis this what you thought we agreed? In the process of writing the consistency of the communication can be checkedthe act of writing may bring out defects/omissions A written communication can be considered the basis from which the work can be taken up. For example, a purchase order or a letter of intent. Verbal communication lacks evidence. People could have a tendency to fall back on previous commitments, a written communication helps to support the verbal communication. Build context Whilst speaking, use of examples and additional information could provide a broader context in which your words can be understood. When you are the receiver learn to ask questions to establish the context in which the sender is thinking. Seeking Information There are two ways of seeking information by phrasing any question: one way (the closed question) is likely to lead to a simple reply (yes, no, maybe), the second way (the open question) will lead the sender to saying something more. Suppose, in your conversation you seek information by asking the following questions: Have you finished writing the report? Yes Is everything written? Nearly So there is some documentation left to do? Some Will it take you long? No, not long

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If you notice, in most of this conversation one was asking closed questions which could only receive answers in monosyllables. However, the same rephrased would be: What is left to do of the report? What about the documentation? When do you think it would be completed? Open-ended questions are easy to formulate. You should decide in your own mind the objective of asking the question and use the following words to frame the sentenceUsing five Ws and one H: WHAT WHEN WHICH WHY WHERE HOW Let others speak Silence is very effective in communication and is normally underused. Use silence to seek information. Ask a question, lean back, wait for the person to answer, nod and smile, keep quiet, and the person will continue giving you more details simply to fill your silence.

This session introduces you to the need for identifying areas for individual development so as to make you call-center hirable. If you have the basic education, then the individual skills to be honed fall mainly in areas such as communication, listening etc. This session takes you into understanding more about communication and how you can work towards improving your current skill levels. Remember, to be effective in your conversation you need to treat it as any other activity and prepare yourself for it. Preparation would imply defining the objective, planning as to how you would go about doing it, and lastly, check whether you have achieved what you wanted to. a

Exercise 3
4 0 m i n u t e s

1. What is communication? What are the methods of communication? 2. Write in brief about why effective communication is required of a call center agent. 3. What are the barriers to communication? Give examples? 4. How can you improve your communication skills? 5. Make a list of at least 5 people known to you whom you believe are good communicators. List down their qualities. How do you rate yourself on these qualities on a scale of 15? How would you like to improve your communication skills?

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