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LATIHAN SOAL PENGAYAAN KONTEN JARDIKNAS 2010-2011 Jenjang Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Kelas Semester Waktu : 120 : SMA

/ MA : Bahasa Inggris : X : 1 Menit

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian yang tersedia dengan menghitamkan bulatan yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil 2B. 2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut. 3. Jumlah soal sebanyak 40 butir, pada setiap butir soal terdapat 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban. 4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya. 5. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak atau tidak lengkap. 6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.

Text 1 This text is for questions 1-3. World War II was the most widespread and the most destructive war in history. It lasted from 1939 to 1945 and eventually involved all the great powers and most of the smaller nations of the world. Even the countries that remained neutral felt the wars impact. The chief antagonists were Germany, Italy, and Japan (known as the Axis powers) on one side and the United States, Great Britain, the soviet Union, France and china (known as the Allies) on the other. The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to north Africa and from the island of the Pacific to eastern to southern. 1. Which a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e. statement is TRUE according to the text? World War II ended in 1939 China belonged to the Axis Powers The Allies consisted of three countries Great Britain remained neutral in World War II The Antagonist countries consisted of three countries effect reason cause sequence result

2. Even the countries that remain neutral felt the wars impact. (Paragraph 2)

3. Which statement serves the main idea of the text? a. World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945. b. The countries that remained neutral felt the wars impact. c. The battle field of the war stretched from Europe to north Africa. d. World War II was the most widespread and destructive war in history. e. World War II involved all the great powers and most of the smaller nations of the world. Text 2 This text is for questions 4-6. How to Paint on Glass For doing glass painting, at first you take a piece of glass proportional to the dimension of the proposed picture (thickness may vary according to the dimension of glass paintings; 2 mm or 3 mm). Then, clean thoroughly the surface with soap and water; wipe it with dry tissue paper and make the surface clean. Place the proposed picture under the glass in reverse mode (then only you will get the actual glass painting when you frame the glass). As this is a reverse mode painting, always remember to place picture in reverse mode for tracing. Start tracing the picture using the cone. After you finish outlining, let it remain for 15 to 30 minutes for drying. You should only begin applying glass color after proper drying. After 30 minutes, you can start applying colors on the outlined portion of the glass. You should never use both solvent based and water based glass painting colors in the same or adjacent areas. Before filling glass color on adjacent areas, wait for a few minutes to get the previously filled color get dry. This will help you prevent different colors from getting mixed. Show patience while doing glass painting; otherwise, you will spoil your paintings. Give time to dry colors when you use different colors for glass painting. After filling glass colors on all areas of painting, let it remain for 12 to 24 hours for the paintings to get dry. Sometimes it will take 24 to 48 hours according to the temperature and number of layers given for your paintings. Then, remove the picture placed under the glass; your glass painting work is over and can frame your painting.
Source: Alan Mish, January 25, 2010


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

4. a. b. c. d. e.

How long should you wait after filling glass color? Ten minutes. 15 to 30 minutes. 12 to 24 hours. One to two days. One to two weeks.

5. a. b. c. d. e. a. b. c. d. e.

What should you do after tracing the picture? Draw outline. Let it dry. Apply glass color. Place the picture under the glass. Fill glass color with solvent based painting colors. place the picture in reverse mode wait the previously filled color gets dry before filling glass color clean the glass surface with soap and water use a glass proportional to the dimension of the proposed picture use both solvent based and water based glass painting colors in the same or adjacent areas

6. Below are what you should do according to the text, except ________.

7. . . . wipe it with dry tissue paper and make the surface clean. (Step 1) The word it here refers to ________. a. the proposed picture b. the glass surface c. painting d. soap e. water 8. You should never use both solvent based and water based glass painting colors in the same or adjacent areas. (Step 5) What does the word adjacent mean? a. Far. b. Middle. c. Near. d. Colorful. e. Long. Text 3 This text is for questions 9-12. A stupid man was sent by his father to sell salt. He first went to a mining area but nobody there wanted his salt. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had helped the miners to dig, they would have bought his salt. The man next went to a house where a wedding was taking place. There he dug a huge hole. This made the people angry and they chased him away. When he returned home, his father told him that if he had beaten a drum and danced instead, the people there would have bought salt from him. Then, he went to a village where there happened to be a fire. Rushing to the place, he started drumming and dancing, only to be thrown out by the people. His father told him that he should have poured water on the fire instead, if he wanted to sell salt there.

In the next place he went to, a couple were fighting with each other. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water on them, again to be chased away. His father later told him that he should have tried to settle the quarrel, in which case they would have bought salt from him. In the final event, the man saw two bulls fighting with each other. He stepped in to stop the fight and was gored to death by angry bulls.
Taken from English Bestseller 12, 2001

9. a. b. c. d. e.

According to the text, the people in a mining area . did not want the salt returned home bought the salt wanted to sell the salt helped the miners

10. The foolish man poured a bucketful of water on them.

The antonym of the underlined words is _____. a. good b. gad c. bad d. clever e. stupid a.

11. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? The stupid man went to a village to cease fire b. The people were angry with the foolish man. c. The people did not buy salt d. The two bulls were fighting with each other. e. The stupid man stopped the bulls fighting. 12. There he dug a huge hole. This made the people angry and they chased him
away The underlined word refers to . the miners b. the man c. the people d. A stupid man e. the parents


Text 4 This text is for questions 13-17.

Royal Tretes View


Weekend Gateway
(Friday-Saturday subject room charge and Sunday is free charge) 01 October-25 December 2010 Deluxe Room

Stay for 2 nights and get 1 consecutive night free

ONLY Rp. 998.000,-/nett


Service Benefit and facilities: Free single/double breakfast during stay Free breakfast for 2 children under 12 years during stay Discount 10% for soft drink

Discount 10% for meals from Arimbi Restaurant, Dining Room and Liberties Pub & Karaoke Discount 15% for laundry and pressing Free using hotel sport facilities swimming pool, whirlpool & tennis court 13. The underlined word discount in the 6th line relates in meaning to the of price.
a. reduction b. substitution c. decision d. allocation e. addition 14. Where can you get access to internet? a. In the pub b. In the tennis court

c. In the hotel room d. In the swimming pool e. Near the reception longue

15. What is the meaning of consecutive in first line? a. random b. Respite

c. Postponed

d. Successive
e. Scrambled 16. What is the requirement of free breakfast for 2 children? They should be under during stay. a. ten b. eleven c. twelve d. fourteen e. fifteen 17. What does the text mainly tell about? a. free breakfast b. discount for soft drink c. special offer of weekend gateway d. special offer for children under 12 years e. stay two nights free one night everyday Text 5 This text is for questions 18-19. In the great city of Taipei, there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no children. Because of this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.

When Sau Ling was a young man, a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of trouble." Mr. and Mrs. Lin were very sad to hear this. They believed what the fortuneteller said. They gave Sau Ling some clothes and money and sent him away. Several years later, Sau Ling was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag. "That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy." He looked inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realized that someone had taken his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place. That evening, a young man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask my father to give you a job." The young man's father was a rich merchant. He gave Sau Ling a good job. "But go home first," he said, "and take a holiday." Sau Ling returned to Taipei. Mr. and Mrs. Lin were delighted to see him again. The fortune-teller was also present. Sau Ling told them what had happened. The fortune-teller did not know what to say. He left the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs. Lin never believed in fortune-teller after that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were very happy and contented until the end of their lives.
Taken from Favourite Stories from Taiwan, 2000

18. What is the main idea of the first paragraph ? a. It is difficult for them to find a baby. b. The baby was wrapped in a blanket and crying. c. Lin and his wife were unhappy because they did not have any children. d. Lin and his wife lived happily because they lived in a great city of Taipei. e. Lin and his wife took the baby into their house and They loved him very much

19. He left the house without saying a word

The underlined words means. a. He went out silently b. He went out rudely c. He said rudely d. He didnt keep silently e. He didnt say good bye 20. The lesson we can take from the story is that a. We must aware to other. b. We must be honest people. c. We must take care of ourselves. d. We must not cheat some other else. e. We must marry soon to have a baby.

21. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To retell pa events.

b. c. d. e.

To To To To

entertain the readers. describe something in general. explain how something happens. describe a particular person, thing.

Text 6 This text is for questions 22 to 27 How to Make Bread without a Bread Machine You will need: 2 tbs yeast 2 cups hot-ish*) water 5 cups bread flour (2 for the sponge and 3 for later) 2 tbs sugar 2 tsp salt 2 tbs oil *) Hot-ish means between 95 and 115 degrees F. Step: 1. Make the sponge. Start by mixing the hot water and the flour. Then, add the sugar, oil, yeast and salt.

Let this sit for about 8 or 10 minutes. Assuming your water was hot enough, it should be nice and bubbly. 2. Add some flour and knead it. Add about 3 more cups of flour. It really depends on the humidity and how exact the measurements are in the sponge step. Once it gets too tough to stir, flip it onto a clean floured surface. Now, knead away, adding flour as you do so.

Knead the dough for 8 or 9 minutes. When you finish this part, put it back in the bowl and cover it with a slightly damp towel. 3. Let it rise. Let the dough rise in a warm place for about 45 minutes to an hour. The dough should be about doubled in size by the time its finished.

4. Divide the dough. Punch the dough down, then divide it into 3 parts. Spray the pans and put the dough in. Let it rise again in the pans (covered).

5. Bake the dough. Preheat your oven to 375 F and put the loaves in. Bake them for about 25 minutes. The quick read thermometer should read between 180 and 190 degrees. Pull the loaves out and place them on their sides on a rack, after a few seconds slide them out of the pans and onto the rack. Let them cool.

6. Enjoy it.

You can add nuts, roll it out, and add cinnamon and raisins for cinnamon-swirl bread, add your favorite spices, etc. Add sweet potatoes, chunks of cheese, pieces of ham, or whatever suites you. Be creative! Its your recipe to experiment with and make your own, have fun with it! Adapted from: January 15, 2010 22. When should you add flour to the sponge mixture? a. After it cools for one hour. b. After it sits for about 8 or 10 minutes. c. After it gets too tough to stir. d. After you pour water onto the mixture. e. After the water in the mixture is cold enough. 23. How long should you knead the dough? a. For 8 or 9 minutes. b. For 8 to 10 minutes. c. For fifteen minutes. d. For 25 minutes. e. For 45 minutes. 24. When a. b. c. d. e. should you flip the mixture onto a clean floured surface? After it rises. After you add flour. After you knead it. After the mixture get doubled. After the mixture is too tough to stir.

25. Add some flour and knead it. (Step 2)

What does the underlined word mean? a. To press and stretch dough with hands. b. To mix the dough with flour. c. To get liquid out. d. To let the dough rise. e. To punch the dough. 26. What a. b. c. d. e. should you do after you punch the dough down? Let it rise. Knead the dough. Divide it into 3 parts. Preheat the oven. Bake the dough. it refers to . sponge dough flour

27. put it back in the bowl and cover it with a slightly damp towel. (Step 2).
The word a. b. c.


d. e.

bowl sit

Text 7 This text is for questions 28-30. On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store. A man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was, but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it. I found the record store and listened to a few records. D' Massive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so surprised! He was a singer in D' Massive!
Adapted from New Horizons in English 4, 2002

28. How was he when he knew who the man was? a. He was so surprised. b. I was so familiar. c. He was very friendly d. His face looked so familiar. e. I wasnt sure exactly. 29. What is the text about? a. Meeting a star. b. Meeting DMassive. c. Looking for a record store. d. Walking with DMassive e. Meeting a singer in DMassive

30. I decided to buy it. I looked in my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper
the man gave me. It was a photo The word it refers to a. my bag b. my wallet c. money d. record store e. a piece of paper Text 8 This text is for questions 31-34. The king of a famous kingdom in Cipanas, West Java, was a very wise king. He has a beautiful daughter. The king and the queen loved their daughter so much. But all


their love was not enough for the princess. Even though they gave her everything, she was not happy. All the jewelries that she had were not enough for her. She was not satisfied with her gorgeous looked either. The princess then had an idea. She planned to put all the jewelries that they had in every single hair in her head. She wanted to be the most beautiful girl in the world. So, the princess went to see her mother and father and told them about her plan. She was very sure they would not say no. The king was surprised to hear about his daughter's plan. He tried to convince her that her plan was not proper. 'My Daughter, the beauty of a princess is not measured by her clothes or by the jewelry she is wearing, but by her attitude. It's not that we don't love you, but what will people think if you go through with your plan? said the king. The princess was shocked to hear that. So, she ran to her room to get her jewelry box. Then she returned to her parents. She screamed: 'You are so miserly. Here, I am returning: The every single jewelry you ever gave me.' She threw her jewelry box to her father. The wise king was outraged seeing his daughter did. "You are ungrateful daughter. Suddenly, the floor of the palace erupts and water poured out from the crack. In a matter of second, the palace was flooded, drowned the ungrateful princess and her jewelry. The palace then replaced by a lake. The lake always reflects multiple colors to its surrounding. Some say the colors come from the princess jewelry. The lake is known as Telaga Warna

31. The text above mainly discuss about.

a. b. c. d. e. A queen in Cipanas The king and the queen. The princes in Cipanas Telaga warna in Cipanas The queen and her daughter.

32. The following statement is true except

a. b. c. d. e. The kings daughter was ungrateful girl The kings daughter was satisfied with her gorgeous The king and the queen loved their daughter very much The Princes was socked because of her parents answer the beauty is not measured by the clothes or by the jewelry

33. What will people think if you go through with your plan?
The underlined words means. a. control b. play c. replay d. practice e. approach

34. Some say the colors come from the princess jewelry
The underlined word refers to . a. the king


b. the queen
c. the parents d. daughter e. the people

Text 9 This text is for question 35. 35. 1. I decided to apply for the job. 2. I saw an interesting job advertised in the paper last week. 3. Then I went to the address in the advertisement. 4. I telephoned the company whether the job is still vacant. 5. The next morning I put on my best set of clothes. 6. They told me to come to the office the next day for an interview. 7. After asking me a lot of questions the manager offered me the job. 8. I was asked to go on into the managers office. The best arrangement of the sentences to make a good paragraph is .. a. 1 2 4 6 5 3 7 8 b. 1 2 3 4 8 5 6 7 c. 2 1 4 6 5 3 8 7 d. 1 2 4 5 8 6 7 3 e. 2 3 1 4 5 6 8 7 Text 10 This text is for questions 36-38. My Day I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't have enough money. Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I had yesterday.
Taken from Ready to Write, 2003

36. What did he do after having breakfast? a. He got so quickly that he forgot to wear socks. b. He wears socks so quickly that he forgot to get dressed. c. He ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus.


d. He burned his hand when he was making breakfast.

e. He put on his dress that he forgot to wear socks 37. What is the text about? a. The writers memorable day. b. The writers unexpected day. c. The writers unforgettable day. d. The writers unlucky day e. The writers frightening day

38. I walked the three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday!
The synonym of the word in italic is . a. wrap b. find out c. discern d. realize e. arrive

Text 11 This text is for questions 39-40.



39. Where do we usually find this bag? a. In the caf b. In the toilet c. In the lobby d. In the bedroom e. In the dining room


40. What does the word sanitary mean?

a. Dirty b. Muddy c. Polluted d. Hygienic e. Unhealthy

Tim Penyusun Drs. H. Kayis H.M., M.Pd. (SMAN 2 Jombang) Khoirur Roziqin, S.Pd. I. (SMAN 1 Kediri) Luh Putu Mertawati, S.Pd. (SMAN 1 Kademangan Blitar) Drs. Muh. Yasin, M.Pd. (SMAN 1 Kandat) Wirawan, S.Pd. (SMAN 1 Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto) Tri Mei H., S.Pd (SMAN 1 Wungu Kabupaten Madiun) Kustyorini, S.Pd. (SMAN 4 Kota Madiun) A. Khusairi (SMA Islam Brawijaya Kota Mojokerto) Sutarnik, S.Pd. (SMA Katolik Diponegoro Blitar)


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