Computer: Information Digital Data Program

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A computer is a device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. Complex computers also include the means for storing data (including the program, which is also a form of data) for some necessary duration. A program may be invariable and built into the computer (and called logic circuitry as it is on microprocessors) or different programs may be provided to the computer (loaded into its storage and then started by an administrator or user). Today's computers have both kinds of programming.

CPU The central processing unit (CPU) processes all of the data that is accessed by the machine. It is a small internal piece that is located beneath the fan. Essentially, the purpose of a CPU is to process instructions through a fourpart sequence of fetching, decoding, execution and writeback.

Most new computers are sold with dual-core CPUs, which integrate two processors into one unit. However, CPUs can have many cores. Intel has built an 80-core processor that can handle a trillion operations per second.

What are the parts of computer?

RAM Random access memory provides a buffer between the hard drive and central processing unit. When files are requested for processing, they transfer from the hard drive to the memory. The CPU then processes the file and replaces it in the memory.

A hard drive provides permanent storage for the operating system, programs and files on a machine. When files are saved to the hard drive, they are retained through power outages.

New computers are usually equipped with SATA drives, which have replaced the older IDE drive technology. These drives use slimmer cables, smaller power connections, and have numerous performance benefits over the older hard drive types. SATA hard drives do not get as hot and can transfer data faster.

The memory provides a temporary storage that will be eliminated if power is removed from the machine. It is important to save modified files to the hard drive so that they will be retained if the power turns off.

Hard Drive

Optical Drive

An optical drive is any drive that reads the data through

optic technology, such as a laser. These drives can read data from discs. Common types of optical drives include CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and Blu-ray drives. Some of these drives can read and write data using lasers.

Computer components, including the CPU, RAM, hard drive and optical drives, plug into the motherboard. This allows the separate components to interact with each other to create a fully functional machine. While each computer part has a unique function, they would be

Optical media are cheap, making CDs the most economical method for computer software distribution. While a computer can function without a CD drive, it will be extremely difficult to use a computer without it.

utterly useless without the unifying motherboard. Brief summary of history of computer. A brief history of computers is a project talking about technology; mainly computers and how it has evolved over the last seventy years, highlighting the important dates and how it has an incredible impact in todays society. The video starts at 1944, where Professor Harvard Aiken, a Harvard graduate, created a new mechanic with the assistance of IBM which they named Mark One, it


The motherboard is an underlying circuit board that holds all the computer components together.

consisted of mechanical and electronic parts by storing it in electromagnetic relays. As time progressed, many new inventors began to step up and create new inventions of their own which would have an impact in the technology timeline. J. Presper and John Mauchly created the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC) in 1946 in order to assist the American Government. Jack Kilby, in 1958, initially created the Integrated Circuit, which was used as a branch for supercomputers and internal storage and is now a key element in modern computers and other media devices. Years later, The US Defense had created a new network called APRA/ARPANET, which was used to distribute information amongst the organisation, making it the predecessor of any network used today. One of the greatest developers of technology, which is still used today and is known as the worlds leading processor is the famous Intel, which was developed by Ted Hoff in 1971. Hoff created the Intel 4004 Microprocessor.

Alto computers, developed by Xerox followed shortly after in 1973, consisted of Graphical User Interface, which for the first time, allowed the user to engage with the computer by using icons and pointers. As the usage for computers evolved, so did the operating systems. UNIX creator was developed in 1970 and became the foundation of operating systems and is still used in computers as well as other media devices today. As technology enhanced, many developers (who went onto create operating systems) such as Apple, which was created in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, followed by the Apple II in 1977, using GUI to their advantage and was well received in schools and other forms of education. MS Dos in 1980 which were developed by Bill Gates and IBM, known as one of the most influential inventors there ever was, started their own systems to rival UNIX. Microsoft revolutionised the computer industry, allowing inexperienced users to use the computers from the privacy of their own homes. Both companies went on to

update their operating systems (Windows by Microsoft and iMac by Macintosh) and are still used today. It wasnt just computers that had an impact in society, devices such as floppy drives by Sony in 1980, later followed by CD-ROM drives in 1985, eventually making the use of floppy drives obsolete. What began to change the technology world was the creation of the Internet in 1989 followed by the creation of the World Wide Web in 1990 and is used as a new form of communication. From that point onwards, the progression of the internet and modern technology has grown rapidly, revolutionising the world.

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