Senior Viewbook

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Find Your

Choosing a college is one of the most important decisions youll make. Its about so much more than preparing for a career ... its about choosing the best possible educational experience for you. Its about discovering what drives your ambitions, your passions, your dreams for the future. Its also about the value of your college experience. Hofstra University is committed to making a college education affordable. In fall 2012 we awarded $21.4 million to first-year students, and a total of $71.5 million institutional gift assistance was awarded to all entering undergraduate students. Why? Because with a college degree, you are more likely to get a job. Hofstra awards scholarships and grants based on academic merit, financial need, and creative and athletic talent. We break down the traditional walls of learning at Hofstra. Our accomplished faculty, 92 percent of whom hold the highest degree attainable in their fields, give you the personal attention and confidence you need to pursue your dreams and soar to new heights. And thats whos teaching you there are no graduate students leading classes. With an average undergraduate class size of just 21 and a student-to-faculty ratio of 14-to-1, you can expect personal service at our university.

Jump Start Your


Even though the university is large enough to offer you plenty of options, you wont get lost at Hofstra. Each student is assigned a dedicated advisement counselor who helps you through your first year course selection, transition issues and academic choices. In addition, a Student Financial Services counselor is assigned to you to help navigate your way through the financing of your education. And when you choose a major, youll be given a second advisor, a member of our faculty, to guide you in your major requirements and career options. At Hofstra University, its all about choice. You can choose from among 140 unique program options, more than 500 cultural and social events each year, 200 student clubs and organizations, 17 Division I teams who compete at the highest level of intercollegiate athletics, and valuable internship and networking opportunities on Long Island and in New York City. Youll live and study on a campus thats so beautiful, its registered as an arboretum, with 20 dining options, a new fitness facility, great public transportation and shopping nearby, and countless academic and personal support services all for you. For those who want to be successful, Hofstra University offers hundreds of resources, programs and events to help you get there. When you graduate, youll have the experience, connections, knowledge and confidence necessary to take the next step, whether its attending graduate school or starting a career. Our most recent Alumni Outcomes Survey showed that 93 percent of 2010-2011 undergraduate respondents are employed or in graduate school full time. Since its founding in 1935, Hofstra University has grown to become a leader in teaching excellence, scholarship, technology, sustainability, student resources, and academic programs. We continue to enhance our reputation for excellence and the value of a Hofstra degree.

Did you know?

Hofstra is one of only three colleges in the New York metropolitan area to have schools of law, medicine and engineering.

Discover Your

Pride and Purpose


Did you know?

Beginning in 1982 with FDR: The Man, The Myth, The Era: 1882-1945, the University has hosted its Presidential Conferences series, bringing together scholars from a wide variety of fields, journalists, former government officials and in some cases the former presidents themselves to subjectively discuss the policies and issues of the various presidencies.


Right for You

Find the Program Thats

At Hofstra, youll discover your strengths and find your purpose in one of the Universitys more than 140 undergraduate program options in liberal arts and sciences, business, communication, engineering, teacher education, health sciences and human services, law, and medicine. Hofstras innovative, life-shaping programs are designed to help students prepare for and succeed in the professional world. Our broad array of programs gives you the opportunity to follow a path of your own choosing to the future you desire. But dont worry if youre not sure what your path is just yet many of our students start out undecided and choose a major by their sophomore year. At Hofstra University, you can change your major without having to re-apply. And we offer so much more than innovative programs ... we offer academic and personal support services, impressive facilities in which to live and learn, exciting cultural and social programming, and personal attention ensuring that our students are prepared to succeed. We invite you to explore Hofstras program offerings and schools.

Were confident youll find the program and educational experience thats right for you.


African Studies: B.A. American Studies: B.A. Anthropology: Anthropology: B.A. Anthropology-Archaeology: B.A. Art History: B.A. Asian Studies: B.A. Biochemistry: B.S. biology: Biology: B.A.; B.S. Biology Cell & Molecular Biology: B.A.; B.S. Biology Ecology & Evolution: B.A.; B.S. Biology Marine Biology: B.A.; B.S. Chemistry: B.A.; B.S. Chinese: B.A. Chinese Studies: B.A. Classics: B.A. Comparative Literature: B.A. Criminology: B.A. Dance: B.A. Drama: B.A. Economics: Business Economics: B.S. Economics: B.A.; B.A./M.B.A.;* B.S./M.B.A.* Mathematical Business Economics: B.S.; B.S./M.B.A.;* B.S./Finance: M.S.* Mathematical Economics: B.A.; B.A./M.B.A.* English: English Creative Writing & Literature: B.A. English English & American Literature: B.A. English Publishing Studies & Literature: B.A. Environmental Resources: B.S. Fine Arts: Fine Arts Ceramics: B.A.; B.S. Fine Arts Design: B.A.; B.S. Fine Arts Painting: B.A.; B.S. Fine Arts Photography: B.A.; B.S. Fine Arts Sculpture/Jewelry: B.A.; B.S. Forensic Science: B.S. French: B.A. Geography: B.A. Geology: B.A.; B.S. German: B.A. Global Studies: B.A. Hebrew: B.A. History: B.A. Hofstra University 4+4 Combined Bachelors and M.D. Program: B.A./M.D.;* B.S./M.D.* Individually Designed Major: B.A. Italian: B.A. Jewish Studies: B.A. Labor Studies: B.A.; B.A./Business Administration: M.B.A.* Latin: B.A. Latin American & Caribbean Studies: B.A. Legal Education Accelerated Program (LEAP): B.A./J.D.* Liberal Arts: B.A. Linguistics: B.A. Mathematics: Computer Science and Mathematics (dual): B.S. Mathematics: B.A.; B.S.; B.A./Business Administration: M.B.A.;* B.A./Finance: M.S.;* B.S./Business Administration: M.B.A.;* B.S./Finance: M.B.A.;* B.S./Finance: M.S.* Mathematics Actuarial Science: B.S. Mathematics Applied Mathematics: B.S. Mathematics Chemistry: B.S. Mathematics Computer Science: B.S. Mathematics Engineering: B.S. Mathematics Physics: B.S. Music: Music: B.A. Music History/Literature: B.S. Music Jazz & Commercial Music: B.S. Music Music Merchandising: B.S. Music Performance: B.S. Music Theory & Composition: B.S. Philosophy: B.A. Physics: Applied Physics: B.S. Physics: B.A.; B.S. Political Science: B.A. Pre-Health Studies with a concentration in Humanities or Social Sciences: B.A. Pre-Medical Studies: B.S. Pre-Professional Programs: Pre-Dental Pre-Law Pre-Nursing Pre-Optometry Pre-Podiatry Pre-Veterinary Psychology: B.A. Religion: B.A. Russian: B.A. Sociology: B.A. Spanish: B.A. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) (with dual major in Elementary Education): B.A.; B.A./Elementary Education: M.A.* Sustainability Studies: B.A.; B.S. Theater Arts: Theater Arts Performance Sequence: B.F.A. Theater Arts Production Sequence: B.F.A. Urban Ecology: B.A.; B.S.; B.A./M.A.;* B.S./M.S.* Womens Studies: B.A.


Entrance to Hofstra University Honors College is by invitation only and occurs after a students acceptance to the University.


Accounting: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.;* B.B.A./M.S.;* B.B.A./Taxation: M.S.;* M.B.A.* Entrepreneurship: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.;* B.B.A./Human Resources Management: M.S.* Finance: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.* Information Technology: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.* International Business: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.* Legal Studies in Business: B.B.A. Management: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.;* B.B.A./Business Education: M.S.Ed.;* B.B.A./Human Resources Management: M.S.* Marketing: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.;* B.B.A./M.S.;* B.B.A./Marketing Research: M.S.* Supply Chain Management: B.B.A.; B.B.A./M.B.A.*


Film Studies and Production: B.A. Journalism: B.A.; B.A./M.A:* Mass Media Studies: B.A. Public Relations: B.A. Radio Production and Studies: B.A. Speech Communication & Rhetorical Studies: Speech Communication & Rhetorical Studies Speech Communication: B.A. Speech Communication & Rhetorical Studies Communication, Citizenship, and Public Advocacy: B.A. Speech Communication & Rhetorical Studies Communication, Culture, and Social Action: B.A. Video/Television: B.A.; B.S. Video/Television & Business: B.S. Video/Television & Film: B.S.


Early Childhood and Childhood Education (with dual major in a liberal arts discipline): B.A. Early Childhood Education (Birth-Grade 2) (with dual major in a liberal arts discipline): B.A. Elementary Education (Grades 1-6) (with dual major in a liberal arts discipline): B.A. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) (with dual major in Elementary Education): B.A.; B.A./Elementary Education: M.A.* Health Professions and kinesiology: Athletic Training: B.S. Exercise Science: B.S. Health Education: B.S. Physical Education: B.S.Ed.; B.S./Health and Physical Education: M.S.* Secondary Education: Dance Education: B.S.Ed. Fine Arts Education: B.S.Ed. Music Education: B.S.Ed. Secondary Education (with dual major in another discipline): English Education: B.A. Foreign Language Education French: B.A. Foreign Language Education German: B.A. Foreign Language Education Italian: B.A. Foreign Language Education Russian: B.A. Foreign Language Education Spanish: B.A. Mathematics Education: B.A. Science Education Biology: B.A. Science Education Chemistry: B.A. Science Education Earth Science: B.A. Science Education Physics: B.A. Social Studies Education: B.A.



Computer Engineering: Computer Engineering: B.S. Computer Engineering Concentration in Leadership & Innovation in Computing (CLIC): B.S. Computer Engineering Option in Leadership & Innovation in Computing (OLIC): B.S. Computer Science: B.A.; B.S.; B.A./M.S.;* B.S./M.S.* Computer Science & Mathematics (dual): B.S. Engineering: Electrical Engineering: B.S. Engineering Science Biomedical: B.A.; B.E. Engineering Science Civil: B.E. Engineering Science Production & Manufacturing: B.A. Industrial Engineering: B.S. Mechanical Engineering: B.S.



Community Health: B.S. Health Science: B.S. Physician Assistant Studies: B.S./M.S.* Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences: B.A.

*A dual degree program allows the student to earn both degrees in less time than if each degree is pursued separately. Hofstra University offers more than 100 dual degree programs, many of them in the Zarb School of Business. Learn more at

Hofstra College of

Liberal Arts and Sciences

Prepare yourself for a rewarding career at Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Thanks to rigorous course work, Trip Coordinator self-directed projects, Dr. J bret bennington interdisciplinary studies and engaging professors, youll discover the rich traditions of history, language, art and science. You will develop and enhance the analysis, reasoning and communication skills that are important to employers today. At Hofstra, you become part of a time-honored tradition of excellence and scholarship.

We followed Charles Darwins path through the galpagos Islands, observing the volcanic landscapes and unique flora and fauna that started him on the path to his theory of evolution it was an amazing and enlightening three weeks of travel!

and biologically diverse places on Earth. Students learn how to gather and analyze field data, and are provided with opportunities to visit local highlights such as the Cotopaxi stratovolcano.

In the natural sciences, students learn in modern facilities using cutting-edge technologies, including a science building with 20 laboratories and a rooftop observatory. Through computerized Celestron and radio telescopes in the Hofstra Observatory, students can see Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and the Andromeda Galaxy. Hofstra students have the opportunity to use a Beowulf-class supercomputer designed to support research and training in physics and chemistry. In BIO 110A, students travel to the Galpagos Islands and Ecuador to explore one of the most geographically exciting

In the social sciences, students learn to interpret human behavior by exploring the dynamics of individuals and groups. Each year, political science students are invited to become interns for The Washington Semester Program. They have the opportunity to intern in Congress, the executive branch, the federal judiciary and various nongovernmental organizations. This experience cultivates important relationships for future careers. In the arts, students learn to express themselves and develop their talents. Imagine the experience of performing or exhibiting your work in any one of the galleries and theaters on campus! For example, our Music Department, with two professional resident ensembles and more than 20 large and small ensembles, stages more than 40 performances each year. Even if you are not a music major, you can still audition for a place in the ensemble!



achieve your potential in a supportive environment

Frank G. Zarb

School of business

The Frank g. Zarb School of business offers a full array of programs designed to prepare todays students for roles as tomorrows business leaders. Students choose from a broad selection of majors, enhanced by an outstanding faculty, leading-edge facilities, and the close proximity of New York City, which offers numerous internship and career opportunities. The Zarb School is one of only 10 percent of business schools nationwide to be accredited in both business and accounting by AACSB International The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Always moving forward with our curriculum, the Zarb School offers accelerated dual degree programs in a variety of disciplines. Students can earn a Bachelor of Business Administration and either a Master of Science or Master of Business Administration in just five years saving time and money, from one semester to a full year of tuition. Zarb accounting students are taught both the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) accounting principles ensuring their job market readiness. Hofstras curriculum is designed to teach you proven business theory through real-world examples. In IT 132 (Fundamentals of IT Forensics) students explore electronic evidence and file systems, securing wireless networks, cybercrime issues, and data recovery.

Current industry best practices are applied by using actual case scenarios. When students enroll in MKT 126 (Sports Marketing), they learn about the ever-changing sports marketing industry, including spectator relations, marketing and media promotions, special events and sponsor relations. They also discuss practical, day-to-day issues that sports organizations face. As a student in LEGL 125, you learn about the issues behind todays headlines. This class is just one of the many engaging courses youll find at Hofstra to help you develop the skills, background and contacts you need to succeed in a contemporary, global business environment. Your studies will focus on business fundamentals as well as decision making and management in a diverse environment. In addition to internships, forums with business leaders, participation in academic clubs, and networking opportunities, you will attend small classes with accomplished, accessible professors. Hofstras close proximity to New York City, the business capital of the world, allows many of our alumni to actively engage with current students through internship and networking opportunities and assisting with career preparation, including rsum critiquing.






leaders are made here


School of


The School of Communication offers a liberal arts-based, interdisciplinary program of study in all forms of communication that balances the how and why we communicate. Students choose from a wide range of majors in radio/television/ film; journalism, media studies, and public relations; and speech communication, rhetoric and performance studies. Our programs are designed to teach students to think both critically and creatively, preparing them for professional careers in radio, television and film, as well as in new media and the applications of tomorrow. In American Public Address (SPCM 128), students learn how to recognize and evaluate effective persuasion by political figures, social activists and other famous Americans. Students gain an understanding of the power of language from watching Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech, learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses in opposing arguments by examining congressional and public debates over the war in Afghanistan, and appreciate the power of radical street theater by studying PETA animal rights demonstrations and WTO protests about global environmental and economic issues. In Public Relations Campaigns (PR 107), the class operates as a public relations agency on a pro bono basis for a nonprofit client. Students meet with the client for background research, create a start-to-finish strategic proposal, make a formal presentation to the client, and, with the clients approval, spend the semester executing the plan, which may include producing materials such as brochures, media releases and special events.

Initially developed as a pilot competition for an in-class project in 2001, Hofstra student Joseph Lombino created Thursday Nite Live. It started as a late-night talk show and over the years it has evolved into the sketch comedy show it is today. Hofstra students from many different majors pull together to create and perform three shows a semester, and all are invited to be audience members during the live shows. Regarded by many to be the one of the best pre-professional broadcast training stations, WRHU, Radio Hofstra University 88.7 FM, offers a mix of training in state-of-the art studios, on-air and off-air opportunities, mentoring by in-house broadcast professionals, networking sessions with industry leaders and thousands of Hofstra radio alumni. All students are invited to audition to be a staff member.



accomplished faculty ... real-world experience



School of


The School of Educations undergraduate programs nurture your communication, collaboration and leadership skills while preparing you for teaching certification or work in a health-related field, and laying the groundwork for continued learning. Whether you want to work with children, adolescents or adults, you participate in meaningful field assignments and observations early on in your studies. In Classroom Perspectives and Issues: Elementary Education Grades 1-6 (ELED 123A), student-teachers engage in a self-study of their teaching behavior while analyzing the issues concerning classroom structures, equity, diversity, inclusion, assessment and integration of the curriculum. The role of play as a learning condition is examined in Young Childrens Movement, Music, Rhythmic Activities and Play for the Classroom (ELED 111B), as students explore the development of movement, rhythmic activities, music, and aesthetic and creative abilities in children. Faculty members in Hofstras School of Education will help you become an advocate for those you teach and serve. Using the highly interactive multimedia resources of Hagedorn Hall and the Hofstra Dome, you will develop the skills to contribute to society while gaining a sense of satisfaction from your work. You will work closely with your advisor to make sure all the requirements are met to sit for the New York State Teacher Certification Examinations (NYSTCE). Approximately 96 percent of Hofstra program graduates pass these exams, and our students take full advantage of our placement service. Hofstras reputation for producing highly competent, qualified and caring educators and administrators is well known throughout the region, and alumni serve in the majority of regional school districts. Hofstra is also one of the largest suppliers of educators to the New York City Department of Education and is listed as one of U.S. News & World Reports top 100 Schools of Education.


a rewarding profession at the nexus of change



School of

Engineering and Applied Science

Hofstras recently established School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) offers dynamic programs in computer science and engineering featuring innovative, intensive curricula that emphasize high-tech research, practical work experience and interdisciplinary study. Professionally active faculty teach students the theory and knowledge it takes to succeed, as well as the foundation needed to face the challenges of constantly evolving career environments. Students will be eligible to apply to participate in a new co-op work experience program during their junior year. These summer or semester-long work experiences provide hands-on opportunities with local industries; opportunities that can often lead to highly desirable jobs upon graduation. Whether youre interested in electrical, industrial, mechanical or civil engineering, there is a program thats right for you at Hofstras Department of Engineering. Acting as an incubator for research and development, our department offers the kind of curriculum you need to flourish in the constantly evolving field of engineering

key features include small class sizes, dynamic research collaborations with faculty and peers, and a highly accessible faculty that provide a real-world perspective. Studying engineering is hard work, but its also rewarding; each spring Hofstra hosts the Long Island regional FIRST Robotics Competition, during which engineering students mentor a high school team. At Hofstras Department of Computer Science, youll acquire a strong foundation in programming and application development, algorithms, computer architecture, operating systems, networking and software engineering, and also have the opportunity to take dynamic electives, including computer games, Web application development, and artificial intelligence. There are a variety of enjoyable opportunities to collaborate with peers as well, including the Hofstra Computer Science Club, networking events, programming competitions, and group projects. In an exciting, supportive learning environment like this, youll receive that well-rounded experience we know you are looking for.

education at the forefront of science and engineering



School of

Health Sciences and Human Services

Through interdisciplinary partnerships with programs in the arts and sciences, medicine, education, business, communication and law, the School of Health Sciences and Human Services teaches you how to effectively provide therapeutic and developmental services; prevent, diagnose and treat illness and disabilities; and design, implement, administer and evaluate health promotion programs, policies and systems. Our undergraduate program options which include community health, health sciences and speech-language-hearing sciences provide students with excellent preparation for work in health care settings and a foundation for graduate study in education and health-related professions. Our community health program examines global patterns of disease, health conditions

in countries around the world, and international health initiatives in courses such as Stress Management (HPFS 69) and Global Health Issues (HPFS 160). Youll learn how to provide health care with clinical excellence, compassion and dedication to the community in Hofstras dual degree (B.S./M.S.) program in physician assistant studies, which features three semesters of clinical experience. The rapidly changing health care environment needs leaders, policymakers and managers who conduct research, participate in community service initiatives, and disseminate information to change behavior and shape health policy. At Hofstras School of Health Sciences and Human Services youll find that unique combination of theory and experience that is necessary in todays health care environment.


educating the next generation of health care practitioners, managers and advocates


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Hofstra University Honors College

optimal learning, ideal living ... HUHC

Are you looking for extraordinary experiences to help you discover your full potential? Eager to explore learning opportunities outside the classroom? If so, Hofstra University Honors College is sure to be the foundation for your success. During your first year, youll take your place beside other students who, like you, perform at the highest academic levels. Together, you will be enrolled in Culture & Expression, an innovative, yearlong pair of courses in the humanities and social sciences. Culture & Expression is taught by a multidisciplinary team of Hofstras most accomplished scholar-teachers. In these courses, you explore the ancient and modern worlds in small, faculty-led discussion groups. Common meetings held throughout the year bring together all first-year Honors College students for presentations by specialists in areas related to your studies. After your first year, your honors work follows an individual plan of study geared toward your intellectual interests. We have a saying at Honors College: You dont follow the

curriculum; it follows you. Along the way, your professors and mentors are there for you with a compassionate ear and sound advice that takes into account your academic and career goals. Over the course of your four years as an Honors College student, you will participate in many cultural and academic activities. Well encourage you to take those opportunities one step further by studying abroad, learning firsthand from international scholars and practitioners about the subjects you love. The HUHC curriculum works in tandem with all Hofstra majors. It does not require extra courses nor extra time to complete the degree. You can pursue any of Hofstras 140 undergraduate program options and earn honors credits at the same time. At graduation, you receive an honors designation, a mark of distinction on your degree that potential employers and graduate schools all recognize. Most important, you will be well prepared to venture further on the path you have paved for yourself with pride in your accomplishments and an eagerness for lifelong learning.

You know who you are ... youre motivated, driven, and eager to make the most of your education at Hofstra. In addition to the 140 undergraduate program options, we offer more than 100 dual degree programs, giving you the opportunity to earn both a graduate and undergraduate degree in less time than if each degree was pursued separately. Each academic year we add to the number of dual degrees offered. Look for more programs in business and education soon. Options include: 44+4 Combined Bachelors and M.D. Program: B.A./M.D.; B.S./M.D. 4Legal Education Accelerated Program, B.A./J.D.: This is a highly selective six-year program in which students earn a B.A. and J.D.

4B.B.A./M.B.A.; and B.B.A./M.S.: These options offer major areas, including accounting, health services management, information technology, management, and marketing. 4Management: B.B.A./Business Education: M.S.Ed. 4Journalism: B.A./M.A. 4Computer Science: B.A./M.S.; B.S./M.S. 4Economics: B.A./M.B.A.; B.S./M.B.A. 4Physician Assistant Studies: B.S./M.S. 4Physical Education: B.S./Health and Physical Education: M.S. 4Urban Ecology: B.A./M.A.; B.S./M.S. 4STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) (with dual major in Elementary Education): B.A.; B.A./Elementary Education: M.A.


earn both your undergraduate and graduate degrees


Explore our ever-growing list of dual degree options at


Dual Degree Programs



Life at Hofstra




Home away from home sweet home

You will find a new home at Hofstra one that offers all the amenities you need for comfort and safety. What type of campus living arrangement do you have in mind? You may want to live in a traditional-style residence. Or, do you prefer the camaraderie of suite-style living? To accommodate individual preferences, Hofstras residence halls offer a variety of options, including designated quiet floors. All housing styles are accessible to individuals with disabilities. Residences are staffed with trained and friendly professional resident directors and resident assistants. You will find the help and company you need around-the-clock, throughout the week, and all semester long. Make a snack in the common kitchen. Join your friends in the lounge to play a game on the Nintendo Wii or continue the conversation from your first-year seminar class. Use the Internet or watch television in your room. Theres always something to do in our residence halls. Our campus is an officially designated arboretum. We are home to both ivy-covered classroom buildings and modern, elegant facilities. Our vibrant campus has exceptional and technologically advanced classrooms, six theaters, a state-of-the-art fitness center, an accredited museum, modern athletic facilities, and an impressive 10-floor library that offers 24/7 electronic access to more than 95,000 journals and books. Our 240-acre campus also features one of the most advanced academic trading rooms in the country, one of the largest noncommercial broadcast facilities in the Northeast, and a cutting-edge converged newsroom and multimedia classroom. And thats not all. Recreational and athletic facilities include an Olympic-sized swimming pool, a new fitness center, an indoor sports and entertainment arena, and impressively designed and maintained athletic fields.



Whats cooking at Hofstra? Everything.

If you want variety in your diet, Hofstra has a multitude of dining options. Hofstra University has 20 dining facilities, each with its own flair. Campus Dining Services, which is designed to fit any lifestyle on campus, offers great-tasting food, nutrition and convenience for our students, and features 24-hour dining services, 20 retail restaurant locations and a selection of dining plan options varying in points, tailored for any part-time and full-time student. Your HofstraCard (with dining plan) may be used at any of these on-campus locations: 4Au Bon Pain at Hofstra Deli 4Axinn Library Caf 4Breslin Kiosk 4Caf Bistro at Bits n Bytes 4Cyber Caf 4Dutch Treats (open 24/7!) 4Elis Kosher Kitchen 4Java Connect (featuring Seattles Best Coffee) 4Hof USA 4Law School Kiosk 4Medical School Kiosk 4Nathans Famous 4Netherlands Caf 4Starbucks at Caf on the Corner 4Starbucks at Caf on the Quad 4Starr Caf 4Student Center Caf 4Subway 4Taro 13 (sushi) 4University Club



Warm up, work out ... keep fit and dive in!
If athletic activities appeal to you, there are many recreational options from which to choose, including aerobics, weight training, dance, flag football, karate, tennis, and more. First-year students are always welcome and needed. At Hofstra, many of our students participate in intramural sports clubs. Among others, students have the opportunity to join: 45-on-5 Basketball 4Baseball 4Crew 4Flag Football 4Ice Hockey 4Stadium Soccer 4Ultimate Frisbee 4Volleyball Some of our daily activities include: 4Aerobics 4Aikido 4Kickboxing 4Personal Training 4Step 4Toning/Sculpting Swim in our indoor, heated, Olympic-sized swimming pool. Take a Zumba class at the Universitys new state-of-the-art fitness center. Join a yoga or cycle class with friends. The possibilities are endless at Hofstra.


Division I athletics
Hofstra student-athletes compete in 17 NCAA Division I sports. Will they clinch the championship this year? Come cheer them on! Hofstra Pride teams are members of the Colonial Athletic Association. Mens Teams Baseball Basketball Cross Country Golf Lacrosse Soccer Tennis Wrestling Volleyball Womens Teams Basketball Cross Country Field Hockey Golf Lacrosse Soccer Softball Tennis


Not an athlete? No problem! Show your Hofstra Pride and cheer on your favorite team through Hofstras Spirit Support division. This unique, exciting association comprises our Coed Cheerleaders, Dance Team, Pep Band and the Mascots. Participating in these activities is a great way to become active on campus, meet fellow students, and increase your leadership and co-curricular involvement at Hofstra University.


A vibrant community
From the moment you step onto the Hofstra campus, there are a world of activities and opportunities waiting for you. We offer our students a dynamic, active campus community with something for everyone! Join us at one of our orientation programs, where you will acclimate to campus life and learn more about classes, clubs, resources, and activities. Prior to the start of the semester, you begin your Hofstra experience with Welcome Week (fall) or Winter Welcome (spring) programs filled with activities to help you move in, meet new friends, and settle in to your new home at Hofstra! And orientation is just the beginning. Throughout the year, youll enjoy the many cultural and athletic events, festivals and lectures Hofstra has to offer. Students attend exciting annual programming, including Hofstra Fall Festival; Vibe Live Concert, with past artists and hosts that include Big Sean, LaLa Anthony, Adrienne Bailon, Jimmy Fallon, Snoop Dogg, Rick Ross and Trey Songz; the Parade of Floats; and Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays. You may even decide to join one of our 200 clubs and organizations or one of our 24 local and national fraternities and sororities.

Transferring to Hofstra?
The Office of Student Leadership and Activities also assists transfer students. Orientation sessions are planned to help you learn more about campus resources, connect with your classmates, understand the curriculum, meet with advisors, and register for classes.



The support you need

The Office of Student Leadership and Activities can assist you in acclimating to campus and adjusting to college life. Counselors and staff offer one-on-one assistance to all first-year students, and the office coordinates Explore Next Door, a series of events for new students. These events have recently included: 4Trips to Broadway plays such as Wicked, and other productions, including the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. 4Museum excursions and a television studio tour in Manhattan. 4An apple and pumpkin-picking trip with a hayride. 4Trips to the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and Central Park. 4Sporting events such as New York Yankees and Mets baseball games and New York Islanders hockey games. 4Learning projects, such as a day of service with Habitat for Humanity.



Need a helping hand?

Everything is new to you as a first-year student, but theres no reason to feel overwhelmed. Turn to the Division of Student Affairs for sound advice, insider tips and a compassionate ear. We are always here for you.

Uncover choice and variety

Each year Hofstra offers opportunities, both on and off campus, designed to suit your interests and needs.

You dont have to go to Manhattan to see a great show! There are many spirited student groups on campus, such as Hofstra Concerts, Danceworks and the Spectrum Players. In addition, our Department of Music presents jazz, classical and early-music performances each semester. Hofstras Department of Drama and Dance offers additional opportunities for students to showcase their talents and entertain peers, guests and friends onstage. Students are also encouraged to attend conferences, lectures and other events hosted by Hofstras academic departments and schools and the Hofstra Cultural Center. The Hofstra University Museum, which is accredited by the American Association of Museums, boasts a permanent collection of about 5,000 pieces. The Museum also hosts many events and exhibits each year.

Every year, Hofstra celebrates the holidays with a tree and menorah lighting ceremony. Following the ceremony, all members of the campus community are invited to visit our holiday village, which is created by Hofstra students. Students also attend the annual Dutch, Irish and Italian Experience Festivals.

Opportunities beyond the classroom

Hofstra extends learning beyond the classroom through a variety of study abroad opportunities. These faculty-led programs which include travel to Africa, China, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Spain inspire and foster both academic and personal growth. In addition to the plentiful networking opportunities on campus, students can take a short ride by train or car to New York City and take advantage of the many internship possibilities the city offers, gaining valuable on-the-job experience in areas such as finance, business, communication, advertising and entertainment. Students can also experience the citys many cultural riches. Broadway shows, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Madison Square Garden, Chinatown and Little Italy, and Wall Street all are within easy reach of the Hofstra campus.



If you want to explore the local area, take Hofstras

free shuttle bus two miles to the local Long Island Rail Road station for a 30-minute trip to Manhattan. Enjoy the outdoors? Beautiful Jones Beach State Park and its world-famous boardwalk are 10 miles from campus.

There is always something going on at Hofstra

Our 24/7 campus offers students a host of activities to help develop a network of friends and stay busy after class. You can become an active member of our vibrant community in so many ways. 4Join Hofstra Concerts and help organize major concert events on campus. 4Run for office in the Student Government Association. 4Write for The Chronicle, Hofstras student-run newspaper. 4Go to a concert at Hof USA, a unique entertainment complex that is the home base for campus nightlife. 4View contemporary art works at the Lowenfeld Conference and Exhibition Hall in the Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library. 4Cheer on one of our 17 NCAA Division I Pride teams. 4Enjoy the unique entertainment and crafts fair during the annual Dutch, Irish and Italian Experience Festivals. 4Attend a conference presented by the Hofstra Cultural Center.




Value and Affordability

Your Hofstra Education

To learn more about financing your education contact:

4Hofstra University Office of Student Financial Services: 516-463-8000 4U.S. Department of Education: 4Hofstras Net Price Calculator: 4FAFSA Online: 4FastWeb: Have questions? No problem! Visit to find a list of our most frequently asked questions.

Invest in yourself. The value of a Hofstra degree lasts a lifetime.

Hofstra University works hard to help make a private education affordable for you and your family. Why? Because we know that with more than 140 undergraduate program options and 22 academic accreditations, a Hofstra University education enables you to follow your dreams, build a career, make connections with faculty and alumni, establish lifelong friendships, and prepare for success. Hofstra graduates get jobs after graduation and are accepted into some of the best graduate schools in the country. In fact, 93 percent of 2010-2011 undergraduates who completed our Alumni Outcomes Survey reported that they were employed or attending graduate school full time. To help you achieve your goal of earning a Hofstra degree, the University offers several financial aid options. In fall 2012 we awarded $21.4 million to first-year students, and a total of $71.5 million institutional gift assistance was awarded to all entering undergraduate students. We encourage you to investigate your options thoroughly. You may be surprised how affordable a Hofstra education can be. Hofstras Net Price Calculator at is designed to give you and your family a preliminary estimate of the financial aid for which you might be eligible, if you were a full-time first-year student entering in the 2011-2012 academic year. Dont be afraid to check it out and work with it. More than likely, youll see the price of your Hofstra education will be much less than our posted tuition. To make your Hofstra education affordable, we also offer new undergraduate students a four-year locked-in rate for tuition and fees. By enrolling in our four-year locked-in rate, your family can manage the total cost of your education through graduation without any surprises. Visit to learn more about this helpful option. A college education is the most important investment you will make, and Hofstra is committed to providing you and your family the resources you need to make it achievable at the lowest possible rates. Let us help you discover what drives your ambitions, your passions, and your dreams for the future. At Hofstra, youll learn from faculty who are experts in their fields, and youll receive an education designed for real-world application. Youll have opportunities to lead, experiment, and meet students and alumni from around the world. Youll gain valuable experience through internships, extracurricular activities and advanced scholarship.



Hofstra encourages all families to apply for financial aid by filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This is the only form you need to submit when applying for financial assistance. Be sure to include Hofstras school code 002732 on your application. FAFSA forms are available online at or may be obtained from high schools in late December. You may submit the FAFSA after January 1, but be sure it is completed no later than February 15.


Distinguished Alumni


Philip Rosenthal
Executive Producer and Creator of Everybody Loves Raymond

In a survey of 746 Hofstra undergraduate 2010-2011 alumni: 486 percent were employed (full time or part time) 4Among those students who are employed, 93 percent indicated they found employment within six months of graduation, with 53 percent securing their job before graduation.

Catherine Hunter ESPN

You will succeed

From admission through graduation and beyond, Hofstra will help you get to where you want to be. Once a student chooses Hofstra, they are here to stay. With the constant success of our alumni, the value of a Hofstra degree increases every year.


... in business leadership roles

Our alumni hold leadership roles at companies such as GE Consumer and Industrial, Invesco PLC, Sterling Commodities Corporation, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Forbes Inc., Tiffany and Co., McNeil Nutritionals LCC (a Johnson & Johnson company), Merrill Lynch, YES Network, and BDO Seidman LLP.


... in the arts

Noted alumni include 4 Nelson DeMille, best-selling author


4 Francis Ford Coppola, Academy Award-winning director and producer 4 Philip Rosenthal, Emmy Award-winning executive producer and creator of Everybody Loves Raymond 4 Lou berger, writer 4 Susan Sullivan, Monica Horan and Lainie kazan, actresses 4 Catherine Hunter, director, ESPN, Studio Directing Department

Dr. Donna M. Mendes


... in law and politics

Noted alumni include 4The Honorable Maryanne Trump barry, judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals 4The Honorable Thomas DiNapoli, New York state comptroller 4The Honorable David A. Paterson, former governor of New York

... in science and academics

Noted alumni include 4Dr. Donna M. Mendes, vascular surgeon 4Morton Schapiro, president of Northwestern University 4Michael P. Delaney, vice president of engineering, Boeing Commercial Airplanes 4Dr. Irwin E. Redlener, president and co-founder of the Childrens Health Fund 4kimberly R. Cline, president of Mercy College


Michael P. Delaney Boeing

Well help you along the way

Support from the beginning
Starting college is exciting, but it can also be a time of apprehension about the unknown. At Hofstra, we have all the support services youll need to successfully acclimate to campus and ease your first-year jitters. We want to help you make a smooth transition to Hofstra and our support services and programs are available to you from the day you arrive to campus to the day you graduate, and beyond. Rest assured knowing that youll never get lost in the mix. Hofstra University has all the program options and resources of a large university, yet is still small enough to provide the kind of personal attention and guidance you need to succeed. At Hofstra, youre not just a name on a class roster or an application. We know what it takes to succeed. By choosing Hofstra, you gain access to the myriad services and resources that are designed to support your personal, academic, social and professional growth. And this high-quality service starts the moment you say yes to Hofstra.

The best part of The Career Center is Pride-CMS. The system allows a student to log in and see which employers are currently hiring. It is a simple, convenient and wonderful system that can provide help to all Hofstra students. John Santucci 11

Advisement deans and faculty advisors: A winning combination

Before you even walk into your first class, your faculty scholars are getting to know you. On their class rosters are pictures of you, pictures of your peers, pictures of your future friends who will inspire, challenge and support you. So when you arrive at your first class on your first day, youve already begun to receive personal attention. At Hofstra, personal attention is something you should come to expect. Hofstras Center for University Advisement (CUA) offers assistance with academic program planning, degree progress, pre-med and pre-law exploration, interpretation of Hofstras academic policies, and campus resources. Each student is assigned to an advisement dean who serves as his/her general academic advisor from admission to graduation. And thats not all. Hofstra utilizes a dual advisement approach that means that once you declare a major, you are assigned a faculty advisor within your major department. You can rely on both your dean and faculty mentor to provide you with personal support, individual guidance, and a compassionate ear. This unique collaboration between faculty and advisement deans ensures you receive effective, accurate service ... because you deserve the best service we can offer.

Support when you need it most

The Career Center at Hofstra University can help you explore majors and possible careers, draft that perfect resume and cover letter, attain your dream internship and job, and everything in between. It is our goal to support you during your transition to internships, summer jobs, and eventually graduate school planning and full-time employment. Services include one-on-one appointments, career-related workshops and webinars, countless networking opportunities, mock interviews, and access to thousands of job and internship postings. The University Tutorial Program (UTP), offered through the Center for University Advisement, is designed to provide academic support services to Hofstras undergraduate students. Individual and group tutoring services are available, and professional academic advisors are on-hand to provide additional guidance when necessary.



Need some help with that tough math class? Run by Hofstras Department of Mathematics, the Mathematics Tutoring Center is staffed by undergraduate and graduate students, and occasionally by a professor. The center is designed to help you get the assistance you need, as soon as a problem arises. Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) arranges academic accommodations and provides support for students with physical, learning and/or psychological disabilities. In addition to arranging accommodations, a major part of the mission of SSD is to help students develop the skills they need to be effective self-advocates at Hofstra and beyond. Our programs and services encourage active involvement from students in managing their own disabilities, while offering coaching and support along the way. From first-year students to graduate students to faculty and staff, at the Hofstra University Writing Center, you can meet face-to-face or online in real time with one of our qualified tutors. Wherever you are in your writing process working toward a topic, developing your ideas, structuring your argument, revising and polishing drafts we can help.

Support for life

Hofstra students and graduates benefit from the strength and high caliber of our ever-growing network of alumni in practically every career field imaginable. Many alumni return to Hofstra to offer mentoring and guidance, as well as a job and/or internship opportunity. They know what it means to have a Hofstra degree thats why they return to their alma mater to open professional doors for our new graduates and current students. If its true that you are known for the company you keep, Hofstra graduates are in good company, indeed. At Hofstra, you will join a successful network of more than 120,000 alumni individuals who chose Hofstra, and succeeded.



We Invite You to




See for yourself all that Hofstra has to offer.

Our beautiful, welcoming campus a registered arboretum is perfect for studying, gathering, relaxing or walking. Youll see our trees and flowers, outdoor sculptures and traditional buildings, alongside our many state-of-the-art facilities. We invite you to visit Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Hofstra University Honors College; Frank G. Zarb School of Business; School of Communication; School of Education; School of Engineering and Applied Science; and the School of Health Sciences and Human Services. And dont forget the Hofstra University Museum, David S. Mack Fitness Center, John Cranford Adams Playhouse, David S. Mack Sports and Exhibition Complex, Hagedorn Hall, C.V. Starr Hall, and our full-service Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center. There is so much to see on our vibrant campus. Interested in becoming a student for a day? Request a Hofstra Up-Close visit! Youll be able to attend classes, engage with faculty and staff in your area of academic interest, explore opportunities to get involved in clubs and organizations, and talk to students about their experience. Cant make it to campus? Visit for a virtual tour of our 240-acre campus and learn more


about our dynamic program offerings.


Ready to apply? Heres how:

Applications are accepted for fall and spring admission. Questions regarding the application process may be directed to the Undergraduate Admission Office in Bernon Hall: In writing: 100 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549-1000 By telephone: 516-463-6700 or 1-800-HOFSTRA Via email: Fall candidates may apply for Early Action I (filing deadline of November 15 with notification on/around December 15), Early Action II (filing deadline of December 15 with notification on/around January 15) or Regular Decision (no priority deadline with notification on/around February 1 and rolling thereafter). Early Action is not available for spring applicants, who should file by November 1. All first-year students accepted for fall have until May 1 to notify Hofstra regarding their intention to attend and submit their application for housing. For transfer students, priority filing deadlines are February 1 for fall admission and November 1 for spring admission. A maximum of 64 credits may be applied to ones degree from a two-year college, with the following exceptions: 65 credits may be applied for business majors and 69 credits may be applied for engineering majors. In addition, at least 15 credits in the major field of study and the last 30 credits must be completed at Hofstra (the 15 credits need not be included within the last 30 semester hours).

Apply online at or


Hofstra At A glance



The University 4Location: Hempstead, Long Island, 25 miles east of New York City. Long Island Rail Road stops less than two miles from campus; John F. Kennedy and LaGuardia International Airports are within 30 minutes. 4Founding Date: 1935 4President: Stuart Rabinowitz, J.D. 4Character: A private, nonsectarian, coeducational university. 4Accessibility: Hofstra is 100 percent program accessible to CHECK US persons with disabilities. OUT ON 4Alumni: 121,000


by the Numbers 417 NCAA Division I sports 420 Eateries on campus 424 Local and national fraternities and sororities 421 Average undergraduate class size 435 Miles in the broadcast range of WRHU-88.7FM, Radio Hofstra University FOLLOW US ON CHECK US OUT ON 437 Residence halls @ApplytoHofstraUndergraduate program options 4140 4150 Graduate program options 4200 Student clubs and organizations 4500 Cultural and social events per year 41,114 Faculty members FOLLOW US ON 47,191 Full-time undergraduate enrollment CHECK US OUT ON 411,453 Total University enrollment @ApplytoHofstra 41.2 million Print volumes in the Hofstra libraries, plus 24/7 electronic access to more than 95,000 journals and books




For more Phone: 1-800-HOFSTRA Email: Website:


4Colleges and Schools: Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Hofstra University Honors College; Frank G. Zarb School of Business; School of Communication; School of Education; School of Engineering FOLLOW US ON CHECK US OUT ON and Applied Science; School of Health Sciences and Human Services; Maurice A. Deane School of Law; Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of @ApplytoHofstra information: Medicine at Hofstra University; and School for University Studies. 4Faculty: There are 1,114 faculty members, of whom 525 are full-time. Ninety-two percent of full-time faculty hold the highest degree in their fields. 4Degrees: Bachelors degrees are offered in about 140 program options. Graduate degrees, including the Ph.D., Ed.D., Psy.D., Au.D., J.D., M.D., advanced certificates and professional diplomas, are offered in about 150 program options. 4Accreditations: 22 academic, 24 total 4Class Size: Average undergraduate class size is 21 students. Student-faculty ratio is 14-to-1. Students @ApplytoHofstra 4Student body: Full-time undergraduate enrollment is 7,191. Total University enrollment, including part-time undergraduate, CHECK US Law ON graduate, School ofOUT and School of Medicine, is 11,453. Male-female ratio is 47-to-53.

FOR A BLEED: Academics









FOLLOW 4Academic Level of Undergraduate Student body: Hofstra is a US ON CHECK US OUT ON


4U.S. States/Countries: Undergraduate students come from 47 U.S. states and territories and 50 countries. About fifty (50) percent of first-year students are from out of New York state. @ApplytoHofstra selective institution seeking to enroll those students who demonstrate
the academic ability, intellectual curiosity, and motivation to succeed and contribute to the campus community.


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Put your dreams and ambitions first ... choose Hofstra University.

Nondiscrimination Policy: Hofstra University is committed to extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status in employment and in the conduct and operation of Hofstra Universitys educational programs and activities, including admissions, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. This statement of nondiscrimination is in compliance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act, the Age Discrimination Act and other applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to nondiscrimination (Equal Opportunity Laws). The Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer is the Universitys official responsible for coordinating its overall adherence to Equal Opportunity Laws. Questions or concerns regarding any of these laws or other aspects of Hofstras Equal Opportunity Statement should be directed to the Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer at, 516-463-7310, C/O Office of Legal Affairs and General Counsel, 101 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For additional contacts and related resources, see Campus Crime Reporting and Fire Safety Statistics: In compliance with the federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and other federal law, an annual campus safety report which contains detailed information on campus security and fire safety, including statistics, is available by accessing the Hofstra website at or by contacting the Advisory Committee on Campus Safety. Crime statistics are also available at the U.S. Department of Education website at The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide upon request all campus crime and fire safety statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education. For additional information or a paper copy of the report, please call the Department of Public Safety at 516-463-6606. Hofstra University Harassment Policy: Hofstras prohibition against discrimination is also addressed in Hofstras Harassment Policy. The Harassment Policy prohibits harassment--including sexual harassment and sexual violence--based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status. Hofstra University is committed to professional and interpersonal respect ensuring that no individuals are subjected to harassment or discriminated against in any way on the basis of any of these protected characteristics. Harassment based on any of these protected characteristics is a form of discrimination prohibited by law and by Hofstra Universitys Harassment Policy. The Harassment Policy, which is available online at the link referenced below, contains complaint procedures for resolving complaints of harassment in violation of Hofstras Harassment Policy. Harassment policy link: 41097:9/12

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