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Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation

Student Teacher: Jessica Tentinger Term: Fall/Spring

1. Knowledge of Subject Matter: The student teacher 1) understands the content of the subject(s) being taught and 2) can create engaging and meaningful learning experiences. 2. Human Development and Learning: The student teacher can implement learning experiences that reflect a robust understanding of students intellectual, personal, and social development.

Mentor Teacher: Ryan Cooley/Beth Ferguson Midterm

Content knowledge is adequate, however there is difficulty in consistently implementing engaging and/or meaningful lessons. Usually implements lessons that are developmentally appropriate and addresses student needs in each domain. Content knowledge is well developed and lessons are consistently implemented in an engaging and/or meaningful manner.

Evaluator: Denny Warren School : Valley High School

XXXXX Jessie is very well versed in her understanding of the current content. Her lessons appear to be very engaging for students. This is an experience and time skill. Her lessons are designed for the majority of students. That number changes with each class and each day. She is very aware of the students that need different methods of presenting the material. Jessie has done a wonderful job of adjusting on the run recognizing the different needs of each class and/or student.

Date: March 10, 2011

Content knowledge not adequate for teaching and/or improvement is needed to make lessons engaging/meaningful.

Consistently implements lessons that are developmentally appropriate and addresses student needs in each domain.

Lessons and expectations need to be more developmentally appropriate and need to address each domain.

3. Adapting Instruction for Individual Special Needs: The student teacher understands how students differ and modifies lessons accordingly to meet student needs. Lessons and practice do not demonstrate an adequate understanding of how students differ and/or lessons are not usually modified to meet areas of special need in students. Usually implements lessons demonstrating an understanding of how students differ and modifies lessons accordingly to meet areas of special need in students Usually implements lessons that incorporate a variety of instructional strategies, acknowledging the range of learning styles and encouraging development of critical thinking and problem solving. Developing Consistently implements lessons demonstrating an understanding of how students differ and modifies lessons accordingly to meet areas of special need in students

4. Multiple Instructional Strategies: The student teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies which acknowledges the range of learning styles and encourages development of critical thinking and problem solving. Lessons demonstrate limited understanding of purposeful instructional strategies and the importance of critical thinking. Consistently implements lessons that incorporate a variety of instructional strategies, acknowledging the range of learning styles and encouraging development of critical thinking and problem solving. I believe this will be Jessies strength when she is finishing her experience. Every day she is growing with this process. She is giving students the best opportunity to learn under her leadership.

Last Update: 06/2010

Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation

Student Teacher: Jessica Tentinger Term: Fall/Spring Drake University SOE Expectations:
5. Motivation and Management Strategies: The student teacher creates a learning environment that encourages positive social interactions, active engagement in learning and self-motivation in individuals and groups.

Mentor Teacher: Ryan Cooley/Beth Ferguson Midterm

Demonstrates an understanding of motivational strategies and classroom management that promote a positive learning environment. Implementation may be inconsistent. Uses verbal and nonverbal communication techniques effectively. Gender fair practices and cultural sensitivity are observed.

Evaluator: Denny Warren School : Valley High School

Date: March 10, 2011

Limited understanding and implementation of motivational strategies and classroom management.

Well developed understanding and consistent implementation of motivational and classroom management strategies that promote a positive learning environment.

Advanced Expertise

This area is the one that Jessie has improved on the most. I have been extremely pleased with her through this process. Jessie has communicated well with students, staff and her mentor. She is not afraid to talk about student personnel issues. This was one of her strengths before starting her experience. Her lessons seem to meet the needs of all students.

Consistently uses well developed verbal and nonverbal communication techniques. Demonstrates gender fair practices and cultural sensitivity to a high degree.

6. Communication Skills: The student teacher uses effective 1) verbal and 2) non-verbal communication techniques to foster active engagement in learning tasks individually and group settings.

Inconsistently uses verbal and non-verbal communication techniques. Gender fair practices and cultural sensitivity may be flawed or non-existent.

7. Planning, Implementing and Evaluating the Curriculum: The student teacher 1) uses scope and sequence in unit planning and 2) plans instruction using a variety of methods to meet curriculum goals issues and student needs. Lesson and unit plans do not always consider scope and sequence in unit planning. Instructional plans are inadequate in detail or need to include a variety of methods to meet curriculum goals issues and student needs. Many times does not understand or use assessment strategies effectively. Uses scope and sequence in unit planning and plans instruction using a variety of methods to meet curriculum goals issues and student needs. Understands and implements a variety of assessments (including informal and formal) for multiple purposes Consistently uses scope and sequence in unit planning and consistently plans detailed instruction using a variety of methods to meet curriculum goals issues and student needs.

Effectively and consistently implements a variety of assessments (including informal and formal) for multiple purposes. This is a learning process for anyone involved in education. Jessie does very well with knowing how students are doing with a specific content.

8. Assessment of Learning: The student teacher understands and uses informal and formal assessment strategies to: 1) gather information about students, 2) create learning activities, and 3) communicate data about student learning/teaching effectiveness


Drake University SOE

Last Update: 06/2010






Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation

Student Teacher: Jessica Tentinger Term: Fall/Spring Expectations:
9. Reflective Practitioner: The student teacher is a reflective practitioner who 1) consistently self-evaluates teaching and learning and 2) strives to continue professional development.

Mentor Teacher: Ryan Cooley/Beth Ferguson Midterm

Self-evaluates teaching and learning and strives to continue professional development.

Evaluator: Denny Warren School : Valley High School

Expertise (check)
Jessie is constantly evaluating herself throughout the day as well as adjusting her lesson through the day. Even though Jessie appears to be very quiet, this area will continue to improve as she gains more control of the classroom and communicates with multiple staff members on a daily basis. This is a work in progress. Continue to make connections with the students on a daily basis. This is strength for Jessie. She appears to be very comfortable with the current technology in the building.

Date: March 10, 2011

Inconsistently self-evaluates teaching and learning and/or does not strive to continue professional development.

Consistently and thoughtfully self-evaluates teaching and learning and strives to continue professional development.


10. Partnerships: The student teacher fosters relationships with school colleagues, parents and others in the larger community to support students learning and well-being. Partnerships are relatively weak with school colleagues, parents and others in the larger community in supporting students learning and well-being. Is working to build relationships with school colleagues, parents and others in the larger community to support students learning and wellbeing. Fosters positive and effective relationships with school colleagues, parents and others in the larger community to support students learning and well-being.

11. Relationships: The student teacher builds and sustains positive relationships with students. Needs to improve rapport with students and treat students as individuals. Builds a positive rapport with students and relates to students as individuals. Consistently builds and sustains positive relationships with students, enabling and encouraging individual growth.

12. Technology: The student teacher utilizes computer technology and other available technology to enhance and enrich instruction. Does not make use of available technology which would further instruction. Uses available technology to enhance instruction. Consistently and proactively uses available technology to enhance instruction.


Last Update: 06/2010

Drake University School of Education Student Teaching Midterm Evaluation

Student Teacher: Term: Fall/Spring Date: Mentor Teacher: Midterm School :
3. Please rate the student teachers professional attitude/appearance.


1. Please rate the student teachers success as a learning leader. Sets professional goals




Very Good





Very Good

Comments: Jessie demonstrates good physical health, a pleasing appearance and emotional stability. She recognizes the value of good grooming. 4. Please rate the student teachers success as a reflective practitioner. Sets and achieves professional goals

Demonstrates confidence and self direction in pursuing solutions to problems or questions.

Poor Poor

Fair Fair

Good Good

Very Good Very Good

Excellent Excellent

Communicates high expectations to students




Very Good


Comments: Jessie has been very receptive to feedback. She appears to be a life-long learner and will only improve her teaching techniques with time.

Articulates high expectations for professional performance

2. Please rate the student teachers success as a student advocate. Develops a teaching philosophy that respects all learners



Very Good


Incorporates feedback from supervisors, mentor teachers, and peers into revisions of products and performances




Very Good





Very Good

Comments:Jessie has done a good job with her weekly logs and has spent adequate time discussing lessons and activities with her mentors and supervisor to improve instruction.

Demonstrates pedagogical flexibility by adapting, adjusting and modifying practices to meet the needs of students.




Very Good

5. What specific areas should the student teacher focus on during the remainder of the placement? Remember to have fun and get to know your students! It will benefit you when working with your students. Keep trying new things that you think may benefit the student(s). KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!

Comments: It is obvious that Jessie is working very hard in her student teaching experience. She has great role models to work with and has adapted well to their leadership.

Last Update: 06/2010

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