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THANKS listening and for reading the following info.

with facts and lots of my opinions about firearm control and our RIGHT TO BARE ARMS. And let me know what you think. This is not an argument its a discussion. Kay The 2nd Amendment was ratified on December 17, 1791 along with the other nine amendments that make up the Bill of Rights. While it is a very short amendment, its exact meaning in terms of what types of weapons are protected is still in contention today. The 1790 Census U.S. Resident Population:


Updated July 21, 2011 The current U.S.A. population is over 311 million people (311,800,000 in mid-2011) so the United States has the world's third largest population (following China and India). We do have lots more people now then we had when the 2nd Amendment was made. Times are a bit different. For an example, there were absolutely no traffic lights in US in 1791 but can you imagine what it would be like today if we did not have any traffic lights now? Sometimes it is OK to set some rules or controls. Another example, we never use to have to pick up after our dogs.but now there are so many people and so many great dogs.we just must pickup when walking our dogs in a public area. The 2nd Amendment says we have the right to bear arms AND THAT SHOULD NOT BE CHANGED..but isnt it OK to have some rules about the dangerous firearms that folks are selling and buying? I would not be one to come up with those rules/controls because I do not know about guns. Next month Im going with a friend to a shooting range. Guns are OK but is there really a need for automatic guns or military still guns? Maine has the lowest murder by firearms per person and they almost ALL have guns BUT they also have regulations.magazine can only hold 3 bullets/shots. According to the FBI Uniform Crime report, 8,583 people were murdered by firearms in 2011....68 % of all murders in US are from firearms (from Crime in the U.S. 2011 I imagine that there were very few murders by firearms in 1791. Im not against guns at all.just not sure we need military still weapons in homes. Text of the 2nd Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The Second Amendment: The Right to Bear Arms This amendment consists of a single sentence: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Although today we tend to think of the militia as the armed forces or national guard, the original meaning of the word was the armed citizenry. One of the purposes of the Second Amendment was to prevent Congress from disarming the State militias. The phrasing of the Amendment was directly influenced by the American Revolutionary experience. During the initial phases of that conflict, Americans relied on the militia to confront the British regular army. The right of each State to maintain its own militia was thought by the founding generation to be a critical safeguard against standing armies and tyrants, both foreign and domestic. The Second Amendment also affirms an individuals right to keep and bear arms. Since the Amendment limits only Congress, the States are free to regulate the possession and carrying of weapons in accordance with their own constitutions and bills of rights. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms, observed Justice Joseph Story of the Supreme Court in his Commentaries on the Constitution (1833), has justly been considered as the palladium of the liberties of the republic, since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them. Thus a disarmed population cannot easily resist or overthrow tyrannical government. The right is not absolute, of course, and the Federal courts have upheld Federal laws that limit the sale, possession, and transportation of certain kinds of weapons, such as machine guns and sawed-off shotguns. To what extent Congress can restrict the right is a matter of considerable uncertainty because the Federal courts have not attempted to define its limits.

Just some words/thoughts to think about. If a person really feels strong about something, surely its OK for them to want to talk and tell their family and friends. Just want folks to see all the information. Make an informed decision. Sometimes the posters folks post are misleading and sometimes wrong. Like the this poster:

Please, you need to not always believe what you see on Facebook posts....check the facts. According to the FBI Uniform Crime report, 8,583 people were murdered by firearms in 2011....68 % of all murders in US are from firearms. BUT you can search and find

numbers to match whatever you believe. I just know that no mater how few deaths by firearms there are, they should not happen at all. And this 8,583 people murdered by firearms does not include accidental gun related fatalities.....does not include people like my brother who died while cleaning his gun. This confirmed figure is much larger than the poster you guys posted. AND what does firearms have to do with our governments health care plan....yes, that's right....President Obama does care....I like the name you put on the health care plan that mitt romney also liked because he used the basic plan in his OK, you can call it ObamaCare.

Kay Selden PO BOX 753 Apalachicola FL 32329

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