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A Guide to Creating Chapter/Section Outlines

Heading on Assignment LAST NAME DATE SCI & PERIOD # ASSIGNMENT NAME (NAME OF CHAPTER) OShea 1/14/2013 Sci 5 Ch. 1 Living Things

For example:

Outlining Structure
I. Chapters are Divided into Sections A. Sections each have specific subsections (Red Font in our science books) B. Indenting the descriptions of each subsection makes it easier to read 1. When you dont indent it is harder to find the info 2. When you dont indent it is harder to study from your outline C. Subsections typically have additional subheadings (Plum Font in our science books) 1. Subheadings should be recorded a. The subheading information should include the following: (1) Definition of key terms (Vocab) (2) Examples (3) Important people, facts, figures (data) D. Outlines should have enough textbook info to help you prepare for the chapter test E. In case you didnt notice, this description is indented the way Tolt Science Teachers want your outlines indented . . . but to drive the point home further, see below. . . I. Section Heading (Large Plum Font) A. Subsection Hearing (Red Font) 1. Subheading (Smaller Plum Font) a. Definitions/Vocab b. Examples (1) Tests are never simply definitions (2) On tests, you will be asked to apply the info to specific examples (3) The examples on tests may or may not be the same ones in the book (4) Familiarity with one example will always help you apply the info to new examples c. Other important info

Here is an example of proper outlining from the Bacteria to Plants textbook (starting on p. 6):

I. What is Life? A. The Characteristics of Living Things 1. Cellular Organization a. Cells are the basic unit of structure & function in living things b. Unicellular (1) Single-celled, or only one cell (2) Includes Bacteria (most numerous unicellular organisms on Earth) c. Multicellular (1) Many cells (2) Specialized cells complete specific tasks (3) All animals and plants are multicellular 2. Chemicals of Life a. Cells are made up of chemicals (1) Most abundant chemical is H2O (2) Carbohydrates provide energy to the cell (3) Proteins = cell building materials (4) Lipids = cell building materials (5) Nucleic Acids = DNA = directs cells activity 3. Energy Use a. Cells use energy b. Cells are always working 4. Response to Surroundings a. Changes in an organisms surroundings that cause the organism to react is the stimulus b. Stimuli include: (1) Temperature (2) Light (3) Sound (4) Others c. Reaction to a stimulus is called the response 5. Growth & Development a. Growth is getting larger, becoming bigger b. Development is slowly changing over time into a more complex organism 6. Reproduction a. Reproducing means being able to produce offspring similar to the parents b. Robin eggs hatch and the baby birds will resemble their parents c. Apple trees produce seeds that will develop into similar looking apple trees B. Life Comes from Life 1. Redis Experiment And so on . . .

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