Executive Branch Quiz 2

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Executive Branch Quiz #2

Directions: Please choose a, b, c or d to complete the statement.
1) ______________ of the United States Constitution allows the President to have a Cabinet.
a) Article III, section 2

b) Article II, section 2

c) The Preamble

d) Article I, section 2

2) The current United States Attorney General is_____________.

a) Hillary Clinton

b) John Roberts

c) Leon Panetta

d) Eric Holder

3) The _______________ is in charge of protecting the rights of American workers.

a) The Department of Labor

b) The Department of Commerce

c) The Department of the Interior

d) The Department of Treasury

4) Name three Secretaries in President Obamas Cabinet, the Executive Department they are in
charge of and a description of what the Department is in charge of.



5) Directions: The following passage is about a students recent trip to Washington D.C. on
which she had the opportunity to meet a few Secretaries of United States executive departments.
Read the paragraph completely and then answer the following questions:
This summer, I went to Washington D.C. on a family vacation! My Mom and Dad took
me so many different places. I got to see the White House, the Capital Building, the Smithsonian
Museum and the Lincoln Memorial! The best part of my trip was getting to meet some of the
Presidents Cabinet. My Dad told me that the Presidents cabinet advises the President. First, I
got to meet Mr. Arne Duncan, hes the Secretary of the Education department. Did you know,
the Department of Education is the smallest department to be represented in the Presidents
Cabinet? Next, I met Mr. Ray LaHood, Secretary of the Transportation Department. Mr.
LaHood is the most intelligent official in President Obamas Cabinet. Lastly, I got to meet the
Secretary of Commerce. Rebecca Blank is a wonderful Secretary of Commerce. Even though I
got to meet all of these Secretaries in President Obamas Cabinet, I really wish I could have met
Kathleen Sibelius, because the department of Health and Human Services is the most important
executive department. Overall, I had a wonderful trip, and I cant wait to go back. Maybe next
time Ill get to meet Mr. Obama!
Read each statement completely before answering. Write an O if the statement is an
opinion or F if it is a factual statement:
1) The Presidents cabinet advises the President._____
2) The Department of Education is the smallest department in the Presidents cabinet._____
3) Mr. LaHood is the most intelligent official in President Obamas Cabinet._____
4) Rebecca Blank is a wonderful Secretary of Commerce._____
5) The Department of Health and Human Services is the most important executive
6) Using the material covered in class, write two opinion statements and two factual
statements. Place an O after each opinion statement, and an F after each factual



7) In your own words, explain the role of the Presidents Cabinet in decision making.

Bonus Flash Prompt!

Do you think the President needs the Cabinet? Why or why not?

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