Medication To Avoid

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Emily J. K Kirby, MD

7250 HAWKINS VIEW DRIVE, SUITE 412 | FORT W ORTH, TX 76 W E 6132 | 817.29 92.4200 P | 817.292.4205 F

Medicat tions and Supplem d ments to A Avoid Be efore Sur rgery

Do no ingest any brand of aspirin or any aspirin ot n, n-containing medication, any MAO-inhibiting or any serot m y g, tonin medicatio for 14 ons, days prior to and 14 days after su 4 urgery. Disclose every medica e ation, suppleme etc. to you surgeon and anesthesiolog Aspirin ent, ur d gist. and a aspirin-containiing products, as well as some supplements and herbals, m inhibit bloo clotting and cause difficult during and a e may od d ties d after surgery. If you need an aspir rin-free fever re educer and paiin reliever, take Tylenol. Also, if you smoke, you must refrain for at least e , eks y ate. y, at 6 wee prior and 6 weeks after your surgery da Smoking siignificantly reduces your body's circulation and vascularity meaning tha your t tissues won't receive all the oxygen needed for proper he r o d ealing.

Aspiriin, Advil, Actifed, Acuprin, Add daprin, Alka Se eltzer, Alpha Om (fish oil),, Aluprin, Amitr mega riptyline, Anacin Ansaid, Anod n, dynos, Analval, Anody ynos, Ansaid, Argesic, Arthra-G, Arthralgen, Arthropan, As A , scodeen, Ascrip ptin, Aspir-lox,, Asperi-mox, A Aspirbuf, Asper Aspergum, rcin, Axota Azdone, Alfa Ackee fruit Aloe, Argimon al, alfa, t, ny

Bayer Aspirin, BC Po r owder/Tablets, Bilberry, Brufe Buffaprin, Buffasal, Buffe rin, Butalbit, B , en, B Buffets II, Buffex Buffinol, Butazolidin x,

Coum madin, C-Advil Cama, CataFlam Tablets, Caris C m soprodol, Cayen Cephalges Cheracol, C nne, sic, Chromium, Clinoril, Congespir Contac, rin, Cope, Coricidin, Cha , amomile


Dama ason, Dasin, Dipryridamole, Disalcid, Diurex, Doan's, Dolcn Dolobid, Dolp D , n, phirn, Drinopeh Dristan, Du hn, uoprin, Duradyn Dong Quai ne, Root Vitam E, E-aspirin, Echinacea, Ec min colrin, Ecotrin, Emagrin, Empirin, Emprazil, Endodan, Epro omate, Equage Equazine-M, Excedrin, esic, ExPra Ephedra azi,


Felde Fenoprofen, Feverfew, Fiogesic Tablets, Fioricet, Fiorinal, Florgen PF Flurbiprofen ene, F, n Garlic Gingko, Ginbk Biloba, Gins c, ko seng, Goody's, Genaced, Gena acote, Gelpirin Tablets, Genpr Gensan, Gh rin, hemnisym, Gen Ginger, nnin, Golde enseal, Guarana Gotu Kola a,


Halfprin, Haltran, He eparin, Hydroxy Horse Chestnut, Hawtho ycut, orn

Ibuprofen, Ibuprin, Indocin, Indoch I hron, Indometh hacin, Infantol Pill, Isollyl P profen, Kava Ka ava Ketop

www.KirbyPlast m

Lanorinal, Licorice Root, Lodine, Lemon Verbena, Lavender

Motrin, MAO inhibitors, Magan, Magnasprin, Magsal, Marnal, Marthritic, Measurin, Meclomen, MecloFenamate, Medigistic-Plus, Medipren, Meditren, Melatonin, Menadol, Meprogesic Q, Micraninin, Midol, Mobidin, Moblgesic, Momentum Back Ache Formula, Monogesic, Muwort, Ma Huang


Nalfon, Nardil, Nardilzine, Naprosyn, Neomycin, Neogesic, Norgesic, Norwich Extra Strength Aspirin, Nov-naproxen, Nuprin, NyQuil Orphenagesic, Orudis, Oruvail

Pabalate-SF, Pabrin, Pacaps, Pamprin-IB, Panalgesic, Panodynes, Papaya, PediaProfen, Pedrazil, Persantin, Persisrin, Persistin, PetoBismol, Phenaphen, Phenetron Compound, Piroxicam, Polymyxin, Ponstel, Presalin Quagesic, Quiet World Analgesic (sleeping aid), Quinine

Relafen, Rexolate, Rhinex, Robaxin, Robasisal, Roxiprin, Rufin, Robaxisal Salabuff, Salatin, Saleto, Salflex, Salicylamide, Salocol, Salsalate, Salsitab, Serzone, Sign Off Sinus, Sine Aid, Sine Off, Soma Compound, St. Johns Wort, St. Josephs Aspirin, Stanback Analgesic, Sudafed, Sulindac, Supac, Synalogos, Selenium

Talwin Compound, Tenol-Plus, Tolectin, Tolmetin, Toradol, Tr-Pain Tablets, Trilisate, Trendar, Trental, Triaminici, Tricosal, Tri-Pain, Trigesic, Trilisate, Tusal

Ultrapin, Unipro, Ursinos


Vitamin E, Valesin, Vanquish, Verin, Viro-Med, Vivarin, Voltaren, Valerian Root Warafin (Coumadin), Wellbutrin, Wesprin Buffered, Willow Bark Yohimbe Zactrin, Zoloft, Zorprin, Zyban DIET PILLS, FAT LOSS SUPPLEMENTS AND STACKERS: Please stop taking these pills at least 2 weeks before surgery. Many of these pills contain anticoagulants and can seriously impede your body's ability to clot sufficiently, resulting in hemorrhaging. Many of them also contain ephedra and caffeine, which can affect your anesthetic medications.


Emily J. Kirby, MD

7250 HAWKINS VIEW DRIVE, SUITE 412 | FORT WORTH, TX 76132 | 817.292.4200 P | 817.292.4205 F

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