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January/February 2013

Do you remember how the Mayans predicted the end of the world last month? It was in the news and all over television, with stations broadcasting special programs and magazines running feature articles on it. We well know that December 21st came and went, just like all other end of the world predictions that have been made in the past. Were still here. We continue to gather in grace, worship God, and love our neighbors, trusting in the promise that Jesus will come again and no one knows the day or the hour. [Matthew 24:36] When we talk about the end of the world, one of the places we turn as Christians is to the book of Revelation. But Revelation is not an easy book to read. In fact, [m]any people avoid reading Revelation due to fear or confusion. Some of the imagery is violent and fearsome, as even the very foundations of the world are shaken. Making matters more difficult are the various ways the book is read and interpreted in our culture. Is Revelation a precise road map of the last days? Is it a book that can only be interpreted by certain people with special knowledge? Is it better to just leave it alone? [Excerpt from Book of Faith: Revelation] If Revelation [or any of Scripture for that matter] has intimidated you, confused you, or left you with questions, one of the best ways to dive in and read it is with others within a community. Together. So whether Revelation is one of your favorite books in the Bible or one you know very little about, lets read it in community and talk about it together. Lets learn from each other and discern what God is showing us through the scrolls and lampshades and the seven churches. Join me in the Fellowship Room following worship this Lent for a Bible study on the book of Revelation. There is an accompanying learner guide that is helpful to have for the study. The guide is $12. If you would like to participate in the Bible study, please sign up on the south bulletin board or call the office by the end of January. You can pay for the guide when you receive them at the first study on February 10th. An example of the leader guide is hanging next to the sign up sheet if you would like a glimpse of the Bible study. Im excited for us to learn from each other and would love to hear your voice in Bible study this Lent! Pastor Lindsay

TAKE NOTE: If you have any questions about memorial gifts you have given in 2012 that remain outstanding, please inquire at the church office. All reports to be included in the Annual Report should be in the office by January 20, 2013. If you would like a copy of your Contribution Statement for 2012, please let the church office know. There are still some 2013 offering envelopes in the narthex to be picked up. Be sure to take yours and distribute any family members envelopes that are still there. Thank you. The Zumbro River Conference Meeting will be held in Austin at St. Olaf Lutheran Church on Sunday, February 10th at 2 p.m. If you would like to attend as a delegate, please talk to Pastor Lindsay. Financial Report: Parsonage Roof Fund General Fund Youth Fund $ 1,647.69 (12-31-12) $24,986.39 (12-31-12) $ 2,471.39 (12-31-12)

The loan (Line of Credit) at Farmers and Merchants State Bank in Blooming Prairie was paid off on December 31, 2012. New Year; New Council With the New Year marks the changing to a new Council that oversees and guides ministry at Red Oak Grove. We give a huge thank you to those who have faithfully served their terms: Karen Johnson, Bonita Herdina, Mike Hoffman, Tom Harber, and Dan Sistek. We also thank those who have agreed to serve: Gary Ulland, Ardell Swenson, Mary Weikum, Dean Christianson, Angie Wagaman, Bill Maxwell, and Scott Basness. The Council for the 2013 year will be installed in worship on January 13 th. Please plan to be in attendance. December Pastoral Acts Funeral: Myron Cochran If you or someone you know would appreciate a visit from Pastor Lindsay, or if you or someone you know is hospitalized and would appreciate a visit, please call the church office or Pastor Lindsay to let her know.

A sincere thank you to Doris Draayer, the Quilting Ladies and WELCA for the beautiful quilt. Your thoughtful gift is greatly appreciated and will get lots of use. Thanks again, Mark and Carolyn Zipse. Thank you to all who sent cards, gave gifts, and wished me Christmas blessings this year! A special thank you to the Council and to WELCA for their gifts. An additional thank you for the cards and flowers and support given with my grandfathers death. Pastor Lindsay THANK YOU to all the children at Red Oak Grove and the entire congregation On behalf of everyone at Visiting Orphans, as well as Exile International, I want to thank you so much for your recent donation through your noisy coin offering. At a much needed, crucial time, your offering was able to provide 70 children in the DRC of East Africa with a meal they hadnt had in days!!! These children were recently saved from being victimized by the LRA and warlords of the Congo area and because we were able to bring food to them, they were able to stay safe and temporarily secure. It is such a blessing for me to be able to share this news, knowing the support came from the Red Oak Grove children and families!! Thanks again and God Bless! Amanda Herdina Dear Red Oak Grove Church Friends and Family! I am deeply grateful for the prayers offered on my behalf as I faced another run in with cancer. It did not look very good in the beginning, but thanks to all of your prayers to our heavenly Father, my prognosis is now better than I had and hoped for. I wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Love, Sharon Sutter

Strike! All are invited to go bowling in Hayfield on January 20th! Red Oak Grove will be bowling from 2-4 p.m. and eating pizza between turns. Please talk to Josh or Marilyn Ulland with any questions! Sunday School: Sunday learning this spring will include games, drama, arts and crafts, cooking, science and so much more all centered around the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples. Come join the fun and learning! Baskets of Promise: This Lent, with the whole Red Oak Grove community, we will be collecting items for Lutheran World Relief Health Kits. Each Sunday, we will collect one item and on Palm Sunday [March 24th] we will assemble the health kits together during the Sunday School hour. Keep your eyes posted for bulletin inserts and take-home sheets with details!

HOP the ROG Frog

I have a secret. Here it is. deep breath Sometimes, I hop into Pastor Lindsays giant purse when shes not looking and see where she goes. Just before Christmas, one Sunday afternoon, I hopped in as she went to Prairie Manor to visit our friends there. She met some other Red Oak Grove friends in the chapel; Diane Maxwell was there, Linda Christianson, and Carolyn Zipse, Verna Magnuson and Karla Iacovino too. Together, they led the residents in Christmas carols including a candlelight version of Silent Night. I have ears even if you cant see them from the outside and, boy, were my ears excited at what they heard! What a great way to usher in the Christmas holiday by sharing the gospel with song. Many hops of thanks to them for lending their time and their voices!


President: Vice-President: Secretary: Treasurer: Diane Maxwell Gary Ulland Katie Zipse Bob Kittelson 438-0579 (1) 440-2415 (2) 456-7725 (1) 433-6462 (3) 433-2450 (3) 437-4327 (3) 583-4495 (1) 437-3824 (2) 440-2415 (2) 583-7365 (3) 583-5041 (1) 433-2408 (2) 438-0579 (3) 583-4518 (3)

Financial Secretaries: Ardell Swenson Mary Weikum Deacons: Nancy Schwartz Dean Christianson Marilyn Ulland Angie Wagaman Trustees: Shad Rudlong Larry Helgeson Bill Maxwell Scott Basness

Numbers in parentheses indicates number of years left to serve on the Council.

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