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So, you have to do a book report on a historical fiction book

Guide to Historical Fiction Books in the JH and YA sections of the Homewood Public Library

Created by Miss Barnes 2.28.07

Table of Contents Ancient History...2 5th Century...2 6th Century...3 7th Century...3 8th Century...3 9th Century...4 10th Century.4 11th Century.4 12th Century.....4 13th Century.6 14th Century.....7 15th Century.8 16th Century.9 Books about Shakespeare..9 Other 16th Century titles..10 17th Century...12 In Colonial America12 In Europe.14 th 18 Century...16 Books about Pirates.16 The Revolutionary War and Immediate Aftermath17 Other Books Set in the 18th Century...19 1800 to 1860..22 American Civil War (1850 to 1865).29 The Civil War Era in other parts of the world...33 1860 to 1900..33 Early 1900s....39 Books about the Titanic..39 Other books set in the early 1900s..40 World War I..44 Post-War and the 1920s.....45 The Great Depression and the 1930s.46 World War II.50 Postwar and the 1950s...57

Ancient History
Orphan of the Sun by Gill Harvey JH HAR Meryt-Re, a thirteen-year-old orphan living in Set-Maat, Egypt, during the building of the pharaohs' tombs, tries to come to terms with her ability to see the truth in dreams while also attempting to determine who is trying to overthrow the village foreman. Lost in the Labyrinth by Patricia Kindel YA FIC KIN Fourteen-year-old Princess Xenodice tries to prevent the death of her half-brother, the Minotaur, at the hands of the Athenian prince, Theseus, who is aided by Icarus, Daedalus, and her sister Ariadne. Pharaohs Daughter: A Novel of Egypt by Julius Lester YA FIC LES A fictionalized account of a Biblical story in which an Egyptian princess rescues a Hebrew infant who becomes a prophet of his people while his sister finds her true self as a priestess to the Egyptian gods. Casting the Gods Adrift by Geraldine McCaughrean JH MCC Tutmose, an apprentice sculptor, and his nearly-blind brother, Ibrim, an apprentice musician, are content at the court of Pharaoh Akhenaton, but their father rages against Pharaohs rejection of traditional Egyptian gods and plots a deadly revenge. Mara Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw JH MCG The adventures of an ingenious Egyptian slave girl who undertakes a dangerous assignment as a spy in the royal palace of Thebes, in the days when Queen Hatshepsut ruled. I Am the Great Horse by Katherine Roberts YA FIC ROB The war horse Bucephalus recounts his adventures from 344-323 B.C. with Alexander the Great and his relationship with a groom who has prophetic dreams.

5th Century
Kringle by Tony Abbott JH ABB In the fifth century A.D., as order retreats from Britain with the departing Roman Army, orphaned, twelve-year-old Kringle determines to rescue his beloved guardian from the evil goblins who terrorize the countryside by kidnapping and enslaving humans and, in the process, with the help of elves and others along the way, discovers his true destiny.

6th Century
The Legend of Lady Ilena by Patricia Malone JH MAL In sixth-century Great Britain, a fifteen-year-old girl seeking knowledge of her lineage is drawn into battle to defend the homeland she never knew, aided by one of King Arthur's knights. Lady Ilena: way of the warrior JH MAL Now chief of Dun Alyn, fifteen-year-old Ilena disgraces herself on the battlefield and, while subsequently exiled from her people, becomes involved in a plan to rescue King Arthur from his Saxon captors. The Sunbird by Elizabeth E. Wein YA FIC WEI When, in the sixth century, plague spreads from Britain to Aksum, young Telemakos travels to the kingdom's salt mines to discover the identity of the traitor to the crown who, ignoring the emperor's command, is spreading plague with the salt from port to port. Lady of Chiao Kuo by Laurence Yep JH YEP In 531 A.D., a fifteen-year-old princess of the Hsien tribe in southern China keeps a diary which describes her role as liaison between her own people and the local Chinese colonists, in times of both peace and war.

7th Century
The Shining Company by Rosemary Sutcliffe JH SUT Prospers life is simple, until Prince Gorthyn asks him to serve for him. Two years later, he is beckoned serve as a shield-bearer in the war against the Saxons. Set in 600 A.D., the novel is based on the earliest surviving North British poem.

8th Century
Raven of the Waves by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD On his first Viking raid, seventeen-year-old Lidsmod sails on the ship Raven, joining his comrades as they destroy and plunder villages in medieval England and take an AngloSaxon boy as captive. Daughter of the Wind: A Novel by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD In medieval times as various groups of Vikings fight for supremacy of the northern lands and waters, Hallgerd, Gauk, and Hego, three young people from the quiet coastal village of Spjothof, find their fates intertwined as a series of events take them into danger far from home.

9th Century
The Edge on the Sword by Rebecca Tingle YA FIC TIN In ninth-century Britain, fifteen-year-old Aethelflaed, daughter of King Alfred of West Saxony, finds she must assume new responsibilities much sooner than expected when she is betrothed to Ethelred of Mercia in order to strengthen a strategic alliance against the Danes.

10th Century
Far Traveler by Rebecca Tingle YA FIC TIN After the death of her mother, Aethelflaed of Mercia, seventeen-year-old Aelfwyn flees imprisonment by her uncle King Edward and, in the guise of a youthful bard, plays her part in the resolution of the tangled political enmities of tenth century Britain.

11th Century
The Kings Shadow by Elizabeth Alder JH ALD After he is orphaned and has his tongue cut out in a clash with the bullying sons of a Welsh noble, Evyn is sold as a slave and serves many masters, from the gracious Lady Swan Neck to the valiant Harold Godwinson, England's last Saxon king. Anna of Byzantium by Tracy Barrett YA FIC BAR In the eleventh century the teenage princess Anna Comnena fights for her birthright, the throne to the Byzantine Empire, which she fears will be taken from her by her younger brother John because he is a boy. There Will Be Wolves by Karleen Bradford YA FIC BRA Ursula, condemned as a witch because of her knowledge of healing, escapes being burned to death when she joins her father and thousands of others who follow Peter the Hermit on the first Crusade from Cologne to Jerusalem in 1096.

12th Century
At the Crossing-places by Kevin Holland-Crossley JH CRO In late twelfth-century England, the thirteen-year-old Arthur goes to begin his new life as squire to Lord Stephen at Holt, where crusaders ready themselves. The Book of the Lion by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD In twelfth-century England, after his master, a maker of coins for the king, is brutally punished for alleged cheating, seventeen-year-old Edmund finds himself traveling to the Holy Land as squire to a knight crusader on his way to join the forces of Richard Lionheart.

Forbidden forest : the story of Little John and Robin Hood by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD Profiles Little John, from his quiet life before joining Robin Hood through his adventures protecting a beautiful lady when she is wrongfully accused of murdering her husband. In a Dark Wood by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD On orders from the King, the Sheriff of Nottingham seeks to capture the outlaw Robin Hood, but he finds him to be a tricky and elusive foe. The Leopard Sword by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD A knight's squire, exhausted from the Crusades, must use his sword to fight attacking infidels during the return voyage to England. At the Crossing Places by Kevin Crossley-Holland JH CRO In late twelfth-century England, the thirteen-year-old Arthur goes to begin his new life as squire to Lord Stephen at Holt, where crusaders ready themselves. Sequel to The Seeing Stone. King of the Middle March by Kevin CrossleyHolland JH CRO Arthur de Caldicot, on his way to becoming a man, witnesses the horrors of the Fourth Crusade in Venice and Zara, as well as the downfall of King Arthur's court, in his seeing stone. Sequel to At the Crossing Places. The Seeing Stone by Kevin Crossley-Holland YA FIC CRO In late twelfth-century England, a thirteen-year-old boy named Arthur recounts how Merlin gives him a magical seeing stone which shows him images of the legendary King Arthur, the events of whose life seem to have many parallels to his own. Peregrine by Joan Goodman YA FIC GOO In 1144, fifteen-year-old Lady Edith, having lost her husband and child and anxious to avoid marrying a man she detests, sets out from her home in Surrey to go on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Blood Red Horse by K.N. Grant YA CD-BOOK FIC GRA A special horse named Hosanna changes the lives of two English brothers and those around them as they fight with King Richard I against Saladin's armies during the Third Crusades.

Green Jasper by K.M. Grant YA FIC GRA Having returned to a politically unstable England after the Crusades, brothers Will and Gavin--with the help of the red horse Hosanna--attempt to rescue their friend Ellie who is being held prisoner by an enemy of King Richard I. The sequel to Blood Red Horse. Pagans Crusade by Catherine Jinks YA FIC JIN In twelfth-century Jerusalem, orphaned sixteen-year-old Pagan is assigned to work for Lord Roland, a Templar knight, as Saladin's armies close in on the Holy City. Pagan in Exile by Catherine Jinks YA FIC JIN After fighting the infidels in Jerusalem in 1188, Lord Roland and his squire Pagan return to Roland's castle in France where they encounter violent family feuds and religious heretics. Pagans Vows by Catherine Jinks YA FIC JIN Follows the adventures of Pagan, squire to Lord Roland, through the years 1188 to 1189, as he accompanies his master, now determined to be a monk, to the French monastery of St. Martin and uncovers a dangerous blackmail plot. Sequel to Pagan in Exile. A Single Shard by Linda Sue Park JH PAR Tree-ear, a thirteen-year-old orphan in medieval Korea, lives under a bridge in a potters' village, and longs to learn how to throw the delicate celadon ceramics himself The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley YA FIC MCK The author retells the adventures of Robin Hood and his band of outlaws who live in Sherwood Forest in twelfth-century England.

13th Century
Pagans Scribe by Catherine Jinks YA FIC JIN In France in 1209, Pagan, now an archdeacon, takes on a new scribe named Isidore, a fifteen-year-old epileptic and an orphan, and together they try to survive the siege of Carcassonne. The Kite Rider by Geraldine McCaughrean JH MCC In thirteenth-century China, after trying to save his widowed mother from a horrendous second marriage, twelve-year-old Haoyou has life-changing adventures when he takes to the sky as a circus kite rider and ends up meeting the great Mongol ruler Kublai Khan. Ramsay Scallop by Frances Temple YA FIC TEM At the turn of the fourteenth century in England, fourteen-year-old Elenor finds her betrothal to an ambitious lord's son launching her on a memorable pilgrimage to far-off Spain.

14th Century
Crispin: At the Edge of the World by Avi JH AVI Branded as traitors by the king's authorities, Crispin and his guardian, Bear, flee to coastal towns in fourteenth-century England, where they perform a musical juggling act and bond as a family after befriending a disfigured girl. Crispin: The Cross of Lead by Avi JH AVI Falsely accused of theft and murder, an orphaned peasant boy in fourteenth-century England flees his village and meets a larger-than-life juggler who holds a dangerous secret. Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman YA FIC CUS, JH CUS The thirteen-year-old daughter of an English country knight keeps a journal in which she records the events of her life, particularly her longing for adventures beyond the usual role of women and her efforts to avoid being married off. Matilda Bone by Karen Cushman JH CUS Fourteen-year-old Matilda, an apprentice bonesetter and practitioner of medicine in a village in medieval England, tries to reconcile the various aspects of her life, both spiritual and practical. The Midwifes Apprentice by Karen Cushman JH CUS In medieval England, a nameless, homeless girl is taken in by a sharp-tempered midwife, and in spite of obstacles and hardship, eventually gains the three things she most wants: a full belly, a contented heart, and a place in this world. A Company of Fools by Deborah Ellis JH ELL It is 1348 and France is about to be hit by the Plague when Henri meets Micah, a street urchin from Paris. A choirboy, Henri was lonely and sickly, until he Micah became his friend. The Kings Swift Rider by Molly Hunter YA FIC HUN Unwilling to fight but feeling a sense of duty, sixteen-year-old Martin joins Scotland's rebel army as a swift rider and master of espionage for the leader, Robert the Bruce. Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen YA FIC YOL As English armies invade Scotland in 1306, eleven-year-old Princess Marjorie, daughter of the newly crowned Scottish king, Robert the Bruce, is captured by England's King Edward Longshanks and held in a cage on public display.

15th Century
Young Joan by Barbara Dana JH DAN Joan, a girl growing up in the French countryside during the Hundred Years' War, begins to hear voices telling her she is destined to reunite her torn country in opposition to the English invaders. Dove and Sword by Nancy Garden YA FIC GAR In 1455 in France, Gabrielle is visited by Pierre d'Arc, a brother of Joan of Arc, and with him reminisces about their childhood together in Domremy and Joan's subsequent trial and burning at the stake at Rouen twenty-four years before. Dantes Daughter by Kimberley Burton Heuston YA FIC HEU In fourteenth-century Italy, Antonia, the daughter of Dante Alighieri, longs for a stable family and home while developing her artistic talent and seeking a place for herself in a world with limited options for women. Blood Secret by Kathryn Lasky YA FIC LAS Fourteen-year-old Jerry Luna, mute since her mother's disappearance, is sent to her great-great aunt Constanza's house, where she discovers a trunk that draws her into the world of her ancestors during the Spanish Inquisition. Secrets in the House of Delgado by Gloria D. Miklowitz YA FIC MIK In Spain in 1492, fourteen-year-old Maria, a Catholic orphan, becomes a servant to a wealthy family of Conversos, converted Jews, at a time when the Jews are being expelled from the country and when the Inquisition is diligently searching for religious heretics. The Transformation by Mette Newth YA FIC NEW In the 15th century, young Irish monk Brendan has been sent by the Catholic Church to a lonely missionary outpost in Greenland, where he and his colleagues are expected to turn the native people onto Christ. But life is hard, and Navarana, an Intuit shaman, saves Brendans life. The two are sent on a mission together to find food. The wedding: an encounter with Jan van Eyck by Elizabeth M. Rees YA FIC REE In 1433, fourteen-year-old Giovanna Cenami falls in love with a mysterious stranger employed by Flemish painter Jan van Eyck, but when she defies her father, refuses to must marry a wealthy family friend, and elopes with her love, her reputation, her family's honor, and her very life are at stake.

Bedouins Gazelle by Frances Temple JH TEM In 1302, two cousins of the nomadic Beni Khalid tribe who are betrothed become separated by political intrigue between warring tribes. Executioners Daughter by Laura Williams JH WIL Thirteen-year-old Lily, daughter of the town's executioner living in fifteenth-century Europe, decides whether to fight against her destiny or to rise above her fate.

16th Century
Books about Shakespeare
The Shakespeare Stealer by Gary L. Blackwood YA FIC BLA A young orphan boy is ordered by his master to infiltrate Shakespeare's acting troupe in order to steal the script of "Hamlet," but he discovers instead the meaning of friendship and loyalty. Shakespeares Scribe by Gary L. Blackwood YA FIC BLA In plague-ridden 1602 England, a fifteen-year-old orphan boy, who has become an apprentice actor, goes on the road with Shakespeare's troupe, and finds out more about his parents along the way. The True Prince by J.B. Cheany YA FIC CHE Newly apprenticed to Shakespeare's theater company, Richard and Kit are drawn into a series of crimes involving the members of Queen Elizabeth's court. Dating Hamlet by Lisa Fielder YA FIC FIE In a story based on the Shakespeare play, Ophelia describes her relationship with Hamlet, learns the truth about her own father, and recounts the complicated events following the murder of Hamlet's father. The Two Loves of Will Shakespeare by Laurie Lawlor YA FIC LAW After falling in love, eighteen-year-old Will Shakespeare, a bored apprentice in his father's glove business and often in trouble for various misdeeds, vows to live an upstanding life and pursue his passion for writing. Loving Will Shakespeare by Carolyn Meyer YA FIC MEY In Stratford-upon-Avon in the sixteenth century, Anne Hathaway suffers her stepmother's cruelty and yearns for love and escape, finally finding it in the arms of a boy she has grown up with, William Shakespeare.

Other 16th century titles

Ship of Fire by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD In 1587, sailing to Spain on board Sir Francis Drake's ship "Elizabeth Bonaventure," seventeen-year-old surgeon's apprentice Thomas Spyre finds that, with the sudden death of his master, he must take over as ship's surgeon and prove his skill not only as a doctor but also as a fighter when he is enlisted by Drake to face battle. The Playmaker by J.B. Cheany YA FIC CHE While working as an apprentice in a London theater company in 1597, fourteen-year-old Richard uncovers a mystery involving the disappearance of his father and a traitorous plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth. Lady Grace mysteries by Patricia Finney JH FIN Thirteen-year-old Lady Grace Cavendish, favorite maid of honor of Elizabeth I, must solve a murder mystery. Paradise by Joan E. Goodman YA FIC GOO In 1542, eager to escape the French Huguenot household of her harsh father, sixteen-year-old Marguerite de la Rocque sails with her equally stern uncle, the Sieur de Roberval, to the New World, where she is left alone on an island with only her young Catholic lover and her chaperone to help her survive. The Boy and his Samurai by Erik Christian Haugaard JH HAU Having grown up as an orphan of the streets while sixteenth-century Japan is being ravaged by civil war, Saru seeks to help a samurai rescue his wife from imprisonment by a warlord so they can all flee to a more peaceful life. Vanishing Point by Louise Hawes YA FIC HAW Presents the story of a young girl of Bologna who worked in her father's all-male painting studio and came to enjoy more fame than any female artist before her A Murder for Her Majesty by Beth Hilgartner YA FIC HIL PB Horrified at having witnessed her father's murder and fearing that the killers are agents of Queen Elizabeth I, eleven-year-old Alice Tuckfield hides in the Yorkshire cathedral by disguising herself as one of the choirboys. The Devil and His Boy by Anthony Horowitz JH HOR In 1593, thirteen-year-old Tom travels through the English countryside to London, where he falls in with a troupe of actors and finds himself in great danger from several sources. You Never Knew Her As I Did by Mollie Hunter JH HUN Will Douglas, a seventeen-year-old page, attempts to free Mary, Queen of Scot, from her island prison.


Beware Princess Elizabeth by Carolyn Meyer JH MEY After the death of her father, King Henry VIII, in 1547, thirteen-year-old Elizabeth must endure the political intrigues and dangers of the reigns of her half-brother Edward and her half-sister Mary before finally becoming Queen of England eleven years later. Doomed Queen Anne by Carolyn Meyer JH MEY In 1520, thirteen-year-old Anne Boleyn, jealous of her older sister's beauty and position at court, declares that she will one day be queen of England, and that her sister will kneel at her feet. Mary, Bloody Mary by Carolyn Meyer YA FIC MEY Mary Tudor, who would reign briefly as Queen of England during the mid sixteenth century, tells the story of her troubled childhood as daughter of King Henry VIII. Patience, Princess Catherine by Carolyn Meyer JH MEY In 1501 fifteen-year-old Catharine of Aragon arrives in England to marry Arthur, the eldest son of King Henry VII, but soon finds her expectations of a happy settled life radically changed when Arthur unexpectedly dies and her future becomes the subject of a bitter dispute between the kingdoms of England and Spain. The Coming of the Bear by Lensey Namioka JH NAM Two unemployed samurai are saved from drowning by the Ainus, a primitive people on a northern Japanese island, and are torn in their loyalties when the possibility of war arises between the Ainus and a band of Japanese settlers. The Samurai and the Long-Nosed Devils by Lensey Namioka JH NAM During a warlord's drive to unify Japan, two unemployed samurai become bodyguards to a group of foreigners being harassed by the warlord's enemies. Valley of the Broken Cherry Trees by Lensey Namioka JH NAM In Japan during the last quarter of the 16th century two unemployed samurai attempt to discover who is mutilating the cherry trees in the valley of Lord Ohmori. Daughter of Venice by Donna Jo Napoli YA FIC NAP Frustrated with the restrictions her gender imposes on her life, fourteen-year-old Donata, disguised as a boy, sneaks out of her noble family's house to roam the streets of late sixteenth-century Venice and then must confront the repercussions of her actions.


To the Edge of the World by Michele Torrey JH TOR In 1519, after the death of his parents, fourteen-year-old Mateo Macias becomes cabin boy to Ferdinand Magellan on a dangerous journey in search of a route to the fabled Spice Islands. Blue Fingers by Cheryl Aylward Whitesel JH WHI Having failed apprenticeship as a dye maker, Koji is captured and forced to train as a ninja, where he remains disloyal until he discovers samurai have burned his former village. The Queens Own Fool by Jane Yolen YA FIC YOL When twelve-year-old Nicola leaves Troupe Brufort and serves as the fool for Mary, Queen of Scots, she experiences the political and religious upheavals in both France and Scotland.

17th Century
in colonial America
Pocahontas by Joseph Bruchac YA FIC BRU Told from the viewpoints of Pocahontas and John Smith, describes their lives in the context of the encounter between the Powhatan Indians and the English colonists of 17th century Jamestown, Virginia. Troubles Daughter: the story of Susanna Hutchinson, Indian captive by Katherine Kirpatrick YA KIR When her family is massacred by Lenape Indians in 1643, nine-year-old Susanna, daughter of Anne Hutchinson, is captured and raised as a Lenape. Beyond the Burning Time by Kathryn Lasky JH LAS When, in the winter of 1691, accusations of witchcraft surface in her small New England village, twelve-year-old Mary Chase fights to save her mother from execution. The Serpent Never Sleeps: A Novel of Jamestown and Pocahontas by Scott ODell JH ODE In the early seventeenth century, Serena Lynn, determined to be with the man she has loved since childhood, travels to the New World and comes to know the hardships of colonial life and the extraordinary Princess Pocahontas.


Sorceress by Celia Rees YA FIC REE Eighteen-year-old Agnes, a Mohawk Indian who is descended from a line of shamanic healers, uses her own newly-discovered powers to uncover the story of her ancestor, a seventeenth-century New England English healer who fled charges of witchcraft to make her life with the local Indians. Witch Child by Celia Rees YA LT FIC REE In 1659, fourteen-year-old Mary Newbury keeps a journal of her voyage from England to the New World and her experiences living as a witch in a community of Puritans near Salem, Massachusetts. A Break With Charity: A Story About the Salem Witch Trials by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN While waiting for a church meeting in 1706, Susanna English, daughter of a wealthy Salem merchant, recalls the malice, fear, and accusations of witchcraft that tore her village apart in 1692. Weetamoo, heart of the Pocassets by Patricia Clark Smith JH SMI The 1653-1654 diary of a fourteen-year-old Pocasset Indian girl, destined to become a leader of her tribe, describes how her life changes with the seasons, after a ritual fast she undertakes, and with her tribe's interaction with the English "Coat-men" of the nearby Plymouth Colony. Witch at Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare JH SPE Tells how the seventeenth-century Puritanism of New England provided disastrous circumstances for a high-spirited girl from the Carribbean who is accused of being a witch.


in Europe
Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks YA FIC PB Housemaid Anna Frith bears witness to the plague as it wreaks havoc on London in 1666. Anna watches on as her fellow townspeople choose to quarantine themselves to stop the disease from spreading even further.

Girl With A Pearl Earring by Tracy Chevalier YA FIC CHE Set in the 1660s, the book centers on the artist Vermeers prosperous Delft household. When Griet, the novels quietly perceptive heroine, is hired as a servant, turmoil follows. First, the 16 year old narrator becomes increasingly intimate with her master. Then, Vermeer employs her as his assistant and ultimately has Griet sit for him as a model. The Queens Soprano by Carol Dines YA FIC DIN Seventeen year-old Angelica Voglia lives in seventeenthcentury Rome and has the voice of an angel, but because the pope forbids women to sing in public, she must escape to Queen Christina's palace to become a court singer. The Blood Stone by Jamila Gavin YA FIC GAV In the early seventeenth century, young Venetian Filippo Veroneo travels from Venice to Afghanistan to rescue his imprisoned father, Geronimo, and stops in India to raise the ransom by selling his father's beautiful diamond to the ruler Shah Jehan, who later uses the stone as the model for the Taj Mahal. Ministers Daughter by Julie Hearne YA FIC HEA In 1645 in England, the daughters of the town minister successfully accuse a local healer and her granddaughter of witchcraft to conceal an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, but years later during the 1692 Salem trials their lie has unexpected repercussions. At the Sign of the Sugared Plum by Mary Hooper JH HOO In June 1665, excited at the prospect of coming to London to work at her sister Sarah's candy shop, teenaged Hannah is unconcerned about rumors of Plague until, as the hot summer advances and increasing numbers of people succumb to the disease, she and Sarah find themselves trapped in the city with no means of escape. The Remarkable Life and Times of Eliza Rose by Mary Hooper YA FIC HOO Thrown out of her home by her stepmother in 1670, fifteen-year-old Eliza Rose becomes a companion to Nell Gwyn, a mistress of Charles II, and learns a surprising truth about her parentage.


The Alchemists Cat by Robin Jarvis YA JAR In 1664, Will Godwin arrives in London and finds himself convicted of a crime he did not commit. To escape punishment, he becomes an assistant to a wicked alchemist. One day, he saves a cat family from freezing to death in the frigid outdoors and takes on more than he can handle. Cyrano by Geraldine McCaughrean YA FIC MCC Ashamed of his ugliness, long-nosed Cyrano de Bergerac, a brilliant seventeenth-century poet and expert swordsman in the French army, helps a rival woo and win Roxane, the beautiful cousin Cyrano loves in silence. The House of Windjammer by V.A. Richardson YA FIC RIC In the fall of 1636, Adam, fourteen-year-old heir to the House of Windjammer, must find a way to keep his family afloat after his father dies and tulip fever sweeps Amsterdam. The Moneylenders Daughter by V.A. Richardson YA FIC RIC In 1637, Adam Windjammer, now sixteen years old, confronts danger in the New World as he tries to restore his family's fortune, while fourteen-year-old Jade Van Helson struggles in Amsterdam against her moneylender father's decree that she marry a wealthy, elderly Englishman. At the Sign of the Star by Katherine Sturtevant JH STU In seventeenth-century London, Meg, who has little interest in cooking, needlework, or other homemaking skills, dreams of becoming a bookseller and someday inheriting her widowed father's book store. Voyage of Plunder by Michele Torrey YA FIC TOR Fourteen-year-old Daniel's life is turned upside down when his father's merchant ship is plundered by pirates in 1696 and Daniel is forced to stay aboard the pirate ship as a hostage. The Plague: Rachels Story/Roberts Story by Philip Wooderson JH WOO During the London plague of 1665, Rachel and her family struggle to survive as people around them die. When her family flees the city, her cousin Robert vanishes.


18th Century
Books about Pirates
Piratica by Tanith Lee JH LEE A bump on the head restores Art's memories of her mother and the exciting life they led, so the sixteen-year-old leaves Angels Academy for Young Maidens, seeks out the pirates who were her family before her mother's death, and leads them back to adventure on the high seas. Piratica II by Tanith Lee YA FIC LEE Art Blastside is bored with life ashore, so she jumps at the chance to return to sea. The Pirates Son by Geraldine McCaughrean YA PPB M Left penniless in eighteenth-century England, fourteen-year-old Nathan Gull and his mousey sister Maud accompany Tamo, the son of a notorious pirate, to his homeland of Madagascar where they are all changed by their encounter with Tamo's dangerous past. Bloody Jack: Being an Account of the Curious Adventures of Mary Jacky Faber, Ships Boy by L.A. Meyer YA FIC MEY Reduced to begging and thievery in the streets of London, a thirteen-year-old orphan disguises herself as a boy and connives her way onto a British warship set for high sea adventure in search of pirates. Curse of the Blue Tattoo: Being an Account of the misadventures of Jacky Faber, midshipman and fine by L.A. Meyer YA FIC MEY In 1803, after being exposed as a girl and forced to leave her ship, Jacky Faber finds herself attending school in Boston, where, instead of learning to be a lady, she battles her snobbish classmates, roams the city in search of adventure, and learns to ride a horse. Under the Jolly Roger: Being an account of the further nautical adventures of Jacky Faber by L.A. Meyer YA FIC MEY In 1804, fifteen-year-old Jacky Faber heads back to sea where she gains control of a British warship and eventually becomes a privateer. Pirates: the true and remarkable adventures of Minerva Sharpe and Nancy Kington, female pirates by Celia Rees YA FIC REE PB In 1722, after arriving with her brother at the family's Jamaican plantation where she is to be married off, sixteen-year-old Nancy Kington escapes with her slave friend, Minerva Sharpe, and together they become pirates traveling the world in search of treasure.


The Revolutionary War and Immediate Aftermath

Captain Grey by Avi JH AVI Following the Revolution, an eleven-year-old boy becomes the captive of a ruthless man who has set up his own "nation," supported by piracy, on a remote part of the New Jersey coast. The Year of the Hangman by Gary Blackwood YA FIC BLA In 1777, having been kidnapped and taken forcibly from England to the American colonies, fifteen-yearold Creighton becomes part of developments in the political unrest there that may spell defeat for the patriots and change the course of history. My Brother Sam is Dead by Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier YA PPB C Recounts the tragedy that strikes the Meeker family during the Revolution when one son joins the rebel forces while the rest of the family tries to stay neutral in a Tory town. The Winter Hero by Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier JH COL Anxious to be a hero, a young boy relates how he becomes involved in Shays' Rebellion begun by farmers in western Massachusetts against unfair taxation levied on them by the Boston government. Give Me Liberty by Laura Elliott JH ELL Follows the life of thirteen-year-old Nathaniel Dunn, from May 1774 to December 1775, as he is an indentured servant to a music teacher in Williamsburg, Virginia, and witnesses the growing rift between patriots and loyalists, culminating in the American Revolution. Johnny Tremain by Esther Forbes JH FOR After injuring his hand, a silversmith's apprentice in Boston becomes a messenger for the Sons of Liberty in the days before the American Revolution. Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow JH HAR In Boston in 1775, orphaned fourteen-year-old Hannah is indentured to the family of a British general and begins attending secret meetings disguised as a boy, then passing messages and warnings to the revolutionaries using her beloved horse Promise. Moon of Two Dark Horses by Sally M. Keehn JH KEE At the beginning of the Revolutionary War, hoping to keep bloodshed away from their valley, a twelve-year-old Delaware Indian boy and his white friend search sacred land for the bones of a legendary beast. Where the Great Hawk Flies by Liza Ketchum JH KET


Years after a violent New England raid by the Redcoats and their Revolutionary War Indian allies, two families, one that suffered during that raid and one with an Indian mother and Patriot father, become neighbors and must deal with past trauma and prejudices before they can help each other in the present. Just Jane by William Lavender YA FIC LAV Fourteen-year-old Jane Prentice, orphaned daughter of an English earl, arrives in Charleston, South Carolina, in 1776 to find her family and her loyalties divided over the question of American independence. Fifth of March by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN Fourteen-year-old Rachel Marsh, an indentured servant in the Boston household of John and Abigail Adams, is caught up in the colonists' unrest that eventually escalates into the massacre of March 5, 1770. A Ride Into Morning: The Story of Tempe Wick by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN When unrest spreads at the Revolutionary War camp in Morristown, New Jersey, under the command of General Anthony Wayne, a young woman cleverly hides her horse from the mutinous soldiers who have need of it. The Secret of Sarah Revere by Ann Rinaldi YA PPB R Paul Revere's daughter describes her father's "rides" and the intelligence network of the patriot community prior to the American Revolution. A Stitch in Time by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN Shortly after the War of Independence, Hannah sees her family being torn apart by old secrets and new developments, as her sister resolves to marry a sea captain and other siblings prepare to help start a new town in the Northwestern Territory. Time Enough for Drums by Ann Rinaldi JH RIN Sixteen-year-old Jem and her servant struggle to keep things going at home in Trenton, New Jersey, when the family men join the war for independence from the British king. Saratoga Secret by Betsey Sterman JH STE In 1777, as General Burgoyne and his British troops invade the Upper Hudson River Valley, sixteen-year-old Amity must carry a secret message to the Continental army to give warning of an impending attack.


Other Books set in the 18th Century

Fever, 1793 by Laurie Halse Anderson JH AND In 1793 Philadelphia, sixteen-year-old Matilda Cook, separated from her sick mother, learns about perseverance and self-reliance when she is forced to cope with the horrors of a yellow fever epidemic. The Winter People by Joseph Bruchac JH BRU As the French and Indian War rages in October of 1759, Saxso, a fourteen-year-old Abenaki boy, pursues the English rangers who have attacked his village and taken his mother and sisters hostage. Gideon the Cat Purse by Linda Buckley-Archer JH BUC Ignored by his father and sent to Derbyshire for the weekend, twelve-year-old Peter and his new friend, Kate, are accidentally transported back in time to 1763 England where they are befriended by a reformed cutpurse. Cecile: Gates of Gold by Mary Casanova JH CAS In 1711, twelve-year-old Cecile Revel unexpectedly gets the chance to serve Louis XIV's sister-in-law at the palace of Versailles, but instead of a dream come true, life at court proves to be complicated and precarious. Who is Carrie? By James Lincoln Collier JH COL PB A young black girl living in New York City in the late eighteenth century observes the historic events taking place around her and at the same time solves the mystery of her own identity. Star-Crossed by Linda Collison YA FIC COL Having been discovered as a stowaway as she tries to reach Barbados in 1760 to claim her father's estate, teenaged English orphan Patricia Kelley struggles to survive by learning to be a ship's doctor and by disguising herself as a man when necessary. Includes glossary of nautical terms. The Ransom of Mercy Carter by Caroline B. Cooney YA FIC COO In 1704, in the English settlement of Deerfield, Massachusetts, eleven-year-old Mercy and her family and neighbors are captured by Mohawk Indians and their French allies, and forced to march through bitter cold to French Canada, where some adapt to new lives and some still hope to be ransomed.


Tears of the Salamander by Peter Dickinson JH DIC When Alfredo, a twelve-year-old choir boy in eighteenth-century Italy, loses his family in a fire, he goes to live with Uncle Giorgio, who he discovers is a sorcerer in control of the fires of Mt. Etna with sinister plans for his nephew. Copper Sun by Sharon M. Draper YA FIC DRA Two fifteen-year-old girls--one a slave and the other an indentured servant--escape their Carolina plantation and try to make their way to Fort Moses, Florida, a Spanish colony that gives sanctuary to slaves. Beaded Moccasins by Lynda Durrant JH DUR After being captured by a group of Delaware Indians and given to their leader as a replacement for his dead granddaughter, twelve-year-old Mary Campbell is forced to travel west with them to Ohio. Calico Bush by Rachel Field JH FIE Set on the coast of Maine, this is the story of a young French girl bound in service in pioneer America. Path of the Pale Horse by Paul Fleischman JH FLE Lep, an apprentice to a doctor, helps his master take care of yellow fever victims in Philadelphia during the epidemic of 1793. Stowaway by Karen Hesse JH HES A fictionalized journal relates the experiences of a young stowaway from 1768 to 1771 aboard the Endeavor which sailed around the world under Captain James Cook. Dawn Rider by Jan Hudson JH HUD Kit Fox's sixteenth year with her people, the Bloods, is filled with preparations for an important buffalo run, talk of her older sister's coming marriage, and skirmishes with their traditional enemy the Snakes. The Cannibals by Iain Lawrence YA FIC LAW Tom Tin and his friend Midgely--with assorted juvenile criminals--escape the ship taking them to serve their terms in Australia and head for a Pacific island, forgetting Tom's father's warnings about headhunters and cannibals. The Smugglers by Iain Lawrence YA FIC LAW In eighteenth-century England, after his father buys a schooner called the Dragon, sixteen-year-old John sets out to sail it from Kent to London and becomes involved in a dangerous smuggling scheme. Sequel to The Wreckers.


The Wreckers by Iain Lawrence YA FIC LAW Shipwrecked after a vicious storm, fourteen-year-old John Spencer attempts to save his father and himself while also dealing with an evil secret about the English coastal town where they are stranded. Death and the Arrow by Chris Priestley JH PRI After his friend Will, a pickpocket in London in 1715, is murdered as part of a series of mysterious deaths, fifteen-year-old Tom Marlowe asks his friend Dr. Harker to help find the killer. Ghost Ship by Dietlof Reiche JH REI An eighteenth-century figurehead, the journal of a ship's quartermaster, and supernatural occurrences at a seaside resort lead twelve-year-old Vicki and her friend Peter on a quest to lift a curse and set right a horrible deed committed two hundred and thirty years in the past. Cast Two Shadows by Ann Rinaldi JH RIN In South Carolina in 1780, fourteen-year-old Caroline sees the Revolutionary War take a terrible toll among her family and friends and comes to understand the true nature of war. Mutinys Daughter by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN Gives voice, as a teenager returned to the Christian family in England, to the halfTahitian daughter of the British ship Bounty's second-in-command and mutineer, Fletcher Christian. Calico Captive by Elizabeth George Speare JH SPE In 1754, on the brink of the French and Indian war, young Miriam Willard and her older sister's family are captured in an Indian raid on Charleston, N.H., where they are held for ransom. Sister to the Wolf by Maxine Trottier JH TRO This is a French-Canadian story of a fifteen-year-old girl and the journey of self-discovery as she travels through the wilderness in the early 1700's. Her grandmother expects her to behave like a proper French lady. Story conveys conflict between white invaders and native Indians. Second Daughter: the story of a slave girl by Mildred Pitts Walter JH WAL Aissa, the teen-age fictional sister of Elizabeth Freeman, struggles against a system which declares that she is property and that she is to remain silent. Becoming Rosemary by Frances M. Wood JH WOO While twelve-year-old Rosemary observes life in 1790 North Carolina, she knows that she can choose to be what she has to be and that doing so will make her different.


1800 to 1860
Kits Wilderness by David Almond JH ALM Thirteen-year-old Kit goes to live with his grandfather in the decaying coal mining town of Stoneygate, England, and finds both the old man and the town haunted by ghosts of the past. This Vast Land by Stephen E. Ambrose YA FIC AMB George Shannon, the youngest member of Lewis and Clarks Corps of Discovery, at nineteen-years-old keeps a journal chronicling his exploration of the west. Road to Home by Mary Jane Auch JH AUC In 1817, after her mother has died and her father abandoned his children, thirteen-yearold Mem searches for a new home for Joshua, herself, and their little sister. Beyond the Western Sea by Avi JH AVI Driven from their impoverished Irish village, fifteen-year-old Maura and her younger brother meet their landlord's runaway son in Liverpool while all three wait for a ship to America. True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi JH AVI As the only passenger, and the only female, on a transatlantic voyage in 1832, thirteen-year-old Charlotte finds herself caught between a murderous captain and a mutinous crew. Sacajawea: The Story of Bird Woman and the Lewis and Clark Expedition by Joseph Bruchac YA FIC BRU Sacajawea, a Shoshoni Indian interpreter, peacemaker, and guide, and William Clark alternate in describing their experiences on the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Northwest. Blood Gold by Michael Cadnum YA FIC CAD After an arduous journey, Will Dwinelle and his friend Ben finally reach California in 1849 intending to bring home the man who betrayed the honor of a girl back home in Philadelphia, but find themselves tempted by the riches of the Gold Rush.


Charlottes Rose by A.E. Cannon JH CAN As a twelve-year-old Welsh immigrant carries a motherless baby along the Mormon Trail in 1856, she comes to love the baby as her own and fear the day the baby's father will reclaim her. Victory by Susan Cooper JH COO Alternating chapters follow the mysterious connection between a homesick English girl living in present-day America and an eleven-year-old boy serving in the British Royal Navy in 1803, aboard the H.M.S. Victory, commanded by Admiral Horatio Nelson. Born in the Year of Courage by Emily Crofford JH CRO In 1841, having been shipwrecked and picked up by an American whaling ship outside Japanese territorial waters, fifteen-year-old Manjiro decides to go live in America and work towards opening trade between his country and the West. Reynas Reward by Wanda Dionne YA PB D Reyna is traveling to the United States for an arranged marriage to a wealthy man when her ship is seized by pirates. The Spirit and Gilly Bucket by Maurine F. Dahlberg JH DAH In 1859, when Gilly's father goes to search for gold in the Rocky Mountains, the elevenyear-old is sent to stay with her aunt and uncle in Virginia, where she befriends one of her uncle's slave girls, finds out about the Underground Railroad, and discovers that people are not always exactly as they seem. Prison Ship by Paul Dowswell JH DOW After being framed for cowardice in a sea battle, thirteen-year-old Sam and his friend Richard are sent to Australia, where they must fight for their lives in the outback. Hearts of Iron by Kalthleen Benner Duble YA FIC DUB In early 1800s Connecticut, fifteen-year-old Lucy tries to decide whether to marry her childhood friend who unhappily toils at the Mt. Riga iron furnace or the young man from Boston who has come to work in her father's store. Broken Blade by William Durbin JH DUR When an injury prevents his father from going into northern Canada with fur traders, thirteen-year-old Pierre decides to take his father's place as a voyageur. Wintering by William Durbin JH DUR In 1801, fourteen-year-old Pierre returns to work for the North West Fur Company and makes the long and difficult journey to a winter camp, where he learns from both the


other voyageurs and from the Ojibwa Indians whose land they share. Sequel to Broken Blade. The Education of Patience Goodspeed by Heather Vogel Frederick JH FRE Patience Goodspeed thought she was going to have an adventure on her fathers ship the Morning Star, but instead she is stuck going to boarding school in Hawaii. The Braid by Helen Frost YA FIC FRO Two Scottish sisters, living on the western island of Barra in the 1850s, relate, in alternate voices and linked narrative poems, their experiences after their family is forcible evicted and separated with one sister accompanying their parents and younger siblings to Cape Breton, Canada, and the other staying behind with other family on the small island of Mingulay.

In the Shadow of the Alamo by Sherry Garland JH GAR Conscripted into the Mexican Army, fifteenyear-old Lorenzo Bonifacio makes some unexpected alliances and learns some harsh truths about General Santa Ana as the troops move toward the Battle of the Alamo. The Shakeress by Kimberley Heuston JH HEU While searching for her true self and for the way to meet the needs of her personal sense of spirituality, an orphaned teenaged girl joins a Shaker community in mid-nineteenth century New England and learns about a new religion called Mormonism. Boston Jane: an adventure by Jennifer Holm JH HOL Schooled in the lessons of etiquette for young ladies of 1854, Miss Jane Peck of Philadelphia finds little use for manners during her long sea voyage to the Pacific Northwest and while living among the American traders and Chinook Indians of Washington Territory. An Innocent Soldier by Joself Holub JH HOL A sixteen-year-old farmhand is tricked into fighting in the Napoleonic Wars by the farmer for whom he works, who secretly substitutes him for the farmer's own son.


Sweetgrass by Jan Hudson JH HUD Living on the western Canadian prairie in the nineteenth century, Sweetgrass, a fifteenyear-old Blackfoot Indian girl, saves her family from a smallpox epidemic and proves her maturity to her father. Through the Lock by Carol Otis Hurst JH HUR Etta, a twelve-year-old orphan in nineteenth-century Connecticut, meets a boy living in an abandoned cabin on the New Haven and Northampton Canal and has adventures with him while trying to be reunited with her siblings. Over Jordan by Norma Johnston JH JOH In 1836, fourteen-year-old Roxana undertakes a dangerous journey up the Ohio River to help her beloved servant, Jess, and Jess's fiance, a runaway slave, escape to freedom, aided by Roxana's former teacher Harriet Beecher Stowe. Go West, Young Women by Kathleem Karr JH KAR When a disaster claims the men of their wagon train, spunky twelve-yearold Phoebe, her mother, sister, and other women rely on their own resources to complete the journey to Oregon in 1845. Bone Dry by Kathleen Karr JH KAR In the 1840s, Dr. Asa B. Cornwall, a phrenologist, and his fourteen-year-old assistant, Matthew Morrissey, travel from Paris to Northern Africa to seek the missing skull of Alexander the Great. Skullduggery by Kathleen Karr JH KAR In 1839, twelve-year-old Matthew's job as assistant to the phrenologist Dr. Cornwall takes him up and down the Eastern Seaboard and to Europe, as they rob graves and try to find out who is following them and why. Beyond the Divide by Kathryn Lasky JH LAS In 1849, a fourteen-year-old Amish girl defies convention by leaving her secure home in Pennsylvania to accompany her father across the continent by wagon train. Letters from a Slave Girl by Mary Lyons JH LYO A fictionalized version of the life of Harriet Jacobs, told in the form of letters that she might have written during her slavery in North Carolina and as she prepared for escape to the North in 1842.


Miles Song by Alice McGill JH MCG In 1851 in South Carolina, Miles, a twelve-year-old slave, is sent to a "breaking ground" to have his spirit broken but endures the experience by secretly taking reading lessons from another slave. Where the Broken Heart Still Beats: The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker by Carolyn Meyer YA FIC MEY PB Having been taken as a child and raised by Comanche Indians, thirty-four-year-old Cynthia Ann Parker is forcibly returned to her white relatives, where she longs for her Indian life and her only friend is her twelve-year-old cousin Lucy.

Peter Raven Under Fire by Michael Molloy JH MOL The year is 1800 and Peter Raven, just 13, finds himself a new officer on the HMS Torren, a Royal Navy ship warring with the French, who are being led by Napoleon Bonaparte. Deception and sinister ploys abound in this tale espionage and war. Flesh Market by Nicola Morgan YA FIC MOR In nineteenth-century Scotland, following the death of his mother during surgery, Robbie decides to take revenge on the surgeon who performed the operation, Dr. Robert Knox, and in the process, makes a gruesome discovery about the lengths the medical profession will go to advance its knowledge of anatomy. I, Dred Scott by Sheila P. Moses YA FIC MOS Having served his master in northern states, under the provisions of the Missouri compromise the slave Dred Scott may be eligible for emancipation, but legal obstacles stand in the way of his freedom. On April 6, 1846, Dred Scott and his wife, Harriet took the dangerous and courageous step to sue for their freedom, entering into legal battles that would last for eleven years. Dred Scott's story is one of tremendous courage and fierce determination. Desperate Journey by Jim Murphy JH MUR In the mid-1800s. with both her father and her uncle in jail on an assault charge, Maggie, her brother, and her ailing mother rush their barge along the Erie Canal to deliver their heavy cargo or lose everything. Hoggee by Anna Myers JH MYE Always overshadowed by his competitive older brother, especially in their work as mule drivers on the Erie Canal, fourteen-year-old Howard finally finds the courage to pursue his dreams of becoming an educator after he learns about sign language and teaches it to his deaf friend in nineteenth-century New York State.


Jip: His Story by Katherine Paterson JH PAT While living on a Vermont poor farm during 1855 and 1856, Jip learns his identity and that of his mother and comes to understand how he arrived at this place. Lyddie by Katherine Paterson JH PAT Impoverished Vermont farm girl Lyddie Worthen is determined to gain her independence by becoming a factory worker in Lowell, Massachusetts, in the 1840s. Grace by Jill Paton Walsh JH PAT After helping her father rescue the survivors of a shipwreck on the coast of England in 1838, Grace Darling finds her quiet life crumbling around her as she is unwillingly fashioned into a national hero. Count Karlstein by Philip Pullman JH PUL In the mountains of Switzerland the wicked Count Karlstein plots to abandon his two orphaned nieces in a hunting lodge as prey for the Demon Huntsman and his ghostly hounds. Blue Door by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN When her grandmother sends her alone on a difficult journey up North, fourteen-year-old Amanda encounters the exploitation of women in textile mills. Broken Days by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN In 1811, life with her Aunt Hannah in Salem, Massachusetts, becomes even more difficult for fourteenyear-old Ebie with the arrival of a half-Indian girl who claims to be the daughter of Hannah's sister, Thankful, and with the threat of impending war. Washington City is Burning by Harriette Gillem Robinet JH ROB In 1814 Virginia, a slave in President Madison's White House, experiences the burning of Washington by the invading British army. William Parker: Rebel Without Rights by John Rosenburg JH ROS William Parker, an escaped slave, defies the United States government in the Christiana Riot of 1851, an event which triggers the biggest treason trial in American history. Last Child by Michael Spooner YA FIC SPO Caught between the worlds of the her Scottish father and her Mandan mother in what is now North Dakota, Rosalie fights to survive both the 1837 smallpox epidemic and the actions of a vengeful trader.


Voyage of Ice by Michele Torrey JH TOR In 1849, fifteen-year-old Nick and his older brother, longing to be whalers, sign on as hands on the whaling ship Sea Hawk, and find that the journey is full of hardship and unexpected dangers. Montmorency and the Assassins by Eleanor Update YA FIC UPD After twenty years as a gentleman, Montmorency is glad to be free of Scarper, his wretched alter-ego, but when a young friend is caught in the middle of a murderous political plot, Montmorency may have no choice but to call upon Scarper for help. Wintering Well by Lea Wait JH WAI Fifteen-year-old Will Ames and his sister Cassie go to stay with their sister in nearby Wiscasset, Maine, after a disabling accident ruins Will's plans for a career in farming. The Unrivalled Spangles by Karen Wallace YA FIC WAL Longing to give up the nineteenth-century English circus life she was born into, sixteenyear-old Ellen Spangle secretly prepares to be a governess and is courted by a wealthy young man until two tragedies lead her to reevaluate her plans. Black Storm Comin by Diane Lee Wilson YA FIC WIL Twelve-year-old Colton, son of a black mother and a white father, takes a job with the Pony Express in 1860 after his father abandons the family on their California-bound wagon train, and risks his life to deliver an important letter that may affect the growing conflict between the North and South. Jerichos Journey by G. Clifton Wisler JH WIS As his family makes the long and difficult journey from Tennessee to their new home in Texas in 1852, twelve-year-old Jericho Wetherby, teased by his sister and brothers about his size, learns there are many ways to grow. New Found Land: Lewis and Clarks voyage of discovery by Allan Wolf YA FIC WOL The letters and thoughts of Thomas Jefferson, members of the Corps of Discovery, their guide Sacagawea, and Captain Lewis's Newfoundland dog, all tell of the historic exploratory expedition to seek a water route to the Pacific Ocean.


The Grand Tour by Patricia C. Wrede YA FIC WRE In 1817, two English cousins take a honeymoon "Grand Tour of the Continent" with their new husbands and become entangled in a mysterious plot to create a magical Emperor of Europe. Spring Pearl by Laurence Yep JH YEP Called boyish by her new family for being able to read and write, twelve-year-old, orphaned Spring Pearl's "odd ways" help save the family during the 1857 Opium War in Canton, China.

American Civil War (1850 to 1865)

Ghost Soldier by Elaine Marie Alphin JH ALP Alexander, in North Carolina while his father decides whether to remarry and move there, meets the ghost of a Confederate soldier and helps him look for his family. The Dreams of Mairhe Mehan by Jennifer Armstrong YA FIC ARM Mairhe, who lives in an Irish slum in Washington, D.C., in the 1860s, struggles to come to grips with the impact of the Civil War on her family. Mary Mehan Awake by Jennifer Armstrong YA FIC ARM While working as a servant in the home of a naturalist, Mary Mehan gradually recovers from the numbing effects of her experience as a Civil War nurse and falls in love with a man who had lost his hearing. Jayhawker by Patricia Beatty JH BEA In the early years of the Civil War, teenage Kansan farm boy Lije Tulley becomes a Jayhawker, an abolitionist raider freeing slaves from the neighboring state of Missouri, and then goes undercover there as a spy. Evvys Civil War by Miriam Brenaman YA FIC BRE In Virginia in 1860, on the verge of the Civil War, fourteen-year-old Evvy chafes at the restrictions that her society places on both women and slaves. Stealing Freedom by Elisa Lynn Carbone JH CAR A novel based on the events in the life of a young slave girl from Maryland who endures all kinds of mistreatment and cruelty, including being separated from her family, but who eventually escapes to freedom in Canada.


With Every Drop of Blood by James Lincoln Collier JH COL While trying to transport food to Richmond, Virginia, during the Civil War, fourteenyear-old Johnny is captured by a black Union soldier. Annie, Between the States by Laura Elliott JH ELL Instead of spending her teen years at parties and balls, Annie, an idealistic, poetry-loving patriot, finds herself nursing soldiers, hiding valuables, and running the household as the Civil War rages around her family's Virginia home. Ghosts of Vicksburg by Kathleen Ernst JH ERN PB When Jamie Carswell joins the 14th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment fighting in Vicksburg, Mississippi, he finds his cousin Althea living there, trying to make peace with her past and keep her family safe during the Union's siege. Beccas Story by James Forman YA FIC FOR A Civil War romance concerning a Michigan girl and the two soldiers who are rivals for her hand. My Home is Over Jordan by Sandra Forrester JH FOR No longer a slave now that the Civil War is over, fifteen-year-old Maddie dreams of getting an education and becoming a teacher, but she finds the reality of freedom harsh. The sequel to Sound the Jubilee. Sound the Jubilee by Sandra Forrester JH FOR A slave and her family find refuge on Roanoke Island, North Carolina, during the Civil War. Hear the Wind Blow by Mary Downing Hahn JH HAH With their mother dead and their home burned, a thirteen-year-old boy and his little sister set out across Virginia in search of relatives during the final days of the Civil War. House of Dies Drear by Virginia Hamilton JH HAM A black family tries to unravel the secrets of their new home which was once a stop on the Underground Railroad. Behind the Lines by Isabelle Holland YA FIC HOL During the New York Draft Riot of 1863, a young Irish Catholic girl helps an African American make a daring escape from an angry mob. Scrib by David Ives JH IVE In 1863, a sixteen-year-old boy nicknamed Scrib travels around the West making his living writing and delivering letters, an occupation that leads to him nearly getting killed,


being jailed as a criminal, joining up with the notorious Crazy James Kincaid, and delivering a letter from President Abraham Lincoln to a Paiute Indian. My Brothers Keeper by Nancy Johnson JH JOH As a young orphaned drummer boy in the Civil War, Josh Parrish joins the 20th Maine in time to be caught up in the battle for Little Round Top. Anna Sunday by Sally M. Keehn JH KEE In 1863 twelve-year-old Anna, disguised as a boy and accompanied by her younger brother Jed, leaves their Pennsylvania home and makes the difficult journey to join their wounded father in Winchester, Virginia, where they find themselves in danger from Confederate troops. The Passage by James Kilgore YA FIC KIL Art Blastside is bored with life ashore, so she jumps at the chance to return to sea. True North by Kathryn Lasky YA FIC LAS Because of the strong influence which her grandfather, an abolitionist, has in her life, fourteen-year-old Lucy assists a fugitive slave girl in her escape. How I Found the Strong by Margaret McMullan JH MCM Frank Russell, known as Shanks, wishes he could have gone with his father and brother to fight for Mississippi and the Confederacy, but his experiences with the war and his changing relationship with the family slave, Buck, change his thinking. A Dangerous Promise by Joan Lowery Nixon JH NIX After being taken in by Captain Taylor and his wife in Kansas, twelve-year-old Mike Kelly and his friend Todd Blakely join the Union army as musicians and see the horrors of war firsthand in Missouri. Soldiers Heart by Gary Paulsen JH AUDIO BOOK PAU Eager to enlist, fifteen-year-old Charley has a change of heart after experiencing both the physical horrors and mental anguish of Civil War combat. The River Between Us by Richard Peck JH PEC During the early days of the Civil War, the Pruitt family takes in two mysterious young ladies who have fled New Orleans to come north to Illinois. An Acquaintance with Darkness by Ann Rinaldi YA PPB R When her mother dies and her best friend's family is implicated in the assassination of President Lincoln, fourteen-year-old Emily Pigbush must go live with an uncle she suspects of being involved in stealing bodies for medical research.


Girl in Blue by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN To escape an abusive father and an arranged marriage, fourteen-year-old Sarah, dressed as a boy, leaves her Michigan home to enlist in the Union Army, and becomes a soldier on the battlefields of Virginia as well as a Union spy working in the house of Confederate sympathizer Rose O'Neal Greenhow in Washington, D.C. In My Fathers House by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN For two sisters growing up surrounded by the Civil War, there is conflict both outside and inside their house. The Last Silk Dress by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN During the Civil War, Susan finds a way to help the Confederate Army and uncovers a series of mysterious family secrets. Mine Eyes Have Seen by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN In the summer of 1859, fifteen-year-old Annie travels to the Maryland farm where her father, John Brown, is secretly assembling his provisional army prior to their raid on the United States arsenal at nearby Harpers Ferry. Numbering All the Bones by Ann Rinaldi JH RIN "It is 1864, the Civil War is moving toward an end. President Lincoln has proclaimed his 'great measure,' and Southern slaves are slowly gaining their freedom. But for thirteen-year-old Eulinda, a house slave on a Georgia plantation, it is the most difficult time of her life..." Sarahs Ground by Ann Rinaldi. YA FIC RIN In 1861, eighteen-year-old Sarah Tracy, from New York state, comes to work at Mount Vernon, the historic Virginia home of George Washington, where she tries to protect the safety and neutrality of the site during the Civil War, and where she encounters her future husband, Upton Herbert. The Haunting of Swains Fancy by Brenda Seabrooke JH SEA Eleven-year-old Taylor spends the summer with her father and his new family in a historic house in West Virginia and, while contending with hostility from her stepsister Nicole, attempts to solve the mystery of ghosts who haunt the site. Trembling Earth by Kim L. Siegelson JH SIE In 1864, two boys, one a slave running toward freedom and one hoping to collect the reward for capturing him, make their way through Georgia's Okefenokee Swamp, relying on knowledge the white boy's father, disabled by the war, had passed on to him in happier times.


Last Child by Michael Spooner YA FIC SPO Caught between the worlds of the her Scottish father and her Mandan mother in what is now North Dakota, Rosalie fights to survive both the 1837 smallpox epidemic and the actions of a vengeful trader. Black Storm Comin by Diane Wilson YA FIC WIL Combining galloping adventure with terror, this story of a mixed-race teen who joins the Pony Express takes readers back to the West as it was in 1860.

The Civil War era, in other parts of the world

Angelmonster by Veronica Bennett YA FIC BEN Fictionalized story of Mary Godwin, author of the horror classic "Frankenstein," and her relationship with poet and freethinker Percy Shelley, who ran away to Europe to escape gossip and social ostracism in London, and who endured tragedy and terrible losses repeatedly in her life. Street Child by Berlie Doherty JH DOH A novel based on the life of Jim Jarvis, a young orphan who escapes the workhouse in London in the 1860s and survives brutal treatment and desperate circumstances until he is taken by Dr. Barnardo, founder of a school for the city's "ragged" children. The Shakeress by Kimberley Burton Heusten YA PPB H While searching for her true self and for the way to meet the needs of her personal sense of spirituality, an orphaned teenaged girl joins a Shaker community in mid-nineteenth century New England and learns about a new religion called Mormonism. Brief Candle by Kate Pennington YA FIC PEN PB A fictional account of famous writers the Bronte sisters during a bleak winter as they write adventures and stumble upon mysteries, all while staying in a bleak parsonage.

1860 to 1899
Prairie Whispers by Frances Arrington JH ARR Only twelve-year-old Colleen knows that her baby sister died just after she was born and that Colleen put another baby in her place, until the baby's father shows up and makes trouble for her and her family on the South Dakota prairie in the 1860s. Summer of Pearls by Mike Blakely YA FIC BLA The Great Caddo Lake Pearl Rush of 1874 marked more than the first time that Ben fell in love. It was also year when Judd Kelso, a local riverboat owner, was killed, and his mystery dominated conversation in the small riverboat community.


The Notorious Izzy Fink by Don Brown JH BRO In the 1890's, thirteen-year-old Sam copes with poverty and violence on the streets of New York's Lower East Side. Runs with Horses by Brian Burke YA PPB B Sixteen years old in 1886, Runs With Horses trains to become a warrior with Geronimo's band of Apaches in the American Southwest. Last Dance on Holladay Street by Elisa Carbone YA FIC CAR In 1878, thirteen-year-old Eva seeks her birth mother in Colorado, only to find the city and her mother are not what she imagined. Storm Warriors by Elisa Carbone JH CAR In 1895, after his mother's death, twelve-year-old Nathan moves with his father and grandfather to Pea Island off the coast of North Carolina, where he hopes to join the all-black crew at the nearby lifesaving station, despite his father's objections. Call Me the Canyon: A Love Story by Ann Howard Creel YA FIC CRE Madolen, the adopted daughter of a Mormon family in the Old West, becomes a canyon guide for a young man from back East. Street Child by Berlie Doherty JH DOH A novel based on the life of Jim Jarvis, a young orphan who escapes the workhouse in London in the 1860s and survives brutal treatment and desperate circumstances until he is taken by Dr. Barnardo, founder of a school for the city's "ragged" children. Much Ado About Grubstake by Jean Ferris JH FER When two city folks arrive in the depressed mining town of Grubstake, Colorado in 1888, sixteen-year-old orphaned Arley tries to discover why they want to buy the supposedly worthless mines in the area. Walk Across the Sea by Susan Fletcher JH FLE In late nineteenth-century California, when Chinese immigrants are being driven out or even killed for fear they will take jobs from whites, fifteen-year-old Eliza Jane McCully defies the townspeople and her lighthouse-keeper father to help a Chinese boy who has been kind to her. Samurai Shortstop by Alan Gratz YA FIC GRA While obtaining a Western education at a prestigious Japanese boarding school in 1890, sixteen-year-old Toyo also receives traditional samurai training which has profound effects on both his baseball game and his relationship with his father.


Tomorrow, the River by Dianne E. Gray JH GRA In 1896, fourteen-year-old Megan joins her sister and family on their steamboat for the summer riding up the Mississippi River towards St. Paul, Minnesota, and through all of their adventures, Megan realizes what is her "true calling." Sunshine Rider: the first vegetarian western by Ric Lynden Hardman YA FIC HAR In the late 1800s while on a cattle drive which takes him north from Texas, seventeenyear-old Wylie learns that it is no longer necessary to run from the father he never knew. Jasons Gold by Will Hobbs JH HOB When news of the discovery of gold in Canada's Yukon Territory in 1897 reaches fifteenyear-old Jason, he embarks on a 10,000-mile journey to strike it rich. Down the Yukon by Will Hobbs JH HOB In the wake of Dawson City's Great Fire of 1899, sixteen-year-old Jason and his girlfriend Jamie canoe the Yukon River across Alaska in an epic race from Canada's Klondike to the new gold fields at Cape Nome. Ghost Canoe by Will Hobbs JH AUDIO BOOK HOB Fourteen-year-old Nathan, fishing with the Makah in the Pacific Northwest, finds himself holding a vital clue when a mysterious stranger comes to town looking for Spanish treasure. Our Only May Amelia by Jennifer L. Holm JH HOL As the only girl in a Finnish American family of seven brothers, May Amelia Jackson resents being expected to act like a lady while growing up in Washington state in 1899. Tancy by Belinda Hurmence JH HUR Tancy was a house slave on a plantation who learned to read even though it was forbidden. One day she reads an old day book of her owner that dates her book and provides her mothers name. Once emancipated, she sets off in search of her mother, for the first time, a free woman. The Star of Kazan by Eva Ibbotson JH IBB After twelve-year-old Annika, a foundling living in late nineteenth-century Vienna, inherits a trunk of costume jewelry, a woman claiming to be her aristocratic mother arrives and takes her to live in a strangely decrepit mansion in Germany. Earthly Astonishments by Marthe Jocelyn JH JOC In 1884, after being sold as a servant by her parents to a harsh school mistress, tiny twelve-year-old Josephine, who stands less than twenty-nine inches tall, finds refuge in the Museum of Earthly Astonishments in New York City.


The Boxer by Katherine Karr YA FIC KAR Having learned how to box while in prison, fifteen-year-old Johnny sets out to discover if he can make a decent living as a fighter in late nineteenth-century New York City. Seventh Knot by Katherine Karr JH KAR Two brothers touring Europe in the 19th century become embroiled in a mystery involving Albrecht Durer's knot woodcuts and a secret German society when they go in search of their uncle's enigmatic missing valet. Anna and the King of Siam by Margaret Landon YA FIC LAN Anna, a young English widow and mother was working for the King of Siam in 1860s Thailand. She tutored his grandchildren and favorite concubines, not realizing she was changing the course of Siamese, or Thai, history. Broken Song by Kathryn Lasky JH LAS In 1897, fifteen-year-old Reuven Bloom, a Russian Jew, must set aside his dreams of playing the violin in order to save himself and his baby sister after the rest of their family is murdered. The Convicts by Iain Lawrence YA FIC LAW His efforts to avenge his father's unjust imprisonment force fourteen-year-old Tom Tin into the streets of nineteenth-century London, but after he is convicted of murder, Tom is eventually sent to Australia where he has a surprise reunion. Smilers Bones by Peter Lerangis YA FIC LER In 1897, Robert Peary took six Eskimos from their homes and "presented" them to the American Museum of Natural History in New York as a living exhibit. Two of them were father and son: Qisuk ("Smiler") and Minik. This is Minik's story Stop the Train by Geraldine McCaughrean JH MCC Despite the opposition of the owner of the Red Rock Runner railroad in 1893, the new settlers of Florence, Oklahoma, are determined to build a real town. Oyster Moon by Margaret Meacham JH MEA Set in 1885 on Maryland's eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, a fourteen-year-old girl rescues her twin brother from the clutches of the cruel captain of an oyster dredge during the height of the Oyster Wars.


Marie, Dancing by Carolyn Meyer YA FIC MEY A fictionalized autobiography of Marie Van Goethem, the impoverished student from the Paris Opra ballet school who became the model for Edgar Degas's famous sculpture, "The Little Dancer." The Whispering Road by Livi Michael JH MIC In Victorian England, poverty-stricken, orphaned siblings Joe and Annie escape from the abusive farmer they work for and try to survive in Manchester, with help from a friendly tramp, a mysterious dog-woman, and a renegade printer who supports the rights of the poor. Flying Blind by Anna Myers JH MYE Ben Riley and Murphy, the pet macaw, know the killing of egrets for their feathers must be stopped, but the lines between right and wrong become blurred when Ben meets two orphans who rely on feathering to stay alive. Gaps in Stone Walls by John Neufeld JH NEU Twelve-year-old Merry Skiffe, who lives on Martha's Vineyard in the 1880s, runs away from home because she is suspected of having committed a murder. Set In Stone by Linda Newbury YA FIC NEW The alternating narratives of art tutor Samuel Godwin and governess Charlotte Agnew, who work for the wealthy Farrow family in 1898 England, reveal the secrets that almost everyone in the household is hiding. Sarny by Gary Paulsen JH PAU Continues the adventures of Sarny, the slave girl Nightjohn taught to read, through the aftermath of the Civil War during which time she taught other Blacks and lived a full life until age ninety-four. Fair Weather by Richard Peck JH PEC In 1893, thirteen-year-old Rosie and members of her family travel from their Illinois farm to Chicago to visit Aunt Euterpe and attend the World's Columbian Exposition which, along with an encounter with Buffalo Bill and Lillian Russell, turns out to be a life-changing experience for everyone. Ruby in the Smoke by Philip Pullman YA PPB P In nineteenth-century London, sixteen-year-old Sally, a recent orphan, becomes involved in deadly search for a mysterious ruby. Shadow in the North by Philip Pullman YA PPB P In 1878 in London, Sally, now twenty-two and established in her own business, and her companions Frederick and Jim try to solve the mystery surrounding the unexpected collapse of a shipping firm and its ties to a sinister corporation called North Star.


Tiger in the Well by Philip Pullman YA PPB P In London in 1881, twenty-four-year-old Sally finds her young daughter and her possessions assailed by an unknown enemy, while a shadowy figure known as the Tzaddik involves her in his plot to defraud and exploit the hordes of Jewish immigrants pouring into the country. Shades of Gray by Carolyn Reeder JH REE At the end of the Civil War, twelve-year-old Will, having lost all his immediate family, reluctantly leaves his city home to live in the Virginia countryside with his aunt and the uncle he considers a "traitor" because he refused to take part in the war. Janus Gate by Douglas Rees JH REE Hired to paint a family portrait of four beautiful but mysterious daughters in late nineteenthcentury Paris, artist John Singer Sargent enters a world populated by an emotionally unstable mother, a strange spirit, and a malevolent doll. Coffin Quilt by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN In the 1880s, young Fanny McCoy witnesses the growth of a terrible and violent feud between her Kentucky family and the West Virginia Hatfields, complicated by her older sister Roseanna's romance with a Hatfield. The Staircase by Ann Rinaldi YA FIC RIN In 1878, after her mother's death on the way West, thirteen-year-old Lizzy Enders is left by her father at a convent school in Sante Fe, where she must deal with being the only non-Catholic student and where she plays a part in what some consider a miracle. Grasslands by Debra Seely JH SEE In the 1880s, thirteen-year-old Thomas moves west from the aristocratic Virginia home of his grandparents to a poor Kansas farm to live with a father he barely remembers and his new stepfamily. The Last of the Roundup Boys by Debra Seely JH SEE In 1885 in Kansas, seventeen-year-old Tom, the son of a poor farmer, is hired as a cowboy on a cattle ranch and faces the challenges of both herding work and a forbidden romance with sixteen-year-old Evie, the ranch owner's independently-minded daughter. The Land by Mildred Taylor JH TAY After the Civil War Paul, the son of a white father and a black mother, finds himself caught between the two worlds of colored folks and white folks as he pursues his dream of owning land of his own.


Ice Drift by Theodore Taylor JH TAY Two Inuit brothers must fend for themselves while stranded on an ice floe that is adrift in the Greenland Strait. Cousins in the Castle by Barbara Brooks Wallace JH WAL A new friend comes to Amelia's rescue when she finds herself the victim of a dastardly villain's fiendish plans. The book is set in Victorian England. Sparrows in the Scullery by Barbara Brooks Wallace JH WAL Despite horrible conditions at the boys' home where kidnappers left him, eleven-year-old Colley, an orphan, finds a reason and a way to live, along with comradeship. Mountain Light by Laurence Yep JH YEP Swept up in one of the local rebellions against the Manchus in China, nineteen-year-old Squeaky loses his home and travels to America to seek his fortune among the gold fields of California. The Traitor: Golden Mountain Chronicles, 1885 by Laurence Yep JH YEP In 1885, a lonely illegitimate American boy and a lonely Chinese American boy develop an unlikely friendship in the midst of prejudices and racial tension in their coal mining town of Rock Springs, Wyoming.

Early 1900s
Books about the Titanic
Maiden Voyage by Cynthia Bass YA FIC BAS A young man aboard the Titanic, Sumner finds himself torn between two beautiful women as the ship is going down: Ivy, an American feminist, and Pierce, an aviator. SOS Titanic by Eve Bunting JH BUN Fifteen-year-old Barry O'Neill, traveling from Ireland to America on the maiden voyage of the Titanic, finds his life endangered when the ship hits an iceberg and begins to sink. White Star: A Dog on the Titanic by Marty Crisp JH CRI Twelve-year-old Sam, a passenger on the Titaic's maiden sea voyage, volunteers to help care for the dogs in the ocean liner's kennel and becomes fast friends with the Irish setter of J. Bruce Ismay, the ship's owner.


Remembering the Titanic by Diana Hoh YA PPB H One year after the sinking of the Titanic, survivors move forward, but some are having a harder time than others. Sequel to Titanic: The Long Night. Titanic:, the Long Night by Diane Hoh YA PPB H Passengers aboard the ill-fated ship the Titanic, from first class through third class, share their fictional accounts of that fateful night. Titanic Crossing by Barbara Williams JH WIL In 1912, thirteen-year-old Albert considers his younger sister a pest, but things change when they travel with their mother and uncle aboard the Titanic and are caught up in its tragic sinking.

Other Books Set in the Early 1900s

Ashes of Roses by Mary Jane Auch JH AUC Sixteen-year-old Margaret Rose Nolan, newly arrived from Ireland, finds work at New York City's Triangle Shirtwaist Factory shortly before the 1911 fire in which 146 employees died. The Secret School by Avi JH AVI In 1925, fourteen-year-old Ida Bidson secretly takes over as the teacher when the one-room schoolhouse in her remote Colorado area closes unexpectedly. Forgotten Fire by Adam Bagdasarian YA FIC BAG The youngest son of one of the most privileged Armenian families in Turkey, Vahan is forced to lose his sense of entitlement. Everything he took for granted is slowly taken away from him as part of the Armenian genocide. Geronimo by Joseph Bruchac YA FIC BRU Geronimo, the famed Native American warrior and spiritual leader is nearing the end of his life in 1908 when he is visited by his grandson who is curious to learn more about his grandfather. Washington Avalanche, 1910 by Cameron Dokey YA PB D Running away from her cruel stepbrother, Ginny hops a train to Seattle. On the train she meets a young woman shes setting out to marry a man shes never met, who is willing to switch identities. A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly YA FIC DON In 1906, sixteen-year-old Mattie, determined to attend college and be a writer against the wishes of her father and fiance, takes a job at a summer inn where she discovers the truth about the death of a guest. Based on a true story.


Fiddle Fever by Sharon Arms Doucet JH DOU In 1914, fourteen-year-old Felix LeBlanc feels stifled by life on his family's farm in Louisiana and after hearing his wayward uncle play the fiddle, Felix decides that he wants to be a fiddler too, even if it means making his own fiddle and going against his parents' wishes. A Time of Angels by Karen Hesse JH HES Sick with influenza during the 1918 epidemic and separated from her two sisters, a young Jewish girl living in Boston relies on the help of an old German man, and her visions of angels, to get better and to reunite herself with her family. Into the Firestorm: A Novel of San Francisco 1906 by Deborah Hopkinson JH HOP Days after arriving in San Francisco from Texas, eleven-year-old orphan Nicholas Dray tries to help his new neighbors survive the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the subsequent fires. Dear Emma by Joanna Hurwitz JH HUR In her letters to a Vermont friend, eighth grader Dossi, a Russian, Jewish immigrant living in the Lower East Side of New York City in 1910, shares her thoughts about her new brother-in-law, the diphtheria epidemic, and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Hear My Sorrow: the diary of Angela Denoto, a shirtwaist worker JH HOP Forced to drop out of school at the age of fourteen to help support her family, Angela, an Italian immigrant, works long hours for low wages in a garment factory, and becomes a participant in the shirtwaist worker strikes of 1909. Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson JH IBB Sent with her governess to live with the dreadful Carter family in exotic Brazil in 1910, Maia endures many hardships before fulfilling her dream of exploring the Amazon River. Big Burn by Jeanette Ingold YA FIC ING Three teenagers battle the flames of the Big Burn of 1910, one of the century's biggest wildfires. Mable Riley : a reliable record of humdrum, peril, and romance Marthe Jocelyn YA FIC JOC In 1901, fourteen-year-old Mable Riley dreams of being a writer and having adventures while stuck in Perth County, Ontario, assisting her sister in teaching school and secretly becoming friends with a neighbor who holds scandalous opinions on women's rights.


Frankie by J. Sydney Jones JH JON During the unrest created by the coal strike in Colorado in 1913-1914, Luke faces questions about this local happening while also dealing with his feelings toward a mysterious runaway. Halides Gift: a novel by Frances Kazan YA FIC KAZ PB Set in the last days of the Ottoman empire in Constantinople, this is a story of a familys secret. Two sisters, opposites to each other, cope with the transitions and complicated relationships with two very different men. Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson JH LAR After inheriting her uncle's homesteading claim in Montana, sixteen-year-old orphan Hattie Brooks travels from Iowa in 1917 to make a home for herself and encounters some unexpected problems related to the war being fought in Europe. Aftershocks by William Lavender YA LAV In San Francisco from 1903 to 1908, teenager Jessie Wainwright determines to reach her goal of becoming a doctor while also trying to care for the illegitimate child of a liaison between her father and their Chinese maid. The Silent Boy by Lois Lowry JH LOW Katy, the precocious ten-year-old daughter of the town doctor, befriends a retarded boy. Ties that Bind, Ties that Break by Lensey Namioka YA PPB N In early 20th century China, the practice of feet bounding is still followed by girls in good families. Ailin, who has seen her sisters go through this painful process, refuses and in the fallout from this decision, becomes an outcast. Land of Promise by Joan Lowery Nixon JH NIX In 1902 fifteen-year-old Rose travels from Ireland to join family members in Chicago, where she must use all her resources to deal with her father's drinking and her brothers' dangerous involvement in politics. The teachers funeral: A comedy in three parts by Richard Peck JH PEC In rural Indiana in 1904, fifteen-year-old Russell's dreams of quitting school and joining a wheat threshing crew are disrupted when his older sister takes over the teaching at his one-room schoolhouse after mean old Myrt Arbuckle "hauls off and dies." Cowboy Ghost by Robert Newton Peck JH PEC Katy, the precocious ten-year-old daughter of the town doctor, befriends a retarded boy.


One Special Year by N.A. Perez JH PER Chronicles the adventures of Jen and her family in turn-of-the-century upstate New York. A Drowned Maidens Hair by Laura Amy Schiltz JH SCH At the Barbary Asylum for Female Orphans, eleven-year-old Maud is adopted by three spinster sisters moonlighting as mediums who take her home and reveal to her the role she will play in their seances. Lizzie Bright and the Buckminster Boy by Gary D. Schmidt JH SCH In 1911, Turner Buckminster hates his new home of Phippsburg, Maine, but things improve when he meets Lizzie Bright Griffin, a girl from a poor, nearby island community founded by former slaves that the town fathers--and Turner's--want to change into a tourist spot. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith JH SMI A young girl in a shabby neighborhood lived with dreams in an innocent time before the war. Double Crossing by Eve Tal JH TAL In 1905, as life becomes increasingly difficult for Jews in Ukraine, eleven-year-old Raizel and her father flee to America in hopes of earning money to bring the rest of the family there, but her father's health and Orthodox faith become barriers. Angel on the Square by Gloria Whelan JH WHE In 1913 Russia, twelve-year-old Katya eagerly anticipates leaving her St. Petersburg home, though not her older cousin Misha, to join her mother, a lady in waiting in the household of Tsar Nicholas II, but the ensuing years bring world war, revolution, and undreamed of changes to her life. Listening for Lions by Gloria Whelan JH WHE Left an orphan after the influenza epidemic in British East Africa in 1918, thirteen-yearold Rachel is tricked into assuming a deceased neighbor's identity to travel to England, where her only dream is to return to Africa and rebuild her parents' mission hospital.


World War I
Remembrance by Theresa Breslin YA FIC BRE The destinies of two Scottish families, one of shopkeepers and one of wealth and power, become entwined through their involvement in World War I, social causes, and love. No Hero for the Kaiser by Rudolph Frank JH FRA Jan, a fourteen-year-old Polish boy whose town is invaded in World War I, joins a German battalion and experiences the horrors of battle. Private Peaceful by Michael Morpugo YA FIC MOR When Thomas Peaceful's older brother is forced to join the British Army, Thomas decides to sign up as well, although he is only fourteen years old, to prove himself to his country, his family, his childhood love, Molly, and himself. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque YA FIC REM PB This classic novel follows Paul, a soldier in the German army during World War I, through the hardships, horrors, and even monotony of the war then known as the Great War. After the Dancing Days by Margaret Rostkowski JH ROS A forbidden friendship with a badly disfigured soldier in the aftermath of World War I forces thirteen-year-old Annie to redefine the word "hero" and to question conventional ideas of patriotism. The Foreshadowing by Marcus Sedgwick YA FIC SED Having always been able to know when someone is going to die, Alexandra poses as a nurse to go to France during World War I to locate her brother and to try to save him from the fate she has foreseen for him. Kiplings Choice by Geert Spillebeen YA FIC SPI In 1915, mortally wounded in Loos, France, eighteen-year-old John Kipling, son of writer Rudyard Kipling, remembers his boyhood and the events leading to what is to be his first and last World War I battle.


Post-war and the 1920s

Jakes Orphan by Peggy Brooke JH BRO When taken from an orphanage to work on a farm in North Dakota in 1926, twelve-yearold Tree searches for a home not only for himself but also for his irrepressible younger brother. Playing with Fire by Kathleen Karr JH KAR Greer spends the summer of 1924 at a Long Island seashore mansion, where she helps her psychic mother and a sinister magician conduct seances, and unexpectedly finds new direction for her life. Black Duck by Janet Taylor Lisle JH LIS Years afterwards, Ruben Hart tells the story of how, in 1929 Newport, Rhode Island, his family and his best friend's family were caught up in the violent competition among groups trying to control the local rum-smuggling trade. Tulsa Burning by Anna Myers JH MYE In 1921, fifteen-year-old Noble Chase hates the sheriff of Wekiwa, Oklahoma, and is more than willing to cross him to help his best friend, a black man, who is injured during race riots in nearby Tulsa. The Likes of Me by Randall Beth Platt YA FIC PLA In 1918, having run away from the Washington State lumber camp she calls home, a fourteen-year-old half-Chinese albino named Cordy makes her way to Seattle and finds work in a carnival. Choosing Up Sides by John H. Ritter JH RIT In 1921 thirteen-year-old Luke finds himself torn between accepting his left-handedness or conforming to the belief of his preacher-father that such a condition is evil and must be overcome. Chief Sunrise, John McGraw, & Me by Timothy Tocher JH TOC In 1919, fifteen-year-old Hank escapes an abusive father and goes looking for a chance to become a baseball player, accompanied by a man who calls himself Chief Sunrise and claims to be a full-blooded Seminole. Listening for Lions by Whelan JH WHE Left an orphan after the influenza epidemic in British East Africa in 1918, thirteen-yearold Rachel is tricked into assuming a deceased neighbor's identity to travel to England, where her only dream is to return to Africa and rebuild her parents' mission hospital.


The Great Depression and the 1930s

Moonshine by Gary Blackwood JH BLA During the Depression, in the Ozarks of Missouri, thirteen-year-old Thad has adventures selling moonshine and fishing with a rich visitor. A Bellsong for Sarah Raines by Bettie Waddell Cannon JH CAN Surrounded by the warmth of new-found relatives and friends in a small Kentucky town, fourteen-year-old Sarah is eased of the sadness of her father's suicide in Detroit during the Depression and finds a way to celebrate his life. From the Lighthouse by Liz Chipman JH CHI In 1938, thirteen-year-old Louise Bloom tries to figure out what caused her mother to leave her, her three brothers, their father, and the lighthouse on the Hudson River that they call home. Frenchtown Summer by Robert Cormier JH COR A series of vignettes in free verse in which the writer reminisces about his life as a twelve-year-old boy living in a small town during the hot summer of 1938. Saving Grace by Priscilla Cummings JH CUM When Grace's family is evicted from their Washington, D.C., apartment just before Christmas 1932, and she and her younger brothers are sent to the Mission, Grace wonders what will become of her sick older brother, her pregnant mother, and her out-of-work father. Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis JH CUR Ten-year-old Bud, a motherless boy living in Flint, Michigan, during the Great Depression, escapes a bad foster home and sets out in search of the man he believes to be his father--the renowned bandleader, H.E. Calloway of Grand Rapids. Bamboo Flute by Gary Disher JH DIS In a rural Australian community in 1932, twelve-year-old Paul has his predictable life brightened when a drifter helps him make a flute and teaches him how to play it. Neela, Victory Song by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni JH DIV PB In 1939, twelve-year-old Neela meets a young freedom fighter at her sister's wedding and soon after must rely on his help when her father fails to return home from a march in Calcutta against British occupation. The Darkest Evening by William Durbin YA FIC DUR In the 1930s, a young Finnish-American boy reluctantly moves with his family to Karelia, a communist-Finnish state founded in Russia, where his idealistic father soon realizes that his conception of a communist utopia is flawed.


The Journal of C.J. Jackson: A Dust Bowl Migrant by William Durbin JH DUR Thirteen-year-old C.J. records in a journal the conditions of the Dust Bowl that cause the Jackson family to leave their farm in Oklahoma and make the difficult journey to California, where they find a harsh life as migrant workers. Hannah, Divided by Adele Griffin JH GRI In 1934, a thirteen-year-old with a gift for numbers is offered the chance to leave her family's dairy farm to spend one term at an exclusive Philadelphia girls' school preparing for a scholarship exam. The Truth About Sparrows by Marion Hale JH HAL Twelve-year-old Sadie promises that she will always be Wilma's best friend when their families leaves drought-stricken Missouri in 1933, but once in Texas, Sadie learns that she must try to make a new home--and new friends, too. Thursdays Child by Sonja Hartnett YA FIC HAR A young woman, looking back on her childhood, recounts her farm family's poverty, her father's cowardice, and her younger brother's obsession for digging tunnels and living underground. Red Palms by Cara Haycak YA FIC HAY When fourteen-year-old Benita's wealthy family goes bankrupt as a result of the Depression, they go from their luxurious life in Guayaquil, Ecuador to a primitive island, with the wild scheme of starting a coconut plantation. Out of the Dust by Karen Hesse JH HES In a series of poems, fifteen-year-old Billie Jo relates the hardships of living on her family's wheat farm in Oklahoma during the dust bowl years of the Depression. Hitch by Jeannette Ingold YA FIC ING To help his family during the Depression and avoid becoming a drunk like his father, Moss Trawnley joins the Civilian Conservation Corps, helps build a new camp near Monroe, Montana, and leads the other men in making the camp a success. Your Eyes In Stars by M.E. Kerr YA FIC KER In their small New York town, two teenaged girls become friends while helping each other make sense of their families, neighbors, and selves as they approach adulthood in the years preceding World War II. Borrowed Children by George Ella Lyon JH LYO Having been forced to act as mother and housekeeper during Mama's illness, twelveyear-old Amanda has a holiday in Memphis, far removed from the Depression drudgery


of her Kentucky mountain family, and finds her world expanding even as she grows to understand and appreciate her own background. Julie by Catherine Marshall YA FIC MAR PB Set in a small town in western Pennsylvania that often falls prey to floods, this is the story of Julie, a young woman who gets through the Great Depression with the help of her faith. Kathleen: the Celtic Knot by Siobhan Parker JH PAR Twelve-year-old Dubliner Kathleen Delaney is given the chance to take Irish dancing lessons in 1937 and discovers she has a talent for it. A Long Way From Chicago: A Novel in Stories by Richard Peck JH PEC A boy recounts his annual summer trips to rural Illinois with his sister during the Great Depression to visit their larger-than-life grandmother. A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck JH PEC In 1937, during the Depression, fifteen-year-old Mary Alice, initially apprehensive about leaving Chicago to spend a year with her fearsome, larger-than-life grandmother in rural Illinois, gradually begins to better understand and admire her grandmother's unusual qualities. Bro by Robert Newton Peck JH PEC Young Tug Dockery witnesses a brutal act by his grandfather that leaves him unable to speak, so when his parents die, Tug's beloved older brother feels compelled to escape from a hellish labor camp to rescue him from their grandfather's Florida cattle ranch. Horse Thief by Robert Newton Peck YA FIC PEC In 1938, with the help of a doctor and her elderly, horse-thieving father, a seventeenyear-old orphan steals thirteen horses from Chickalookee, Florida's doomed rodeo and finds a family in the process. Nine Man Tree by Robert Newton Peck JH PEC In Depression-era Florida, young Yoolee assumes the responsibility of protecting his family from an unspeakable horror stalking the swamplands. Ghost Girl: A Blue Ridge Mountain Story by Delia Ray JH RAY Eleven-year-old April is delighted when President and Mrs. Hoover build a school near her Madison County, Virginia, home but her family's poverty, grief over the accidental death of her brother, and other problems may mean that April can never learn to read from the wonderful teacher, Miss Vest.


Dust by Arthur Slade JH SLA Eleven-year-old Robert is the only one who can help when a mysterious stranger arrives, performing tricks and promising to bring rain, at the same time children begin to disappear from a dust bowl farm town in Saskatchewan in the 1930s. Let the Circle Be Unbroken by Mildred Taylor JH TAY Four black children growing up in rural Mississippi during the Depression experience racial antagonisms and hard times, but learn from their parents the pride and self-respect they need to survive. Sequel to Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor JH TAY A black family living in the South during the 1930s is faced with prejudice and discrimination which its children do not understand. Becoming Joe Dimaggio by Maria Testa JH TES Its the summer of 1936 and the Yankees have a new player named Joe DiMaggio. Also, Papa Angelo is welcoming his new grandson into the world, and developing new faith in the American Dream. The Impossible Journey by Gloria Whelan JH WHE In 1934, thirteen-year-old Marya and her younger brother, Georgi, set out alone on a long and arduous journey into Siberia to find their mother after she and their father are exiled for opposing Stalin.


World War II
London Calling by Edward Bloor YA FIC BLO John Martin Conway is a prep school student who is made to feel out of place for being a scholarship student. While working on an assignment one night, he listens to a World War II-era radio his grandmother had given him, and comes into contact with a boy living in London during the Blitz, who draws him into his world. For Freedom: The Story of French Spy Kimberly Brubaker Bradley YA PPB B Despite the horrors of World War II, a French teenager pursues her dream of becoming an opera singer, which takes her to places where she gains information about what the Nazis are doing--information that the French Resistance needs. Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac YA FIC BRU After being taught in a boarding school run by whites that Navajo is a useless language, Ned Begay and other Navajo men are recruited by the Marines to become Code Talkers, sending messages during World War II in their native tongue. Marika by Andrea Cheng YA FIC CHE Although she has been raised Catholic, Marika learns how dangerous it is to be of Jewish heritage and living in Hungary during World War II. Year of Impossible Goodbyes by Sook Nyul Choi YA FIC CHO A young Korean girl survives the oppressive Japanese and Russian occupation of North Korea during the 1940s, to later escape to freedom in South Korea. Daniel, half human: and the good Nazi by David Chotjewitz YA FIC CHO In 1933, best friends Daniel and Armin admire Hitler, but as anti-Semitism buoys Hitler to power, Daniel learns he is half Jewish, threatening the friendship even as life in their beloved Hamburg, Germany, is becoming nightmarish. Also details Daniel and Armin's reunion in 1945 in interspersed chapters. Under a War-Torn Sky by L.M. Elliott YA FIC ELL After his plane is shot down by Hitler's Luftwaffe, nineteen-year-old Henry Forester of Richmond, Virginia, strives to walk across occupied France, with the help of the French Resistance, in hopes of rejoining his unit.


Raspberry One by Charles Ferry JH FER Nick and Hildy, two young aircrewmen flying bombing support against Japan's kamikaze offensive in the Pacific, are devastated but ultimately strengthened by their war experience. The Survivor by James Forman JH FOR An account of a Jewish family in Holland during World War II as one by one it dwindles away during the Nazi holocaust. Friends and Enemies by Louann Gaeddert JH GAE In 1941 in Kansas, as America enters World War II, fourteen-year-old William finds himself alienated from his friend Jim, a Mennonite who does not believe in fighting for any reason, as they argue about the war. The Champion by Maurice Gee JH GEE In 1943 twelve-year-old Rex sees his quiet New Zealand village dramatically changed by the arrival of a black American soldier on leave from the war. Dont Say A Word by Barbara Gehrtz JH GEH Living in Berlin during World War II, Anna finds herself and her family growing more and more aware of the dangerous direction in which her country is moving as her friends start to die. Resistance by Janet Graber YA FIC GRA In German-occupied Normandy, France, fifteen-year-old Marianne worries that her mother is exposing the family, especially Marianne's deaf younger brother, to great danger by volunteering for more perilous assignments in the resistance movement. Summer of My German Soldier by Bette Greene JH GRE When German prisoners of war are brought to her Arkansas town during World War II, twelve-year-old Patty, a Jewish girl, befriends one of them and must deal with the consequences of that friendship. Homefront by Doris Gwaltney JH GWA Margaret couldnt wait for her sister to go off to college, leaving her with her very own room. But then the war breaks out and a cousin from England is visiting indefinitely, and sharing her room. It wouldnt be so bad, but everyone in town is in love with her. Following My Own Footsteps by Mary Downing Hahn JH HAH In 1945, Gordy's grandmother takes him and his family into her North Carolina home after his abusive father is arrested, and he just begins to respond to his grandmother's loving discipline when his father returns.


Theo by Barbara Harrison JH HAR A twelve-year-old puppeteer performs bravely on and off the stage after joining the Greek resistance movement during World War II. Pearl Harbor 1941 by Nancy Holder YA PPB H On a trip back to her home in Hawaii, Bekah Martin learns that opposites can attract when she meets Scott DeAngelo. She was set on marrying her dead fiances brother, but when Pearl Harbor is attacked, she becomes forced to choose between the two. Blue by Joyce Moyer Hostetter JH HOS When teenager Ann Fay takes over as "man of the house" for her absent soldier father, she struggles to keep the family and herself together in the face of personal tragedy and the 1940s polio epidemic in North Carolina. Soldier Boys by Dean Hughes YA FIC HUG Two boys, one German and one American, are eager to join their respective armies during World War II, and their paths cross at the Battle of the Bulge. Kim/Kimi by Hadley Irwin JH IRW Despite a warm relationship with her mother, stepfather, and half brother, sixteen-yearold Kim feels the need to find answers about the Japanese American father she never knew. Worlds Afire by Paul G. Janeczko JH JAN In this collection of "eyewitness" poems, the excitement and anticipation of attending the circus on July 6, 1944 in Hartford, Connecticut, turns to horror when a fire engulfs the circus tent, killing nearly 180 people, mostly women and children. The Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages JH KLA It is 1943, and 11-year-old Dewey Kerrigan is traveling west on a train to live with her scientist father--but no one will tell her exactly where he is. When she reaches Los Alamos, New Mexico, she learns why: he's working on a top secret government program. The Thought of High Windows by Lynne Kositsky YA FIC KOS Esther is one of many Jewish children who have managed to flee the Nazis, hiding out in Belgium and later France. Whenever shes frightened, Esther pictures high windows and envisions the ability to fly out of them. Esther has good reason to be fearful. Silver Days by Sonia Levitan JH LEV Escaping from Hitler's Germany, a prosperous Jewish family lives in a New York City tenement until Papa decides to move the family to California.


Room in the Heart by Sonia Levitin JH LEV After German forces occupy Denmark during World War II, fifteen-year-old Julie Weinstein and fifteen-year-old Niels Nelson and their friends and families try to cope with their daily lives, finding various ways to resist the Nazis and, ultimately, to survive. Tug of War by Joan Lingard JH LIN Follows the fortunes of the Petersons family as they flee their native Latvia before the advancing Russian armies in late 1944 and find themselves homeless refugees in a wartorn Germany. Good Night, Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian YA FIC MAG A battered child learns to embrace life when he is adopted by an old man in the English countryside during the Second World War. After the War by Carol Matas JH MAT After being released from Buchenwald at the end of World War II, fifteen-year-old Ruth risks her life to lead a group of children across Europe to Palestine. Code Name Kris by Carol Matas JH MAT After the Nazi occupation of Denmark forces his Jewish friends to flee the country, seventeen-year-old Jesper continues his work in the underground resistance movement. Sequel to "Lisa's War." In My Enemys House by Carol Matas YA FIC MAT When German soldiers arrive in Zloczow during World War II, a young Jewish girl must decide whether or not to conceal her identity and work for a Nazi in Germany in order to survive. Lisas War by Carol Matas JH MAT During the Nazi occupation of Denmark, Lisa and other teenage Jews become involved in an underground resistance movement and eventually must flee for their lives. Scorpios Child by Kezi Matthews JH MAT When a strangely-behaving uncle she has never heard of comes to live in her family's house in a small Georgia town, fourteen-year-old Afton, grieving over her brother's death in World War II, tries to unravel the secrets her mother refuses to share with her. A Boy At War by Harry Mazer JH MAZ While fishing with his friends off Honolulu on December 7, 1941, teenaged Adam is caught in the midst of the Japanese attack and through the chaos of the subsequent days tries to find his father, a naval officer who was serving on the U.S.S. Arizona when the bombs fell.


A Boy No More by Harry Mazer JH MAZ After his father is killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor, Adam, his mother, and sister are evacuated from Hawaii to California, where he must deal with his feelings about the war, Japanese internment camps, his father, and his own identity. Heroes Dont Run by Harry Mazer YA FIC MAZ To honor his father who died during the Japanese invasion of Pearl Harbor, seventeenyear-old Adam eagerly enlists in the Marines in 1944, survives boot camp, and faces combat on the tiny island of Okinawa. Stones in Water by Donna Jo Napoli JH NAP After being taken by German soldiers from a local movie theater along with other Italian boys including his Jewish friend, Roberto is forced to work in Germany, escapes into the Ukrainian winter, before desperately trying to make his way back home to Venice. The Spy Who Came From the Sea by Peggy Nolan JH NOL A fourteen-year-old moves to Florida at the height of World War II to join his father, a Navy seaman, and soon develops such a reputation for exaggeration that when he announces having seen an enemy spy land on the beach, no one believes him. Lydia, Queen of Palestine by Uri Orlev JH ORL Ten-year-old Lydia describes her childhood escapades in pre-World War II Romania, her struggles to understand her parents' divorce amid the chaos of the war, and her life on a kibbutz in Palestine. Based on the life of the Israeli poet Arianna Haran. The Man From the Other Side by Uri Orlev JH ORL Living on the outskirts of the Warsaw Ghetto during World War II, fourteen-year-old Marek and his grandparents shelter a Jewish man in the days before the Jewish uprising. When My Name Was Keoko by Linda Sue Park JH PAR With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely. Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson YA FIC PAT Feeling deprived all her life of schooling, friends, mother, and even her name by her twin sister, Louise finally begins to find her identity. Thin Wood Walls by David Patneude YA FIC PAT When the Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, Joe Hamada and his family face growing prejudice, eventually being torn away from their home and sent to a relocation camp in California, even as his older brother joins the United States Army to fight in the war.


The Quilt by Gary Paulsen JH PAU During World War II, while his father is in Europe fighting and his mother is working in Chicago, a five-year-old boy goes to live with his grandmother in a rural Norwegian American community in Minnesota. Based on events from the author's life. Dark Hours by Gudrun Pausewang YA FIC PAU Gisel, a German teenager turning sixteen, flees her small village with her family. Her family becomes separated as they are about to flee, leaving Gisel in charge of some siblings while frantically searching for others. Traitor by Gudrun Pausewang YA FIC PAU During the closing months of World War II, a fifteen-year-old German girl must decide whether or not to help an escaped Russian prisoner of war, despite the serious consequences if she does so. Looking at the Moon by Kit Pearson JH PEA Thirteen-year-old Norah is staying with the wealthy Ogilvie family in Toronto while war wages on back in her home country of England. When a distant Ogilvie cousin comes to visit, Karen thinks she might be falling in love with him. The only problem is that he is nineteen and thus old enough to fight in the war, but he does not want to. The War in Georgia by Jerrie Oughton JH OUG Living in Georgia during World War II, thirteen-year-old Shanta sometimes feels that her family and neighborhood are more hopeless battlefields that those in foreign lands. When My Name was Keoko by Linda Sue Park JH PAR With national pride and occasional fear, a brother and sister face the increasingly oppressive occupation of Korea by Japan during World War II, which threatens to suppress Korean culture entirely. Malka by Mirjam Pressler JH PRE In the winter of 1943, a Polish physician and her older daughter make a dangerous and arduous trek to Hungary while seven-year-old Malka, who they were forced to leave behind when she became ill, fends for herself in a ghetto. I Had Seen Castles by Cynthia Rylant YA FIC RYL Now an old man, John is haunted by memories of enlisting to fight in World War II, a decision which forced him to face the horrors of war and which changed his life forever. A love story, a coming-of-age tale, a book with a passionate anti-war message, this slim book is not to be missed.


Eyes of the Emperor by Graham Salisbury YA FIC SAL Following orders from the United States Army, several young Japanese American men train K-9 units to hunt Asians during World War II. Under The Blood-Red Sun by Graham Salisbury JH SAL Tomikazu Nakaji's biggest concerns are baseball, homework, and a local bully, until life with his Japanese family in Hawaii changes drastically after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in December 1941. Maras Stories: Glimmers in the Darkness by Gary D. Schmidt JH SCH Each evening, in one of the barracks of a Nazi death camp, a woman shares stories that push back the darkness, cold, and fear, bringing hope to the women and children who listen. We Were Not Like Other People by Gefraim Sevela JH SEV Separated from his family when the Germans invade Russia during World War II, a young boy learns to fend for himself and earn a living whenever and however he can. Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli JH SPI A street child, known to himself only as Stopthief, finds community when he is taken in by a band of orphans in Warsaw ghetto which helps him weather the horrors of the Nazi regime. Road to Memphis by Mildred D. Taylor JH TAY Sadistically teased by two white boys in 1940's rural Mississippi, a black youth severely injures one of the boys with a tire iron and enlists Cassie's help in trying to flee the state. Kingdom by the Sea by Robert Westall JH WES During World War II twelve-year-old Harry and a stray dog travel through war-torn England in search of safety. Times of Fire by Robert Westall JH WES In England during World War II, with his mother dead from a German bomb and his father off in training and action but keeping him informed by letter, Sonny tries to understand the darkest truths of war and retribution. Burying the Sun by Gloria Whelan JH WHE In Leningrad in 1941, when Russia and Germany are at war, fourteen-year-old Georgi vows to help his family and his city during the terrible siege.


Katarina by Kathryn Winter JH WIN During World War II in Slovakia, a young Jewish girl in hiding becomes a devout Catholic and is sustained by her belief that she will return home to her family as soon as the war ends. Soldier X by Don Wulffson YA FIC WUL In 1943 sixteen-year-old Erik experiences the horrors of war when he is drafted into the German army and sent to fight on the Russian front. The Book Thief by Marcus Zusak JH ZUS Trying to make sense of the horrors of World War II, Death relates the story of Liesel--a young German girl whose book-stealing and story-telling talents help sustain her family and the Jewish man they are hiding, as well as their neighbors.

Postwar and the 1950s

Mississippi Trial, 1955 by Chris Crowe YA FIC CRO In Mississippi in 1955, a sixteen-year-old finds himself at odds with his grandfather over issues surrounding the kidnapping and murder of a fourteen-year-old African American from Chicago. The Loud Silence of Francine Green by Karen Cushman JH CUS In 1949, thirteen-year-old Francine goes to Catholic school in Los Angeles where she becomes best friends with a girl who questions authority and is frequently punished by the nuns, causing Francine to question her own values. Time Bomb by Nigel Hinton JH HIN The summer of 1949 changed everything. That was when Andy and his three best friends found an unexploded bomb buried in a hill. They promised to keep their discovery a secret, but in postwar London, it may prove to be a dangerous secret to keep. Worlds Apart by Lindsay Lee Johnson JH JOH A thirteen-year-old daughter of a surgeon finds herself wrenched away from a comfortable lifestyle to a home on the grounds of a mental hospital, where her father has accepted a five year contract. Fallout by Trudy Krisher JH KRI The move of an unconventional Hollywood family to a coastal North Carolina town in the early 1950s results not only in an unlikely friendship between high school age Genevieve and newcomer Brenda but also in a challenge to traditional ways of thinking.


Kira-Kira by Cynthia Kadohata JH KAD Chronicles the close friendship between two Japanese-American sisters growing up in rural Georgia during the late 1950s and early 1960s, and the despair when one sister becomes terminally ill. Devil On My Heels by Joyce McDonald YA FIC MCD In 1959 fifteen-year-old Dove, the daughter of a prosperous orange grower in Benevolence, Florida, feels increasingly uneasy after learning of acts of racism against the African American orange pickers by those close to her. Legend of Buddy Bush by Sheila P. Moses JH MOS In 1947, twelve-year-old Pattie Mae is sustained by her dreams of escaping Rich Square, North Carolina, and moving to Harlem when her Uncle Buddy is arrest for attempted rape of a white woman and her grandfather is diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Plenty Porter by Brandon Noonan JH NOO As she turns thirteen in the early 1950s, Plenty Porter-the youngest of eleven children--keeps some secrets and uncovers some dangerous ones as she tries to understand her place in her family, town, and the world. Music From A Place Called Half-Moon by Jerrie Oughton JH OUG In 1956 in Half Moon, North Carolina, thirteen-yearold Edie Jo comes to terms with her own prejudice and the death of a friend. The Perfect Family by Jerre Oughton YA FIC OUG When Welcome, a fifteen-year-old girl living in a small town in North Carolina during the 1950s, finds out that she is pregnant, she faces some important decisions. Lost in America by Marilyn Sachs JH SAC Follows the experiences of Nicole, a teenaged French Jew, from 1943 to 1948, as she loses her parents and sister to the concentration camps and then leaves her native France to make a new life for herself in New York City. Sky by Rod Townley YA FIC TOW In New York City in 1959, fifteen-year-old Alec Schuyler, at odds with his widowed father over his love of music, finds a mentor and friend in a blind, black jazz musician. Three Songs for Courage by Maxine Trottier YA FIC TRO Its the summer of 1956, and everyone is adjusting to life in Erie View; veterans are returning to work, but find that now they have to work with women. Sixteen-year-old Gordons summer is filled with fast cars, good friends, love, and tragedy.


Tadpole by Ruth White JH WHI In rural Kentucky in 1955, Serilda Collins, single mother of four lively girls, discovers that her orphaned nephew is being subjected to brutality. Ludell by Brenda Scott Wilkinson JH WIL A young black girl experiences the pleasures and the pains of growing up during the 1950's in a small Georgia town. Bat 6 by Virginia Euwer Wolff JH WOL In small town, post-World War Oregon, twenty-one 6th grade girls recount the story of an annual softball game, during which one girl's bigotry comes to the surface.


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