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I am pleased to re-broadcast this important word from Johnny Enlow for the Body of Christ for 2013.

He is one of the key leaders in the 7 Mountain Movement. Please check out the links below for additional information. Ken

Prophetic Word for 2013: RENAISSANCE Is Here!

Johnny Enlow Dec 15, 2012

I was awakened Dec 10, 2012 with a word for 2013. This word was Renaissance. There is other insight that spun off of this, but this is the key word for 2013 and it will have multiple applications.
The word Renaissance means a revival or rebirth - especially of culture and learning. The Renaissance has been known as a period in history, that interrupted the Middle Ages around the 14th century- and that then lasted into the 17th century. The Renaissance was primarily a counterfeit-with sparks of the real- as it brought about a rebirth of ancient Greek and Roman philosophies and values. It was thoroughly a new manifestation of humanism and there was great attention and credit given to the genius of man and the unique and extraordinary ability of the human mind. The Middle Ages had bogged down in the spiritual deadness, darkness and corruption of the Catholic Church. The Renaissance signified a shifting away from dead religion, into the relative enlightenment and excitement of human freedoms not held back by religious shackles. The acceptable part of The Renaissance is that it placed an increased value on the individual. This valuing of the individual was an improvement over the normal standard- but it was generally disconnected from a proper narrative. The proper narrative would value man, not because man was God, but because he was made in Gods image. Martin Luther, who was an instrumental figure during this period, was more connected to this understanding and therefore championed personal salvation -as opposed to indulgence-buying salvation. Valuing the individual was a tremendous improvement on the idolatrous valuing of religious traditions. Much more could be said here- but the point here is that this Renaissance of 2013 is not a repeat of that one but a massive upgrade on it. Where as the historical Renaissance championed man and his accomplishments, this coming

Renaissance will champion God and His accomplishments! There will be a parallel revival of culture and arts, but it will be based on men having learned more about the real God, of all present life, and not just the God of the hereafter. 2012, has been a year of where the Lord challenged us to go after Him. And not just as the Promise Maker, but as the Promise Keeper. The prophetic word for Rosh Hashanah 2012 was that The Age of the Restoration of All Things had begun. These emphases connect in a wholesale way with the word for 2013 - Renaissance. The word literally means rebirth and that will be the focus and it will have multiple applications. We are still to go after Him as the Promise Keeper. We are also still to understand we are in the age where all things prophesied by the prophets begin to manifest as never before. Ultimately, Renaissance is totally connected to our seeing God as Promise Keeper in this context of Restorer of all things. I believe that this year of Renaissance, signifies the beginning of an era that might be decades longer than we imagined. The first period championed what man could do all by himself- if not held back by religion and tradition. This Renaissance period will champion what God can do, when invited in by His sons and daughters into the very middle age structures of society. A prophetic friend of mine recently had an encounter with an angel, where he was told that there is presently only 1% knowledge of God on the earth. This present Renaissance is about an explosion of the knowledge of God beginning to fill the earth- just as the waters cover the sea (Is. 11:9). It will be all about God. Not about religion and not about tradition as that knowledge has already filled the earth. During the middle ages, the knowledge of religious oughts and burdens consistently filled the earth. Its fruit was not good and probably was the opiate of the people as Marx would say. The Renaissance was in fact a recoiling from that knowledge as a search for a better knowledge began. They settled on ancient knowledge as they glorified Greek and Roman values and philosophy ignoring what the historical fruit of that knowledge had been in both Greece, Rome and the world itself. Ultimately, this present Renaissance will lay an axe to the root of the false knowledge of historical Renaissance; as the humanistic flame it ignited has never been put out. Knowledge of man trumps knowledge of religious form, but knowledge of God trumps both of these. The way we personally must yield to this era of Renaissance, is by allowing new revelation on who God is- to come in and burn up our own inferior forms of knowledge that we ALL carry. We all carry the two inferior forms of knowledge- knowledge of religious form and mans knowledge (human logic and mind of reason) now we must upgrade in our knowledge of HIM. Ephesians 1:17-19 says: That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance

in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power. The Renaissance will be a time of our eyes being enlightened. This enlightenment will be about how big He can be in us and through us as we believe Him and invite Him in with the better way of doing everything. The rebirthing of renaissance takes place as we go into Him, as we have never gone into before, and allow Him into us as never before. Us in Him, in unprecedented fashion, and He in us in unprecedented fashion. FORGETTING THOSE THINGS WHICH ARE BEHIND When the season is about rebirth, then the obligation is to follow Pauls counsel of Phil. 3:13 (note it is verse 13) but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are before. Lots wife, turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back. When you look back your salt gets locked down and nonfunctional. We are called to be the salt of the earth, but we become a statue of disappointment if we look back at past losses. God is making the earth and the church go through GPS (Gods Prophetic Signal) recalculating. We thought we knew the way to our destiny- but we were wrong. We can either collapse and quit over the fact that we were wrong or we can just follow the updated GPS signal. In many cases it wasnt even a wrong turn- it was just a road we assumed would be there, but was in fact not there. Dont look back. Dont quit. Dont freeze with disappointment. Dont cry over spilt milk. Dont drown in grief over what died or was lost. Dont weep because things didnt go how you expected. There is to be a RENaissance a re birthing! THE EXPLOSION OF DISRUPTIVE KNOWLEDGE There is a term presently used in the marketplace called disruptive technology. It describes a technological breakthrough that is a game changer. It is disruptive because it erases the old way of doing things or the old way of thinking. A disruptive technology always ultimately eradicates an existing technology. Record players, 8-Track tapes, phones with cords, large computers, etc. are all victims of disruptive technology. A new knowledge was known that conspired against an old knowledge. This is generally good for everyone in society except for those who were the vanguards of the former knowledge. Imagine how exciting it would be, were it discovered that the hydrogen in water could be channeled into an energy source that would have almost no cost and almost no pollution. That would be a great example of a disruptive technology. Now think of all the people, companies and nations that make their living off of oil production. They would not be happy. In our future there will be so much disruptive knowledge of God that it is going to be a game changer- that all will enjoy- EXCEPT the previous God experts that arent willing to change . I was shown about 3 disruptive effects of this new knowledge of who God is, they are:

Disruptive Revelation Disruptive Technology Disruptive Glory DISRUPTIVE REVELATION There will begin to be so many people having so many encounters with angels, with Jesus, and with Heaven that it will be disruptive- to existing theologies and doctrines. There will soon be too many verifiable supernatural experiences and encounters to keep believing that they cant happen. Entire audiences and then stadiums will see angels and heaven and this is what will make it disruptive- it will have been seen by many at one time and not just one or two- who we arent sure if they are a little coocoo or not. There will soon be so many fascinating mind boggling healings, that it will disrupt once and for all the dispensational knowledge that healings arent for today. This is what I mean by disruptive revelation. It will knock out the current parameters of doctrines and theological assumptions. There will begin to be so much disruptive revelation that it will be hard to call yourself a Christian unless you believe in an Almighty Powerful God; because He is doing All Mighty Powerful things in our midst. He heals, He shows up, He sends angels, He rescues, He replaces legs, He replaces eyes, He replaces organs, He feeds many with just a little bit, He takes people up to Heaven, He let us see the 4 living creatures, He reveals profound secrets, He unravels amazing mysteries, etc. etc. If we are operating at 1% knowledge of who He is, the guardians of the old are going to want to war against the new. Believe me as this number goes up it is going to be fun- but it is going to be disruptive. David brought a whole new type of armor to the battle and it was disruptive to Saul and his armor and so he eventually tried to kill him. Forget looking out there and pointing a finger- YOU will be a Saul if you dont embrace Renaissance. People overall hate change. Israel would rather stay in the desert eating manna ad nauseous rather than adapt disruptive revelation that says nations are our inheritance. Moving beyond your recent past disappointments is good practice for you to embrace a life of rebirthing- of revival- of renewal- of reformation. Disruptive Revelation is coming and you will know it is the real thing when you see God exalted and glorified as never before. Heresy/counterfeit revelation brings confusion and usually exalts a man. The new disruptive revelation will make Jesus more famous in all the earth and make God more desirable among the nations. DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY There will be at least 4 major alternative energy sources and several lesser sources that will be disruptive technology in the coming days. Oil will not be the energy source of the future, though there will be a gradual world weaning from dependence on it. The energy sources that

remain will have this characteristic about them. Number 1, they wont pollute. Number 2, they will have been given supernaturally to a believer in God. Number 3, this believer will be one who holds a special place in his heart for Israel. Medical science will be another primary area of Renaissance and the advent of disruptive technology. Divine insights on the blood, the brain, and bones will disrupt what is presently considered science. Connected to this there will also be disruptive breakthroughs in identifying sources of true nutrition and putting together a proper holistic approach to all the ingredients of health. There has never existed more scattered pieces of knowledge regarding being healthy, and yet never has there been more confusion as to how to put these pieces together. Therefore, we are more unhealthy than ever. We can keep people living longer than ever- but miserably. As things presently are, we are at war with our food and at war with our bodies- and it is not working. A brand new report out of the British journal The Lancet- states that obesity has now passed infectious diseases and malnutrition as the worlds greatest health crisis. It costs more, kills more and disables more. How is that possible? In great part because conflicting, confusing, contradictory, and inferior knowledge mainly exists. If you are a believer working in this industry -who stands in the gap believing God is bigger than and has better than plans then you are a landing strip for the Renaissance anointing being released. Major angels that release helps, strategies and funding for healers have been commissioned since Rosh Hashanah 2012. Sequentially, there will be a connection between the two areas just mentioned- health and energy sources. There will be a synchronization of understanding of the best fuel sources for the planet also being best fuel sources for human beings. Not so ironically, over 90% of present day vitamins have a petroleum base to them, and not so surprisingly are they NOT really making people healthy. Of course, every area of society will ultimately be invaded by disruptive technology coming on the rising sons and daughters of the King. These two areas were just two that were highlighted to me. DISRUPTIVE GLORY Isaiah 60, speaks of the time where we will arise and shine in the midst of darkness and His glory will be seen on us. It then speaks of nations walking to the light of this glory and of a transference of wealth bought on by this glory. The new Renaissance is about the exponential increase of this disruptive glory on the rising sons and daughters of the King. The term glory is meant to cover many aspects of the manifest, shekinah presence of God. This glory comes first of all on those who love His presence. However, disruptive glory will only come on those who love His presence AND must

see it displayed in society. If you are in the arts and entertainment industry or anything to do with the mountain of celebration- and I have just described you- then YOU are a landing strip for disruptive glory. The heavenly creativity and funding for it, that will come, will be a game changer. There is a whole new way of doing EVERYTHING as it relates to creativity and it is going to be that which releases major knowledge of God into all the earth. It is impossible for the knowledge of God to fill the earth and it not take over the creativity industries. Disruptive glory will also be upon political advisors, economists and introducers of new corporate culture. It will be a Joseph anointing that shines so brightly that it melts all resistance. Your words wont melt the resistance- but the anointing on you will do it. People will even describe some of you as one who has a physical shine on you. This too will be a product of this Renaissance release of 2013. THE RISE OF THE LITTLE GIANTS Several have asked me of the significance of it being the Giants that won both the Super Bowl and the World Series. (New York Giants- Super Bowl/ San Fran. Giants- the World Series). I have told them though only briefly that WE the rising ones of Isaiah 60 are these giants. Appropriately enough, Isaiah 60 ends with: A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation. I, the Lord will hasten it in its time. Is. 60: 22 When the SF Giants won the World Series, significant attention was brought to the fact that the more diminutive Giants were the heroes. MVP Marcos Scutaro is under 5 10 and then there were several others like Panda Bear Pedro Sandoval- who were also highlighted. They are people who are relatively small, but they are Giants. Likewise, with the NY Giants, their keys for victory were built around Eli(sha) Manning (the little brother of Payton) and Victor Cruz- the undersized star receiver. We generally think of Giants in a negative connotation, but this Renaissance will be about a whole new species of Giants rising upon the earth. They will be game changers carrying disruptive revelation, technology and glory- and they will be those who have been in the shadows, overlooked, under-appreciated, and misjudged. 1 John 4:4 says, Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. The Greek word for greater is MEIZON and it speaks of being greater, larger, taller or in effect the giant. We, in fact, love that scripture because it reminds us that though we may not be so imposing -our uniform name is GIANTS. When we intentionally wear the kingdom uniform it is WE who are the Giants. You wear a uniform when you are planning to stand up to the enemy in a public setting. That is the 7M Mandate- put on your uniform and stand up to the enemy in a public setting. When you do this, your team identity makes you the giant. Ultimately that is why

David took out Goliath easily, and why Caleb said the so called giants were bread for him. They went in with a team uniform that said GIANTS across the back- and they were talking about Father, Son and Holy Spirit. David said to Goliath the perceived giant- I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts- thus letting him know he was in Giant uniform. 1 Cor. 1: 26-28 (NIV) Brothers, think of what you were when you were called: Not many of you were wise by human standards: not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of this world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of this world to shame the strong This is an example of the knowledge of God that will fill the earth. He likes to bring down so called giants with so called diminutive people. He likes little people wearing His GIANTS uniform to shame the alleged giants of this world. It is why He says in Joel 3 as He calls His army in battle- let the weak say I am strong. Let the Marc Scutaros and the Victor Cruzs say I am a giant. It is not lying or a psychological ploy. It is the reality of your uniform. God is THE GIANT of the last days. Remove your I am weak and small clothing, and put on His Giant uniform. 2013 The Renaissance Year is going to be awesome. Stay in uniform and you will find yourself a landing strip for that which is a game changer. RENAISSANCE HARVEST The final part of this prophetic word is that since renaissance means rebirth or born againthat we will accordingly see an explosion in global born agains. In 2013 there will be over 100,000,000 that experience the most important Renaissance of being born again. 1 year from now a study will have confirmed that we have over 100,000,000 more brothers and sisters that have joined our battle for kingdom supremacy on earth. Over 10,000,000 of them will have been Muslims. Is the world ending Dec. 21, 2012? Hell, NO!! And I am not cussing or cursing. It would be hells desire that the world would end by then, especially now that I have told them they will lose 100 million just in 2013. That is why I say HELL, NO. You will not steal, kill and destroy- you will just back off. I give you all pastoral and prophetic permission to answering the Dec 21 question with hell, NO. The Renaissance is about Hell, NO - and Heaven, YES!! On earth as things are in Heaven. Johnny Enlow Dec 15, 2012

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