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6 theSun | TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10 2009

news without borders

Nik Aziz seeks clarification from Anwar

KOTA BARU: PAS spiritual leader
Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat will
he told reporters after attending a
Chinese New Year function here on
be clarified by Anwar himself.
On the issue of party-hopping,
cooperation between parties in the
PR would not be affected by those
ebration at Istana Anak Bukit near
here yesterday.
seek clarification from Parti Keadilan Sunday. he said such actions were con- views. On Karpal Singh’s intention
Rakyat (PKR) adviser Datuk Seri Karpal Singh in a news confer- temptible and went against the “That’s his view and style. Let to sue Perak’s Sultan Azlan Shah,
Anwar Ibrahim on a statement by ence on Sunday called on Anwar to wishes of voters who had chosen it be. He gets angry with everyone. and the new Barisan Nasional
DAP chairman Karpal Singh that quit as PR leader, saying his action their candidates. If he does not argue with others, state government following the
Anwar was not fit to lead the Pakatan in encouraging party-hopping was In Alor Star, Kedah PAS com- he argues with his own people,” removal of Datuk Seri Moham-
Rakyat coalition. “immoral” and had tarnished the missioner and Mentri Besar Datuk Azizan told reporters when asked to mad Nizar Jamaluddin as mentri
“I do not want to comment on PR’s image. Seri Azizan Abdul Razak said comment at an awards conferment besar, he asked: “Is filing a case
the matter and want to ask Datuk Nik Aziz, who is the Kelantan Kedah PAS did not take Karpal ceremony in conjunction with the (against the Sultan) treacherous?” –
Seri Anwar for the actual story,” mentri besar, said the matter had to Singh’s views seriously and that the Sultan of Kedah’s 81st birthday cel- Bernama

By-election test of support

for PR: Khalid
KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Rakyat – whoever that is – will take heed of
views the impending Bukit Gantang this. Legitimacy is very important, no
by-election as a challenge to prove the point becoming a leader without the
people’s support for the coalition. legitimate support of the people.
The parliamentary seat in Perak Commenting on DAP chairman
fell vacant following the death of Karpal Singh’s call for PKR de facto
PAS MP Roslan Shaharum of a heart leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to Subang
attack yesterday. step down for having promoted a Jaya MP R.
Speaking to reporters at a Chinese party-hopping culture, Khalid said it Sivarasa,
New Year open house hosted by Bukit was not the policy of PR leaders to Wong and
Lanjan assemblyman Elizabeth Wong, sweep matters under the carpet. Khalid share
Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul “We are always working hard to yee sang
Khalid Ibrahim said: “This by-election find a common platform. I’m quite with Kepong
is a challenge for us to prove the sure even BN has this problem, the residents
rakyat’s support for us and that our difference is that PR does not hide at Wong’s
victory in the 2008 general election the issues, they bring it out into the Chinese
was no fluke. The wave of support open and fight among each other. New Year
from the people is there and we want “We respect differences, Karpal open house
to prove this to Barisan Nasional.” has his own personal opinions, we at the Desa
“The ball is now with the peo- will discuss this at the next (coalition) Jaya field
ple. I hope the Perak mentri besar meeting,” he said. yesterday.

Anwar will remain

Opposition Leader: Guan Eng
GEORGE TOWN: DAP will continue between the parties, saying the mis-
to support Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) sion to reform politics and govern-
de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar ment must remain paramount, above
Ibrahim as parliamentary Opposition erstwhile differences.
Leader, its secretary-general Lim Penang PKR youth chief Yusmadi
Guan Eng said. Mohd Yusoff said the younger genera-
He said Anwar would remain tion did not carry the “baggage of the
Pakatan Rakyat leader and Opposi- past”. He said interaction between
tion Leader as agreed by the PR Pakatan youth is vibrant, especially
leadership. in coordinating relevant programmes
“He will remain, as no single leader together.
has ever questioned this during inter- “We are focused on creating better
nal meetings, whether at the highest opposition politics in the country. We
level or otherwise,” Lim said in a state- are not burdened by the baggage of
ment yesterday, Bernama reported. the past,” Yusmadi, who is also Balik
Long trail He said the PR had endorsed a Pulau MP, said when contacted.
of power position that no individual party policy “Karpal is free to give his opinion,
could be regarded PR policy unless but what matters most is the bigger
grabs it was approved unanimously by all picture of the reform agenda in the
pg 14 three parties in the coalition. country.”
Lim also appealed to DAP chair- He said Karpal Singh had per-
man Karpal Singh to use internal formed his part in ushering in political
party channels instead of the media transformation, and should now let
if he wished to change policies within the younger generation take over.
the PR. “Karpal Singh has done his job. He
On Sunday, Karpal Singh told a should now pass the torch to young
news conference that Anwar was not leaders in DAP and PR.”
fit to lead the PR and that he had been Penang PAS deputy commissioner
“nothing but trouble” for the opposi- and Parit Buntar MP Mujahid Yusuf
tion alliance. Rawa said Karpal Singh’s views
In Petaling Jaya, veteran DAP leader were his own and did not reflect the
Lim Kit Siang said party members sentiments of most of the coalition’s
should resolve their problems by means members.
of internal channels and not deflect “I don’t know if Karpal’s statement
efforts to resolve national crises. represents the DAP stand,” he said. “It
“Let the DAP resolve any differ- certainly does not represent the spirit
ences internally as they should not be behind Pakatan.”
allowed to deflect efforts to resolve both On Karpal Singh’s statement that
the grave economic and political crises Anwar may have picked up his con-
confronting Malaysians,” said Lim, tentious policy to lure party hoppers
who also said he was “shocked and from his days in the Barisan Nasional,
hurt” at Karpal Singh’s statements. Mujahid said the opinion was based
Himanshu Bhatt reports from on events of the past.
Penang that younger generation lead- “Such debates are mainly among
ers in the PR insist their relationship the older generation who still bear
would not be affected by DAP chair- whatever stigma of the past. Our
man Karpal Singh’s outburst against generation is more keen on activating
Anwar. future reforms. We would like to give
Youth leaders from PKR, PAS more priority to the struggle to see a
and DAP have called for moderation new political landscape.”

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