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14 theSun | TUESDAY FEBRUARY 10 2009

speak up!

Long trail of power grabs

Because of his popular policies,
Comment the people demonstrated their
support for him. Soon the demon-
by Zainon Ahmad strations degenerated into violence
and looting and an emergency
WHAT is happening in Perak has a was declared and federal rule was
striking similarity to what happened imposed.
in Sarawak in 1966. Less striking chief minister, Penghulu Tawi Sli, Sarawak giving as reason the com- members betrayed their party by After it was lifted a state election
but similar are the train of events was sworn in. munist threat in the state. Using the abstaining. was called on March 11, 1978. PAS
that led to the collapse of the PAS In July he pulled SNAP out of the wide discretionary powers he had In Sabah the PBS government was almost wiped out and a BN
government in Terengganu in 1961 Alliance and filed a suit against the during the emergency, the governor fell in 1994 after several of its as- government headed by Mohamed
and the Parti Bersatu Sabah govern- governor and the new chief min- sacked Ningkan. Penghulu Tawi Sli semblymen defected to the BN Nasir as leader of a hastily formed
ment in Sabah in 1994. ister that in sacking him they had returned as chief minister with Taib shortly after the state elections in Berjasa ruled Kelantan. One of the
The Alliance government that violated the state constitution. On as his deputy. which Umno participated for the architects of the PAS ouster then
ruled Sarawak after it became part Sept 7, 1966 the High Court ruled In Terengganu PAS had won the first time. Led by Datuk Seri Anwar was also the person who later
of Malaysia was led by SNAP secre- that that Ningkan continued to be 1959 state elections but had only Ibrahim, Umno did splendidly but played a role in ending BN rule in
tary-general Datuk Stephen Kalong the lawful chief minister of Sarawak a narrow majority of two in the its other partners failed it. the state in 1990.
Ningkan, an Iban. His independent since he had not suffered a vote 24-seat state assembly. But it was When his party lost its majority, Perhaps an amusing anecdote
ways led to strained relations with of no confidence in the Council riven with all kinds of problems Datuk Seri Pairin Kitingan asked the to all these cases in the nation’s
the federal government. Matters Negeri. It said the “no-confidence and in-fighting and subsequently governor – whose son won a seat political history is the power-grab
came to a head after he sacked Taib letter” shown to the governor was it was this that brought about its on an Umno ticket – to dissolve the attempt by a group of 28 Sarawak
Mahmud (now Tan Sri), a member no substitution for the confidence downfall. state assembly but he was snubbed. state assemblymen which has been
of his state cabinet, accusing him vote in the Council Negeri. After two PAS members defected He, therefore, had no choice but to referred to as the “Ming Court Hotel
of undermining his government. But by the time Ningkan resumed to the Alliance in 1961, Mentri Besar resign his government. incident”.
Taib, at the head of a delegation of the office of chief minister some of Mohd Daud Samad requested the PAS won Kelantan for the first The group, which represented
21 Council Negeri members (state his supporters in the Council Negeri sultan dissolve the state assembly time in 1959 but was ousted in 1978 a majority in the 48-seat Council
assembly members), flew to Kuala had crossed over to “the other side”. but he was rebuffed. He continued after its rebellious mentri besar, Negeri, gathered in Kuala Lumpur
Lumpur on June 12. He unsuccessfully appealed to the to lead a minority government Datuk Seri Mohamed Nasir, chose to seek federal support to oust Taib.
With the support of the federal governor to dissolve the council. without calling for the meeting of to defy the party leaders who were They failed. They also attempted to
Alliance leaders, a letter signed by Meanwhile, another “no-confi- the state assembly for as long as he away in Kuala Lumpur as members see the governor who was unavail-
the 21 was dispatched to state dence letter” signed by 25 Council could while negotiating for support of the BN government. He froze able as he was either away fishing
governor Tun Abang Haji Openg Negeri members was submitted to from Party Negara members. On many of the logging concessions or was sick. Taib easily got the gov-
prevailing upon him to sack Ning- the governor who then requested Oct 30, 1961 when the assembly given out by the party leaders and ernor to dissolve the Council Negeri
kan which he subsequently did. the chief minister to resign which met the PAS government fell in the threatened to expose some of their and in the ensuing state elections
The chief minister protested and he refused. The federal government ensuing vote of no-confidence taken underhand dealings. The party his BN coalition won 28 of the 48
refused to budge until after a new declared a state of emergency in against it. In the vote two more PAS leaders met and sacked him. seats.


THERE has never been a better

Never been a better time for business
One of the drawbacks of our It is OK to be informed but let us crisis of confidence and a fear Clients the world over are selves and seek for solutions
time for business. We are on the civilisation is that we have cre- not be influenced by the mass of failure. clamouring for their new set of that lie before us. If we do not
fringe of exceeding targets. We ated a mechanism that spreads media. Allowing this shadow of needs to be fulfilled. All we have have the expertise to improve,
are able to exploit many opportu- fear and dampens confidence What we are facing has uncertainty to manoeuvre our to do is meet those needs. By we should look for it either ex-
nities for increasing our business. quickly across the globe. This nothing to do with an economic thoughts, feelings and actions doing so, we can rest assured ternally or develop it internally.
This is not a wish. This is reality. mechanism is the mass media. downturn. It has to do with a is a sign of weakness. Seeing that the demand for our goods If we do not know what the
beyond this shadow and gain- and services will increase. clients require, we should take
ing the courage needed to do We recognise that our cli- the trouble to find out. Once
even better is strength. ents are fixated on getting the this is found, a new approach
Yes, there has been an best deal that meets their im- that is better and more client
inherent systemic failure in the mediate needs at lowest cost focused will emerge. This will
banking system in the US that and fast delivery. We know that lead to a new set of behaviours
has brought the country to the the suppliers are even more that will converge to a point
throes of recession. Why does dependent on us then they ever where the energy of the work-
that have to affect us when we were before. By knowing this force will focus on meeting the
are halfway across the globe? we can manage the business needs of the clients in the way
The economy may have a hic- better. There has never been a the clients want the needs to
cup but as a whole it is fine. better time for business. be met.
We fail to recognise that If organisations and busi- Once this is achieved, we
under a prevailing fear of eco- ness enterprises seek from will be on the fringe of exceed-
nomic collapse, the price we of- within solutions to overcome ing the targets set. We are able
fer, the time we take to deliver, the situations they face, they to exploit many opportunities
the features the products and can only get better. for increasing our business.
services have and the mode Is there a better way to By all means be informed by
of distribution of the past are produce goods and deliver the media but never be influ-
not appealing to the client any services? Can we recognise enced by it. The media has its
more. We need to take a hard and deliver what the client role and so do we. The media’s
look at what customers need needs? Are we in a position role is to inform, not influence.
and repackage the product to garner the support, creativ- Our role is to meet the needs of
quickly to meet those needs. ity and resourcefulness of our our clients as the client sees fit
By doing so, we will be able to workforce? The answers to not as we see fit.
fulfil the changing needs being these questions at a time like
satisfied through the products this are a resounding yes. All Dr Rumesh Kumar
and services offered. we need is to look within our- Subang Jaya

Tough call for Umno

IT IS painful to see the party that fought for our of deserting the Malay cause which Umno has
country’s independence and established the sov- fought so hard to establish, they must consoli-
ereignty of the Rulers, the Malay language and date it with new insights.
Islam their religion being relentlessly pursued for I challenged some bright young Malays to
its present incompetence. suggest a few things that Umno must do im-
Not only is Umno and its leadership being mediately to show it is serious in eradicating the
criticised, but what is even sadder is that many corruption and abuses within the party hierarchy
Malays are repulsed by the perceived wrongdo- and in its business undertakings. Chief among
ings and mismanagement within the party and in these is money politics and the wheeling and
its dealings with the greater Malaysian society. dealing in business.
The Malay unity once represented by Umno is They suggest that three announcements
crumbling and will soon become obsolete. must be made immediately and implemented
The younger generation of Malays, equipped soon after:
with knowledge about democracy, justice, le- » The quota system in the party elections will
gal and constitutional procedures and a more be abolished.
equitable approach to affirmative action, is » Tenders and contracts will be awarded in an
questioning every move, every action taken by open cyclical system where the races will get
the party which their fathers and grandfathers equal opportunity to prove their efficiency and
pledged allegiance. efficacy.
Even the old loyalists are beginning to doubt » The big fish who are corrupt will be caught
Umno’s ability to survive the next general elec- and exposed.
tions. And the Perak political impasse has only Umno’s credibility is hard to reestablish but
served to exacerbate these sentiments. I believe it is not impossible if the Malays are
It’s easy to be critical and condemning of serious about their honour and dignity.
Umno. The real challenge for the Malays – if they
are worth their own salt and the “ketuanan” they Halimah Mohd Said
valiantly defend – is to remain steadfast. Instead Kuala Lumpur

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