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19-11 La Belle St.

Deca Homes, 5001

January 15,2013

}-ION. PELAGIO APOSTOL Deputy Ornbudsnran for the Visavas Office of the Ombudsman Guadalupe, 6000 Cebu City

I would like to request this Honorable office to conduct a fact-finding investigation into the ltaudulent award of two (2) relocation nca-so;. R.i;;;iion site by the Iloilo city Government to dummies of JEFFRE crLlz,a co-terminus employee in the office of the city Mayor, Iloilo city. anJ hir of the said properties. ilr.g.r

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".cupation such arvards were fictitious and constituted acts o.f misrepresentation, dishonesty. fraucl. gross misconduct-and the transactions prejudicial were airuau*ig*r, i" tn. goternment.
.Aside from Mr' 'leffrey Celiz. the following officials/employees should also be investigated for their participation in, lot awar{s:

l' ?'

Wilfiedo Jurilla, Executive Director, Iloilo City Urban poor Affairs office (ICLJPAO), Iloilo City Govemment, Iloilo City; Ma' Lourdes Gemma A. Belarmino, over-att Site Coordinator, Iloilo City Urban Poor Affairs office{rcu_pAo), Iloiio_city c*.rr*.nt, Iloilo City; and Nelia G. Sec_usala, Site Coordinator; Iloilo Citv ijiban poor Affairs Office -'--" vvr { *rs'D rs'rr (lCtlPAO), Iloilo City Govemment,"ltoiio ciil

After the facts have been established, and the culpability of the aforementioned,public ofl.rcials/emplovees dulv established, I respectfully request to order their dismissal fi'om the service for the oftt"r.", tt*y-#"" "ommitted. The following are the facts of this case based on documents provided by the Iloilo city tjrban Poor Affairs office thru Ms. Nelia Secusana, Site ciordinator, in her letter to the urndersigned dated September 2g, 2012:

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2. 3.

offrce (or..ICUpAo,, HINOJALES CANILAO for a relocation home Iot described as Lot No. B, gtock No. g, projeJ3, sooc Iloilo Flood control Project (IFCP). A machine ctpv orthis lor award notice is - -r' ' hereto attached as Annex ..A',; A sketch map indicating thl location of Lot No. 13, Brock No. g (shaded in yellow) is attached as Annex..Bo'. on March zr,zolz,said GILDA HtNolelES CANILAO lilred up a Registration for Socialized Housing Program which she certified as containing true and correct information about her qualification to avail of the program; that any misrepresentation and/or deliberate-omission of facts and information will be ground for her disqualificatio4. A machine copy is attached as Annex ..c,,;

14, ?0] I'the Iloilo City Urban Poor Affairs fOr ShOrt) iSSUCd A LOT AWARD NOUCE tO GILDA

on December


registration form; 4. Also on De99rybei 14: ?011. a Lor AWARD NOICE was issued by ICUpAo in favor of SUSARA LUCES GONZALES, also a resident of fimiw'a Tanza Zone I, for a rElocatiott home lot dessribed is torNo. t i, niocfffi. [, project 3, sooc IFCP (a machine copy of which is attached as Annex..D,,); 5. A sketch plan indicating the location of Lot No. I 1, Block No. S, project 3. Sooc IFCIP (shaded in yellow) is attached as Annex..E,,; 6. In the Registration for socialized Housing program" suzARA v. LUCES (maiden name of the beneficiary) certified that allthe information contained therein are true and correct; thai any misrepresentaiion and/or deliberate omission of lacts and information shall constitute ground for her disqualification. R machine copy is attached as Annex,,F,'; 7. on paper, GILDA HNOJALES CANILAO and suzARA v. LUCES are rhe beneficiaries and occupants of the two lots; 8. In truth, both lots'are occupied by JEFFREY CELIZ, and the award of the two lots were hctitious as they were fraudulent; 9' GILDA HINOJALES CANILAO continues to live in TanzaTimawa Zone l, Molo, Iloilo City, where she has her own house. She is the mother-in-law of JF]FFREY CELIZ; 10' SUZARA V. LUCES lives with her husband in Barangay Infante, Molo, Iloilo City. She is the sister of JEFFREy CELIZ: I l ' To verify this' it is requested that this Honorable Office inspect the existing ' structure/s on the two lots. and its graft investigators will establish that there is a house occupied by JEFFREY CEUZ and an Liternet/computer gaming station:

It is noteworthy to mention that GILDA HINOJALES CANILAO indicated her address as "Tanza Timawa Zone I.lC (for Iloilo City) in this

lt strould also be pointed out that the Project 3, Sooc IFCP, is intended for urban poor fbmilies displaced by the Iloilo City Flood Control Project funded by the Japan International. cooperation Agency (JICA). GILDA HINOJALES CANILAo a,d STIZARA V. LUCES are not qualified because they are neither project-affected and homeless- In fact. they continue to liv.e in their r*; *.p;;;ive hluJes, and their names rvere odly used to enable JEFFREY CELIZIo illegally: obtain such relocaiion iror*lo1r.
At the time of the award' Mr. Celiz held the title "Political Liaison Officer,'in the City MaYor's Ot'fice. .Iust recently, he was-appointed Executive Assistant for political Affairs. Clearly. Mr. Celiz does not fit the description of an urban poor constituent qualified to avail of the government's relocation program. This transaction deprived bonafide constituents from an opportunity to be given their own home lots. tfris.!11-fding-investigation and impose the appropriate disciplinary sanction of DISMISSAL from the serv[e.
Please conduct

I'hank you.
Very truly yours,


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