Letter May 2012

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LAMB family

nnn We are expecting a baby on November 6, which is also Katies mothers birthday! Kamryn is very excited to have a baby in the family and we know she will be a great big sister. Katie is now 15 weeks along and beginning to feel better but the nightly nausea is still holding on, due to limited food options and many foul city smells. We are grateful for good medical care in Bangkok and an American midwife to walk us through the process to avoid the 60-90% c-section rate. nnn

Big Sister

It seems only yesterday we were packing up our last few items and preparing to get on a plane to Thailand. Now here we are nishing out the school year at ICS Bangkok in only 2 weeks. Daniel has been able to build relationships with his students and parents not only through education, but also spiritually as students question and explore the Christian worldview and their own worldview in class. Here are some examples: First, Daniel has a student that has had a difcult time feeling hurt by others in the class. He has felt alienated by a few boys for being Buddhist, picked on by a Thai girl, and accused of cheating. Daniel has taken care of these problems, but eventually, the boys father came crying to Daniel about how difcult it was for his boy. Through this situation Daniel has been able to show love, patience, and understanding to the boy and his family. Now, the situation better and the father feels taken care of, which speaks volumes about Christians and God, whom we represent. Every week, students write in a Bible journal where they can write thoughts about class discussions or ask questions. Many students ask genuine, heartfelt questions about God, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. Recently, Daniel taught about Jesus being the judge and that all will have to answer to him after we die. Many students seemed to understand, yet some struggle with if they believe for certain. So it is wonderful to see many searching, some who understand, and also those who want to know more. In one of the journal entries, a student that wrote she has been wanting to know God is there. After praying for this, she proceeded to turn on the TV, which happened to be a program about Jesus Christ. Then that night Jesus spoke to her in a dream telling her He was there and it would be alright. She ended her journal with: Thats enough Jesus, I know your there! What a wonderful example of child-like faith and the Fathers willingness to meet us where we are. Another very exciting journal entry was from a student who came from a Thai public school and is new to ICS this year. Here is what she wrote: I want to know God deeper because I can know God better and I can share his story to my friends, my mom, my dad, and my sister. When I am young, about 5 years old, I didnt know about God but I know about God of Buddha. That time I dont know any thing about God and not trust in God. Now I know about Jesus and believe in him.

Summer Time Awaits


h Beach in Cha am Orn with Daniel sharing wit Cha am the Christians in

s and Rice eld Cha Am Orn with Katie shar ins in the Christians in ing with mounta Cha Am

Along with the end of the school year comes what we will be doing with our summer. Our summer will focus on two things: language study and ministry in a local city called Cha am. As we head into language study this summer it will be a challenge because we will be taking more hours (between 15-20 per week). This also means our support needs will increase to meet the extra cost for this summer. At this point in our language program we have not spoken much Thai because you are supposed to wait, but at summer hits we will be transitioning into the speaking phase. This can cause anxiety because when speaking we will have to humble ourselves and be willing to be misunderstood, laughed at, or frustrated. At the same time, this will be great for relationship building because the Thais love when you speak their language. In April we visited Cha am during Songkran, a week-long break for Thai New Year (and public water ght!). Our close friends Rick and Lisa Caynor took us to vacation and see the current ministry there. Only about 3 hours away, Cha am is a smaller town on the beach with nearby hills and few foreigners. We enjoyed our break, but also enjoyed meeting Orn and Ang (pronounced On and Ahng), a Thai couple that run the Life Center. We were very excited to learn of their ministry, but were immediately captivated by the need for workers. Cha am has no church and only 5 Christians. While they do have nancial needs, their greatest need is for additional help in English teaching and slum outreaches. The rst weekend after school is out, June 1-4, we will be heading back to Cha am again to help and learn more. We hope to help by visiting more in the future, and as a possible future ministry option for us. Thank you all for your support, prayer, or just keeping up-to-date with how the Lord is working here in Bangkok, Thailand. Pray that we would stay humble and reliant upon the Lord to use us to be the most productive for the Kingdom of God.

Pray the harvest would be ripe in Thailand and that we can share in the harvest.


Pray for Katies appetite and nausea, and the health and salvation of our new child.



Pray for Orn and Angs ministry, and the building of the church in Cha Am.

Gratefully yours for the work of the gospel, Daniel, Katie, & Kamryn Lamb

Pray the time spent in summer to give us a better grasp on the language.


International Community School 1225 The Parkland Rd. Khwaeng Bangna, Khet Bangna Bangkok 10260 Thailand

Ripe for Harvest P.O. Box 487 Monument,CO 80132 Account #336

ripeforharvest.org thelambfamily.wordpress.com katie.e.lamb@gmail.com danielmlamb@gmail.com

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