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VIS 1.4.

0 Corrections

Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS) 1.4.0 Corrections

This document provides corrections to VIS 1.4.0. The following columns are in the corrections table: This document provides corrections to VIS 1.4.0. The following columns are in the corrections table: DateThis column indicates the date when the applied change to the document was approved for posting to Items dated Oct. 2001 have been applied to VIS 1.4.0 and are listed in a separate table following the table of items dated November 2001 and after. Items dated November 2001 and later have not been incorporated into VIS 1.4.0 published hard copy or electronic documents. VolumeThis column indicates the appropriate volume of VIS where the correction is needed. Chapter/PageThis column details the chapter and page of the change. LocationThis column assists you in locating the specific area on the page that requires a correction. DescriptionThis column describes the correction. Effective Date / Update Type This column will be used for changes dated July 2003 or later to describe the type of update: Change (Mandatory, Conditional, Optional) Addition (Mandatory, Conditional, Optional) Clarification

If the type is Change/Addition a date will indicate when the change/addition is effective from a Visa Card Testing Perspective. For new cards to be tested: Mandatory changes must be in place by the effective date. Conditional changes must be in place by the effective date if the condition is met. Testing will be available for the optional changes as of the effective date.

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page Impacts Summary



Effective Date / Update Type Change Mandatory 02/01/04

Nov. 2003


Card Impacts Mandatory

Cumulative Amounts are no longer incremented for offline declines. Online Authorization Indicator is not reset after an offline approval. Testing for VIS 1.3.2 is no longer supported. VIS 1.4.0 behavior is required for both of the data elements listed above. Second to last bullet should be moved to and the following sentence added. Support for this bit is Conditional and must be supported in all cards that support Issuer Script Processing.

Nov. 2003


Impacts Summary

Card Impacts Optional

Change Conditional (if Issuer Script Processing supported) 02/01/04

Dec. 2002



Add section 1.7.4 with title Other Documents

Add document: Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 46-3, 1999 October 25 Combined DDA/AC Generation (CDA) has been modified by EMV since VIS was published. CDA functionality, if implemented, shall be supported according the latest EMV requirements. See EMV Specifications Updates Bulletins #6 and #9 and #13

May 2002


May 2002



Section 1.7.1

Update ISO 639 reference as follows in accordance with EMV Specifications Updates Bulletin # 5. ISO/FDIS 639-1: 2001 Codes for the Representation of Names and Languages (Alpha-2 code)

May 2002



Table 2-2 Last function on page

In the Terminal Support Column, (across from the first bullet in the function column, No CVM Required) Replace Mandatory (EMV) with Optional (EMV) with Operating Regulation Exceptions (VIS) In the Terminal Support Column, Performed at special issuer-controlled devices should be re-located in the column and appear next to PIN Change rather than Unblocking PIN Final sentence should say The Visa CA returns an Issuer PK Certificate for each Visa CA Public Key that is equal to or longer than . . .

May 2002



Last Item PIN CHANGE/ UNBLOCK Section first paragraph

May 2002



Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page



Effective Date / Update Type

Begin Card Changes Nov. 2003 Card 1-1 Last paragraph Replace the last paragraph with: VIS is based on EMV and complies with all requirements in the EMV Specifications and in the EMV Bulletins published on the EMVCo website. The two specifications and any updates reflected in EMV Bulletins or the VIS Updates List should be used together for reference and development purposes. EMV General Bulletin 11 is a migration schedule, which describes terminals supporting 3 volts only being deployed as of Quarter 2, 2009. In order to ensure interoperability, cards will be required to support 3 volts as well as 5 volts beginning in July of 2004. Rules for support are outlined in EMV Specifications Updates Bulletin no. 07. VIS builds on the EMV requirements in order to support the Visa payment service rules. To facilitate understanding of the differences between these two specifications, please refer to Chapter 2, Processing Overview. May 2002 Card 2-10 Under PIN CHANGE/ UNBLOCK Table 3-1 Row 1 Unblocking PIN should be Conditional if Offline PIN supported, not Optional. Add the following note at the end of the Description for the Application Identifier (AID): The AID is used in two different ways 1. AID (Tag 4F) is used if Directory Selection is supported. 2. Dedicated File (DF) Name (TAG 84), part of the response to SELECT when an Application Definition File is selected contains the AID. Dec. 2002 Card 3-2 Table 3-1 999910 Proprietary ATM is not permitted going forward and should be deleted from the list of supported Visa PIXs. Add the following sentence: Single account cards shall not require cardholder confirmation. Add the following sentence: On a multi-payment card, the primary application (account which corresponds to the account encoded on the magnetic stripe) shall not require cardholder confirmation.
Visa Public

Change Mandatory 7/01/04

Jul. 2003




Dec. 2002



Section 3.5 Note Section 3.5 Note

Nov. 2003



Change Mandatory 02/01/04

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 3-13



Effective Date / Update Type

Aug. 2002


Figure 3-3

Aug. 2002



Table 6-2

May 2002



Table 7-3

On the terminal side, in the first decision diamond, replace More AIDs on list? with More applications to select? Add to bulleted list of recommended inclusions for signature generations: SDA Tag List (9F4A if present) Add the following note after the table: In Application Usage Control, the indicators for Valid for Domestic Goods and Valid for Domestic Services must be the same setting. Valid for International Goods and Valid for International Services must be the same setting.

Dec. 2002



Second subbullet under rd 3 bullet

Insert the following sentence before the Iast sentence in the paragraph: If the application is blocked by this method the card shall respond to GENERATE AC (Application Cryptogram) with an AAC. Visa recently provided the ability for the card application to return offline amounts in the Issuer Discretionary Data portion of the Issuer Application Data. For vendors that wish to implement this functionality, a specification will be made available through your regional representatives. The contents of this document will be included in the next version of VIS, in Chapter 12 of the card volume. The second to last line of the last paragraph should say Issuer Application Data rather than Issuer Discretionary Data. Byte 1 Bit 6 of the Application Default Action (ADA) is reserved for future use and the associated functionality is no longer supported. The last sub-bullets under each main bullet (Card Approves, Card Declines) should be removed. In step 3b add a bullet saying If VLP is supported, set the VLP Available Funds to the VLP Funds Limit

Dec. 2002


Chapter 12

Aug. 2002



Section 13.3

Jul. 2003



Section 13.6.2


May 2002




Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 13-17



Effective Date / Update Type Addition Optional 07/01/04 (see updated description for details)

Nov. 2003


Add Section as a new section.

Velocity Checking for Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit This check is optional for the card and determines if the limit set for the maximum number of consecutive offline international transactions (determined by currency or country in the card application) has been exceeded. The card shall perform this check if the Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit and either the Consecutive Transaction Counter (International) or the Consecutive Transaction Counter (International-Country) are present in an internal file. If the number of consecutive offline international transactions plus 1 is greater than the Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit, the card shall: Set the Exceeded Velocity Checking Counters bit to 1 in the CVR Set the Offline Decline Requested by Card indicator to 1 to indicate that an AAC should be returned after completion of card risk management. Byte 1 Bit 6 of the Application Default Action (ADA) is reserved for future use and the associated functionality is no longer supported. Delete decision box in center page ADA bit for if IA mandatory & no ARPC decline txn =1, the Y and N arrows, and Card Decline results off page connector. Extend the arrow from the Set Issuer Auth. Failure Indicator to 1 to the Card Approval off page connector. Below the large box (center page) titled Reset to zeros, add a box that says Set the VLP Available Funds to the VLP Funds Limit

Jul. 2003



Figure 13-3


May 2002



Figure 13-2 Part 3 of 5

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 15-2



Effective Date / Update Type Addition Optional 02/01/04

Nov. 2003


Section 15-1

The first paragraph is reworded as follows: Visa and MasterCard support a common personalization methodology defined in the EMV Card Personalization Specification (on EMVCo website). Visa requirements to support Common Personalization in VSDC applications are defined in Common Personalization, Technical Requirements for VSDC currently available through Visa Regional Offices. These requirements are now part of the VIS 1.4.0 specification and will added to the Visa website in the Q1 2004 timeframe. The second paragraph first line is amended as follows: The intended audience for this documentation is designers of EMV Compliant financial applications including VSDC. For Application Currency Code (Tag 9F51) add VLP or after If under Requirement column. Define Application Default Action byte 1 bit 6 as RFU Declining a transaction if Issuer Authentication is Mandatory and no ARPC received is no longer permitted.

Jul. 2003



Table A-1


Aug. 2002



Table A-1

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-4



Effective Date / Update Type Change Mandatory change of length to 4. The functionality associated with all bits defined here is Optional. (see updated description for detail) 07/01/04

Nov. 2003


Table A-1

Application Default Action is modified as follows: F L b 32 4

Byte 2 Bit - 1 = Do not reset VLP Available Funds during GEN AC. VLP Available Funds is reset to VLP Funds Limit during Issuer Script Processing if PUT DATA to VLP Available Funds Limit is successful. Support for the functionality associated with these bits is optional. This functionality may be required in some markets or for some programs. Byte 2 Bit 2: 1=Do not reset Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (CTTA) to zero during GEN AC. CTTA is reset to zero during Issuer Script Processing if PUT DATA to Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit is successful. Support for the functionality associated with these bits is optional. This functionality may be required in some markets or for some programs. Byte 3 Bit 8: 1= Do not include offline approved transactions in the transaction log. Byte 3 Bit 7: 1= Do not include online approved transactions in the transaction log. Byte 3 Bit 6: 1= Include declined transactions in the transaction log. Support for functionality associated with the bits described above is optional if transaction logging is supported. Jul. 2003 Card A-6 Table A-1 Application Identifier (AID) tag 4F, the requirement column should say C indicating conditional and the condition If PSE supported should be added.


Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-9



Effective Date / Update Type Change Mandatory (see description for detail) 07/01/04

Nov. 2003


Table A-1

Nov. 2003



Table A-1

In Application Transaction Counter (ATC) row, add the following sentence in the Values column: If the ATC reaches its maximum value, the application shall be permanently blocked. UNBLOCK APPLICATION is disabled Linked applications are also permanently blocked Recommended response to GPO when ATC reaches maximum is 6985 which permits another application to be selected. Response to GENERATE AC is 6985 Add a new row for Available Offline Spending Amount F n 12 Tag 9F5D L 6 O Optional The amount remaining on the card to be spent offline. This amount is obtained by subtracting the Cumulative Total Transaction Amount from the Cumulative Total, Transaction Amount Limit. Add new row for Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit F b8 Tag 9F5E L 1 REQUIREMENT C If international velocity check upper limit is to be performed DESCRIPTION Issuer specified preference for the maximum number of consecutive offline international transactions allowed before the transaction is declined offline if it cannot be processed online.

Addition Optional 02/01/04

Nov. 2003



Table A-1

Addition Conditional (if this upper limit check is supported) 02/01/04

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-24 A-26 A-27, A28 and A29 A-30 A-31



Effective Date / Update Type

Aug. 2002 Aug. 2002 Aug. 2002

Card Card Card

Table A-1 Table A-1 Table A-1

ICC Manufacturer is required (R) not mandatory (M) IC Embedding Data is required (R) not mandatory (M) All data elements listed on these pages are required (R) not mandatory (M) IC Serial Number and IC Type are required (R) not mandatory (M) Issuer Application Data Replace last paragraph under description column with: In this version of VIS, Issuer Discretionary Data can only be guaranteed to be present in certain national markets. Its presence is not guaranteed in international interchange. For Language Preference change description after the initial comma as follows: each represented by 2 lower case alphabetical characters according to ISO 639. Second row, PIN Try Counter - Replace the first sentence under Values with Initial Value is personalized to an Issuer defined value Third row, PIN Try Limit add under Values Initial Value is set to the value personalized in the PIN Try Counter. Unique DEA Key A and Unique DEA Key B are required (R) not mandatory (M). For Application Currency Code (Tag 9F51) add 33 (VLP Supported) to list of Conditions

Aug. 2002 Jul. 2003

Card Card

Table A-1 Table A-1


Jul. 2003



Table A-1


Jul. 2003



Table A-1


Aug. 2002 Nov. 2003

Card Card

A-42 A-46

Table A-1 Table A-2

Change Conditional (if VLP supported) 02/01/04 Clarification Clarification

Jul. 2003 Jul. 2003

Card Card

A-46 A-47

Table A-2 Table A-2

Application Currency Exponent is Optional NOT Conditional. Application Interchange Profile is Required NOT Mandatory.

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-47



Effective Date / Update Type Addition Optional 02/01/04

Nov. 2003


Table A-2

Add row for Available Offline Spending Amount Tag 9F5D Mand/Cond/Opt O Update N Retrieve GET DATA NOTE: The card shall not allow GET DATA for this tag unless it is included in the personalization file with a value of 01. If this tag is personalized with a value of 02 the card shall allow GET DATA for this Tag, but only after a PIN has been entered and successfully verified. First row AID, the Mand/Cond/Opt column should say C indicating conditional and condition 11 Directory Method supported should be added in the conditions column. Add Row for Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit Tag 9F5E Mand/Cond/Opt C Conditions 34 Update PUT DATA Retrieve GET DATA The second Item Cumulative Total Transaction Amount-Dual Currency is modified as follows: The column Mand/Cond/Opt should be C not C3. The column Conditions should be 3 and Backup or default to 9F75 should be moved to the Backup Required column and the N in that column should be deleted.

Jul. 2003



Table A-2


Nov. 2003



Table A-2

Addition Conditional (if this upper limit check is supported) 02/01/04

May 2002



Table A-2

Dec. 2002 Dec. 2002

Card Card

A-50 A-60 A-57

Table A-2 and A-4 Table A-2

Corrected tag for Directory Definition File Name (DDF) to be 9D The capability to return the VLP Available Funds in the GENERATE AC response is optional.

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-59



Effective Date / Update Type Change Conditional (if this upper limit check is supported) 02/01/04 Change Optional Addition Conditional (if this upper limit check is supported)

Nov. 2003


Table A-3

Add a row for Code 34 with Description If Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit is supported

Nov. 2003 Nov. 2003

Card Card

A-63 A-63

Table A-4 Table A-4

Add tag 9F5D Available Offline Spending Amount after tag 9F5C Add tag 9F5E Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit after tag 9F5C

Feb. 2002



May 2002



Section C.11.1 Step 1 and Step 5 text & figure C.11.2 Step 1 and Step 4 text and figure Section D.1 Paragraph following first set of bullets.

VIS 1.4.0 was incorrectly modified. The Unique DEA Key A is used to create the block of data to be XORed with the PIN Block.

Place the following sentence at the end of the paragraph. Visa reserves CVN 50 through 59 for Issuer proprietary cryptograms. These cryptogram versions are only permitted on issuing BINs not signed up for VisaNet Authentication Services. A PAN with an uneven number of digits is padded on the left with a zero. An F is not included in the concatenation of the PAN and PAN Sequence Number. Example: The 19 digit PAN stored on the card is 4000001234567890123F and the PAN Sequence Number is 01, the concatenation result is X'01 23 45 67 89 01 23 01' Add the following after the last paragraph in this section: For session key derivation, an initialization vector of zeroes shall be utilized. The height of the tree (H) shall be 8 and the branch factor (b) shall be 4. Clarification

July 2003



Section D.5 before the NOTE

Aug. 2002



Section E.3

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page G-1




Effective Date / Update Type

Dec. 2002


3 paragraph

Add the following sentence after the first sentence: Track 2 Equivalent data is not mandatory for VLP transactions and need not be referenced in the Application File Locator if the card determines the transaction to be VLP. Track 2 Equivalent data must be present on the card and referenced in the AFL for VSDC transactions.

May 2002



Section G.3.2

Add the following bullet to the list of bullets at the end of the page iThe Last Online ATC Register, if present, is greater than 0

Jul. 2003



Add Appendix I after Appendix H

Transaction Log Going forward VIS 1.4.0 defines optional support for a transaction log as defined in EMVCo Specification Update Bulletin No. 19 published as a draft bulletin First Edition July, 2003 on the EMVCo website. If any changes are made to the requirements as stated in this bulletin, they will automatically apply. Updates to the log occur: Just prior to card response to first GEN AC (if online processing was not requested) for offline approvals or offline declines according to ADA settings. Just prior to card response to second GEN AC (if online processing was requested in first GEN AC) online/offline approvals or declines according to ADA settings. For Transaction Type = 00 Purchase 01 Cash 11 Quasi cash Implementations may support an option where log access requires successful verification of a PIN. Visa rules for PIN entry and verification apply.

Addition Optional 02/01/04

Jul. 2003 Jul. 2003

Card Card

H-2 H-4

Table H-1 Table H-1

CDA - Combined DDA/Application Cryptogram Generation iCVV alternate CVV for use on the magnetic stripe image of the Track 2 data on the chip

Clarification Clarification

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page Glossary5



Effective Date / Update Type

Dec. 2002


DES key

Add the following sentence: DES keys by definition are of odd parity as indicated in the Federal Information Processing Standards Publication referenced in Chapter 1.

Jul. 2003




iCVV alternative CVV used in the magnetic stripe image of the Track 2 data on the chip


Begin Terminal Changes May 2002 Term. 2-7 Table 2-1 Last function on page (Cardholder Verification) Table 3-1 In the Terminal Support Column, (across from the first bullet in the function column, (No CVM Required) Replace Mandatory (EMV) with Optional (EMV) with Operating Regulation Exceptions (VIS). 999910 Proprietary ATM is not permitted going forward and should be deleted from the list of supported Visa PIXs. Add the following sentence to the description of the List of Supported Applications. To facilitate Visa Electron acceptance, all chip-reading devices that support the Visa Debit/Credit AID must also include the Visa Electron AID, unless specifically excluded by the merchant. 6181 should be replaced with `6A81. 3.5.1 delete or confirmation from first sentence in first paragraph 3.5.2 add the following paragraph: A terminal may support cardholder account selection in either of the following two methods listed below or by other methods. replace title with Terminal supports cardholder selection using confirmation method. replace title with Terminal supports cardholder selection using displayed list method. Aug. 2002 Term. 3-13 Figure 3-3 The arrow labeled Y from the decision box labeled Application blocked? should connect to the arrow labeled N pointing into decision box entitled Name in FCI partial match? Arrows on decision at bottom of page Successful SELECT (9000)? should be reversed. Down arrow should be Y and right arrow should be N.
Visa Public 13

Dec. 2002



May 2002



Section 3.2 Table 3-2 Third Item

Jul. 2003 Dec. 2002

Term. Term.

3-7 3-10, 311

Section 3.4.1 Item 3 Section 3.5

Change Mandatory

May 2002



Figure 3-4

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 5-3



Effective Date / Update Type

Dec. 2002



Add after the 2 paragraph 1 sentence: If any data records to be authenticated do not begin with tag 70, the selected data authentication method shall be considered a failure and the appropriate TVR bit set (SDA failure, DDA failure, or CDA failure). Add the sentence above after the first sentence in the first paragraph of 6.2.4. Under CVM Conditions bullet 2 should read If transaction is cash or cashback and a bullet should be added beneath bullet 2 If not cash or cashback. Neither of these bullets should reference quasi cash. If the Application Interchange Profile (AIP) indicates that CVM processing is not supported, the terminal shall perform the CVM designated in Visa Rules for the device and transaction type. If the AIP indicates that CVM processing is supported, but no CVM List is received from the card, the terminal shall set the ICC Data Missing bit in the TVR to 1 and terminate Cardholder Verification without setting the Cardholder Verification was Performed bit in the TSI. In this case, the terminal shall perform the CVM designated in the Visa Rules for the device and transaction type. Devices that do not support any other CVMs must support No CVM required.



6-5 Aug. 2002 Term. 8-4

6.2.4 Table 8-1

May 2002



Section 8.5.1 Replace paragraphs 2&3 Add paragraph 4

Jul. 2003



Section 8.5.1

Add the following between paragraphs 3 and 4: For acquirer and merchant protection, if CVM processing fails, it is recommended that the device perform the CVM required for magnetic stripe transactions in Visa Operating Regulations if any.

Addition Optional
(Visa recommended)

May 2002



Section 8.5.1 last bullet under item 4. Figure 8-1

Last line should read: Shall process the next CVM entry if one is present Under the circle A at the top of the page, in the second decision diamond, add and CVM functioning?.

Aug. 2002



Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 8-23



Effective Date / Update Type Addition

Nov. 2003



Replace the first sentence with the following: If the CVM is No CVM Required and the Device supports No CVM Required, the CVM is considered to have passed. If the CVM is No CVM Required and the device does not support No CVM Required, the CVM is considered to have failed and all appropriate indicators related to CVM failure are set. Add the following sentence: If the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit is exceeded, check against the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit. In the rightmost column, the box entitled Terminal sets Transaction Exceeds Floor Limit . . . should have an arrow exiting the bottom of the box connect to the arrow beneath the box. Delete the note under the description column. Acquirers should make certain that the TACs for their merchant terminals are those defined above the note. New Public keys will be implemented and there is a concern that offline declines for DDA failure may cause interoperability issues. Declining for DDA failure will be left to the Issuer during the implementation of the new keys. To reflect the addition of CDA as an offline data authentication option, change the first byte of the TAC Online and the TAC Default from D8 to DC. Under TAC default, second paragraph first sentence, the item in quotes should be preceded by an X indicating that this is a hexadecimal value. Description Column for Data Element Terminal Action Codes (TAC) After the sub-bullets for TAC Default, add Note: Regions may allow a different setting for the TAC-Default for sub-bullet 4, The Transaction exceeds the floor limit.

Jul. 2003



Section 9.8 First bullet top of page Figure 9-1


Aug. 2002



Dec. 2002



Section 10.2 Table 10-3

Aug. 2002



Table 10-3

Dec. 2002



Table 10-3

May 2002



Table 10-3

May 2002



Figure 10-1

Third column 4 box from the bottom should say Terminal sets Auth Resp Code to Y1 (offline approved) Last column first box should say Terminal sets Auth Resp Code to Z1 (offline declined)


Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page 10-10



Effective Date / Update Type Clarification

Jul. 2003


Figure 10-1

Last Y arrow in column 4 should point to a box saying Terminal sets Auth Resp Code to Z3 unable to go online, declined offline. An arrow from this box should go to the last box [P1 (Cryptogram Type) in GEN AC = AAC (Decline)] in the last column. An arrow should go from the last box in the last column to the last box (Terminal Issues 1rst GEN AC) in the third column.

May 2002



Last line on page Add paragraph after last bullet.

At the end of the sentence, change from Part I, Section 8.2. to Part I, Section 2.3.7 and Part III, Section 8.2. A device may issue a GET DATA command to the card requesting Available Offline Spending Amount (9F5D). If the card provides the Available Offline Spending Amount, the device may display it or print it on the receipt. If a POS device supports this functionality, it is recommended that the display of Available Offline Spending Amount take place either before (and/or) after (not during) financial transaction processing as defined in EMV and VIS. Addition Optional

Nov. 2003



May 2002 May 2002

Term. Term.

13-5 13-5

Second bullet Table 13-4

Add at the end of the sentence: using a response code of Z3 First column, third row, delete ARQC or from beginning of description leaving TC and Combined DDA/AC Generation Failed The first line should read If the SW1 return code is not equal to 90 or a warning in the cards response to the Issuer. The second decision diamond in the middle column should read SW1 = 90 or a warning? After the third box in the first column under Terminal, there should be a decision box containing Parsing successful? added. The down arrow is Y and goes to the following box (Terminal increments script command sequence number). The right arrow is N and points to the N arrow just above the last decision diamond in column 2. Clarification

Aug. 2002




Aug. 2002



Figure 14-1

Jul. 2003



Figure 14-1

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections



Chapter/ Page A-13



Effective Date / Update Type

May 2002


Table A-1

For Terminal Capabilities, the Values Column, Byte 2 (CVM Capability) is modified as follows: Bit 4: 1=No CVM Required Bits 3-1 RFU (000)

Dec. 2002



Table A-1

May 2002



Table A-2

First item Status of Last Chip Attempt should be changed to Chip Condition Code to align with VIP systems naming conventions. Add row after Tag 9F41, Data Element Transaction Sequence Counter. 9F5B in the first column and Issuer Script Results in the second column.

May 2002



Table A-2

In the second to last row, change 9F7AVLP to 9F7A and the second column to VLP Terminal Support Indicator. C.2 Functional Requirements The functional requirements shall be performed as described in EMV 4.0, Book 4, Part 1. Move last sentence from page C-1 under this header as above. Add the following bullet after the final bullet: VLP Terminals must not reject VLP transactions because Track 2 Equivalent data need not be referenced in the AFL list during a VLP Transaction. Track 2 Equivalent data is mandatory for VSDC transactions and must be present on the card, referenced in the AFL and read by the device or the transaction will be terminated.

May 2002



Add header C.2

Dec. 2002




Nov. 2003



Transaction Log

Going forward VIS 1.4.0 defines optional support for a transaction log as defined in EMVCo Specification Update Bulletin No. 19 published as a draft bulletin First Edition July, 2003 on the EMVCo website. If any changes are made to the requirements as stated in this bulletin, they will automatically apply. Devices may support a cardholder option to display or print all or part of the transaction log. Support for this functionality is at the merchants discretion for POS devices.

Addition Optional

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections

Items dated October 2001 are included VIS 1.4.0 published on and the VIS 1.4.0 hardcopy version.
Date Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Vol. All All Chapter/ Page 1-7 1-8 1.6.1 1.6.2 Location Description Refer to EMVCo website for information on testing schedules and migration plan. Refer to CAA for information on testing schedules. Migration will be aligned with EMVCo migration plan. Overview on VLP deleted. See Appendix G for details on VLP. Corrected Terminal Risk Management velocity checking from 'not supported' to 'not recommended' Requirement for card support of PIN CHANGE/UNBLOCK corrected to optional. Text in steps 2 and 3 changed from when there are no more records to when the record is not present The requirement to support Cardholder Verification in the AIP added. Conditions for Combined DDA/AC Generation eligibility expanded Application Usage Control checks aligned with EMV description. Issuer Country Code added to table Online Authorization Not Completed check changed to Conditional If card supports Issuer Authentication or issuer script processing Conditions for execution for Online Authorization Not Completed changed from mandatory to conditional if Issuer Authentication or issuer script processing supported Added requirement to set the Dynamic Data Authentication Failure Indicator if TVR shows Combined DDA/AC Generation failed. Added that CVR bit for Offline DDA Performed bit is set prior to generation of Application Cryptogram in Step 1. Conditions for Combined DDA/AC Generation eligibility expanded Option of linking AIDs for application blocking and unblocking described

Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001

Card Card 2-9

Section 2.3 Table 2-1

Oct. 2001



Table 2-2

Oct. 2001



Section 3.4.1

Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001

Card Card Card Card Card

4-2 6-13 6-16 7-4 11-4 11-7

Table 4-1 Section Section Section 7.3.2 Table 11-1 Table 11-3

Oct. 2001




Oct. 2001



Section 11.5.1

Oct. 2001



Section 11.5.4

Oct. 2001



Section 11.5.4

Oct. 2001


14-9, 14-10

Section 14.5

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections

Date Oct. 2001

Vol. Card

Chapter/ Page A-4

Location Table A-1

Description Define Application Default Action byte 2 bit 3 as PIN tries exceeded on previous transaction decline and block application. NOTE: In the Values Column bits 6-1 (CVM Type) after No CMV Required should be corrected to 000110-011101 = RFU by joint payment systems. Online Authorization Indicator requirement changed to Conditional If card supports Issuer Authentication or issuer script processing Corrected format of Primary Account Number in Track 2 Equivalent Data to 'n, var. up to 19' VLP Available Funds data element added to tables Corrected tag for Issuer URL to be '5F50' Table of Indicators and Counters corrected to agree with text Corrected phrase saying that secure messaging is required for GET DATA Indicated that if the candidate list resulting from the Directory Selection Method is empty, the terminal attempts to build a candidate list using the List of Aids Method. Added additional detail to more accurately reflect the text description. Clarified SDA, DDA determination Added reference to EMV option to use Terminal Capabilities to indicate to the card that Combined DDA/AC Generation is supported if the card requests Terminal Capabilities in the CDOL. Visa recommends using the P1 parameter of the Generate AC command. Clarified processing if Combined DDA/AC Generation was performed and failed Removed all reference to Terminal Capabilities related to Application Usage Control Processing.

Oct. 2001



Table A-1

Oct. 2001


A-37 A-55

Table A-1 and A-2

Oct. 2001



Table A-1

Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001

Card Card Card Card Term .

A-43, A-57 A-64, A-70 A-54 A-60 A-61 to A-70 F-7 3-7

Table A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4 Table A-2 and A-4 Table A-4 Section F.5 Section 3.4.1 Item 5, last paragraph

Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001 Oct. 2001

Term . Term . Term .

3-12, 3-13 6-6 6-14

Figures 3-2 and 3-3 Figure 6-1 Section

Oct. 2001

Term . Term .


Section 6.6 Bullet 2 Section 7.4

Oct. 2001

7-4, 7-5

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


VIS 1.4.0 Corrections

Date Oct. 2001

Vol. Term .

Chapter/ Page 8-10

Location Section 8.5.1 Item 2 First paragraph Section Item 2

Description Replaced end of last sentence and proceed to the next CVM entry. with and perform the action designated in the CVM code. Added Combined DDA/AC Generation did not fail to the list of conditions that must be met before a terminal sends an online message. Added a bullet to allow for the terminal to randomly select transactions and not return the VLP Terminal Support Indicator for these transactions, thus ensuring VSDC processing.

Oct. 2001

Term .


Oct. 2001

Term .


Section D.4.1 Bullets under second paragraph

Published 1 November 2001 Updated 30 November 2003

Visa Public


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