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Eka Yulianti 220110080029 Fakultas Keperawatan


/pl/ (v) Polish those boots. /pol/ (a) I'm of Polish ancestry.


/prznt/ (a) All need to be present for a unanimous vote. /prznt/ (n) I need to buy my sister a present for her birthday. /prznt/ (n) "He who neglects the present moment throws away all he has." (Friedrich Schiller) /prznt/ (v) He will present his ideas to the Board of Directors tomorrow.


/pramr/ (n) Apply a coat of primer before you paint. AmE /prmr/ (n) Open your primer to page 12, and we'll begin reading.


AmE /produs/ BrE /prdjus/ (n) The Americans only consume a small portion of this produce, and they are willing to sell us the rest. (Alexis de Tocqueville, American Institutions And Their Influence) /prdjus/ (v) The judicial power is by its nature devoid of action; it must be put in motion in order to produce a result. (Alexis de Tocqueville, American Institutions And Their Influence)


/prdkt/ (n) The project deadline is next week. AmE /prdkt/ BrE /prdkt/(v) The diva can project her voice to the back of the theater/theatre.


/pt/ (v) The final step in each hole in golf is putting the ball across the green into the cup. /pt/ (v) She is putting on a show for you.


/rd/ (v) She ragged on me about my ragged jeans. /rd/ (a) But my ragged jeans are my trademark, I responded.


/rid/ (n) The new Robin Cook book is an awful read. /rid/ (v: present tense, infinitive) Yes, I do read that newspaper every day. /rd/ (v: past tense, past participle) Once I had read the note I tore it into little bits and swallowed them.

Eka Yulianti 220110080029 Fakultas Keperawatan


AmE /rkrd/ BrE /rkd/ (n) She played a vinyl record on her old turntable. AmE /rkrd/ (n) Strike the testimony from the record. /rkrd/ (v) Did he record the concert with his camcorder?


/rfjuz/ (v) If you refuse the background check, we cannot hire you. /rfjus/ (n) Please clean up all of your refuse.


/rut/ or /rt/) (n) The tree's root was rotted. /rut/ (v) A pig can be trained to root for mushrooms.


/ra/ (n) The vicar and parson had an awful row at the tavern. /ro/ (n) The convicted murderer spent years on Death Row. /ro/ (v) What I really wanted besides career and marriage and kids and comfort was, I decided, to learn how to row boats and how to race them: four- and eight-man boats first, then two-man boats, then, finally and preeminently, a single scull. (Barry Strauss, Rowing against the Current)


/sprt/ (a) This should be divided into packets of ten cartridges each, which should be rolled up in flannel and hermetically sealed in separate tin canisters. (Samuel W. Baker, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia) /spret/ (v) To stalk these wary antelopes I was obliged to separate from my party, who continued on their direct route. (Samuel W. Baker, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia) sewer o /sju.r/ (n) Broken sewer pipes can be a smelly mess. o /so.r/ (n) "We might choose the best sewers and let them put in at least a few stitches, so that they can feel they have a share in it." (Kate Douglas Wiggin, The Flag-Raising) sow o /sa/ (n) The sow suckled her newborn piglets. o /so/ (v) The farmer will sow oats in the back forty. tear o /tr/ (v) & (n) and haven't they been ready to tear the clothes off my back too? (Henrik Ibsen, An Enemy of the People) o /tr/ (n) Second, the greatest and last of the Hohenstaufen, or refrain from dropping a tear over his sad failure. (O. A. Brownson, The American Republic) tier o /tr/ (n) Our seats are in the third tier of the stadium. o /ta.r/ (n) Will the tier be around to make these knots?

Eka Yulianti 220110080029 Fakultas Keperawatan

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/juz/ (v) Use a napkin! /jus/ (n) What's the use? It's all down my shirt. /hwp/ (v) Pa says he's gonna whoop you good if you don't learn some manners! /hwup/ (v) When they scored a goal, he began to whoop and holler. /wand/ (v) How did we wind up in Kansas? /wnd/ (n) The wind blew from the northeast. /wand/ (v) The rope was wound around his wrists. /wund/ (n) She died from a fatal chest wound.

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