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emerge weekend away

We are really looking forward to a great weekend from next Friday 18th - Sunday 20th with our young adult ministry, Emerge. We have a great group coming and it is going to be wonderful time of getting to know one another, uplifting worship and inspiring teaching. It's a beautiful place and there will be plenty of time to chat, go for walks, go swimming etc. There is still time to join us if you are free do talk to Donna asap if you are able to join us.

13th January Morning Worship An introduction to Ephesians Ephesians 1: 1-10 20th January Morning Worship Calling and Walking Ephesians 4: 1-7

A very warm welcome to cafe church, especially if you are here for the first time We are delighted that you have joined us this morning. Refreshments are available throughout the service- please do help yourself

Adventuring into the heart of God Alpha Course

The Alpha Course is for everyone who wants to find out more about Christianity, and to ask the difficult questions in a friendly and relaxed environment, with food, a talk and discussion groups plus one day away. We are looking to run a course this Spring if there is enough interest- please contact cell leaders, members of staff, or the church office and we will let you have more details in due course
Minister: Revd. Will Cookson (day off Saturday) Curate: Revd. Donna Lazenby (day off Friday)

As we begin a new calendar year together, we look forward to seeing more of what God is doing with us as and through us as a congregation. I would love to see us strengthened as a church family by making the most of our cafe style of service; with testimonies, discussions and prayer, to help us grow in faith and our love of God as well as our love and care for one another and the local community. Many blessings for 2013 Sue

020 8404 6064 020 8763 4222

January 14th 10.30 - 12.00 caf connect Shotfield Library Caf January 14th @ 2.30 pm Nigel Hallett Prayer Meeting 20, Chandler Court January 19th @ 4.00 pm Footsteps @ HighView January 20th @ 6.30 pm Unity Service All Saints, Hackbridge January 21st @ 8.00 PCC meeting Trinity Centre January 27th @ 10.30 am Morning service @ WHSG January 30th @ 8 pm Churches Together Prayers Wallington Baptist Church February 1st @ 8.00 pm The MiX @ the Phoenix February 11th @ 2.30 pm Nigel Hallett Prayer Meeting 20, Chandler Court July 26th - August 2nd New Wine

Pray for our church family

New Year, new talk series

During the next few months we will begin to explore the book of Ephesians from the New Testament. The first three chapters look inside the church and tell of Gods purpose and power and the churchs relationship to God in Christ. The second half looks at our relationship with one another and our response to the working of the Holy Spirit within us and outside the church. I hope you will feel encouraged to find ways to meet with God both at cafe church and throughout the week. We would love you to share your thoughts about the Bible passage and hear about encounters with God in your daily life.

Please pray for: Wendy, as she recovers from a broken leg, for rest, healing and patience Gael, travelling to Australia for safe travel and for him to find a good church family to join there Give thanks for the meeting and fellowship at St Pauls Brixton on Saturday and for Gods blessing and leading of St Pauls, Brixton and Springfield as they seek to reach out to their communities
For prayer chain requests, please contact :

27th Jan
There is no cafe service on Sunday 27th at St Pauls as they have their joint patronal service that morning. We are all invited to visit the service at Wallington Girls School where we can encourage the congregation there with our news.

Churches Together
the annual service at the end of the week of prayer for Christian Unity is at All Saints, Hackbridge, 6.30pm on the 20th of January. This years theme is What does God require of us?

Church Office
Im delighted to announce that the church telephone is now active at the new office: 020 8647 3410, complete with answerphone for your messages

Opening hours
The church office will re-open at 9 am on Wednesday 2nd of Jan 2013 The address of the office is: 38, Stafford Road, SM6 9AA

Jean Silvester 8647 5100

She will pass on any pastoral matters as appropriate

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