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Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

To the Presidency ............................................................................... 4
Three poems: Lewis & Clark, DECR. 1835, and Philadelphia ............... 5
New Jersey .......................................................................................... 6
MISSISSIPPUM .................................................................................... 7
Mont Bird ............................................................................................ 8
Poem: WARNER BROS. ........................................................................ 9
While except ye after Moses ye cannot be ..................................... 10
The bee dances low to be lost .......................................................... 11
Ark..................................................................................................... 12
The Elements of Polymeric Materials ............................................... 14
The Elements in Semiconducting Materials ...................................... 14
The Superconducting Elements ........................................................ 15
The Metallic Elements....................................................................... 15
The Elements in Ceramic Materials .................................................. 16
The Periodic Table of Elements......................................................... 16
Fertility .............................................................................................. 17
Acrophobia........................................................................................ 18
Books of the Bible ............................................................................. 18
Wind ................................................................................................. 19
Chinese Zodiac .................................................................................. 20
Monarchs of England ........................................................................ 21
Horse................................................................................................. 22
Triumph ............................................................................................ 23
Combat Death of a US Marine .......................................................... 24
Water ................................................................................................ 24
City Hero Leningrad .......................................................................... 25

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co............................................................... 26

Tennis Poem from the AVP Tour 1985 Players Guide ....................... 26
88 ...................................................................................................... 27
Makka up and come to me ............................................................... 27
Amsterdam ....................................................................................... 28
Tears, Foreman, for who is not afraid ............................................... 28
Three poems: Dec 89, New Jersey Devils 1994-95 Photographs ..... 29
A Dollar ............................................................................................. 30
1934 .................................................................................................. 31
Dirt from Buchenwald ....................................................................... 31
Kreuzafrichtung................................................................................. 31
Messerschmitts ................................................................................. 32
Power of Notation ............................................................................ 32
New Hampshire ................................................................................ 33
So well at the age of 10..................................................................... 33
G.Battery Here Still Intact ................................................................. 33
How to describe the position of things (where things stand, or lie, or
are situated)...................................................................................... 34
What shape is the dining room table? .............................................. 35

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

To the Presidency

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Three poems: Lewis & Clark, DECR. 1835, and Philadelphia

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

New Jersey

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Mont Bird

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

While except ye after Moses ye cannot be


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

The bee dances low to be lost


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy



Book 1 - 44 titles
ARK (continued)

Geoff McCarthy


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

The Elements of Polymeric Materials

The Elements in Semiconducting Materials


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

The Superconducting Elements

The Metallic Elements


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

The Elements in Ceramic Materials

The Periodic Table of Elements


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Books of the Bible


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Chinese Zodiac


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Monarchs of England


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Combat Death of a US Marine



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

City Hero Leningrad


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co.

Tennis Poem from the AVP Tour 1985 Players Guide


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Makka up and come to me


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Tears, Foreman, for who is not afraid


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Three poems: Dec 89, New Jersey Devils 1994-95 Photographs


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

A Dollar


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Dirt from Buchenwald



Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy


Power of Notation


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

New Hampshire

So well at the age of 10

G.Battery Here Still Intact

0040 Hours, contact with aprox
2 platoons of fallschirm, village secured 0130

Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

Enemy remnants fled south east

My strength 20 men, 4 enemy MGs
0600 Hours, enemy contact fromm every dir
aprox. 2 platoons of fallschirm w/tank

How to describe the position of things (where things stand, or lie,

or are situated)
For instance, in the drawing-room (9, pict 7):
Where does the sofa stand? (Or: where is the
sofa?) On the right against the wall. In front
of it stands a tall lamp. The lamp is between
the sofa and the armchair. In the middle of
the room (at the left of the picture) is a round
table under a hanging lamp. (Or: over the
table hangs an electric lamp.) In the centre
(or middle) of the table stands a plant growing
in a pot. At the back a staircase can be seen
through a doorway. Describe the positions of
the various pieces of furniture in other rooms,
for instance in the bedroom or guest-room (19),
using such expressions as: close to, or near
to , at the side of , by the wash-basin,
over the taps, above the basin, on the wall,
in the corner, inside the wardrobe, next to the
wardrobe, above the head of the bed and
so on.


Book 1 - 44 titles

Geoff McCarthy

What shape is the dining room table?

It is oblong, or long and wide or round, or
oval or square, with rounded corners. A
large square room with a high ceiling. A low
stool. A small (or little) three-legged table.
A big cupboard with wide (or deep) shelves.
A tall lamp with a long straight stem and
a large shade. A little (or small) box.
The chair in picture 1 (21) has four straight
legs and a broad back with curved sides.
A big roomy striped sofa with bright red cushions on it. A narrow passage leading to
the kitchen. The front door is a wide one.
The legs of the stool are quite short. A
broad staircase. A wide doorway.


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